Quality - Cost FOARTE BUN
Quality - Cost FOARTE BUN
Quality - Cost FOARTE BUN
The author wishes to thank the anonymous referees for many helpful comments and suggestions
about this paper. The author also wishes to thank the authors of references cited in this paper,
especially the authors, Barrie G. Dale and James J. Plunkett, of the book, Quality Costing, and the
author, Peter B.B. Turney, of the book, Common Cents: The ABC Performance Breakthrough – International Journal of Quality
& Reliability Management,
How to Succeed with Activity-based Costing, from which this paper quotes a lot of COQ and BC Vol. 15 No. 7, 1998, pp. 719-752,
concept. © MCB University Press, 0265-671X
IJQRM these approaches still cannot provide appropriate methods to include
15,7 overhead costs in COQ systems. Accordingly, many quality cost elements
require estimates and there is a prevailing belief in COQ literature. It is a
danger that managers become too concerned with accuracy in COQ
determination – a number-crunching exercise that will consume resources
disproportionately (Oakland, 1993, p. 197). In addition, most COQ
720 measurement systems in use do not trace quality costs to their sources
(O’Guin, 1991, p. 70), which hinders managers from identifying where the
quality improvement opportunities lie. Nevertheless, these deficiencies could
be easily overcome under activity-based costing (ABC) developed by Cooper
and Kaplan of Harvard Business School (Cooper, 1988; Cooper and Kaplan,
1988). ABC uses the two-stage procedure to achieve the accurate costs of
various cost objects (such as departments, products, customers, and
channels), tracing resource costs (including overhead costs) to activities, and
then tracing the costs of activities to cost objects.
The purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual framework for
measuring quality costs under ABC. First, the present approaches to measuring
COQ are reviewed; second, the two-dimensional model of ABC and activity-
based management (ABM) is explained; third, COQ approaches and ABC are
compared and an integrated COQ-ABC framework is presented; fourth, COQ
measurement, COQ reporting, and uses of COQ information under ABC are
discussed; finally, a hypothetically simplified example is presented to illustrate
how to measure COQ under ABC.
PAF approach
After Feigenbaum (1956) categorized quality costs into prevention-appraisal-
failure (PAF), the PAF scheme has been almost universally accepted for quality
costing. The failure costs in this scheme can be further classified into two
subcategories: internal failure and external failure costs. Oakland (1993,
pp. 186-9) describes these costs as follows:
• Prevention costs: These costs are associated with the design,
implementation and maintenance of the total quality management
system. Prevention costs are planned and are incurred before actual
• Appraisal costs: These costs are associated with the supplier’s and
customer’s evaluation of purchased materials, processes, intermediates,
products and services to assure conformance with the specified
• Internal failure costs: These costs occur when the results of work fail to Quality cost
reach designed quality standards and are detected before transfer to measurement
customer takes place.
• External failure costs: These costs occur when products or services fail to
reach design quality standards but are not detected until after transfer to
the customer.
Quality cost elements. In order to calculate total quality cost, the quality cost
elements should be identified under the categories of prevention, appraisal,
internal failure and external failure costs. BS 6143: Part 2 (1990) and ASQC
(1974) have identified a list of quality cost elements under this categorization.
These lists just act as a guideline for quality costing. Most elements in these
lists are not relevant to a particular industry, while many elements identified by
practitioners are peculiar to an industry, or a company (Dale and Plunkett, 1991,
p. 28). Some typical COQ elements are shown in Table I. In the initial stages of
the quality costing exercise, some companies put emphasis on just identifying
the costs of failure and appraisal activities. The methodology usually used is for
each department, using a team approach, to identify COQ elements which are
appropriate to them and for which they have ownership. Several techniques,
such as brainstorming, nominal group technique, Pareto analysis, cause and
effect analysis, fishbone diagrams, and forcefield analysis, can be used to
effectively identify COQ elements (Dale and Plunkett, 1991, p. 41; Johnson,
1995). The quality cost measurement system developed will improve with use
and experience and gradually include all quality cost elements.
