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Paper 1

Time Allotted: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 243

 Pl ea s e r ea d t h e i n s t r u c t i o n s c a r ef u ll y . Yo u a r e a l l o t t ed 5 m i n u t es
s p ec i f i c a ll y f o r t h i s p u r p o s e.
 Yo u a r e n o t a l l o wed t o l ea v e t h e E xa m i n at i o n Ha l l b ef o r e t h e en d o f
t h e t es t .

A. General Instructions
1. Attempt ALL the questions. Answers have to be marked on the OMR sheets.
2. This question paper contains Three Parts.
3. Part-I is Physics, Part-II is Chemistry and Part-III is Mathematics.
4. Each part is further divided into two sections: Section-A & Section-B
5. Rough spaces are provided for rough work inside the question paper. No additional sheets will be
provided for rough work.
6. Blank Papers, clip boards, log tables, slide rule, calculator, cellular phones, pagers and electronic
devices, in any form, are not allowed.
B. Filling of OMR Sheet
1. Ensure matching of OMR sheet with the Question paper before you start marking your answers
on OMR sheet.
2. On the OMR sheet, darken the appropriate bubble with black pen for each character of your
Enrolment No. and write your Name, Test Centre and other details at the designated places.
3. OMR sheet contains alphabets, numerals & special characters for marking answers.
C. Marking Scheme For All Three Parts.
(i) Section-A (01 to 09) contains 09 multiple choice questions which have only one correct answer.
Each question carries +3 marks for correct answer and – 1 mark for wrong answer.
Section-A (10 – 13) contains 4 Assertion-Reasoning (multiple choice questions) which have
only one correct answer. Each question carries +3 marks for correct answer and
– 1 mark for wrong answer.
Section-A (14 – 19) contains 2 paragraphs. Based upon paragraph, 3 multiple choice questions
have to be answered. Each question has only one correct answer and carries +4 marks for
correct answer and – 1 mark for wrong answer.
(ii) Section-B (1 – 03) contains 3 Matrix Match Type (4 × 4 Matrix) questions containing statements
given in 2 columns. Statements in the first column have to be matched with statements in the
second column. Each question carries +6 marks for all correct answer. There is no negative

Name of the Candidate

Enrolment No.

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Useful Data

Acceleration due to gravity g = 10 m/s2

Planck constant h = 6.6 1034 J-s

Charge of electron e = 1.6  1019 C

Mass of electron me = 9.1  1031 kg

Permittivity of free space 0 = 8.85  1012 C2/N-m2

Density of water water = 103 kg/m3

Atmospheric pressure Pa = 105 N/m2

Gas constant R = 8.314 J K1 mol1


Gas Constant R = 8.314 J K1 mol1

= 0.0821 Lit atm K1 mol1
= 1.987  2 Cal K1 mol1
Avogadro's Number Na = 6.023  1023
Planck’s constant h = 6.625  1034 Js
= 6.625  10–27 ergs
1 Faraday = 96500 coulomb
1 calorie = 4.2 joule
1 amu = 1.66  10–27 kg
1 eV = 1.6  10–19 J

Atomic No: H=1, He = 2, Li=3, Be=4, B=5, C=6, N=7, O=8,

N=9, Na=11, Mg=12, Si=14, Al=13, P=15, S=16,
Cl=17, Ar=18, K =19, Ca=20, Cr=24, Mn=25,
Fe=26, Co=27, Ni=28, Cu = 29, Zn=30, As=33,
Br=35, Ag=47, Sn=50, I=53, Xe=54, Ba=56,
Pb=82, U=92.
Atomic masses: H=1, He=4, Li=7, Be=9, B=11, C=12, N=14, O=16,
F=19, Na=23, Mg=24, Al = 27, Si=28, P=31, S=32,
Cl=35.5, K=39, Ca=40, Cr=52, Mn=55, Fe=56, Co=59,
Ni=58.7, Cu=63.5, Zn=65.4, As=75, Br=80, Ag=108,
Sn=118.7, I=127, Xe=131, Ba=137, Pb=207, U=238.

