Surgically Assisted Maxillary Expansion: Norman J. Betts, DDS, MS
Surgically Assisted Maxillary Expansion: Norman J. Betts, DDS, MS
Surgically Assisted Maxillary Expansion: Norman J. Betts, DDS, MS
Transverse maxillomandibular discrepancy Stability Surgically assisted maxillary expansion SAME
The transverse dimension of the maxillomandibular complex must be evaluated, diagnosed, and addressed to achieve
stability after orthognathic correction.
Orthopedic maxillary expansion (nonsurgical) is effective and stable in the young population before sutural closure and is
not effective or stable in patients after sutural closure in the maxillofacial complex. Treatment with orthopedic expansion
in this group leads to uncontrolled relapse and periodontal and occlusal complications of the teeth after the removal of
orthodontic appliances.
To achieve the desired expansion and stability, transverse maxillary expansion should be accomplished by sutural ad-
justments in the craniofacial complex, not by alveolar bending and dental tipping. The SAME (surgically assisted maxillary
expansion) procedure is a combination of distraction osteogenesis and controlled soft tissue expansion.
After the surgical procedure, the maxilla should remain stationary for at least 5 days before initiation of expansion at a rate
of 0.5 mm/d.
Surgical transverse changes are unstable for a longer period than are most other surgical or orthodontic movements. It
takes approximately 6 months to achieve bony continuity in the midpalatal osteotomy site. Therefore, some form of
skeletal retention is recommended for at least 6 to 12 months after expansion.
Introduction: nature of the problem age limitation. The SAME procedure is a combination of
distraction osteogenesis and controlled soft tissue expansion.
Complete and accurate evaluation of a patient with a dentofacial Discussion of SAME is often confusing because various combi-
deformity must include assessment of the transverse dimension. nations of maxillary, pterygopalatine lateral nasal, septal, and
Few practitioners adequately evaluate the transverse dimension, palatine osteotomies have been used, based on the surgeon’s
often resulting in undiagnosed transverse maxillomandibular theory of where resistance to expansion is located. The pur-
discrepancy. When a transverse maxillomandibular discrepancy pose of this article is to describe the clinical and radiographic
exists, adult patients have traditionally been treated with or- evaluation of the transverse dimension in patients with den-
thodontic expansion or a segmental maxillary osteotomy, tofacial deformity and to present the indications for SAME and
frequently leading to transverse maxillary instability and relapse an anatomically based SAME technique.
after orthodontic appliance removal.
Orthopedic or rapid maxillary expansion (ORME) is also a
technique used to treat transverse maxillomandibular Surgical technique
discrepancy. If used in the correct patient population, this
technique is predicable and stable for the correction of Preoperative planning
transverse maxillomandibular discrepancy. It is of limited
benefit in mature teenage and adult patients, because the Accurate diagnosis and treatment of transverse maxillary
maxillary articulations become increasingly resistant to deficiency are essential to the long-term stability after
expansion with aging. Techniques of surgically assisted maxil- correction of any dentofacial deformity that includes a trans-
lary expansion (SAME) have been developed to overcome this verse discrepancy. However, diagnosis of transverse maxillary
deficiency may be difficult, because minimal facial soft tissue
changes are associated with isolated transverse maxillary hy-
Private Practice, Chelsea Oral and Facial Surgery, 1303 South Main poplasia. In contrast, isolated anteroposterior or vertical
Street, Suite B, Chelsea, MI 48118, USA skeletal deformities are easier to diagnose, because they often
Private Practice, Ann Arbor Oral and Facial Surgery, 3055 Plymouth have obvious associated facial soft tissue findings. Conse-
Road, Suite 202, Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA
c quently, the transverse deformity is often not diagnosed when
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Michi-
gan School of Dentistry, 3055 Plymouth Road, Suite 202, Ann Arbor, MI sagittal and vertical deformities exist concomitantly. There-
48105, USA fore, it is not surprising that clinical inspection for transverse
* Chelsea Oral and Facial Surgery, 1303 South Main Street, Suite B, maxillary deficiency has been shown to be of poor diagnostic
Chelsea, MI 48118. value. Complete diagnosis of this deformity must include both
E-mail address: [email protected] clinical and radiographic evaluation.
