Lembar Kerja Siswa Xi TKR
Lembar Kerja Siswa Xi TKR
Lembar Kerja Siswa Xi TKR
Di Susun Oleh :
(Sumber : World Health Organization)
The Global Response & Next Steps
1. The COVID-19 virus is a new pathogen that is highly contagious, can
spread quickly, and must be considered capable of causing
enormous health, economic and societal impacts in any setting. It is
not SARS and it is not influenza. Building scenarios and strategies
only on the basis of well-known pathogens risks failing to exploit all
possible measures to slow transmission of the COVID-19 virus,
reduce disease and save lives.
COVID-19 is not SARS and it is not influenza. It is a new virus with its
own characteristics. For example, COVID-19 transmission in children
appears to be limited compared with influenza, while the clinical
picture differs from SARS. Such differences, while based on limited
data, may be playing a role in the apparent efficacy of rigorously 19
applied non-pharmaceutical, public health measures to interrupt
chains of human-tohuman transmission in a range of settings in
China. The COVID-19 virus is unique among human coronaviruses in
its combination of high transmissibility, substantial fatal outcomes
in some high-risk groups, and ability to cause huge societal and
economic disruption. For planning purposes, it must be assumed
that the global population is susceptible to this virus. As the animal
origin of the COVID-19 virus is unknown at present, the risk of
reintroduction into previously infected areas must be constantly
considered. The novel nature, and our continuously evolving
understanding, of this coronavirus demands a tremendous agility in
our capacity to rapidly adapt and change our readiness and
response planning as has been done continually in China. This is an
extraordinary feat for a country of 1.4 billion people.
1. Terjemahkanlah, cermati dan pahami artikel berjudul
memahami virus Corona.
2. Carilah berbagai sumber belajar tentang Virus Corona, dapat
bersumber dari guru atau hasil browsing oleh siswa sendiri.
3. Virus memiliki beberapa jenis, secara umum memiliki
karakteristik, klasifikasi dan penyakit-penyakit yang dapat
disebabkannya yang khas . Analisislah karakteristik virus
berdasarkan :
a. Ciri-ciri virus
b. Bentuk virus
c. Struktur virus
d. Cara hidup virus
e. Perkembangbiakan virus
f. Klasifikasi Virus
g. Penyakit yang disebabkan virus