Chandler 1984
Chandler 1984
Chandler 1984
ALFRED D. CHANDLER, JR., is Isidor Straus Professor of Business History at Harvard Business
School. Financial support for this article was provided by the Harvard Business School's Division of
Research and the German Marshall Fund.
Business History Review 58 (winter 1984). © 1984 by The President and Fellows of Harvard College.
' Raymond de Roover, The Rise and Decline of the Medici Bank, 1397-1494 (Cambridge, 1963), 87,
91. The earlier Peruzzi bank had branches managed by employees (fattore). "However, all branches of
major importance were managed by partners" (80).
Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., The Visible Hand (Cambridge, 1977), chaps. 3-6 for the coming of such
hierarchies to manage railroad and telegraph systems, and chap. 7 for their use in the management of
mass distribution. Pages 231-32 describe the organization of Sears Roebuck.
20 Food 22 13 0 1 1 2 17 39
21 Tobacco 3 3 1 0 0 0 4 7
22 Textiles 7 3 0 2 1 0 6 13
23 Apparel 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
24 Lumber 4 0 0 0 0 2 2 6
25 Furniture 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 Paper 7 3 0 0 0 0 3 10
27 Printing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Chemical 24 4 5 3 6 10 28 52
29 Petroleum 14 2 0 0 2 8 12 26
30 Rubber 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 10
31 Leather 2 0 0 0 0 0 () 2
32 Stone, clay, and glass 7 3 0 0 3 2 8 15
33 Primary metal 13 2 9 5 4 15 35 48
34 Fabricated metal 8 5 1 0 0 0 6 14
35 Machinery 22 2 3 2 0 5 12 34
36 Electrical machinery 20 4 5 7 2 7 25 45
37 Transportation equipment 22 3 3 7 4 6 23 45
38 Measuring instruments 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 5
39 Miscellaneous 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Diversified/conglomerate 19 2 1 0 0 0 3 22
TOTAL 211 50 29 28 24 59 190 401
Source: Fortune, May 1974 and August 1974.
Note: In 1970 the 100 largest industrials accounted for more than a third of net manufacturing output in the United States and over 45 percent in the United Kingdom. In 1930
they accounted for about 25 percent of total net output in both countries.
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The Multidivisional Structure
The Distribution of the 200 Largest Manufacturing Firms in the
United States, by Industry8
SIC GROUP 1917 1930 1948 1973
20 Food 30 32 26 22
21 Tobacco 6 5 5 3
22 Textiles 5 3 6 3
23 Apparel 3 0 0 0
24 Lumber 3 4 1 4
25 Furniture 0 1 1 0
26 Paper 5 7 6 9
27 Printing and publishing 2 3 2 1
28 Chemical 20 18 24 27
29 Petroleum 22 26 24 22
30 Rubber 5 5 5 5
31 Leather 4 2 2 0
32 Stone, clay, and glass 5 9 5 7
33 Primary metal 29 25 24 19
34 Fabricated metal 8 10 7 5
35 Machinery 20 22 24 17
36 Electrical machinery 5 5 8 13
37 Transportation equipment 26 21 26 19
38 Instruments 1 2 3 4
39 Miscellaneous 1 1 1 1
Diversified/conglomerate 0 0 0 19
TOTAL 200 200 200 200
Why did they grow in the same manner, first integrating forward into
volume distribution, next taking on other functions, and then becom-
ing multinational and finally multiproduct?
Because these enterprises initially grew by integrating mass produc-
tion with volume distribution, answers to these critical questions re-
quire a careful look at both these processes. Mass production is an
attribute of specific technologies. In some industries the primary way
to increase output was to add more workers and machines; in others it
was to improve and rearrange the inputs, by improving the machinery,
furnaces, stills, and other equipment, by reorienting the process of
production within the plant, by placing the several intermediate pro-
cesses of production required for a finished product within a single
works, and by increasing the application of energy (particularly fossil
fuel energy). The first set of industries remained "labor intensive"; the
second set became "capital intensive." In the latter category, the tech-
The Distribution of the 200 Largest Manufacturing Firms in the
United Kingdom, by Industry11
SIC CROUP 1919 1930 1948 1973
20 Food 63 64 52 33
21 Tobacco 3 4 8 4
22 Textiles 26 24 18 10
23 Apparel 1 3 3 0
24 Lumber 0 0 0 2
25 Furniture 0 0 0 0
26 Paper 4 5 6 7
27 Printing and publishing 5 10 7 7
28 Chemical 11 9 15 21
29 Petroleum 3 3 3 8
30 Rubber 3 3 2 6
31 Leather 0 0 0 3
32 Stone, clay, and glass 2 6 5 16
33 Primary metal 35 18 28 14
34 Fabricated metal 2 7 8 7
35 Machinery 8 7 7 26
36 Electrical machinery 11 18 13 14
37 Transportation equipment 20 14 22 16
38 Instruments 0 1 4 3
39 Miscellaneous 3 4 3 1
Diversified/conglomerate 0 0 0 2
TOTAL 200 200 204 200
••Ranked by sales for 1973 and by market value of quoted capital for the other years.