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68 Betts
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Surgically Assisted Maxillary Expansion 69
Fig. 1 (A) Intraoral view of severe transverse maxillary hypoplasia. There is a bilateral palatal crossbite and rotated, crowded, and
displaced teeth. (B) Palatal view of a patient with transverse maxillary hypoplasia. Note the narrow, tapering, hourglass-shaped arch form
in addition to the narrow and high palatal vault. (From Betts NJ, Vanarsdall RL, Barber HD, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of transverse
maxillary deficiency. Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg 1995;10:77, 91; with permission.)
attached to the first molars and other teeth as available osteotomies that have been empirically proposed to facilitate
(usually the first bicuspid teeth). The most common jackscrew lateral maxillary expansion reflect the controversy regarding
appliances used today are the Haas and Hyrax. The Haas the primary area of resistance to expansion in the craniofacial
appliance (Fig. 5) has acrylic palatal flanges incorporated into skeleton. Most recently, investigators have recommended
the appliance, which have been shown to decrease buccal sectioning of virtually all the maxillary bony articulations, that
tipping of the dentition and produce greater skeletal expan- is, zygomaticomaxillary buttresses, midpalatal suture, and
sion. However, because of the acrylic palatal pads, there is a pterygomaxillary junction. An investigation by Shetty and co-
slightly increased risk of palatal tissue impingement, and food workers attempted to give a biomechanical rational for the
can become entrapped beneath the flanges. The Hyrax appli- choice of osteotomies by analyzing the internal stress response
ance (Fig. 6) is similar in design to the Haas appliance, with the after SAME in a photoelastic model fabricated from a human
exception that it does not have the acrylic palatal pads. Its use skull. A Hyrax appliance was placed and activated, and
theoretically results in more dental tipping and less skeletal sequential cuts were performed on the model. The alterations
expansion. The occlusal coverage Haas appliance (Fig. 7) is a in the internal stresses of the skull were recorded after each
hybrid of the Haas appliance with a flat plane occlusal cut. All the bony buttresses of the maxilla contributed resis-
coverage splint. This appliance must be physically bonded to tance to expansion, but the midpalatal suture followed by the
the maxillary teeth. Its use is recommended in patients with pterygomaxillary articulations were the primary areas of
periodontally compromised dentition, because the appliance resistance. These investigators also reported that forces
incorporates more of the teeth in the device (not just the first caused by appliance activation have deep anatomic effects,
bicuspid and first molar teeth). Therefore, the transverse with stresses present at sites distant from the force applica-
forces are distributed among more teeth. It may also be useful tion. Even although this study has significant validity and reli-
in patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) symptoms, ability problems, it provides important information concerning
because the appliance can be equilibrated like an occlusal
coverage splint during expansion to minimize the premature
dental interferences common during the transverse expansion.
Like the Haas appliance, it use may result in less dental tipping
and more skeletal expansion. However, because of problems
with oral hygiene, it must be removed 3 to 4 months after
placement and an immediate palatal coverage retainer placed
to minimize transverse relapse (Box 4).
The 3 principal areas of vertical and horizontal maxillary
support are the nasomaxillary, zygomaticomaxillary, and
pterygomaxillary buttresses (Fig. 8). The many maxillary
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70 Betts
Surgical approach
Surgical caveats
Box 3. Benefits of the SAME procedure Routine follow-up care should be similar to that of the Le Fort I
osteotomy, with the exception that liquid diet is followed for
1. Improved dental and skeletal stability only the first week and the diet is advanced from that time
2. Nonextraction orthodontic alignment of the dentition forward.
3. Improved aesthetics by the elimination of negative After the surgical procedure, the maxilla should remain
space (distance between the corner of the mouth and stationary for at least 5 days before initiation of expansion at a
the buccal surfaces of the posterior maxillary teeth rate of 0.5 mm/d (2 activations of the jack screw appliance a
during full smile) and a decrease in the buccal hol- day). This strategy is based on Ilizarov’s work in the extrem-
lowing of the lateral maxilla ities, which showed that a healing period of 5 days allows for
4. Improved long-term periodontal health capillary healing across the bony gap. Reestablishment of this
5. Improved nasal respiration as a result of widening of blood supply leads to faster and more complete ossification of
the nasal cavity and internal nasal valve (this widening the expanded defect. Ilizarov showed that an expansion rate of
results from the lateral repositioning of the lateral 0.5 to 1 mm/d does not outstrip this critical blood supply.
nasal walls during maxillary expansion) However, in the maxilla, a rate of 0.5 mm/d is recommended.
