NAS vs. SAN - Data Storage Comparison

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3/9/2020 NAS vs.

SAN: Data Storage Comparison


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NAS vs. SAN: Di erences and Use Cases

Posted May 8, 2018
These two storage architectures, both NAS and SAN, are as much
complementary as they are competitive and ll different needs and usage
cases in the organization. Many larger organizations own both.


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NAS “versus” SAN doesn’t tell the whole story in comparing these two
popular storage architectures. NAS and SAN are as complementary as they
are competitive and ll different needs and usage cases in the organization.
Many larger organizations own both.

However, enterprise IT budgets are not in nite, and organizations need to

optimize their storage expenditures to suit their priority requirements. This
article will help you do that by de ning NAS and SAN, calling out their
distinctions, and presenting usage cases for both architectures.

Storage Resource: Smarter Storage Management

Defining NAS and SAN

Network-Attached Storage (NAS)

Smarter Storage Management Series


Enterprise Data Storage 2018: Optimizing

Your Storage Infrastructure


NAS is a le-level data storage device attached to an TCP/IP network, usually

Ethernet. It typically uses NFS or CIFS protocols, although other choices like
HTTP are available. 1/5
3/9/2020 NAS vs. SAN: Data Storage Comparison

NAS appears to the operating system as a shared folder. Employees access

les from the NAS like they do any other le on the network. NAS is LAN-
dependent; if the LAN goes down so does the NAS.

NAS is not typically as fast as block-based SAN, but high-speed LANs can
overcome most performance and latency issues.

See our comprehensive guide to learn more about Network Attached Storage
in the Enterprise.

In the market for a Network Attached Storage? See our list of the best
enterprise NAS.

Storage Area Network (SAN)

SAN is a dedicated high-performance network for consolidated block-level

storage. The network interconnects storage devices, switches, and hosts.
High-end enterprise SANs may also include SAN directors for higher
performance and e cient capacity usage.

Servers connect to the SAN fabric using host bus adapters (HBAs). Servers
identify the SAN as locally attached storage, so multiple servers can share a
storage pool. SANs are not dependent on the LAN and relieves pressure on
the local network by o oading data directly from attached servers.

See our comprehensive guide on Storage Area Networks in the Enterprise.

NAS vs. SAN: 7 Big Di erences

1)  Fabric. NAS uses TCP/IP networks, most commonly Ethernet. Traditional
SANs typically run on high speed Fibre Channel networks, although more
SANs are adopting IP-based fabric because of FC’s expense and complexity.
High performance remains a SAN requirement and ash-based fabric
protocols are helping to close the gap between FC speeds and slower IP.

2)  Data processing. The two storage architectures process data differently:
NAS processes le-based data and SAN processes block data. The story is
not quite as straightforward as that of course: NAS may operate with a global
namespace, and SANs have access to a specialized SAN le system. A
global namespace aggregates multiple NAS le systems to present a
consolidated view. SAN le systems enable servers to share les. Within the
SAN architecture, each server maintains a dedicated, non-shared LUN. SAN
le systems allow servers to safely share data by providing  le-level access
to servers on the same LUN.

3)  Protocols. NAS connects directly to an Ethernet network via a cable into
an Ethernet switch. NAS can use several protocols to connect with servers
including NFS, SMB/CIFS, and HTTP. On the SAN side, servers communicate
with SAN disk drive devices using the SCSI protocol. The network is formed
using SAS/SATA fabrics, or mapping layers to other protocols such as Fibre
Channel Protocol (FCP) that maps SCSI over Fibre Channel, or iSCSI that
maps SCSI over TCP/IP.

4)  Performance. SANs are the higher performers for environments that need
high-speed tra c such as high transaction databases and ecommerce
websites. NAS generally has lower throughput and higher latency because of
its slower le system layer, but high-speed networks can make up for
performance losses within NAS. 2/5
3/9/2020 NAS vs. SAN: Data Storage Comparison

5)  Scalability. Entry level and NAS devices are not highly scalable, but high-
end NAS systems scale to petabytes using clusters or scale-out nodes. In
contrast, scalability is a major driver for purchasing a SAN. Its network
architecture enables admins to scale performance and capacity in scale-up
or scale-out con gurations.

6)  Price. Although a high-end NAS will cost more than an entry-level SAN, in
general NAS is less expensive to purchase and maintain. NAS devices are
considered appliances and have fewer hardware and software management
components than a storage area network. Administrative costs also gure
into the equation. SANs are more complex to manage with FC SANs on top of
the complexity heap. A rule of thumb is to gure 10 to 20 times the purchase
cost as an annual maintenance calculation. 

