Cytogenetics: Alkitab University - Collage of Medical Techniques Department of Medical Analysis 3 Rd. Stage - A4
Cytogenetics: Alkitab University - Collage of Medical Techniques Department of Medical Analysis 3 Rd. Stage - A4
Cytogenetics: Alkitab University - Collage of Medical Techniques Department of Medical Analysis 3 Rd. Stage - A4
Written by:
Falah Faridoon Ahmed
Muhammed Raheem Hussein
Sandy adel ishaaq
Cytogenetics is the branch of genetics that studies the structure and
behavior of chromosomes and their relation to human disease and
disease processes. During the past three decades, the importance of
clinical cytogenetics to the practice of obstetrics and gynecology has
dramatically increased because clinical cytogenetics has a direct effect
on the diagnosis, management, and prevention of many disorders
that are caused by chromosome aberrations. For many chromosome
disorders, physicians face medicolegal responsibilities in the areas of
counseling, screening, and diagnosis, and obstetricians and
gynecologists therefore must have knowledge about the human
chromosome constitution and be able to apply basic principles of
chromosome behavior to clinical practice. This chapter reviews
important concepts and developments in cytogenetics and highlights
their applications in the practice of obstetrics and gynecology.
A routine cytogenetic analysis involves evaluating 15 to 20 cells to determine
their modal chromosome number and assessing the structural integrity of each
chromosome in the complement. The modal chromosome number can be
determined by counting chromosomes through the microscope. Identification of
an extra or missing chromosome is possible by microscopic examination, and the
finding is confirmed through the preparation of a set of karyotypes. A karyotype
is a photographic or computer-generated representation of the chromosomes in a
cell arranged according to size, centromeric position, and banding pattern.
Assessment of the structural integrity of each chromosome in the complement
can also be made through the microscope, and gross structural chromosome
aberrations can be detected as well. However, a set of two or more karyotypes
always must be prepared. Cells with well-prepared chromosomes that exhibit a
total of 350 to 400 bands in the complement are considered an essential part of
any routine cytogenetic analysis .
are detected as the result of a detailed analysis of the banding pattern of
chromosomes magnified thousands of times by means of photographic or
computer processing. In this way, homologous chromosomes can be examined
meticulously and compared for small but clinically significant structural
differences. The number of cells analyzed varies according to the reason for
referral, the initial cytogenetic findings, the protocol of each laboratory, and the
quality of the chromosome morphology.
The normal human chromosome complement represents a balanced genetic
constitution: the correct chromosome number and the correct gene content.
Deviations from the normal number of chromosomes (i.e. numeric aberrations)
or the normal morphologic pattern (i.e. structural rearrangements) represent
gains or losses of genetic information from the complement. Genetic imbalances
generally disturb the normal developmental processes of fertilization and
embryogenesis and result in implantation failure, spontaneous abortion,
stillbirth, or a liveborn infant with multiple congenital anomalies. It is possible
for a person to carry a chromosome rearrangement but show no clinical effects
because there is no accompanying genetic imbalance. Such an individual is called
a balanced carrier because the chromosome aberration constitutes a
rearrangement of the genetic material into a new chromosome pattern, with no
gain or loss of genes. Nevertheless, a balanced carrier is at reproductive risk to
transmit the chromosome rearrangement to offspring by gametes that are
balanced or unbalanced. A problem arises when prenatal diagnosis reveals the
presence of a de novo chromosome rearrangement, because it may not be
possible to determine whether or not such a rearrangement is accompanied by a
microscopically undetectable gain or loss of genetic material.
Numeric Aberrations
The two common forms of polyploidy in human tissues are triploidy, in which
each haploid set of 23 chromosomes is present three times (3N = 69) (Fig. 6), and
tetraploidy, in which each haploid set is present four times (4N = 92) (Fig. 7). An
increased incidence of triploidy and tetraploidy has been reported when oral
contraceptive use was stopped within 6 months before conception, 18 but this
finding has not been confirmed. One percent of all human conceptions are
estimated to be triploids. In 66% of the cases, triploidy arises from simultaneous
fertilization of an oocyte by two spermatozoa. In the remaining cases, triploidy
arises from unreduced oocytes or spermatozoa (i.e. during gametogenesis, the
chromosome number is not reduced from 46 to 23). 19 Tetraploidy usually arises
as a postzygotic event through the failure of cytokinesis (division of the
cytoplasm) after chromosome duplication and the incorporation ofdaughter
chromosomes into the same cell. Other less likely mechanisms include trispermy
and fertilization of a diploid ovum by two haploid spermatozoa or by a diploid