(Mandelbrot, 1991) Random Multifractals Negative Dimensions and The Resulting Limitations of The Thermodynamic Formalism
(Mandelbrot, 1991) Random Multifractals Negative Dimensions and The Resulting Limitations of The Thermodynamic Formalism
(Mandelbrot, 1991) Random Multifractals Negative Dimensions and The Resulting Limitations of The Thermodynamic Formalism
Thc story describcd in this paper has startcd with the ·death or surv ival· criterion ,
which thc a uthor publis hed in 1972- 1974 and had obtaincd in 1968 ,,·hile
investigating Kolmogorov's hypothesis t hat the turbulent dissipation e(d x ) in a box
is log-normally distributed. Using this criterion. the present paper discusses the
concrete significancc of negatiYe fractal dimensions. They arisc in those random
multifractal measures, for which the Cramer function j(a) (the 'spectrum of
singularities ·¡ satisfics f(a) < O for certain val ues of a. It is shown that in that case
the strict · thcrmodynamical formalism' so le!y im·oh·es the form of j(a) in the rango
wherc j(a) > O, ancl conc~crns threc aspects of su eh measures: (a) the finc-grained
multifractal propertics, which are non-random and the samc for (almost) all
realizations: (b) t he propcrtics obtained by us ing thc 'partition functi on · formalism;
and (e) the 'typical ' coarsc-grained multifractal properties. Howcvcr. the j(a)s in t hc
range whcrc j(a) >O say nothing about t hc var iability of coarsc-grained propertics
bctwccn samples. A clcscription of these fluctuations. hence a fu llcr multifractal
description of the meas urc. is shown to be providccl by the ,-a]ues of j(a) in the range
where j(a) < O. We prefer to rescn·e the term 't hermodynamic' for the fine-grained
and partition-functional propcrties. and to say that the coarse-graincd properties go
beyond the thermodynamies. i.c. are not maeroseopic but 'mesoscopie ·.
Whilc the material in this paper is severa! stagcs rcmo,·ed from anything done by
KolmogoroY. it is appropriatc that it should be dcdicated to t he mcmory of Andrei
Xikolaic\'itch. A token of hiR greatness is t hat his work spanned fie lds far removed
from onc a n othcr. I vow spccial admiration for his seYcral bricf forays in highly
specialized fields where he could not be more than a t ra nsient v isitor. His classic K41
thcory is of course t hc occasion of the prcscnt collcction of papers. His second foray
into turbulence. clase in contcnt to what I propase to \\Tite about, occurrcd in 1962
and was extremely bricf. Kolmogoro,· ·s (1962) papcr may even secm an expository
rcport on Obukhov (1962). but in fact puts forward a bold · third hypothesis · of exact
log- normality. Ancl carcful rcading by severa! authors has revealcd profound flaws in
this hypothcsis. W hcn a g ia nt stumblcs, it is safe to expect subtle issues to be
involvcd. \\'e must be grateful to Kolmogoro v for ha,·ing poin tcd out a path he did
not choosc to follow hi msclf Ycry far. and for spurring m u eh hard and rcwarding work.
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Printed in Oreat Britain 79
80 B. B. Mandelbmt
(d) Four anomalies of the lag-normal J(a), and the key lo their solution
The idea has spread that tho graph of j(a) always has the n shape characteristic
of the binomial, including the property that j(a) > O. In fact, the n
shape is only
en countered for multifractals that belong to a limited class I have called rostricted
or narrow. By this standard , the parabolic graph in § 1 d presents numorous
' anomalies '.
(b) To solve the j(a) <O anomaly, it su.ffices to apply the death or
survival criterion to the multifractal e<q>, which is defined as being constructed with the
multipliers M <q> = Mq jb(lllq) = "'"l1qb-'(q)
Indccd. taking ldx l = b-k. the expression x(q. dx) = L: ej?(dx ) is simply the product
by (bk)'(q) of the sample su m of the multifractal e<q> as defined in the title abo,-e is a
random ,-ariable and we know from §3a that its beha,·iour depends on the sign ofthe
quantity a~q> . defined as thc a 1 relative to the measure e<q>.
Beforc wc pursue, let us point out that aiq) > O when q is in thc range qri'un < q <
q~ax which corresponds j(a) > O. hence to a~in <a < a~ax; when j(a) < O, one has
a\q) <O. Indeed, define ¡<q>(a) as the function f(a) relativo to e<q>. To obtain
geomctrically the graph of j<q>(a). one takes the following stcps. (a) Expand a an<!..
j(a) horizontally in thc ratio q. obtaining a ncw Yariable a<q) and a new function
J<ql(a). (b) Trace the tangcnt of slope 1 of j<q>(a). This is the expanded form of the
tangcnt of slope q of f(a). (e) Reset the origin of a<q) at the point where the tangent
intersccts the axis/= O. This will define the quantity a<ql . \Ve can now apply the death
or surviYal criterion to M<q).
When a\q) <O, thc DOS criterion tells us the measure constructed using the
multipliers .LJ1<ql. i.e. the sequen ce of the quantities e<q>. converges toa non-degenerate
random limit. which is the ,-ariable Q (q) corresponding to the new multiplier J,f (q) .
Therefore. in agreement with general expcctation. the sample sum x(q. dx) can serve
to estímate the population expectation bk(ea(dx)). In particular, the sample sum and
the population expcctation follow precisely the same analytic scaling r ule, namely
x(q , dx) = bkT(q)Q(q). Thcrcfore. the sample r(q ) is idcntical to thc population r(q).
When a~q) < O, to thc contrary. the sample sum of e<q) converges to zero. The
uncxpected consequence is that geometric scaling of fl fails to imply that the sample
su m x(q. dx) is analytically scaling. Howevcr. an clcmentary but lengthy argument,
for whi ch we have no spacc. shows for q < q~in the sample sum is asymptotically
scaling for dx -+ O, with the scaling exponent f(q) = qa~in- whi le for q > q~ax· thc
asymptotic scaling cxponent is f(q) = qa~ax· The Legendre transform of this 'f(q)
happcns t'o be simply the portian of J(a) whcre j(a) > O. The portian where j(a) <O
plays no role whatsoever in the asymptotic study of X· However, this 7(q) is only
defined asymptotically for dx -+ O. This may explain the reports that j(a) < O has
been obtained from the partition function, and could not be aecountcd for.
\Ye ha,-e carried out cxtcnsi,·e computations to test this prediction; the results are
very striking. The rcader is adYised to test thcm again, for cxample using t he
measurcs described in l\Iandelbrot (1989b, 1990 a).
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