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Physics PART – I

Single Correct Choice Type

This section contains 9 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. A particle moves over the sides of an equilateral triangle of side  with B

constant speed v as shown in figure. The magnitude of average
acceleration as it moves from A to C is  
v2 3 v2
(A) (B)
 2  A  C

3v 2 v2
(C) (D)
 2

2. In the arrangement shown in the figure pulley is light and smooth.

The extension in the spring is (g = 10 m/s2)
(A) 1.33 cm (B) 1 cm K = 1000 N/m
(C) 1.67cm (D) 2 cm

1 kg
2 kg

3. A block of mass m is gently placed over a massive plank moving horizontally over a smooth
surface with velocity 6 m/s. The coefficient of friction between the block and plank is 0.2. The
distance travelled by the block till it stop with respect to the plank is (g = 10 m/s2)
(A) 4 m (B) 6 m
(C) 9 m (D) 12 m

4. A particle is given velocity 5 m/s on a fixed large inclined surface as

shown in the figure. The radius of curvature of the path of the particle 5 m/s
after 1 sec from the start is about(g = 10 m/s2) 90
(A) 7 m (B) 14 m
(C) 21 m (D) 28 m 30

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5. A liquid drop at temperature t, isolated from its surrounding breaks into a number of droplets the
temperature of the droplets will be
(A) equal to t (B) greater than t
(C) less than t (D) none of these

6. In a mixture of gases, the average number of degree of freedom per molecule is 6. The rms
speed of the molecules of the gas is C. The velocity of sound in the gas is
C 3C
(A) (B)
2 4
2C C
(C) (D)
3 3

7. A wall of width  and cross sectional area A is having variable coefficient of thermal conductivity
given by k = k0 + x (where k0 and  are positive constant) and x is measured from outer surface
of wall. If the temperature of surroundings is T0C and the temperature of the room is maintained
at Tr C(T0 > Tr). The temperature of the wall at x = /2 is (given /K0 = 1 S.I. unit, T0 = 45C, and
Tr = 20C)
(A) 20C (B) 25C
(C) 28C (D) 30.37C

8. A particle of mass 2 kg is moving with a uniform speed of 3 2 m/s in XY plane along the line y =
(x + 4)m. The magnitude of the angular momentum about origin is
(A) zero (B) 24 kgm 2/sec
(C) 30 kgm /sec (D) 35 kgm 2/sec

9. A bob of mass m is in equilibrium with the help of two inextensible P

string connected to fixed support. The bob is slightly displaced
perpendicular to the plane of figure and released. The time period of  
oscillation of bob is B
 d d
(A) 2 (B) 2
g g

d ( 42  d2 )
(C) 2 (D) 2
g 2g

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Assertion - Reason Type

This section contains 4 questions numbered 10 to 13. Each question contains STATEMENT  1
(Assertion) and STATEMENT -2 (Reason). Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which
ONLY ONE is correct.

10. STATEMENT-1: A ball is projected upwards with such a velocity so

as to reach to a height H. Collision of ball with ground is elastic. h<H
There is a roof at height h < H. Whatever may be the value of h and
e (the coefficient of restitution between the roof and ball), the ball
will definitely collide with the roof for second time provided e  0.

STATEMENT-2: Magnitude of velocity will not change by the collision with ground.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.

11. STATEMENT-1: Radius of circular orbit of a satellite is made two times, then its areal velocity will
also becomes two times.

dA L mvr
STATEMENT-2: Areal velocity is given as   .
dt 2m 2m
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
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12. STATEMENT-1: If a particle is projected from the ground with some velocity (not very large) at an
angle with horizontal, path of the particle is assumed parabolic, although it is not exactly

STATEMENT-2: Magnitude of acceleration due to gravity at all places is assumed to be the
constant, although it is not so.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.

13. STATEMENT-1: The two bodies of masses M and m (M > m) are allowed to fall from the same
height. If the air resistance for each be the same then both the bodies will reach the earth

STATEMENT-2: For same air resistance, acceleration of both the bodies will be different.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
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Linked Comprehension Type

This section contains 2 paragraphs. Based upon each paragraph, 3 multiple choice questions have to be
answered. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Paragraph for Question Nos. 14 to 16

The air column in a pipe closed at one end is made to vibrate in its third over tone by tuning fork of
frequency 220 Hz. The speed of sound in air is 330 m/sec. End correction may be neglected. Let P0
denote the mean pressure at any point in the pipe and P0 the maximum amplitude of pressure vibration.

14. Find the length of the air column

(A) 3.2 m (B) 2.625 m
(C) 4.23 m (D) 1.16 m

15. What is the amplitude of pressure variation at the middle of the column
P0 3P0
(A) (B)
2 2
(C) P0 (D)

16. What is the maximum pressure at the open end of the pipe?
(A) P0 (B) P0  P0
(C) P0  0 (D) none of these

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Paragraph for Question Nos. 17 to 19

Rolling motion can be considered as superposition of pure translation
and pure rotation about centre of mass of a body of uniform density. C1 C2

Rolling without slipping is a special case of rolling, in which the

distance travelled by centre of mass of body of uniform density is
t = 0 sec t = t sec
equal to the distance travelled by point of contact on body of uniform
density [say P] in a given time interval.

