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Energy Regulatory Commission: Republic of The Philippines San Miguel Avenue, Pasig City

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Republic of the Philippines


San Miguel Avenue, Pasig City



Pursuant to Sections 25 and 67 of Republic Act No. 9136 or “the Act” and
Part II, Rule 5, Section 6 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of
the Act, the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) hereby adopts and
promulgates this guidelines:

(a) To establish the process for determining when the recovery of

the generation component of the supply of electricity in the Retail Rates of a
Distribution Utility should be limited by the rate contained within the Transition
Supply Contract (“TSC”);

(b) To establish procedures, standards and criteria for the full

recovery of prudent and reasonable economic costs related to the generation
component included in the Retail Rates charged by Distribution Utilities for the
supply of electricity to their Captive Market; and

(c) To establish guidelines for the approval of new generation

contracts by the ERC.



This Guidelines shall have the following objectives:

(a) To ensure the continued quality, reliability, security and

affordability of the supply of electric power;

(b) To ensure the transparent and reasonable prices of electric

service in a regime of free and fair competition and full public accountability to
achieve greater operational and economic efficiency;

(c) To enhance the inflow of private capital and broaden the

ownership base in the power generation sector of the industry; and

(d) To encourage the efficient use of energy and other modalities of

demand side management.



Section 1. Scope – This Guidelines shall apply to:

(a) National Power Corporation;

(b) Generation Companies, excluding SPUG;

(c) National Transmission Corporation;

(d) Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corporation;

(e) Department of Energy;

(f) Distribution Utilities; and

(g) Combinations of Distribution Utilities.

Section 2. Definition of Terms - As used in this Guidelines, the following

terms shall have the following respective meanings:

(a) “Act” unless otherwise stated, shall refer to Republic Act

No. 9136, otherwise known as the “Electric Power Industry Reform Act of

(b) “Captive Market” shall refer to electricity end-users who do not

have the choice of a supplier of electricity, as may be determined by the
Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) in accordance with the Act;

(c) “Certificate of Compliance” shall refer to the document issued

by the ERC to a Generation Company pursuant to the Act, the Implementing
Rules and Regulations of the Act and the applicable ERC Guidelines;

(d) “Contestable Market” shall refer to electricity end-users who

have choice of a supplier of electricity, as may be determined by the ERC in
accordance with the Act;

(e) “Department of Energy” or “DOE” shall refer to the

government agency created pursuant to Republic Act No. 7638 which is
provided with the additional mandate under the Act of supervising the
restructuring of the electricity industry, developing policies and procedures,
formulating and implementing programs, and promoting a system of
incentives that will encourage private sector investments and reforms in the
electricity industry and ensuring an adequate and reliable supply of electricity;

(f) “Demand Side Management” or “DSM” shall refer to
measures undertaken by Distribution Utilities to encourage end-users in the
proper management of their load to achieve efficiency in the utilization of fixed
infrastructures in the system;

(g) “Distribution Utility” shall refer to any electric cooperative,

private corporation, government-owned utility or existing local government unit
which has an exclusive franchise to operate a distribution system in
accordance with its franchise and the Act;

(h) “Energy Regulatory Commission” or “ERC” shall refer to the

regulatory agency created by Section 38 of the Act;

(i) “Generation Company” shall refer to any person or entity

authorized by the ERC to operate facilities used in the generation of

(j) “Generation Rate Adjustment Mechanism (GRAM)” shall

refer to the mechanism which allows the periodic adjustment to the
Generation Rate to reflect changes in fuel and purchased power costs after a
review by the ERC before costs are passed on to customers;

(k) “Grid” shall refer to the high backbone system of

interconnected transmission lines, substations and related facilities;

(l) “Incremental Currency Exchange Rate Adjustment (ICERA)”

shall refer to the mechanism which allows the periodic adjustment to the
FOREX Adjustment/CERA to reflect the changes in currency exchange after a
review by the ERC before said changes are passed on to customers;

(m) “National Power Corporation” or “NPC” shall refer to the

government corporation created under Republic Act No. 6395, as amended;

(n) “National Transmission Corporation or TRANSCO” shall

refer to the corporation organized pursuant to the Act to acquire all the
transmission assets of the NPC;

