Javascript: Prof.N.Nalini Ap (SR) Scope Vit

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 A scripting languages are a form of
programming language that are "embedded" in
Web pages and interpreted at run time.
 Executed by an interpreter contained within the
web browser (scripting host)
 Interpreter uses a scripting engine
 Converts code to executable format each time it runs
 Converted when browser loads web document
Scripting Language

Two formats:
Program runs on client
Program runs on server
 JavaScript’s role on the Web
 Purpose  tell the browser how a document should appear
 Static  can view or print (no interaction)
 JavaScript
 Purpose  make web pages (documents) more dynamic and
 Change contents of document, provide forms and
controls, animation, control web browser window, etc.
 The JavaScript
 JavaScript: the first Web scripting language,
developed by Netscape in 1995
 syntactic similarities to Java/C++, but simpler & more flexible
 (loose typing, dynamic variables, simple objects)

 JScript: Microsoft version of JavaScript, introduced in

 same core language, but some browser-specific differences
 fortunately, IE & Netscape can (mostly) handle both
JavaScript & JScript
What can we do with JavaScript?
 To create interactive user interface in a web
page (e.g., menu, pop-up alert, windows, etc.)

 Manipulating web content dynamically

 Change the content and style of an element
 Replace images on a page without page reload
 Hide/Show contents

 Generate HTML contents on the fly

 Form validation
 AJAX (e.g. Google complete)
 etc.
Advantages of JavaScript
 Speed. Being client-side, JavaScript is very fast because
any code functions can be run immediately instead of
having to contact the server and wait for an answer.
 Simplicity. JavaScript is relatively simple to learn and
 Versatility. JavaScript plays nicely with other languages
and can be used in a huge variety of applications.
JavaScript can be inserted into any web page regardless
of the file extension. JavaScript can also be used inside
scripts written in other languages such as Perl and PHP.
 Server Load. Being client-side reduces the demand on
the website server.
Useful Resources and Interesting
 JavaScript Tutorials
 Some examples from W3Schools
 JavaScript Examples
 JavaScript Object Examples
 JavaScript HTML DOM Examples

 JavaScript DHTML GUI Components


 EditGrid
A Simple Script

<head><title>First JavaScript Page</title></head>
<h1>First JavaScript Page</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("Hello World Wide Web");
Embedding JavaScript
<head><title>First JavaScript Program</title></head>
<script type="text/javascript"
</html> Inside your_source_file.js
document.write("Hello World Wide Web");

 Use the src attribute to include JavaScript codes

from an external file.
 The included code is inserted in place.
Hiding JavaScript from Incompatible
<script type="text/javascript">
document.writeln("Hello, WWW");
// -->
Your browser does not support JavaScript.
alert(), confirm(), and prompt()
<script type="text/javascript">
alert("This is an Alert method");
confirm("Are you OK?");
prompt("What is your name?");
prompt("How old are you?","20");
alert() and confirm()
alert("Text to be displayed");

 Display a message in a dialog box.

 The dialog box will block the browser.

var answer = confirm("Are you sure?");

 Display a message in a dialog box with two buttons:

"OK" or "Cancel".
 confirm() returns true if the user click "OK".
Otherwise it returns false.

prompt("What is your student id number?");

prompt("What is your name?”, "No name");

 Display a message and allow the user to enter a value

 The second argument is the "default value" to be
displayed in the input textfield.
 Without the default value, "undefined" is shown in the
input textfield.

 If the user click the "OK" button, prompt() returns the

value in the input textfield as a string.
 If the user click the "Cancel" button, prompt() returns
Variable on-the-fly

<script language=“JavaScript”>
Variable declaration
var id;
id = prompt(“What is your student id number?”);
name = prompt(“What is your name?”,”No name”);

 We should use “var” because it is more

easy to keep track of the variables. 16
 Same as Java/C++ except that it allows an
additional character – '$'.

 Contains only 'A' – 'Z', 'a' – 'z', '0' – '9', '_', '$'
 First character cannot be a digit
 Case-sensitive
 Cannot be reserved words or keywords
Variable and Variable Declaration
<head><script type="text/javascript">
// We are in the default scope – the "window" object.
x = 3; // same as "window.x = 3"
var y = 4; // same as "y = 4" or "window.y = 4"

{ // Introduce a block to creat a local scope

x = 0; // Same as "window.x = 0"
var y = 1; // This is a local variable y

alert("x=" + x + ", y=" + y); // Print x=0, y=4


 Local variable is declared using the keyword 'var'.

