7.construction GCOC
7.construction GCOC
7.construction GCOC
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TENDER No.: 55012856
The following words and expressions shall have the meaning herein assigned
and shall be used for the purpose of interpreting the CONTRACT. Further
definitions not contained in this Article shall apply to the context and/or
Appendix in which they are stated.
1.a.9 “CONSTRUCTION SITE” means that part of the WORKSITE on which the
FACILITY is being erected, installed and completed by the
CONTRACTOR including those adjacent areas and including both the
PARTIES’ site offices and the CONTRACTOR’s fabrication and storage
1.a.17 “EFFECTIVE DATE” means the date when the CONTRACT comes into
force which date is shown on the FORM OF AGREEMENT.
1.a.20 “FLOAT” means the time available to any activity included in any
programme in addition to its planned duration. The term “Float” includes
“free float” and “total float.” “Free float” is the amount of time that an
activity can be delayed beyond its early start/ early finish dates without
delaying the early start or early finish of any linked immediately following
activity and “total float” means the amount of time that an activity may be
delayed beyond its early start/early finish dates without delaying the
relevant SCHEDULED COMPLETION DATE of the WORK and/or a
1.a.25 “LREDC” refer to Lusail Real Estate Development Company W.L.L., its
successors, and assigns.
1.a.35 “TIME IMPACT ANALYSIS” means the method of delay analysis where
the impacts of particular delays are mapped out at the time of which they
occur, allowing the discrete effects of individual events to be determined,
which analysis must comply with the requirements set out in the
CONTRACT (including Sub-Article 4.7).
1.a.37 “WORK” means all work to be carried out including supply of all material
and performance of all services to be provided by the CONTRACTOR in
accordance with the CONTRACT.
1.a.38 “WORKSITE” means all places where the WORK or any part thereof is
being or is to be performed including the CONSTRUCTION SITE and all
places where equipment, materials or supplies are being obtained from,
stored or used for the purposes of the CONTRACT.
1.b.1 The headings as well as the cover page of the CONTRACT are included for
convenience only and shall not affect its interpretation. Unless the context
otherwise requires, the singular includes the plural and vice versa. Words
importing any gender shall include any other gender. All dates and time
periods referred to in the CONTRACT correspond to the Gregorian calendar.
“Day” or “day” shall mean a calendar day unless otherwise specified.
1.b.3 All references to this CONTRACT shall be deemed to include the Appendices
and all documents incorporated herein, unless such reference specifically
provides otherwise. Reference to Articles shall be to the Articles of the
General Conditions of Contract, reference to Appendices shall be to
1.b.4 The governing language of the CONTRACT shall be the English language. All
notices, correspondence, information, literature, data, manuals and other
document/drawings required under the CONTRACT shall be in the English
2.1 The CONTRACTOR shall execute and complete the WORK as generally
described and in accordance with Appendix A and as set forth in the
CONTRACT and shall remedy any defects in the WORK.
This CONTRACT does not claim to include every detail or all specifications
for the WORK. Subject to this CONTRACT, the WORK shall include any work
which is necessary to satisfy the requirements of the CONTRACT or is
implied by the CONTRACT and it is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to
provide all things and perform all obligations necessary for the COMPLETION
of the WORK. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for the setting out of the
WORK, the adequacy, stability and safety of all operations on the
CONSTRUCTION SITE and of all methods and means of construction.
2.2 The CONTRACTOR shall perform the WORK with the BEST PRACTICES
intents and the CONTRACTOR obligations outlined in and/or implied from the
2.4 Subject to this CONTRACT, the CONTRACTOR shall at all times perform the
WORK in a manner that will safeguard and protect LREDC’s interest and take
all necessary and proper steps to prevent abuse or uneconomical use of
LREDC’s facilities and resources.
2.5 The CONTRACTOR shall use effective quality control and assurance
programmes in performing the WORK that comply with all applicable laws,
STANDARDS applicable to facilities of a type similar to the FACILITY or as
may be specified by LREDC. Furthermore, within twenty eight (28) days from
the EFFECTIVE DATE, the CONTRACTOR shall finalize a Project Quality
2.6 The CONTRACTOR shall be deemed to have done its due diligence, carefully
examined and inspected the WORKSITE and surrounding locations and
satisfied itself as to the nature and quality of the WORKSITE and the WORK,
including but not limited to the project management, supervision,
procurement, importation, clearance and port requirements and limitations,
fabrication, construction, installation, commissioning, and all other necessary
services, access requirements, personnel, immigration, labor, materials,
plant, facilities, tools, equipment, power, transport, water, and other services
required for the performance of the WORK, general and local conditions
especially ground, climatic, sea, other water and weather conditions, all taxes,
duties, tariffs and levies and all other matters which could affect progress or
performance of the WORK. Any failure by the CONTRACTOR to take account
of matters that may affect the WORK shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR
from its obligations under the CONTRACT nor entitle the CONTRACTOR to
an extension to the SCHEDULED COMPLETION DATE of the WORK (and/or
SECTION(s), if applicable), any addition to the CONTRACT PRICE or any
other claim or relief.
2.7 The CONTRACTOR shall set out the WORK in relation to original points,
lines and levels of reference specified in the CONTRACT or notified by
LREDC. The CONTRACTOR shall verify and be responsible for the correct
positioning of all parts of the WORK, and shall rectify any error in the
positions, levels, dimensions or alignment of the WORK.
2.8 Notwithstanding Sub-Article 2.6 above, if, (i) during the execution of WORK,
the CONTRACTOR shall encounter at the CONSTRUCTION SITE
underground conditions substantially different from those shown under the
soil survey report or bore hole information provided by LREDC and which
adversely affect the performance of the WORK ("Adverse Site Conditions");
(ii) the Adverse Site Conditions could not have been reasonably foreseen
before EFFECTIVE DATE by an experienced contractor on the basis of
reasonable examination of the CONSTRUCTION SITE and of the data
relating to the WORK provided by LREDC and of information which it could
have obtained by inspection of the CONSTRUCTION SITE and (iii) as a
consequence of such conditions the CONTRACTOR will incur unavoidable
substantial additional cost and expense and/or require unavoidable additional
time to perform its obligations under the CONTRACT, then provided that the
CONTRACTOR notifies LREDC of the existence of Adverse Site Conditions
as soon as reasonably possible after they are discovered (and in any event
prior to the CONTRACTOR taking any action to overcome the Adverse Site
Conditions), LREDC shall make a determination as to whether or not it shall
on the same as necessary to overcome the Adverse Site Conditions. The
2.11 The CONTRACTOR shall keep at the CONSTRUCTION SITE a copy of the
CONTRACT document, all publications named therein, the TECHNICAL
INFORMATION including all specifications, drawings, CONTRACT
VARIATION FORMS and all documentation and other communication given
under the CONTRACT. LREDC and its nominated representatives shall have
the right to access these documents at all reasonable times.
2.12 LREDC shall have no other obligation to provide the CONTRACTOR with any
other documents or information not expressly provided for under the
CONTRACT. LREDC will however on receipt of reasonable notice from the
CONTRACTOR, endeavor to provide the CONTRACTOR any information or
documents that it has in its possession which would assist the
CONTRACTOR in performing the WORK.
2.13 If the CONTRACT specifies that the CONTRACTOR shall design any part of
the WORK, then unless otherwise stated in the CONTRACT:
(i) The CONTRACTOR shall submit to LREDC the design documents for
the part of the WORK to be designed, in accordance with the
procedures and within the time frames specified in the CONTRACT;
(iv) The CONTRACTOR shall be fully liable and responsible for the
CONTRACTOR designed part of the WORK, including its consistency
with the TECHNICAL INFORMATON, and, when the WORK is
completed, ensures and warrants that the CONTRACTOR designed
part of the WORK is fit for such purposes for which such part was
intended by LREDC as defined in or reasonably to be inferred from
2.14 When completed, the WORK and the FACILITY shall be in full compliance
with all TECHNICAL INFORMATION and all requirements as defined in or
reasonably to be inferred from the CONTRACT. The CONTRACTOR
undertakes that the completed FACILITY will be operable, in accordance with
(a) all applicable laws; and (b) the documents forming the CONTRACT, as
altered or modified by VARIATIONS.
2.16 LREDC is not bound to comment on any documents submitted for its review.
If LREDC informs the CONTRACTOR that it considers any document not to
be compliant with the CONTRACT, the CONTRACTOR shall either give effect
to such comments, which action shall be at the CONTRACTOR'S own cost
and will not give rise to any adjustment of the CONTRACT PRICE or
extension of time to the SCHEDULED COMPLETION DATE of the WORK
(and/or SECTION(s), if applicable) or if the CONTRACTOR considers that its
document is compliant with the CONTRACT, give notice in writing to LREDC
to that effect. Where the CONTRACTOR has served such notice, LREDC
2.17 The CONTRACTOR assumes total responsibility for the WORK performed by
the CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTORS including work that is based
upon data and information not contained in the CONTRACT or any
conclusions, interpretations by the CONTRACTOR in applying the data,
information and requirements contained in the CONTRACT.
2.18 The CONTRACTOR shall notify LREDC immediately whenever (i) accidents
or incidents occur including any which might affect the interests or other
operations of LREDC or others, and/or (ii) any impending or actual stoppages
of work, industrial disputes or matters affecting or likely to affect the
performance of the WORK.
2.19 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for safety during the performance of
the WORK and shall provide all necessary safeguards to ensure the safety
and protection of the CONSTRUCTION SITE and of all persons and property
associated with the WORK. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that good
housekeeping is maintained continuously with due regard to tidiness and
disposal of all material in a safe and sound manner and the keeping of access
ways and emergency exits clear.