Economics of quality-related activities. One of the goals of total quality
management (TQM) is to meet the customer’s requirements with lower cost.
For this goal, we have to know the interactions between quality-related
activities associated with prevention, appraisal, internal failure and external
failure costs. It will help in finding the best resource allocation among various
quality-related activities. In the literature, there are many notional models
describing the relationships between the major categories of quality costs.
Generally speaking, the basic suppositions of these notional models are “that
investment in prevention and appraisal activities will bring handsome
rewards from reduced failure costs, and that further investment in prevention
activities will show profits from reduced appraisal costs” (Plunkett and Dale,
1988). Plunkett and Dale (1988) classify these notional models into five
groups, which are further aggregated into three by Burgess (1996). After a
critical review, Plunkett and Dale (1988) conclude that “many of the models
are inaccurate and misleading, and serious doubts are cast on the concept of
an optimal quality level corresponding to a minimum point on the total
quality-cost curve”. Besides, Schneiderman (1986) asserts that, in some
circumstances, if enough effort is put into prevention, no defects at all would
be produced, resulting in zero failure costs and no need for appraisal (also
given in Porter and Rayner (1992)). Thus, in these circumstances, the only
optimal point is “zero-defects”.
IJQRM Categories COQ elements
Prevention Quality control and process control engineering
Design and develop control equipment
Quality planning by others
Production equipment for quality – maintenance and calibration
722 Test and inspection equipment – maintenance and calibration
Supplier quality assurance
Administration, audit, improvement
Appraisal Laboratory acceptance testing
Inspection and test
In-process inspection (non-inspectors)
Set-up for inspection and test
Inspection and test materials
Product quality audits
Review of test and inspection data
On-site performance testing
Internal testing and release
Evaluation of materials and spares
Data processing, inspection and test reports
Internal failure Scrap
Rework and repair
Troubleshooting, defect analysis
Reinspect, retest
Scrap and rework: fault of supplier
Modification permits and concessions
External failure Complaints
Product service: liability
Products returned or recalled
Returned material repair
Warranty replacement
Loss of customer goodwill a
Loss of sales a
Table I. Note: a Intangible external failure costs (not included in BS 6143: Part 2)
Typical COQ elements Source: BS 6143: Part 2 (1990) (also given in Dale and Plunkett (1991, p. 71))
Process View
Cost Performance
Drivers Activities Measures
Figure 1.
Two-dimensional model
of ABC
Source: Adapted from Turney, (1991, p. 81)
Quality cost
Stage Activity
Center Activity &
Activity Cost Pool
Cost Element
Second Activity
Stage Drivers
Figure 2.
Cost Objects Detailed cost
assignment view of
Source: Adapted from Turney, (1991, p. 97)
markets, etc.) create the need for activities, and activities create the need for
resources. Accordingly, ABC uses two-stage procedure to assign resource costs
to cost objects. In the first stage, resource costs are assigned to various
activities by using resource drivers. Resource drivers are the factors chosen to
approximate the consumption of resources by the activities. Each type of
resource traced to an activity becomes a cost element of an activity cost pool.
Thus, an activity cost pool is the total cost associated with an activity. An
activity center is composed of related activities, usually clustered by function
or process. We can create activity centers by various ways according to
different information needs. In the second stage, each activity cost pool is
distributed to cost objects by using an adequate activity driver which is used
to measure the consumption of activities by cost objects (Turney, 1992). If the
cost objects are products, then total cost of a specific product can be calculated
by adding the costs of various activities assigned to that product. The unit cost
of the product is achieved by dividing the total cost by the quantity of the
The resources used in manufacturing companies may include people,
machines, facilities, and utilities, and the corresponding resource costs could be
assigned to activities in the first stage of cost assignment by using the resource
drivers time, machine hours, square footage, and kilowatt hours respectively
(Brimson, 1991, p. 135). For the manufacturing activities, there are the following
categories of activities (Cooper, 1990):
• unit-level activities (performed one time for one unit of product, e.g. 100
percent inspection, machining, finishing);
IJQRM • batch-level activities (performed one time for a batch of products, e.g.
