Center For Animal Research and Conversation: "A Project To Integrate Architecture With Nature in A Better Way."

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“A project to integrate Architecture with nature in a better way.”






To my friends, who became my family, in studio. For making the academic experience a fun
and memorable one.

To my family who supported me through my educational process, words cannot begin to

describe how much I appreciate you.

To the great professors and teachers I’ve had over the years, your guidance and passion for
what you teach has inspired me to become who I am today..

I thank one and all from the deepest of my heart.

T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s
1 . S Y N O P S I S ........................................................................................... 1

1.1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1

1.2. HISTORY........................................................................................................................ 2

1.3. NEED FOR THE STUDY .............................................................................................. 3

1.4. AIM ................................................................................................................................. 3

1.5. OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................. 4

1.6. SCOPE ............................................................................................................................ 4

1.7. LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................................... 4

1.8. METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................... 5

2 . L I T E R A T U R E .............................................................................. 6

2.1. WHAT IS ECOSYSTEM? .............................................................................................. 6

2.2. FOOD CHAIN AND FOOD WEB ................................................................................. 7

2.3. THREATS TO WILDLIFE ............................................................................................. 8

2.4. EXTINCTION ................................................................................................................. 9

2.5. CONSERVATION – NEED OF THE HOUR .............................................................. 10

2.6. METHODS OF CONSERVATION ............................................................................. 11

2.6.1. In-situ conservation: ............................................................................................... 11

2.6.2. Ex situ conservation: .............................................................................................. 11

2.7. WHAT IS RESEARCH AND CONSERVATION CENTRE? .................................... 12

3. DATA COLLECTION ...................................................................................................... 13

3.1. COMPONENTS AND REQUIREMENTS .................................................................. 13

3.1.1. Areas ....................................................................................................................... 13

3.1.2. Circulation .............................................................................................................. 13

3.1.3. Landscape ............................................................................................................... 13

3.1.4. Elements ................................................................................................................. 14

3.1.5. Animal enclosures .................................................................................................. 14

3.1.6. Structures ................................................................................................................ 15

3.1.7. Services................................................................................................................... 15

3.1.8. Display basis and sequence .................................................................................... 15

3.2. SITE PLANNING ......................................................................................................... 16

3.2.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 16

3.2.2. Survey information ................................................................................................. 18

3.2.3. Master plan regulations .......................................................................................... 19

3.2.4. Climatic and micro climate data ............................................................................. 19

3.2.5. Monuments/ eritage structures within the site (or in close proximity) ................... 20

3.2.6. Water resource management: strategies & methods............................................... 21

3.3. DESIGN GUIDELINES ............................................................................................... 23

3.3.1. Spaces ..................................................................................................................... 23

3.3.2. Elements ................................................................................................................. 23

6.3. Existing vegetation .................................................................................................... 24

4. DESKTOP STUDIES ........................................................................................................ 28

4.1. WASIT NATURAL RESERVE VISITOR CENTRE .................................................. 29

4.2. CORNELL ORNITHOLOGY LABORATORY .......................................................... 34

4.3. THE BIODOMES: WILDLIFE CONSERVATION CENTER.................................... 39

5.CASE STUDIES .................................................................................................................. 43


(LACONES) ......................................................................................................................... 44

1 . S Y N O P S I S


Animal Research & Conservation Centers aims in the conservation of nature and natural
resources through field research and conservation action. Their major objectives are to:

a) Undertake field research to promote the conservation of wildlife and natural resources

b) Develop and advocate participatory management and conservation programmes for

the restoration of wildlife and ecosystems;

c) Promote sustainable use of natural resources, equitable development and the

maintenance of cultural and traditional attributes of indigenous communities.


The first genuine need to protect wildlife in India was realized in 1952. The Indian Wildlife
Board was constituted to centralize all the rules and regulations pertinent to wildlife
conservation in India, which until then deferred from state to state. In 1956, this Board passed
a landmark decree that accorded all existing Game Parks the status of a Sanctuary or a
National Park.

The 1960’s expose by Rakesh Sankhla and Razia for the Indian Express detailed the
appalling abyss that wildlife conservation had sunk to when they exposed the trade in several
hundred skins of endangered species. The need for wildlife conservation now made the shift
from the government and policy makers to the general public at large.

The 1970’s bought with it two landmark events that were to influence wildlife conservation
in India for decades to come. The first was the introduction of the stringent Wildlife
Protection Act in 1972 and the second being Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India,
doing everything within her power to protect wildlife in India. Project Tiger, the largest
wildlife conservation project of its time, was initiated in 1973 under her watch.

In the 1980’s, the Chipko Andolan movement by the Bishnois gained worldwide recognition
for its simplicity and non-violent approach. What the Bishnois did was to surround their trees,
literally hugging them, in order to protect them from anyone who came to fell them. Until
today, they are involved in actively protecting blackbucks and other wildlife found in their

The last two decades since the 1990’s have witnessed the application of technology and
science to conservation on a large scale. Wildlife forensics, telemetry, remote sensing
techniques and geographic information systems were all integrated into the practice of
wildlife conservation in India.

Conservation has evolved from an informal practice providing arbitrary protection to wildlife
to its present avatar as a practiced art and science. If ever the need to evolve and expand it
beyond its present realms was of prime necessity-then the time is now.


“The actions of mankind threaten to destroy perhaps half of the species that now
inhabit it within the next few decades. These species will not be lost because of poachers or
overhunting, but because of the destruction of habitat - the end result of overpopulation and
inadequate land-management policies.”

An increasing global population causes cities to expand constantly and metropolitan

areas to penetrate into natural habitats. This intrusion into ecosystems diminishes natural sites
in which wildlife species can prosper. Depletion of food sources and breeding ground is one
of the main reasons for the depletion of wildlife. Driven from their dwellings by invasive
human settlement, species are forced to look for new ‘home range’ in decreasing natural
habitation. Wildlife that has managed to adapt to urban environments struggle with the threat
of injury or fatality associated with human encounter.

There is an apparent need for increased awareness in, and education of, people about
wildlife and the elimination of misconceptions that surround certain species. Global focus is
shifting towards conservation and sustainable approaches. Facilities such as Research &
conservation centres are beneficial to wildlife and the global community since they educate
the public, and contribute to the rehabilitation, breeding and research of animals and birds.