If C1C2 = PQ  Rolling without slipping, and if C1C2  PQ  Rolling with slipping

Hence if velocity and tangential acceleration of point P with respect to 0

surface must be zero but point P has a total acceleration in case of rolling A
without slipping. The rolling without slipping can also be viewed as a pure
rotation about an axis passing through the point of contact and
perpendicular to plane of motion, called “Instantaneous axis of rotation 
A disc having radius R and mass M is placed gently on rough inclined surface as shown in the figure.
Disc rolls down and comes to B in time t after placing at A. If AB is  and 0 is the angular velocity of disc
in clockwise direction just before placing it at A (Assume that the friction is sufficient to provide pure rolling
to the disc for the given length of inclined plane).

17. A body performing rolling with slipping then

(A) the radial velocity of point of contact of body relative surface is zero
(B) the tangential velocity of point of contact of body relative to surface is zero
(C) the net velocity of point of contact of body relative to surface is zero
(D) none of the above

18. The nature of rolling of disc during motion from A to B is

(A) Rolling with slipping (B) rolling without slipping
(C) some time (A) sometime (B) (D) can’t say

19. Work done by frictional force during time interval t is

(A) zero (B) positive
(C) Negative (D) none of the above
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(Matching List Type)

This section contains 3 multiple choice questions. Each question has matching Column(s). The codes
for the Column(s) have choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. Match the processes in column I with the possibilities in column II, where Q and W are heat
change and work done respectively.
Column A Column B
(A) Isobaric (p) Q > O
(B) Isothermal (q) Q < O
(C) Isochoric (r) W>O
(D) Adiabatic (s) W<O

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2. If the position vector of a particle at point P moving in space and distance traveled from a fixed

point on the path are given by r and s respectively. Three vectors are defined as follows

 dr  dN   
N , T R and B  N  T
ds ds

where R is the radius of curvature at point P and r is a non-zero vector. Now match the following
on the basis of above concept
Column A Column B

(A) T (p) Unit vector

(B) N (q) Zero
 
(C) N  T (r) v̂ (unit vector along the direction of velocity)
  
(D) B va  v aT 
  , where a and aT are acceleration and magnitude of
(s) v a
tangential acceleration of particle P.

3. Match the following.

Column – A Column – B
(A) Equation of continuity (Av = constant) (p) non-viscous flow
(B) Bernoulli’s equation (q) steady flow
(C) Velocity at a given point is constant with time. (r) incompressible flow
(D) Ideal flow (s) irrotational flow

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Chemistry PART - II

Single Correct Choice Type

This section contains 9 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. Lattice energy of chloride of alkali metals is in order:

(A) LiCl > NaCl > KCl > RbCl > CsCl (B) LiCl < NaCl < KCl < RbCl < CsCl
(C) NaCl < KCl < LiCl < RbCl > CsCl (D) NaCl < KCl < RbCl < CsCl > LiCl

2. A ball of mass 200 g is moving with a velocity of 10 m/sec. if the error is the measurement of
velocity is 0.1%, then the uncertainty in its position is
(A) 3.3  1031 m (B) 3.3  1027 m
(C) 5.3  10 m (D) 2.6  1032 m

3. Fluorine reacts with uranium to form UF6:

U  s  + 3F2  g   UF6  g 
How many fluorine molecules are required to produce 2 mg of UF6 from an excess of uranium?
(The molar mass of UF6 is 352 g/mol)
(A) 3.4  1018 (B) 1  1019
(C) 2  10 (D) 3.4  1021

4. In the disproportion reaction:

H3PO2  PH3 + H3PO3
The equivalent mass of H3PO2 is (m = molecular mass of H3PO2)
(A) 3m (B) 3m
4 5
(C) 5m (D) m
6 4
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5. For the reaction: N g + 3H g 

 2NH3 g; K p = 6.1×10-5 at 25C. G for the reaction will
 
2 2
be (log1061 = 1.78)
(A) 24 kJ (B) 24 kJ
(C) 7.3 kJ (D) 2 kJ

6. A diatomic molecule has a dipole moment of 1.2 D. If the bond length is 1.0  108 cm, what
fraction of charge does exist on each atom?
(A) 0.1 (B) 0.2
(C) 0.25 (D) 0.3

7. Which of the following has longest C – O bond?

(A) O (B) O

(C) O (D) O


8. The given pair is

Br Br
H and C2H5
H 5C 2 CH3 H CH3
(A) enantiomers (B) homomers
(C) constitutional isomers (D) diastereomers

9. Which of the following species will act only as electrophile and not as nucleophile?


(A) (B)

(C) (D)
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Assertion - Reason Type

This section contains 4 questions numbered 10 to 13. Each question contains STATEMENT  1
(Assertion) and STATEMENT -2 (Reason). Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which
ONLY ONE is correct.

