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General Certificate of Education

Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level


Paper 2 Practical Test
For Examination from 2008
Specimen Paper

2 hours 30 minutes
Additional Materials: Candidate Source Files


Make sure that your name, centre number and candidate number are clearly visible on every printout,
before it is sent to the printer.

Carry out every instruction in each task.

Before each printout you should proof-read the document to make sure that you have followed all
instructions correctly.

At the end of the assignment put all your printouts into the Assessment Record Folder.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

The businesses described in this paper are entirely fictitious.

This document consists of 6 printed pages.

 UCLES 2006 [Turn over


Read this scenario before attempting the paper

The South India Motor Company

The South India Motor Company manufactures motor cars and sells them through their own chain of
showrooms. They also provide servicing for cars that they have sold to customers.

Their main factory in Bangalore uses computers to control the car production line. Computers are
also used in the main factory for stock control and for production scheduling.

The offices in the main factory in Bangalore also deal with payroll for the whole company using the
main computer system.

The factory in Bangalore has a research and development section designing and testing new cars.

The company would like to use a computer system to diagnose faults in their car engines.

The headquarters of the company is in Chennai (Madras). Here, there are many offices connected by
a network of computers. These offices are used by different departments including:

• The Human Resources Department. They keep personnel records using a computer system,
arrange for their employees basic health care and organise the training of all of the company’s
• The sales department takes care of sales, sales forecasts and the monitoring of competitors.
• The marketing department is responsible for marketing and advertising.

At the moment the departments using the offices in Bangalore and Chennai can only communicate
using phone and fax (methods).

The company has a large number of car showrooms mainly in the area between Bangalore and
Chennai. They communicate with the departments in Bangalore and Chennai using phone and fax.

There is a major showroom at Vellore. This deals mainly with farm vehicles.

Many travelling sales people are based at Vellore but spend much of their time travelling to farms
trying to sell farm vehicles.

Because of traffic problems there have recently been a number of requests from office workers in
Bangalore to be able to work from home. The management are concerned, however, that this would
lead to an increase in expense due to having to pay travelling expenses:

• when workers had to bring their work into the main offices.
• getting workers together for meetings

 UCLES 2006 9713/02/SP08


You work as an ICT consultant for the South India Motor Company. You are going to test a trial
database to record and extract the payroll details of the employees in the company.
1 Using a suitable software package, create a new database.
2 Import the files SPEC2EMP.CSV, SPEC2BRN.CSV and SPEC2JOB.CSV
You will need to use the following information to create the tables: [8]

Field name Type Field name Type
PayNumber Text Code Integer

Name1 Text Branch Text

Name2 Text Address Text
BranchCode Integer Weighting Numeric: 2 decimal places
JobCode Integer
Field name Type
denotes primary key
Job Integer
Description Text
Rate Numeric: 2 decimal places

3 Print evidence of the three tables showing all of the field types. Make sure that
the primary keys are clearly visible on your printout. Place your name, centre
number and candidate number in the header of your pages. Save and print this
4 Establish the following One-to-Many Relationships:
SPEC2BRN.Code 1 ---- ∞ SPEC2EMP.BranchCode
SPEC2JOB.Job 1 ---- ∞ SPEC2EMP.JobCode [2]
5 Prepare a relationship diagram showing the relationships between these tables.
Make sure that the relationship types are clearly visible on your printout (you may
screen shot the editing of each relationship if necessary). Print your name, centre
number and candidate number in the header of your relationship diagram. Save
and print this diagram. [2]
6 Select only the full names, branch name and job descriptions of all the employees
involved in any way with Production
You will need to use the Description field to find this information. [3]
7 Sort this extract in ascending order of Branch names. Add the title Production
workers to this extract. Place your name, centre number and candidate number
in the header of your extract. Save and print this extract. [3]

© UCLES 2006 9713/02/SP08 [Turn over


You are going to prepare a summary report which identifies employees in some job
categories in selected sites.
8 Select from all the records only the details of employees where the Branch is
Chennai, or Bangalore or Vellore and where the JobCode is less than 70 [3]
9 Using this data, create a cross-tab (pivot table) which shows Description as row
labels and the branch names as the column headings. Show the number of
employees for each job type in each branch. [6]
10 Add the title Job categories at selected sites to the report. Place your name,
centre number and candidate number in the header of your report. Save and
print this report. [1]