(o) “Power Development Program” or “PDP” shall refer to the

indicative plan for managing electricity demand through energy-efficient
programs and for the upgrading, expansion, rehabilitation, repair and
maintenance of power generation and transmission facilities, formulated and
updated yearly by the DOE in coordination with the generation, transmission
and distribution utility companies;

(p) “PSALM Corporation” or “PSALM” or ”Power Sector Assets
and Liabilities Management Corporation” shall refer to the
Government – owned and controlled corporation created pursuant to Section
49 of the Act, which took ownership of all existing NPC generation assets,
liabilities, IPP contracts, real estate, and all other disposable assets;

(q) “Region” shall refer to the three (3) separate Grids, namely
Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao;

(r) “Regional Rate Schedule” shall refer to the schedule of rates,

including adjustments and/or indexation formulas, contained within the TSCs
offered by NPC for each Region;

(s) “Regional TSC Availability Record” shall refer to the record

created and updated pursuant to Section 1, Article IV;

(t) “Retail Rate” shall refer to the total price paid by end-users
consisting of the charges for generation, transmission and related ancillary
services, distribution, supply and other related charges for electric service;

(u) “Supplier” shall refer to any Person licensed by the ERC to

sell, broker, market or aggregate electricity to end-users; and

(v) “Transition Supply Contract” or “TSC” shall refer to a

contract for electricity supply filed with the ERC by NPC in accordance with
Section 67 of the Act.



Section 1. Filing and Approval of Supplemental Agreements for Existing

NPC Supply Contracts - Not later than thirty (30) days following the
effectivity of this guidelines NPC shall file with the ERC the supplementary
agreements for existing executed power supply contracts with Distribution
Utilities. The supplemental agreements shall include, at the minimum, the
term of the supplemental agreement, the quantity of capacity and energy
being contracted and the regional rate schedule. The ERC shall act on the
supplemental agreement within sixty (60) days from the acceptance of the

Section 2. NPC’s Offering of New TSCs to Distribution Utilities – Not

later than sixty (60) days following the effectivity of this guidelines NPC shall
offer TSCs to all Distribution Utilities in each Region subject to availability and
in accordance with Section 4, Article III.

Section 3. Initial Requests by Distribution Utilities for TSCs - Not later
than thirty (30) days following the offer from NPC of a TSC, the Distribution
Utility shall submit a letter of intent to enter into a TSC with NPC to the Office
of the President of NPC and the Office of the President of PSALM. The
Distribution Utility shall simultaneously provide a copy to ERC on all letters of
intent. A letter of intent shall include the hourly schedule of demand and
energy, if available, during the term of the TSC, with as much detail or
specificity as possible, for which the Distribution Utility intends to contract.

Section 4. Allocation of TSCs within each Region – In the event that NPC
lacks sufficient capacity and/or energy in any Region to fulfill all the requests
for TSCs in that Region as evidenced by the letters of intent received
pursuant to Section 4 above, each Distribution Utility requesting a TSC shall
have its request reduced prorata with all other requests for TSCs in that

Section 5. Filing and Approval of an Executed TSC – NPC shall file with
the ERC, for its approval, all TSCs duly negotiated and executed with any
Distribution Utility. The ERC shall issue their final approval of such TSCs
within ninety (90) days following acceptance of the filing.




Section 1. Record of Available TSCs by Region - Not later than thirty (30)
days following the effectivity of this guidelines, NPC and TRANSCO shall
jointly file, for each Region, an initial Regional TSC Availability Record. Such
filing shall include by Region:

(a) the total NPC generation capacity and energy eligible for TSCs
pursuant to Section 67 of the Act including limitations due to fuel supply, if
any, for a period of time equivalent to the term of the proposed or executed

(b) all transmission limitations including, but not limited to, the
maximum transfer capability to each potential buyer in each region within
applicable system reliability and security parameters;

(c) the generation capacity and energy taken up by executed TSCs,

supplemental agreements to TSCs and any other contractual agreements of

(d) the generation capacity and energy expected to be taken up by
pending TSCs; and

(e) the generation capacity and energy still available to Distribution

Utilities under TSCs.

