This document describes a study that tested 12 full-scale specimens of hollow structural section (HSS) connections using knife plates under cyclic tension loading. The test specimens consisted of an HSS member connected at each end by a knife plate fabricated from steel plates. The specimens were loaded and tested in a test frame to investigate the strength and behavior of the knife plate connections. Measurements were taken of each specimen and static and cyclic tension loads were applied to study the stress distribution and response of the connections.
This document describes a study that tested 12 full-scale specimens of hollow structural section (HSS) connections using knife plates under cyclic tension loading. The test specimens consisted of an HSS member connected at each end by a knife plate fabricated from steel plates. The specimens were loaded and tested in a test frame to investigate the strength and behavior of the knife plate connections. Measurements were taken of each specimen and static and cyclic tension loads were applied to study the stress distribution and response of the connections.
This document describes a study that tested 12 full-scale specimens of hollow structural section (HSS) connections using knife plates under cyclic tension loading. The test specimens consisted of an HSS member connected at each end by a knife plate fabricated from steel plates. The specimens were loaded and tested in a test frame to investigate the strength and behavior of the knife plate connections. Measurements were taken of each specimen and static and cyclic tension loads were applied to study the stress distribution and response of the connections.
This document describes a study that tested 12 full-scale specimens of hollow structural section (HSS) connections using knife plates under cyclic tension loading. The test specimens consisted of an HSS member connected at each end by a knife plate fabricated from steel plates. The specimens were loaded and tested in a test frame to investigate the strength and behavior of the knife plate connections. Measurements were taken of each specimen and static and cyclic tension loads were applied to study the stress distribution and response of the connections.
/ Journal of Constructional Steel Research 62 (2006) 132–143 133
of two parallel HSS 254 254 9 5 frame members spaced
Nomenclature at 1240 mm on centre. Details of the loading beam and load actuator attachment are shown in Fig. 2 while details Bk width of knife plate of the reaction beam and flat load cell mounting are shown bc width of Charpy V-notch coupon in Fig. 3. The horizontal test frame was bolted to the strong E modulus of elasticity of material floor by means of three 50 mm diameter A490 high strength Fy specified yield strength of material bolts through the web of the loading and the reaction beam. Fu specified tensile strength of material Elements of the test frame were designed to be capable of hc height of Charpy V-notch coupon applying a maximum axial load of 1500 kN to specimens. hc n notched height of Charpy V-notch coupon hn notch depth of Charpy V-notch coupon 2.3. Test specimens Lk length of knife plate L length of longitudinal fillet weld As shown in Fig. 4, each test specimen consisted of a l weld leg size of longitudinal fillet weld hollow structural section with a knife plate connection at R radius of gyration either end. The HSS members were fabricated from G40.21 th wall thickness of HSS 350W [2] steel while the knife plates were fabricated from tk thickness of knife plate ASTM A36 steel [6]. [ To mount a specimen for testing, gross cross-sectional stress one knife plate was bolted to a clevis plate (Fig. 5) at the AVE average gross cross-sectional stress load application end while the other end was bolted in a i strain at i th location similar manner to a load cell attached to the reaction beam. u ultimate strain The length of the HSS, 1700 mm, was chosen to eliminate y yield strain interaction of boundary effects. Measured dimensions of the twelve specimens are presented in Table 1. Values shown represent averages of three to seven readings in each case. Specimens KPC01–KPC10 were fabricated using HSS 102 102 6 4 while specimens KPC11 and KPC12 were fabricated using HSS 102 102 4 8. Specimens KPC01–KPC04 were designed to be identical with only slight variations in the fabrication. KPC05–KPC07 differed only by the length of gap between the ends of the knife plate and the slot. Specimens KPC08 and KPC09 were fabricated using an 18 mm plate as opposed to the other specimens which had 12 mm plates. To evaluate the effect of weld length, KPC10 was designed for 200 mm length welds in contrast to 150 mm length welds for all other specimens. Fig. 1. Typical configuration for a knife plate connection. 2.4. Test apparatus to investigate the strength and behaviour of knife plate connections under the action of cyclic loading between zero The test set-up for all specimens is illustrated in Fig. 6. and a prescribed upper level of tension stress. The computer controlled load actuator was used to apply both static and cyclic loads to specimens. The knife plates 2. Test program at either end of a specimen were bolted to the clevis plates using nine 25.4 mm A325 bolts designed and installed to 2.1. General prevent slip during application of test loads. Test loads were applied axially along a specimen using The program included testing twelve full-scale specimens a 1960 kN capacity load actuator mounted in series with a under cyclic tension stress ranges. Two specimens were 900 kN capacity flat load cell. As shown in Fig. 6, the load selected for a strain gauge study of stress distribution in the actuator was anchored to the loading beam by means of a elastic stress range under static loading. Associated tension 25.4 mm collar plate and two 150 150 32 side plates coupon tests [4] on HSS and plate specimens and Charpy [5] which were welded to the collar plate. Each side plate was V-notch impact tests on HSS material were also conducted. welded to an end plate bolted to the loading beam flange by four 25.4 mm A325 bolts. The web of the loading beam was 2.2. Test frame stiffened using two pairs of web stiffeners as indicated. The load cell was monitored by a computer that The test frame had a simple rectangular configuration continuously recorded the applied loads during tests. The consisting of one W360 91 beam connected at either end load cell, made of stress-proof steel with a minimum yield