15,7 sampling inspection, set-up, scheduling);
• product-level activities (performed to benefit all units of a particular
product, e.g. product design, design verification and review);
• facility-level activities (performed to sustain the manufacturing facility,
730 e.g. plant guard and management, zero defect program).
The costs of different levels of activities will be traced to products by using the
different kinds of activity drivers in the second stage of ABC cost assignment
view. For example, machine hours is used as the activity driver for the activity
machining; set-up hours or the number of set-up for machine set-up; and the
number of drawings for product design (Tsai, 1996b). Usually, the costs of
facility-level activities cannot be traced to products with the definite cause-
effect relationships and should be allocated to products with appropriate
allocation bases (Cooper, 1990). The information achieved from ABC cost
assignment view is usually used for the decisions of pricing, quoting, product
mix (Tsai, 1994), make versus buy, sourcing, product design, profitability
analysis, and so on (Turney, 1992).
Activity-based management
Using ABC to improve a business is called activity-based management (ABM).
As defined by the consortium for Advanced Manufacturing International
732 (CAM-I) (Raffish and Turney, 1991), ABM is a discipline that focuses on the
management of activities as the route to improving the value received by the
customer and the profit achieved by providing this value. This discipline
includes cost driver analysis, activity analysis, and performance measurement.
ABM uses the cost and nonfinancial/operational information acquired from
ABC in various analyses. For example, ABM uses the cost information of
activities, products, customers, and other cost objects, supplied by the cost
assignment view of ABC, to perform strategic decision analysis (such as
pricing, product mix, sourcing, customer profitability analysis), activity-based
budgeting, life-cycle costing and target costing. In addition, ABM uses the
information provided by the process view of ABC to support cost reduction,
downsizing, process/quality improvement, benchmarking, business process
reengineering (BPR), and total quality management (TQM). This paper focuses
on COQ measurement and continuous quality improvement under ABC.
To promote To eliminate To reduce To reduce To improve
productivity waste throughput time cost quality
736 Goal
Continuous Process/Activity/Quality Improvement
Cost Driver Analysis Forcefield Analysis
Fishbone Diagram
Process/Activity Value
Analysis Business Process Cause and Effect Analysis
Resource Appraisal
Process Drivers
View Internal Failure
External Failure
Cost Activities Performance
Drivers Measures
Process Cost Approach
Flowcharted Activities
Drivers of Processes
Figure 4.
Integrated COQ-ABC Activity-Based Costing COQ Approach
framework Common Database
COQ measurement
For the PAF approach, the activities of the ABC model would be COQ-related
activities (prevention, appraisal, internal failure, and external failure) and COQ-
unrelated activities. In the first stage of ABC cost assignment view, resource
costs (including overhead costs) of the company are traced to various COQ-
unrelated and COQ-related activities (as shown in Table I) by using resource
drivers. The resources used by COQ-related activities may be people,
computers, equipment, material (parts), supplies, facilities, energy, and so on. If
a resource is dedicated to a single COQ-related activity, so the resource cost is
directly traced to that COQ-related activity. If a resource supports several COQ-
related and/or COQ-unrelated activities, the resource cost must be distributed
among these activities by using a appropriate resource driver. The resource
driver of people-related costs (salaries and benefits) will be time. If a COQ-
related activity uses a worker’s partial time, this COQ-related activity will
receive the worker’s salary and benefit according to its usage percentage of the
worker’s time. For another example, the resource driver of energy costs will be
kilowatt hours. The cost of any specific COQ-related activity will be achieved
by adding all the resource costs (i.e. activity cost elements) traced to that COQ-
related activity. Therefore, each of the four components of total COQ can be
obtained respectively by accumulating the costs of all the activities related to
that COQ component. Finally, total COQ is the sum of the four components’
costs. Accordingly, total COQ, four COQ components, and the costs of detailed
COQ-related activities can be achieved from the first stage of ABC cost
assignment view.