2.20 The CONTRACTOR shall, and shall ensure that CONTRACTOR
PERSONNEL and SUBCONTRACTORS comply fully with LREDC’s health,
safety and environment rules, codes, policies, procedures and regulations in
place. If the CONTRACTOR fails to comply with, implement, impose or is
deemed to be in breach of any of LREDC’s health, safety and environment
rules, codes, policies, procedures, regulations and requirements LREDC
REPRESENTATIVE shall give notice of such failure. Any such notice will
detail the failure, the action required by the CONTRACTOR to rectify the
failure and the time in which the rectification is to be carried out. If the
CONTRACTOR does not rectify the notified failure within the stated time for
rectification, LREDC REPRESENTATIVE may instruct the CONTRACTOR to
suspend progress of part or all of the WORK in accordance with Article 12.
2.23 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for providing suitable and safe
storage in accordance with BEST PRACTICES AND ACCEPTED
PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS for all materials and equipment and shall
comply with any particular storage requirements in the CONTRACT and shall
make good any loss, damage or deterioration which may occur to the
materials, supplies, facilities and equipment while in the possession or control
of the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall give due care to storage of
materials, supplies, facilities and equipment requiring special environmental
considerations. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any loss and/or
damage to all materials, supplies, facilities and equipment.
2.24 The CONTRACTOR shall keep all materials, supplies, and equipment within
the CONSTRUCTION SITE and off adjacent land. During the performance
of the WORK, the CONTRACTOR shall keep the CONSTRUCTION SITE free
from all unnecessary obstruction, and shall store or dispose of any idle
CONTRACTOR’s equipment, facilities, supplies and surplus materials. The
CONTRACTOR shall clear away and remove from the CONSTRUCTION
SITE any wreckage, rubbish and TEMPORARY FACILITIES which are no
longer required. Should the CONTRACTOR fail to perform any of the
foregoing, LREDC may, after issuing a notice to the CONTRACTOR to rectify
its failure and provide a reasonable time for the CONTRACTOR to do the
same, but shall not be obligated to, clear and remove from the
CONSTRUCTION SITE any wreckage, rubbish and TEMPORARY
FACILITIES which are no longer required and back-charge the
CONTRACTOR for such work. The CONTRACTOR shall be required to pay
any invoiced amount related thereto.
2.25 The CONTRACTOR shall, in addition to any other requirements stated in the
Appendices, prepare and keep up-to-date a complete set of “As Built” records
of the execution of the WORK, showing the exact as built locations, sizes and
details of the WORK as executed. These as built documents as well as final
operation and maintenance manuals shall be prepared by the CONTRACTOR
and submitted to LREDC in the numbers and at the times specified by LREDC
2.26 The CONTRACTOR recognizes that the WORK on or at the vicinity of the
CONSTRUCTION SITE may be performed under joint occupancy conditions
with other LREDC contractors, consultants or suppliers, and agrees to
accommodate, co-operate with, co-ordinate with and liaise with LREDC and
any other contractors, consultants or suppliers employed by LREDC on or near
the CONSTRUCTION SITE, so that the WORK as a whole will progress
smoothly and efficiently. The CONTRACTOR warrants that the EXECUTION
PROGRAMME makes allowance for interface management and coordination
with LREDC, other site developers, and any contractors, consultants or
suppliers whether or not employed by LREDC on or near the CONSTRUCTION
SITE that may be expected due to concurrent activities of LREDC and/or such
other LREDC contractors. Any failure by the CONTRACTOR to take account of
such interface management and coordination which may affect the WORK shall
not relieve the CONTRACTOR from its obligations under the CONTRACT, and
shall not serve as the basis for a claim in respect of additional compensation or
extension of time to the SCHEDULED COMPLETION DATE of the WORK
(and/or SECTION(s), if applicable) afterwards.
2.28 None of the CONTRACTOR warranties set out in this CONTRACT shall be
interpreted as limiting any other.
3.1 The CONTRACTOR warrants that it has the experience and capability
including sufficient and competent supervisors and other personnel to
efficiently and expeditiously perform the WORK. CONTRACTOR further
warrants that it shall continuously provide such personnel and shall ensure
that KEY CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL are not replaced or removed without
the APPROVAL of LREDC to a suitable successor. In order to ensure that
continuity of the WORK is maintained, any APPROVED replacement shall
work alongside the person who is to be replaced for a reasonable handover
period, at no cost or schedule impact to LREDC. The CONTRACTOR shall
exert all reasonable efforts to perform the WORK with its own permanent
employees in preference over agency personnel.
and prior to the start of the WORK, the CONTRACTOR shall arrange for KEY
3.3 The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that superintendence of the WORK at all
stages is undertaken by a sufficient number of qualified CONTRACTOR
PERSONNEL who will liaise with their LREDC and third party peers and
contacts in a co-operative manner. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that
KEY CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL have a good working knowledge of the
English language and full knowledge of the operations to be carried out, the
methods and means to be used and the hazards likely to be encountered and
methods and means of preventing accidents.
3.4 LREDC may notify the CONTRACTOR to remove from the WORKSITE any
CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL provided only that such right is not exercised
unreasonably. The person shall be removed forthwith at the expense of the
CONTRACTOR and shall not be engaged on the WORK again or on any
other work of LREDC without prior APPROVAL. Unless directed by LREDC to
the contrary, persons who have been removed from the WORK shall
immediately be replaced by other suitably qualified persons acceptable to
3.5 The CONTRACTOR shall maintain good industrial relations with all personnel
during the CONTRACT period. The CONTRACTOR shall pay rates of wages,
and observe conditions of labour which are in full compliance with applicable
laws. Where no rates or conditions are specified in the applicable laws, the
CONTRACTOR shall pay rates of wages and observe conditions which are
not lower than the general level of wages and conditions observed locally by
employers whose trade is similar to that of the CONTRACTOR. Unless
otherwise provided for in this CONTRACT, the CONTRACTOR shall, at its
own cost, provide or arrange all travel, local transport, accommodation and
3.6 The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL who
have to perform their duties or tasks at CONSTRUCTION SITE are healthy, fit
and suitable in every respect to perform the WORK. The CONTRACTOR
shall also ensure that all such persons understand safety related notices,
verbal instructions, and public address announcements.
3.7 The CONTRACTOR shall always be fully responsible for the safety, health
and welfare of CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL. In particular, the
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for, and shall pay for, any and all
requirements of CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL for medical and dental
attention, treatment, examination, care, hospitalization and/or ambulances
and the like. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all CONTRACTOR
PERSONNEL with all necessary personal safety equipment and protective
3.9 LREDC requires and the CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all CONSULTANT
PERSONNEL are law abiding, peaceful, and respectful of local and cultural
traditions and practices, and while at the WORKSITE are not under the
influence of any type of alcohol, unlawful drugs/narcotics, or other intoxicating
3.10 Except for materials, supplies, and equipment provided by LREDC, as may
be listed in Appendix A, the CONTRACTOR shall provide all services,
materials, equipment, plant, appropriate tools, machinery, transportation, and
facilities including consumables and all other things, whether of a temporary
or permanent nature, so far as the necessity for providing the same is
specified in or is reasonably to be inferred from the CONTRACT. The
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for receiving, loading, unloading,
transporting, warehousing, preserving and maintaining same, and the
CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold LREDC harmless against and from
all damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses)
resulting therefrom.
3.12 Materials and equipment or parts thereof provided by the CONTRACTOR for
inclusion in the FACILITY shall be new, in accordance with the TECHNICAL
INFORMATION and other requirements of the CONTRACT and where
designed by the CONTRACTOR fit for their intended purpose as defined in
the CONTRACT, of best quality and workmanship, suitable for the safe and
efficient performance of the WORK and fully compliant with any safety related
restrictions that LREDC may impose in existing facilities. Such materials and
plant shall be subject to inspection and APPROVAL from time to time by
LREDC. The CONTRACTOR shall submit samples of all plant and materials
as specified in the CONTRACT, including manufacturer’s standard samples,
and relevant information to LREDC for APPROVAL prior to using the
materials in or for the WORK. Any such materials or plant of the
CONTRACTOR which is rejected by LREDC as not conforming to the
3.13 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all necessary certifications for all
equipment and materials including TEMPORARY FACILITIES to be provided
by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall supply LREDC with copies
of certificates, specifications, and other evidence of the quality of equipment
or materials provided by the CONTRACTOR. If required by LREDC to do so,
the CONTRACTOR shall also provide certification of TEMPORARY
FACILITIES. The CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate the capabilities of any
equipment prior to using it in the performance of the WORK.
3.14 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the timely provision of all matters
referred to in this Article 3.
3.15 If required by LREDC, the CONTRACTOR shall use all reasonable efforts to
provide prices and/or rates for spare parts and special tools and obtain,
directly or from SUBCONTRACTORS, a firm commitment for the continuous
availability for all necessary and related special tools, spare parts and
maintenance services on the best terms and conditions and at the best prices
obtainable for a duration of two (2) years after the COMPLETION DATE.
Spare parts shall be standard items insofar as possible, and when such is not
possible shall be manufactured sufficiently in advance and in such quantity as
to ensure continual availability for LREDC’s operational requirements.
3.16 The CONTRACTOR shall establish and submit for APPROVAL a detailed list
of recommended spare parts and special tools that the CONTRACTOR and
its SUBCONTRACTORS deem necessary during pre-commissioning,
commissioning and for the first two (2) years of continuous operation,
specifying quantities, unit prices and time of delivery.
3.17 The CONTRACTOR shall give LREDC a right of first refusal to purchase any
surplus items provided by the CONTRACTOR and not included in the
CONTRACT PRICE. The CONTRACTOR shall turn over to LREDC or sell, at
LREDC’s option, any surplus items, including saleable scrap, that were
purchased on a reimbursable basis and remit the proceeds of such sales to
LREDC; provided, however, that the purchasers of and sale prices for such
surplus items shall be subject to APPROVAL.
