Paediatric Orthodontics Part 1: Anterior Open Bite in The Mixed Dentition
Paediatric Orthodontics Part 1: Anterior Open Bite in The Mixed Dentition
Paediatric Orthodontics Part 1: Anterior Open Bite in The Mixed Dentition
Orthodontics, University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
Part 1: Anterior
open bite in the DOI: 10.23804/ejpd.2019.20.01.15
mixed dentition
Abstract Introduction
Literature review
evidence-based conclusions. AOB with appliances during the mixed dentition is the risk
To the best of our knowledge [Lentini-Oliveira et al., 2014; of overcorrection, coupled with the retention phase that
Pisani et al., 2016; Feres et al., 2017] there are only two follows. The biological cost of retention between the first
systematic reviews that assessed the evidence regarding and the second phase can be very high: it will burn the
the early management of AOB [Erbay et al., 1995; Almeida, compliance of a likely phase two in the permanent dentition
2005]. In addition, treatment protocols aiming to eliminate and it will mask the severity of the open bite.
bad oral habits were only superficially considered in those
reviews, as only 12 had untreated matched subjects as Conclusion
control group and in all untreated AOB groups described in
those articles a spontaneous improvement was observed as The diagnostic criteria for anterior open bite in the mixed
well (a 75% self-correction) [Phelan et al., 2014]. dentition should be standardised and further investigated.
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with rigorous
Discussion methodology and a non-treated control group should be
carried on to elucidate not only the treatment modalities,
Diagnosis and the definition of the anterior open bite but also the need for treatment of the AOB during the
in the mixed dentition are the first issues to be discussed. mixed dentition and the pre-pubertal phase.
Indeed one possible explanation for the high prevalence No treatment should be performed to correct minimal
of open-bite from canine to canine at age 7 to 9 is the (1–3 mm) AOB in the mixed dentition. Only some other
incomplete eruption of the incisors. Diagnostic criteria malocclusions should be treated early when needed (i.e.
for anterior open bite in the mixed dentition should be posterior cross bite, mandibular shift etc.) [Rosa, 2012,
standardised. 2016].
The main conclusion of all meta-analyses and literature Before planning for correction of the AOB in the mixed
reviews is that “randomised controlled trials (RCTs) with dentition, other aspects— including tolerability, cost, and
rigorous methodology should be adopted to elucidate patients satisfaction—should be taken into consideration.
the interventions for treating anterior open bites”. RPCT The correlation between open bite and sleep-
are considered among the highest level of investigation, disordered breathing may be investigated together with
but, once again, the few RPCT available did not provided otorhinolaryngologists or other sleep professionals. In
knowledge not previously available from retrospective addition to the cephalometric measurements, masticatory,
studies and CTs. In addition, there is no sense in designing swallowing, respiratory functions, maxillary and mandibular
a PRCT to compare two different treatment modalities growth, as well as facial analysis should be evaluated to test
to correct AOB in the mixed dentition, when there is a the validity of the interventions.
significant probability that the negative overbite will self-
correct during growth in the pre-pubertal phase. The only References
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