For the process cost approach, the activities of the ABC model would be
the flowcharted activities of various processes, including COC-related and
CONC-related activities. The method of tracing resource costs (including
overhead costs) to activities is the same as described above. The results
achieved in the first stage of ABC cost assignment view would be the costs of
flowcharted activities, total process costs, COC, and CONC of various
IJQRM The treatment of overheads in ABC is different from the practice of including
15,7 full overhead costs in direct labor charges to quality-related costs. It will
produce accurate quality costs and solve the usual problem in current COQ
systems: double-counting.
Another deficiency, mentioned before, of a combination of current COQ
systems and traditional cost accounting is the lack of information about how
738 indirect workers, whose costs are one part of overhead costs, spend their time
on various activities. This deficiency make prevention the most difficult of the
categories to cost because it depends heavily on the estimates of percentage of
time spent by indirect workers and staff (Dale and Plunkett, 1991, p. 44). In
practice, these estimates are often derived from information gathered from
interviews or questionnaires (Turney, 1991, p. 277). Nevertheless, the
information acquired from interviews and questionnaires may be under
suspicion because “the way that people actually spend their time, after all, can
often be quite different than the way they think that they spend it” (Miller, 1992).
To overcome this deficiency, Tsai (1996a) suggested using work sampling to
estimate the percentage of the indirect worker time spent on each activity. Work
sampling (Richardson, 1976), which utilizes the random sampling techniques,
allows one to understand the characteristics of a process by collecting data on
portions of a process rather than the entire process. This technique is
particularly useful in the analysis of nonrepetitive or irregularly occurring
activities. With the aid of computer software (Lund, 1990), it is feasible to use
work sampling to provide more accurate data of first stage resource drivers for
indirect workers in the integrated COQ-ABC systems.
Value-added (VA)
Required Activity PAF or non-value- Activity
Activities resources levels categories added (NVA) drivers
Total Total
Workers labor labor
Activities #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 hours $/hour costs
which provide the greatest opportunities for improvement. In view of this, the
department manager requests quality engineers and industrial engineers to
investigate the feasibility of changing 100 percent inspection to sampling
inspection and to develop the methods of reducing set-up time. In addition, total
cost of the PAF-related activities, inspection ($2,088), warranty repair ($1,120),
rework ($1,104), and maintenance ($530), accounts for 27.36 percent
($4,842/$17,696) of total manufacturing cost excluding direct material cost; the
first three PAF-related activities are non-value-added and their cost accounts for
24.37 percent ($4,312/$17,696). This indicates that there are great opportunities
for reducing quality costs and that there is an emerging need to identify where
the opportunities lie, illustrated in the next subsection.
Note that the company in this example separates idle capacity costs from
activity cost calculation. This is not for external financial reporting and just for
internal decision making. It will let managers know how much idle capacity
costs, push managers to deploy the unused resources, and avoid distorting
product costs.
Activity costs ($) Activity driver quantity $/activity Activity cost assignment ($)
Labor Machine Others Total Activity Product A Product B Total driver Product A Product B
Activities (1) (2) (3) (4) drivers (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Machining 2,000 4,416 6,416 Machine 124.2 96.6 220.8 29.06 3,609.00 2,807.00
hours (32.13) (28.88)
Rework 400 704 1,104 # of 43 32 75 14.72 632.96 471.04
reworks (5.63) (4.85)
Warranty repair 512 608 1,120 # of warranty 20 12 32 35.00 700.00 420.00
repairs (6.23) (4.32)
Inspection 1,392 696 2,088 # of tests 450 350 800 2.61 1,174.50 913.50
(10.45) (9.40)
Package 1,536 304 1,840 # of units 225 350 575 3.20 720.00 1,120.00
(6.41) (11.52)
Scheduling 208 208 # of batches 18 8 26 8.0 144.00 64.00
(1.28) (0.66)
Maintenance 448 82 530 Machine 124.2 96.6 220.8 2.40 298.13 231.87
hours (2.65) (2.39)
Set-up 1,600 320 1,920 # of set-ups 6 2 8 240.00 1,440.00 480.00
(12.82) (4.94)
Material handling 672 294 966 # of moves 9 14 23 42.00 378.00 588.00
(3.36) (6.05)
Idle 832 672 1,504 – – – – – – –
Total 9,600 6,400 1,696 17,696 Total activity cost 9,096.59 7,095.41
(80.97) (72.99)
Direct material cost 2,137.50 2,625.00
(19.03) (27.01)
Total product cost 11,234.09 9,270.41
(100) (100)
Production quantity 225 350
Unit product cost 49.93 27.77
1. Formulas for calculation: (4) = (1) + (2) + (3); (7) = (5) + (6); (8) = (4)/(7); (9) = (5) × (8); (10) = (6) × (8);
2. The percentages within parentheses of columns (9) and (10) are the percentages of total product cost
This Table includes total activity cost, direct material cost, total product cost, Quality cost
and unit product cost for each product. By using the resulting data shown in measurement
columns (9) and (10), the department can prepare a product cost analysis report
as shown in Table IX. This report portrays product costs by direct material cost
and activity costs, which is completely different from traditional cost report.