1.4. AIM

a) To provide a center for research and conservation in natural environment and preserve
the wetland ecosystem for animals & birds by using landscape Architecture, thus
preserving the biodiversity of the area.

b) To rejuvenate and develop the ecosystem by providing Architectural and landscape

elements such that it can be used by humans, animals and birds altogether.


a) To establish a centre which educate people on richness of the ecosystem and preserve
the natural environment.

b) To design the centre in a way to minimize the visual impact at the surroundings.

c) To rejuvenate the ecosystem with the help of landscape Architecture.

d) To provide separate visitor spaces where they can spend time being close to nature.

1.6. SCOPE

a) The study aims to provide better space for animals and integrate Architecture with

b) Natural conditions of the site were to be maintained, and Landscape Architecture

plays an important role to mimic the Habitat the animals require.

c) The private spaces consists of research labs, breeding centre and other work spaces
which take part in the conservation of the endangered species.

d) The spaces for visitors consists of Wetland Park, Boardwalks, Museum, Cafeteria,
Open air theatre etc. where they can spend time observing and being close to nature.


a) For the spaces required for animals, the proposal is limited to designing and providing
an environment suitable for the animals. It is not concerned with the care and
medication or type of food the animals may require.

b) The veterinary and labs will be provided as required, and the designed is not
concerned with the technical instruments and machinery used in them.

c) The services and security systems will be provided but will not be dealt with in detail.


2 . L I T E R A T U R E


Ecosystem is the complex of living organisms, their physical environment, and all their
interrelationships in a particular unit of space.

An ecosystem can be categorized into its abiotic constituents, including minerals, climate,
soil, water, sunlight, and all other non-living elements, and its biotic constituents, consisting
of all its living members. Linking these constituents together are two major forces: the flow
of energy through the ecosystem, and the cycling of nutrients within the ecosystem.

The fundamental source of energy in almost all ecosystems is radiant energy from the Sun.
The energy of sunlight is used by the ecosystem’s autotrophic, or self-sustaining, organisms.
Consisting largely of green vegetation, these organisms are capable of photosynthesis—i.e.,
they can use the energy of sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into simple, energy-
rich carbohydrates. The autotrophs use the energy stored within the simple carbohydrates to
produce the more complex organic compounds, such as proteins, lipids, and starches, that
maintain the organism’s life processes. The autotrophic segment of the ecosystem is
commonly referred to as the producer level.

Organic matter generated by autotrophs directly or indirectly sustains heterotrophic

organisms. Heterotrophs are the consumers of the ecosystem; they cannot make their own
food. They use, rearrange, and ultimately decompose the complex organic materials built up
by the autotrophs. All animals and fungi are heterotrophs, as are most bacteria and many
other microorganisms.


Together, the autotrophs and heterotrophs form various trophic (feeding) levels in the
ecosystem: the producer level, composed of those organisms that make their own food; the
primary consumer level, composed of those organisms that feed on producers; the secondary
consumer level, composed of those organisms that feed on primary consumers; and so on.
The movement of organic matter and energy from the producer level through various
consumer levels makes up a food chain. For example, a typical food chain in a grassland
might be grass (producer) → mouse (primary consumer) → snake (secondary consumer) →
hawk (tertiary consumer). Actually, in many cases the food chains of the ecosystem overlap
and interconnect, forming what ecologists call a food web. Many herbivores, detritivores,
carnivores, and parasites, however, eat more than one species, and a large number of animal
species eat different foods at different stages of their life histories. In addition, many species
eat both plants and animals and therefore feed at more than one trophic level. Consequently,
food chains combine into highly complex food webs. Even a simplified food web can show a
complicated network of trophic relationships.The final link in all food chains is made up of
decomposers, those heterotrophs that break down dead organisms and organic wastes.


Habitat destruction and fragmentation:

Habitat destruction decreases the number of places wildlife can live in. Habitat fragmentation
breaks up a continuous tract of habitat, often dividing large wildlife populations into several
smaller ones. Human-caused habitat loss and fragmentation are primary drivers of species
declines and extinctions. Key examples of human-induced habitat loss include deforestation,
agricultural expansion, and urbanization. Habitat destruction and fragmentation can increase
the vulnerability of wildlife populations by reducing the space and resources available to
them and by increasing the likelihood of conflict with humans. Moreover, destruction and
fragmentation create smaller habitats. Smaller habitats support smaller populations, and
smaller populations are more likely to go extinct.


Overexploitation is the harvesting of animals and plants at a rate that's faster than the
species's ability to recover. While often associated with overfishing, overexploitation can
apply to many groups including mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and plants. The danger
of overexploitation is that if too many individuals of a species are taken, then the species may
not recover.[6] For example, overfishing of top marine predatory fish like tuna and salmon
over the past century has led to a decline in fish sizes as well as fish numbers.


Poaching for illegal wildlife trading is a major threat to certain species, particularly
endangered ones whose status makes them economically valuable. Such species include
many large mammals like African elephants, tigers, and rhinoceros. [traded for their tusks,
skins, and horns respectively]. Less well-known targets of poaching include the harvest of
protected plants and animals for souvenirs, food, skins, pets, and more; Because poachers
tend to target threatened and endangered species, poaching causes already small populations
to decline even further.


Culling is the deliberate and selective killing of wildlife by governments for various
purposes. An example of this is shark culling, in which "shark control" programs in
Queensland and New South Wales (in Australia) have killed thousands of sharks, as well as

turtles, dolphins, whales, and other marine life. The Queensland "shark control" program
alone has killed about 50,000 sharks — it has also killed more than 84,000 marine animals.
There are also examples of population culling in the United States, such as bison in Montana
and swans, geese, and deer in New York and other places.


A wide range of pollutants negatively impact wildlife health. For some pollutants, simple
exposure is enough to do damage (e.g. pesticides). For others, its through inhaling (e.g. air
pollutants) or ingesting it (e.g. toxic metals). Pollutants affect different species in different
ways so a pollutant that is bad for one might not affect another.


Many species have become extinct because of hunting and overharvesting, the conversion of
wetlands and forests to croplands and urban areas, pollution, the introduction of invasive
species, and other forms of human-caused destruction of their natural environments. Indeed,
current rates of human-induced extinctions are estimated to be about 1,000 times greater than
past natural (background) rates of extinction, leading some scientists to call modern times the
sixth mass extinction. As a result of increasing human populations, habitat loss is the greatest
factor in current levels of extinction.