10. STATEMENT-1: In Lother Meyer Curve the alkali elements occupy maxima of the curve.
STATEMENT-2: Alkali elements have largest volume in a period.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement -2 is False.
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.

11. STATEMENT-1: Cyclopropane has greater ring strain than cyclobutane ,yet this is readily formed.
STATEMENT-2: Formation of four membered ring involves larger decrease in entropy than that of
three membered ring.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement -2 is False.
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
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12. STATEMENT-1: pH of a neutral solution is always equal to pk w / 2 at any temperature.

STATEMENT-2: A neutral solution at any temperature will have same concentration of H  and
OH  ion in the expression for Kw.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement -2 is False.
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.

13. STATEMENT-1: 0.74g of Ca  OH2 is required for 10 litre of water to remove temporary hardness
of 100 ppm due to Mg(HCO3)2 (atomic mass: Ca = 40, O = 16, H = 1,Mg = 24, C = 12).
STATEMENT-2: Hardness of water is caused due to calcium and magnesium salts of
Cl ,SO24 and HCO3 .
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement -2 is False.
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
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Linked Comprehension Type

This section contains 2 paragraphs. Based upon each paragraph, 3 multiple choice questions have to be
answered. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Paragraph for Question Nos. 14 to 16

Alkene undergo free radical substitution reaction as it is carried out in the presence of sunlight.
Experimentally it is found that relative rate of abstraction of hydrogen atoms from 1, 2 and 3 carbon
atoms are in the ratio 1: 3.8 : 5 during the monobromination while this ratio is 1 ; 82 : 1600 during the
monobromination. Alkyl halide undergoes nucleophilic substituton reaction which may be unimolecular or
bimolecular depending upon the nature of substrate alkyl halide. Former reaction proceeds via the
carbocation intermediate while latter one proceeds via transition state.
Cl2 / 
14. CH2  CH  CH2  CH3    A   B 
In the given equation (A) and (B) are
(A) H2C CH CH CH3 and H2C CH CH2 CH2
Cl Cl
(B H2C CH CH CH3 and H2C CH CH CH3
Cl Cl
(C) H2C CH CH2 CH3 and HC CH CH2 CH3
Cl Cl
(D) H2C C CH2 CH3 and H2C CH CH CH3
Cl Cl

15. Predict the product ratio during the monochlorination of 2 – methylbutane?

(A) 9 : 5 : 3 (B) 9 : 5 : 3.8 : 3
(C) 9 : 7.6 : 5 (D) 6 : 3 : 7.6 : 5

16. % isomer of products corresponding to 1 and 3 C – atoms obtained during the

monobromination of 2 – methylpropane are
(A) 0.5% and 99.5% (B) 80% and 20%
(C) 75% and 25% (D) 15% and 85%
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Paragraph for Question Nos. 17 to 19

Werner Heisenberg stated the uncertainty principle which is the consequence of dual behaviour of matter
and radiation. It states that if is impossible to determine simultaneously, the exact position and exact
momentum (or velocity) of an electron.
Mathematically, it can be given as the equation:
x  p 
Where x is the uncertainty in position and px (or Vx) is the uncertainty in momentum (or velocity) of the
If the position of the electron known with high degree of accuracy (x is small), then the velocity of the
electron will be uncertain [(Vx) is large]. On the other hand, if the velocity of the electron is known
precisely [(Vx) is small], then the position of the electron will be uncertain (x will be large). Thus if we
carry out some physical measurements on the electron’s position or velocity, the outcome will always
depict a fuzzy or blue picture.

