St. Joseph Academy San Jose, Batangas First Quarter S.Y. 2018 - 2019 Diary Curriculum Map in Arts Ix

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San Jose, Batangas

S.Y. 2018 – 2019





Subject Description:
In Unit I, students explore and learn more about the principles of art during the ancient, classical, and medieval periods as well as describe and apply the different media tecniques and processes to
communicate ideas, experiences, and stories showing the characteristics of Western Classical art traditions. It will tackle the different art movements or style that has evolved and help define what art is today. The
students will also see how art and history influenced each other in hopes that they will better understand and appreciate artworks not just the ones used as examples but also the ones they see in their everyday life.

Student Learning Outcomes:

The students demonstrate an understanding of basic concepts and processes in music and art through appreciation, analysis and performance for his/her Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and expansion of
his/her world vision.

Culminating Product or Evidence of Outcomes:

Art Fair Philippines with partnership with the Department of Education will be holding a special exhibit entitled “ Western Classical Art Through The Eyes of the Youth”. This exhibit will focus on the exhibition
of different artworks from the prehistoric to the Medieval times as seen through the eyes of the youth.
As an art curator, you will organize and display the different youth-made artworks inspired by the different art periods. You are expected to display these artworks in the most creative and logical manner. Each
artwork should be labelled with the following information:
o Title
o Artist
o Medium used
o Art era that inspired it
o Information about the artwork

As a curator you are expected to be orally explain the artworks on display. The different representatives of Art Fair, DepEd and other guests, will view the display that you made. Your display will be critique based on a

 Analyse art elements and principles in the production of work following the style of a western and classical art.
 Identify the characteristics of arts during the different art periods
 Identify the representative arts from the different various periods
 Compare the characteristics of artworks produced in the different art periods
ROLE: You are an art curator
AUDIENCE: You invited your classmates to see and study prehistoric artworks of some of the works of the ancient period.
SITUATION: Making presentations of artworks and making example of prehistoric art by adding only natural objects like leaves, twigs, tree barks by group.
PRODUCT: Sketches and artworks must have excellent amount of details and shows great attention to detail.
STANDARDS: Art elements ( colour, line ,shape, etc) and principles (texture, proportion, emphasis, harmony, etc.) must be in detailed and reflect on and derive the mood, idea, and message emanating from selected
artworks in terms of prehistoric arts.. It will be graded according to its creativity and originality, visual presentation, concept understanding, content, craftsmanship and skills, effort and perseverance and group
cooperation and attitude.

Rubric for Evaluating Culminating Product:

Performance Indicator 4 3 2 1

Creativity and Originality The display and cover include The display and book cover The display and book cover The display and book cover are
many unique ideas and creative include some unique ideas and include an idea but lacks finished but provide no evidence
use of materials. several materials were used. originality and may have imitated of creativity or originality
someone else’s plan

Visual Presentation The display and book cover have The display and book cover The display and book cover are The display and book cover are
creative use of color, captures the viewer’s attention finished but lack of visual appeal unfinished and confusing
pictures ,graphics, and text. Size but has limited use of color, and organization.
and layering are purposeful and pictures, graphics, and text.
add to the overall quality of the

Concept Understanding The display and book cover were The display and book cover were The display and book cover were The display and book cover was
obviously planned out and created planned out and created to show planned out and created to show created but does not depict any
to show the evolution and the evolution and development of the evolution and development of of the discussed artworks from
development of all artworks of the at least 6 the artworks of the at least 3 the artworks of the the assigned period/style.
assigned art period/style: assigned art period/style: assigned art period/style:

 Renaissance  Renaissance  Renaissance

 Mannerism  Mannerism  Mannerism
 Baroque  Baroque  Baroque
 Rococo  Rococo  Rococo

Creative display of important, in Acceptable display of important, Incomplete display of important Incomplete display of important
Content depth, and relevant information on in depth, and relevant in depth and relevant information in depth and relevant information
the different artworks of the period. information on the different on the different artworks of the on the different artworks of the
Includes properly cited sources artworks of the period. Includes period. Does not include properly period. Does not include properly
and complete information properly cited sources and cited sources, and the cited sources, and provides
complete information information is incomplete wrong information

The display and cover were The display and cover showed The display and cover showed The display and cover showed
Craftsmanship/Skill/Consistenc beautiful and patiently done: it was above average craftsmanship; average craftsmanship; lack of below average craftsmanship:
y as good as hard work could make adequate but not as good as it pride in finished work. evidence of lazy this or lack of
it. could have been. understanding