The Distribution of the 200 Largest Manufacturing Firms in
Germany, by Industry3
SIC CROUP 1913 1928 1953 1973
20 Food 23 28 23 24
21 Tobacco 1 0 0 6
22 Textiles 13 15 19 4
23 Apparel 0 0 0 0
24 Lumber 1 1 2 0
25 Furniture 0 0 0 0
26 Paper 1 2 3 2
27 Printing and publishing 0 1 0 6
28 Chemical 26 27 32 30
29 Petroleum 5 5 3 8
30 Rubber 1 1 3 3
31 Leather 2 3 2 1
32 Stone, clay, and glass 10 9 9 15
33 Primary metal 49 47 45 19
34 Fabricated metal 8 7 8 14
35 Machinery 21 19 19 29
36 Electrical machinery 18 16 13 21
37 Transportation equipment 19 16 14 14
38 Instruments 1 2 4 2
39 Miscellaneous 1 1 1 1
Diversified/conglomerate 0 0 0 1
TOTAL 200 200 200 200
•'Ranked In sales for 1973 and bv assets for the other three vears.
The Distribution of the 200 Largest Manufacturing Firms in Japan,
by Industry3
SIC CROUP 1918 1930 1954 1973
20 Food 31 30 26 18
21 Tobacco 1 1 0 0
22 Textiles 54 62 23 11
23 Apparel 2 2 1 0
24 Lumber 3 1 0 1
25 Furniture 0 0 0 0
26 Paper 12 6 12 10
27 Printing and publishing 1 1 0 2
28 Chemical 23 22 38 34
29 Petroleum 6 5 11 13
30 Rubber 0 1 1 5
31 Leather 4 1 0 0
32 Stone, clay, and glass 16 14 8 14
33 Primary metal 21 22 28 27
34 Fabricated metal 4 3 6 5
35 Machinery 4 4 10 16
36 Electrical machinery 7 12 15 18
37 Transportation equipment 9 11 18 20
38 Instruments 1 1 3 5
39 Miscellaneous 1 1 0 1
Diversified/conglomerate 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 200 200 200 200
''Ranked hv assets.
Details and documentation are given in a case by Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., "The Standard Oil Com-
pany—Combination, Consolidation and Integration," in The Coming of Managerial Capitalism: A Case-
book on the History of American Economic Institutions, eds. Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., and Richard S.
Tedlow (Homewood, 111., 1985).
refineries, but from the oil fields to the refineries and from the refi-
neries to the consumers. The resulting rationalization made it possible
to concentrate close to a quarter of the world's production of kerosene
in three refineries, each with an average daily charging capacity of
6,500 barrels, with two-thirds of their product going to overseas mar-
kets. (At this time the refined petroleum products were by far the
nation's largest nonagricultural export.) Imagine the diseconomies of
scale—the great increase in unit costs—that would result from placing
close to one-fourth of the world's production of shoes, or textiles, or
lumber in three factories or mills!
This reorganization of the trust's refining facilities brought a sharp
reduction in the average cost of producing a gallon of kerosene. It
dropped from 1.5 cents a gallon before reorganization to 0.54 cents in
1884 and 0.45 cents in 1885 (while profits rose from 0.53 to 1.003 cents
per gallon), with costs at the giant refineries being still lower—far be-
low those of any competitor. Maintaining this cost advantage, however,
required that these large refineries have a continuing daily throughput
of from 5,000 to 6,500 barrels—a three- to fourfold increase over their
earlier daily flow of 1,500 to 2,000 barrels, with concomitant increases
in the number of transactions handled and in the complexity of coor-
dinating the flow of materials through the process of production and
The Standard Oil story was by no means unique. In the 1880s and
1890s new mass production technologies—those of the Second Indus-
trial Revolution—brought sharp reduction in costs as plants reached
minimum efficient scale. In many industries the level of output was so
high at that scale that a few plants could meet existing national and
even global demand. The structure of these industries quickly became
oligopolistic. Their few large enterprises competed worldwide. In
many instances the first enterprise to build a plant with a high mini-
mum efficient scale and to recruit the essential management team has
remained the leader in its industry until this day. A brief review of
Tables 1 through 5 illustrates this close relationship between scale
economies, the size of the enterprise, and industrial concentration in
the industries in which large enterprises cluster.
