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Open Foundation With Eccentric Loading and Moments-Final

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BMRC abc
Calculations for Foundation for pier-1-50-13.7-10.5 Discipline Civil MottFile
No. Consultants(India)
/ X /
Calc by Shidhy Date 5-Jun-20 Sheet
Design of Open Foundation as per Indian Code IS 456 in ULS Checked by Harsha Date 5-Jun-20 of

Footing Design with Eccentric loading and moment along Mx & My :

Design Parameters
Safe Bearing Capacity : = 750 kN/m2 All units of pressure diagram in kN/m2 and
Steel Yeild Strength - fy = 500 N/mm2 distance in Metre unless mentioned otherwise
Concrete Characteristic Strength - fck = 40 N/mm2
Density of concrete = 25 kN/m3 2.3 m
Density of soil = 20 kN/m 3

Backfill Dept = 2.0 m and weight = 2459.6 kN

Column size = 1.6 m x 2.26 m
Footing Size Provided = 5.2 m x 9.5 m 3.6 3.6

Depth of footing - 'D' = 2.6 m

Depth of footing at ends - 'D' = 2.1 m
Nominal cover to outermost reinf. = 75 mm
Diameter of Main Bars = 32 mm
Effective Depth at face of column - 'd' = 2484 mm
Min % of steel reqd. -ptmin = 0.12 %

Eccentricity along x (Long.) axis - 0.00 m Backfill

Moment due to eccentricity along long. Axis=V*e= 0 kNm
Eccentricity along y(Transverse)-axis 0.00 m
Moment due to eccentricity along Trans. Axis=V*e= 0 kNm
Moment ML along Long. Axis = 16784 kNm 2.1 m 2.3 2.4 2.6

Total Moment in x dir.MuL = = 25176 kNm

Moment MT along Transverse axis = 746 kNm d/2= 1.24
TotaMuT = 1118 kNm d= 2.48 9 m
Load V = 7336 kN
Footing weight = 2858 kN
Total Factored Load Vu = 18980 kN
Transverse axis
9.5 m

1) Footing size Calculation and Base Pressure Check

87 35 87
Minimum Area of footing Reqd. = = 25 m2 1.8

Area Provided = 49 m2 3.6 3.6

Net Bearing Capacity at Base = = 386 kN/m2 5.2 m Longitudinal axis

ZL = 78 1.8

Pressure at base due to eccentricity 737 ZT = 43 684 737

P1 =P/A + ML/ZL + MT/ZT = 386 + 325 + 26 = 737 kN/m2

P2 =P/A - ML/ZL + MT/ZT = 386 - 325 + 26 = 87 kN/m2 <SBC,Hence OK
P3 =P/A + ML/ZL - MT/ZT = 386 + 325 - 26 = 684 kN/m2 684
P4 =P/A - ML/ZL - MT/ZT = 386 - 325 - 26 = 35 kN/m2 737

2) Flexural Steel along Long .Direction

3.6 m

Base Pressure is varying, Hence Moment at col.

face is Mu =Area of Pressure diagram x C.O.G
Mu = Mom. From Area of pressure diagram (rect.+triangle) 684
Mu (717 x4x 2= 4644 ) + ( 1/2* 20 *2/3* 4= 86)= 4731 kNm 52 20 717 704

Mu / b*d2 = 0.77 N/mm2 737

REQUIRED REINF AREA Ast (Astmin=2981 mm2) = 4481 mm2
Ast Provided 32 mm bars @ 100 centres = 8042 mm2/m OK
Permissible shear stress 'tc' -Table19, IS-456 Factor14 = 0.42 N/mm2

478940008.xls / open foundation with ecc.

3) Flexural Steel along Short. Direction
1.8 1.8

Base Pressure is varying, Hence Moment at col.

face is Mu =Area of Pressure diagram x C.O.G
Mu = Mom. From Area of pressure diagram (rect.+triangle) 87
Mu = (512 x 0 x 0= 829 ) + ( 1/2* 224.7 *2/3* 0= 243)= 1072 kNm ### 225 512 312

Mu / b*d2 = 0.17 kNm 737

REQUIRED REINF AREA Ast (Astmin=2981 mm2) = 2981 mm2
Ast Provided 25 mm bars @ 150 centres = 3272 mm2/m OK
Permissible shear stress 'tc' -Table19, IS-456 Factor35 = 0.28 N/mm2

4) Check for one way shear

One way shear to be checked at a distance of 'd' from column face ### mm
Depth available at a dist. d from col. Face = 2255 mm
Effective depth available at a dist. 'd' from col. Fa = 2144 mm 2484 mm

Vu-Upward force at S/n = Area of press. diagram x wid 4257 kN 3600 mm

Tv = Vu/bd + Mu tan b/bd4257
= /( 5000* ### +0 ### 0.41 N/mm2 (tanb = 0.14 )
tc from table 19 IS-456 for
tv =<tc OK
8.34 m

717 704
5) Two way shear check 737 730

Two way shear to be checked at a dist. of d/2 from face of col.:-

Depth available at a dist. 'd/2' from col. Face = 2428 mm
Effective depth available at dist. 'd/2' from col. Fa = 2317 mm
Vu - Total force acting on area at d/2 from col. face = 18980.38 kN ### mm
tv =Force/(Perimeter x d' at d/2 from col. face)=Vu/(b'+l')2d
= 0.46 N/mm2 1242 mm 4084 mm
Kstc=(Ks=0.5+ 0.7 ))+ ( tc = 0.25 SQRT f1.6)
= = 1.91 N/mm2 mm ### mm

tv =>Kstc but <1.5 Tc

Shear Reinf. to be provided OK 4744 mm
tv =>1.5 Tc Redesign Section OK

478940008.xls / open foundation with ecc.

Central Band Width Steel

Width =

Length =

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