17. An electron moves around the nucleus in a circle of radius r. Assuming that the uncertainty of the
momentum of electron is of the same order as momentum itself, the momentum of the electron
would be
(A) (B) 2hr
(C) (D) 4hr

18. The uncertainty in the velocity of a cricket ball of mass 100 g, when uncertainty in its position is of
the order of 1A, would be
(A)  5.27  10 24 ms 1 (B)  2.35  10 23 ms 1
 22 1
(C)  3.16  10 ms (D)  8.51  10 24 ms 1

19. If one tries to find the exact location of an electron to an uncertainty of only 108 m, then
uncertainty in velocity, i.e. V would be
(A) 104 ms1 (B) 104 ms1
(C) 10 ms 1
(D) 108 ms1
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(Matching List Type)

This section contains 3 multiple choice questions. Each question has matching Column(s). The codes
for the Column(s) have choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. Match the electronic configuration listed in Column – II with the descriptions listed in Column – I:
Column – I Column – II
(A) Violation of Aufbau’s rule (p)

(B) Violation of Pauli’s exclusion (q)

(C) Violation of Hund’s rule (r)

(D) Violation of both Pauli’s and (s)

Hund’s rules

2. Match the following Column – I with Column – II:

Column – I Column – II
(A) C2 (p) 2pZ (2px = 2py)
(B) O2 (q) Paramagnetic
(C) NO+ (r) Triple bond
(D) N2 (s) Diamagnetic

3. Match the following Column – I with Column – II:

Column – I Column – II
(A) H3C CH CH2  H CH2 CH CH2 (p) I effect
(B) (q) R effect
H2C CH Cl  CH2 CH Cl
(C) O O (r) +R effect
H2C CH N  H2C CH N
(D)   (s) Hyper conjugation effect
CH3 
 CN

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Mathematics PART – III

Single Correct Choice Type

This section contains 9 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. Consider the sequence 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, ….. then 1025th term will be

(A) 29 (B) 211
(C) 2 (D) 212

2. A student is allowed to select at most n books from a collection of (2n + 1) books. If the total
number of ways in which he can select at least one book is 63, then the value of n is
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 5

3. If |z – 1|  2 and |z – 1 – 2| = a (where  is cube root of unity) then complete set of values of a
1 3
(A) 0  a  2 (B) a
2 2
3 1 1 3
(C)  a  (D) 0  a  4
2 2 2 2

4. In triangle ABC, a = 5, b = 4 and c = 3. G is the centroid of the triangle. Circumradius of triangle

GAB is equal to
(A) 2 13 (B) 13
5 3
(C) 13 (D) 13
3 2

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5. If x  [–1, 0), then cos–1(2x2 – 1) – 2 sin–1 x is equal to

(A)  (B) 
(C) (D) –2

6. The range of values of  for which the line 2y = gx +  is a normal to the circle
2 2
x + y + 2gx + 2gy – 2 = 0 for all values of g is
(A) [1, ) (B) [–1, )
(C) (0, 1) (D) (–, 1]
7. If y = m1x + c and y = m 2x + c are two tangents to the parabola y + 4a(x + a) = 0, then
(A) m1 + m2 = 0 (B) 1 + m1 + m2 = 0
(C) m1m2 – 1 = 0 (D) 1 + m1m2 = 0

8. (x – 1)(y – 2) = 5 and (x – 1)2 + (y + 2)2 = r2 intersect at four points A, B, C, D and if centroid of

ABC lies on line y = 3x – 4, then locus of D is
(A) y = 3x (B) x2 + y2 + 3x + 1 = 0
(C) 3y = x + 1 (D) y = 3x + 1

9. If roots of an equation xn – 1 = 0 are 1, a1, a2, ….., an – 1, then the value of

(1 – a1)(1 – a2)(1 – a3) ….. (1 – an – 1) will be
(A) n (B) n2
(C) n (D) 0

Assertion - Reason Type

This section contains 4 questions numbered 10 to 13. Each question contains STATEMENT  1
(Assertion) and STATEMENT -2 (Reason). Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which
ONLY ONE is correct.

10. STATEMENT 1: 1111 …... 91 times is composite number

STATEMENT 2: 91 is composite number
(A) Both the statements are true and Statement 2 is correct explanation of Statement 1
(B) Both the Statements are true and Statement 2 is not the correct explanation of Statement 1
(C) Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false
(D) Statement 1 is false and Statement 2 is true
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website: www.fiitjee.com
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11. STATEMENT 1: If n is an odd integer greater than 3 but not a multiple of 3, then (x + 1)n – xn – 1
is divisible by x3 + x2 + x
STATEMENT 2: If n is an odd integer greater than 3 but not a multiple of 3,
we have 1 + n + 2n = 3
(A) Both the statements are true and Statement 2 is correct explanation of Statement 1
(B) Both the Statements are true and Statement 2 is not the correct explanation of Statement 1
(C) Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false
(D) Statement 1 is false and Statement 2 is true

