St. Joseph Academy San Jose, Batangas Fourth Quarter S.Y. 2018 - 2019 Diary Curriculum Map Inpeix

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San Jose, Batangas

S.Y. 2018 – 2019





Subject Description:
Unit IV provides the students’ knowledge about recreational activities which they may consider as an active physical involvement. The skills in planning a recreational activity can
enhance ones’ lifestyle for it promotes mental, physical, and social development. Recreational activities also promote community participation because it requires team effort for it to become a
success. Furthermore, it gives one a chance to discover and appreciate the beauty and importance of nature.

Student Learning Outcomes:

The students demonstrate understanding of the concept of physical fitness and physical activity in achieving, sustaining, and promoting an active life for fitness and health.

Culminating Product or Evidence of Outcomes:

The Department of Education will conduct an awareness campaign that would inspire Filipino youth to participate in recreational activities. This will allow the youth to consider active
recreation that will not only enhance their social skills but would also develop their lifestyle. As one of the committee in-charge of the advocacy campaign, you will conceptualize and create a video
clip focusing on indoor and outdoor recreational activities. You are encouraged to promote activities such as individual, dual, or team sports, dance, hiking, camping, orienteering, and biking.

GOAL: To encourage them to promote activities that enhance one’s lifestyle and inspiring fellow youth to become recreational advocate in the future.
ROLE: You are a videographer / performers
AUDIENCE: Your fellow classmates / teachers /other students
SITUATION: You will conceptualize and create a video clip focusing on indoor and outdoor recreational activities.
PRODUCT: The video clips must have a rich variety of supporting information that contribute to the understanding of the project’s main idea.
STANDARDS: The campaign should set the following standards: theme-related concept, creativity, resourcefulness, quality and teamwork. They must be graded based on the following rubric:


ACTIVITY Exemplary Proficient Partially Proficient Incomplete POINTS

Concept 15-20 points 10-14 points 5-9 points 0-4 points

Has a clear picture of what Has a fairly clear picture of Has brainstormed their Little effort has been spent on
they are trying to achieve. what they are trying to concept, but no clear focus brainstorming and refining a
Adequate description of what achieve. Can describe what has emerged. Goals/final concept. Unclear on the goals
they are trying to do and they are trying to do overall product not clearly defined and how the project objectives
generally how his/her work but has trouble describing will be met.
will contribute to the final how his/her work will
project. contribute to the final project.

12-15 points 8-11 points 4-7 points 0-3 points

The storyboard illustrates the The storyboard includes The thumbnail sketches on There is no evidence of a
Script/ Storyboard video presentation structure thumbnail sketches of each the storyboard are not in storyboard or script.
with thumbnail sketches of video scene and includes text logical sequence and do not
each scene. Notes of for each segment of the provide complete descriptions
proposed transition, special presentation, descriptions of of the video scenes, audio
effects, sound and title tracks background audio for each background, or notes about
incl: text, color, placement, scene, and notes about the dialogue
graphics, etc. Notes about proposed shots and dialogue.
proposed dialogue/ narration
text are included.

15-20 points 10-14 points 5-9 points 0-4 points

The content includes a clear Information is presented as a The content does not present Content lacks a central
Content/ Organization statement of purpose or connected theme with a clearly stated theme, is theme, clear point of view and
theme and is creative, accurate, current supporting vague, and some of the logical sequence of
compelling and clearly written. information that contributes to supporting information does information. Much of the
A rich variety of supporting understanding the project’s not seem to fit the main idea supporting information is
information in the video main idea. Details are logical or appears as a disconnected irrelevant to the overall
contributes to the and persuasive information is series of scenes with no message. The viewer is
understanding of the project’s effectively used. The content unifying main idea. Includes unsure what the message is
main idea. Events and includes a clear point of view few citations and few facts. because there is little
messages are presented in a with a progression of ideas persuasive information and
logical order. Includes and supporting information. only one or two facts about
properly cited sources. Includes properly cited the topic are articulated.
sources. Information is incorrect, out of
date, or incomplete. No
citations included.

