Delhi Pioneer 02-06 020620051722

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T he Government on
Wednesday announced a
major scheme for the revival of
micro, small & medium enter-
prise and enhanced the mini-
mum support price for kharif TR_¶eSVV]Z^Z_ReVU
crops to ease off the problems
of farmers due to Covid-19 and ReacVdV_edeRXV
protracted lockdown. ?=BQ =4F34;78
The Cabinet Committee
on Economic Affairs (CCEA) ontrar y to the
announced C20,000 crore
financial package for two lakh
C Government’s stand, a
group of health experts, includ-
“stressed” MSMEs and C50,000 ing eminent doctors from the
crore “Fund of Fund” equity AIIMS and ICMR on Covid-
infusion plan to the medium 19, has said that community <TSXRbfTPaX]V_a^cTRcXeTZXcbf^aZX]bXSTP\^QX[TR^a^]PeXadbcTbcX]VUPRX[XchQdb
and small units to enable list in transmission stage of the coro- X]=Tf3T[WX^]<^]SPh ?C8
stock markets. navirus infection has been
Later Prime Minister well-established across large like Maharashtra, Delhi, Uttar humanitarian crisis and disease
Narendra Modi launched a sections or sub-populations in Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, spread.”
dedicated one-stop portal the country. Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Andhra “The expected benefit of
“Champions” for the MSMEs “It is unrealistic to expect Pradesh, Haryana and Bihar. this stringent nationwide lock-
to avail the benefits announced ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXRWPXabP2PQX]Tc\TTcX]VX]=Tf3T[WX^]<^]SPh ?C8 that Covid-19 pandemic can be The report compiled by down was to spread out the dis-
in the Atmanirbhar package. eliminated at this stage given experts from the Indian Public ease over an extended period of
Detailing the Cabinet for entire components of the Atmanirbhar packages. micro manufacturing and ser- 14 years since the MSME that community transmission Health Association (IPHA), time to flatten the curve and
announcements, Union Atmnirbhar Bharat Abhiyan Gadkari said the change in vices unit was increased to C1 Development Act came into is already well-established Indian Association of effectively plan and manage so
Minister Nitin Gadkari and package are in place. This will definition of MSME will help crore of investment and C5 being in 2006. After the pack- across large sections or sub- Preventive and Social Medicine that the healthcare delivery
Prakash Javadekar said these help in attracting investments the small and medium enter- crore of turnover. The limit of age announcement on May populations in the country,” (IAPSM), and Indian system is not overwhelmed.
two packages will help the and creating more jobs in the prisers to get more help from small unit was increased to C10 13, the Government received they said while painting a Association of Epidemiologists This seems to have been
millions of MSME units to tide MSME sector,” said Gadkari, financial institutions. He said crore of investment and C50 several representations that the gloomy picture of the state of (IAE) is damning in nature and achieved albeit after lockdown
over their bank NPA problems adding that new single window that the Government has also crore of turnover. Similarly, the announced revision was still the deadly disease in a report also slams the Government 4.0 with extraordinary incon-
and get more loans as well as portal ‘Champions’ will take formed C4,000 crore distressed limit of a medium unit was not in tune with market and which has now been submitted for failing to take timely ade- venience and disruption of the
new fund infusion. “With care of the grievances of MSME asset fund for the revival of increased to C20 crore of invest- pricing conditions and it to the Prime Minister. quate steps to contain the dis- economy and life of the gener-
today’s approval, implementa- units and also monitor their small and medium units in the ment and C100 crore turnover. should be revised upwards. The report comes amidst ease for which “India is paying al public,” said the report.
tion modalities and road map applications to banks under the country. “The definition of The revision was done after Continued on Page 2 spurt of cases in major States a heavy price, both in terms of Continued on Page 2


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H aryana and Odisha on

Monday recorded biggest
Z_:_UZR CP\X[=PSd !"#($ '& " & @eYVchZdVaRddV_XVc mid rising coronavirus elhi Chief Minister Arvind
single day spike in the number 3T[WX !'"# $!" '&#% `_^ZUU]VdVRehZ]] A cases in the national DKejriwal on Monday
of Covid-19 cases after
Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, C>C0; 6dYPaPc
&! &
%" &'
((%! "
Capital, Delhi Chief Minister sought suggestions from pub-
Arvind Kejriwal on Monday lic on whether hospitals across
Delhi, Gujarat and Uttar ordered to seal Delhi’s borders the national Capital should be
Pradesh remained the major
contributors in sustaining the 20B4B) ('" & DccPa?aPSTbW
?=BQ =4F34;78 connecting Haryana and Uttar
Pradesh. Also, Kejriwal has
reserved only for residents
amid the Covid-19 epidemic.

high figure on a daily basis for he Directorate General of sought suggestion from Kejriwal said, “Positive
Haryana reported 265 new
!" &#
T Civil Aviation (DGCA) on
Monday issued a circular
Delhiites via WhatsApp and
emails on the issue. Sources
cases are rising in Delhi, which
is a matter of worry but there
cases, which is its highest daily
count, taking the total number
A42>E4A43) 0]SWaP?aPSTbW "%&% %#!"&# instructing the airlines to keep
the middle seat vacant if the
said after reviewing the feed-
back, the Delhi Government
is no need to panic. I say this
because the AAP Government
:Pa]PcPZP "#' $! "!'
of positive cases in the State to
2,356. Haryana has seen steady ($& # CT[P]VP]P !&(! '' #(
passenger load and seat capac-
ity permits. The order, which
drinking water shall be pro-
vided on board except in
will decide whether borders to
neighbouring States should be
has invested a lot in developing
the healthcare infrastructure of
rise in the number of cases dur- 9P\\d:PbW\Xa !% " (#% will be effective from June 3, extreme circumstance, the opened or not. Delhi in the last five years.”
ing the last one week. State’s
ruling politicians have blamed 02C8E4)(%('# 7PahP]P !"$% !  $$
however, States that members
of the same family can be
DGCA order read. The DGCA
order said airlines must provide
“Delhi’s borders will be
sealed for a week due to rising
Delhiites can send their
suggestions on WhatsApp
Delhi for the spike and sealed ?d]YPQ !" ##! allowed to sit together. a safety kit to each passenger. coronavirus cases. Essential 8800007722, email delhicm.sug-
the State’s border with the If the middle seat, or the It shall include a three-layered services will remain function- [email protected] and call
national Capital. stand at 2,601 including 1,624 the month of May. added 990 new Covid-19 cases. seat between two passengers, is surgical mask, a face shield and al and Government officers on 1031. The Chief Minister’s
Odisha reported 156 new active cases. West Bengal added As many as 40 deaths and Delhi’s total case count has now occupied due to passenger adequate amount of sanitiser in can travel on their identity office (CMO) in a tweet stated
cases on Monday which took 271 new cases, which took its 1,413 new Covid-19 positive risen to 20,834 with a total load, then additional protective either a sachet or a bottle. cards. Delhi residents can send that the suggestions can be sent
its overall tally of cases to tally of positive cases to 5,772 cases were reported in Mumbai death toll of 523. equipment like the Ministry of The embarkation or dis- their suggestions via WhatsApp by June 5, 5pm. “We have
2,104. The State has seen a while the death toll is at 253. on Monday, taking the total The day Tamil Nadu chose Textiles-approved wrap-around embarkation shall be sequen- 8800007722, email opened new hospitals and new
gradual increase in the number Karnataka reported 2,187 cases number of cases in the city to to relax the lockdown and gown will be given to the indi- tial and passengers shall be [email protected] ICUs... opened many Mohalla
of cases since the migrants which took its tally to 3,408. 40,877, Municipal Corporation allow factories, IT companies vidual occupying the inter- advised by airlines to follow the and can call on 1031 by Friday clinics and offered free treat-
workers began to return in tens Maharashtra’s count rose to Greater Mumbai said. and business establishments vening seat, in addition to instructions. The passenger 5 pm. ment for the people. Your CM
of thousands. 70,013 cases with 2,362 deaths. Meanwhile, the State’s dou- to resume operations, it saw three-layered face mask and should not rush towards the “Delhi to open salons and can assure you the Delhi
Jammu & Kashmir report- The State reported 2,361 new bling rate has also improved. It 1,162 persons testing positive face shield. The Government exit as soon as the flight lands. barber shops, movement on Government is ready to pro-
ed 155 new cases — 56 from cases on Monday. The recovery is 17.5 days now, as compared for corona virus, the highest had earlier said it would not be Airlines must ensure the order- road restricted from 9 pm to 5 vide adequate health facilities
Kashmir division and 99 from rate from the coronavirus pan- to 11 days earlier. number of cases to be regis- viable to keep middle seats ly entry and exit of the trav- am except for essential ser- and a bed if you are ever
Jammu division. Total positive demic in Maharashtra After reporting 1,295 cases tered on a single day. vacant as fares would shoot up. ellers, it said. vices,” a Delhi Government’s infected by corona,” Kejriwal
cases in the Union Territory improved to 43.35 per cent in on Sunday, Delhi on Monday Continued on Page 2 From now on, no meals or Continued on Page 2 order read. said.

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he Southwest monsoon
_`h`_;f_V"* T
arrived in Kerala on
PaTW^[SX]VPS^\TbcXRSaXeX]V Monday as predicted by the
[XRT]RT^aP]X]cTa]PcX^]P[ ?=BQ =4F34;78 India Meteorological
SaXeX]V_Ta\Xc83?cWT ?C8Q =4F34;78 Department (IMD) bringing
6^eTa]\T]cbPXS^]<^]SPh ?=BQ =4F34;78 he polls to 18 Rajya Sabha heavy rain to several parts in

30=84;?40A;20B4)?0:´B fter the Central Police M oody’s Investors Service

on Monday downgraded
T seats in seven States,
deferred due to the coron-
the State and marking the
commencement of the four-
8b[P\PQPS) ?PZXbcP]³bBd_aT\T
A Canteens that cater to the
Central paramilitary forces
India’s sovereign credit rating
for the first time in more than
avirus pandemic, will be held
on June 19. The elections
month long rainfall season in
the country. This year, mon-
2^dac^]<^]SPhaTYTRcTSP withdrew 1,000 foreign items two decades, saying policy- assume significance not just soon rainfall would likely get
_TcXcX^]UX[TSQhcWTBX]SW from their stores, Welfare and makers will be challenged to because it will be the first such 102 per cent more rain between
6^eTa]\T]cc^bdb_T]SP7XVW Rehabilitation Board (WARB) mitigate risks of low growth, electoral process ever since the June and September than what
2^daceTaSXRccWPc^eTacda]TS Chairman and CRPF DG AP deteriorating fiscal position outbreak of the Covid-19 con- the IMD forecast in April.
R^]eXRcX^]b^UP[@PTSP[TPSTa Maheshwari on Monday said and financial sector stress. tagion but also since it is polit- Further away, from the
0W\TS>\PaBPTTSBWTXZWP]S the items were erroneously Downgrading India’s rating ically crucial for the BJP and west coast a cyclone Nisarga is
WXbcWaTTPXSTbX]cWTZXS]P__X]V delisted and action is being by a notch to “Baa3” from the Congress locked in a fierce brewing in the Arabian Sea and
P]S\daSTaRPbT^U0\TaXRP] taken against errant officials. “Baa2” assigned in November contest in Gujarat, Madhya likely to hit north Maharashtra
Y^da]P[Xbc3P]XT[?TPa[ The move by the WARB certain products has been erro- 2018, Moody’s estimated India Pradesh and Rajasthan where as well as the Gujarat coast by
follows instructions from the neously issued at the level of GDP shrinking by 4 per cent — the likes of Jyotiraditya Scindia, the June 3. The cyclone will 5XbWTa\T]a^fcWTXacaPSXcX^]P[Q^PcbPbcWThbTc^dcc^UXbWX]cWT\^a]X]VX]
<DB8238A42C>AF0983 Home Ministry to rescind the CEO. The list has been with- first full fiscal contraction in Digvijay Singh and KC bring heavy rainfall on coastal :^RWX:TaP[P^]<^]SPh 0?
:70=?0BB4B0F0H order for removal of “import- drawn and action is being ini- more than four decades, as the Venugopal are in the fray. areas of Mumbai and Gujarat
<d\QPX)FPYXS:WP]1^[[hf^^S³b ed” products sold at canteens. tiated for the lapse.” country faces a prolonged peri- Out of the 18 seats going to and may inundate low-lying its normal, Central India-103 of Kerala have reported heavy
^]T^UcWTUX]Tbc\dbXRSXaTRc^ab^U On May 29, an order delisting DIG-rank officer RM od of slower growth. polls, four seats each are from areas. per cent and 102 per cent over to very heavy rainfall.
cWT_^_d[Pa\dbXRR^\_^bTaSd^ the “imported” products was Meena is the Chief Executive Accordingly, India’s for- Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat, Announcing the arrival of south peninsula. North-eastern “While unclear so far, the
BPYXSFPYXS_PbbTSPfPhX]cWTTPa[h issued. However, a number of Officer (CEO) KPKB that runs eign-currency and local-cur- two from Jharkhand, three Southwest monsoon in Kerala, India, including Bihar, West presence of the cyclone could
W^dab^]<^]SPh\^a]X]VSdTc^ products manufactured by paramilitary canteens across rency long-term issuer ratings each from Madhya Pradesh Madhavan Rajeevan, Secretary, Bengal, is expected to get only delay the progress of the mon-
R^\_[XRPcX^]bPaXbX]VUa^\PZXS]Th Indian companies also figured India. have been downgraded to Baa3 and Rajasthan and one each Ministry of Earth Sciences, on 96 per cent of its long term soon and put it into a ‘hiatus,’
X]UTRcX^]cWPcX]R[dSTSRPaSXPR on the list. Now a new The KPKB had formulated from Baa2. India’s local-cur- from Manipur and Meghalaya. Monday said India would get average. Rain in July were like- he said.
PaaTbcP]SR^a^]PeXadbX]UTRcX^] reworked list will be brought three categories of products to rency senior unsecured rating Votes will be polled from 9 am 102 per cent more than ly to be 3 per cent above what’s The IMD also stated that
2[^bTUP\X[hP]SQa^cWTaBPYXS out, officials said. discriminate between locally too has been lowered to Baa3 to 4 pm on June 19 and count- between June and September. usual for the month but August some possibility of develop-
PccT]STSWXb[PbcaXcTb^][PcT Maheshwari said, “This is manufactured and imported. . from Baa2, and its short-term ing will be done from 5 pm “Most parts of India, except would see a 3 per cent decline,” ment of weak La Niña condi-
<^]SPhPUcTa]^^]7TfPb#!7T clarified that the list issued by In the first category, products local currency rating to P-3 onwards on the same day. The for the north-east are expect- Rajeevan said while releasing tions in the later part of the
WPSPZXS]ThcaP]b_[P]cP]SfPb^] Kendriya Police Kalyan made in India from scratch from P-2. The outlook remains results will be declared on ed to get more rain than nor- second Long Range forecast for monsoon season that is good
cWTeT]cX[Pc^aU^acWT[PbcU^daSPhb Bhandar (KPKB) on 29th May were included. negative. June 22. mal. North-west India is southwest monsoon 2020. for the monsoon.
2020 regarding delisting of Continued on Page 2 Detailed report on P9 Continued on Page 2 expected to get 107 per cent of In last 24 hours, most parts Continued on Page 2
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k9D=4!!! ]PcX^]!

