English 8 (Correction) - 8-2

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(3) Complete the following dialogue using the sentences given in the box .

Write the number of the

sentence in the blank space.

The first one is done for you.

A. Hello.
B. ………5………………………………..

A. You’re not from India , are you ?

B. ………………………………………….

A. So , you’re a tourist here ?

B. …………………………………………..

A. Are you a student at Madras University ?

B. …………………………………………..

A. How will you travel to Delhi ?

B. …………………………………………...

A. ……………………………………………

B. Yes , I do.

1. I’ve already booked the train.

2. No , I’m at Delhi University.

3. Not really , I’m studying here.

4. DO you speak Hindi ?

5. Hello

6. No , I’m from Sri Lanka.

( 1 x 5 = 5 marks )

Nalanda College – Colombo 10 Page 2 Grade 8 – English – 2020 March

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