The filing shall include all supporting data, documentation, calculations, and
analyses, operating levels, security constraints and ancillary services
requirement. Such filing shall be certified by the Department of Energy
(DOE). Within six (6) months of the filing of the initial Regional TSC
Availability Record, and every six (6) months thereafter during the term of the
TSCs, NPC and TRANSCO shall file an updated Regional TSC Availability
Record duly certified by the DOE.

Section 2. Primary Limitation on the Recovery of Costs through the

Retail Rates - For the term of the TSCs, the recovery of costs by a
Distribution Utility for the generation component of their supply of electricity in
their Retail Rate shall be limited to the applicable Regional TSC Rate:
Provided, That an equivalent quality and quantity of electricity is still available
to the Distribution Utility under the applicable regional TSC as demonstrated
by the Regional TSC Availability Record. In determining the appropriate
limitation on recovery of costs of the generation component in the Retail
Rates, the applicable Regional TSC rate shall be for the same period as the
generation capacity and energy arrangement for which the Distribution Utility
is seeking recovery of costs in the Retail Rate. The recovery of costs incurred
by a Distribution Utility for any generation component in excess of the
applicable TSC Regional Rate, as updated shall be disallowed by ERC,
except for eligible contracts as defined under Section 33 of the Act.

Section 3. Secondary Limitation on the Recovery of Costs through the

Retail Rates - The limitation on recovery of costs for the generation
component in the supply of electricity within the Retail Rate of a Distribution
Utility determined pursuant to Section 2, Article IV shall not apply to any
amount of electricity in excess of the electricity available under the applicable
Regional TSC as demonstrated by the relevant Regional TSC Availability
Record. The relevant Regional TSC Availability Record shall be the latest
record, as updated, on file with the ERC at the time the Distribution Utility files
a rate application with the ERC. In such cases where the Distribution Utility
seeks to include generation costs for the supply of electricity in excess of that
which is available to the Distribution Utility under the applicable Regional
TSC, the ERC shall evaluate the appropriateness of such generation costs
with reference to technical, environmental, economic and financial criteria
including but not limited to the characteristics of the technologies used to
provide capacity and energy under the contract, the diversity of fuel sources,
the compliance with existing legislation and government policy, the cost over
the term of the arrangements under various scenarios of demand, fuel costs,
foreign exchange rates and capital costs, the balance of costs and financial
risks incurred, and with reference to the Power Development Plan (PDP) of
the DOE. The evaluation methodology shall be applied to all new contracts or
amendments to existing contracts. The Distribution Utility shall submit all

relevant technical, economic and financial data as well as cost analyses
supporting the contractual costs it seeks to recover through the generation
component in its Retail Rates.




Section 1. Recovery of Costs through the Retail Rates – Subsequent to

the expiration of the term of Regional TSCs, the ERC shall evaluate the cost
of the generation component proposed to be included in the Retail Rates of
the Distribution Utility to its Captive Market based on technical, environmental,
economic and financial criteria including but not limited to the characteristics
of the technologies used to provide capacity and energy under the contract,
the diversity of fuel sources, the compliance with existing legislation and
government policy, the cost over the term of the arrangements under various
scenarios of demand, fuel costs, foreign exchange rates and capital costs, the
balance of costs and financial risks incurred, and with reference to the PDP of
the DOE. The evaluation methodology shall be applied to all new contracts or
amendments to existing contracts. The Distribution Utility shall submit all
relevant technical, economic and financial data as well as cost analyses
supporting the contractual costs it seeks to recover through the generation
component in its Retail Rates.

Section 2. Cost Recovery Mechanism - Distribution Utilities shall use the

Generation Rate Adjustment Mechanism (GRAM) and Incremental Currency
Exchange Rate Adjustment (ICERA), if applicable, as approved by ERC to
ensure full recovery of prudent and reasonable economic costs associated
with purchased power serving the Captive Market regardless of the source of
that power.