4.1 Within twenty eight (28) days, unless a different period of time is specified in
Appendix F, from the EFFECTIVE DATE, the CONTRACTOR shall prepare
and submit for review by LREDC a document, which shall be based on and
consistent with the CONTRACT EXECUTION PLAN (including the
applicable)) and the guidelines provided in Appendices E and F. This
document shall become the EXECUTION PROGRAMME where it complies
with the requirements of the CONTRACT and when APPROVED by LREDC.
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary and/or Appendix B, LREDC
shall not be required to make any interim payments until a mutually agreed
EXECUTION PROGRAMME is in place which complies with the requirements
of the CONTRACT and that is APPROVED by LREDC. Failure to provide an
EXECUTION PROGRAMME meeting the requirements of this CONTRACT
shall be considered a breach of this CONTRACT. In addition to all other
remedies available to LREDC, LREDC shall be entitled to withhold ten
percent (10%) from any payment which would otherwise be due until such
time such compliant document has been submitted and APPROVED.
4.2 Whenever required by LREDC, the CONTRACTOR shall submit details of the
arrangements and methods which the CONTRACTOR proposes to adopt for
the execution of the WORK. No significant alteration to these arrangements
and methods shall be made without LREDC’s APPROVAL.
4.3 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible at all times for scheduling, progress
reporting and forecasting of the progress of the WORK so as to achieve
(and/or SECTION(s), if applicable). The CONTRACTOR shall execute the
WORK strictly in accordance with the EXECUTION PROGRAMME and shall
keep LREDC fully informed of the progress of the WORK. The
4.5 If delay in the performance of the WORK arises for which the CONTRACTOR
is responsible or if performance of the WORK is not in accordance with the
EXECUTION PROGRAMME, the CONTRACTOR shall forthwith prepare a
recovery plan and forward the same in writing giving full details of the
measures it proposes to adopt to expedite the progress of WORK, including
but not limited to working overtime, employing additional personnel and
deploying additional necessary equipment and services, without additional
cost to LREDC for APPROVAL in order to eliminate or mitigate such delay in
the execution and COMPLETION of the WORK (and/or SECTION(s), if
(b) an analysis of how FLOAT has been used to minimise the additional
time required; and
(c) providing a cause and effect analysis of the factual events relied on
and how this materially affects the critical path of the WORK (and/or
SECTION(s), if applicable).
The "TIME IMPACT ANALYSIS" shall indicate the date(s) that the relevant
event and any extra or additional work occurred (or will occur), the status of
the WORK at that time, and the resultant impact on the Time for
4.10 All amounts of LIQUIDATED DAMAGES for which the CONTRACTOR may
become liable under Sub-Article 4.9 are agreed between the PARTIES as a
genuine pre-estimate of delay damages which may be sustained by LREDC
should the events described in Sub-Article 4.9 above occur and are not a
penalty. For the avoidance of doubt, the accrual of LIQUIDATED DAMAGES
for delays shall not in any way restrict LREDC’s rights to recourse against
CONTRACTOR in respect to any non-delay events such as CONTRACTOR
malperformance, breaches or defaults, resulting in losses and/or damages.
5.1 The CONTRACTOR shall make available for LREDC’s inspection at all
reasonable times all documents relevant to the performance of the
CONTRACTOR's obligations including but not limited to schedules, drawings,
reports, invoices, data, receipts, and recommendations. All such documents
shall be made available to LREDC at any reasonable location specified by
LREDC and the CONTRACTOR shall provide a copy for LREDC’s retention
of any and all such documents specified by LREDC at no charge to LREDC.
Subject to Article 2, the CONTRACTOR shall submit to LREDC such
documents for review without delaying the performance of the WORK by the
5.2 In order to confirm that the requirements of the CONTRACT are met, LREDC
shall have the right, but not the obligation, at all times to inspect, test and
examine all technical material, materials, supplies, machinery, plant and
equipment provided and all work or services or documentation relating thereto
performed by the CONTRACTOR or any SUBCONTRACTOR. LREDC shall
also have the right to witness any test of any part of the WORK.
5.3 The CONTRACTOR shall give LREDC adequate prior notification of any
inspection or tests that the CONTRACT provides are to be witnessed by
LREDC. No part of the WORK shall be covered up without prior notification to
LREDC by the CONTRACTOR. If the CONTRACTOR fails to give adequate
notice of inspection and/or testing in accordance with mutually agreed notice
period and thereafter the inspected and/or tested part of the WORK is closed
or covered then, if required by LREDC, that part of the WORK shall be
opened or uncovered for inspection or witnessing of testing and re-closed or
re-covered by the CONTRACTOR and the CONTRACTOR shall bear all cost
and time effect of the outcome of such inspection irrespective of whether or
not the WORK was carried out in accordance with CONTRACT. However, in
case an inspection notice is served by the CONTRACTOR, in accordance
with mutually agreed notice period and LREDC fails to attend such inspection
and subsequently LREDC instructs the CONTRACTOR to reopen that part of
the WORK already covered/closed by the CONTRACTOR, the cost relating to
opening/re-testing/closing that part of the WORK shall be borne by LREDC
and the CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to an extension to the SCHEDULED
COMPLETION DATE of the WORK (or SECTION(s), if applicable)in
accordance with Sub-Article 4.7 if no defect was found during such re-
inspection/testing, however, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all
costs and delays relating to re-testing and repair in case such part of the
WORK was found not to have been performed in accordance with the
5.4 LREDC shall have the right to reject or to require re-testing or further
investigation of any part of the WORK, which does not comply with any
requirement or requirements of the CONTRACT, including, but not limited to,
defective or faulty workmanship, services, materials, plant or equipment.
Upon receiving notice of rejection the CONTRACTOR shall immediately
commence to re-perform, repair or replace the defective part of the WORK
and shall carry out such inspections and/or tests on other parts of the WORK
as LREDC may require to ensure that there are no similar parts of the WORK
that fail to comply with the requirements of the CONTRACT.
5.5 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all costs and delays relating to
re-performance, repair, replacement, uncovering, reinstating, testing and
5.6 Neither failure on the part of LREDC nor its designated inspectors to inspect
the WORK or witness or test or to discover defects nor failure to reject any
part of the WORK performed by the CONTRACTOR or a SUBCONTRACTOR
which is not in accordance with the CONTRACT shall relieve the
CONTRACTOR from any liability or obligation under the CONTRACT.
5.8 LREDC shall have the right to take possession of and use any separate part
of the FACILITY which is completed prior to the SCHEDULED COMPLETION
DATE of the WORK (and/or SECTION(s), if applicable) provided that
possession shall only be deemed to have been taken if LREDC gives notice
to the CONTRACTOR to that effect. In such event, LREDC shall inspect such
separate part and, if accepted by LREDC, LREDC shall issue to the
5.10 If possession of any part of the FACILITY is taken over by LREDC under Sub-
Article 5.8 prior to the SCHEDULED COMPLETION DATE for which
LIQUIDATED DAMAGES are expressed to apply to the whole and not such
part of the WORK (and/or SECTION, if applicable), then the relevant
LIQUIDATED DAMAGES shall be reduced pro-rata to the value that the part
of the FACILITY being taken over has to the value of the whole of the WORK
(and/or SECTION, if applicable).
5.11 Where LREDC, in its sole discretion, considers that certain items of the
WORK may be left to be completed subsequent to the COMPLETION DATE
of the WORK (and/or SECTION(s), if applicable), such items shall be
identified and the CONTRACTOR shall undertake to and be responsible for
completing such items of the WORK by the time specified by LREDC.
6.1 Without limiting its obligations or the rights and remedies available to LREDC
at law, the CONTRACTOR undertakes that the WORK (i) shall be free from
errors, defects or failures and that (ii) the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible
for remedying any errors, defects, failures or damages if any in the WORK,
until the later date of:
i. The period of one (1) year from the COMPLETION DATE (the
ii. In the event that any part of the WORK is re-performed, rectified or
replaced by the CONTRACTOR under the provisions of this Sub-
Article 6.1, the GUARANTEE PERIOD for that part of the WORK shall
be extended for an additional twelve (12) months from the date that
the re-performance, rectification or replacement has been
6.2 In the event LREDC discovers any errors, defects, failure or damages in the
WORK during the GUARANTEE PERIOD, LREDC shall endeavor to notify
the CONTRACTOR as soon as reasonably practical of such error, defect,
failure or damage. Upon receipt of such notification from LREDC, the
CONTRACTOR shall immediately rectify or at the option of LREDC, replace
or re-perform any defective or damaged work, and carry out all associated
work such as uncovering, removal, procurement, reinstallation, re-preparation
and presentation of reports. The cost of any work shall be borne by the
CONTRACTOR if and to the extent that the error, defect, failure or damage is
attributable to (i) plant, materials, equipment or workmanship not being in
accordance with the CONTRACT, (ii) improper operation or maintenance
which was attributable to matters for which the CONTRACTOR is
responsible, or (Iii) a failure by the CONTRACTOR to perform any obligation.
If any to the extent the error, defect, failure or damage is wholly attributable to
any other cause, as may be evidenced and substantiated by the
CONTRACTOR, the CONTRACTOR shall as soon as practicable serve
notice of the same and LREDC shall make a determination as to whether or
not it shall sign a CONTRACT VARIATION FORM or issue an LREDC
INSTRUCTION on the same.
6.3 In the event the CONTRACTOR does not attend to the defects, errors,
failures or damage within the time prescribed by LREDC or delays in the
remedial work, LREDC shall have the right to have the defects rectified by
third parties and shall be entitled to offset from payments due to the
CONTRACTOR, or to recover from the CONTRACTOR all costs it incurred in
correcting such defects.
6.4 LREDC’s rights and remedies provided under this Article are without
prejudice to LREDC’s other rights or remedies under the CONTRACT or at
law, including but not limited to recourse against the CONTRACTOR for its
decennial liability.