Every living thing plays a role in the food chain and Earth’s ecosystems, and the extinction of
certain species, whether predators or prey, can leave behind significant impacts.The effect a
species would have if it were to fade from existence depends largely on its role in the

The loss of a predator can result in what is called a trophic cascade, which is an ecological
phenomenon triggered by a predator's extinction that can also impact populations of prey,

which can cause dramatic ecosystem and food web changes. If there are too many deer, for
example, they can really change the ecosystem because they can destroy forests, and they
also carry disease.

The loss of rhinos, which often face threats from humans, from the ecosystem can have wide-
ranging effects, since the rhino’s eating pattern helps with seed dispersal. They eat grasses
and vegetation in one place, and they move and defecate in another place. That helps those
plants to disperse throughout the ecosystem, and it also helps populate the ecosystem with
rhino food.

Species like parrot fish, which graze on algae, are extremely important to coral reef
ecosystems because they prevent algae growth from getting out of control and impacting
those coral reefs. As algae expands in those communities, it can lead to the expansion of coral
dead zones.

The loss of certain species can impact the other species connected to them in a number of
ways, resulting in degradation of ecosystem and biodiversity.


Wildlife conservation is the practice of protecting wild species and their habitats in order to
prevent species from going extinct. The IUCN estimates that 27,000 species of the ones
assessed are at risk for extinction. Expanding to all existing species, a 2019 UN report on
biodiversity put this estimate even higher at a million species. It's also being acknowledged
that an increasing number of ecosystems on Earth containing endangered species are
disappearing. To address these issues, there have been both national and international
governmental efforts to preserve Earth's wildlife. Prominent conservation agreements include
the 1973 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES) and the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). There are also numerous
non-governmental organizations (NGO's) dedicated to conservation such as the Nature
Conservancy, World Wildlife Fund, and Conservation International.


2.6.1. In-situ conservation:

In-situ conservation is the on-site conservation or the conservation of genetic resources in

natural populations of plant or animal species, such as forest genetic resources in natural
populations of Teagan species. This process protects the inhabitants and ensures the
sustainability of the environment and ecosystem.

Methods: About 4% of the total geographical area of the country is used for in situ
conservation. The following methods are presently used for in situ conservation.

Biosphere reserves (18)

National parks (104)

Wild-life sanctuaries (543)

Biodiversity hotspots (4)

Benefits: One benefit of in situ conservation is that it maintains recovering populations in the
environment where they have developed their distinctive properties. Another benefit is that
this strategy helps ensure the ongoing processes of evolution and adaptation within their
environments. As a last resort, ex-situ conservation may be used on some or all of the
population, when in situ conservation is too difficult, or impossible. The species gets adjusted
to the natural disasters like drought, floods, forest fires and this method is very cheap and

2.6.2. Ex situ conservation:

Ex situ conservation literally means, "Off-site conservation". It is the process of protecting an

endangered species, variety or breed, of plant or animal outside its natural habitat; for
example, by removing part of the population from a threatened habitat and placing it in a new
location, which may be a wild area or within the care of humans. The degree to which
humans control or modify the natural dynamics of the managed population varies widely, and
this may include alteration of living environments, reproductive patterns, access to resources,
and protection from predation and mortality. Ex situ management can occur within or outside
a species' natural geographic range. Individuals maintained ex situ exist outside an ecological
niche. This means that they are not under the same selection pressures as wild populations,
and they may undergo artificial selection if maintained ex situ for multiple generations.

Methods: Botanical gardens, zoos, and aquariums are the most conventional methods of Ex-
situ conservation. Also in ex- situ conservation, all of which house whole, protected
specimens for breeding and reintroduction into the wild when necessary and possible. These
facilities provide not only housing and care for specimens of endangered species, but also
have an educational value. They inform the public of the threatened status of endangered
species and of those factors which cause the threat, with the hope of creating public interest
in stopping and reversing those factors which jeopardize a species' survival in the first place.
They are the most publicly visited ex situ conservation sites, with the WZCS (World Zoo
Conservation Strategy) estimating that the 1100 organized zoos in the world receive more
than 600 million visitors annually. Globally there is an estimated total of 2,107 aquaria and
zoos in 125 countries. Additionally many private collectors or other not-for-profit groups
hold animals and they engage in conservation or reintroduction efforts. Similarly there are
approximately 2,000 botanical gardens in 148 counties cultivating or storing an estimated
80,000 taxa of plants.

Benefits: Animal species can be preserved in gene banks, which consist of cryogenic
facilities used to store living sperm, eggs, or embryos. For example, the Zoological Society of
San Diego has established a "frozen zoo" to store such samples using cryopreservation
techniques from more than 355 species, including mammals, reptiles, and birds. A potential
technique for aiding in reproduction of endangered species is interspecific pregnancy,
implanting embryos of an endangered species into the womb of a female of a related species,
carrying it to term. It has been carried out for the Spanish ibex.


Animal Research & Conservation Centers aims in the conservation of nature and natural
resources through field research and conservation action. Their major objectives are to:

a) Undertake field research to promote the conservation of wildlife and natural resources

b) Develop and advocate participatory management and conservation programmes for

the restoration of wildlife and ecosystems;

c) Promote sustainable use of natural resources, equitable development and the

maintenance of cultural and traditional attributes of indigenous communities.

3 . D A T A C O L L E C T I O N


3.1.1. Areas

Areas/ Land use in the Vicinity

a) Front area outside the gate

b) Main gate and entry area
c) Visitors parking
i. Outside the main gate
ii. Inside the main gate

3.1.2. Circulation

a) Parking - inside the vicinity

b) Vehicular circulation
c) Pedestrian circulation

3.1.3. Landscape

a) Existing vegetation
b) Gardens,planting beds, trees,plantation

c) Vegetation buffers/ Screens (between spaces and between enclosures)

d) Peripheral planting
e) Landforms
f) Grade change devices (ramps, steps, stepped planters, etc.)
g) Green pavers areas
h) Landscape Art and Sculptures

3.1.4. Elements

a) Railings and Fences

i. Along stand-off barriers

ii. Along road and paths
iii. For animal enclosures

b) Signage

i. Information: signs conveying information about services and facilities, such as

biological information of the species housed, maps, directional, or
instructional signs.
ii. Directional: signs showing the location of services, facilities, functional spaces
and key areas, such as sign posts or directional arrows.
iii. Identification: signs indicating services and facilities, such as room names and
numbers, restroom signs, or floor designations.
iv. Safety and Regulatory: signs giving warning or safety instructions, such as
warning signs, traffic signs, exit signs, or signs conveying rules and