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New Delhi: BJP MP Nishikant "These three rating agencies
Dehradun: Uttarakhand Chief
Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat
those who attended Friday's
meeting to isolate themselves,
they will be tested for COVID-
19," he said.
New Delhi: Security been no data compromise at S3 bucket," the researchers said, Dubey has urged Prime for long have not taken into con- and three cabinet colleagues going by the Centre's guidelines. "Whether or not they
researchers have discovered BHIM App." adding that S3 buckets are a Minister Narendra Modi to sideration the correct financial were in self-quarantine Monday "The ministers and officials resume normal day-to-day
that about 7.26 million records "We have come across some popular form of Cloud storage take immediate action against strength of our country like less following a meeting last week fall into the category of low risk functions in a few days will
linked to users of mobile pay- news reports which suggest across the world but require global rating agencies Moody's, debt to GDP ratio, and other fac- with Tourism Minister Satpal contacts as they were not in close depend on what their test
ments app BHIM were left data breach at BHIM App. We developers to set up the secu- Fitch and S&P, alleging that tors," Dubey said in the letter. Maharaj, who has tested posi- contact with Satpal Maharaj. reports say," he said.
exposed to the public by a would like to clarify that there rity protocols on their accounts. they are "trying to destabilise" Despite making millions of tive for coronavirus. They can function in a normal Dehradun District
website. has been no data compromise "We reached out to the India's economy as part of a dollars via their Indian sub- Satpal Maharaj, his wife way and there is no need to Magistrate Ashish Shrivastava
The exposed data included at BHIM App and request website's developers to notify "Chinese conspiracy". sidiaries, the Lok Sabha mem- and 21 other people – family quarantine them," state Health said swab samples of all min-
sensitive information such as everyone to not fall prey to such them of the misconfiguration in Though these rating agen- ber said, these rating agencies members, staff and his follow- Secretary Amit Negi said. isters and officials who took
names, dates of birth, age, gen- speculations. NPCI follows high their S3 bucket and to offer our cies are based in the US, "China have failed to bring in any ers staying in the same house- But the CM and the three part in the meeting have been
der, home address, caste status level of security and an inte- assistance. After not receiving has invested in these firms for advantage or value addition to hold – have tested positive, an other ministers — Harak Singh taken.
and Aadhaar card details, grated approach to protect its a reply, we contacted India's its strategic interest", he said in India and Indian companies. official said. Rawat, Madan Kaushik and "We have received a list of
among others, said the report infrastructure and continue to Computer Emergency a letter to the prime minister on "...The need of the hour is Swab samples of all minis- Subodh Uniyal — decided to all ministers, officials and
from VPN review website provide a robust payments Response Team (CERT-In), May 31. to put these foreign rating ters and officials who attended remain in self-quarantine as a employees who were directly or
vpnMentor. ecosystem," said the NPCI. which deals with cybersecuri- "...These rating agencies agencies on a tight leash so as the cabinet meeting in which precautionary measure, an offi- indirectly part of the meeting.
"The scale of the exposed In its report, vpnMentor ty in the country," they added. act and behave like God and to protect India, Indian busi- Satpal Maharaj participated cial at the Chief Minister's Their samples have also been
data is extraordinary, affecting also said that the website that It appears CSC established treat our country as a third- ness and its citizens," he said were taken for testing on Office said. taken for testing,” he said.
millions of people all over India leaked the data was developed the website connected to the grade country. Therefore, and requested the prime min- Monday, an official said. "They will remain in self- “People who came in con-
and exposing them to poten- by a company called CSC e- misconfigured S3 bucket to India's sovereign rating remains ister "to take immediate action The state health depart- quarantine at least for the tact with them are also being
tially devastating fraud, theft, Governance Services LTD. in promote BHIM usage across low,” he said. and protect our country from ment said there was no need for next few days during which traced," Shrivastava added. PTI
and attack from hackers and partnership with the Indian India and sign up new mer- Incidentally, Moody's on this Chinese conspiracy".
cybercriminals," the security government. chant businesses, such as Monday downgraded India's The BJP MP said the com-
researchers from vpnMentor
wrote in a blog post on Sunday.
The issue was resolved late
last month after the researchers
mechanics, farmers, service
providers, and store owners
sovereign rating to 'Baa3' from
'Baa2', saying there will be chal-
pulsion of ratings from these
agencies for Indian entities to ;X`d^abW^_bX]3T[WXRP]]^f 5;3e`RfX^V_e
Offered by the National contacted India's Computer onto the app, according to the lenges in implementation of avail bank loans should be with-
Payments Corporation of India
(NPCI), the app BHIM, or
Bharat Interface for Money,
Emergency Response Team
(CERT-In) twice in a month's
research led by vpnMentor's
Noam Rotem and Ran Locar.
The volume of exposed data
policies to mitigate risks of a
sustained period of low growth
and deteriorating fiscal position.
drawn. "Rating should be com-
pulsory only for public/market
fund raising that too with Indian
^_T]SPX[h]^^SSTeT]ad[T e`^VVedY`ceRXV
was launched in 2016. "In this case, the data was which was first discovered by the 'Baa3' is the lowest invest- owned and Indian controlled New Delhi: The Delhi excise
In a statement on Monday, stored on an unsecured security researchers on April 23 ment grade - just a notch rating agencies taking its respon- department Monday lifted the BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78
the NPCI said that "there has Amazon Web Services (AWS) amounted to 409GB. above junk status. sibility," he said. PTI odd-even restriction on open-
ing of liquor shops, allowing n order to provide uninter-
them to operate daily, after the Iresidents
rupted water services to the
*RYWNHSWLWVSURPLVHRI 43:cVa`cedWZcde ?PZ7XVW2^\\XbbX^]^UUXRXP[b city government announced
more relaxations in the coron-
during peak sum-
mer, Delhi Jal Board is work-
avirus lockdown. ing tirelessly in this pandemic

#[f_Z`c`WWZTZR]d fP]cTSc^TgcaPRcSTcPX[b^U0a\h The government also

extended timing for the open-
situation to augment the water

ing of liquor shops by one-and- Of 863 liquor shops in Vice Chairman of DJB,
eVdea`dZeZgV a-half hours.
"Liquor shops will now
Delhi, 475 are run by four state-
run corporations - Delhi State
Raghav Chadha, has identified
unutilised capacity that can be
?C8Q =4F34;78 remain open from 9 am to 8 pm Industrial and Infrastructure availed of and will, in turn,
New Delhi: BJP president JP urgent actions to quickly oper- New Delhi: The motive of the er of a media person, to estab- in Delhi," a government official Development Corporation, increase the total production of
Nadda on Monday said the ationalise monetary measures wo officials posted at the two officials of Pakistan High lish contact with an individual said. Until now, they would be Delhi Tourism and Chandrawal ‘Waste Treatment
Government has kept its
promise of fixing the minimum
announced for strengthening
Micro, Small and Medium
T CBI headquarters here have
tested positive for Covid-19, in
Commission, who were
declared 'persona non grata' by
working in the Indian Railways.
He tried to gain his confi-
allowed to open till 6.30 pm.
According to the order,
Transportation Development
Corporation, Delhi State Civil
Plant’ (WTP) from 8 to 10
support price (MSP) at a level Enterprises (MSMEs) and help- first cases of the infection in the India on charges of espionage, dence by pretending that he liquor shops will open on a Supplies Corporation and Chadha directed the
of at least 1.5 times of the cost ing 50 lakh street vendors as investigative agencies, sources was to extract details of move- needed information about rail daily basis now. Earlier, they Delhi Consumer's Cooperative administrative and engineering
of production. part of "Atmanirbhar pack- said Monday. ment of Army units through movements for his brother were being allowed to open on Wholesale Store - while 389 are staffs to consider the unutilised
Welcoming the Union age". The junior-level officials trains by befriending railway who was supposedly doing a odd-even basis. owned by private players. capacity at the earliest only for
Cabinet's decision to fix the min- The Union Cabinet, have been sent on leave and staffers, police said on Monday. story on the Indian Railways However, those in con- Of these 389, about 150 are summer months in order to
imum support price for kharif chaired by Prime Minister asked to remain in quarantine The two officials, Abid and for which he was willing to tainment zones will remain located in shopping malls, hence cater the growing demand dur-
crops, including paddy, cotton Narendra Modi on Monday, till they are in perfect health to Hussain and Muhammad pay, said Anil Mittal, closed. not allowed to open. PTI ing the peak summers.
and maize, Nadda said the approved provisioning of join duty, they said. Tahir, were caught by the Additional PRO (Delhi Police).
Government has also extended C20,000 crore as subordinate The senior officers refused Special Cell of the Delhi Police However, police said the
the crop loan repayment to
August 31 along with rebate and
debt to provide equity support
to stressed MSMEs and pro-
to disclose the identity of their
two affected colleagues.
from central Delhi's Karol Bagh
while they were obtaining sen-
real motive was to lure and trap
the railway staff and then 9RcjR_R $LUOLQHVVKRXOG 4`^^f_Zej
interest subvention, which will
hugely benefit farmers.
posed equity infusion of
C50,000 crore for units through
The agency is likely to
carry out a contact-tracing
sitive documents relating to
India's security installations
acquire information about
movement of Army units and From Page 1
From Page 1
As per the order, Airlines ecR_d^ZddZ`_
"The Government has kept a fund as part of a roadmap to exercise and advise those who from an Indian national in hardware via trains. On Sunday 1,149 persons shall set the air-conditioning
its promise of fixing the MSP implement the package came in their contacts to start exchange of money, official In a statement released on had tested positive for the pan- system in such a way that the 5a^\?PVT
at a level of at least 1.5 times of announced for the sector. work from home and follow sources had said on Sunday. Sunday, the Ministry of External demic. air gets replaced at the short- CWTTg_Tacb]^cTScWPc8]SXP³b
the cost of production. Crop The Government on quarantine protocol, they said. According to the police, Affairs had said, "The govern- According to the release est possible intervals. ]PcX^]fXST[^RZS^f]Ua^\<PaRW
loan repayment has also been Monday raised the MSP of The CBI had initiated strict during investigation, it has ment has declared both these issued by the Government of The aircraft will have to be !$cX[[<Ph" WPbQTT]^]T^UcWT
extended to August 31 with paddy marginally by C53 per social-distancing and sanitisa- emerged that Hussain operat- officials persona non grata for Tamil Nadu on Monday, 23,495 sanitised after the end of each \^bc°bcaX]VT]c±P]ShTc2^eXS
rebate and interest subvention quintal to C1,868 per quintal for tion norms from the third ed under several fake identities indulging in activities incom- persons have been tested posi- travel when there is no passen- RPbTbWPeTX]RaTPbTSTg_^]T]cXP[[h
hugely benefitting farmers," the 2020-21 crop year, while the week of March with every vis- to lure people working in patible with their status as mem- tive till date in the State. Taking ger on board. However, on tran- cWa^dVWcWXb_WPbTUa^\%%
Nadda said in a series of tweets. rates for oilseeds, pulses and itor being checked for temper- organisations and departments bers of a diplomatic mission and into account the number of sit flights, when passengers are RPbTb^]<PaRW!$c^ "''#$^]
He also congratulated the cereals were hiked substan- ature and asked to wear face of his interest. asked them to leave the country persons cured and discharged on board, the vacated seats <Ph!#
Modi Government for taking tially. PTI masks mandatorily. He posed as Gautam, broth- within 24 four hours." PTI from hospitals, there were 10,138 (including its contacts), will be °CWXbSaPR^]XP][^RZS^f]Xb
active cases in the State as on sanitised. At the end of the day, _aTbd\PQ[hX]aTb_^]bTc^P
Monday. The day also saw 11 each aircraft will be deep cleaned \^ST[[X]VTgTaRXbTUa^\P]

"!!!W`cVZX_ American shoemaker Skechers, Italian

proprietary food products manufac- <^]b^^]ZTT_bSPcT persons succumbing to the pan-
demic taking the tally to 184.
as per procedure. Special atten-
tion has to be given to seat belts

turer Ferraro India and energy drink In the last 24 hours, 25 and all other contact points. bX\d[PcX^]³
maker Redbull India. From Page 1 deaths and 423 new #Covid-19 The airplane lavatories will °CWT\^ST[WPSR^\Td_fXcWP]
The delisted products list also According to IMD, as of June 1, the cyclone is positive cases have been report- be cleaned or sanitised fre- TbcX\PcTS!!\X[[X^]STPcWb

µVcc`_V`fd¶ included brands like Dabur fruit

juice and VIP suitcases among others.
located about 360 km southwest of Panjim (Goa),
670 km south-southwest of Mumbai (Maharashtra)
ed in Gujarat. The total number
of positive cases rises to 17,217
quently during the flight. The
airlines will also carry out
The KPKB order had anticipated and 900 km south-southwest of Surat (Gujarat). It including 10,780 cured/dis- health check-up of all the crew \^ST[fTaTfPh^UUcWT\PaZ±
From Page 1 the possibility of disputes over the will cross north Maharashtra and south Gujarat charged and 1,063 deaths. regularly. All the flying/cabin bPXScWT %\T\QTaY^X]c2^eXS
The second category included move and underscored that it had cat- coasts between Harihareshwar (Raigad, Uttar Pradesh reported 296 crew will be given full protec- CPbZ5^aRTcWPcX]R[dSTS3aBWPbWX
products manufactured or assembled egorised the products "on the sole Maharashtra) and Daman during the evening of new cases and five deaths in the tive suits. At the end of the day, :P]cU^a\Ta_aTbXST]c80?B<P]S
in India but the raw material was information provided by the firms June 3. State in the last 24 hours, taking each aircraft must be deep 7TPS^UcWT2T]caTU^a2^\\d]Xch
imported. Likewise, the third catego- only". Unlike cyclone Amphan which was the total number of cases to cleaned, DGCA advised. <TSXRX]TPc088<B=Tf3T[WXP]S
ry referred to 'Purely Imported "In case of any litigation, the categorised as an extremely severe cyclonic 8,361. Kerala reports 57 new The DGCA circular noted ^cWTab
Products', officials said. information provided by the firm will storm that devastated parts of West Bengal the Covid-19 cases and one death on that the recommendations were 0[b^^]cWTCPbZ5^aRTPaT3a
Each and every product sold by be used as evidence and the onus to cyclone Nisarga is expected to be less intense when Monday, which took its tally of submitted to the Ministry of BP]YPh:APX]PcX^]P[_aTbXST]c
the paramilitary canteens was put prove the information is correct will it hits the coast. Konkan and Goa are likely to cases to 1,237 and 11 deaths. Civil Aviation by the expert 8?70P]S?a^UTbb^a22<088<B
under one of these three categories. be on the respective firm," according receive extremely heavy rainfall in isolated places Telangana reported 94 new committee, constituted by the 3a32BATSShU^a\Ta?a^UTbb^a
In the category 3, the KPKB list- to the order. from June 3. cases on Monday The total Ministry in pursuance of the P]S7TPS2^\\d]Xch<TSXRX]T
ed 1,026 products that included an The push by the canteens for sell- Parts of Maharashtra will also experience number of Covid-19 positive observation of the Supreme 8<B17DEPaP]PbXP]S3aAPYTbW
Italian chocolate brand and a South ing only local products follows Prime heavy rainfall on June 3-4. High waves in the range cases in the State stands at Court and in interest of the :d\PaU^a\Ta?a^UTbb^a7TPS
Korean manufacturer of air condi- Minister Narendra Modi's stress on of 2.3 - 6.5 meters are forecast till 11:30 pm of June 2,792. Five new positive cases of safety of passengers. The 32<B?7?68<4A2WP]SXVPaW
tioners and televisions. "vocal for local" and subsequent 2 along the coast of Maharashtra-- from Malvan Covid reported in Manipur domestic commercial flights 3aATSShP]S3a:P]cPaTP[b^
Seven companies engaged in directive by Home Minister Amit to Vasai. Madhavan said the IMD latest cyclone today, taking the total number started after two months on \T\QTab^UP]82<AaTbTPaRW
importing finished products and sell- Shah that the canteens will only sell update expects it to balloon into a “severe cyclone” of positive cases in the State to May 25. International flights Va^d_^]T_XST\X^[^VhP]S
ing them here included brands like "Made in India" products. by the middle of the week. 83 including 72 active cases. will not resume till end of June. bdaeTX[[P]RTU^a2^eXS (
3``deVcU`dV ting such support. We are
changing the definition of
MSMEs after 14 years,” he
C2,150 per quintal from C2,000,
C150 more than last year.
Among pulses, highest incre-

