Shear Strength Prediction For Deep Beams: Aci Structural Journal Technical Paper
Shear Strength Prediction For Deep Beams: Aci Structural Journal Technical Paper
Shear Strength Prediction For Deep Beams: Aci Structural Journal Technical Paper
Vbv jd
≈ (1)
Vbh a
where Vbv and Vbh are the vertical and horizontal beam shear
forces, respectively; jd is the distance of the lever arm from the
resultant compressive force to the centroid of the longitudinal
tension reinforcement; and a is the shear span measured cen-
ter-to-center from load to support. The horizontal shear force Fig. 3 Shear resisting mechanisms of deep beams.
Vbh is equal to the resultant tensile force T or the resultant
compressive force C at the section due to flexure (Fig. 2). using the elastic bending theory in Eq. (2) and (3) is to simu-
According to linear bending theory, the lever arm jd of a late the situation where the deep beam fails in shear but keeps
doubly reinforced rectangular section can be estimated as a reserve of flexural capacity. This situation is quite common
for the laboratory deep beam specimen.
Statically indeterminate strut-and-tie load paths are pro-
jd = d − (2) posed to model the force transference within the web of the
3 deep beam. The web compression failure is defined as the
crushing of concrete within the inclined strut that forms
between the load point and the support.
where d is the effective depth of the deep beam; kd is the depth
of the compression zone at the section; and coefficient k can be Macromodel
defined as9 After the development of the first cracking pattern in the
deep beam web, the steel bars are subjected to tension and the
concrete acts as the compressive struts, thus forming a strut-
and-tie action. Figure 3 shows the proposed softened strut-
k = [nρ + (n − 1) ρ ′]2 + 2[nρ + (n − 1) ρ ′d ′ / d ]
and-tie model, which is composed of diagonal, horizontal, and
− [nρ + (n − 1) ρ ′] (3) vertical mechanisms. The diagonal mechanism (Fig. 3(a)) is a
diagonal compression strut whose angle of inclination θ is
defined as
where n is the modular ratio of elasticity; ρ is the ratio of the
tension reinforcement; ρ’ is the ratio of the compression rein-
forcement; and d’ is the distance from the extreme compres- jd
θ = tan −1 (4)
sion fiber to the centroid of the compression reinforcement. a
Since the effect of the horizontal web reinforcement is
neglected, Eq. (2) and (3) are approximate estimations for the
internal lever arm and the neutral axis depth. The reason for The direction of the principal compressive stress of the
Astr = as × bs (5)
γ v (1 − γ h )
where D is the compression force in the diagonal strut; Fh is Rv = (15)
the tension force in the horizontal tie; and Fv is the tension 1 − γ hγ v
force in the vertical tie. The ratio Vbv/Vbh = tan θ is always
preserved in the proposed model.
Three load paths exist in the beam web, and the shear where γh is the fraction of horizontal shear transferred by the
forces must be apportioned to the resisting mechanisms. The horizontal tie in the absence of the vertical tie; and γv is the
ratios of the vertical shear assigned among the three mecha- fraction of vertical shear carried by the vertical tie in the
nisms are assumed as5 absence of the horizontal tie. According to Sch fer,10 the val-
ues of γh and γv are defined as
− D sin θ : Fh tan θ : Fv = Rd : Rh : Rv (9)
2 cot θ − 1
γv = for 0 ≤ γ v ≤ 1 (17)
where Ath and Atv are the areas of the horizontal and vertical
− ε / ζε − 1 2 − εd ties, respectively; and Fyh and Fyv are the yielding forces of the
σ d = −ζf c′1 − d 0
for >1 (20) horizontal and vertical ties, respectively.
2 / ζ − 1 ζε 0
Compatibility condition
5 .8 1 0 .9 A rigorous analysis dealing with two dimensional mem-
ζ = ≤ (21) brane elements should satisfy Mohr s circular compatibility
f c′ 1 + 400ε r 1 + 400ε r condition (Fig. 6). The basic compatibility equation used in
εr + εd = εh + εv (27)
on the shear strength of deep beams. This point had been and expresses the function of web reinforcement reasonably
raised by de Paiva and Siess13 and by Smith and Vantsiotis.19 well.