This example report gives the department manager the following implications:
• For the overall figures, total non-value-added cost accounts for 32.05 747
percent of total manufacturing cost; total COQ accounts for 21.56
percent. Thus, there will be great opportunities for improvement.
Product A incurs more non-value-added cost/quality cost than product B.
• For two high-cost activities, inspection and set-up, Product A incurs
more cost than Product B, especially for set-up. Thus, reducing set-up
time for Product A has the first priority in improving the set-up
ABC Company
Department: XYZ
Product Cost Analysis Report
Product A Product B Total
While most COQ measurements methods are activity/process oriented,
traditional cost accounting establishes cost accounts by the categories of
748 expenses, instead of activities. Thus, many COQ elements should be estimated
or collected by other methods. The main deficiencies of most COQ systems in
measuring COQ are:
• no consensus method to allocate overhead costs to COQ elements;
• the failure to trace quality costs to their sources; and
• the lack of information about how indirect workers spend their time on
various activities.
These deficiencies can be easily overcome under ABC together with work
sampling. Based on the similarities of COQ approaches and ABC, this paper
proposes an integrated COQ-ABC framework. Ideally, ABC and COQ systems
should be merged as one and share the common database in order to supply
various cost and nonfinancial information for the related management
techniques, ABM, TQM, and BPR. In addition, the integrated COQ-ABC
information system should be integrated with the existing company accounting
system eventually in order to reduce the resources required to manage the
system (Goulden and Rawlins, 1995) and to avoid data redundancy and
Under ABC, quality costs are achieved in the first stage of ABC cost
assignment view and then traced to their sources in the second stage of ABC
cost assignment view. ABC uses nested activity centers to create a multi-tier
COQ reporting system to meet various management’s information needs and
to support COQ responsibility accounting. The cost and nonfinancial
information achieved from the integrated COQ-ABC system can be used to
identify the magnitude of the quality improvement opportunities, to identify
where the quality improvement opportunities exist, and to continuously plan
the quality improvement programs and control quality costs. The long-term
goal of the integrated COQ-ABC system is to eliminate non-value-added
activities, which are related to appraisal and failure costs for the PAF approach
and CONC and some COC for the process cost approach, and to streamline
value-added activities/processes. Moreover, the ultimate goal will be to
continuously improve processes/activities/quality so that no defects at all are
produced and quality cost measurement ultimately becomes unnecessary.
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Appendix: Glossary of ABC/ABM terms mentioned in this paper (Raffish and Quality cost
Turney, 1991)
Activity. 1.Work performed within an organization. 2.An aggregation of actions performed within
an organization that is useful for purposes of activity-based costing.
Activity analysis. The identification and description of activities in an organization. Activity
analysis involves determining what activities are done within a department, how many people
perform the activities, how much time they spend performing the activities, what resources
are required to perform the activities, what operational data best reflect the performance of the 751
activities, and what value the activity has for the organization. Activity analysis is
accomplished by means of interviews, questionnaires, observation, and review of physical
records of work.