3.1.5. Animal enclosures

a) Paddock
b) Moat / Barrier
c) Kraal
d) Feeding cubicles / night shelter / retiring cell
e) Stand-off barriers
f) Ancillary structures

3.1.6. Structures

a) Buildings/ Structures

i. Interpretation Centre
ii. Administrative offices
iii. Veterinary Hospital
iv. Quarantine / Isolation facilities
v. Visitors amenities - toilets, drinking water fountains & troughs)

b) Service Structures

i. Electric sub station

ii. Sewage treatment plant (STP)
iii. Pumping station
iv. Overhead/ underground water tanks

3.1.7. Services

a) Storm water drains

b) Water supply pipes
c) Electrical cables
d) Secure digital communication
e) Water retention pools
f) Recharge pits

3.1.8. Display basis and sequence

A component of zoo design, generally decided by the designer, is the basis of display of
animals. There are at present no fixed rules, neither can there be, for the sequence and
adjacency of the animal enclosures within a zoo. There are only suggestive methods which
can be adopted for animal display. A few examples of the basis of display which continue to
be used, both in India and abroad are based on:

a) Geographic condition
b) Eco system type
c) Taxonomic classifications:

The zoo management has to deliberate on which type of display shall be more desirable and
convenient, based on ease of maintenance, availability or likely procurement of species,

topography, visitor convenience health management and personnel request etc. Off display
rescue centers, conservation breeding facilities etc. should not influence the above decision.


3.2.1. Introduction

Initial Decision Making:

Decision making process is carried out in conjunction with the local governmental
authorities with regard to the location of the proposed zoo. It includes defining the issues and
problems of concern including articulating the site specific zoo objectives, definition of
alternative courses of action and organising of technical studies of the site/ alternate sites.

Technical Planning:
The second stage involves detailed planning of various processes and services to
support both decision making and design. Including but not limited to environmental
inventories such as soil, existing vegetation, topographic surveys and assessing any heritage
structures or structures of archaeological significance which will need to be integrated in the
final layout of the zoo. This generally results in a Detailed Project Report (DPR).

Landscape Planning and Design:

‘Planning’ denotes activity zoning on the entire zoo site, while ‘Design’ refers to
landscape decision on smaller areas and design of individual elements such as signage,
railings, fences etc. After the decision making process and initial technical support studies
work moves to design. Landscape design - mainly the domain of landscape architects but also
indulged in by architects and planners - entails technical drawings showing uses, features,
and elements that are to be built, changed, or preserved based on the earlier studies and the
conclusions and recommendations there from.

Zoo activities include movement of visitors and their basic civic amenities. While zoo
structures include enclosures, administrative and hospital buildings, roads, paths, etc. Every
fresh activity and structure is an intrusion in the landscape. Therefore, all developments will
entail changes in the existing ecology. The pros and cons of the intervention to the
environment are evaluated and the actions which cause least damage to the environment
while satisfying the design needs, form the basis of zoo layout.

The final zoo design is an outcome of accommodating the requirements of a zoo on the
selected site. For this it is apparent that a thorough on foot reconnaissance is carried out
andthe site is fully studied and understood in relation to ecological facts and aesthetic aspects.
This requires the collection of data on all aspects of the site, gathered through a series of
surveys about the following major and any other site specific informationincluding but not
limited to:

a) History of the site

b) Geology and Soils
c) Vegetation
i. Vegetation Character
ii. List of Existing Site Vegetation
iii. Native Vegetation According to Forest Type
iv. Administrative Status of Forest

d) Hydrology

i. Drainage Characterises
ii. Surface Water – Lakes, Streams, Rivers, Marshland
iii. Sub Surface - Aquifer Information
iv. Water Quality - physical and chemical characteristics

e) Topography - Landforms and Slopes

f) Climatic Conditions

i. General Climatic Analysis

ii. Site Microclimatic Analysis

g) Existing Structures at Site

i. Service Lines
ii. Drains, Manholes, Catch basins
iii. Service Structures
iv. Buildings, Roads and Paths etc

h) Land Ownership Information

i) Master Plan Regulations


j) Monuments/ Heritage Structures Within The Site (Or in Close Proximity)

After the data collection the site planning process will constitute of the following:

a) Determine the goals (vision documents) and objectives of the specific zoo
b) Data Analysis
c) Arriving at the problem statement
d) Reconciling conflicts
e) Conclusions and recommendations
f) Design Guidelines

This information is presented in a graphic form andsuitable scale for analysis. The
analysis is pointedly directed towards the objective of relating the planned requirements of
the specific site Finally, a comprehensive design report is prepared which should serve as the
base document for planning and design. The assessment study begins with the assembly of
property information to describe both the zoo site and its relationship to surroundings and

Once the site is selected and approved for a new zoo, or addition/ alteration are proposed
for an existing zoo, the first step is to decide on the specific activities and enclosures that are
required to be provided for according to procurement of animals based on the approved
collection Plan. The next stage is to decide on the placement of these activities and enclosures
on the most suitable locations within the site.

The intention is to select areas from within the site which will accommodate the required
enclosures/ roads etc. with minimum or no disturbances/ hanges required to be made by way
of remodelling of land, additional construction or cutting of existing trees/ or other
vegetation. This will protect the ecology of the site and more importantly curtail avoidable

3.2.2. Survey information

Site surveys and the detailed information provides, comprehensive understanding of

the zoo site. It helps in taking considered rational and data based design decisions which
ensures sustainability after completion of the project. Besides the zoo planner and designer it
is necessary that the concerned zoo director should have a clear overview of the information

gathered through various surveys (even though the necessity for survey and the technical
information required is determined by the designer and the consultant). This will ensure
better understanding of the zoo design & execution process and will enable the zoo director
to offer constructive suggestions.

A representative format for site data collection is given hereunder for use after
applying site specific modifications.

3.2.3. Master plan regulations

In case the zoo site falls within urban limits or an area which is controlled by master plan
regulations, it becomes incumbent on the designer to be aware of them and follow the
statutory mandate.

