NS100 Sway Control: Supplement Sway Control With ABB ACS880 Crane Control (+N5050)
NS100 Sway Control: Supplement Sway Control With ABB ACS880 Crane Control (+N5050)
NS100 Sway Control: Supplement Sway Control With ABB ACS880 Crane Control (+N5050)
Sway control with ABB ACS880 Crane control (+N5050)
Sway control with ABB ACS880 Crane control (+N5050)
MAN3920151001 Rev A
EFFECTIVE: 2015-09-23
Table of contents............................................................................................................................ 3
Program features............................................................................................................................ 9
Chapter overview ............................................................................................................................. 9
Overview of the Sway function ......................................................................................................... 9
How does the NS100 Sway control operate? ................................................................................. 10
Initial sway correction while starting ........................................................................................... 10
Sway correction while moving load ............................................................................................ 10
Sway correction while stopping .................................................................................................. 10
Straight up lifting ........................................................................................................................ 10
Follow me .................................................................................................................................. 10
Limit switches ............................................................................................................................ 11
FAQ/Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................................31
Introduction to this manual
Chapter overview
This chapter describes the contents of the manual. It also contains information on
the compatibility, safety and intended audience.
Safety instructions
Follow all safety instructions delivered with the drive.
• Read the complete safety instructions before you install, commission, or use the
drive. The complete safety instructions are given at the beginning of the
Hardware Manual.
• Read the software function specific warnings and notes before changing the
default settings of the function. For each function, the warnings and notes are
given in the subsection describing the related user-adjustable parameters.
The manual is compatible with ACS880 Crane control program version or
later (version code can be found from a signal 07.07: LOADING PACKAGE VER).
The reader of the manual is expected to know the standard electrical wiring
practices, electronic components, and electrical schematic symbols.
This Sway control with NoSwing NS100 supplement describes the operation and
the settings of the sway control functions with ABB ACS880 Crane control program
(+N5050). The rest of the program is equal to the ABB ACS880 Crane control
program manual which is documented in the Firmware manual,ACS880 crane
control program (option+N5050) (3AXD50000027678 [English]).
The supplement consists of the following chapters:
• Start-up and control points out the items to remember at the drive start-up. It also
refers to the related documents for further information.
• Program features describes the operation of the Sway control function, the core
of the Sway control program.
• Describes the user adjustable settings for tuning the operation of the Sway
control function.
Related documents
This Sway control with NoSwing NS100 supplement is to be used together with
ABB Firmware manual,ACS880 crane control program (option+N5050)
(3AXD50000027678 [English]).
Hardware Manual (appropriate Hardware Manual is delivered with the drive).
Option manuals (appropriate option manual is delivered with the option device).
7. Trial run
Control operation
The drive can be controlled by the panel (local control, during commissioning) or
through the external control signal interface (remote control). Switch between local
and external control modes with the LOC/REM key on the control panel or with the
DriveComposer PC tool.
When the Drive is controlled through the fieldbus the commands are given and
received over the fieldbus communication link (see chapter Fieldbus
How the Sway control program works is described in chapter Program features.
Chapter overview
This chapter describes the operation of the Sway function.
Program features
Straight up lifting
When this mode is enabled and function started NS100 controls start command and
speed reference of both directions. NS100 runs towards zero angle at a predefined
speed until zero angle is reached or function start command removed.
This function can be integrated to the hoist drive control helping the operator center
the lifting point, and make it impossible to lift the load with an angle on the ropes.
Follow me
When enabeling “Follow me” function, the crane will follow the hook with the rope in
almost vertical position during the run. This function is mainly used on small cranes
with light loads. Preferable use this function when operator wants to move emty
hook across the workshop, the crane will follow the hook in both longtravel and
trolley direction, getting there as fast as possible with minimum loadswing at stop.
Program features
Limit switches
The distance to stop the crane from full speed can be estimated by formula (units
are SI units):
(t + t acc )
Here t is the longest possible pendulum time constant, it can be estimated from the
hoisting height:
t = 2 sqrt (height)
Example: Hoisting height is 16 m and crane full speed is 30 m/min = 0.5 m/s and
normal deceleration time for manual driving is 5 sec (Par. 22.02). According to
linear ramp the slowdown distance of the crane would be 0.5 x v x t acc = 1.25 m.
With Sway engaged the basic ramp time can be set shorter, for example 4 sec (Par.