Expansion rates greater than this may cause gingival recession
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Surgically Assisted Maxillary Expansion 71
Fig. 4 Palatal (A) and lateral (B, C) views of an adult patient who had previously undergone unsuccessful orthopedic rapid maxillary
expansion. The expansion has relapsed and has also resulted in significant buccal gingival recession bilaterally in the canine and premolar
regions. (From Betts NJ, Vanarsdall RL, Barber HD, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of transverse maxillary deficiency. Int J Adult Orthodon
Orthognath Surg 1995;10:84; with permission.)
on the mesial side of the central incisors, especially if bone and symmetric. If gingival recession or gapping occurs between the
attachment loss is already present. gingiva and the root surface, the expansion rate should be
During expansion, the patient should feel little discomfort. decreased. In contrast to ORME, overcorrection is not recom-
If pain is experienced, there is bony interference or inadequate mended for SAME.
mobilization or the appliance is not functioning properly. Surgical transverse changes are unstable for a longer period
However, symptoms of tightness and minor discomfort in the than are most other surgical or orthodontic movements. It
nasal root/glabellar area and posterior orbit can and do occur, takes approximately 6 months to achieve bony continuity in the
with anatomic basis. Pain in the nasal root area can be midpalatal osteotomy site. Therefore, some form of skeletal
attributed to an outward rotation of the maxillary halves retention is recommended for at least 6 to 12 months after
around an axis of rotation located near the frontonasal suture expansion. The expansion device can be retained for this
(because the lateral nasal walls are not osteotomized purpose or a palatal coverage retainer can be placed (Fig. 11).
completely during the surgical procedure) (Fig. 10). The pres-
sure felt in the posterior orbit is caused by the small articu-
lation of the palatine bone, which is not sectioned during the Potential complications
surgical procedure.
Palatal expansion must occur within 4 weeks of surgery or Intraoperative complications of SAME are similar to those that
the osteotomies may heal before the required transverse occur with Le Fort I maxillary osteotomy. Intraoperative
dimension has been achieved. During the period of expansion, hemorrhage can be limited by respecting the relevant anat-
immature attached gingival tissue should be seen medial to omy, carefully elevating nasal mucosa, limiting the lateral
each central incisor tooth. This immature attached gingival nasal wall osteotomies to the first 1.5 mm, and appropriately
tissue arises when skeletal or dental expansion exceeds the placing and orienting the pterygoid osteotome. By maintaining
ability of the attached gingiva to remodel. It is a sign of suc- the horizontal osteotomy 5 mm above the dental apices, risk of
cessful expansion and should appear bilaterally and be devitalizing the teeth is diminished. The vertical osteotomy
Fig. 5 Clinical example of a Haas palatal expansion device. Fig. 6 Hyrax expansion device. (From Betts NJ, Vanarsdall RL,
(From Betts NJ, Vanarsdall RL, Barber HD, et al. Diagnosis and Barber HD, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of transverse maxillary
treatment of transverse maxillary deficiency. Int J Adult Orthodon deficiency. Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg 1995;10:83; with
Orthognath Surg 1995;10:83; with permission.) permission.)