Some related master plan information which will help the designer is:

a) Proximity of major travel and commuter routes, both existing and planned
b) Planning zoning and related development information
c) Aircraft flight paths / flight funnel area and noise contours

3.2.4. Climatic and micro climate data

Climate, in the form of precipitation, relative humidity, wind speed and direction,
pressure and temperature, influences human and animal comfort, vegetation and activities. As
designer we are concerned with providing comfortable outdoor environment throughout the
year for animals primarily, and also visitors. Cost of providing comfort within buildings by
artificial means is prohibitive. Therefore zoos should be designed in the most comfortable
environments, and if necessary the site should be modified to achieve comfort.

What is required to be focussed on is the micro climate of the site; i.e. the climate
factors as they transform themselves at site. The values of microclimate may be at variance
with the general regional values of climate components. This is because of the sites local
topographic conditions, forests or wind breaks in the vicinity of the site and local situations
which may affect reflectivity and radiated heat, in case the zoo is within an urban area. In
such situations it will be the microclimate of the site which will influence layout and design
of vicinity.

The type of data gathered depend on the type an scale of project. For large projects
with sites having considerable topographic variation the designer needs to understand the
landform thoroughly along with the wind speed and direction; along with vegetation masses
and any other site conditions that may effect micro climate. Vegetation provides shade and
can intercept the absorb 60% to 90% of incident solar radiation. Dense foliage, multiple
foliage layers, or dense canopies obstruct solar radiation, whereas plants with open, loose
foliage filter radiation. The surface temperature in shade (and consequent air temperatures)
can be reduced significantly by shading. Oppressive levels of radiant heat are generated by
such surfaces even after sunset. In addition to their ability to raise the temperature of the
proximate air mass, can have a profound impact on perceptions of comfort.

3.2.5. Monuments/ eritage structures within the site (or in close proximity)

Many zoo sites may have monuments or heritage structures within the site or in close
vicinity. If some of them are protected monuments then any development or construction will
have to conform to the related laws. Otherwise these structures should be integrated in the
layout of the zoo. Areas around the monuments which are within the site should be suitably
designed so that the visitors are able to view them and learn about the historic context of the
site. Those heritage structures/ monuments which are in visual proximity of the site should be
integrated in the layout so that the monument integrates with the layout. Infact, if well
designed, it should enhance the aesthetic value of the zoo when historic / heritage structure is
made visible from various roads, paths and other open areas within the zoo.

‘Design’ factors describe the functional and aesthetic design requirements. These will include
but are not limited to the following:

a) Access
b) Surrounding landscape uses
c) Buildings and underground and overhead services
d) Visual character as influenced by the surrounding landscape and architectural

3.2.6. Water resource management: strategies & methods

The first step is to ensure the perpetuity of zoos by a self-sustaining design.

Everything which hinders this objective will have to be addressed and resolved. The
advantages of zoos for the regional ecology, for visitors & animals should be highlighted.
Water is an ideal core subject around which we integrate so many important environmental

There has over the last three decades, evolved a strong link between water
management, conservation and zoological parks. Zoological parks can be utilised for water
conservation for use of water for themselves and even conserve water for the use of areas
outside its boundaries.

Zoological parks are almost always located within or near urban conglomerations. Yet
large areas available within zoos can be used for effective water management & conservation
practices after suitable treatment. Therefore the proximity of zoological parks and areas
presents a symbiotic relationship. Urban Areas can provide visitors, earnings and easy access
to technology & infrastructure while the zoological parks provides the ideal landscape and
vegetation covered surfaces for conserving water and implementing water-harvesting

Zoological parks will serve this purpose well since their area is large and water
conservation will result in appreciable quantity of water being conserved. The strategy for
water management and conservation will lie in well designed and suitably located water
retention and detention structures for infiltration and on site use of water.

Water planning for zoological parts can be considered under the following heads:

a) Water Requirements

i. Potable water for

• Animals

• Staff

• Visitors

ii. For existing vegetation

iii. For animal habitats


• Essential

• Non-essential

iv. For amenity use

The above water requirements are fulfilled by Municipal water supply, groundwater
extraction, water harvesting, and treated waste water.

Another problem in zoos is that of disposal of waste water from wet moats. This
could, with minimum treatment, (as required after testing), be used for irrigation since it will
be rich in organic content.

Areas having high water table and those which are low lying can be managed by
various means such as changes in landform and designed planting which will encourage a
substantial increase in evapo-transpiration. In situations where ordinary approaches do not
work the expensive alternate of sub surface drainage may be resorted to.

b) Planning & Technical Aspects Relating to Water Management and Conservation of

Zoos Can be Listed as Follows:
i. Quantification

• Water requirements.

• Stormwater discharge.

• Sewerage and waste water volumes with and without treatment.

ii. Quality standards for water which will be drained out so that there is no
negative impact on the aquifers groundwater or surface water bodies.
Particularly attention would need to be given to the water being received
from animal cage hose down and moats so that it does not contaminate
through high faecal coli form counts.

By way of storm water conservation zoological parks provide an ideal situation because of
following reasons:

i. Large areas for receiving precipitation.

ii. The relatively dense vegetation particularly lower storey provides for reduced runoff
velocities encouraging infiltrating of water into the aquifer.

iii. Space availability for first flush collection of storm water and to provide flow
equalisation when required.
iv. Opportunities for trade/collected water for being used for a wide
v. Range of uses having varied quality requirements.


3.3.1. Spaces

‘Spaces’ refers to locations within the zoo. some spaces are found in all zoos - such as
the entry area, enclosures, administrative offices area etc. There are some spaces which will
be found and required in some specific zoos only. These spaces may include a quarantine
area, rescue centre, area for growing animal feed or a speciality facility for an animal species
unique to a particular region. These spaces are physically separate. Some isolated instances
require concentrated design inputs for each space. Not only that, but similar spaces may have
completely different characteristics and requirements from one zoo to another depending
upon the regional location, climate or the average number of visitors. Same spaces may have
different sizes and design because of site specific reasons but should always have a definite
sequential link with the other parts of the zoo.

The complexity arises because of the fact that these individual spaces must merge
together to form a comprehensive whole, which is the zoo. Good zoo design will be the one
in which the whole is designed as an integral of individual spaces and each space is designed
as a functional component of the whole zoo. As a result, the planning & design parameters
and the design approach for each zoo will be very different and unique for that site.