From Page 1 said. Meanwhile, to ensure ment has been recommended ^eTafWT[\X]V[h^]VT]TaP[
Keeping in mind these remunerative prices to the for urad, with a proposed rate PS\X]XbcaPcXeTQdaTPdRaPcb
representations, the growers for their produce and of C6,000 from last year’s C5,700 °7PScWT6^eTa]\T]cR^]bd[cTS
Government decided to further encourage farmers amid coro- a quintal. T_XST\X^[^VXbcbfW^WPSQTccTa
increase the limit for medium navirus pandemic, the CCEA The Cabinet has given its From Page 1 his loyalist Congress MLAs tilt- then it put up an additional VaPb_^USXbTPbTcaP]b\XbbX^]
manufacturing and service chaired by Prime Minister approval to extend repayment While 55 seats fell vacant ed the scale in favour of the player to send confusing sig- Sh]P\XRbR^\_PaTSc^\^ST[[Tab
units. Now, it will be C50 crore Narendra Modi on Monday date up to August 31, for in April due to the end of the BJP. The Congress has fielded nals to the opposite camp. Xcf^d[SWPeT_TaWP_bQTT]QTccTa
of investment and C250 crore approved increase in the Standard Short-Term loans up term of the Rajya Sabha mem- its old guard Digvijay Singh The EC said the Chief bTaeTS±cWTaT_^acbPXS
of turnover. It has also been Minimum Support Prices to C3 lakh advanced for agri- bers, 37 seats from 10 States and both sides have fielded Secretaries of the States have 5a^\cWT[X\XcTSX]U^a\PcX^]
decided that the turnover with (MSPs) for all mandated kharif culture and allied activities by were filled in uncontested by additional candidates. been asked to depute a senior PePX[PQ[TX]cWT_dQ[XRS^\PX]cWT
respect to exports will not be crops by 50-83 per cent for banks, which have become the NCP and RPI chiefs Sharad In Gujarat, five Congress officer to ensure that the extant Tg_TacbbPXSXcbTT\bcWPccWT
counted in the limits of marketing season 2020-21. due or shall become due Pawar and Ramdas Athawale MLAs have resigned to make instructions regarding coron- V^eTa]\T]cfPb_aX\PaX[hPSeXbTS
turnover for any category of This will help farmers take a between 1st March, 2020 and respectively, TMC’s Dinesh the contest a close one. Gujarat avirus containment measures QhR[X]XRXP]bP]SPRPST\XR
MSME units whether micro, call on which kharif (summer) August 31, 2020 with contin- Trivedi, Congress’ KTS Tulsi, has four Rajya Sabha seats are complied with while mak- T_XST\X^[^VXbcbfXcW°[X\XcTSUXT[S
small or medium. This is yet crop to grow as sowing picks ued benefit of two per cent Deputy Chairman of Rajya going to polls. While two each ing arrangements for con- caPX]X]VP]SbZX[[b±
another step towards ease of up with the arrival of southwest Interest Subvention (IS) to Sabha Harivansh among oth- for the BJP and the Congress ducting the elections. °CWTT]VPVT\T]cfXcWTg_Tac
doing business. This will help monsoon. Banks and three per cent ers. were expected, the resignations The Election Commission cTRW]^RaPcbX]cWTPaTPb^U
in attracting investments and Accordingly, the MSP for Prompt Repayment Incentive But the BJP has made the have put the Congress in a fix. said it has reviewed the ongo- T_XST\X^[^Vh_dQ[XRWTP[cW
creating more jobs in the paddy has been fixed at C1,868 (PRI) to farmers. The contest for the 18 seats fierce Here too, the BJP put up an ing situation due to the coro- _aTeT]cXeT\TSXRX]TP]Sb^RXP[
MSME sector,” said the from C1,815. The price of the Government’s decision of pro- by putting up additional can- additional candidate to queer navirus pandemic and the bRXT]cXbcbfPb[X\XcTS±cWThbPXS
Government in a statement better variety of rice (Grade A) viding such loans to farmers didates on the seats. the pitch for Congress. guidelines issued by the Union °CWTX]R^WTaT]cP]S^UcT]aP_XS[h
detailing the financial packages. has been proposed at C1,888, through banks @ 7 per cent per In Madhya Pradesh, the In Rajasthan, the Congress Home Minister and has decid- bWXUcX]VbcaPcTVXTbP]S_^[XRXTb
Gadkari said that C50,000 up from last year’s price of annum, with 2 per cent per three seats up for grabs will see seems more comfortable to ed to conduct the polls that Tb_TRXP[[hPccWT]PcX^]P[[TeT[PaT
crore equity infusion for C1,835. Rice is a major kharif annum interest subvention to a keen contest between the BJP win two Rajya Sabha seats were earlier scheduled to be \^aTPaTU[TRcX^]^U°PUcTacW^dVWc±
MSMEs will strengthen their crop, accounting for 40 per cent banks and 3 per cent additional and the Congress. While the and has Congress general sec- held on March 26. P]SRPcRWX]Vd__WT]^\T]^]^]
growth potential and will of the planting in the season. benefit on timely repayment by Congress was initially poised retary and Rahul Gandhi con- The EC has appointed _Pac^UcWT_^[XRh\PZTabaPcWTa
enable them to get listed on Among cereals, the highest farmers thus provides loans up to win two of the three seats, fidant KC Venugopal in the Chief Electoral Officer con- cWP]PfT[[cW^dVWcR^VT]c
stock exchanges. “This is for increase is proposed in Bajra to C3 lakh at 4 per cent per the switching over of fray from one the seats. The cerned as Observer for the bcaPcTVhfXcWP]T_XST\X^[^VXR
the first time MSMEs are get- where price is likely to be annum interest. Jyotiraditya along with 22 of BJP is poised to win one but election in the respective state. QPbXb±cWThbPXS



=4F34;78kCD4B30H k9D=4!!! RP_XcP["

8¶XcR^dVVd"#*TRdVdZ_ 6aXS[^RZPc2P_XcP[Q^aSTab^]UXabcSPh^UD][^RZ
RURje`eR]cVRTYVd*!$ A
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 Noida, Ghaziabad and ment zones," the order read.
Gurugram have already sealed "Therefore, in exercise of
massive traffic was report- their borders with the national the powers conferred under
ed at Delhi-Gurugram and capital as the number of the section 10(2)(l) of the Disaster
Delhi-Noida borders on Covid-19 cases saw a spike, with Management Act 2005, it is
?0AE4B7B70A<0Q is no reason to panic because sealed by Municipal Monday after commuters came majority of the cases linked to directed that the guidelines
6DAD6A0< of the sudden surge since most Corporation of Gurugram out in huge numbers on the those travelling to Delhi. will remain in force up to June
cases that have emerged are (MCG) and health officials first day of the Unlock-1. Applicable from Monday, 30. With effect from June 1 to
he Gurugram district related to Delhi with those have initiated the sanitation The queue on Delhi-Noida June 1, the fresh order issued by June 30, the lockdown 5.0 will
T reported 129 more coron-
avirus positive cases on
testing positive either being
people who visited the capital
"All the patients are isolat-
Direct (DND) was almost two-
kilometer long.
the Ministry of Home Affairs
(MHA) spoke of the expanded
be limited only to containment
zones and only a elimited num-
Monday. The situation is recently or their contacts. ed at different government, Many among the com- fresh guidelines a day ahead of ber of activities will remain
alarming here with 100 cases Health official said that ESI and private hospitals. Their muters came out from their the end of lockdown 4.0. prohibited throughout the
reported ten days ago and now several of them are wholesale family members are also put cars after they stuck for long as "In exercise of powers country," it added.
the tally has zoomed up to 903 vegetable dealers in Khandsa under home quarantine. The the police deployed at the bor- CaPUUXRR^]VTbcX^]Pc3T[WX=^XSP3XaTRc3=3PbR^_bP[[^f^][h_PbbQTPaTabc^ under section 6(2)(i) of the As per the order, interna-
on Monday. The Gurugram Anaj Mandi, vegetable ven- health officials are making der was checking passes and T]cTa=^XSP^]cWTUXabcSPhPUcTacWTT]S^U2^eXS ([^RZS^f]#X]=^XSP^] Disaster Management Act, tional air travel, operation of
district reported 586 Covid-19 dors, health workers, police efforts to identify other persons the identity cards of the people <^]SPh AP]YP]3X\aXk?X^]TTa 2005, the National Disaster Metro Rail, cinema halls, gym-
cases in the past six days. personnel, media personnel, who were infected after com- travelling from Delhi to Noida. Management Authority nasiums, swimming pools,
The total coronavirus cases pharmacists, depot holders, ing in contact with them," he The Delhi Police asked the The vehicular traffic on the capital also witnessed a surge as (NDMA) has directed the entertainment parks, theatres,
are at 903 in Gurugram, includ- sanitation workers and some said. people who did not have pass- roads have increased by over 40 a number of vehicles were seen undersigned to issue an order bars, auditoriums, assembly
ing 284 who were cured and other infected patients who Increased screening and es to return back. Many among per cent on Monday morning on the streets in areas like to extend the lockdown in halls, and political, sports,
discharged from hospitals. have a travel history to Delhi, testing, the official said, is them traveling without passes as several office-goers came out Jhandewalan, ITO etc. containment zones up to June entertainment, academic, cul-
While 615 are undergoing who, along with their con- another reason why the num- started returning in the same to attend their offices, accord- Similar, scenes were wit- 30, and reopen prohibited tural and religious functions,
treatment. tacts, are testing positive. ber of cases has seen a steep rise lane that also created traffic ing to the Delhi Traffic police. nessed at the Delhi-Gurugram activities in a phased manner and other large congregations
Health officials said there The affected areas were this month. snarl. The traffic in the national and Delhi-Ghaziabad borders. in areas outside the contain- will remain prohibited.


New Delhi: The Delhi Police has resembled a Government site and Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana, reg- BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 today. He was posted at Civic school run by the civic body
arrested four people for alleged- placed advertisement for thou- istered a complaint with police Centre, the NMC headquar- who tested positive of
ly duping over 4,000 people by sands of jobs. They charged alleging that it received griev- junior engineer employed ters," the official said. Coronavirus on Sunday.

BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 rifice made by them in (the)

promising them jobs under the
Centre's flagship Ayushman
aspirants C300 to C500 as regis-
tration fees, the police said.
ances from public regarding an
"unscrupulous agency" which
A with the North Delhi
Municipal Corporation (NMC)
The junior engineer got
fever on May 18 and he was on
“Out of these, 40 who test-
ed positive are health care
fight against Covid-19 will Bharat scheme. According to Anyesh Roy, was portraying a false association died of coronavirus on leave since then. He was admit- workers and 39 are field staff,”
ieutenant Governor of always be remembered. My The accused have been iden- the Deputy Commissioner of with the scheme. The details of Monday, a senior official ted to the Lady Hardinge he said.
L Delhi, Anil Baijal, and Chief
Minister Arvind Kejriwal on
deepest condolences to the
bereaved families,"
tified as Umesh (37), Rajat Singh
(33), Gaurav (26) and Seema
Police (DCP), Cyber Cell, the
National Health Authority, the
the website — — were obtained
said. He was tested positive on
May 30.
Medical College and Hospital
on May 20, he said.
The official said that a
total of 95 staff including health
Monday paid condolences to Delhi police on Monday Rani Sharma (33). agency that administers the and the payment gateway and the "Unfortunately, one of the At least 79 staff of north care personnel have been
the two Delhi Police assistant also paid homage to two mem- Police said that the accused health assurance scheme bank account linked with it junior engineers of the civic Corporation tested positive till placed under home quarantine
sub-inspectors (ASI) who died bers of its staff, "who made the had created a fake website that Ayushman Bharat Pradhan analysed during investigation. body died due to Covid-19 now including a principal of a till now.
of coronavirus infection. greatest sacrifice in this
Baijal in a tweet said, fight against COVID", call-
"Extremely saddened at the ing them "corona warriors".
death of two Delhi police brave- Kejriwal saluted the
hearts in the line of duty. Their brave ASIs and said the
untimely demise is (a) great loss entire Delhi is with their
for Delhi Police. Supreme sac- families in the pain.

2Zca`ceRfeY`cZej E`aT`aUZcVTed
ZddfVdXfZUV]Z_Vd Z_deR]]ReZ`_`W
W`cTRS`aVcRe`cd aZT\Vea`Z_ed
BC055A4?>AC4A Z_R]]UZdecZTed
Q =4F34;78

hile private
W taxi/cab are
the first service
for air travellers
for reaching airport and vice-
versa, the Delhi airport author-
ity has issued guidelines for
authorised taxi operators in
view of the current pandemic BC055A4?>AC4AQ
Covid -19. The taxi operators =4F34;78
have been mandated to imple-
ment precautionary measures
to quell safety fears among the
view of the ongoing
pandemic and
in the movement
The airport authority has across the national Capital,
deployed trained staff at the air- Delhi Police Commissioner
port for performing thermal SN Shrivastava has direct-
screening of the drivers.” Every ed to install 'picket points'
taxi driver has to undergo which will be making gen-
mandatory thermal screening. eral public aware about the
In case of any abnormality in various guidelines and
body temperature, the driver is instructions issued by the
refrained from driving the Governement. Police said
vehicle and instead advised to that these picket points will
meet the airport health officials be installed in all 15 dis-
for next steps,” said Delhi air- tricts of the national
port official. Capital.

B0?=0B8=67Q =4F34;78 Zoo Authority contacted
Wildlife SOS. Understanding
ike human beings, ani- the urgent nature of the sit-
L mals too suffer from den-
tal problems. Sita, a 5-year-
uation, a Wildlife SOS vet-
erinary team transported a
old white Tigress in Delhi Digital X-ray machine and a
zoo, received emergency Dental X Ray machine all the
dental treatment amidst the way from Agra to New
lockdown emergency. Delhi.
While dental pain As the lockdown pre-
impacts eating, sleeping and vented normal vehicular
other activities in human movement, the NZP
beings, animals like tigers Director sent a vehicle with
also face the same. It impacts an officer from the zoo to
their behaviour and other Agra to bring the Wildlife
routine activities. SOS veterinary team and the
Delhi Zoo officials equipment. The X Ray
observed that Sita — the equipment enabled the vet-
tigress — was under stress erinary team to examine
and had stopped eating as and detect a root abscess in
the painful abscess in her the lower left canine of the
lower canine was affecting tigers jaw.
her behaviour. The entire medical pro-
After observing her least cedure was carried out by the
interest in activities, Zoo NZP Veterinary team and
officials conducted a pre- the Wildlife SOS Veterinary
liminary examination which team working together. The
revealed swelling in the abscess was drained and
lower gum close to the lower treated with antiseptic solu-
left canine and realised that tion and anti inflammatory
this was causing the tigress medication. The tigress has
immense pain and discom- been placed under observa-
fort thus requiring immedi- tion and is recovering well.
ate medical intervention to Dr. Suneesh Buxy, IFS -
help alleviate pain. DIG and Director NZP
Zoo officials consulted Delhi Zoo, said, “The NZP
with experts from the Indian vet team and Wildlife SOS
Veterinary Research Institute have done a good job with
(IVRI) in Bareilly and the providing treatment. This
Wildlife SOS veterinary team has brought significant
to carry out digital radiog- improvement in the overall
raphy and biopsy for proper health of the tigress.”
diagnosis however the prob- Meanwhile Zoo officials
lem was that during the are monitoring her recovery
lockdown how would a dig- and treatment of infected
ital radiography machine be area is carried out daily.
brought for this purpose. “She is active and eating
Without delaying in pro- without any discomfort,” a
viding treatment, the Central Zoo official said.
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k9D=4!!! ]PcX^]#
2>E83 (>DC1A40:

deRcehZeYµgZcefR]cR]]j¶ C 8<0daVTb6^ecc^TgcT]S
0A270=09H>C8Q =4F34;78 C7420B450C0;8CHA0C45>A2>D=CA84B70E8=6
ovid-19 case-wise, India C7478674BC=D<14A>5340C7B

may have moved up 2>D=CA84B C>C0; 20B450C0;8CH
viciously from the 10th posi-
?=BQ =4F34;78 party has set a target of roping paign’ and even ‘online voting’ tion to 7th position within a 340C7B A0C4
in “at least one lakh people replacing old-style rallies and week since May 25 but the F^a[S "%& %% % (

mid the coronavirus pan- across the 243 Assembly seg- the long queues outside fatality rate at 2.83 per cent of
A demic, the BJP is set to
unlock its poll campaign in
ments in Bihar” for the video
conference, besides those who
polling booths in the times of
the total death of nearly 5,400
is much lower than the global
DB0  $%& $(!