6.5 Unless otherwise agreed by LREDC, the CONTRACTOR shall have provided
LREDC with a valid Parent Company Guarantee in the form attached to
Appendix F. Additionally, within fourteen (14) days from the EFFECTIVE
DATE, the CONTRACTOR shall provide LREDC with a performance security
in the form of an unconditional and irrevocable Performance Bank Guarantee
payable on first demand of LREDC as additional security pertaining to
performance of the CONTRACTOR’s obligations under the CONTRACT (
“Performance Bank Guarantee”). Cash, cheques, insurance policies, bank
guarantees issued in respect of other contracts and/or other forms of security
will not be accepted in lieu of the required Performance Bank Guarantee.
extend the validity of the Performance Bank Guarantee until the issuance of
6.7 The amount of the Performance Bank Guarantee shall be ten percent (10%)
of the CONTRACT PRICE. Should there be any change in the CONTRACT
PRICE and/or the SCHEDULED COMPLETION DATE as determined by
LREDC from time to time and in accordance with the CONTRACT, the
CONTRACTOR shall adjust the value and/or the validity of the Performance
Bank Guarantee accordingly.
6.8 LREDC shall be entitled to demand payment under such Performance Bank
Guarantee at any time the CONTRACTOR fails to perform any of its
obligations under this CONTRACT.
6.10 Within thirty five (35) days from the date of receipt by LREDC of a Statement
of Final Account, in the APPROVED amount, and in the form shown in
Appendix F, from the CONTRACTOR, LREDC shall issue to the
Appendix F. Upon the issuance of the DISCHARGE CERTIFICATE, the
PARTIES shall be considered as having fulfilled all their obligations under the
CONTRACT subject only to the provisions of Sub-Article 18.1 and any
requirements under Qatari Law.
6.11 Without prejudice to Sub-Article 6.10 above, LREDC at its sole discretion may
issue a separate DISCHARGE CERTIFICATE in respect of any separately
defined SECTION of the WORK to which a specified GUARANTEE PERIOD
is set forth in Appendix A.
PRICE in accordance with the provisions of this CONTRACT at the times and
in the manner specified in Appendix B. The CONTRACT PRICE is computed
as set forth in Appendix B.
7.2 The CONTRACT PRICE shall not be subject to escalation; nor shall it be
increased as a result of any increase in the CONTRACTOR’s costs or
adjusted for any reason except as specified in Article 8, and/or as expressly
set out in Appendix B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in Appendix B, the
CONTRACT PRICE is an all-inclusive lump sum price, and includes but is not
limited to all costs, escalations in costs, charges, taxes, duties, and all other
expenses for performing the WORK.
7.3 The CONTRACTOR shall pay all taxes of every nature, dues, levies, excise
duties, fees including but not limited to custom duties, legalization fees,
repatriation fees, and any other charges assessed against it in connection
with the WORK and agrees to protect, indemnify, and hold LREDC harmless
from any and all claims or liability for taxes, dues, fees and charges assessed
or levied by the Government of the State of Qatar or any foreign government
against the CONTRACTOR or in relation to any claims or liability from
CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL. The CONTRACTOR shall give prompt notice
to LREDC on all matters pertaining to non-payment, payment under protest,
or claim for immunity or exemption from any taxes or duties.
7.4 For reimbursable items, if any, the CONTRACTOR shall use and document
its best efforts to obtain and shall credit for the benefit of LREDC all lawful
discounts, rates credits, allowances and refunds which are obtainable from
7.5 Except where it is expressly provided that LREDC shall carry out an
obligation under the CONTRACT at its own cost, all things required to be
supplied or performed by the CONTRACTOR in relation to execution of the
WORK shall be deemed to be included in the rates and prices set forth in
Appendix B.
7.7 Any invoice issued by the CONTRACTOR shall set out the following items: (i)
the amount due to the CONTRACTOR for the WORK performed calculated in
accordance with Appendix B, (ii) any other amount due to the CONTRACTOR
in accordance with the provisions of the CONTRACT, (iii) if prior to the
COMPLETION DATE a deduction for retention money of ten percent (10%)
from the amount otherwise due to the CONTRACTOR and the CONTRACTOR
shall invoice for such retention money as follows:
i. fifty percent (50%) within thirty five (35) days after the issue of the
COMPLETION CERTIFICATE for the WORK or at the sole discretion
of LREDC, a proportional amount for individual COMPLETION
7.8 Each invoice shall quote the CONTRACT Reference Number and Title.
Invoices shall be addressed and forwarded to the address shown in Appendix
7.9 Within fifty six (56) days from receipt by LREDC of a correctly prepared and
adequately supported invoice or, in event that the fifty sixth (56th) day falls on
a weekend or public holiday, on the immediately succeeding working day in
Qatar, LREDC shall pay the undisputed amount of such invoice to the bank
account nominated by the CONTRACTOR. Where the amount is invoiced in a
foreign currency and Appendix B allows for this, the amount paid by LREDC
shall be in that foreign currency.
7.10 The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that LREDC has the correct banking
information of the CONTRACTOR in order to make a bank transfer. The
CONTRACTOR assumes the entire risk for incorrect bank transfers arising
from incorrect banking information provided by the CONTRACTOR. Any
requested change to the nominated bank, including account information must
be submitted in writing by the CONTRACTOR and accompanied by either a
Clearance Certificate or a No Liability Certificate or a No Objection Certificate
from its nominated bank.
7.11 If LREDC disputes any items on any invoice in whole or in part or if the invoice
is prepared or submitted incorrectly in any respect, LREDC
REPRESENTATIVE shall notify the CONTRACTOR in writing within twenty one
(21) days of receipt of the invoice, stating the reason LREDC disputes the
amount invoiced. LREDC shall pay the undisputed part of any invoice within the
period stated in Sub-Article 7.9 above. For the disputed part, the
CONTRACTOR shall make the appropriate corrections or changes and
resubmit such invoiced amounts to LREDC together with the subsequent
invoice. If any other dispute connected with the CONTRACT exists between the
PARTIES, LREDC may notify the CONTRACTOR and withhold from any
money which becomes payable either (i) the equivalent of LREDC's estimated
values of the portion of the WORK which is under dispute or, (ii) the amount
which is the subject of the dispute. On settlement of any dispute, the
CONTRACTOR shall submit an invoice for sums agreed for payment and
LREDC shall make the appropriate payment in accordance with the provisions
of Sub-Article 7.9 above.
7.12 LREDC shall have the right to withhold from any payment due to the
CONTRACTOR such amount of money as may be required to be withheld by
the Qatari authorities. LREDC shall at the reasonable request of the
7.15 In the event LREDC has failed by the expiry of the period of time specified in
Sub-Article 7.9 hereinabove to settle payment against correctly prepared,
adequately supported and undisputed invoice(s) the value or cumulative
value of which exceeds the amount equal to 200% of the “Monthly Average
Payment”, the CONTRACTOR shall have the right to issue a written notice
('Payment Delay Notice') to LREDC of such delay. “Monthly Average
Payment” for purposes of this Sub-Article 7.15 means the CONTRACT
PRICE divided by the original CONTRACT duration (measured in calendar
7.16 If LREDC fails to effect payment within a period of thirty five (35) days from
the receipt of the Payment Delay Notice, the CONTRACTOR shall,
notwithstanding Sub-Article 16.11 have the right to suspend the WORK and
shall be entitled to reimbursement for those costs incurred during the
suspension period which are attributable solely to the suspension, and
are reasonable, unavoidable, and properly incurred costs of the
SUBCONTRACTORS which, with LREDC's prior APPROVAL, are maintained
for the WORK) during the suspension period and fully supported with
documentation as APPROVED by LREDC.
8.1 LREDC shall have the right, at any time, to require any changes in the
WORK such as additions, deletions, substitutions or other alterations or
revisions in the WORK, and to direct the CONTRACTOR to perform such
changes as detailed in an LREDC INSTRUCTION. Any increase or decrease
in the CONTRACT PRICE and/or any modification in the EXECUTION
PROGRAMME resulting from such change shall be evaluated and
determined in accordance with the CONTRACT and the rates and prices
contained in Appendix B.
8.2 If Appendix B does not contain work unit rates which are specifically
applicable to such change, then LREDC shall value the increase or
decrease using fair and reasonable rates and prices. Deletion of
individual items shall not entitle the CONTRACTOR to reimbursement for
8.3 The CONTRACTOR shall not undertake any change until it has received
from the LREDC REPRESENTATIVE. The CONTRACTOR shall only take
instructions from LREDC’s REPRESENTATIVES.
The CONTRACTOR shall without delay implement any and all LREDC
CONTRACTOR considers that a LREDC INSTRUCTION constitutes a
VARIATION and impacts the CONTRACT PRICE and/or it shall result in a
notify LREDC in writing as soon as practicable, but in any event within seven
(7) days from the date of such LREDC INSTRUCTION, that the
CONTRACTOR considers that an LREDC INSTRUCTION constitutes a
VARIATION and must specify the provisions in the CONTRACT under which
the CONTRACTOR considers itself entitled for additional compensation
and/or extension of the SCHEDULED COMPLETION DATE. The
CONTRACTOR shall as soon as practicable, but in any event within forty two
(42) days from its notice, furnish to LREDC a detailed justification and
estimate of any impact on the CONTRACT PRICE (in the event the
CONTRACTOR seeks additional compensation), and a TIME IMPACT
ANALYSIS justifying any request for extension to the SCHEDULED
COMPLETION DATE of the WORK (and/or SECTION, if applicable) and
evidencing the impact on the critical path, if an extension to the SCHEDULED
COMPLETION DATE of the WORK (and/or SECTION, if applicable) is being
sought. If LREDC agrees with the CONTRACTOR’s notification, LREDC
shall issue a CONTRACT VARIATION FORM. If LREDC does not agree with
the CONTRACTOR’s justifications, LREDC may proceed in accordance with
the below, as may be applicable, however, if LREDC rejects the
CONTRACTOR’s notification in principle, the PARTIES shall proceed in
accordance with the provisions of Article 16.