12-15 points 8-11 points 4-7 points 0-3 points

Quality Movie was completed and Movie was completed and Movie was made, but had There was no movie, or tape
had all required elements. contained all required items. very little if any editing. Many was totally unedited with no
The video was well edited and Editing was not done as well poor shots remain. Video was transitions or audio support of
moves smoothly from scene as it should have been. Some very fragmented and choppy any kind.
to scene with proper use of poor shots remain. Movie is with little to no audio
transitions. Audio and other still somewhat choppy. Audio reinforcement.
enhancements were well and other enhancements
used. were utilized, but not for
maximum effect.

12-15 points 8-11 points 4-7 points 0-3 points

Student met and had Students met and had Only a couple of team Meetings were not held and/or
Teamwork discussions regularly. All discussions regularly. Most of meetings were held. Most of some of the team members
students on the team the students on the team the students on the team did not contribute at all to the
contributed to the discussion contributed to the discussion contributed at some level, but project. Low levels of respect
and were part of the final and were part of the final a majority of the work was were evident within the team.
project. Team members project. Team members done by one or two.
showed respect with each mostly showed respect with
other. each other.

12-15 points 8-11 points 4-7 points 0-3 points

Timeliness All project deadlines were Most project deadlines were Many project deadlines were Deadlines were regularly
met. met. Those that were late did not met, resulting in some missed, having a significant
not have significant impact on impact on the finished project. impact on the final project.
the finished project.

Final Score

Written Works - 20%

Performance Tasks -60%
Quarterly Assessments - 20%
TOTAL - 100%


Active The learner . . . The learner . . .  Direct Teaching

Recreation demonstrates 1. maintains an active 1. discusses the nature  Return-  Identifying the Simplicity
understanding of lifestyle lifestyle to influence and background of Demonstration health benefits
LESSON 1: and weight management to the physical activity indoor and outdoor Method of recreational Self –discipline
a. Indoor 1-2 promote community fitness participation of the recreational activities activities
1.individual and community (Knowledge Enthusiasm
dual sports Booth and and
2. team sports Come to Excellence
3. dances Think of It,
 Self/ Peer page 91 )
2. practices healthy 2. participates in active Assessment Rapport and
eating habits that recreation  Cooperative  Explaining the Respect
support an active Learning importance of
lifestyle Grouping warm up Acceptance
activities in and
attaining a assertiveness
activity (What Justice
If? Page 91 )
 Formative Tests

3. advocates community  Advocating

efforts to increase community
participation in physical efforts to
activities and improve increase
nutrition practices participation in
activities and
( The
 Summative Tests Finale, page
4. practices 92)
environmental ethics
(e.g Leave No Trace)  SOURCE:
during participation in Music, Arts,
recreational activities of Physical
the community Education and
Health (MAPEH
for GRADE 9)
The learner . . .
1. maintains an active
lifestyle to influence
LESSON 2: The learner . . . the physical activity
b. Out door demonstrates participation of the
1. Hiking 3-4 understanding of community 1.participates in active  Direct Teaching  Identifying the
2. Camping lifestyle and weight recreation  Return- materials used in Simplicity
3.Orienteering management to Demonstration Hiking
4. Biking promote community Method ( Knowledge Self –discipline
fitness 2. practices healthy Booth page 100)
Note: eating habits that
Activities not support an active  Self/ Peer
limited to the lifestyle 2. advocates community Assessment  Advocating Enthusiasm
above list efforts to increase  Cooperative community efforts and
participation in physical Learning to increase Excellence
activities and improve Grouping participation in
nutrition practices physical activities
and improve
nutrition practices
(Come to Think
of It page 101 )

3. The students Rapport and

participate in Respect
community sports to
attain lifetime health  Formative Tests Acceptance
goals. 3.practices  Summative Tests and
environmental ethics  Practicing assertiveness
(e.g Leave No Trace) environmental
during participation in ethics ( e.g.
recreational activities of Leave No Trace ) Justice
the community during
participation in
activities of the
(What If? Page

Music, Arts,
Education and
Health (MAPEH
for GRADE 9)

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