Bihar next week with a “virtu- may prefer to listen to the The election commission 6 per cent. D: "'"&% #&
al rally” by Union Home speech on the social network- will have the last say on the The recovery rate in India 8cP[h """# #"" ?=BQ =4F34;78
Minister and former BJP pres- ing site. date of polling and the mode also improved to 48.13 per cent
ident Amit Shah who will “The virtual rally can be of campaign if the pandemic on Monday. On May 25, India B_PX] !(#" ! ! he Indian Medical
address the people of the State
through video conference and
verily called the commence-
ment of our digital campaign
curve is not beaten effective-
ly before the year-end, sources
with 1,38,645 infected cases
was at tenth position piping Iran
5aP]RT !'& & ("$ T Association (IMA) has
urged the Government to
Facebook Live. for Assembly elections in Bihar. said. which currently has 1,54,445 1aPiX[ !&'&' $(( extend the micro, small and
Shah’s virtual rally will be The June 9 rally by the Home While large gatherings are cases. On May, 31, India with medium enterprises (MSME)
followed up by BJP President J Minister will be followed by prohibited under what is being 1,90,535 cases replaced France 1T[VXd\ (#$" %!$ benefits, recently announced
P Nadda’s “digital rally” in the similar public addresses from termed as ''Unlock 1.0'', it to move to 7th position. <TgXR^ (# $  " by the Finance Ministry, to
State that is slated to go to polls party president J P Nadda on a remains to be seen whether A senior official from the clinics, nursing homes and
in October-November this year later date. Itinerary for the conventional poll campaign Union Health Ministry said 6Ta\P]h '$ #%' small hospitals run by single All of them are important in
to elect 243 members of the same will be made known in involving rallies and road- that infection and fatality might 8aP] &&"# $ ( doctors, couple doctors and the current stage of exit to pro-
Bihar Legislative Assembly. due course. Nadda is expected shows will be allowed by the seemingly be moving at the group of doctors who are grap- vide non-Covid services and
The term of the current to address the people in two time the election schedule is faster pace in India, but when 2P]PSP %((% &' pling with financial crisis perhaps even Covid-19 relat-
Assembly, elected in 2015, will phases covering north and announced. compared to the other worst-hit owing to the Covid-19 pan- ed services,” IMA national
expire on November 29, 2020. south Bihar," he said at Patna. Rival parties in Bihar countries, it is comparatively =TcWTa[P]Sb $($ !'& demic. president Dr Rajan Sharma
The BJP has been sharing The Rashtriya Janata Dal apprehend that a campaign low (See Box). “There are thousands of said.
power with the JD(U), headed is also planning to counter restricted to the "digital" mode The case fatality rate is 2.83 (14.33 per cent), Spain (12.12 trends are being noticed: while single doctors, couple doctors This stimulus package,
by Chief Minister Nitish Shah’s “virtual rally” by its own would be of disproportionate per cent. On May 18, it was 3.15 per cent) and other around the recovery rate is increasing and group of doctors who which requires clarity will
Kumar since 2005, barring a “Garib Adhikar Divas” rally on advantage to the BJP, which per cent while on May 3 , it was eight other developed nations on one hand, case fatality is have established clinics, nurs- allow these institutions to sur-
four-year gap from 2013-17. June 9. has a well-oiled IT cell, and by 3.25 per cent and on April 15 it where case fatality is compara- going down on the other. ing homes and small hospitals vive and continue serving the
Bihar would be the focus of BJP’s national president virtue of being in power at the was 3.30 per cent. tively higher than India. A total of 91,818 patients providing healthcare in almost people, Dr Sharma added. The
most of the 2,000 virtual video this week said that Centre for more than six years, “A steady decline can be “Through a graded, pre- have been cured of the disease, all the districts and towns of IMA represents private med-
conferences, rallies or meetings Coronavirus has restricted the can marshal resources with far seen in the case fatality rate in emptive and pro-active with recovery rate at 48.19 per the country. They provide ical professionals in the coun-
announced across the States by scope of real poll campaigning greater ease than its rivals. the country. The relatively low approach, we are taking sever- cent amongst Covid-19 patients. affordable healthcare and are try.
the BJP in the next one month. but the party would launch Last moth, Nadda had death rate is attributed to the al steps along with the The testing capacity has accessible 24X7. The Government has
The Central and State leaders, electioneering sticking to new addressed a meeting of Bihar continued focus on surveil- States/UTs for prevention, con- increased in the country “Most of them fail to come announced a major economic
to begin with, will address and norms of ‘social distancing’ core committee leaders lance, timely case identification tainment and management of through 472 Government and under the definition of MSME. package for the MSMEs which
mobilise booth-level workers in and taking to face masks. through video-conferencing and clinical management of Covid-19. 204 private laboratories (total It is also true they have been have been given a special con-
the State through video-con- Bihar's Deputy Chief and exchanged views relating the cases,” he said. These are being regularly 676 laboratories). badly affected in the current sideration to help them bail out
ferencing. Minister Sushil Kumar Modi, to electioneering, including In comparison, said the reviewed and monitored at the Cumulatively, 38,37,207 sam- lockdown situation. Many of from financial crisis in the
According to Bihar BJP had, interestingly, spoken of the subject of stranded official, the USA has 5.92 per highest level,” he added. The ples have been tested so far for them have been closed. Some wake of Coronavirus pan-
President Sanjay Jaiswal, the the possibility of ‘virtual cam- migrants from the State. cent, UK (14.07 per cent), Italy official also said that two specific the infection. of them may not revive at all. demic.

?=BQ =4F34;78 Central Hall, with the Rajya telecast live, virtual Parliament same in case of virtual meeting, ious committees of Parliament
Sabha, which has less members is an option to be explored in they said. including the department- ?=BQ =4F34;78 the actual position on the Modi Government must
ajya Sabha Chairman M than the lower house, shifting the long run. Infrastructure upgrade to related Standing Committees ground?”, the Congress asked. answer -Have the Chinese
R Venkaiah Naidu and Lok
Sabha Speaker Om Birla on
to the chamber of Lok Sabha.
Also the sittings of both the
The two officials were also
directed to examine in detail
be undertaken to enable virtual
meetings and the time likely to
are empowered to convene
regular meetings of respective T he Congress on Monday
asked the Government to
“While the Government
has briefly commented upon
troops occupied Indian
Territory in the Galwan River
Monday discussed about the Houses can be held on alternate various technical and other be taken in this regard were committees on their own. take all political parties and the resolving the crisis diplomati- Valley and Pangong Tso Lake
conduct of Monsoon Session of days. arrangements to be ensured to also discussed. However, in view of the country into confidence over cally, the Modi Government in Ladakh?
Parliament under social dis- Taking note of reports sug- enable smooth functioning of Taking cognisance of the feedback being received from restoration of the status quo must take all political parties It asked from the govern-
tancing norms in the wake of gesting that the fight against the both the Houses. long existing rules regarding some members of Parliament ante on the border with China. and the countr y into ment to clarify that the Chinese
the coronavirus pandemic. coronavirus is likely to be a Parliament usually meets confidentiality in respect of about their inability to travel Congress’ chief spokesper- confidence on restoring the sta- transgressions into Galwan
Naidu and Birla also explored long haul, Naidu convened the in July-August for the monsoon meetings of the committees on account of quarantine son Randeep Surjewala said tus quo and protecting India''s River Valley threaten the
“virtual Parliament” as on meeting at his official session. It was adjourned sine and the implications of hold- norms in various states, they there can be no compromise on territorial integrity,"Surjewala operation of "Darbuk-Shyok-
option in the long run and to residence which was also die on March 24, ahead of ing virtual meetings, Naidu felt that it may be better for the India’s security and territorial demanded at AICC Press con- DBO Road" vital to servicing
adopt technology to enable attended by the Secretary schedule, amid growing con- and Birla opined that it chairmen of various integrity and posed a set of ference. Indian troops in Sub-Sector
Parliament Sessions to tide Generals of both the houses. cerns over the Covid-19 out- would be necessary to refer the committees to convene meet- questions to the Government The Congress said that North and Karakoram pass.
over situations when regular The presiding officers break. issue of virtual meetings to the ings after ascertaining the like- on the situation at the border umpteen news reports reflect Have they crossed into
meetings are not possible. directed the Secretary Generals “Both the Secretar y Rules Committees of both the ly attendance of Members. in Ladakh. that Chinese forces have made Indian Territory even beyond
Both the Presiding officers to examine the feasibility of Generals briefed the Chairman Houses, the sources said. Officials informed that the He questioned the “silence” serious transgressions into China''s own “Claim Line”,
also referred the issue of virtual using the central hall of and Speaker on issues con- Regarding the view average attendance in the of the Government on the Indian Territory at three points pitched hundreds of tents, con-
meetings of parliamentary Parliament appropriately to nected with the proposed vir- expressed in some quarters meetings of the eight “brazen Chinese transgression” in Ladakh and Sikkim. structed concrete structures
committees to the Rules ensure social distancing norms tual meetings of various com- that presiding officers can sus- department-related Standing into Indian territory. “Reports of Chinese Army and built a few kilometres of
Committees of both the Houses during the upcoming mon- mittees of Parliament," said pend the Rules, officials have Committees of Rajya Sabha The Congress leader also moving thousands of troops in road along the LAC in Galwan
in view of the soon session. the official. pointed out that such suspen- over the last three years has expressed concern over issues Galwan Valley and Pangong River Valley as also on the
confidentiality aspect of the They noted that since there Measures include provid- sion requires a motion to be been about 45 per cent. raised by Nepal and hoped the Tso Lake Area (Ladakh) are north bank of Pangong Tso
deliberations. is no requirement of main- ing a safe technological plat- carried in the House and pre- This in effect means that Government would find a last- shocking and audacious Lake? And is it correct that
Parliament officials said taining confidentiality of the form, complying with the rules siding officers cannot super- on an average, 14 of the 31 ing solution to it. attempt on our “territorial Chinese troops have
several options are being con- proceedings of both the of confidentiality of delibera- sede rules by issuing directions. members of each committee “Why has the Modi integrity”, said the party leader. occupied the “Finger Heights
sidered including holding the Houses, which are open to tions in such meetings and the Both Naidu and Birla attended the meetings, they Government not taken the The grand old party said if near Pangong Tso Lake?'” asked
meeting of Lok Sabha in the general public besides being difficulties in ensuring the noted that the chairmen of var- said. nation into confidence vis-a-vis these reports are true, the the Congress.

?=BQ =4F34;78 tral repository and requisite using the same ration card.
?=BQ =4F34;78

he Ministry of Housing and

months basis. There will be no
penalty on early repayment of

hree more States — Odisha,

testing of national portability
transactions — required for
“Further, constant efforts
are being made by this
T Urban Affairs (MoHUA) on
Monday launched PM Svanidhi,
The scheme is applicable to
vendors, hawkers, thelewalas,
T Sikkim and Mizoram —
have joined the 'One Nation-
ration card portability has been
completed in these three states-
Department to expand the
reach of national portability to
or Pradhan Mantri Street
Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi
rehriwalas, theliphadwalas in
different areas/contexts who
One Ration Card' scheme, tak- Odisha, Sikkim and Mizoram. the beneficiaries of other scheme, which is a special micro- supply goods and services. Street
ing the number of states and So far, ration card portability has states/UTs also in association credit facility plan to provide vendors belonging to the sur-
union territories (UTs) which been enabled in 17 states and with respective state/UT gov- affordable loan of up to C10,000 rounding peri-urban/rural areas
have joined the scheme to 20. UTs—Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, ernments," Paswan said. to more than 50 lakh street are also included.
Uttarakhand, Nagaland and Dadra & Nagar Haveli and The Food Ministry is doing vendors, who had their busi- The scheme targets to ben-
Manipur will also be added to Daman & Diu, Goa, Gujarat, all necessary arrangements to nesses operational on or before efit over 50 lakh Street Vendors,
the national cluster by August. Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, include remaining 13 states and 24 March. The scheme is valid who had been vending on or
Union Food and Consumer Jharkhand, Kerala, Karnataka, UTs to the national cluster. until March 2022. before 24 March, 2020, in urban
Affairs Minister Ram Vilas Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, A central technical team has Under the scheme, vendors areas including those from sur-
Paswan said on Monday said Rajasthan, Punjab, Telangana, imparted the requisite orienta- can avail working capital loan of rounding peri-urban/ rural
necessary infrastructure work - Tripura and Uttar Pradesh. tion training to the technical up to C10,000, which is repayable areas.
- upgradation of electronic Under the 'One Nation- teams and concerned officers of in monthly instalments within The duration of the scheme
Point of Sale (ePoS) software, One Ration Card' initiative, eli- these states through video con- one year. On timely/early repay- is till March 2022. The street
integration with central gible beneficiaries would be ferencing and necessary guide- ment of the loan, an interest sub- vendors belonging to the sur-
Integrated Management of PDS able to avail their entitled food- lines/instructions for the imple- sidy of 7% per annum will be rounding peri-urban/ rural areas
(IM-PDS) and Annavitran por- grains under the National Food mentation of national/inter- credited to the bank accounts of are being included as beneficia-
tals, availability of ration Security Act (NFSA) from any state portability were also pro- beneficiaries through Direct ries under the urban livelihoods
cards/beneficiaries data in cen- Fair Price Shop in the country vided to them, Paswan said. Benefit Transfer (DBT) on six- programme for the first time.

by the Covid-19 pandemic India by Australia. The two
0A270=09H>C8Q =4F34;78 which has brought the world and a half feet 16th-century
on its knees. idol which was kept in the
virtual meeting between Sources in the gallery in Adelaide, Australia
A Prime Minister Narendra
Modi and his Australian coun-
Archaeological Survey of India
(ASI) said that the three cul-
for 17 years was traced a year
terpart Soctt Morrison sched- turally significant artefacts, a Three years ago, Australia
uled on June 4 is also likely to pair of ‘Dwarapala’ (door had returned three artefacts,
witness the latter handing over guardians), dating back to including an idol of goddess
online the exquisitely carved 15th century, are from Tamil Pratyangira, stolen from a
stolen artefacts, including two Nadu. The ‘Nagaraja' (serpent Shiva temple in Cuddalore
Nayak period dwarapalas or king), belonging to 6th or 8th district in Tamil Nadu. In
temple gate guardians and a 6th century from either Rajasthan 2014, then Australian Prime
or 7th Century serpent king or Madhya Pradesh, was at Minister Tony Abbott had
(Nagaraja) of display at National Gallery of returned two statues of
Rajasthan/Madhya Pradesh, Australia. It had reportedly Nataraja and Ardhanariswarar
stolen from India. purchased them from idol stolen from temples in the
The Australian smuggler Subhash Kapoor. state.
Government had earlier However, extensive they have a virtual meeting on said. Both India and Australia
planned to return the three research undertaken by the June 4. After that, we will send In September last year, a are a party to the UNESCO
antiquities of cultural signifi- Gallery prompted it to volun- the two Dwarapalas to Idol 600-year-old Nataraja idol 1970 Convention on the
cance during the official visit of tarily return these artefacts to wing of Tamil Nadu which has worth Rs 30 crore which was Means of Prohibiting and
Morrison to India in January India. “We are expecting the registered a theft case in the stolen 37 years ago from a Preventing the Illicit Import,
early this year. But the plan Australian leader to virtually matter while the Serpent King temple at Kallidaikurichi in Export and Transport of
went for a toss, first owing to handover the idols to our will be handed over to a muse- Tirunelveli district, Chennai, Ownership of Cultural
forest fires in Australia followed Prime Minister Modi when um in Red Fort,” the sources Tamil Nadu was returned to Property.
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2>E83 (>DC1A40:

