Final Exam
Final Exam
Final Exam
Theory and Practice Public Administration 200
Final Examination
The Philippines had proclaimed independence on July 12, 1898 and since then we
are still suffering from our government’s unhealthy bureaucracy. This is because of a
dozen or more problems in our government system, laws and the people itself. First
is graft and corruption, Corruption is the most non-tolerable type of administrative
problem as it involves unethical usage of public funds for private purposes. It goes
from as simple as bringing home of excess supplies from government offices to as
grave as creating ghost projects for ghost beneficiaries and hiring ghost suppliers
which costs millions of public funds. It has been a result of the administrative lack of
required transparency which lets the government officials have their own discretion
when it comes to the use of public funds. The next administrative problem is the
existence of red tape system in the administration. Red tape is the excessive
bureaucracy or adherence to rules and formalities especially in public businesses. It
hinders the administration or a certain bureaucracy from functioning fast as the
processes are long and must be followed when sometimes, the conditions does not
even apply. While we have already an anti-red tape law in place, a lot remains to be
done in terms of enforcing the policy and incentivizing people to encourage
efficiency, on the part of the public servants, and vigilance among the public as end-
users. Another problem which is not considered a problem by some people but
rather an advantage to those who have certain governmental connections/networks
is the Padrino System. Yes, there may be a policy that requires civil servants to be
hired based on merits (merit-based) and not on a patron-based system. However,
the Padrino system still takes place when it comes to the situation in which there are
many Civil Service Exam passers applying for the same position. Instead of looking
further and testing the capacities of each applicant, the Padrino system, if applicable
could somehow affect the decision-making. If one applicant has a so called “backer”
or “padrino”, that person will have a better chance of being hired compared to the
other applicants regardless of their credentials and experiences. Lastly would be the
Political dynasties, generally understood as the concentration of political power in the
hands of a family or clan, are an example of an extractive political institution. By
concentrating and perpetuating power in families or clans, political dynasties prevent
the emergence of broad-based political and economic institutions.
Why is there a need to separate the power of the state? Since history, unlimited
power in hands of one entity, person or group in most cases others are curtailed and
surprised by their powers. This is why the separation of powers/branches of
government was created to prevent abuse of power and to safeguard freedom for all.
The Executive that execute the laws, The Legislative that makes the laws and the
Judiciary who complies and examine the laws if it is constitutional. This provides a
system of Check and Balance. The principle “check” is to empower each branch to
review the work of other branches, while balance aims to ensure that no individual or
group of people in government is ‘all powerful’. Power is shared and not
concentrated in one branch.