22.09 ASWAY RAMP TIME [s]).
The slowdown distance of the load is in this case:
t = 2 x sqrt 16 = 8 s, s = 0.5/4 x (8 + 4) = 1.5 m.
Program features
Look at the label on sensor for long travel and trolley default directions.
Make sure that long travel drive has node number #1 on Modbus.
Trolley setup
The trolley rev direction is now on your left hand when looking in long travel fwd
Check that modbus node number is set to #2
Repeat the same procedure as for long travel.
First local test to make sure that the motor is turning the right way.
Second pendant test to check that the pendant and crane direction markings match.
Note 1: If the crane is moving in forward direction when testing locally at low speed
(rev), switch motor direction by switching 2 phases on motor or by parameter. Do
the test again and make sure the crane is moving in the right direction.
Note 2: If the crane is moving in the opposite direction from the markings of the
pendant and crane, switch DI1 and DI2 signals on drive.
Program features
Mechanical mounting.
Mechanical installation of the No Swing ™ requires operations on altitudes and
additional safety measures need to be taken. Before starting the mechanical
installation of the No Swing™ ensure that all the risks of operating on altitudes are properly
Follow the safety instructions given in this manual and always refer to the safety
instructions of the industrial crane as well as the installed frequency converter for
further guidance
To avoid damages to No Swing™ caused by the hoist winding back and unwinding the wire
(hoist reeving), pay particular attention to ensuring the correct positioning the device on the wire.
1. Locate the correct placement of the No Swing™ on the industrial crane (Picture
3. Prepare the snap-on fastening by correctly attaching the screws.
2. Ensure that the device is correctly aligned against the rope with Modbus
connection cable facing upwards and led lamp facing downwards (Picture 5)
3. Fasten the device to the rope and ensure that the device is fastened securely
4. Ensure that the device is securely fastened
After completing steps 1-4 correctly, the electrical installation can be initiated.
Program features
Program features
Picture 2. Ensuring the correct installation onto the crane. Cable facing
upwards, led lamp facing downwards.
Program features
All electrical installation and maintenance work should be performed by
qualified electricians.
The adjoining equipment for No Swing™ (drive, crane) should be properly earthed.
Do not attempt any work on a powered crane or drive. After switching off the mains,
always allow the intermediate circuit capacitors 5 to discharge before working on
the No Swing™ device.
Neglecting to take the appropriate safety measures can cause physical injury or
Correct mechanical installation of the No Swing™ is required before starting the electrical
1. A 10 meter long cable is attached to the device, the cable is intended to connect the No Swing™ and
the frequency converter or PLC. Please take a moment to identify the five color-coded wires at the
other end of the cable (brown +24 VDC; white 0 V; grey Modbus data A; pink Modbus data B;
green Modbus gnd; yellow Earth on NS board
2. Locate the Modbus adapter in the frequency converter. The color coded wires (cables) need to be
correctly connected to the Modbus adapter. Follow the instructions provided on the product label, for
the correct attachment of wires (cables)
3. Follow the instructions provided on the product label in order to attach the color-coded cables to the
Modbus adapter. Please remember that this document is specifically crafted to conform to the ACS
880 frequency converter manufactured by ABB. If a different kind of frequency converter is installed
always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for additional reference.
Program features
Fieldbus communication settings
NS100 communication
NS100 communication is made by MODBUS-protocol, therefore it needs FSCA-01-
fieldbus adapter to be installed into the drive. Communication settings is done to the
group B, parameter groups 54-56 Fieldbus B settings. See basic settings to the
group 54 below:
Note ! REMEMBER to check position of termination resistor switch in the fieldbus
54.1 FBA B type RS-485 comm
54.2 Profile ABB Classic
54.3 Station ID Longtravel ID=1, trolley ID=2
54.4 Baud rate 57.6 kbit/s
54.5 Parity 8 None 1
54.6 Modbus timeout 10
54.7 Timeout mode None
54.11 Word order HiLo
54.12 Address mode Mode 0
54.13 FBA B Par13 0
54.14 FBA B Par14 0
54.15 FBA B Par15 0
54.16 FBA B Par16 0
54.17 FBA B Par17 0
54.18 FBA B Par18 0
54.19 FBA B Par19 0
54.20 FBA B Par20 0
54.21 FBA B Par21 0
54.22 FBA B Par22 0
54.23 FBA B Par23 1
54.24 Protocol check 1
54.25 Protocol Modbus.
Program features
Crane fieldbus control is made selected fieldbus protocol in fieldbus control group
A, therefore all settings must be done in groups 51-53.