You are going to extract a summary report showing the salaries of employees in the
maintenance department. To calculate the amount paid, the rate of pay is multiplied by a
11 Select from all the records only the details of employees with a JobCode of
between 30 and 39 [2]
12 Create a field called Pay which is calculated at run time. This must calculate
the Rate multiplied by the Weighting [4]
13 Select only the fields PayNumber, Name1, Name2, Branch, Address,
Description and Pay [1]
14 Create a grouped report, grouping the data by Branch
In each group heading show the Branch and Address
In each detail row show the PayNumber, Name1, Name2, Description and Pay
In each group footer, calculate the total Pay for the group
In the report footer, place your name, centre number, candidate number and
calculate the total Pay for the report [8]
15 Add the title Rates of pay for maintenance employees to the report. Ensure
that the report fits on a single page. Save and print this report. [1]

A new version of this report must be created without personal data visible. The manager
requires all names to be ‘blacked out’ and individual pay to be removed, without changing the
16 Copy the report saved at step 15. On the new copy, change the title to
Maintenance employees summary [1]
17 Remove the employee’s names by setting the background of ONLY the names
to black. Remove the individual pay figures by making these invisible. Ensure
that all other parts of the report are still visible. Save and print this report. [4]

The manager requires a graph to compare the number of employees and total wage bill at each
of the smaller offices.
18 Select from all the records only the branches with a branch Code of 4 or more.
Use this data to present the manager with a graph comparing the number of
employees and total wage bill at each of the smaller offices. Select the most
appropriate type of graph or chart to display the data. Make sure that each
data set is scaled so that it is visible. Ensure that your chart is labelled. Place
your name, centre number and candidate number on the chart. Save and print
this chart. [13]

 UCLES 2006 9713/02/SP08


The manager is considering changing the area weightings for employees’ wages and wishes to
try a different model using a spreadsheet with only a small selection of employees.
19 Using a suitable software package, load the file SPECAS2.CSV
20 Give the cell containing 0.853 the name ONE, the cell containing 1.02 the name
TWO and the cell containing 1.08 the name THREE [3]
21 Format all cells in rows 1 and 4 to be centre aligned, 10 point, italic and
emboldened. [2]
22 In the column headed OfficeCode enter a formula which extracts the numeric
value from the eighth character of the Reference
You may add extra column(s) to help. [5]
23 In the column headed Office enter a formula which, using the OfficeCode, looks
up the Branch from the external file SPEC2BRN.CSV [5]
24 In the column headed JobCode enter a formula which extracts the numeric
value from the last three characters of the Reference
You may add extra column(s) to help. [4]
25 In the column headed Rate enter a formula which, using the JobCode looks up
the rate from the external file SPEC2JOB.CSV [5]
26 In the column headed Salary enter a formula so that:
• If OfficeCode is 1 or 2, multiply the Rate by THREE
• If OfficeCode is 3, multiply the Rate by TWO
• If OfficeCode is 4 or more, multiply the Rate by ONE [7]
27 Replicate the formulae entered in steps 22 to 26 for every employee. [1]
28 Format the Rate and Salary columns so that they show Indian Rupees to 2
decimal places. [2]
29 Extract only the records where the job code is greater than 18 and less than 43 [2]
30 Create a header which says Extract 1 and a footer which contains your name,
centre number and candidate number. [1]
31 Save and print all details of this extract, adjusting the page layout if necessary
so that the whole table fits on a single page. Make sure that the contents of all
cells are visible. [2]
32 Change the wording of the header to Formulae Used [1]
33 Show only the columns in which you have used formulae. [1]
34 Print this extract in landscape format, showing all formulae instead of figures.
Ensure that all formulae and labels are fully visible. Show row and column
headings. [2]

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The company owns a website with a URL of www.southindiamotors.biz

This advertises the company’s products. In recent weeks another website has appeared with
a URL of www.southindiamotors.net
This website pretends to advertise the company products but gives some comparisons with
other vendors’ products which are not very favourable.
35 The board of directors are very upset with this new website. You must word
process a brief, single page report to be given to the press explaining why
websites are not always what they appear to be. Identify any features of the
website which would show its lack of credibility. Your report will be less than
300 words. Place your name, centre number and candidate number on the
report. Save and print this report. [15]

Copyright Acknowledgements:

Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

University of Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

 UCLES 2006 9713/02/SP08

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