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72 Betts
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Surgically Assisted Maxillary Expansion 73
Fig. 9 Individual steps in the technique of SAME (A) Preoperative state. (B) The Haas palatal expansion device in place before surgery. The
appliance has not been activated. (C) Clinical photograph of the surgical incision identical to the one used for the LeFort I osteotomy,
above the mucogingival junction. (D) The maxillary osteotomy extending from the pyriform rim to the pterygomaxillary fissure. This
osteotomy is parallel to the occlusal plane, with a step and bone removed at the buttress to allow for expansion. (E) Clinical photograph
showing the maxillary osteotomies. (F) Release of the nasal septum from anterior nasal spine to the posterior nasal spine. (G) The nasal
septal release. (H) The midline palatal osteotomy. The osteotome is first directed inferiorly to split the alveolar bone between the
maxillary central incisors and then posteriorly to split the hard palate. (I) Osteotome placement being used to split the alveolar bone
between the maxillary central incisors. (J) Separation of the hard palate, with the osteotome directed posteriorly along the palate. (K) The
lateral nasal wall osteotomy, which is carried posteriorly for 1.5 mm. (L) Release of the pterygoid plates from the tuberosity of the
posterior maxilla. Note that a curved osteotome of less than 10 mm is being positioned in an inferior, anterior, and medial direction. (M)
Clinical view of the placement of the curved osteotome to separate the pterygoid plates. (N) Expansion device key used for appliance
activation. The key should be attached to floss or string to prevent accidental swallowing or aspiration. (O) Clinical view showing activation
of the appliance with the key. (P) Frontal diagram of the completed SAME.
which the torus has been removed. Because a midpalatal maxilla preferentially moves inferiorly at the first molar during
incision is necessary to remove the torus, thus compromising expansion (Fig. 14A). This movement can cause worsening of an
palatal blood supply, the lateral, nasal, horizontal maxillary, open bite or conversion of an open-bite tendency to a skeletal
pterygomaxillary, and anterior midpalatal osteotomies should open bite, therefore mandating a secondary maxillary osteot-
be performed through vertical incisions in the buccal mucosa omy. Prevention of this problem requires modification of the
combined with subperiosteal tunneling. The torus is then SAME technique to ensure that all osteotomies of the anterior
removed by the conventional technique, and parasagittal and lateral maxillary walls are parallel to the maxillary occlusal
palatal osteotomies are completed directly through this inci- plane. A vertical step is created at the maxillary buttress so that
sion. The expansion appliance is then tested to ensure that it transverse expansion can occur without bony interference in the
has no direct contact with the palatal tissues. buttress region. Bone removal of just less than half the desired
When performing SAME on patients with a skeletal open bite amount of transverse expansion is completed at each buttress
or open-bite tendency, care must be taken to prevent worsening (see Fig. 14B). If a secondary Le Fort I maxillary osteotomy is
of the open bite with this procedure. If a ramped or angled cut is planned because of the existence of other dentofacial de-
made from the pyriform rims to the maxillary buttress, the formities, the osteotomies for SAME should be placed in the
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74 Betts
Fig. 9 (continued) (Q) Palatal view of a Haas expansion device in place, with the vectors of expansion shown (R) An alar cinch suture and V-Y
closure are used to close the incision to control the soft tissues of the upper lip and nasal base. Clinical photograph of a Boley gauge checking
the width of the alar base of the nose after an alar cinch suture has been placed to reposition the tissues to the preoperative value. (S) Clinical
photograph showing the use of a Boley gauge set at 10 mm to correctly close the vertical leg of the V-Y closure. (T) Completed V-Y closure. (U)
Palatal view of the maxilla with the Haas appliance in place after 2 weeks of expansion. (V) Maxillary occlusal film showing the palatal
expansion after 2 weeks. (W) Clinical palatal view of same patient 3 months after expansion with Haas appliance used as a retention device.
(X) Haas appliance removed. (Y) Occlusal coverage transpalatal retainer which will be used for the next 3 months to prevent transverse
relapse. This patient had preexisting TMJ problems, hence the occlusal coverage. (From Betts NJ, Vanarsdall RL, Barber HD, et al. Diagnosis
and treatment of transverse maxillary deficiency. Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg 1995;10:86e9; with permission.)