Below is example when used protocol is MODBUS with FSCA-01-fieldbus adapter
51.1 FBA A type RS-485 comm
51.2 Profile ABB Classic
51.3 Station ID 5
51.4 Baud rate 57.6 kbit/s
51.5 Parity 8 None 1
51.6 Modbus timeout 10
51.7 Timeout mode None
51.8 OK messages 35083
51.9 CRC errors 0
51.10 UART errors 0
51.11 Word order HiLo
51.12 Address mode Mode 0
51.13 FBA A Par13 0
51.14 FBA A Par14 0
51.15 FBA A Par15 0
51.16 FBA A Par16 0
51.17 FBA A Par17 0
51.18 FBA A Par18 0
51.19 FBA A Par19 0
51.20 FBA A Par20 0
51.21 FBA A Par21 0
51.22 FBA A Par22 0
51.23 Init status 1
51.24 Protocol check 1
51.25 Protocol Modbus
Program features
Signals and parameter
Chapter overview
This chapter describes the user-adjustable parameters of the Sway function.
Only new added parameters and signals are listed here. Descriptions for the rest pf
parameters are listed
So these parameters are extra to the parameters described in ABB Firmware
manual,ACS880 crane control program (option+N5050) (3AXD50000027678
78.02 Ext speed corr to drive src Source selection, from which signal is taken speed correction Type:
value to the drive. E.g. 47.1. NS100 transmits value to this Def:
signal (47.1).
78.03 Direct lift enable With this parameter is selected source to activate direct lift Type:
function. E.g DIx or fieldbus control word bit. This information Def:
will be sent to the NS100 in 78.20 User status word 1 bit 6.
Rising edge activates function. When hook/ropes are in direct
line, NS100 sent feedback in 78.50 Ext sway control word 1
bit 4 “Direct Lift Done”.
Note: rising edge will start the drive automatically and will
keep it run until direct lifting condition is reached or normal
command to start motion is received.
78.05 Actual speed unscaled Crane actual speed unscaled (without decimals). 1584.4 rpm Type: I
1584 rpm Def: signal
78.20 User status word 1 The NS100 reads this status word. User can set them Type:
according NS100 configuration with parameters 78.30-78.35 Def:
(bits 0…)
0. External sway control enabled
8. Modbus id identified
78.50 Ext sway control word 1 Control word to crane from NS100. Type:
0. Toggle bit (back from NS100) Def:
1. Keep brake closed (at the moment of the start wait the
good time togo, swaying angle
2. Keep start command active (after stop command from
operator it is kept drive running to correct swaying)
3. Force reference to zero (if it is needed, speed ref ramp
can be forced ro be zero)
4. Direct lift is done (hook/ropes have zero angle)
5. 15 Free for future use
78.51 Timeout delay Timeout delay of external sway control. After stop command Type: T
it is waited this time, and if ext sway still working drive will Def: 10s
forced to stop (safety issue)
6. 15 Free
3. 15 Free
4. Bit4
6. Bit 6
8. 15 Free
NOTE: Check max. and min. speed limits from the ACS880
(Group 30)
Chapter overview
This chapter lists typical connections and parameter settings for basic setup and
Follow me schematics
Schematics below shows how control signals are connected and what parameter
typically are used.
Drive(s) starts when enable button is pressed and monitors the rope angle. When
ropeangle deviates from vertical, NS100 gives speedref to drive to reach the zero
angle. Deviation is caused by operator that pushes the hook in desired direction
and the crane automatically follows.
NS100 continously does this as long as enable button is pressed.
When enable button is released crane resumes normal operation.
This function is mostly used with emty hook or with light load attached to the hook,
for fast and easy positioning.
NOTE! This mode is not safe to use with heavy loads!
Product safety
Environmental safety
The product has been manufactured in compliance with Restriction of Hazardous
Substance (RoHs) Directive. This implies that No Swing™ is free from:
Lead (Pb)
Mercury (Hg)
Cadmium (Cd)
Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+)
Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB)
Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE)
Noswing Oy
Jakobsgatan 41D
Telephone +358 71 446 0101
Internet www.noswing.fi