""'#eVdea`dZeZgVZ_E?""UZV ATbWdUU[TX]1T]VP[19?PWTPS^U!! _^[[b

B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 post of vice president. Along
with him Bankura MP Dr
at a crucial time ahead of the
next year’s Assembly elections
C^cP[aTPRWTb!"#($ State as on Monday. The day
also saw 11 persons succumb- D=;>2:  Park would offer 25,000 direct
employment in the field of
Corporation, the public sector
that operates inter-district bus A head of the June 8 video
conference with Home
Subhas Sarkar, Hooghly leader
Rajkamal Pathak, Ritesh Tewari,
which the BJP is seeing as a
chance to bring about a second
:D<0A274;;0??0=Q :>278 ing to the pandemic taking the futuristic technology, said a services looked jovial and Minister Amit Shah, the Bengal Pratap Banerjee, Raju Banerjee, change in Bengal.
tally to 184. release by the Tamil Nadu pleased as they welcomed the BJP has effected massive orga- and Mehfuza Khatoon too have The reshuffling --- which
he day Tamil Nadu chose to Chennai, Chengalpattu, Government. passengers onboard by offering nizational reshuffling that saw been made the party’s State vice further tightens the strangle-
T relax the lockdown and
allow factories, IT companies
Thiruvallur districts topped
and Despite the ever increasing
number of patients, the State is
them hand sanitizers.
“It has been lifeless 65 days
shunting of a known “plain-
speaker” senior leader Chandra
Former women’s wing
hold of Ghosh in the State party
--- also takes place ahead of the
and business establishments the table with the highest num- limping back to normalcy as away from the growling of the Bose a scion of Netaji Subhas leader Locket Chatterjee, the five-day video conference with
to resume operations saw 1,162 ber of covid patients. Dr Ram the lockdown which was in engines and the cacophony of Chandra Bose. current Hooghly MP has been Shah who would speak to all
persons testing positive for Subramanian, member of the force for the last 65 days has the passengers. We have never The name of Bose who was made the General Secretary of the party workers and office
coronavirus, the highest num- medical team advising the entered its last phase. Barring experienced such a phase in out a vice president of the Bengal the party along with JP Singh bearers from June 8 onward,
ber of cases to be registered on Tamil Nadu Government said the four districts of Chennai, three decades of service,” said party unit would not appear in Mahato and others. Locket sources said.
a single day. On Sunday 1,149 the increase in the number of they are the most vulnerable Thiruvallur, Kancheepuram Manoharan, a driver in the new list of office bearers Chatterjee is replaced by fash- Meanwhile Ghosh on
persons had tested positive for patients need not cause any group,” said Dr Ram and Chengalpattu, lockdown is Sivaganga bus station while get- even as State BJP president ion designer Agnimitra Paul as Monday made it clear that his
the pandemic. kind of apprehension in the Subramanian, a specialist in being relaxed all over the ting ready for the routine trip announced the new list of func- the State party Mahila Morcha party was switching on to the
According to the release minds of the people. “The infectious diseases. remaining 33 districts, though to Karaikudy. tionaries even as critics said the president. Sabyasachi Dutta agitation mode keeping the
issued by the Government of responsibility of the citizens is Chief Minister Edappadi remnants of the restrictions are M K Stalin , leader of the new list makes it apparent that another TMC turncoat and next year’s elections in mind
Tamil Nadu on Monday, 23,495 to make sure that they wear Palaniswamy on Monday laid still visible. Opposition, who is also the the party is looking for street close associate of senior leader even as he brought new alle-
persons have been tested pos- masks and observe social dis- the foundation for a C 235 crore State-owned transport president of the DMK said in fighters rather than ideologues Mukul Roy has been made the gations against the TMC
itive till date in the State. tancing. Software Park to be built by buses started plying in 33 dis- a statement that the hike in the to counter the Trinamool party’s state secretary. Vocal Government accusing it of
Taking into account the num- Also, see to it that children Tamil Nadu Industrial tricts with stringent regulations number of coronavirus cases in Congress in the next year’s leader Sayantan Banerjee too large-scale housing corrup-
ber of persons cured and dis- below the age of 10 and senior Development Corporation at like social distancing and face the State is due to the failure of Assembly elections. have made a general secretary tion.Crores have been siphoned
charged from hospitals, there citizens (those above the age of Pattabiram, a Chennai sub- masks. Employees of Tamil the government to properly According to the new list while party MP Soumitra Khan off in housing scam which is a
were 10,138 active cases in the 60) remain at him because urb. The park named as Tidel Nadu State Transport conduct the tests. Barrackpore MP and a former has been made the Yuva big scam and the party will take
strongman of the TMC Arjun Morcha president. up this cause soon along with
Singh has been promoted to the The reshuffling takes place other issues,” he said.

:D<0A274;;0??0=Q :>278 are devoid of public they have gone back to their vil- 6^P[XZT[hc^P[[^f\^aT <RJLWRJLYHUDWLRQNLWV
or the first time in recent
transport. This has made life
difficult for employees in gov-
lages in Assam, Bengal, Bihar
and Uttar Pradesh, the propri- CWRHDFKGHVWLWXWH
PRcXeXcXTbWX]cbBPfP]c Lucknow:
F histor y, Chennai has
become out of bounds for peo-
ernment and corporate offices
who do not have their own
etors are struggling to get
workers. 80=B Q ?0=098
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi
Adityanath has directed officials to provide ration kits
ple from other districts in vehicles for commuting. “The local people would and C1,000 to all destitutes who do not have ration
Tamil Nadu. Similarly, every Travellers who are plan- not agree to work on the salary oa may make room for allowing more cards. In his meeting with Team 11 officials on
Chennaite desiring to go out of
city limits to other districts in
ning to come to Tamil Nadu
have been asked to collect e-
which we pay to the migrant
labourers and hence it is not
G activities, other than those specified by
the Central government in Unlock-1, Chief
Monday, the Chief Minister said that efforts should
also be made to provide ration cards to these people.In
the State should undergo tests passes from the portal viable to open the shops,” said Minister Pramod Sawant hinted on Monday. the rural areas, the ration kits and C1,000 will be given
for coronavirus, according to Both air and the owner of a popular eatery. “All activities which have been allowed from the funds allotted to village heads while in the
the guidelines formulated by train passengers coming to Most of the tea and coffee by the Central Government will be allowed urban areas, the same will be provided by municipal
Department of Health. Tamil Nadu have to get e-pass shops in Chennai were owned in Goa too, but as Goa, we may take some corporations, the Government spokesman said.
Though autorickshaws are from the Government portal, and operated by Keralites. other steps too. We will finalise the decision “If any such persons are not registered under the
plying in the city, only two pas- said the department of health. With the advent of coro- by today evening about some other relax- Ayushman Bharat Yojana or the Mukhya Mantri Jan
sengers could travel at a time Eateries and restaurants navirus, they returned to their ations which can be made,” Sawant told Arogya Yojana, he should be provided necessary
making the common man’s are the establishments which native places in Kerala, which reporters outside his official residence. treatment all the same,” he said. IANS
vehicle literally out of his rich. have been hit hard by the has dampened the spirit of the
The auto drivers are fleecing coronavirus and the resultant population in the Metro,
the passengers due to a host of
reasons which include restric-
tions in travel.Chennai and the
lockdown. Most of these
restaurants had employed
migrant labourers as tea mak-
because the Malayali coffee
and tea were an essential
ingredient in the lives of 0bW^_ZTT_TaPbbXbcbRdbc^\TabPcPbW^_PUcTacWTPdcW^aXcXTbTPbTSaTbcaXRcX^]b
three neighbouring districts ers, cooks and suppliers. Since Chennaites. SdaX]V2^eXS ([^RZS^f]$X]BaX]PVPa^]<^]SPh ?C8
Amaravati: Andhra Pradesh's the state's death toll climbed to @U_`\USb_gTcdbUUdc_^ C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108

ome good news emerged from the worst-

Sin the
first person tested positive for coronavirus in the
state on March 9. In the following month from
April 1 to April 30, the recovery rate rose marginally

4Qi!_Ve^\_S[! Y^G2
76 new coronavirus cases took 66 on Monday morning. The coronavirus affected Maharashtra on Monday from 12.91 per cent to 16.88 per cent. However,
the state's total tally on Monday Koyambedu market connec- form of increase in the rate of recovery during the period from May 1 to May 31, the recov-
to 3,118 even as 34 patients tion again surfaced on Monday, of patients by 26.47 per cent during the last one ery rate increased by 26.47 per cent from 16.88 per
were cured and discharged to with the state nodal officer month — from 16.88 per cent on April 30 to cent to 43.35 per cent, which doctors fighting the
take such cases to 2,169. The reporting that eight of the pos- B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 issue with the Government dance. 43.35 per cent on May 31, even as coronavirus Covid-19 battle is pretty impressive.
number of active cases in the itive cases detected in the past with increased fare,” said Nalini The Bengal Government claimed 76 lives and left 2,361 others infected In terms of numbers, as many as 39 out of
state now stands at 885. With 24 hours had visited the he City of Joy tended to Goswami and IT had extended lockdown on in various parts of the State during the last 24 total 302 patients recovered from March 9 (when
two deaths in Kurnool district, Chennai market. IANS T miss a heart beat on
Monday the first day of “unlock
As the people tried to avail
June 1, permitting total atten-
dance in MSMEs, mining, jute
hours. The number of deaths dropped in
Maharashtra from 89 on Sunday to 76 on
the first coronavirus case was recorded in the
state) to March 31. In the following month from
1.0” even as things degenerat- of the skeletal public transport and tea industries. Monday. There had been a total of 591 deaths April 1 to April 30, 1773 patients out of total
ed into a mega mix-up when whatever government buses Expressing great concern in Maharashtra during the previous six days. On 10498 patients were discharged from various
citizens threw all cautions to were running got jam-packed over the way things were shap- May 26 (Tuesday) the state had witnessed 97 hospitals after full recovery.
the wind thronging public with passengers, the more con- ing up post lockdown Dr, deaths, while there were 105
places and boarding packed up scious people complained Sumit Jana said “it seems that deaths on Wednesday, 85
public buses—that ran far and adding the policemen were the people are preferring jahan deaths on Thursday, 116 deaths
few between —in mad desper- nowhere to be seen to enforce (livelihood) to jaan (life). on Friday and 99 deaths on
ation to reach their work places. the social distancing norms. People don’t seem to under- Saturday. Sunday’s Covid-19
While people spilled over Monday saw a number of stand that they are at great risk toll was 89.
to the streets thronging market religious places opening up in and the way the number of The number of new infect-
places in thousands at the end Bengal with the exception of cases are going up we soon ed cases dropped from 2487 on
of 67 days confinement, the Kalighat, Dakshineshwar tem- climb up the list of worst Sunday to 2361 on Monday. At
enforcers of law were hardly to ples and Belur Math. While affected countries.” a time when Covid-19 appears
be seen around, sources com- busy religious places like the Dr AK Nandi a virologist to be peaking in Maharashtra,
plained. three “Shakti Peeths” of said, “the people will have to the increase in recovery rate has
“We have been forced to Birbhum district, Thanthania understand that they have been brought some solace to doctors
come out of our houses taking Kali Temple and Lake Kali given a respite from lockdown waging a relentless battle
great risk on our lives as we Temple in Kolkata opened up because to remain afloat eco- against the pandemic.
have been asked by our respect- with limited visitors. nomically and not to go and As per the statistics put out
ed offices to join work. But here The Jute, mining and Tea party. If they do not understand by the state health department
we have no adequate public industry to functioned nor- it now then they will be in for on Monday, the recovery rate
transport because the large mally after the Government a big trouble as the cases are stood at 12.91 per cent on March
majority of public buses are not allowed these sectors to func- going to rise in June and July 31, twenty two
running because they have an tion with 100 percent atten- in heaps and bounds.” days after the

Gandhinagar : With the here.
announcement of relaxations in
lockdown norms, the wheels of
administration in Gujarat start-
Entering the SS-1 com-
plex, where the Chief Minister's
office is located, Rupani chant-
ed rolling again, here on ed the “Vaishnav jan to tene re Lucknow: The Islamic Centre of India has issued
Monday, after more than two kahiye”, favourite hymn of a fresh advisory regarding opening of mosques
months of shutdown. Mahatma Gandhi. from June 8.
The Government offices, The Chief Minister and Maulana Khalid Rashid Firangi Mahali,
including the Secretariat, other Ministers kept 2-minute chairman of the Centre, said that people should
returned to normal function- silence to pay respects to all wait for 15 days before going to mosques.
ing. However, curbs continued those who lost their lives due He asked people not to crowd in mosques
for offices located in contain- to Covid-19. and added that people above 65 years and chil-
ment zones and employees At the Secretariat, employ- dren below 10 years should not visit mosques in
residing in those areas. ees and visitors were allowed the pandemic.
According to the govern- only from Gates No 1 and 4 The Maulana said that the Friday prayers
ment announcement, all shops after thermal screening. would be held in four different groups so that
outside the containment zones The state transport buses, social distancing is maintained. He said that all
have been allowed to operate the Ahmedabad Municipal carpets and rugs would be removed from
from Monday. Sports com- Corporation-run (AMC) mosques and a distance of six feet would be
plexes and stadia have been AMTS and BRTS also started maintained between each person.
allowed to open -- not for operating, barring in the con- The mosque would be cleaned with disin-
spectators, only for sportsper- tainment areas. fectants before and after each prayer.
sons and games. The dedicated state trans- The cleric said that soap would be provid-
Gujarat Chief Minister port buses, ferrying govern- ed for 'wuzu' (washing of hands and people
Vijay Rupani and other ment employees from should bring skull caps from their homes,
Ministers attended their offices Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar, instead of using the ones provided in a mosque.
at the 'Swarnim Sankul' com- also plied at 50 per cent All those visiting the mosques should wear
plexes of the State Secretariat, strength during the day. IANS masks, the advisory said. IANS
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7 0\XSQ^aSTacT]bX^]b8]SXP\dbcQTPc2WX]PPcXcb^f]VP\TQh_[PhX]Vc^XcbbcaT]VcWb
he crest and trough of the Sino-

2017. Now, an expected
sent jingoistic fervour is the cold reality
common urge for some societal distrac-
While this is certainly not the sort of
The Xi regime is legitimised and gal-
COVID-19. Alongside came the trade war US ignoring the virtues of quiet sides will move on to the next set we make it worse with thunder-
IDUPHUV7KH\DUHFXUUHQWO\ERXQGWRVHOODJULFXOWXUHSURGXFHRQO\WKURXJK$30& with the US, implosive tendencies flaring diplomacy and humility. of distraction after having “won” ing blusters that unsettle small-
PDQGLVZKLFKUHVWULFWWKHIUHHIORZRIIDUPSURGXFWVDQGOHDGWRFDUWHOLVDWLRQ7KRXJK up in Hong Kong, Tibet and with the The fact is that China has an this round. But the essential er neighbours and send them
$30&VZHUHPHDQWWRSURWHFWIDUPHUVIURPFRPPLVVLRQDJHQWVDQGPLGGOHPHQ Uighurs. The re-election of Taiwanese expansionist agenda while India point of “tripping diplomacy” is scurrying into the willing arms
President Tsai Ing-Wen, who has brazen- does not. This is reflected in well-nigh forgotten. of China. Uber-nationalism that
RYHUWLPHWKH\HPERGLHGWKHYHU\LOOVWKDWWKH\ZHUHPHDQWWRFXUH%XWWRWKHLUFUHG ly slammed the door on the Chinese offer Chinese realpolitik and its chess- Reality is that 2020 is not is seen and heard in political ral-
LWWKH\GLGHQVXUHDVWHDG\SURFXUHPHQWRIIRRGJUDLQVWRDYRLGRXUIRRGFULVHV6R of “one country, two systems,” dealt a fur- board moves. Denial and decep- 1962 even though the Indian lies need to be inked where it
C7428C8I4=AH armed forces are numerically matters, that is in defence bud-
is desperately looking for distraction and Chinese diplomacy and no and materially lesser than the gets. All talk of mass exodus of
is showcasing some “wins.” He is punting
on the tried and tested formula of patri-
amount of serving tea on a
swing can undo that basic
70BC>?DC PLA. However, the Chinese
would know better than most
US firms from China to India is
more social media fantasy, like
FLHVPD\QRWORRNDWVXFKDOWUXLVWLFSULRULWLHVDVFUHDWLQJDEXIIHU<HWZHPXVWUHPHP otism to “manufacture” distraction. instinct. When Xi was being per- ?A4BBDA4>= that numeric superiority is not the cadre call for boycotting
foremost weapon for subterfuge and
sonally charmed in Ahmedabad,
the People’s Liberation Army
C746>E4A=<4=C enough. Limited combat opera-
tions against India in 1967 at
Chinese products. A bulk of this
lopsided trade with China is
JHQF\EURXJKWDERXWE\WKHSDQGHPLF7KHGDLU\LQGXVWU\ZRXOGEHDJRRGFRP inflaming passions that tend to divert pas- (PLA) was engaged in a border C>A4E4ACC> Nathu La and Cho La or the done by the Indian Government
drop that a rather bizarre, loaded and fac-
fracas at that very moment. The
same China, which selectively
>;350B78>=43 more expansive war against the
Vietnamese forces in 1979 would
Instead, the citizenry has to
WLYHGDLULHVSLFNHGLWXSDQGFRQYHUWHGLWLQWRRWKHUPLONSURGXFWVWKHUHE\HDVLQJWKH tually questionable goad was made by Xi posits a “Dragon-Elephant 0=3 validate this but the Chinese did put pressure on the Government
when he said, “It is necessary to explore
ways of training and preparing for war
tango,” will have no qualms to
veto India in favour of an inter-
?A>54BB8>=0; get a bloody nose, both times.
Worse for the Chinese,
to revert to old-fashioned and
professional diplomacy that is
FHQWRIRXUIDUPHUVGRQRWKDYHDFFHVVWRUHJXODWHGPDUNHWVVRGLVPDQWOLQJWKHP because epidemic control efforts have been national terrorist like Masood 38?;><02HC70C today’s PLA is also the largest not necessarily conducted under
normalised.” The supposed “enemy” was
not named. It could be anyone — Taiwan,
To get carried away by 8B=>C military to have never partaken
in any tangible combat experi-
the glare of the media lens or
with one eye permanently fixat-
RIZHOOGLVWULEXWHGPDQGLV DQGLQYHVWLQORQJHUVKHOIOLIHRISURGXFHE\ZD\RIDWWHQ the US or India — given the prevailing dis- “hometown diplomacy” is rem- =424BB0A8;H ence whereas Indian soldiers are ed on electoral prospects. China
vice in biting the bait with its own pro-
iniscent of Hindi Chini Bhai
Bhai (India and China are broth- 2>=3D2C43 combat-experienced and tested.
The Chinese are masters of
fears India as a “moral idea”
which intrinsically resonates
$OVRPDQ\RIWKHVHPHDVXUHVZHUHLQWHQGHGDQGGLVFXVVHGEHIRUHWRUHYLYHD clivity for war-mongering and provoking ers) naivety. Border issues D=34AC74 knowing when to bargain as also across global capitals. We cannot
the citizenry to adopt their own diversion-
ary views. Uber-nationalism is also fod-
between India and China date
back to decades but a consensus 6;0A4>5C74 just how much. They will limit
their activism to the levels
look and sound like China. Xi’s
“thought on diplomacy” is
der for TRPs. Besides, it also ostensibly
projects a “positive” outlook of Indian
on delinking the same was estab-
lished by way of improving bilat-
<4380;4=B>A already established and keep
the kettle boiling with existing
unapologetic about its hege-
monic intent. India needs to
DQGDFRQVLVWHQWGRZQZDUGUHYLVLRQRIJURZWKPHDQVWKDWILJXUHVDUHQ·WVDFUHG$QG capabilities. eral relations. Today, a break- F8C7>=44H4 and new-found proxies in the “manage” the same by lowering
pensation has maintained an unusual
down of that diplomatic under-
standing is apparent. Rhetoric on
?4A<0=4=C;H sub-continent. They just found
a convenient opening for limit-
rhetoric, strengthening military-
economic muscle and yet postur-
LQXUEDQKXEVRUWDFNOHMREOHVVQHVVZLWKRXWZKLFKQRUHIRUPZRXOGPDNHVHQVH silence, unlike the fuming free-for-all both sides needs to be lowered 58G0C43>= ed distraction as the Indian ing peace and reason. Basically,
2XUPDQXIDFWXULQJDQGFRQVWUXFWLRQJURZWKLVDOPRVWIODWOLQLQJDQGFHUWDLQVHFWRUV against Pakistan. Somewhere, the chinks and not escalated. Beyond a 4;42C>A0; diplomacy and the Government beat China at its own game by
DUHMXVWQRWEHLQJFRQVLGHUHGIRULQFHQWLYLVDWLRQ7LOOWKLVSLHFHPHDODSSURDFKFRQ in our foreign policy (especially with our point, the Chinese themselves inadvertently afforded the playing to its strengths. The ele-
WLQXHVQRPDWWHUKRZUHLQYLJRUDWLQJHDFKLVWKHUHLVQRUHVFXLQJWKHHFRQRP\ neighbours) are getting embarrassingly cannot afford to open yet anoth- ?A>B?42CB chance. phant needs to remain calm, wise
exposed with traditional allies like Nepal, er “front” in these trying times. The foremost lesson for and powerful. It must never
Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, too, rolling So when the dust settles, India is to not be taken in by its forget the ignoble fire-spewing