The display and cover is complete The display and cover is The display and cover is The display and cover is
Effort and Perseverance with substantial evidence of effort, complete with good effort, completed with minimal effort, incomplete
beyond what was required meeting all requirements work is somewhat careless

The presenter communicates ideas The presenter communicates The presenter fails to The presenter did not talk
Oral Presentation with enthusiasm, proper voice ideas with proper voice communicate ideas with proper
projection, appropriate language projection, adequate preparation voice projection, appropriate
and clear delivery and delivery language and clear delivery

The student work toward group The student participated The student allowed others to do The student was part of the
Group Cooperation/ Attitude goals, effectively performed a enthusiastically, followed through most of the work, did participate group, but did almost nothing
variety of roles in group work, with commitments, performed minimally, assisted in preparation toward group goals, did a
followed through on commitments, adequately, and assisted in and clean up when asked did the minimal amount of preparation
was sensitive to the feelings and preparation and clean-up minimum amount. and clean up.
knowledge level of others, willingly
participated in necessary
preparation of work for classroom


Written Works - 20%

Performance Tasks 60%
Quarterly Assessments - 20%
TOTAL - 100%

LESSON 1 The learner… The learner… The learner…

WESTERN AND CLASSICAL ART 1-3 1. art elements and 1. perform / participate 1. analyse art elements and  Brainstorming 1.Researching on other Simplicity
TRADITIONS processes by competently in a presentation principles in the production of examples of megaliths
I. Ancient Art synthesizing and of a creative impression work following the style of a and compare and
applying prior (verbal/nonverbal) of a western and classical art contrast the megaliths
1. Prehistoric Art knowledge and skills particular artistic period with each other and
creating own theory as
to the purpose of these
megaliths (I achieve
Activity 1, page 5)
Self –
2. the arts as 2. recognize the difference 2. identify distinct characteristics of  Cooperative 2. Drawing a version of discipline
integral to the and uniqueness of the art arts during the different art periods Learning cave art
development of styles of the different periods
organizations, (techniques, process, 3.Listing down the Enthusiasm
spiritual belief, elements, and principles of 3. identify representative artists  Guided Activity purpose features, and and
historical events, art) from various art periods Blended characteristic of Excellence
scientific Learning Egyptian Art
discoveries, natural
disasters/ Rapport and
occurrences, and 4.Creating a Respect
other external 4. reflect on and derives the mood,  Oral picture journal
phenomena idea, or message from selected Explanations using own
artworks version of the Acceptance
Hieroglyps (I and
Achieve assertivenes
Activity 2, s
page 9)

2. Exit pass
5. determine the use or  Simulation strategy: Students are
function of artworks by asked to write a
evaluating their utilization and questions or two about
combination of art elements Egyptian Art
and principles

3. Drawing
students’ own version
 Think-Pair of sarcophagus
6. use artworks to derive the Share Strategy (Create page 10)
traditions/history of an art period
Music, Arts,
 Visualization Physical
7. compare the characteristics of Education and
artworks produced in the different
art periods
Health (MAPEH
 Summative for GRADE 9)
Test page 49 PHOENIX
8. create artworks guided by PUBLISHING
techniques and styles of Western  Art Exhibit HOUSE
Classical art traditions Performance

9. describe the influence of iconic

artists belonging to Western
Classical art on the evolution of art

10. apply different media

techniques and processes to
communicate ideas, experiences,
and stories showing the  Conference 6.Listing down the
characteristics of Western Classical purpose, features, and
art traditions Discussion characteristics of Greek
11. evaluate works of art in terms
of artistic concepts and ideas using  Graphic
criteria from the Western Classical Organizers 7.Creating Greek Order
art traditions (I Achieve Activity 1
page 14) Simplicity