3.3.2. Elements

Elements are the next to ‘spaces’ in design hierarchy but no less important. Elements
are smaller components of design. These include railings, bollards, stand-off barriers, waste
bins, seats, pavements, toe walls & walls, gates, curbs, animal replicas etc. All such elements
need to be designed primarily to fulfil the functional requirements but should also be
aesthetically appropriate and merge with the location. The detailing and finishing should be
of professional standard so that each element merges with the natural environment of the zoo

and works perfectly in all seasons. Functional requirements, for example could be that an
entry gate should not allow a human intruder, feral animal including dog to pass through.
Aesthetically the design should be such that scale, colour and texture merges with the
surroundings. While detailing, should ensure that there is proper finishing and adherence to
specifications. Detailing means focussing and sorting out each part of the element. Attending
to function, aesthetics and detailing requires knowledge, experience and familiarity with
contemporary construction materials & their characteristics including costs & local

6.3. Existing vegetation

Every zoo in any location has some kind of existing natural vegetation at the site. The term
‘vegetation’ includes trees, shrubs, grasses and any other plant material. All these should be
protected diligently from any kind of damage during construction, by providing whatever
inputs that may be necessary by way of money, tender conditions and special instructions to
all concerned contractors. All existing vegetation should be carefully protected from damage
and removal during project execution and later.

Design Guidelines for Existing Vegetation

1. A comprehensive survey of existing vegetation, prior to the beginning of any activity

at site, to determine the vegetation areas, genus/ species, density, age, diseases etc. of
existing vegetation.

All existing vegetation at site should be marked on the survey drawing. The
information should include space wise distribution of vegetation, type (trees, shrubs
and ground covers), genus & species, diseased plants (which can be removed if
required), density and age of mature/ specimen trees which have to be retained and
integrated in layout design of the zoo.

2. Special care should be taken during execution to ensure that no existing vegetation,
trees, shrubs and ground covers should be damaged or removed. Any damage done to
vegetation accidentally should be attended to immediately and should not be left to be
taken care of at the end of the project.
3. Existing trees should not be cut or pruned without the formal permission of the
appropriate authority. It is a cognizable offence in India and many other countries. All

such trees should be Listed and permission from concerned authority should be taken
before removal of limited selected existing vegetation. removal should be done only if
absolutely necessary.
4. The areas to be preserved should be identified on the drawings and marked on the site
before any activity is initiated.
5. All trees which are to be protected should be marked and it should be ensured that the
area within the drip line is left undisturbed and no construction or storage of material
is allowed.
6. Ensure that preservation measures are in place in areas where clearing and grubbing
(removal of tree stumps and roots) activity is required. These are areas where there is
no proposal for construction.
7. Site management in - charge and security should be given unambiguous instructions
to guard existing vegetation.
8. Prevent disturbance or damage by not planning any activity/ construction on areas and
within the drip line of existing vegetation.
9. Any damage to the roots, trunk or canopy of a tree(s), designated to be retained or
repaired, should be attended to on priority.
10. Ensure that the surface runoff from construction activity at the sites is redirected
along designed temporary channels, with culverts if required, and not allowed over
unprotected bare soil areas.The modified drainage should not be directed through or
into an area of protected vegetation.
11. No vegetation should be removed from floodplains, stream banks, and steep slopes or
wetlands existing within the zoo site.
12. Any existing large vegetated areas within the site which houses any kind of wildlife
should be conserved.
13. All necessary regular maintenance requirements for vegetation preservation should be
regularly carried out during the construction period. Restorative action should be
taken in case of any damage or sediment build up.
14. Temporary storage of excavated soil or rock should be done in a location and with
protective measures to ensure that the material is not in the vicinity of protected areas.
15. Protective fencing should be provided around any unique individual tree specimens.

16. There may be vegetation which may have been designated for removal but instead of
removing it at the beginning of the project itself it may be used for erosion control or
screening and later removed in phases.
17. Specific routes within the site should be designated and marked for movement of
vehicles and temporary storage of material during construction.
18. Wind damage can result from exposure of vegetation to increased wind velocities,
therefore this must be considered when removing adjacent vegetation.
19. Action should be taken on priority for treatment of damaged/ diseased trees which
have been designated for protection.
20. Ensure that there are no grade change (cutting or filling) close to existing vegetation
and if there is such a situation then ensure measure to prevent damage.
21. Equipment must be kept away from trees to be preserved to avoid trunk damage
caused by equipment chipping or scarring the trunk.
22. Ensure provision of additional irrigation lines, as and if required to irrigate freshly
planted saplings. These may augment the existing irrigation system.

4 . D E S K T O P S T U D I E S


Sharjah, UAE.


Laboratory, Animal Shelter; Located in Ithaca, United States.


Al Hajar Mountains, UAE.



Location : Sharjah, UAE

Architects : X Architects

Client : EPAA (Environment and Protected Area Authority)

Built up area : 2,534 Sq.m

Program : Visiting Centre

Status : Built

Year : 2015

Awards : Aga Khan Award for Architecture, 2019


Wasit Natural Reserve was originally a waste-water and rubbish dump. The
rehabilitation process of the damaged eco-system started in 2005, 40,000 sq.m of rubbish
removed, 35,000 trees been re-planted, healing the land from toxic chemicals and
conservation of the Unique salt flats and costal sand dunes.

Part of a much larger initiative by Sharjah’s Environment and Protected Areas

Authority to clean up and rehabilitate this ancient chain of wetlands along the Persian Gulf
coast, the Wasit Wetland Centre aims to supply information and education about this unique
environment and to encourage its preservation.

After years of efforts to bring the non-migratory birds back to the site, WNR is now
home to 350 species of birds, a landing zone for 33,000 migrate birds, and a breathing lung to
Sharjah city.

A wetland visitor centre is established on site to continue protecting the natural

environment, educate people on the richness of the wetland ecosystem and provides
information about the birds that frequent the area and other wetlands areas of the emirate. The
facility became heaven for bird watchers and researchers.

In designing the visitor centre, the architects took advantage of the site’s natural
topography to minimise its visual impact by making it appear submerged into the ground.
Visitors descend a ramp to arrive at an angled intersection between two linear elements of the
building: one, to the sides, containing services and administrative offices; the other, ahead, a
long viewing gallery flanked by aviaries where birds can be seen in their natural habitat. At
the far end of the viewing gallery, a third linear element, running perpendicular, houses a cafe
and multipurpose space with views out over the open wetlands.