Activity attributes. Characteristics of individual activities. Attributes include cost drivers, cycle
time, capacity, and performance measures. For example, a measure of the elapsed time
required to complete an activity is an attribute.
Activity cost pool. A grouping of all cost elements associated with an activity.
Activity driver. A measure of the frequency and intensity of the demands placed on activities by
cost objects. An activity driver is used to assign costs to cost objects. It represents a line-item
on the bill of activities for a product or customer. An example is the number of part numbers,
which is used to measure the consumption of material-related activities by each product,
material type, or component. The number of customer orders measures the consumption of
order-entry activities by each customer. Sometimes an activity driver is used as an indicator
of the output of an activity, such as the number of purchase orders prepared by the purchasing
Activity-based costing (ABC). A methodology that measures the cost and performance of
activities, resources, and cost objects. Resources are assigned to activities, then activities are
assigned to cost objects based on their use. Activity-based costing recognizes the causal
relationships of cost drivers to activities.
Activity-based management (ABM). A discipline that focuses on the management of activities as
the route to improving the value received by the customer and the profit achieved by providing
this value. This discipline includes cost driver analysis, activity analysis, and performance
measurement. Activity-based management draws on activity-based costing as its major
source of information.
Best practices. A methodology that identifies an activity as the benchmark by which a similar
activity will be judged. This methodology is used to assist in identifying a process or
technique that can increase the effectiveness or efficiency of an activity. The source may be
internal (e.g. taken from another part of the company) or external (e.g. taken from a
competitor). Another term used is competitive benchmarking.
Cost driver. Any factor that causes a change in the cost of an activity. For example, the quality of
parts received by an activity (e.g. the percent that are defective) is a determining factor in the
work required by that activity because the quality of parts received affects the resources
required to perform the activity. An activity may have multiple cost drivers associated with it.
Cost driver analysis. The examination, quantification, and explanation of the effects of cost
drivers. Management often uses the results of cost driver analyses in continuous improvement
programs to help reduce throughput time, improve quality, and reduce cost.
Cost element. An amount paid for a resource consumed by an activity and included in an activity
cost pool. For example, power cost, engineering cost, and depreciation may be cost elements in
the activity cost pool for a machine activity.
Cost object. Any customer, product, service, contract, project, or other work unit for which a
separate cost measurement is desired.
Non-value-added activity. An activity that is considered not to contribute to customer value or to
the organization’s needs. The designation “non-value-added” reflects a belief that the activity
IJQRM can be redesigned, reduced, or eliminated without reducing the quantity, responsiveness, or
quality of the output required by the customer or the organization.
15,7 Pareto analysis. The identification and interpretation of significant factors using Pareto’s rule that
20 percent of a set of independent variables is responsible for 80 percent of the result. Pareto
analysis can be used to identify cost drivers or activity drivers that are responsible for the
majority of cost incurred by ranking the cost drivers in order of value.
Performance measures. Indicators of the work performed and the results achieved in an activity,
752 process, or organizational unit. Performance measure may be financial or nonfinancial. An
example of a performance measure of an activity is the number of defective parts per million.
An example of a performance measure of an organizational unit is return on sales.
Process. A series of activities that are linked to perform a specific objective. For example, the
assembly of a television set or the paying of a bill or claim entails several linked activities.
Resource. An economic element that is applied or used in the performance of activities. Salaries
and materials, for example, are resources used in the performance of activities.
Resource driver. A measure of the quantity of resources consumed by an activity. An example of
a resource driver is the percentage of total square feet occupied by an activity. This factor is
used to allocate a portion of the cost of operating the facilities to the activity.
Value-added activity. An activity that is judged to contribute to customer value or satisfy an
organizational need. The attribute “value-added” reflects a belief that the activity cannot be
eliminated without reducing the quantity, responsiveness, or quality of output required by a
customer or organization.
Value analysis. A cost-reduction and process-improvement tool that utilizes information collected
about business processes and examines various attributes of the process (e.g. diversity,
capacity, and complexity) to identify candidates for improvement efforts.