Plant Improvements For Environment Conservation - CHK
Plant Improvements For Environment Conservation - CHK
Plant Improvements For Environment Conservation - CHK
1-Reduction of 1,185,101 MWh Load in from National grid until today since 2010.
1 Waste Heat Recovery Plant 2580 MPKR
2-Reduction of Ton 782,166 CO2 Emission
AQC Boilers( L-I & L-II) 1-Avg steam generation capacity of AQC boiler (L-I & L-II) increased up to 21 TPH from 17.5 TPH
Generator and Super Heater thus increasing WHRPP power generation by 1.1 MW/hr
2 102 MPKR
Parts Replacement to increase 2- Reduction of power load on National Grid by 26.4 MWH per day.
Heat Transfer efficiency 3- Reduction of 17.4 Tons per day CO2 emission
1- Imported material received and erection contract being finalized, comissioning will be done in
4 Upgradation of Cooler EP Line 130 MPKR Planned KSD of May/June -18.
#2 2- Expected results are reduction in dust emission upto 19.0 mg/Nm3 as per Internation
13 ABC Cooler Inlet Modification 36.8 MPKR 1- Reduction in Heat consumption upto 7.5 Kcal/kg clinker (Under comissioning)
by M/s FLS at L-II 2- Reduction of 19.5 Tons per day CO2 Emission
Sr # Project Description Project Cost Analyzed / observed results
02 Water Filtration Plant at Water filtration plant installed at Hostels and Canteen for Availability of Clean & Healthy
14 2.15 MPKR
Hostels & canteen drinking water for Plant Employees as well as Contractors
2 8-Jun-17 1- 128 Bags, 02 Jacks and 12 meter sealing doors replaced. 44,800
Bag filter of clay crusher
2-2 Disc plates repaired.
2 28-Aug-17 Coal Mill small Bag filter Boiler 1- 49 Bags replaced 17,150
Four Missing hammers were installed . Three Missing crona wires were
3 Mar-17 E20S removed and two dead chamber activated. Three Gap of plates were 1,164,574
adjusted and fixed by strips. Elevator gear box replaced.
4 Apr-17 E20S During Kiln stopage Two damaged and the two Missing hammers were
removed and four new installed. Two chrona wires were removed. Gap
of two plates were adjusted and fixed by the strips.
5 May-17 E20S Two crona wire were removed. 6 Gaps of plates adjusted.
06 dust collecting plates base bolts replaced. 09 targets of dust
6 Jun-17 E20S collecting plates replaced. 05 broken crona wires removed. 03 rapping 3,958
camp studs adjusted.
Five faulty and three missing hammer were replaced with new one.
2 Feb-17 E20S
Seven Plate gaps were adjusted and fixed with strips.
3 Apr-17 E20S Three damaged and two missing hammers were removed and installed 21,456
back the new hammers. Two chrona wires were removed. Gap of three
cathodic plates were adjusted by strips.Temperature of the kiln EP
controlled between 98 to 102 C during operation
4 May-17 E20S All hammers clamps are tightened. Inspection of rapping & hammering
motors was done. Three faulty crona wires removed.
Inspection of rapping & hammering motors was done. 02 targets
5 Jun-17 E20S
replaced. 03 collecting plates base bolts replaced.
01 plate gap adjusted. 03 rapping camp studs adjusted. 01 insulator
6 Jul-17 E20S replaced. EP internal walkways cleaning conducted. 172,177
Five Missing hammers were installed and four damaged chrona wire
removed. Two faulty chamber were rectified. Gap for four plates were
2 Mar-17 G52AC adjusted by using strips. Proper sealing of chutes and EP door was 171,634
done. Hard Facing conducted and Drag chain conveyor was installed at
discharge of EP (Removing screw conveyor).
Seven damaged and three missing hammers were rectified with new
hammers. Three damaged/hanged crona wires were removed. Two
faulty chambers rectified due to chrona wire hanging. Gap of five
4 Apr-17 G52AC
plates were adjusted by using strips. Proper sealing of chutes were
done. and Drag chain conveyor was installed at discharge of EP
(Removing screw conveyor).
Jun-17 G52AC 03 dust collecting plates targets replaced while 06 cracked joint points
5 of targets repaired.
6 Jul-17 G52AC 03 plates base bolts tightened. 05 crona wires target bolts replaced. 2,367
Maintenance of Screw conveyors.
Sr# Date Asset Code Job Description Cost (PKR)
1-100 Bags replaced & 63 Bags cleaned.
1M7ALC 2- 27 cages replaced.