In SIC groups 20 and 21—food, drink, and tobacco—brand new pro-
duction processes in the refining of sugar and vegetable oils, in the
milling of wheat and oats, and in the making of cigarettes brought rapid
reductions in costs. In cigarettes, for example, the invention of the
Bonsack machine in the early 1880s permitted the first entrepreneurs
who adopted the machine—James B. Duke in the United States and
the Wills brothers in Britain—to reduce labor costs sharply, in the
Wills' case from 4 shillings per 1,000 to 0.3 pence per thousand. 4 Un-
derstandably Duke and the Wills soon dominated and then divided the
world market. In addition, most companies in group 20, and also those
producing consumer chemicals, such as soap, cosmetics, paints, and
pills, pioneered in the use of new high-volume techniques for pack-
aging their products in small units that could be placed directly on
retailers' shelves. The most important of these was the "automatic-
line " canning process invented in the mid 1880s, which permitted the
filling of 4,000 cans an hour. The names of these pioneers—Campbell
Soup, Heinz, Borden's, Carnation, Nestle, Cadbury, Cross and Black-
well, Lever, Procter & Gamble, Colgate, and others—are still well
known today.
In chemicals (group 29) the new technologies brought even sharper
cost reductions in industrial than in packaged consumer products. The
mass production of synthetic dyes and synthetic alkalis began in the
1880s. It came a little later in synthetic nitrates, synthetic fibers, plas-
tics, and film. The first three firms to produce the new synthetic blue
dye, alizarine, reduced their production costs from 200 marks per kilo-
gram in the 1870s to 9 marks by 1886; and today, a century later, those
three firms—Bayer, BASF, and Hochest—are still the three largest
German chemical companies.5
Rubber production (group 30), like oil, benefited from scale econ-
omies, even more in the production of tires than in rubber footwear
and clothing. Of the ten rubber companies listed in Table 1, nine built
their first large factory between 1900 and 1908.6 Since then the Japa-
nese company, Bridgestone, has been the only major new entrant into
the global oligopoly.
In metals (group 34) the scale economies made possible by main-
taining a high volume throughput were also striking. Andrew Carnegie
was able to reduce the cost of making steel rails by the new Bessemer
steel process from close to $100 a ton in the early 1870s to $12 by the
late 1890s." In nonferrous metals, the electrolytic refining process in-
vented in the 1880s brought even more impressive cost reductions,
permitting the price of a kilogram of aluminum to fall from 87.5 francs
B. W. E. Alford, W.D. b HO. Wills and the Development of the U.K. Tobacco Industry (London,
1973), 143-49. Also Chandler, Visible Hand, 249-58.
Sachio Kahu, "The Development and Structure of the German Coal-Tar Dyestuffs Firms," in De-
velopment and Diffusion of Technology, ed. Akio Okochi and Hoshimi Uchida (Tokyo, 1979), 78.
This statement is based on a review of histories of and internal reports and pamphlets by the leading
rubber companies.
Harold Livesay, Andrew Carnegie and the Rise of Big Business (Boston, 1975), 102-6, 155. When
in 1873 Carnegie opened the first works directed entirely to producing rails by the Bessemer process, he
reduced cost to $56.64 a ton. By 1895, with increase in sales, the costs fell to $25 a ton.
in 1888 to 47.5 francs in 1889, 19 francs at the end of 1890, and 3.75
francs in 1895.8
In the machinery-making industries (groups 35-37) new technolo-
gies based on the fabricating and assembling of interchangeable metal
parts were perfected in the 1880s. By 1886, for example, Singer Sew-
ing Machine had two plants, one in New Jersey and the other in Glas-
gow, each producing 8,000 machines a week.9 To maintain their out-
put, which satisfied three-fourths of the world demand, required an
even more tightly scheduled coordination of flows of materials into,
through, and out of the plant than did the mass production of packaged
goods, chemicals, and metals. By the 1890s a tiny number of enter-
prises using comparable plants supplied the world demand for type-
writers, cash registers, adding machines, and other office equipment;
for harvesters, reapers, and other agricultural machinery; and for the
newly invented electrical and other volume-produced industrial ma-
chinery. The culmination of these processes came with the mass pro-
duction of the automobile. By installing the moving assembly line in
his Highland Park plant in 1913, Henry Ford reduced the labor time
used in putting together a Model T chassis from 12 hours 28 minutes
to one hour 33 minutes.10 This dramatic increase in throughput per-
mitted Ford to drop the price of the touring car from more than $600
in 1913 to $490 in 1914 to $290 in the 1920s; to pay the highest wages;
and to acquire one of the world's largest fortunes in an astonishingly
short time.