their eyes gently at China. Indian diplo- both sides will claim to have own charm offensives and instincts of the dragon.
macy seems to have got carried away with “bloodied each other’s nose,” instead strengthen its “core” in (The writer, a military veter-
its own supposed stridency and circum- their cadres will be electrified defence and economy. As it is, an, is a former Lt Governor of
stantial “pivot” with an ultimately fickle and then, the leadership on both the diplomatic dice is loaded and Andaman & Nicobar Islands)

TabX]EXaPcP]SA^WXcfW^_[Ph 8UX]SVaTPcY^hX]cWTbX\_[XR aTU^a\bT]SbR^aad_cX^] cX^]PccWT]PcX^]P[[TeT[¨X]
3_^TU]^QR\UQSd 2UQbUc`_^cYR\USYdYjU^

Sir — This refers to the editori- Sir — The Corona pandemic has
al, “Racist attack” (June 1). S^f]fPbP]]^d]RTScWT6^eTa]\T]c³bR^]RTa] affected almost every sphere of
WRWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO6SDFH6WDWLRQ ,66 XQGHUWDNHQE\DVWURQDXWV5REHUW%HKQNHQ George Floyd’s death is a dastard- fPbc^bPeTWd\P][XeTb?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP our lives. All sectors of the econ-
DQG'RXJODV+XUOH\)RURQHZKLOHIXQGHGLQSDUWE\WKH86·VSDFHDJHQF\1$6$ ly and brutal act. The image of <^SXQ^aa^fTSP]XSX^\Ua^\DaSd_^Tc<TTaCP`X<TTa omy remain paralysed, thus
WKHURFNHWWKDWFDUULHGWKHDVWURQDXWVWRVSDFHWKH)DOFRQWKH'UDJRQFDSVXOH him begging for air to breathe is °9P]WPXc^WYPWPP]WPX±8Uh^dWPeT[XUTh^dWPeTcWT affecting their financial position.
tragic. The circumstances around f^a[Sc^SaXeTW^\TWXb_^X]cCWT2^a^]P_P]ST\XR It’s only now that the economy is
DQGHYHQWKHVSDFHVXLWVWKHDVWURQDXWVZRUHZHUHDOOGHYHORSHGE\WKH(ORQ0XVN his death are a shame not only for WPSYdbcQTVd]b_aTPSX]VXcbcT]cPR[TbcWT]>]cWTSPh resuming activities. But with life
SURPRWHG6SDFH;0XVNZKRDOVRIRXQGHGHOHFWULFFDUPDNHU7HVODLVDGLYLVLYH the US, which still follows racism fWT][^RZS^f]#T]STSc^QTaT_[PRTSQhd][^RZ 8]SXP slowing down, this is the time for
ILJXUHIRUPDQ\EXWRQO\WKHPRVWSHWXODQWZLOOGHQ\WKDWKHLVDWHFKQRORJ\YLVLRQ in this computer age, but also for aT_^acTS'"'RPbTbP]S ("STPcWbcPZX]VcWTc^cP[ us to inculcate positive changes.
DU\'HYHORSLQJDFRPPHUFLDOO\YLDEOHVSDFHODXQFKV\VWHPIURPVFUDWFKDQGQRZ the rest of humanity. It is noth- cP[[hc^ '! #"RPbTbP]S$ %#STPcWb¯PQXV[TP_ The vacuum created due to
ing but a vulgar display of Ua^\Ydbc TPa[XTaCWTXSX^\c^^fPbcfTPZTSc^°9PP] COVID-19 also reminded us of
XVLQJLWWRODXQFKDVWURQDXWVIURP$PHULFDQVRLOKHKDVGRQHVRPHWKLQJWKDWZDV authority and arrogance by the QWXP]SYPWPP]QWX;XUTP[b^cWTf^a[SP[b^0[[^UcWXb _Pacc^[TcBcPcT6^eTa]\T]cbad[TP]SaTVd[PcTfXcW^dc an old saying, “Necessity is the
SUHYLRXVO\XQWKLQNDEOH$SULYDWHFRPPHUFLDORUJDQLVDWLRQZLWKRXW*RYHUQPHQWVXS police and is a case that must be bTT\TSc^TRW^cWTX]bT]bXcXeXchbW^f]QhDB?aTbXST]c 2T]caP[X]cTaeT]cX^]b5dacWTaXcXbTXcWTaXV]^aP]cPQ^dc mother of invention.” Even as life
SRUWIXQGHGE\0XVN·VELOOLRQVDPRQJRWKHULQYHVWRUVLQDVHFWRUSUHYLRXVO\GRP condemned in harsh terms. It is 3^]P[SCad\_P]S1aPiX[XP]?aTbXST]c9PXa1^[b^]Pa^ cWTSXeTabTT]eXa^]\T]cX]BcPcTb^aXbXV]^aX]VcWT_Pc remained stagnant, we learnt to
a sheer violation of human rights. cW^dVWc^P[TbbTaTgcT]cCWTaTWPbQTT]P\PaZTSPccX cTa]ST[XQTaPcT[h8caT\PX]bPUPRccWPc2>E83RPbTbP]S remain “self-dependent” and
LQDWHGE\*RYHUQPHQWPRQH\DFURVVWKHZRUOGKHKDVSURYHQOLNHKHKLPVHOIZLWK The hope is that the law and judi- cdSX]P[RWP]VTQhcWT6^eTa]\T]cc^fPaSbcWTeXadbP]S STPcWbX]\P]hbPUUa^]ad[TSBcPcTbbW^fTg_^]T]cXP[ practise “self-reliance.” Barring a
HOHFWULFFDUVWKDWFKDQJHLVSRVVLEOH ciary will do justice to Floyd. [XUT7^fTeTacWT]^cX^]^UcWTcf^FTbcTa]]PcX^]bXb aXbTTeTah_PbbX]VSPh?^bbXQ[hXcXbcWXb_^[XcXRP[Tg_T few cases, in general people were
Chennai RPaT^U\X[[X^]b^U_T^_[T^]cWTa^PSbd]STacX]a^^Ub STeXbX]VBcPcTb_TRXUXRbcaPcTVXTbc^d][^RZcWT2^a^]P to their homes and maintaining
9\\UVVUSdc_VU\UQb^Y^W CWT2T]caP[6^eTa]\T]cXbX]bXbcT]c^]PS^_cX]VP 7PaXSPbP]APYP]
d]XU^a\bcaPcTVhCWTaTXb_TaRT_cXQ[TaT[dRcP]RT^]Xcb :^iWXZ^ST vaccine/cure is found, it is for the
GULYH,QGLD·VVSDFHLQGXVWU\0XVN·VGHYHORSPHQWZLWK6SDFH;DORQJVLGHWKHZRUN Sir — Though just some time people to stay safe. The lifting of
E\IHOORZ$PHULFDQELOOLRQDLUH-HII%H]RVZLWKKLV´%OXH2ULJLQµKDVFUHDWHGODUJHYRO ago, youngsters, especially curbs will see a spontaneous rise
XPHVRIUHVHDUFKDVZHOODVKLJKWHFKMREVDFURVVWKH86,QGLDFDQHPXODWHWKLV school-going kids, were prohib- The education sector was their teachers, who have become been raised by experts. They fear in cases. But people must volun-
ited from using mobile phones one among the first to cope with “regular visitors” right on their that overuse of digital devices and tarily observe safety protocols
DQGFUHDWHMREVIRUOHJLRQVRILWVEHVWDQGEULJKWHVWHQJLQHHUVPDQ\RIZKRHPL and computers for a longer peri- the Coronavirus crisis. It started table and in their hands. too much exposure to the inter- while going about their lives.
JUDWHGWRWKH86WRZRUNZLWKWKHOLNHVRI0XVNDQG%H]RVDVZHOODVWKHODUJHUDHUR od of time, nowadays, they are adapting various methods to be in Now that online classes have net can harm young minds in a Gobardhan Singh
VSDFHDQGVSDFHLQGXVWULHV$UJXLQJWKDWRSSRUWXQLWLHVH[LVWDQGDOORZLQJLQGXVWU\ the ones who use digital devices touch with the learners. In India, become a go-to solution, helping hazardous way and that is unpre- Ranchi
for long hours as online classes lakhs of students are now glued to educational institutions beat the dictable.
DFFHVVLVQRWKRZHYHUWKHEHDOODQGHQGDOORISROLF\7KH,QGLDQ*RYHUQPHQW,652 have become a norm, thanks to their laptops and mobile screens, pandemic so as to push their aca- M Pradyu BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^)
DQGSULYDWH,QGLDQLQGXVWU\ZLOOKDYHWRZDONWKHWDONLIZHZDQWWRHPXODWH0XVN the COVID-19 pandemic. listening and interacting with demic calendars, concerns have Kannur [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k9D=4!!!

gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] &

2UgQbUdXU @?9>D2>D=C4A@?9>D

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64>A645;>H30=38F>=´C;4CC70C70??4=F74= 4=C8A4?A4B834=2HH>D70E4C74=4AE4C>5486=
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H market reforms in India, on May 15
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
made three major announcements under the
WKHDQWHIRUWKH&KLQHVH “Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan.” The first
SXWHVDUHLQ$UXQDFKDO3UDGHVK6LNNLPDQG/DGDNK7KH$UXQDFKDO to enact a legislation to enable direct purchase of
— from farmers outside the designated
'RNODPVWDQGRIIIRUGD\VIURP-XQHWR$XJXVWDPSO\GHPRQ law on contract farming to provide a legal frame-
VWUDWHGWKHVWUDWHJLFUHOHYDQFHRIWKLVVHFWRU work for farmers to engage with processors, aggre-
&RUULGRU &3(& SURMHFW5HFHQWDVVHUWLRQVE\,QGLDRQLWVULJKWWR*LOJLW 1954 and take off pulses, cereals, edible oil, oil
%DOWLVWDQWKURXJKZKLFKWKH&3(&SDVVHVRQLWVZD\WRWKH.DUDNRUDP seeds, onions and potatoes from the purview of
To understand the full ramifications of the
KDYHREYLRXVO\URFNHGWKHERDW&KLQDGRHVQRWPDNHVKRUWWHUPWDF proposed enactments, at the outset, let us take a
look at the existing regulations. At present, trade
WKH\ZHUHWU\LQJWRGHYHORSDORQJDQDUURZYDOOH\LQ/DGDNKWKH/$& empowers State Governments to specify market 0A4
LVRSHQDQGUXJJHG7KHUHDUHYDULRXV´GLVSXWHGDUHDVµDQG´DUHDVRI areas — where farmers bring their produce for 8=C4=343C> laws. In a daring move, the then BJP which comes in conflict with “social dis- three months, these States have gone a
GLIIHULQJSHUFHSWLRQVµIURPWKH'%2LQWKHQRUWKWR)XNFKHLQWKHVRXWK sale. These are operated and regulated by mar- 2A40C4 Government, led by Devendra Fadnavis, tancing” — a pre-requisite for prevent- step further by bringing an element of
WKHSRLQWRIHQWU\RIWKH,QGXVULYHUIURP7LEHWWR,QGLD 7KHVFHQHRI ket committees. There are a total of about 5,000 0?0A0;;4; had approved in August 2018, an ing the spread of the deadly virus. permanence. That serves as the icing on
WKHUHFHQWVFXIIOHKDVEHHQRQWKHEDQNVRIWKH3DQJRQJ7VR/DNH,WV such markets or mandis across the country. 0AA0=64<4=C amendment to the Maharashtra Due to the dire need for adhering the cake. But some doubts remain.
FHQWUDOLW\WRWKHHQWLUH/$&LQ/DGDNKDQGSUR[LPLW\WRWKH6SDQJJXU The stated objective of the APMCs is to pro- 5>AB4;;8=6 Agricultural Produce Marketing to “social distancing”, Modi asked the For one, most States continue to
mote organised marketing of farm commodities 50A<?A>3D24 (Development and Regulation) Act, States to suspend certain provisions of turn a deaf ear to the Centre’s wish. Even
to ensure fair play, achieve an efficient system of 0=320=2>4G8BC 1963, in sync with the Centre’s model their respective APMC laws for three in the four States, where the changes
ODUJHVFDOHPRYHVE\WKH&KLQHVH+HQFHLWKROGVRSHUDWLRQDOLPSRU buying and selling of commodities, protect law. That was done through the ordi- months to make way for purchase of have been brought about, these will have
WDQFHWRERWKDUPLHV farmers from intermediaries and traders and to F8C7C740?<2B nance route. But Fadnavis was forced to farmers’ produce directly from their to be passed by the State Assemblies in
7KHZHVWHUQ/DGDNKUHJLRQRI'%2SURYLGHVDEXIIHUDJDLQVW&KLQHVH ensure better prices and timely payment for the C74B408<0C withdraw the Bill on November 28, 2018 doorsteps by large farmers’ producers the end. Given the deep-rooted vested
GLUHFWDFFHVVWR6KDNVJDPYDOOH\DQGWKH6LDFKHQKHLJKWV,QGLDWKHUH produce. Far from achieving these objectives, 1A40:8=6 from the legislative council, a day after organisations (FPOs), large buyers such interest, a Maharashtra-type fiasco can’t
IRUHVWURQJO\KROGVRQWR'%2+HUHWKH*DOZDQYDOOH\KDVZLWQHVVHG farmers are being exploited by a network of C74<>=>?>;H it was passed. as processors, millers, exporters, coop- be ruled out. In this backdrop, the
VLPLODUVWDQGRIIVLQWKHSDVWZLWK&KLQHVHHQFDPSPHQWVGHWHFWHGIDU licenced traders and middlemen, who have a >5054F The continued writ of the APMCs eratives, individual traders and so on. Centre’s decision to enact a Central law,
LQVLGHWKHDOLJQPHQWRIWKH/$&LQWRWKHYDOOH\6WURQJGHSOR\PHQWV complete stranglehold over these platforms. ;824=243 has meant that there is no free move- Some States like Madhya Pradesh, wielding the rarely-used power under
DORQJWKH/LQHRI&RQWURO /R& DW.DUJLODQG'UDVVRSSRVLWH3DNLVWDQ While on one hand, farmers don’t get to sell CA034AB0C ment of farm products even within the Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and Karnataka the Constitution to regulate inter-State
KDYHDOVRWREHPDLQWDLQHGE\,QGLDDWDOOWLPHV5HLQIRUFHPHQWVDQG their entire produce at the Minimum Support <0=38B State, forget free inter-State trade. With responded by making amendments in trade and intra-State trade, makes
Price (MSP), on the other, no alternative platforms 2A40C4 several pieces of State legislation creat- their APMC laws (using the ordinance major sense. The law will enable an enti-
are available where they could sell. Even 2><?4C8C8>= ing impregnable zones, even the much- route as none of the State Assemblies are ty to buy farm produce from farmers
IURPWKHSODLQVDQGZLOOUHTXLUHDFFOLPDWLVDWLRQWRRSHUDWHLQKLJKDOWL Government agencies don’t come forward to buy trumpeted electronic national agricul- in session, courtesy the prevailing emer- directly anywhere in the country, even
0=3C7DB ture market (e-NAM) has failed to take gency). As per the amendment, the outside the regulated market yards.
DUHDNH\IDFWRUHVSHFLDOO\LQ/DGDNK Actually, the problem is much deeper. 74;?1>C7 off. The processors, exporters and other entire State is declared as a “single mar- At the same time, the amendment
7KH3HRSOH·V/LEHUDWLRQ$UP\ 3/$ IRUFHVLQYROYHGLQWKHVNLU This has to do with a cozy nexus between 50A<4AB0=3 large buyers have no incentive to invest ket” wherein a trader can get a single in the ECA to remove fetters such as
PLVKHVDUHQRWWKHLUUHJXODUDUP\EXWWKH%RUGHU'HIHQFH5HJLPHQWV politicians and grain traders that has existed and 2>=BD<4AB in agri-infrastructure. The archaic ECA licence for purchase of agricultural stock limits (these limits will be imposed
%'5 EDFNHGE\3/$JDUULVRQVDQGFDPSVZLWKDFFOLPDWLVHGWURRSV flourished for decades. A grain trader has a fun- F74C74A (1954) with its draconian provisions, produce from any mandi within it. only in exceptional circumstances) will
DORQJWKH&KLQHVH(DVW:HVW+LJKZD\,QFRQWUDVW,QGLDQUHJXODUWURRSV damental interest in ensuring that he minimis- >A=>CC74B4 especially with regard to stock limits, Further, it allows trade in all farm com- enable large buyers viz. processors,
JHWVXFNHGLQDVUHLQIRUFHPHQWVDQGUHDGMXVWPHQWVRIFRPPDQGDQG es his payout to the farmer for the grains he buys. 02CD0;;HB44C74 acts as a further disincentive. modities, including livestock, outside the millers, exporters and so on, to scale up
FRQWURODUHQHFHVVLWDWHGDVWKH,QGR7LEHWDQ%RUGHU3ROLFHIRUFH ,7%3 He can succeed in this gameplan if the farmer is ;867C>5C7430H All this boils down to farmers not regulated APMC markets. purchases, thus providing sustained
left high and dry by State agencies. So, he collab- A4<08=B getting a remunerative price for their This has not only kept COVID–19 support to farmers. The proposed
orates with the politicians in the ruling establish- C>14B44= produce on the one hand and con- at bay (as the traders went to the farm- Contract Law —enforceable in all States
+HQFHWZRLPSHUDWLYHVIRUWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI0LOLWDU\$IIDLUVDQG ment to ensure that State agencies remain weak sumers having to pay a high price on the ers’ doorstep instead of the latter hav- — will clearly lay down rules of the game
0LQLVWU\RI'HIHQFHWRUHVROYHLQWKHSUHVHQWZLOOEHLQWKHILHOGVRI and de-motivated. other — even as a number of interme- ing to go all the way to the mandi) but for a processor/large retailer that it must
FRPPDQGDQGFRQWURORIERUGHUPDQDJHPHQWIRUFHVDQGORJLVWLFSUH This nexus has also come in the way of diaries in the supply chain appropriate also fetched a remunerative price for follow to ensure that farmers are not
SDUHGQHVV7KHRIILFHRIWKH&KLHIRI'HIHQFH6WDII &'6 LVEHVWVXLW amending the APMC Act to make way for alter- a major slice of what the latter pays. their produce by offering more choice, taken for a ride.
HGWRUHVROYHLQWUDVHUYLFHFRRUGLQDWLRQRIERWKDUHDVDVDOVRLQWHUPLQ native channels of selling, such as direct purchase Needless to say, that the resulting low resulting in higher income. No wonder, These farm reforms are intended to
LVWHULDOUHVROXWLRQRIWKHFRPPDQGDQGFRQWUROODFXQDHRIIRUFHVRQ by bulk buyers, processors, exporters and so on income not only keeps farmers poor but amid the gloom and doom in most create a parallel arrangement for selling
WKH/$&,QGLD·VDSSURDFKPXVWLQFOXGHDP\ULDGRIDJHQFLHVDQGDOO (the revenue State Governments get from levy of also boomerangs on overall economic other sectors of the economy, agricul- farm produce and can co-exist with the
HOHPHQWVRIQDWLRQDOSRZHU7KHDQQXDOGHIHQFHDOORFDWLRQVKDYHEHHQ market fee on transactions at the mandis has growth through reduction in rural pur- ture is expected to show a positive APMCs. These aim at breaking the
VKULQNLQJUHJXODUO\ H[SHUWVVD\WKHSHUFHQWDJHDYDLODEOHIRUPRGHUQL proved to be another major deterrent. In 2017, chasing power. The extant state of growth rate of over three per cent dur- monopoly of a few licenced traders at
the Modi Government had passed a Model affairs is not good for boosting exports ing the current year (of course, this will mandis, create competition and thus
Agricultural Produce and Livestock Marketing on a sustainable basis either. be helped by normal monsoon predict-
QRWVXVWDLQWKHKXPDQDQGHTXLSPHQWLQYHQWRU\QHHGHGWRHIIHFWLYH [Promotion and Facilitation] Law containing pro- The COVID-19 crisis may have ed by the meteorological department). Whether or not these actually see the
O\GHWHU&KLQD,QVXFKDVLWXDWLRQDQGLQWKHSRVW&RURQDUHGXFHG visions to give more options to farmers for sell- come as a blessing in disguise. It In retrospect, there is some reason light of the day remains to be seen. For
UHVRXUFHEDVNHWWKHSULRULWLVDWLRQRIUHTXLUHPHQWVUDWKHUWKDQDGLOX ing their crop and greater flexibility to traders gripped India at a time when the Rabi to rejoice over the changes in APMC now, the Government deserves some
WLRQRIZHDSRQTXDOLWDWLYHUHTXLUHPHQWVLVUHFRPPHQGHG7KHUHPXVW such as ‘single pan-State licence’ for buying from crop, mostly the winter staple wheat, was laws by the aforementioned States, accolades for at least putting on the table
EHDSXVKWRZDUGVRSHUDWLRQDOLVLQJWKH5RKWDQJWXQQHOWRIXOOFDSDF anywhere in the State). ready for harvest. April–May is the peri- which has enabled private trade to com- long-pending reforms in agri-market-
LW\HVSHFLDOO\LQYLHZRIORJLVWLFVXVWHQDQFHDQGWURRSUHLQIRUFHPHQWV True to its nomenclature, the model law is a od when farmers congregate at the man- plement efforts of State agencies in ing, which if carried through, will be
IRUWKHURDGFORVHGSHULRGVWDUWLQJLQ1RYHPEHU mere showpiece as until hitherto (prior to the dis. Being the only platform where farm- ensuring record procurement from the truly revolutionary.
7KHZULWHULVDYHWHUDQDQGFRDXWKRURI¶0DRLVW,QVXUJHQF\DQG COVID–19 crisis, to be specific), a majority of ers could sell their produce, this would farmers. While Modi had asked for sus- (The writer is a New Delhi-based
,QGLD·V,QWHUQDO6HFXULW\$UFKLWHFWXUH· the States showed no interest in amending their have led to overcrowding at the markets pension of the relevant provisions for policy analyst)

years ago, economist Amartya Sen 1,000 boys stood at 914 — which is the campaign of 2015, to incentivise major consequence of such preference practice and directed the Tamil Nadu research and documentation on this
argued that 100 million women were lowest since Independence. Now that retention of the girl child. Several State poses a serious risk to bodily integri- Government to pass an order imple- subject globally. Further, it is also crit-
“missing.” However, much before this the registration of births is compulso- Governments have also implemented ty of intersex infants and children. menting the ban. However, infanticide ically important to initiate a dialogue
usage was coined, the phenomenon ry, the SRB data is considered to be innovative initiatives like the “Cradle Intersex children in India are at con- of intersex babies and children con- on the need for an international
behind the phrase was a reality in quite accurate. The problem is graver Baby” scheme of the Tamil Nadu stant risk of forced surgical and med- tinues to be an ignored issue in India. instrument to prevent intersex infan-
India, reflected in the practice of sex in five States (Andhra Pradesh, Government. Launched in 1992, the ical intervention in the form of sex It is estimated that every year, more ticide and a complete ban on sex nor-
determination, selective abortions Rajasthan, Bihar, Uttarakhand, and aim of the scheme was to encourage normalising surgeries to align their than 10,000 intersex children are malising surgeries.
and female infanticide. There were no Tamil Nadu) which have an SRB equal parents to give female children up for body as per the normative definition born in India. Having already established a legal
@B1C81>D 7?@9 official numbers on female foeticide to or below 840. adoption by providing for cradles at of traditional gender identity i.e. male Still, our official statistics, includ- protection regime for intersex children
B8=67 <03DA08 until the National Crime Records Prevention of female foeticide and Government hospitals and Primary and female. In most cases, intersex ing the census, do not provide any against unnecessary surgeries, India
Bureau (NCRB) started collecting infanticide has been the focus of a Health Centres (PHCs). The two-fold children are assigned as male at birth. authentic population data of intersex has a unique opportunity to lead the
data on this crime in 2014. However, wide range of the Government’s objective was to prevent female infan- This heinous practice is wide- children in the country. intersex human rights movement if it
he recent killing of a one-day- the consequences of killing the girl efforts since the 1990s, with some suc- ticide and also stop illegal sale of spread in several Indian States, includ- Over the years, various United can proactively put an end to intersex

T old girl child in Tamil Nadu’s

Tiruvannamalai district has
brought to the fore the unending prac-
child before or after birth are clearly
reflected in the skewed sex-ratios in
the country.
cesses and many challenges. The
child sex ratio has continued to be on
the decline even after the enactment
This measure of the Tamil Nadu
Government also encouraged report-
ing Kerala, which claims to be a model
State in terms of human development
indicators. Even worse, the medical
Nation (UN) committees have high-
lighted this issue. In 2019, expressing
concern over the “mercy killing” of
infanticide. To achieve these goals, the
Centre and States must undertake
urgent steps to ensure prevention and
tice of female infanticide. The murder In 2016, the Government released of a Central law in 1994 banning the ing of this crime unlike other States community also justifies such proce- intersex children with disabilities, the prosecution in cases of female and
was discovered on the complaint of an data based on the civil registration sys- use of prenatal diagnostic tests for sex where the cases are massively under- dures, displaying a shocking ignorance UN Committee on Rights of Persons intersex infanticide.
alert medical officer who suspected tem. It showed that the sex ratio at determination. Aside from this legal reported. In addition to improving law of intersex human rights. For instance, with Disabilities recommended the (Singh is Executive Director, Srishti
foul play. birth (SRB) had fallen from 946 girls measure, the Union and State enforcement and preventing access to doctors working in a hospital in Government to “protect intersex chil- Madurai-LGBTQIA+ student volunteer
Being the second reported for every 1,000 boys in 1949 to 877 in Governments have undertaken sever- ultrasonography, measures like Kerala have admitted performing dren from attacks against their lives movement and Madurai is the elected
instance of female infanticide from the 2014. A deeper crisis is revealed al policy initiatives such as the “Cradle Baby” scheme are critical. such surgeries on intersex children and and any related harmful practices.” Intersex Representative and Executive
region, this case has demonstrated that when the data on girls in the age group National Action Plan of 1991 to The preference for the male child have also highlighted the preference The “missing intersex children” Board Member of International
this evil practice is alive even during of zero-six years is examined. In Balika Samriddhi Yojana in 1997 to leading to a skewed sex ratio has been of parents for the male child. In 2019, phenomenon is not limited to India. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and
the current pandemic. Nearly 30 2011, the number of girls below six per the latest Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao well-documented. However, another the Madras High Court outlawed this There is an urgent need for more Intersex Association, Geneva)
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k9D=4!!! f^a[S'

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µT`f_eVcReeRT\¶ B20;43>F=3A8;;B)
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<^bR^f) CWTAdbbXP]\X[XcPah