(ii) LREDC’s determination will only be based on the part which has been
substantiated by the CONTRACTOR in accordance with the
requirements of this CONTRACT.
(iv) If within a period of sixty (60) days after the issuance of the relevant
are still in disagreement regarding the total cost impact, the aggrieved
PARTY may proceed in accordance with Article 16.
8.6 A VARIATION shall not affect the rights and obligations of the PARTIES
except as expressly provided in the relevant CONTRACT VARIATION FORM
and under this CONTRACT. All VARIATIONS shall be governed by all
provisions of the CONTRACT. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
Article 8, the CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to an increase in the
DATE if the VARIATION was required as a result of a breach, neglect or
default by the CONTRACTOR or any person for whom the CONTRACTOR is
responsible in accordance with the CONTRACT
8.7 The CONTRACTOR may, at any time, submit to LREDC a written proposal
which (in the CONTRACTOR's opinion) will, if adopted, (i) accelerate
COMPLETION, (ii) reduce the cost to LREDC of executing, maintaining or
operating the WORK and/or the FACILITY, (iii) improve the efficiency or value
to LREDC of the completed WORK and/or the FACILITY, and/or (iv)
otherwise be of benefit to LREDC. The proposal shall be prepared at the cost
of the CONTRACTOR and LREDC may, at its discretion, APPROVE or reject
any such proposal. If a proposal, which is APPROVED, includes a change in
the design of part of the WORK, then unless otherwise agreed by both
(ii) Sub-Paragraphs (i) through (IV) of Sub-Article 2.13 shall apply; and
9.1 LREDC at its own cost shall provide the items of materials, plant equipment,
services and facilities specified in Appendix A. The CONTRACTOR shall be
responsible for receiving from LREDC warehouse(s), loading, transporting,
unloading, warehousing, preserving, maintaining, and handling and delivery
to the CONSTRUCTION SITE such items of material plant and equipment.
9.2 The CONTRACTOR shall visually inspect all materials plant and equipment
and check all supporting documentation and notify LREDC of any
discrepancy or damage to the said materials plant and equipment within five
(5) days of receipt. In the absence of such notification, the materials plant
and equipment shall be deemed to have been received in a complete and
undamaged state and the rectification of any discrepancy, if any, shall be for
the account of the CONTRACTOR.
9.4 The CONTRACTOR shall notify LREDC of any shortage of or need for
materials, plant and equipment to be supplied by LREDC in sufficient time for
LREDC to furnish said materials, plant or equipment in advance of the
CONTRACTOR's needs. In the event of any defect of LREDC furnished
materials, plant or equipment, the CONTRACTOR shall promptly notify LREDC
of such defect and shall take all reasonable steps to mitigate the effects of such
defect and to continue progress of other portions of the WORK pending
correction of such misfit.
9.5 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the proper use, maintenance, and
security of LREDC material, supplies, facilities, and equipment and shall make
good any loss, damage or deterioration, except for normal wear and tear until
they have been handed over to LREDC.
monthly inventory to show the use of all materials and equipment received and
the balance of materials and equipment unused at all times.
10.1 The CONTRACTOR shall not cede, delegate, make-over, novate, assign, or
transfer in any other way the CONTRACT or any part of it or any benefit or
interest in or under it without the prior written agreement of LREDC which
shall be in the absolute discretion of LREDC. Notwithstanding anything to the
contrary elsewhere in this CONTRACT, LREDC shall have the unrestricted
right to cede, assign, transfer or make-over its rights, interest or benefits and
novate or delegate its obligations and responsibilities under this CONTRACT
in whole or in part to any of LREDC's AFFILIATES and or its lenders
providing finance or refinance in connection with the WORK. Subject to the
foregoing, the provisions of this CONTRACT shall extend to the benefit of and
be binding upon the successors and assignees of the PARTIES.
10.2 The CONTRACTOR shall not SUBCONTRACT the whole of the WORK. The
CONTRACTOR shall not SUBCONTRACT any part of the WORK without the
APPROVAL of LREDC (except for those previously APPROVED
SUBCONTRACTORS listed in Appendix D). The CONTRACTOR shall
ensure that the rights of LREDC and the requirements in the CONTRACT
regarding SUBCONTRACTORS are effectively provided for in any
SUBCONTRACT. In proposing a SUBCONTRACTOR as provided in this
Article 10, the CONTRACTOR shall reasonably ensure that such proposal is
not detrimental to the interests of LREDC.
10.7 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all work, acts, omissions and
defaults of any SUBCONTRACTOR as fully as if they were the work, acts,
omissions or defaults of the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall
release, protect, indemnify, defend and hold harmless LREDC and its
AFFILIATES and its and their officers, employees and agents from all claims,
losses, damages, costs (including legal costs), expenses and liabilities of
every kind and nature resulting therefrom.
been avoided by use of due care, and (iv) which is not substantially
attributable to the other PARTY provided that such occurrence materially and
directly impairs the ability of the affected PARTY to perform its obligations
under the CONTRACT is hereinafter referred to as “Force Majeure”. Force
Majeure events include the following events and other events of similar nature
in the State of Qatar:
i. acts of God;
ii. expropriation, confiscation, requisitioning or commandeering
by or compliance with any oral or written order, directive or
request of any governmental authority or person purporting to
act therefor or under such authority;
iii. war (whether declared or not), act of foreign enemy, hostilities,
acts of terrorism, rebellion, or public disorder;
iv. ionising, radiation or contamination by radioactivity;
v. explosions, fires, floods, earthquakes, or other natural
vi. general strikes and industrial disturbances except by the
CONTRACTOR’s and SUBCONTRACTOR’s or any of their
affiliate companies’ work force.
11.2 If during and within a reasonable time after a Force Majeure occurrence,
which caused the CONTRACTOR to suspend or delay performance of the
WORK, the CONTRACTOR has failed to take such action as the
CONTRACTOR could lawfully initiate and with all reasonable efforts to
remove, mitigate, or relieve either the Force Majeure occurrence or its direct
or indirect effects, LREDC may, in its sole discretion and after written notice
to the CONTRACTOR, initiate such measures, including but not limited to, the
hiring of third parties, as are designated to remove, mitigate, or relieve such
Force Majeure occurrence or its direct or indirect effects and back-charge
CONTRACTOR for the same. LREDC may thereafter require the
CONTRACTOR to resume full or partial performance of the WORK. LREDC,
in its sole discretion, may also decide to terminate this CONTRACT in
accordance with the terms of Article 12.
11.4 If a PARTY is or will be prevented from performing any of its obligations under
the CONTRACT by Force Majeure, the affected PARTY shall give seven (7)
days written notice after occurrence of the event to the other PARTY of the
circumstances constituting the occurrence and of the obligation or
performance which is thereby delayed or prevented.
11.5 If a period of Force Majeure exceeds one hundred and eighty four (184) days,
unless a shorter period is otherwise agreed by the PARTIES, either PARTY
may terminate the CONTRACT upon seven (7) days written notice to the
other PARTY. If the CONTRACT is so terminated, the CONTRACTOR shall
be paid as full and final compensation under the CONTRACT in accordance
with Sub-Article 12.9 below, it being understood that the CONTRACTOR shall
have the obligation to mitigate all such costs.
11.6 LREDC may elect to extend, by written notice to the CONTRACTOR, the
period which must elapse (as referred to in Sub-Article 11.5) before either
PARTY may terminate the CONTRACTOR's engagement under the
CONTRACT in accordance with Sub-Article 11.5, provided that LREDC shall,
in respect of an event of Force Majeure persisting into such extended period,
pay to the CONTRACTOR the costs which are reasonable, unavoidable and
fully supported with documentation cost properly incurred by it as a result of
the extension.
12.1 LREDC may at any time suspend performance of all or any part of the WORK
by giving notice of suspension to the CONTRACTOR. Upon receiving any
such notice of suspension, the CONTRACTOR shall promptly suspend further
performance of the WORK to the extent specified. Each individual suspension
may continue for a period of up to ninety one (91) days, unless a longer
period of time is agreed in writing by the PARTIES, after the effective date of
suspension. During such period, LREDC may, request the CONTRACTOR to
resume performance of the WORK and the CONTRACTOR shall thereupon
diligently comply.
12.2 If at the end of the suspension period specified in Sub-Article 12.1 above,
LREDC has not required a resumption of the WORK, the CONTRACTOR
may serve a notice on LREDC requiring permission to proceed forthwith with
the WORK or the part thereof that is subject to suspension. If within fourteen
(14) days LREDC does not grant such permission, the CONTRACTOR, by a
further notice, may, except where a cause of the suspension is something for
which the CONTRACTOR is responsible, elect to treat that portion of the
WORK which has been suspended as if it has been terminated as of the end
of the fourteen (14) day notice period mentioned above for convenience by
LREDC in accordance with the provisions of Sub-Article 12.6A below.
those costs incurred during the suspension period which are attributable
solely to the suspension, and:
12.4 During the suspension period, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for
safeguarding and protecting the WORK and the CONSTRUCTION SITE and
all materials, supplies, facilities, and equipment in the CONTRACTOR’s
possession and custody for the performance of the WORK.