1 Mar-17 249,806
Main Bag filter of cement Mill 2- Sealing of top doors done
4- Maintenance of Technical Gallery Done
L-I Dooms, Cement Mill Feeding Area & silo top Bag Filters
1 13-Mar-17 1-384 Bags replaced 134,400
Bag Filter of Clinker Doom Top
2 7-Jan-17 H12ALC 1-160 Bags cleaned and 5 Disc plates maintenance done 56,000
Bag filter of Belt No # 2
H10ALC 1-12 Bags replaced, 148 Bags cleaned and 5 Disc plates maintenance
3 8-Jan-17 4,200
Bag filter of Belt No # 3 done
4 9-Jan-17 H8ALC 1-08 Bags replaced, 152 Bags cleaned, 5 Disc plates maintenance and 2,800
Bag filter of Belt No # 2 sealing work done
H6ALC 1-74 Bags replaced, 86 Bags cleaned, 5 Disc plates maintenance and
5 7-Feb-17 25,900
Bag filter of Belt No # 4 sealing work done
Sr # Project Description Project Cost Analyzed / observed results
6 10-Jan-17 H4ALC 1-160 Bags cleaned, 5 Disc plates maintenance and sealing work done 56,000
Bag filter of Belt No # 6
X2ALC 1-192 Bags replaced, 10 cages replaced 160 Bags cleaned & 03 SOVS
8 1-Jul-17 67,200
Bag filter of Gypsum Crusher repaired
9 1-Jul-17 1-128 Bags replaced, 10 cages replaced 160 Bags cleaned & 03 SOVS 44,800
Bag filter of feeding Gypsum Silo repaired
10 1-Jul-17 Bag filter of feeding clinker silo 1-192 Bags replaced, 32 cages replaced & 03 disc repaired 67,200
11 1-Oct-17 Bag filter of feeding clinker silo 1-128 Bags replaced 44,800
12 25-Apr-17 1-96 Bags replaced & connecting duct maintenance done 33,600
Bag filter of Cement Silo Top - 1
13 25-Apr-17 1-160 Bags replaced, 01 jack maintenance done 56,000
Bag filter of Cement Silo Top - 2
14 14-Apr-17 1-96 Bags replaced, 01 disc plate repaired and sealing done 33,600
Bag filter of Cement Silo Top - 3
L-II Dooms, Cement Mill Feeding Area & silo top Bag Filters
H64ALC 1-180 Bags replaced, 12 Bags cleaned, 10 cages replaced, 01 new disc
1 26-Apr-17 68,000
Bag Filter of H61 Belt DE top installed & 03 Disc plates maintenance done
2 9-Jan-17 Bag Filter of Belt No # 5 from 1-160 Bags cleaned & 03 Disc plates maintenance done 56,000
H10ALC 1-20 Bags replaced , 140 Bags cleaned & 03 Disc plates maintenance
3 12-Jan-17 7,000
Bag filter of Belt No # 3 done
H8ALC 1-141 Bags replaced , 19 Bags cleaned,11 cages replaced & 03 Disc
4 18-Jan-17 Bag filter of Belt No # 2 plates maintenance done 49,350
H6ALC 1-141 Bags replaced , 19 Bags cleaned,10 cages replaced & 03 Disc
5 16-Feb-17 49,350
Bag filter of Belt No # 4 plates maintenance done
6 18-Feb-17 1-160 Bags replaced 56,000
Bag filter of Belt No # 6
3 16-Mar-17 1-128 Bags replaced (All Bags Replaced) 44,800
Bag filter between silo 3 & 4
4 16-Jan-17 1-06 Bags replaced 2,100
Bag filter of main bin # 1
5 18-Jan-17 1-08 Bags replaced, 120 Bags cleaned 2,800
Bag filter of main bin # 2
6 19-Jan-17 1-64 Bags replaced, 256 Bags cleaned 22,400
Bag filter of Packer # 1
7 29-Jan-17 1-96 Bags replaced, 224 Bags cleaned 33,600
Bag filter of Packer # 2
8 28-Jan-17 1- 320 Bags cleaned 112,000
Bag filter of Packer # 3
9 26-Jan-17 1- 96 Bags cleaned, 224 Bags cleaned 33,600
Bag filter of Packer # 4
10 26-Jan-17 1- 310 Bags cleaned 108,500
Bag filter of Packer # 5
12 17-Mar-17 1-320 Bags replaced (All Bags replaced) 112,000
Bag filter of Packer # 7
13 17-Apr-17 1-320 Bags replaced (All Bags replaced) 112,000
Bag filter of Packer # 8
16 15-May-17 1-320 Bags replaced (All Bags replaced) 112,000
Bag filter of Packer # 11