 Dynamic binding – a variable can hold any type of value
 If a variable is used without being declared, the variable is created
 If you misspell a variable name, program will still run (but works incorrectly)
Data Types
 Primitive data types
 Number: integer & floating-point numbers
 Boolean: true or false
 String: a sequence of alphanumeric characters

 Composite data types (or Complex data types or reference

data types )
 Object: a named collection of data
 Array: a sequence of values (an array is actually a predefined

 Special data types

 Null: the only value is "null" – to represent nothing.
 Undefined: the only value is "undefined" – to represent the value of
an unintialized variable
Numeric Data Types
 It is an important part of any programming
language for doing arithmetic calculations.
 JavaScript supports:
 Integers: A positive or negative number with no
decimal places.
 Ranged from –253 to 253
 Floating-point numbers: usually written in exponential
 3.1415…, 2.0e11

Integer and Floating-point number

<script language=“JavaScript”>
var i = 100;
var f = 3.0e10;
// floating-point number 30000000000
 The integer 100 and the number
30,000,000,000 will be appeared in the
browser window.
Boolean Values
 A Boolean value is a logical value of either true
or false. (yes/no, on/off)
 Often used in decision making and data
 In JavaScript, you can use the words “true” and
“false” directly to indicate Boolean values.

Boolean value example

<script language=“JavaScript”>
var result;
result = (true*10 + false*7);
alert(“true*10 + false*7 = “, result);

 The expression is converted to

 (1*10 + 0*7) = 10
 They are automatically converted. 23
 A string variable can store a sequence of
alphanumeric characters, spaces and special
 String can also be enclosed in single quotation
marks (‘) or in double quotation marks (“).
 What is the data type of “100”?
 String but not number type
 Use escaped character sequence to represent
special character (e.g.: \", \n, \t)

Strings example

<script language=“JavaScript”>
document.write(“This is a string.”);
document.write(“This string contains ‘quote’.”);
var myString = “My testing string”;

 Unlike Java and C, JavaScript does not

have a single character (char) data type.
typeof operator

<script language=“JavaScript”>
var x = “hello”, y;
alert(“Variable x value is “ + typeof(x));
alert(“Variable y value is “ + typeof(y));
alert(“Variable x value is “ + typeof(z));

 An unary operator that tells the type of its

 Returns a string which can be "number", "string",
"boolean", "object", "function", "undefined", and
"null" 26
Null & Undefined
 An undefined value is represented by the
keyword "undefined".
 It represents the value of an uninitialized variable

 The keyword "null" is used to represent

 Declare and define a variable as “null” if you want the
variable to hold nothing.
 Avoid leaving a variable undefined.
Null & Undefined example
<title> Null and Undefined example </title>
<script language=“JavaScript”>
var test1, test2 = null;
alert(“No value assigned to the variable” + test1);
alert(“A null value was assigned” + test2);
<body> … </body>

Type Conversion (To Boolean)
 The following values are treated as false
 null
 undefined
 +0, -0, NaN (numbers)
 "" (empty string)
Type Conversion
 Converting a value to a number
var numberVar = someVariable – 0;

 Converting a value to a string

var stringVar = someVariable + "";

 Converting a value to a boolean

var boolVar = !!someVariable;
== vs ===
// Type conversion is performed before comparison
var v1 = ("5" == 5); // true

// No implicit type conversion.

// True if only if both types and values are equal
var v2 = ("5" === 5); // false

var v3 = (5 === 5.0); // true

var v4 = (true == 1); // true (true is converted to 1)

var v5 = (true == 2); // false (true is converted to 1)

var v6 = (true == "1") // true


 Used to change anything in your document (web

page) that has an id
 Then you can change different aspects of the
element with that id:
<img src = “zombie.jpg” height = “500” width = “300”
alt = “eat your brain” id = “img1”>
 You can use document.getElementById to change
 src
 height
 width
 alt
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset= "utf-8" />
<body style = "background-color:#000000; color: red;">
<h1> Hello</h1>
<p> <img src = "ball.jpg" width = "100" height = "100"
alt = "a ball picture" id = "ball1"></p>

var x = prompt("What size should the ball's width be?")

document.getElementById("ball1").width = x

We can use getElementById to change
CSS style:
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head> <meta charset= "utf-8" /></head>
<p id = "firstp"> This is a paragraph</p>
<p id = "secondp">This is a second paragraph</p>

document.getElementById("firstp").style.color = "#9999FF";
document.getElementById("firstp").style.fontSize = "120%";
document.getElementById("firstp").style.textAlign = "right";
document.getElementById("firstp").style.padding = "30px";
document.getElementById("firstp").style.borderWidth = "8px";
document.getElementById("firstp").style.borderColor = "green";
document.getElementById("firstp").style.borderStyle = "inset";

The innerHTML is what is between the opening and the closing

tag, regardless of what the tag is:
<p id = “firstp”> This is the innerHTML text because it goes between the
opening and closing tag
Above, the innerHTML is: “This is the innerHTML text because it goes
between the opening and closing tag”
To change it:
document.getElementById(“firstp”).innerHTML = “new text for
<h1 id = “firsth”>Title goes here </h1>
Above: innerHTML is: Title goes here
To change:
document.getElementById(“firsth”).innerHTML = “New Title”
innerHTML (cont.)
<p id = “linked”> <a href = “” id = “firstlink”> link to udel </a>
What is the innerHTML of linked?
What is the innerHTML of firstlink?
How would you change the innerHTML of linked to a new link?
<ol id = “list1”>
<li id = “firstItem”> cats </li>
<li id=“seconditem”> dogs </li>

What is the innerHTML of list1?

What is the innerHTML of firstitem?
How would you change the innerHTML of list1 to a new list?

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