12.5 If suspension results from a default on the part of the CONTRACTOR, the
CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to any additional cost or to an extension
SECTION(s), if applicable), and any additional costs incurred by LREDC as a
result of such suspension shall be recoverable by LREDC from the
12.6 LREDC shall have the right, to terminate the CONTRACT in any of the
following events:
(i) at the convenience and sole discretion of LREDC, and at such time or
times as LREDC may require, by giving twenty eight (28) days’
advance notice to the CONTRACTOR;
(ii) forthwith and with immediate effect, without advance notice period,
and without the need for a judgment, if the CONTRACTOR becomes
bankrupt or makes a composition or arrangement with its creditors or
if a winding-up order of the CONTRACTOR is made or (except for the
purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction) a resolution for its
voluntary winding-up passed or a provisional liquidator, receiver,
administrator or manager of its business or undertaking is appointed
or takes or suffers any other analogous action under applicable laws,
(iii) forthwith and with immediate effect, without any advance notice
period, and without the need for a judgment, if the CONTRACTOR or
any SUBCONTRACTOR is in Conflict of Interest as defined in Article
17 below or gives or offers to give directly or indirectly any bribe, gift,
gratuity, commission or other thing of value as an inducement or
reward to influence or to favour or disfavour any person or entity in
relation to the CONTRACT; or
(iv) forthwith and with immediate effect, without need for any advance
notice period or a judgment, if any stated maximum LIQUIDATED
DAMAGES in Appendix B has been reached.
12.7 LREDC shall have the right to terminate:
i. the CONTRACT or;
ii. any part of the WORK,
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TENDER No.: 55012856
in the event of a default on the part of the CONTRACTOR, in which case and
before the issue by LREDC of a notice of termination, LREDC shall give
notice of default to the CONTRACTOR giving the details of such default. If the
CONTRACTOR upon receipt of such notice does not remedy such default
within fourteen (14) days, the this CONTRACT or the relevant part of the
WORK, as the case may be, shall be deemed automatically terminated
without the need for a further notice or a court judgement ..
12.8 In the event of LREDC giving the CONTRACTOR notice of termination of all
or any part of the WORK, such notice shall become effective on the date
specified therein (or in the absence of any specified date at the date of receipt
of the notice), whereupon the CONTRACTOR shall immediately and in an
orderly manner:
(i) cease performance of the WORK or such part thereof as may be
specified in the notice;
(ii) allow LREDC or its nominee full right of access to the
CONSTRUCTION SITE to remove and/or take over the WORK or the
relevant part of the WORK so far completed together with all
materials, supplies, facilities, and equipment. LREDC shall have the
right to complete the WORK or the relevant part of the WORK (using
such materials and equipment) by other contractors;
(iii) if instructed by LREDC, assign to LREDC, or its nominee, all or the
relevant part of the rights, in the SUBCONTRACTS relating to the
WORK which the CONTRACTOR may have acquired or entered into;
(iv) remove all CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL, the equipment and
materials, other than that required under Sub-Article 12.8.ii, of the
CONTRACTOR from the immediate area in which the WORK is being
performed unless otherwise instructed by LREDC.
12.8 Within twenty eight (28) days of the effective date of termination, the
and originals, copies and reproductions of all drawings, specifications,
requisitions, calculations, programme listings, erection plans, schedules,
software and all other data or documents prepared by the CONTRACTOR or
any SUBCONTRACTOR in respect of the WORK or the terminated part of the
12.9 In the event of termination under Sub-Article 12.6.i above, the
CONTRACTOR's entitlement to payment shall be limited to the amount
calculated in accordance with Appendix B and shall comprise the following
(i) payment for the part of the WORK already satisfactorily performed in
accordance with the CONTRACT; and
(ii) payment of reasonable costs/expenses for: (a) materials and
equipment already mobilized and/or (b) works and services already
commenced by the CONTRACTOR or SUBCONTRACTORS for
which cancellation cannot be made or can be made upon payment of
cancellation fees, against documented proof.
12.12 The foregoing provisions of this Article are without prejudice to any other
rights and/or remedies of LREDC under the CONTRACT or at law.
13.1 The CONTRACTOR shall release, protect, indemnify, defend and hold
harmless LREDC and its AFFILIATES and its and their officers, employees
and agents from all claims, losses, damages, costs (including legal costs),
expense and liabilities of every kind and nature resulting wholly, partially or
contributory from:
ii) personal injury, including fatal injury and disease, to any person
employed by the CONTRACTOR or its SUBCONTRACTORS,
without regard to the cause or causes thereof, including, without limitation, the
fault or negligence (whether sole, concurrent, active, passive or otherwise) or
breach of duty (statutory, contractual or otherwise) of either PARTY or any
other person or entity.
13.2 The CONTRACTOR shall release, protect, indemnify, defend and hold
harmless LREDC and its AFFILIATES and its and their officers, employees
and agents from all claims, losses, damages, costs (including legal costs),
expense and liabilities of every kind and nature resulting from (i) personal
injury, including fatal injury and disease, to any third party and/or (ii) loss of or
damage to the property of any third party, arising directly or indirectly, wholly,
partially or contributory out of or in connection with the performance of the
13.3 The CONTRACTOR shall fully indemnify LREDC in respect of any loss of or
damage to LREDC, in connection with the performance of the CONTRACT
caused by negligence, breach of duty, or misconduct of the CONTRACTOR,
its SUBCONTRACTORS or their respective officers, employees or agents.
13.4 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for, and shall release, protect,
indemnify, defend and hold harmless LREDC and its AFFILIATES and its and
their officers, employees or agents from all claims, damages, costs (including
legal costs), expenses and liabilities arising from or as a direct or indirect
result (wholly, partially or contributory) of any claim or legal action for
unauthorized disclosure or use of any data, trade secrets or for patent,
copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights infringement arising
from the CONTRACTOR’s performance under the CONTRACT and/or
asserted against LREDC which either
(b) LREDC shall not settle such claim or legal action without
first having obtained the CONTRACTOR’s consent in writing.
In the event such claim or legal action for such disclosure, use and/or
infringement results in a suit against LREDC, the CONTRACTOR shall, at its
election and in the absence of a waiver of this indemnity by LREDC, have
sole charge and direction thereof in LREDC’s behalf so long as the
CONTRACTOR diligently indemnifies LREDC and prosecutes defense of said
In the event the CONTRACTOR has charge of a suit brought against LREDC
by a third party, LREDC shall render such assistance as the CONTRACTOR
may reasonably require in the defense of such suit and LREDC shall have the
right to be represented therein by counsel of its own choice and at its own
In the event LREDC is enjoined from COMPLETION of the WORK or any part
thereof, or from the use, operation or enjoyment of the WORK or any part
thereof as a result of such claim or legal action or any litigation based
thereon, the CONTRACTOR shall promptly arrange to have such injunction
13.5 LREDC and the CONTRACTOR shall in no event be liable one to the other
for indirect or consequential losses comprising loss of revenue, profit or
anticipated profit loss of use of equipment or associated equipment, loss of
production or down time costs, loss of opportunity, loss of contract, loss of
goodwill, the cost of obtaining any new financing or maintaining any existing
financing (including the making of any scheduled or other repayment or
prepayment of debt and the payment of any interest or other costs, fees or
expenses incurred in connection with the obtaining or maintaining of
financing), howsoever arising including claims of each parties contractors,
suppliers or LREDC’s customers, and whether or not due in whole or in part
to the negligence of either PARTY except to the extent that this Sub-Article
13.5 shall not prevent, limit or exclude any liability for such losses or costs
insofar as they form part of (i) any agreed LIQUIDATED DAMAGES provided
for in the CONTRACT, (ii) any part of the liabilities, expenses, costs, losses or
damages relating to the CONTRACTOR's liability in respect of its third party
indemnity obligations set out in this CONTRACT or (iii) LREDC's costs of
taking steps of enforcement of its rights or entitlements against the
13.6 To the extent permissible under Qatar law, the liability of each PARTY under
this CONTRACT shall in no event exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the
CONTRACT PRICE except for (i) liabilities under third party indemnity
provisions, (ii) the CONTRACTOR’s obligations to reinstate and/or make
good defective works and services, (iii) the CONTRACTOR's liability in the
case of fraud, fraudulent misrepresentation, willful misconduct or willful
13.7 Without limiting the obligations of the CONTRACTOR or its insurers, the
CONTRACTOR shall secure and at all times during the term of the
CONTRACT maintain the agreed insurance coverage, as set forth in
Appendix C. This insurance coverage shall apply from the EFFECTIVE DATE
until the date of the DISCHARGE CERTIFICATE or the date specified in
Appendix C whichever is later.
14.3 The CONTRACTOR represents that it has a policy and procedure designed
to protect trade secret rights of its own proprietary information including
notices to its employees to prevent unauthorized publication and disclosure of
such information. The CONTRACTOR agrees that CONFIDENTIAL
INFORMATION shall be subject to such policy and procedure. In addition, the
CONTRACTOR agrees that it shall not disclose any CONFIDENTIAL
other than on LREDC’s behalf except as LREDC may otherwise authorize in
writing. If disclosure to a third party is so authorized, the CONTRACTOR
shall enter into a confidentially agreement with said PARTY containing the
same terms and conditions with respect to use or disclosure of
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION as this Article 14 contains.
14.5 The CONTRACTOR also agrees to enter into confidentiality agreements with
third parties upon LREDC’s request and to keep in force confidentiality
agreements concerning third parties’ proprietary information, which
agreements shall permit the CONTRACTOR to use such parties’ proprietary
information in the WORK.
like ); and LREDC shall not be liable for any use or disclosure of such
information and the CONTRACTOR shall release, protect, indemnify, defend
and hold LREDC and its AFFILIATES harmless against any liability arising
from such use or disclosure. The CONTRACTOR also warrants that it will not
disclose to LREDC any information that is subject to an obligation of secrecy
or confidentiality to any third person(s).