12. STATEMENT 1: The minimum value of 27cos 2x 81sin 2x is
STATEMENT 2: The minimum value of a cos  + b sin  is  a2  b2
(A) Both the statements are true and Statement 2 is correct explanation of Statement 1
(B) Both the Statements are true and Statement 2 is not the correct explanation of Statement 1
(C) Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false
(D) Statement 1 is false and Statement 2 is true

2 2
13. STATEMENT 1: The locus of a moving point satisfying  x  2   y2   x  2   y 2  4 is
STATEMENT 2: Distance between (–2, 0) and (2, 0) is 4
(A) Both the statements are true and Statement 2 is correct explanation of Statement 1
(B) Both the Statements are true and Statement 2 is not the correct explanation of Statement 1
(C) Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false
(D) Statement 1 is false and Statement 2 is true

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FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
website: www.fiitjee.com
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Linked Comprehension Type

This section contains 2 paragraphs. Based upon each paragraph, 3 multiple choice questions have to be
answered. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Paragraph for Question Nos. 14 to 16

Read the following write up carefully and answer the following questions:
 2 2
A(1, 3) and C   ,   are the vertices of a triangle ABC and the equation of the internal angle bisector
 5 5
of ABC is x + y = 2

14. Equation of side BC is

(A) 7x + 3y – 4 = 0 (B) 7x + 3y + 4 = 0
(C) 7x – 3y + 4 = 0 (D) 7x – 3y – 4 = 0

15. Co-ordinates of vertex B are

 3 17   17 3 
(A)  ,  (B)  , 
 10 10   10 10 
 5 9
(C)   ,  (D) (1, 1)
 2 2

16. Equation of side AB is

(A) 3x + 7y = 24 (B) 3x + 7y + 24 = 0
(C) 13x + 7y + 8 = 0 (D) 13x – 7y + 8 = 0

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website: www.fiitjee.com
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Paragraph for Question Nos. 17 to 19

Read the following write up carefully and answer the following questions:
Five balls are to be placed in three boxes. Each box should hold all the five balls so that no box remains

17. Number of ways if balls are different but boxes are identical is
(A) 30 (B) 25
(C) 21 (D) 35

18. Number of ways if balls and boxes are identical is

(A) 3 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) none of these

19. Number of ways if balls as well as boxes are identical but boxes are kept in a row is
(A) 10 (B) 15
(C) 20 (D) 6

(Matching List Type)

This section contains 3 multiple choice questions. Each question has matching Column(s). The codes
for the Column(s) have choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. Match the following Column–I with Column–II

Column – I Column – II
(A) If a, b, c are in G.P., then loga 10, logb 10, logc 10 are in (p) A.P.
a  be x b  cex c  de x
(B) If   , then a, b, c, d are in (q) H.P.
a  be x b  ce x c  de x
(C) If a, b, c are in A.P., a, x, b are in G.P. and b, y, c are in
(r) G.P.
G.P., then x2, b2, y2 are in
(D) If x, y, z are in G.P., ax = by = cz, then log a, log b, log c are
(s) None of these
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website: www.fiitjee.com
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2. Match the following Column–I with Column–II

Column – I Column – II
A bc
(A) cot  (p) always right angled
2 a
A B
(B) a tan A + b tan B = (a + b) tan   (q) always isosceles
 2 
(C) a cos A = b cos B (r) may be right angled
(D) cos A = (s) may be right angled isosceles
2 sinC

3. Match the following Column–I with Column–II

Column – I Column – II
(A) If two circles x2 + y2 + 2a1x + b = 0 and x2 + y2 + 2a2x + b = 0
(p) (2, 2, 2)
touch each other then triplet (a1, a2, b) can be
(B) If two circles x2 + y2 + 2a1x + b = 0 and x2 + y2 + 2a2y + b = 0  1
(q)  1, 1, 
touch each other then triplet (a1, a2, b) can be  2
(C) If the straight line a1x – by + b2 = 0 touches the circle
(r) (2, 1, 0)
x2 + y2 = a2x + by, then triplet (a1, a2, b) can be
(D) If the line 3x + 4y – 4 = 0 touches the circle  3
(s)  1, 1, 
(x – a1)2 + (y – a2)2 = b2, then triplet (a1, a2, b) can be  5

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FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
website: www.fiitjee.com

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