12. show the influences of the  Guided

Western Classical art traditions to Activity 8.Identifying which
Philippine art form civilization is associated
with which artwork (I
Achieve Activity 2, page Self –
24) discipline
13. mount an exhibit using
completed Western Classical art  Media 4. Enthusiasm
tradition Analysis 5. and
LESSON 2 6. Comparing and Excellence
II. Classical Art contrasting Greek and
2. Egyptian Art Roman Art (I Achieve
3. Greek Art 4-6 The learner… The learner… Activity 3 page 24) Rapport and
4. Roman Art 1. art elements and 1. perform / participate The learner… Respect
processes by competently in a presentation 1. analyze art elements and 7. Creating your own
synthesizing and of a creative impression principles in the production of  Modelling Greek and Roman Acceptance
applying prior (verbal/nonverbal) of a work following the style of a Pottery (I Create and
knowledge and skills particular artistic period western and classical art Lesson 2, page 25) assertiveness
 Oral
2. the arts as 2. recognize the difference Explanation
integral to the and uniqueness of the art 2. identify distinct characteristics of
development of styles of the different periods arts during the different art periods
organizations, (techniques, process,  Simulation
spiritual belief, elements, and principles of
historical events, art) 3. identify representative artists  SOURCE:
scientific from various art periods  Think-Pair- Music, Arts,
discoveries, natural Share Strategy Physical
disasters/ Education and
occurrences, and 4. reflect on and derives the mood,
other external idea, or message from selected
Health (MAPEH
phenomena artworks  Visualization for GRADE 9)
5. determine the use or PUBLISHING
function of artworks by  Summative HOUSE
evaluating their utilization and Test page 49
combination of art elements
and principles

6. use artworks to derive the  Art Exhibit,

traditions/history of an art period Performance
7. compare the characteristics of
artworks produced in the different  Summative
art periods Test

 Art Exhibit,
8. create artworks guided by Performance
techniques and styles of Western Task.
Classical art traditions

9. describe the influence of iconic

artists belonging to Western
Classical art on the evolution of art

10. apply different media

techniques and processes to
communicate ideas, experiences,
and stories showing the  Cooperative
characteristics of Western Classical Learning
art traditions

11. evaluate works of art in terms

of artistic concepts and ideas using  Discussion
criteria from the Western Classical
art traditions
 Graphic
12. show the influences of the Organizers 8. Creating your own
Western Classical art traditions to Coat of arms (I
Philippine art form Achieve Activity 1,
page 32)
13. mount an exhibit using  Guided Activity
completed Western Classical art

 Blended Self –
Learning discipline

9. Creating a Town Excellence
map (I Achieve
Activity 2, page
The learner… The learner… 39) Rapport and
1. art elements and 1. perform / participate The learner… Respect
processes by competently in a presentation 1. analyze art elements and  Media Analysis
synthesizing and of a creative impression principles in the production of Acceptance
applying prior (verbal/nonverbal) of a work following the style of a 10. Designing your and
knowledge and skills particular artistic period western and classical art own Gargoyle (I assertiveness
Achieve Activity 3,
2. the arts as 2. recognize the difference  Oral page 43)
integral to the and uniqueness of the art 2. identify distinct characteristics of Explanation
LESSON 3 development of styles of the different periods arts during the different art periods
III. Medieval Art organizations, (techniques, process,
5. Byzantine spiritual belief, elements, and principles of
6. Romanesque historical events, art)  Panel
7. Gothic scientific Discussion
Principles of Art discoveries, natural 11. Modified True or
8. Rhythm, Movement 7-9 disasters/ False (I Achieve
9. Balance occurrences, and  Role Playing Activity4 page 45)
10. Emphasis other external
11. Harmony, Unity, and Variety phenomena 3. identify representative artists
12. Proportion from various art periods
 Think-Pair-
Share Strategy 12. Comparing and
Romanesque and
4. reflect on and derives the mood,  Visualization Gothic Art (I
idea, or message from selected Achieve Activity 5
artworks page 45)

5. determine the use or

Process: function of artworks by 13. Creating
13. Painting and/ or Drawing evaluating their utilization and illuminated
14. Sculpture and Assemblage combination of art elements manuscript (I
15. Mounting an exhibit: and principles Create Lesson 3
16. Concept page 49)
17. Content / Labels
18. Physical layout 6. use artworks to derive the  SOURCE:
traditions/history of an art period Music, Arts,
Education and
7. compare the characteristics of
artworks produced in the different
Health (MAPEH
art periods for GRADE 9)
8. create artworks guided by HOUSE
techniques and styles of Western
Classical art traditions

9. describe the influence of iconic

artists belonging to Western
Classical art on the evolution of art

10. apply different media

techniques and processes to
communicate ideas, experiences,
and stories showing the
characteristics of Western Classical
art traditions

11. evaluate works of art in terms

of artistic concepts and ideas using
criteria from the Western Classical
art traditions

12. show the influences of the

Western Classical art traditions to
Philippine art form

13. mount an exhibit using

completed Western Classical art
1. .

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