Section 1. New Bilateral Power Supply Contract with an Existing

Generation Company – Distribution Utilities may enter into a new bilateral
power supply contract with any Generation Company for electricity from any
existing generating facility or may make amendments or replacements hereof
to an existing power supply contract for the purpose of supplying their Captive
Market subject to the limitations of Section 45 of the Act: Provided, That prior
to the inclusion of any new power supply contract costs in their Retail Rates
the Distribution Utility shall file a rate application with the ERC for its approval

of such inclusion of power supply contract costs and the ERC shall have
approved such rate filing. Such rate application shall include the following:

a) A statement indicating whether TSC capacity and energy are expected

to be available during the relevant contractual period and all supporting
documentation, data and analyses supporting such statement.

b) All relevant technical and economic characteristics of the generation


c) All cost analyses related to the generation in support of the proposed

pricing provisions of the contract.

d) All details on the procurement process used by the Distribution Utility

leading to the selection of the Generation Company including request(s) for
proposals, proposals received by the Distribution Utility, tender offers, etc.

e) Details regarding any transmission projects or Grid connection projects

necessary to complement the proposed generation capacity including
identification of the parties that will develop and/or own such facilities, any
costs related to such projects, and specification of the parties responsible for
recovery of any costs related to such projects.

f) Other documents that may be needed by the ERC in the course of the

Section 2. Bilateral Power Supply Contracts for New Generation

Capacity - Distribution Utilities may enter into a new bilateral power supply
contract with any new Generation Company or for the development of new
generating capacity for the purpose of supplying their Captive Market subject
to the limitations of Section 45 of the Act: Provided, That prior to the inclusion
of any new power supply contract costs in their Retail Rates the Distribution
Utility shall file a rate application with the ERC for its approval, the ERC shall
have approved such rate filing and the applicable Certificate of Compliance
(“COC”) shall have been issued. The ERC approval process for such rate
application shall not exceed six (6) months. Such rate application shall
include the following:

a) A statement specifying all consistencies and inconsistencies between

the proposed generation capacity and the DOE’s PDP. Any inconsistencies
shall be supported by all relevant analyses including, but not limited to,
forecasts and assessment of available generation capacity and technology

b) A statement indicating whether TSC capacity and energy are expected

to be available during the relevant contractual period and all supporting
documentation, data and analyses supporting such statement.

c) All relevant technical and economic characteristics of the proposed
generation capacity.

d) All cost analyses related to the proposed generation in support of the

proposed pricing provisions of the contract.

e) All details on the procurement process used by the Distribution Utility

leading to the selection of the Generation Company including request(s) for
proposals, proposals received by the Distribution Utility, tender offers, etc.

f) Details regarding any transmission projects or Grid connection projects

necessary to complement the proposed generation capacity including
identification of the parties that will develop and/or own such facilities, any
costs related to such projects, and specification of the parties responsible for
recovery of any costs related to such projects.

g) Details regarding the load forecast projections in accordance with the

latest Distribution Development Plan of the Distribution Utility and the
variability of those projections over the term of the proposed contractual
period including an estimation of the potential for a reduction in load supplied
by the distribution Utility due to retail competition. Any inconsistencies shall be
supported by all relevant analyses.

h) If the application is filed later than two years following the effectivity of
these guidelines, the application must include an alternative Demand Side
Management (DSM) program that could be implemented by the Distribution
Utilities if approved by ERC. The Distribution Utilities shall submit projected
costs and benefits of the DSM program.

i) Other documents that may be needed by the ERC in the course of the

Section 3. Bilateral Power Supply Contracts to Serve the Contestable

Market –Distribution Utilities and Suppliers may enter into bilateral power
supply contracts with any Generation Company for the purpose of supplying
the Contestable Market following open access and retail competition subject
to the limitations of Section 45 of the Act. Such bilateral power supply
contracts are not subject to ERC approval but shall be filed with ERC
pursuant to Section 45 of the Act. Any costs related to such contracts entered
into by a Distribution Utility to supply the Contestable Market shall be
separately accounted for and shall not be recovered in their Retail Rates to
their Captive Market.



Section 1. Separability Clause - If for any reason, any part or section

of this Guidelines is declared unconstitutional or invalid, the other parts or
sections hereof which are not affected thereby shall continue to be in full force
and effect.

Section 2. Effectivity – This Guidelines shall take effect on the

fifteenth (15th) day following its publication in two (2) newspapers of general

Pasig City, March 25, 2004.




Commissioner Commissioner


Commissioner Commissioner

Powersales_guidelines_March 24, 2004\NPC Transco


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