In the older, technologically simple, labor-intensive industries such
as apparel, textiles, leather, lumber, and publishing and printing, nei-
ther technological nor organizational innovation substantially increased
minimum efficient scale. As the tables show, few large firms appeared
in these SIC groups. In these industries the opportunities for cost re-
duction through material coordination of high volume throughput by
managerial teams remained limited. Large plants could not achieve
significant cost advantages over small ones.
The differentials in potential scale economies of different production
technologies indicate not only why the large hierarchical firms ap-
peared in some industries and not in others, but also why they ap-
peared suddenly in the last decades of the nineteenth century. Only
with the completion of the modern transportation and communication
networks—those of the railroad, telegraph, steamship, and cable—
* L. F. Haber, The Chemical Industry during the Nineteenth Century (Oxford, 1958), 92.
Chandler, Visible Hand, 302-14.
Allan Nevins, Ford: The Times, the Man, the Company (New York, 1954), chaps. 18-20 (esp. 473,
489, 511); Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., Giant Enterprise: Ford, General Motors and the Automobile Industry
(New York, 1980), 26.
could materials flow into a factory or processing plant and the finished
goods move out at the speed and volume required to achieve substan-
tial economies of throughput. Transportation that depended on the
power of animals, wind, and current was too slow, too irregular, and
too uncertain to maintain a level of throughput necessary to achieve
modern economies of scale.
However, such scale and throughput economies do not in them-
selves explain why the new mass producers elected to integrate for-
ward into mass distribution. Coordination might have been achieved
through contractual agreement with intermediaries, both buyers and
sellers. Such an explanation requires a more precise understanding of
the process of volume distribution, particularly why the wholesaler,
retailer, or other commercial intermediaries lost their cost advantage
vis-a-vis the volume producer.
The intermediaries' cost advantage lay in exploiting both economies
of scale and what have been termed "economies of scope." Because
they handled the products of many manufacturers, they achieved a
greater volume and lower unit cost (i.e. scale) than any one manufac-
turer in the marketing and distribution of a single line of products.
Moreover, they increased this advantage by the broader scope of their
operation, that is, by handling a number of related product lines
through a single set of facilities. This was true of the new volume
wholesalers in apparel, dry goods, groceries, hardware, and the like,
and even more true of the new mass retailers—the department store,
the mail order house, and the chain or multiple-shop enterprise.
The commercial intermediaries lost their cost advantages when
manufacturers' output reached a comparable scale. As one economist
has pointed out, "The intermediary will have a cost advantage over its
customers and suppliers only as long as the volume of transactions in
which he engages comes closer to that [minimum efficient] scale than
do the transactions volumes of his customers or suppliers. " n This
rarely happened in retailing, except in heavily concentrated urban
markets, but it often occurred in wholesaling. In addition, the advan-
tages of scope were sharply reduced when marketing and distribution
required specialized, costly, product-specific facilities and skills that
could not be used to handle other product lines. By investing in such
product-specific personnel and facilities, the intermediary not only lost
the advantages of scope but became dependent on what were usually
a small number of producers.
All these new high-volume enterprises created their own sales or-
Scott ]. Moss, An Economic Theory of Business Strategy (New York, 1981), 110-11.
Chandler, Visible Hand, 299-302, 391-402.
for the best sites. Those packers who had made the investment in re-
frigerated cars and storage facilities before the end of the decade con-
tinued as the "Big Five" to dominate the industry for a half-century.
In the 1880s neither the railroad nor the wholesale butchers had an
incentive to invest in this equipment. Indeed, they had a positive dis-
incentive. The railroads already had a major investment in cattle cars
to move live animals; this business was, next to wheat, their largest
traffic generator. The wholesale butchers were organized specifically
to handle the cattle delivered to them by the railroad. Both fought the
packers and their new product vigorously, but with relatively little suc-
cess. In this and the next decade, the producers of bananas—primarily
United Fruit—and the makers of beer for the national market, includ-
ing Pabst, Schlitz, and Anheuser-Busch, made comparable investment
in refrigerated distribution facilities.