location of the planned osteotomy cut of the future Le Fort 1 year after SAME (still in orthodontic appliances) and found an
procedure. This strategy is because the osteotomies in the 11.8% relapse at the maxillary first molar. Bays and Greco
anterior and lateral maxillary walls seldom completely heal studied 19 patients who had undergone SAME who had
after SAME, and this may compromise future osteotomies or the completed orthodontic therapy more than 6 months previously
ability to apply rigid fixation. and found an 8.8% relapse at the canines, 1% at the first bicuspid,
and 7.7% at the first maxillary molar. The reported relapse in the
Surgically assisted maxillary expansion versus transverse component of segmental maxillary osteotomies has
segmental maxillary osteotomy and clinical results in been considerably higher. Stephens found a 30% and 23% relapse
the literature at the canine and molar regions, respectively, in 15 patients who
had undergone segmental maxillary osteotomies with an
When a patient requires surgical correction of a transverse average follow-up of 47.5 months after debanding. Phillips and
discrepancy, a decision must be made regarding which surgical colleagues compared the transverse stability in 39 patients who
technique (SAME or segmental maxillary osteotomy) will be underwent either a 2-piece Le Fort osteotomy (n Z 26) or a 3-
used. Certainly, for a patient who requires a maxillary osteot- piece Le Fort osteotomy (n Z 13). The postorthodontic follow-
omy to correct vertical or anteroposterior deformities, consid- up was 14 to 47 months (mean Z 24.4 months). Significant
eration should be given to the segmental maxillary osteotomy. transverse relapse in both groups was observed, ranging from
There are some difference (other than SAME requiring a second 11% at the canines to 47% at the second molar in the 2-piece
surgical procedure) that merit discussion. The first is post- group and from 30% at the first premolar to 51% at the first molar
operative stability. Pogrel and associates studied 12 patients in the 3-piece group.
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Surgically Assisted Maxillary Expansion 75
Fig. 11 (A) Haas expansion device maintained as a retention device after expansion. Note the immature red granulation tissue present
bilaterally on the medial surfaces of the maxillary central incisors. (B) Palatal coverage retainer used as a retention device. The acrylic
base plate should not touch the anterior teeth and allows for orthodontic movement and closure of the midline diastema. (From Betts NJ,
Vanarsdall RL, Barber HD, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of transverse maxillary deficiency. Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg
1995;10:91; with permission.)
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Box 6. Complications associated with inade- Box 7. Complication caused by the expansion
quate surgery (activation of an appliance device
against mature, intact sutures)
1. Lack of appliance expansion
1. Pain and pressure 2. Deformation of the appliance caused by processing
2. Dental tipping errors (see Fig. 12)
3. Periodontal breakdown (as teeth are pushed through 3. Stripping or loosening of the midpalatal screw (see
the buccal plate) Fig. 13)
4. Palatal tissue impingement by the expansion device
(possibly with tissue necrosis)
5. Postorthodontic relapse
Fig. 12 (A) Example of an appliance that was overheated during fabrication, leading to deformation of the metal frame rather than
expansion. The patient experienced pain from the palate with each activation of the expansion key. Note the absence of a midline
diastema, indicating lack of maxillary expansion. (B) Palatal view after removal of the expansion appliance, showing a large ulcer on the
plate extending to the alveolar ridge. (From Betts NJ, Vanarsdall RL, Barber HD, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of transverse maxillary
deficiency. Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg 1995;10:91; with permission.)
Fig. 13 Occlusal view showing unequal expansion of a Haas appliance that had a malfunctioning jackscrew, although adequate expansion
was achieved. (From Betts NJ, Vanarsdall RL, Barber HD, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of transverse maxillary deficiency. Int J Adult
Orthodon Orthognath Surg 1995;10:92; with permission.)
Fig. 14 (A) The result of performing SAME using a ramped cut. As the expansion is performed, the maxilla moves inferiorly at the first
molar, worsening an open bite or converting an open-bite tendency into a true open bite. (B) This problem of inferior movement of the
maxilla during expansion can be overcome by performing the osteotomies parallel to the maxillary plane and creating a vertical cut at the
buttress, with excision of bone in the amount of the planned movement. This allows the maxillary expansion to occur without any bony
interference. (From Betts NJ, Vanarsdall RL, Barber HD, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of transverse maxillary deficiency. Int J Adult
Orthodon Orthognath Surg 1995;10:92; with permission.)
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Surgically Assisted Maxillary Expansion 77
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