A cantilevered steel truss roof over the viewing gallery avoids the need for peripheral
columns, allowing seamless glazed façades. The interior is deliberately minimalistic
throughout, placing the full focus on the surrounding nature: informative displays are the only
adornment on the supporting central wall. The façade glazing is slightly tilted, to enhance
reflections of the landscape for the birds while minimising reflections for people looking out.
The floor being lower than the ground outside, a continuous concrete sill provides a place to
sit and contemplate birds at their level. To counter the very hot desert climate, the roof is well
insulated and the glass is shaded by its overhang. Some fabric shading is also provided over
the aviaries. Rainwater harvested from the roof is discreetly directed to specific areas of the
landscape via carefully placed spouts that are camouflaged by landscape elements.

Six bird hides scattered around a lake created in the middle of a 200,000 sq.m site
follow a unified aesthetic but are each individually designed for their context, and employ
some recycled wood and plastic in their construction, reinforcing the ecological message.

What had become a waste dumping ground has had its indigenous ecosystem restored,
and is proving a popular place for visitors to appreciate and learn about their natural



a) Rehabilitated from a waste water and rubbish dump.

b) Rejuvenated ecosystem, many trees have been replanted, the area act as breathing
lung to the city.

c) Home to many non-migratory as well as migratory birds.


d) The centre continues to protect the natural environment, and educate people on
richness of ecosystem.

e) The structure blends with its surroundings and uses the existing topography to
minimize the visual impact on the natural scene.

f) The floor is lower than the ground outside, to contemplate birds at their level.

g) Use of rain water harvesting system, recycled wood and plastic in construction of bird
hides, reinforces the ecological message.


a) Usage of large amount of glass have higher amount of carbon foot print.

b) The traditional RCC construction may have been replaced by some other type of eco-
friendly construction.


a) A space designed keeping scientists, tourists and birds in mind, attracting many
viewers and educating people about the importance of wetland ecosystem and birds.

b) The wetland ecosystem is being maintained, preserving the area for the animals and
birds, thus preserving the biodiversity.

c) The research center and labs may become beneficial in conserving the endangered
species, and carrying out other types of research as well.



Though such centres and organisations make a conscious effort in conservation of nature and
wildlife, and to educate people about it, the objective cannot be attained properly until all
people make an effort and contribute in the cause.


Location : Ithaca (New York), USA

Architects : RMJM

Client : Cornell University

Sector : Education, Science & Technology

Size : 8,360 m²

Status : Completed

Awards : American Institute of Architects, Chapter Awards, 2004


Cornell University's new home for its Imogene Powers Johnson Center for Birds and
Biodiversity is an 80,000 square-foot building and a one-of-a-kind facility attracting bird
enthusiasts and the world's top avian researchers alike. With features such as the Macaulay
Library of Natural Sounds, the world's largest collection of natural sounds containing
130,000 sound recordings covering 5,600 bird species, a DNA sequencing lab, and a
museum-quality exhibit of Louis Agassiz Fuertes' wildlife paintings, this world-class facility
was designed with scientists, tourists and birds, in mind.

"The Lab design is the result of six years of very hard work by a dedicated team," said
Nicholas Garrison, project design architect. "Always, the key to the project was finding a way
to make a very large building meld into and even enhance a delicate natural environment. As
much as possible, this project was about trying to achieve the virtually impossible task of
making a two acre building feel like the ingenious bird blinds that inspired the construction of
the original lab on this site 50 years ago."

Working closely with the lab's ornithologists, the architects found a way to make it
easy and inviting for people to see birds while at the same time ensuring that the building
nestled into its natural site. The team's architectural challenge was to design a large multi-
function building on a wetland site. The sloping and curving walls and roof forms gracefully
place this building into the landscape.

The exterior of the facility is made to fit within Sapsucker Woods-a wooded bird
sanctuary roughly three miles from Cornell's main campus in Ithaca, New York. Just two
stories high, the lab stands below neighboring trees. Constructed of cedar wood and locally
quarried Llenroc stone, the building's shape is abstractly "birdlike" and is the result of the
desire to give everyone the best possible views of the sanctuary's beloved pond and the
nearby woods. The plan's curves follow the pond's contours, narrowing to a collective "point"
of entry that works to scale the building down and engage it with the sanctuary's nature trail

Engaging these nature trails provided the inspiration for the entire site and landscape
design, developed by Boston landscape architect, Susan Childs. The lab is integrated into an
expanded wetland landscape defined by small "islands" set in bio-filters and marshy swales.
The visitor approaches the lab from a series of bridges and boardwalks through this
naturalized environment.

Upon entering the lab, visitors face a two-story wall of windows offering great views
of the duck pond, with birds practically coming to their feet. Designers framed the windows,
used curved glass, and created random patterns so that birds could detect the windows, while
visitors inside could still watch the action outside.

Every step of the way, visitors have the opportunity to see and learn more about birds.
Wooden chairs are set up throughout the lobby, with telescopes and binoculars available for
those who want a closer look at the dozens of local avian species. Even the lobby carpet was
chosen with the idea of the bird's natural environment in mind-its dark grey and gold pattern
is reminiscent of looking through the forest at shadows of leaves and birds.

The offices and laboratories are designed using the colors of the New York State bird,
the Eastern Bluebird. Laboratory floors are blue and office walls are white, blue and dark
grey. Serendipitously, the school color of the university (nicknamed "The Big Red") is also
found in the Eastern Bluebird, and is portrayed in the red linoleum marking the hallway to
offices and on fabrics throughout. For those who work in the building year round, the bright
colours also provide a warm and welcoming environment and contrast the often dull and grey
Ithaca winters.


a) Specialized in the branch of Ornithology and conserving the biodiversity of wetland.
b) Curved form and structure nestled into its natural site, providing best possible views of
the surroundings.
c) Framed windows with curved glass so the birds could detect the glass, while visitors
could enjoy outside views.
d) The colors used were related to birds or their surroundings as part of theme.


a) The structure may not have natural light and ventilation in central spaces.
b) Usage of large amount of glass have higher amount of carbon foot print.
c) The traditional RCC construction may have been replaced by some other type of eco-
friendly construction.


a) A space designed keeping scientists, tourists and birds in mind, attracting many
viewers and educating people about the importance of wetland ecosystem and birds.
b) The wetland ecosystem is being maintained, preserving the area for the animals and
birds, thus preserving the biodiversity.
c) The research center and labs may become beneficial in conserving the endangered
species, and carrying out other types of research as well.