14.7 For any WORK performed, the CONTRACTOR and any SUBCONTRACTOR
shall keep accurate accounts and time records showing all costs, data and
charges incurred in accordance with internationally accepted accounting
principles and practices. LREDC or its authorized representative(s) or
agent(s) shall have the right to examine, during business hours, all books,
records, accounts, data, correspondences, instructions, specifications, plans,
drawings, receipts and memoranda of the CONTRACTOR and any
SUBCONTRACTOR insofar as they are pertinent to this CONTRACT. Such
right shall not extend to the audit of the makeup of any fixed rates, prices or
percentage charges. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for ensuring
that all of its and any SUBCONTRACTOR’s documentation for reimbursable
costs, if any, is preserved and made available at any time for audit, without
any additional compensation thereof, up to two (2) years from the
COMPLETION DATE of the WORK. LREDC shall have the right to photocopy
or otherwise reproduce, at its own cost, any such books, records, accounts,
correspondence, instructions, specifications, plans, drawings, receipts and
memoranda of the CONTRACTOR and its SUBCONTRACTORS.
14.8 LREDC shall have full audit rights for all documentation in case of early
termination of this CONTRACT or any substantial portion thereof or where the
CONTRACTOR submits a claim, demand or proceeding against LREDC or its
AFFILIATES arising out of or related to LREDC’s performance of the terms
and conditions of this CONTRACT.
15.2 The CONTRACTOR further agrees to grant and hereby grants to LREDC and
AFFILIATES an irrevocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive, fully sub-licensable
license to use, copy and reproduce any written documents, data, processes,
15.3 The CONTRACTOR shall obtain the same rights, obligations and/or licenses
with respect to inventions and/or patents as stated in Articles 15.1 and 15.2
from any SUBCONTRACTOR used by the CONTRACTOR pursuant to the
15.4 Without prejudice to Sub-Article 15.2 above, title to the right to possession of
and free right of use of all reports drawings, specifications, data, processes,
calculations, computer software (including computer aided design models),
other documents or materials and all other things created under or arising out
of the CONTRACT including all intellectual property rights contained therein,
shall vest in LREDC immediately upon the COMMENCEMENT DATE of the
WORK or creation of the article or document or item as applicable.
15.5 “Software” shall for the purpose of Sub-Article 15.4, mean the database and
all the machine codes, binaries, object codes and/or source codes, whether in
a machine or human readable form and all improvements, modifications or
updates thereof, flow charts, logic diagrams, passwords and output tapes.
The CONTRACTOR shall upon COMPLETION of the WORK (and/or
SECTION(s), if applicable) provide LREDC with a satisfactory, complete and
up to date copy of the software and all other information necessary to ensure
that LREDC can continue to satisfactorily use the software so provided by the
CONTRACTOR. LREDC reserves the right to verify and validate any
information contained within the software within one (1) year from the
CONTRACTOR’s expense, remedy any defects or inadequacies discovered
and notified by LREDC to the CONTRACTOR during the said one (1) year
and such defects or inadequacies shall be remedied within fourteen (14) days
of receipt of such notification. For software other than that is mentioned in
Sub-Article 15.4, the CONTRACTOR shall upon COMPLETION of the WORK
(and/or SECTION(s), if applicable) provide LREDC with a copy of the user
licenses of such software and all other information and any other
documentation defined in the CONTRACT. Unless otherwise stated in
Appendix B, any associated license fees shall be deemed to be included in
15.6 The FACILITY shall be and remain the property of LREDC solely. The
CONTRACTOR shall ensure that any plant, materials or supplies intended for
incorporation into the FACILITY shall be segregated and identified as
belonging to LREDC and destined for the WORK, regardless of their physical
15.7 All plant, materials and supplies provided by the CONTRACTOR or any
SUBCONTRACTOR under the terms of the CONTRACT which are destined
to be incorporated into the FACILITY shall become the property of LREDC
upon delivery to the CONSTRUCTION SITE or any payment whatsoever by
LREDC under the CONTRACT whichever is the earlier, except that property
in any plant, materials and supplies provided by the CONTRACTOR or any
SUBCONTRACTOR which are not in accordance with the CONTRACT and
which are rejected by LREDC shall re-vest immediately in the CONTRACTOR
or SUBCONTRACTOR as applicable.
15.8 Where payment to the CONTRACTOR by LREDC includes payment for items
of plant and materials which are not yet at the CONSTRUCTION SITE, the
CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to payment for such plant and materials as
part of the relevant payment milestone in accordance with Appendix B, as
may be applicable, provided that (i) the relevant items of plant and materials
have been marked as LREDC's property in accordance with LREDC's
instructions and the CONTRACTOR has established to the satisfaction of
LREDC that title in the relevant item or items has vested in LREDC, or (ii) the
CONTRACTOR has delivered to LREDC evidence of a Bank Guarantee in a
form acceptable to LREDC and issued by a Bank operating in Qatar and
APPROVED in amounts and currencies equal to such payment . This
Guarantee shall be valid until the items of plant and materials are properly
stored at the CONSTRUCTION SITE and protected against loss, damage or
15.9 The CONTRACTOR agrees that it will not claim any lien or charge on the
WORK or any property of LREDC in the possession of the CONTRACTOR or
at the CONSTRUCTION SITE. If at any time there shall be evidence of any
lien, attachment, charge or claim to which, if established, the property of
LREDC or the property of its AFFILIATE might be subjected and which is
made against the CONTRACTOR, LREDC shall have the right to retain out of
any payment to be made under the CONTRACT an amount sufficient to
indemnify LREDC completely against such lien, attachment, charge or claim.
Should there be any lien, attachment, charge or claim upon the property of
LREDC or the property of its AFFILIATE, the CONTRACTOR agrees to
refund to LREDC the costs incurred by LREDC in discharging any such lien,
attachment, charge or claim imposed on the property of LREDC or the
property of its AFFILIATE in consequence of the default of the
CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify LREDC of any
possible lien, attachment, charge or claim which may affect the WORK or any
part thereof.
15.10 Without prejudice to the provisions of this Article 15, the CONTRACTOR shall
protect, indemnify, defend and hold harmless LREDC from and against all
liens, attachments, charges or claims by the SUBCONTRACTORS in
connection with or arising out of the CONTRACT. LREDC shall have the right
to withhold the amount of any such lien, attachment, charge or claim from any
payment to the CONTRACTOR under the CONTRACT until removal of such
claim by the SUBCONTRACTORS. If such liens, attachments, charges or
claims fall inside the scope of the insurances of the CONTRACTOR, it shall
remain the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to furnish LREDC with
satisfactory written certification from the insurer of the CONTRACTOR that
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any such lien, attachment, charge or claim is covered by the insurance of the
CONTRACTOR before LREDC shall release any money withheld hereunder.
15.11 Notwithstanding the provisions of this Article 15, care, custody, control and re-
instatement of the WORK and all plant, materials and supplies provided by the
CONTRACTOR or any SUBCONTRACTOR for incorporation into the
FACILITY as part of the WORK, shall remain with the CONTRACTOR until
LREDC has issued a COMPLETION CERTIFICATE in respect of such WORK
(or any part thereof) pursuant to Sub-Article 5.7 and shall thereupon pass to
LREDC unless LREDC notifies the CONTRACTOR in writing that such care,
custody, control and reinstatement is assumed by LREDC at an earlier date.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the CONTRACTOR shall also be so responsible
for the care, custody, control and reinstatement of any outstanding work being
carried out by the CONTRACTOR after such period and making good any loss
or damage to such work from any such cause and for making good any loss or
damage to the WORK (or any part thereof) caused by the CONTRACTOR or
any SUBCONTRACTOR in the course of any such work or any WORK carried
out pursuant to Sub-Article 6.2.
iv. the nature and extent of any resultant additional costs (and any
associated overheads and profit entitlement (if any));
vi. the effect on the critical path noted on the EXECUTION PROGRAMME,
including any milestone dates (in accordance with the “TIME IMPACT
ANALYSIS” requirements under Sub-Article 4.7;
vii. the period, if any, by which in its opinion the SCHEDULED COMPLETION
DATE should be extended (in accordance with the “TIME IMPACT
ANALYSIS” requirements under Sub-Article 4.7;
viii. the adjustment, if any which in its opinion should be made to the
b) If the Claim under Sub-Article 15A(a) is noted to be interim claim, then the
ii. The CONTRACTOR shall send a final claim within twenty eight (28) days
after the end of the effect resulting from the event or circumstance.
i. does not comply with any of the requirements in Sub Article 15A(a),
the LREDC’s REPRESENTATIVE may reject that part of the claim entirely
and require the CONTRACOTR to resubmit the detailed claim (including any
interim claim) in compliance with the requirements in Sub Article 15A(a)
above and/or showing direct links between the loss incurred and each
individual event / circumstance claimed (as the case may be). The
CONTRACTOR acknowledges that its entitlement under this CONTRACT (if
any) shall only be calculated and/or evaluated by reference to claims which
comply with the requirements of this CONTRACT
d) Within twenty eight (28) days after receiving the fully detailed claim in
accordance with this Article 15A, or within such other period as may be agreed in
writing between the PARTIES, the LREDC REPRESENTATIVE shall respond
with APPROVAL, or with disapproval and comments. The LREDC
REPRESENTATIVE may also request any necessary further particulars.
f) The requirements of this Sub-Article are in addition to those of any other Sub-
Article which may apply to a claim, any extension of time and/any additional
payment shall take into account of the extent (if any) to which the failure has
prevented or prejudiced proper investigation of the claim, unless the claim is
excluded under this Sub-Article 15A
g) If the CONTRACTOR fails to give a CLAIM NOTICE duly completed and signed
including detailed particulars within the period required under this Sub-Article
15A, the SCHEDULED COMPLETION DATE shall not be extended, and the
CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled for additional payment or cost or overhead
or profit, and the CONTRACTOR shall be deemed to have waived its entitlement
to make such claim, and LREDC shall be discharged from all liability arising out
of or in connection with the claim. Otherwise, the following provisions of this
Article shall apply.
l) Despite any other provision of the CONTRACT, the CONTRACTOR shall use its
best endeavours, acting in accordance with the BEST PRACTICES AND
ACCEPTED PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS to mitigate the effects of any event
or circumstance which has or may adversely affect the WORK, increase the
CONTRACT PRICE or delay the execution of the WORK.
m) If within a period of ninety one (91) days after the issuance of the relevant CLAIM
NOTICE, the PARTIES are still in disagreement regarding the CLAIM NOTICE,
the aggrieved PARTY may proceed in accordance with Article 16.
