How To Dump and Repackage AGE DE For Modding
How To Dump and Repackage AGE DE For Modding
How To Dump and Repackage AGE DE For Modding
Disable Antivirus
Download and install the Windows 10 SDK from here and download the UWP dumper from here
Part 2-Permissions
Now the normal user doesn’t have or want to have access to the WindowsApps folder as they
probably didn’t even know it existed as its hidden. To see this folder follow these steps
Select View
Option 2
Find hidden files and folders in the View tab and select Show
Once you have done one of these options and can now see the hidden folders.
Navigate to the drive you installed FM7 onto for C: the WindowsApps folder will be “C:\Program
Files\WindowsApps”for any other drive it will be located in the root of the drive now give ownership
of the folder to the Administrators User Group by doing RightClick>Properties>Security>Advanced>
where is says owner click the change button and type in “Administrators” Tick the box that just
appeared under where is says owner then click apply.
Part 3-dumping
To dump the game you need at least 100gb free on the drive that FM7 is installed on as I mentioned
earlier The dumping process is really easy it just takes time. The steps to dump the game are:
Load FM7
Run the dumper as administrator(in the same folder as the dll from the zip file)
To create the APPX file the windows SDK needs to be installed you can get it from Part 1
Browse to the SDK install folder which is called “Windows Kits” navigate through until you find the
correct folder containing the files choose the 64/32bit folder depending on your system.
Open a powershell window and use the command: cd “C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows
To make the appx use the command ./MakeAppx pack /d “LOCATION THAT OPENED FROM THE
DUMPER” /p “WHERE_YOU_WANT_APPX\FM7.appx" keep the quotes around the paths or it wont
work(This takes time. It may look like its not doing anything but trust me its doing what it needs to)
create the right certificates to allow installation of the appx How you make the certificates: Run
these three commands in an administrator powershell window
This will create 3 files inside the directory that I told you to open earlier 2 of the files are called
MyKey and the third is called MyKey.pvk
Open the two files that are not the .PVK and install them to local machine then “Trusted Root
Certification Authorities”
To sign the appx to allow it to install run this command filling in the blanks with your own
information: ./SignTool sign /a /v /fd sha256 /f "LOCATION OF THE 3 FILES MADE
This will take some time so just allow it to run i can assure you it has not frozen the command
window does not change any until it is complete
Part 6-Installation
Now that the game runs and its possible to edit the files you can download some premade mods or
start to create your own