Location : Al Hajar Mountains, UAE

Architects : Baharash Architecture

Client : Eco Resort Group, UAE

Program : Visiting Centre

Status : Unbuilt (ongoing)


The world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, towers at 828 meters in the heart of
Dubai’s ever-growing urban core. But just a few hours east of the metropolis, a different kind
of monument is garnering tourism to the United Arab Emirates: the Al Hajar Mountains.
With its peak at 3,008 meters, the mountain range’s natural elegance rivals the country’s
architectural achievements. The Biodomes Wildlife Conservation Centre, a project from
Baharash Architecture for the UAE’s Eco Resort Group, seeks to celebrate the mountain
range through an ecotourism paradigm.

As tourism to natural areas increases worldwide, and as the UAE prepares to welcome
an estimated 45 million visitors to the country by 2021, the Al Hajar mountains will likely
see increased tourism over the coming years. And with tourism can come pollution, soil
erosion, and loss of natural habitats and endangered species. Baharash's Biodome project
hopes to mitigate the effects of tourism on the natural environment through low-impact
design and promotion of environmentally responsible tourism.

The project aims to boost ecotourism and conserve the mountainous regions of UAE,
which are home to rare species of Arabian wildlife. The ecotourism project will provide
facilities for a wildlife conservation centre, as well as an adventure-based wilderness retreat.
The Biodomes will also raise awareness on the importance of mountain biodiversity through
educational programmes.

Baharash Architecture were tasked with the design which features three self-
sustaining biodomes. The structures will be made from prefabricated components to minimise
disruption and allow fast assembly on site. The semi-subterranean typology provides passive
cooling benefits and is “in harmony with nature” explains Baharash Bagherian, Design

Director and Founder of Baharash Architecture. “The bioclimatic indoor environments will
provide visitors with thermal comfort, restorative and therapeutic benefits”.

The design provides visitors with a unique experience and a sense of being outside in
nature. Visitors will also enjoy organic local cuisine in the restaurant which offers amazing
views of the beautiful landscape. Some of the project’s environmental features include 100%
renewable energy, recycling waste water on site for irrigation and onsite waste management.



a) The structures are made of prefabricated components to minimise disruption and

allow fast assembly on site

b) It will raise awareness on the importance of mountain biodiversity through

educational programmes, aims to protect various wildlife species.

c) The bioclimatic indoor environments provide visitors with thermal comfort, and the
internal environments aim to provide restorative and therapeutic benefits

d) Visitors will also enjoy organic local cuisine in the restaurant which offers amazing
views of the beautiful landscape, and onsite organic allotments provide fresh produce
for the restaurant

e) Powered by 100% clean renewable energy and onsite water recycling and waste


As of now, from the information available on ‘Construction week online’, the project
is still under construction. No information regarding it on the website of the firm.


a) It aims to preserve the region’s heritage and provide greater interaction with native

b) One dome would house a reception area, another a restaurant that serves locally
produced organic food, while the third would comprise an amphitheatre and
conservation centre, where biologists will educate visitors about biodiversity and
other environmental topics.

c) Bagherian says the centre would also accept school visits. “If you integrate
renewables with the a design, I think from a very young age children will be more in
touch with sustainability”, he says. For him, education is one of the most important
aspect of conservation centre.



5 . C A S E S T U D I E S



Attapur Ring Road, Hyderabad, Telangana.


Hyderabad, Telangana.



Location : Attapur Ring Road, Hyderabad, Telangana.

Architects : Shirish Beri & Associates

Client : Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CSIR)

Department of Biotechnology (DPT)

Area : 4200 Sq.m

Program : Institution and Research centre

Status : Built

Year : 2007

LaCONES aims at taming effective conservation measures which include both in situ
habitat preservation, species protection and ex situ conservation (captive breeding in
controlled environment to restock original wild populations). In order to support both these
measures using biotechnological tools and techniques in an innovative manner, LaCONES
was established. With support from Dept. of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India, New
Delhi, Central Zoo Authority of India (CZA), New Delhi and Council of Scientific and
Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi and Government of Andhra Pradesh project
LaCONES was established in 1998. The laboratory was itself established in 2007. This lab
would strive to: "To promote excellence in conservation biotechnology and serve for
conservation of endangered wildlife in India".

It has modern facilities and equipment that are essential for the work being carried out
here. It also has wild animal housing area that could maintain large carnivores, herbivores
and birds. There is a fully functional hostel and guest house for students and visiting
scientists. The institutional block is carefully and aesthetically designed so as to not alter
natural rock formations and vegetation in the area. It has been recognized as a heritage
building by INTACH and won several awards for its architecture.

It offers MSc dissertation and PhD in wildlife conservation as part of academics. LaCONES
campus has been carefully developed retaining several natural areas. The building itself has
been designed in order to accommodate natural features such as rocks and trees. Therefrore,
the campus has wildlife and a biodiversity register is being maintained to keep a record of
these “inmates” and also motivate the students to observe and look out for them. This register
is being updated regularly and has useful information of the campus biodiversity.

The form of the project is a direct result of the layout of the area, containing a series
of vertical rocks of great enigmatic beauty; the client naturally wanted a building worthy of
the institute’s “noble” purpose of studying and protecting species in danger of extinction.

Shirish Beri considers the work of man a product of the work of nature. He works on
the basis of the conviction that architecture must fit into the landscape with the utmost
respect. And so the rocks become a portal providing access to the building’s entrance.
Underlining the topography of the site, they are set in a sort of natural amphitheatre which
slopes down to the entrance door, where a stone floor forms an open space in which to stop,
sit down and enjoy the spectacle of nature.

The “amphitheatre” is embraced all around by the volume of the building itself, which
is semi-circular in shape, and the spaces that follow its course. Its irregular composition, with
curved walls and an asymmetrical course following the site’s natural shape, is achieved
through a concrete structure combined with walls and cladding made of brick and local stone
taken directly from the soil below it. The glass that underlines the curved walls with its
uninterrupted surfaces allows the dialogue with the landscape to continue inside the building.

The complex’s technical installations include a wastewater treatment system and

collection of rainwater for irrigation. The local microclimate does not require major use of
resources for air conditioning as the project makes use of natural ventilation.

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