Refined petroleum as well as vegetable or animal oil could be
shipped more cheaply in specialized tank cars and ships, stored in local
tank farms, and then packaged close to the final markets. Wholesalers
hesitated to make such extensive investments as they would be wholly
dependent for their continued use and profitability on a small number
of high-volume suppliers.13 When the coming of the automobile re-
quired still another new and costly distribution investment in pumps
and service stations to provide roadside supplies to motorists, whole-
salers were even less enthusiastic about making the necessary invest-
ment. On the other hand, the refiners, by making the investment,
were able not only to control the scheduling of throughput necessary
to maintain their high minimum efficient scale but also to guard against
adulteration, a danger if packaging were done by independent whole-
salers. In the case of gasoline, in order to avoid the costs of operating
the pumps and service stations, most oil companies preferred to lease
the equipment they purchased or produced to franchised dealers. In
tires, similarly, mass production benefited from the economies of
throughput and mass sales required a specialized product-specific dis-
tribution network. Although tire companies occasionally owned their
retail outlets, they preferred to rely on franchised retail dealers.
The mass marketing of new machines that were mass produced
through the fabricating and assembling of interchangeable parts re-
quired a greater investment in personnel to provide the specialized
Standard Oil only began to make an extensive investment in distribution after the formation of the
Trust and the resulting rationalization of production and with it the great increase in throughput. Harold
F. Williamson and Arnold R. Daum, The American Petroleum Industry, The Age of Illumination, 1859-
1899 (Evanston, III., 1959), 687-96. For investment in gasoline pumps and service stations see Harold
F. Williamson et. al. The American Petroleum Industry: The Age of Energy, 1899-1959 (Evanston, III.,
1963), 217-30, 466-87, 675-86.
Chandler, Visible Hand. 402-11.
The analysis of these differences is based on detailed research by the author of available histories,
company and government reports, business journals, and internal company documents dealing with these
many enterprises.
W. S. and E. S. Woytinsky, World Population and Production (New York, 1953), 383-85.
American Multinationals in 1914"
American Chicle American Bicycle
American Cotton Oil American Gramophone
Armour American Radiator
Coca-Cola Crown Cork & Seal
H. J. Heinz Chicago Pneumatic Tool
Quaker Oats Ford
Swift General Electric
American Tobacco International Harvester
British American Tobacco International Steam Pump
sic CROUPS 28, 29, AND 30: Mergenthaler Linotype
Carborundum Otis Elevator
Parke Davis (drug) Singer
Sherwin-Williams Torrington
Sterns & Co. (drug) United Shoe Machinery
United Drug (drug) Western Electric
Virginia-Carolina Chemical Westinghouse Air Brake
Du Pont Westinghouse Electric
Standard Oil of NJ.
Alcoa (33)
Gillette (34)
Eastman Kodak (38)
Diamond Match (39)
Source: Mira Wilkins, The Emergence of Multinational Enterprise (Cambridge, 1970), 212-13, 216.
•'American companies with two or more plants abroad or one plant and raw material producing
Chandler, Visible Hand, Chap. 10.
product lines not only greatly increased the size and complexity of the
enterprise but still further scattered stock ownership. By then owners
rarely participated in managerial decisions. At best they or their rep-
resentatives were "outside" directors who met with the inside directors
(the full-time salaried managers) monthly at most and usually only four
times a year. For these meetings the inside directors set the agenda,
provided the information on which decisions were made, and of course
were responsible for implementing the decisions. The outside direc-
tors still had the veto power, but they had neither the time, the infor-
mation, nor the experience, and rarely even the motivation, to propose
alternate courses of action. By World War I, managerial capitalism had
become firmly entrenched in the major sectors of the American
'* I. C. R. Byatt, The British Electrical Industry, 1875-1914 (Oxford, 1979), 150.
For Nobel, see W. J. Reader, Imperial Chemical Industries: A History, (London, 1970), 1:388-94;
for Lever Brothers, see Charles H. Wilson, History of Unilever (London, 1954), 2:302, 345.
older industries diversified into new product lines, the ability of rep-
resentatives of banks to bypass the inside managers and therefore to
participate in top management decisions lessened. Even so, banks still
play a more significant role in German enterprises than they do in
American, just as British family members are still more important in
top management decisions than those in the United States.
As the Japanese experience illustrates, the vast increase in the num-
ber and complexity of decisions required to coordinate the activities of