Final English Test.: Nasreddin and The Pot The Text and Do The Following Tasks
Final English Test.: Nasreddin and The Pot The Text and Do The Following Tasks
Final English Test.: Nasreddin and The Pot The Text and Do The Following Tasks
One day Nasreddin borrowed a pot from his neighbor Ali. The next day he brought it
back with another little pot inside. "That's not mine," said Ali. "Yes, it is," said
Nasreddin. "While your pot was staying with me, it had a baby."
Some time later Nasreddin asked Ali to lend him a pot again. Ali agreed, hoping that
he would once again receive two pots in return. However, days passed and
Nasreddin had still not returned the pot. Finally Ali lost patience and went to demand
his property. "I am sorry," said Nasreddin. "I can't give you back your pot, since it
has died." "Died!" screamed Ali, "how can a pot die?" "Well," said Nasreddin, "you believed me
when I told you that your pot had had a baby."
4. Why was the neighbor happy to lend his pot a second time?
A. He was greedy. B. He was a good neighbor. C. He had lots of spare pots.
1. I happy.
2. You angry.
4. He on holiday.
5. It cold.
2. It (be) great.