7)  Ease of management. In a one-to-one comparison, NAS wins the ease of

management contest. The device easily plugs into the LAN and offers a
simpli ed management interface. SANs require more administration time
than the NAS device. Deployment often requires making physical changes to
the data center, and ongoing management typically requires specialized
admins. The exception to the SAN-is-harder argument is multiple NAS
devices that do not share a common management console.



Fabric Uses TCP/IP networks, most Runs on high speed Fibre

commonly Ethernet Channel networks

Data processing Processes le-based data Processes block data

Protocols Connects directly to an Uses SCSI protocol to

Ethernet network communicate with servers
Can use several protocols to
connect with servers
including NFS, SMB/CIFS,
and HTTP

Performance Generally has lower A higher performer for

throughput and higher environments that need high-
latency because of its slower speed tra c
le system layer

Scalability Entry level and NAS devices Scalability is a major driver: its
are not highly scalable, High- network architecture enables
end NAS systems scale to admins to scale performance
petabytes using clusters or and capacity in scale-up or
scale-out nodes scale-out con gurations

Ease of Easier to manage: device Requires more administration

management easily plugs into the LAN and time than NAS
offers a simpli ed
management interface

Price In general NAS is less SANs are more complex to

expensive to purchase and manage with FC SANs on top of
maintain, although a high- the complexity heap
end NAS will cost more than
an entry-level SAN

NAS and SAN Use Cases

NAS and SAN serve different needs and use cases. Understand what you
need and where you need it. 3/5
3/9/2020 NAS vs. SAN: Data Storage Comparison

NAS: When you need to consolidate, centralize, and share.

· File storage and sharing. This is NAS major use case in mid-sized, SMB, and
enterprise remote o ces. A single NAS device allows IT to consolidate
multiple le servers for simplicity, ease of management, and space and
energy savings.

· Active archives. Long-term archives are best stored on less expensive

storage like tape or cloud-based cold storage. NAS is a good choice for
searchable and accessible active archives, and high capacity NAS can
replace large tape libraries for archives.

· Big data. Businesses have several choices for big data: scale-out NAS,
distributed JBOD nodes, all- ash arrays, and object-based storage. Scale-out
NAS is good for processing large les, ETL (extract, transform, load),
intelligent data services like automated tiering, and analytics. NAS is also a
good choice for large unstructured data such as video surveillance and
streaming, and post-production storage.

· Virtualization. Not everyone is sold on using NAS for virtualization networks,

but the usage case is growing and VMware and Hyper-V both support their
datastores on NAS. This is a popular choice for new or small virtualization
environments when the business does not already own a SAN.

· Virtual desktop interface (VDI). Mid-range and high-end NAS systems offer
native data management features that support VDI such as fast desktop
cloning and data deduplication.

SAN: When you need to accelerate, scale, and protect.

·  Databases and ecommerce websites. General le serving or NAS will do for

smaller databases, but high-speed transactional environments need the
SAN’s high I/O processing speeds and very low latency. This makes SANs a
good t for enterprise databases and high tra c ecommerce websites.

·  Fast backup. Server operating systems view the SAN as attached storage,
which enables fast backup to the SAN. Backup tra c does not travel over the
LAN since the server is backing up directly to the SAN. This makes for faster
backup without increasing the load on the Ethernet network.  

·  Virtualization. NAS supports virtualized environments, but SANs are better

suited to large-scale and/or high-performance deployments. The storage area
network quickly transfers multiple I/O streams between VMs and the
virtualization host, and high scalability enables dynamic processing.

·  Video editing. Video editing applications need very low latency and very
high data transfer rates. SANs provide this high performance because it
cables directly to the video editing desktop client, dispensing with an extra
server layer. Video editing environments need a third-party SAN distributed
le system and per-node load balancing control.

SAN and NAS Convergence

Uni ed (or multi-protocol) SAN/NAS combines le and block storage into a
single storage system. These uni ed systems support up to four protocols.
The storage controllers allocate physical storage for NAS or SAN processing. 4/5
3/9/2020 NAS vs. SAN: Data Storage Comparison

They are popular for mid-range enterprises who need both SAN and NAS, but
lack data center space and specialized admins for separate systems.
Converged SAN/NAS are a much smaller part of the market than distinct
deployments but show steady growth.

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