The major discrepancy between the predictions of the The ACI Code method assumes that the shear strength of
proposed model and the ACI 318-95 Code comes from the dif- deep beams is derived from the combination of the tensile
ferent hypothesis of shear strength for deep beams. Based on strength of the concrete and the yielding strength of the web
the observation of concrete crushing in the diagonal direction, reinforcement, but this does not correlate well with the
the softened strut-and-tie model assumes that the shear observed failure phenomenon of concrete crushing in the web.
strength of deep beams depends on the softened compressive Figure 8 and 9 reveal that the empirical formulas of the ACI
behavior of concrete within the diagonal strut. At the same Code miscalculate the contribution of the concrete and web
time, web reinforcement plays two roles. One is to form ten- reinforcement to the shear strength; therefore, information on
sion ties and provide shear transferring paths. The other is to the proportioning and detailing of deep beams will be mis-
control the crack widths and retard the softening process of leading.
the cracked concrete. Figure 8 and 9 indicate that the softened As for the relative effectiveness of the horizontal and ver-
strut-and-tie model possesses a sound strength hypothesis tical web reinforcement, both the ACI Code method and the
Fig. 9 E ffect of vertical web reinforcement on shear strength pre- Fig. 1 1 E ffect of shear span-depth ratio on shear strength predic-
dictions. tions.
proposed model agree that the horizontal bars become more the diagonal strut is measured mainly by the a/d ratio as stat-
effective as a/d or ln/d becomes smaller but they disagree ed in Eq. (4). Therefore, the prediction of shear strength using
about the weighting factors. In the ACI Code provisions, ver- the proposed model is very sensitive to the value of a/d and
tical and horizontal web reinforcement are taken to be equal- higher shear strength will be predicted for a smaller a/d
ly effective at ln/d = 5.2 For a single span deep beam subject- value. Apparently, the ACI Code approach doesn t adequately
ed to central loading, this corresponds to an a/d ratio of 2.5. simulate the highly influential factor of the a/d ratio.
The critical threshold, however, is set at a/jd = 1 in the pro- The softened strut-and-tie model performance is better
posed model according to Eq. (16) and (17). Recently, Tan et than the ACI Code approach for all parameters under com-
al.4 pointed out that the ACI Code tends to overestimate the parison (Fig. 8 to 11). It is therefore recommended that the
shear strength contribution from horizontal web reinforce- current shear design procedures for deep beams be reformed
ment because the critical threshold is set at ln/d = 5. Based on to incorporate the actual shear resisting mechanisms as pos-
the experimental studies, Tan et al.20 recommended that the tulated by the softened strut-and-tie model.
critical threshold should be at an a/d ratio of 1.13, which is
quite close to the recommendation of the proposed model. CONCLUSIONS
Figure 10 shows the effect of concrete strength f c′ on the A proposal for determining the shear strength of deep
shear capacity predictions of the proposed model and the ACI beams has been made. The proposed softened strut-and-tie
318-95 Code for deep beams. Again, the softened strut-and-tie model is derived from the concept of struts and ties, and it also
model is very consistent for a broad range of concrete satisfies the equilibrium, compatibility, and stress-strain rela-
strengths (Fig. 10(a)). The ACI Code predictions become tionship of cracked reinforced concrete. Based on test results
more conservative with increasing concrete strength (Fig. in the literature and comparison of these results with the pro-
10(b)). Since the ACI Code method underestimates the contri- posed model and the ACI Code formulas, the following con-
bution of concrete, the more pronounced conservatism is clusions can be made:
expected for the high-strength concrete beams. 1.The softened strut-and-tie model consistently repro-
Figure 11 presents the effect of the a/d ratio on the shear duced 123 deep beam measured shear strengths with reason-
strength predictions using various methods. A fairly consis- able accuracy for a wide range of horizontal and vertical web
tent prediction is obtained by the softened strut-and-tie model reinforcement ratios, concrete strengths, and shear span-
for an a/d ratio between 0.35 and 2.1 (Fig. 11(a) and Table 1). depth ratios;
The ultimate strength predictions by the ACI Code, however, 2.The ACI 318-95 Code empirical equations were found to
tend to be more conservative with a decreasing a/d ratio (Fig. underestimate the contribution of concrete and overestimate
11(b)). Tan et al.4 also reported that the predictions of ACI the contribution of web reinforcement on the shear strength
Code can be very conservative at the low end of the a/d ratio. of deep beams;
In the softened strut-and-tie model, the angle of inclination of 3. In general, the ACI Code s predictions are conservative