16.2 The CONTRACTOR shall abide by and comply, and secure compliance by its
SUBCONTRACTORS, with all applicable laws, including but not limited to all
national (or state) legislation, statutes, ordinances and other laws, regulations
and by-laws of any legally constituted public authority and any rules and
regulations of any governmental or regulatory body having jurisdiction over
the WORK.
16.3 The CONTRACTOR shall obtain all licenses, permits, temporary permits and
authorizations required by any applicable laws, rules and regulations for the
performance of the WORK other than those which are to be obtained solely in
the name of LREDC as specified in Appendix [A]. All costs for compliance
with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and obtaining authorities’
approvals, licenses and permits for performance of the WORK shall be for the
account of the CONTRACTOR.
16.4 All operations necessary for the performance of the CONTRACT shall be
carried on, so far as compliance with the requirements of the CONTRACT
permits, so as not to interfere unnecessarily or improperly with the
convenience of the public or the access to, use and occupation of places or
properties whether in the possession of LREDC, the CONTRACTOR,
SUBCONTRACTORS or any other person. The CONTRACTOR hereby
indemnifies LREDC against all claims, demands, proceedings, damages,
costs, charges and expenses whatever arising in relation to any of the
aforesaid matters is so far as the CONTRACTOR is responsible for such
16.5 If after EFFECTIVE DATE, any law, regulation, ordinance, order or by-law
having the force of law in Qatar, is enacted, promulgated, abrogated or
changed (which shall be deemed to include any change, interpretation or
application by the competent authorities) which would not have been
reasonably foreseen by an experienced contractor as at the EFFECTIVE
DATE and which subsequently affects the costs and expenses of the
CONTRACTOR or delays the COMPLETION of the WORK( and/or
SECTION(s), if applicable), the CONTRACT PRICE shall be correspondingly
increased or decreased in accordance with Article 8 and/or the SCHEDULED
COMPLETION DATE of the WORK (and/or SECTION(s), if applicable) in
accordance with Sub-Article 4.7, provided that the PARTY seeking benefits of
the change fully documents the effects of such changes.
16.6 If after fully exhausting the procedure outlined in Article 8 (with respect to
and Sub-Article 15A (with respect to the CLAIM NOTICE(s)), the
CONTRACTOR still considers that a controversy, a claim, a dispute, a
difference and/or any other similar matter arising out of or relating to this
CONTRACT (all such controversies, claims, disputes, differences and other
16.7 Subject to Sub-Article 16.6, and in any event, the CONTRACTOR shall not
have the right to raise a Dispute Notice if one hundred and five (105) days
have elapsed after the date that the CONTRACTOR became aware (or
should have become aware) of the event giving rise to a Dispute. If the
CONTRACTOR fails to give notice of a Dispute within such period of one
hundred and five (105) days, the CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to any
extension to the SCHEDULED COMPLETION DATE or payment for any
associated costs and LREDC shall be discharged from all liability in
connection with such Dispute.
16.8 LREDC and the CONTRACTOR shall in good faith and using all reasonable
efforts in the spirit of co-operation take all steps as may be necessary or
desirable to settle amicably any Dispute through negotiations and other
constructive discussions. If in the opinion of either PARTY it is not possible,
after sixty three (63) days to settle the Dispute through mutual consultation
that PARTY shall first refer the Dispute in writing to a committee comprising
one [director/senior manager] of each of the PARTIES or such replacement
persons as may be nominated from time to time who shall not be involved in
the day to day running and/or management of the CONTRACT (the
"Management Committee") with a copy of the notice of referral to the other
PARTY. The Management Committee shall convene at a mutually agreed
venue within seven (7) days of the notice of referral to consider the
information available and shall provide an opinion within twenty one (21)
days of the notice of referral, provided that the PARTIES may agree to
longer periods for convening the Management Committee and for it to
provide an opinion. If, within such twenty-one (21) day or longer period as
aforesaid, a unanimous decision is reached by the Management Committee
resolving the Dispute or difference, such decision shall be final and binding
on the Parties.
16.10 Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-Articles 16.6, 16.7, 16.8 and 16.9
above, LREDC will solely decide on all matters which are specifically
reserved in this CONTRACT for APPROVAL by LREDC.
16.11 The CONTRACTOR shall not at any time suspend performance of the
WORK, including any part thereof which is subject of a Dispute, or any of its
17.1 The term “Conflict of Interest” as used herein means any potential or actual
situation or circumstances where (i) while performing the WORK there is an
opportunity for the CONTRACTOR to engage in duplication or overlap of
services or works, or (ii) there is an incident as of those described in Sub-
Article 17.4 below, and/or (iii) there is an opportunity for the CONTRACTOR
and/or CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL to improperly influence any LREDC
decision and/or utilize the WORK or CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, to
further the CONTRACTOR’s or CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL’s interests or
the interests of the CONTRACTOR’s parent company, affiliates, sister
companies, joint venturers or any other company or entity which the
CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL have any interest therein.
17.2 The CONTRACTOR represents and warrants that entering into the
CONTRACT or its performance thereunder does not create nor will it create
any Conflict of Interest as to any relationship, contractual, fiduciary or
otherwise, which the CONTRACTOR may have with LREDC or any third
party related or affiliated with LREDC, or the CONTRACT.
17.3 The CONTRACTOR represents, warrants and shall ensure that neither it nor
CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL shall enter into any Conflict of Interest
throughout the currency of the CONTRACT.
17.4 The CONTRACTOR warrants that neither it nor any CONTRACTOR
PERSONNEL (i) has paid or shall pay any commission, fee, rebate or
anything of value to or for the benefit of any employee or officer of LREDC, (ii)
has favoured or shall favour employees or officers of LREDC with gifts or
entertainment other than normal business practices, or (iii) shall enter into any
business arrangement with any employee or officer of LREDC in their
individual or any other capacity except as formally delegated to them by
17.5 If any Conflict of Interest arises any time during the currency of the
CONTRACT, the CONTRACTOR shall so notify LREDC immediately. The
CONTRACTOR and LREDC shall use their best efforts to settle any point of
Conflict of Interest satisfactorily. If LREDC discovers any Conflict of Interest
that has not been notified to it by the CONTRACTOR, LREDC shall have the
right to take the action it deems necessary to protect its interests including
termination of the CONTRACT forthwith in accordance with Article 12.
18.1 In order that the PARTIES hereto may fully exercise their rights and perform
their obligations hereunder arising from the performances of the WORK under
this CONTRACT, such provisions of this CONTRACT which are of a
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18.3 The CONTRACTOR agrees that all public relations matters arising out of or in
connection with the WORK and/or this CONTRACT shall be the sole authority
and responsibility of LREDC. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain LREDC’s
APPROVAL of the text of any announcement, publication or other type of
communication concerning the WORK and/or this CONTRACT which the
CONTRACTOR or its SUBCONTRACTORS wish to release for publication.
The CONTRACTOR shall not use LREDC’s name in any publication without
18.4 This CONTRACT embodies the entire agreement between the PARTIES and
supersedes and replaces any and all oral or written communications between
the PARTIES in relation to the subject matter hereof. Neither PARTY shall be
liable to the other for any statement, representation, promise, inducement or
understanding of any kind or nature not set forth herein. No changes,
amendments or modifications of the terms and conditions of this CONTRACT
shall be valid unless reduced to writing and signed by the PARTIES.
18.5 Failure on the part of LREDC at any time to enforce or to require the strict
adherence to any performance of any of the terms or conditions of the
CONTRACT shall not constitute a waiver of such terms or conditions and
shall not affect or impair such terms or conditions in any way or the right of
LREDC at any time to avail itself of such remedies as it may have had for
each and every breach of such terms and conditions. No waiver of any
breach or default of the CONTRACT shall constitute a waiver of any other
breach or default, whether of the same or any other covenant, term or
condition unless specified in writing by the waiving PARTY. The subsequent
performance of any other terms, covenants, conditions of the CONTRACT
shall not constitute awaiver of any preceding breach or default, regardless of
the other PARTY’s knowledge of the preceding breach or default at the time
of subsequent performance, nor shall any delay or omissions of either
PARTY’s exercise of any right arising from any such breach or default affect
or impair the PARTIES’ rights as to the same or future breach or default.
18.6 Where the CONTRACTOR has effected any design, services or works in
furtherance of the WORK prior to the EFFECTIVE DATE, the PARTIES agree
that such activities shall be considered, without any extension to the
EXECUTION PROGRAMME, as if they had been carried out after the
EFFECTIVE DATE and that they are subject to all terms and conditions of the
CONTRACT. Furthermore, the CONTRACTOR warrants to the LREDC that
such activities have been carried out in accordance with the requirements of
the CONTRACT and confirms that the warranties and undertakings set out in
this CONTRACT apply to such activities (without prejudice to the generality of
such warranties and undertakings).
19.1 Each PARTY has nominated its REPRESENTATIVE for this CONTRACT.
The name and contact address of LREDC REPRESENTATIVE is set forth in
Appendix F and the name and contact address of the CONTRACTOR
shall have the duties, rights and obligations outlined as follows:
19.2 LREDC shall have the right to change its REPRESENTATIVE or its
REPRESENTATIVE’S deputies at any time at its sole discretion and shall
notify the CONTRACTOR accordingly. The CONTRACTOR shall not change
19.3 All notices and other communications to be given under the CONTRACT shall
be in writing and shall be deemed to be effectively given:
If facsimile transmittal takes place after normal business hours, notice shall
be deemed given on the opening of business on the following business day to
the other PARTY at its address set out in the CONTRACT (or such other
address if such has been properly notified to the other PARTY with fourteen
(14) days prior notice).