0?Q 14898=6 ^]<^]SPhPRRdbTScWTDBP]S
eijing warned Washington °_a^e^RPcXeT±\X[XcPahSaX[[b]TPa
of retaliation after President cWT]PcX^]³bQ^aSTabPbcPcT\T]c
Donald Trump announced cWPcaTU[TRcTSbX\\TaX]VAdbbXP
?C8Q F0B78=6C>= =0C>cT]bX^]b2^[6T]BTaVTX
B834;867CB restrictions on Chinese stu-
dents in the US in protest over AdSbZ^X^UcWTAdbbXP]6T]TaP[
he US remained a tinder- 1834=<44CBF8C71;02:;4034AB0C;>20;27DA270<83D=A4BC a new national security law in BcPUUbPXSAdbbXPWPbbT]cP
T box of anger and emotion
as violent protests erupted for
9^T1XST]e^fTSc^PSSaTbb°X]bcXcdcX^]P[aPRXb\±X]WXbUXabc SPhbX]
Hong Kong.
Trump said Friday that the
0\TaXRP]RWdaRWX]3T[PfPaT^]<^]SPh\^a]X]V[TPeX]VW^\TU^aP \X[XcPahPRcXeXcXTbU^acWT_TaX^S^U
a sixth day across the country United States would ban some
bTR^]SR^]bTRdcXeTSPhc^PSSaTbbTg_[^SX]VaPRXP[cT]bX^]bcWPcWPeT cWTR^a^]PeXadb^dcQaTPZQdccWT
over the custodial killing of Chinese graduate students and
QTVd]c^aTbWP_TcWTd_R^\X]V_aTbXST]cXP[T[TRcX^] P[[XP]RTWPbbc^]TfP[[TScWT^UUTa
African-American George start reversing Hong Kong’s
Floyd, resulting in the death of 64>A645;>H3´B5D=4A0;C>1474;38=7>DBC>= special status in customs and
?DC8=B4CB9D;H 5>A
at least five people, the arrest of 6T^aVT5[^hScWT#%hTPa^[SQ[PRZ\P]fW^bTR^[SQ[^^STS\daSTaPc other areas, as Beijing moves E>C4C>4GC4=378BAD;4
thousands and placing of cur- cWTWP]Sb^UPfWXcT_^[XRT^UUXRTaWPbb_PaZTS_a^cTbcbPRa^bbcWTDB ahead with a plan to impose a <^bR^f) AdbbXP]?aTbXST]c
few in nearly 40 cities, while fX[[QT[PXSc^aTbcX]WXbW^\Tc^f]^U7^dbc^]U^[[^fX]VP_dQ[XR controversial security law. E[PSX\Xa?dcX]bPhbP]PcX^]fXST
forcing President Donald eXbXcPcX^]X]<X]]TP_^[Xb7^dbc^]<Ph^aBh[eTbcTaCda]TaP]]^d]RTScWT The US President said the e^cT^]R^]bcXcdcX^]P[
Trump to take shelter in a Ud]TaP[_[P]b^]BPcdaSPhcW^dVWcWTaTPaTRdaaT]c[h]^_dQ[XRSTcPX[b Chinese Government had been P\T]S\T]cbcWPcR^d[SP[[^f
White House bunker. PQ^dcfWT]XcfX[[cPZT_[PRTCWT\Ph^aQa^ZTcWT]TfbPb_Pac^UP “diminishing the city’s long- WX\c^UdacWTaTgcT]SWXbad[TfX[[
Considered to be the worst [PaVTa_[TPU^a_TPRTP\XSPfTTZT]SfWTaT7^dbc^]_^[XRTPaaTbcTS standing and very proud sta- QTWT[S^]9d[h ?dcX]bPXScWT
ever civil unrest in the US in Wd]SaTSb^U_a^cTbcTab tus”. But China reacted angri- _PRT^UAdbbXP³bR^a^]PeXadb
decades, the violent protests 9>DA=0;8BCB2>E4A8=6DB?A>C4BCB50240BB0D;C0AA4BC ly to the moves on Monday, ^dcQaTPZWPbb[^fTSS^f]
have engulfed at least 140 cities 5a^\cWT4Pbc2^Pbcc^cWTFTbcY^da]P[XbcbR^eTaX]VcWTfXSTb_aTPS saying it was “detrimental to P[[^fX]VT[TRcX^]^UUXRXP[bc^
across America in the days fol- _a^cTbcbX]cWTDBPUcTacWTZX[[X]V^U0UaXRP]0\TaXRP]6T^aVT5[^hSPaT both sides”. bPUT[hW^[ScWTe^cT
lowing the death of Floyd, a 46- UPRX]VPbbPd[cbQTX]VbW^cPccTPaVPbbTSP]SPaaTbcTSPbP[TPSX]V
year-old man who was pinned sending up a column of black public appearances on Sunday, presidential nominee of the \TSXPaXVWcbVa^d_daVTSPdcW^aXcXTbc^T]bdaTcWPcaT_^acTabS^cWTXaY^Q
to the ground in Minneapolis
on Monday by a white police
smoke after a large group of pro-
testers had mostly dispersed.
but in a series of tweets he
blamed the media for foment-
Democratic party, visited a
protest site in Delaware on
bPUT[hfXcW^dcUTPa^UX]Ydah^aaTcP[XPcX^]5a^\<X]]TP_^[Xbc^ 30=84;?40A;20B4
officer who kneeled on his
neck as he gasped for breath.
In Philadelphia, police offi-
cers in riot gear and an armoured
ing hatred and anarchy in the
Sunday. “We are a nation in pain,
but we must not allow this pain
Some of the protests have vehicle used pepper spray to try “The Lamestream Media is to destroy us. We are a nation
turned violent, prompting the to repel rioters and looters. doing everything within their enraged, but we cannot allow
activation of the National In New York, demonstra- power to foment hatred and our rage to consume us. We are F>A;3´BA402C8>=C>DBF40E4B
Guard in at least 20 states.
“At least five people were
tors marched across the
Brooklyn and Williamsburg
anarchy. As long as everybody
understands what they are
a nation exhausted, but we will
not allow our exhaustion to
B>;830A8CH20;;BC>270=64 ?C8Q 8B;0<0103 the four convicts 18 years ago.
The Sindh Government
killed in violence that flared as Bridges, snarling traffic. The doing, that they are FAKE defeat us,” Biden wrote on social BTeTaP[cW^dbP]S_T^_[T akistan’s Supreme Court on challenged the High Court
demonstrations in parts of the
country devolved into may-
Manhattan Bridge was briefly
shut down to car traffic. Chaos
NEWS and truly bad people
with a sick agenda, we can eas-
media postings on Sunday.
“The only way to bear this
P Monday rejected a petition
filed by the Sindh government
judgment and on May 2 the
slain journalist’s parents also
hem,” The Washington Post erupted in Union Square, with ily work through them to pain is to turn all that anguish _a^cTbccWTZX[[X]V^U6T^aVT to suspend a high court verdict approached the Supreme
reported. Police have arrested at flames leaping up two stories GREATNESS!” he said. to purpose. And as President, I 5[^hSX]cWTDBPbfT[[Pbc^ that overturned the convic- Court against the acquittal of
least 2,564 people in two dozen from trash cans and piles of Earlier in the day, he will help lead this conversation bcP]Sd_PVPX]bc_^[XRTeX^[T]RT tion of al-Qaeda leader Ahmed the convicts.
US cities over the weekend. street debris, the Times said. announced that his adminis- — and more importantly, I will P]SaPRXb\X]cWTXa^f] Omar Saeed Sheikh in the kid- On Monday, a three mem-
Nearly a fifth of those arrests “It is the first time so many tration will be designating listen, just as I did today visiting R^d]cah<P]h_T^_[TPa^d]S napping and murder of Daniel ber bench headed by Chief
were in Los Angeles, it said. local leaders have simultane- ANTIFA as a Terrorist the site of last night’s protests in cWTf^a[SWPeTfPcRWTSfXcW Pearl in 2002, in a setback to Justice Gulzar Ahmed heard
The unrest initially began ously issued such orders in the Organization. ANTIFA is Wilmington,” he said. Va^fX]Vd]TPbTPccWTRXeX[d]aTbcX]cWTDBPUcTacWT[PcTbcX]PbTaXTb^U the US efforts to get justice for the appeals in Islamabad.
in Minneapolis in Minnesota face of civic unrest since 1968, regarded as a militant, left- The Committee to Protect _^[XRTZX[[X]Vb^UQ[PRZ\T]P]Sf^\T]5[^hSSXTS^]<Ph!$X] the American journalist. The apex court after initial
but has now spread across the after the assassination of the wing, anti-fascist political Journalists, in a late night state- <X]]TP_^[XbPUcTaPfWXcT_^[XRT^UUXRTa_aTbbTSWXbZ]TT^]5[^hS³b]TRZ Pearl, the 38-year-old South hearing refused to suspend the
country, with reports of vio- Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr,” activist movement in the US. It ment said several dozen cov- d]cX[WTbc^__TSQaTPcWX]VCWT^UUXRTafPbUXaTSP]SRWPaVTSfXcW\daSTa Asia bureau chief for The Wall Sindh High Court judgment
lence coming in from across the report said. comprises autonomous activist ering the protests have been 8]8aP]fWXRWWPbX]cWTaTRT]c_PbceX^[T]c[h_dcS^f]]PcX^]fXST Street Journal, was abducted and asked the provincial gov-
major cities including Los Police fired tear gas near groups that aim to achieve their harassment, as well as arrested ST\^]bcaPcX^]bQhZX[[X]VWd]SaTSbPaaTbcX]VcW^dbP]SbP]SSXbad_cX]V and beheaded while he was in ernment to provide complete
Angeles, Chicago, New York, the White House on Sunday political objectives through the by law enforcement agencies. X]cTa]TcPRRTbbc^cWT^dcbXSTf^a[SbcPcTcT[TeXbX^]WPbaT_TPcTS[hPXaTS Pakistan investigating a story in record of the case. It also said
Houston, Philadelphia and night to dissuade protesters use of direct action rather than X\PVTb^UcWTDBd]aTbc 2002 on the alleged links the petition contained irrele-
Washington DC. who had smashed the windows through policy reform. 8]1aPiX[Wd]SaTSb^U_T^_[T_a^cTbcTSRaX\TbR^\\XccTSQhcWT_^[XRT between the country’’s powerful vant sections.
CAD<?B;0<B6DEB0B³F40:´ PVPX]bcQ[PRZ_T^_[TX]AX^ST9P]TXa^³bf^aZX]VR[Pbb]TXVWQ^aW^^Sb
“The United States of prominent buildings, over- US Attorney General DA64B2A02:3>F=>=?A>C4BCB spy agency ISI and al-Qaeda. “We should be provided a
remained a tinderbox of emo- turned cars and set fires, with William Barr said that the vio- Z]^f]PbUPeT[Pb?^[XRTdbTScTPaVPbc^SXb_TabTcWT\fXcWb^\T On April 2, a two-judge complete record of the case,”
tion, anger and continued vio- smoke seen rising from near the lence instigated and carried out ST\^]bcaPc^abbPhX]V°8RP]³cQaTPcWT±aT_TPcX]V5[^hS³b^f]f^aSb Sindh High Court bench over- said bench member Justice
?aTbXST]c3^]P[SCad\_STaXSTS 8]2P]PSPP]P]cXaPRXb\_a^cTbcSTVT]TaPcTSX]c^R[PbWTbQTcfTT]
lence on Sunday, the sixth day Washington Monument, it said. by the organisation and other cWT]PcX^]´bV^eTa]^abPb±fTPZ² turned the death sentence of Manzoor Malik.
of nationwide unrest since the For the past few days, thou- similar groups in connection <^]caTP[_^[XRTP]Sb^\TST\^]bcaPc^ab?^[XRTSTR[PaTScWTVPcWTaX]V British-born 46-year-old al- “I want to look at all the
P]SST\P]STSc^dVWTa X[[TVP[PUcTacWThbPh_a^YTRcX[TbfTaTcWa^f]Pc^UUXRTabfW^aTb_^]STS
death of yet another black man sands of protestors have gath- with the rioting is domestic ter- RaPRZS^f]b^]_a^cTbcTabX]cWT Qaeda leader, who was con- records so that I can under-
at the hands of the police,” The ered outside the White House rorism and will be treated fXcW_T__Tab_aPhP]ScTPaVPbB^\TfX]S^fbfTaTb\PbWTSP]Sb^\T victed in the abduction and stand all the points.”
PUcTa\PcW^UP]^cWTa]XVWc^U UXaTbfTaTbTc
New York Times reported. raising slogans against President accordingly. The Trump eX^[T]c_a^cTbcbX]S^iT]b^U murder of Pearl in 2002. The court adjourned the
Birmingham, protesters Trump. According to CNN, administration alleges that it 8]PdcW^aXcPaXP]]PcX^]bcWTd]aTbcQTRP\TPRWP]RTc^d]STa\X]TDB He has been in jail for the hearing for an indefinite peri-
0\TaXRP]RXcXTb RaXcXRXb\^UcWTXa^f]bXcdPcX^]b8aP]XP]bcPcTcT[TeXbX^]aT_TPcTS[hPXaTS
started to tear down a President Trump was briefly appears the violence is planned, Cad\_b_^ZTc^V^eTa]^ab^] past 18 years. od, after the Sindh government
Confederate monument that taken to the underground organised, and driven by anar- X\PVTb^UcWTDBd]aTbcAdbbXPbPXScWTD]XcTSBcPcTbWPSbhbcT\XR The court also acquitted sought time to submit the
PeXST^cT[TR^]UTaT]RTfXcW[Pf Wd\P]aXVWcb_a^Q[T\b
the city had previously covered bunker for some time during chistic and far left extremists, T]U^aRT\T]cP]S]PcX^]P[ his three aides — Fahad record of the trial court.
with a tarp amid a lawsuit the protest outside the White using ANTIFA-like tactics, bTRdaXch^UUXRXP[bcT[[X]VcWT[^RP[ Naseem, Salman Saqib and The apex court ordered the
between the state attorney gen- House, while First Lady Melania many of whom travel from out [TPSTabcWTh±WPeTc^VTc\dRW Sheikh Adil- serving life sen- counsel representing the Sindh
eral and the city. Trump and their son Barron of state to promote the violence. c^dVWTa²P\XS]PcX^]fXST tences in the case. government, Farooq H Naek,
In Boston, a police SUV was were also taken to the bunker. Former Vice President Joe _a^cTbcbP]SRaXcXRXbX]VcWTXa The Bench announced the to submit the detailed record
set ablaze near the State House, President Trump made no Biden, who is the presumptive aTb_^]bTb 0? verdict on the appeals filed by before the court.

2>E83 (>DC1A40:

O ?PZXbcP]?aX\T<X]XbcTa
4`gZU"*EC24<6C 2>D=CAH
'#"(! %"&(
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0?Q A><4

PVVaPePcTScWTTR^]^\XR 20B4B) %" ($$ AdbbXP # #'&' #'$$ he first day of June saw
bXcdPcX^]TeT]PbcWT]d\QTa B_PX] !'%$( !& !& T coronavirus restrictions
^U2^eXS (X]UTRcX^]bRa^bbTS
cWT&!\PaZX]cWTR^d]cah 340C7B) "&$$(" D: !&%""! "(#$ ease from Asia to Europe on
Monday, even as US protests
^]<^]SPh0RR^aSX]Vc^cWT 8cP[h !"" (& ""#&$
<X]Xbcah^U=PcX^]P[7TP[cW A42>E4A43) 5aP]RT ''''! !''!
against police brutality sparked
fears of new outbreaks. The
bdaUPRTS^eTacWT[Pbc!# !'&%&!! 6Ta\P]h '"%!& '%  Colosseum opened its ancient
doors in Rome, ferries restart-
W^dabcPZX]VcWT]PcX^]fXST ed in Bangladesh, golfers played
CVa`ce+CfddZRe`deRcefdZ_X"de CVa`ce+AV`a]V]ZgZ_X`_YZXYVc in Greece, students returned in
Britain and Dutch bars and

Raac`gVUUcfXWc`^_ViehVV\ R]eZefUVd]Vddgf]_VcRS]V
restaurants were free to wel-
fPbP\XbcPZTc^bWdcS^f] come hungry, thirsty patrons.
QdbX]TbbX]cWTR^d]cah±:WP] Countries around the
bPXS Moscow: Russia will start giv- There is currently no vac- Washington: Researchers have land China, three times lower Mediterranean Sea tentatively
O CWTBX]VP_^aT6^eTa]\T]c ing its first drug approved to cine for Covid-19, the disease found that populations living in in the Bolivian Andes than in kicked off a summer season
bPXSXcfX[[QdX[S]Tf treat Covid-19 to patients next caused by the new coronavirus, higher altitudes, especially 3,000 the rest of the country and four where tourists could bask in
PRR^\\^SPcX^]bc^X\_a^eT week, its state financial backer and human trials of several metres above the sea level, sig- times lower in the Ecuadoran their famously sunny beaches
cWT[XeX]VR^]SXcX^]^UU^aTXV] told Reuters, a move it hopes existing antiviral drugs have yet nificantly report lower levels of Andes. while still being protected by
f^aZTabP]SaTSdRTcWT will ease strains on the health to show efficacy. coronavirus infections than Cusco in Peru, a pic- social distancing measures
_^_d[PcX^]ST]bXchX]cWTXa system and speed a return to A new antiviral drug from their lowland counterparts. turesque Andean valley, the from a virus that is marching three months. Italy is eager to ond-worst death toll behind the
`dPacTabfWXRWWPeTbTT]P normal economic life. Gilead called remdesivir has The Washington Post cited high-altitude city of 420,000 relentlessly around the world. reboot its tourism industry, United States, eased restrictions
eTahWXVWcaP]b\XbbX^]aPcT^U Russian hospitals can begin shown some promise in small one peer-reviewed study, pub- residents, had only recorded “We are reopening a sym- which accounts for 13% of its despite warnings from health
cWT]^eT[R^a^]PeXadbCWTaT giving the antiviral drug, which efficacy trials against Covid-19 lished in the journal the death of three tourists from bol. A symbol of Rome, a sym- economy. officials that the risk of spread-
fX[[QTPSSXcX^]P[b_PRTc^ is registered under the name and is being given to patients Respiratory Physiology & Mexico, China and Britain, bol for Italy,” said Alfonsina The Vatican Museums’ ing Covid-19 was still too
W^dbTPQ^dc%f^aZTab Avifavir, to patients from June by some countries under com- Neurobiology, in which between March 23 and April 3, Russo, director of the famous keyholder — the “clav- great. Some elementary class-
QhcWTT]S^UcWThTPacWT 11, the head of Russia’s RDIF passionate or emergency use researchers from Australia, at the start of Peru’s strict Colosseum’s archaeological igero” who holds the keys to all es reopened in England and
<X]Xbcah^U=PcX^]P[ sovereign wealth fund told rules. Avifavir, known generi- Bolivia, Canada and national lockdown. Since then, park. “(We are) restarting in a the galleries on a big ring on his people could now have limited
3TeT[^_\T]cP]S<X]Xbcah^U Reuters in an interview. cally as favipiravir, was first Switzerland looking at epi- there has not been another positive way, with a different wrist — opened the gate in a sign contact with family and friends,
<P]_^fTabPXS He said the company developed in the late 1990s by demiological data from Bolivia, covid-19 fatality in the entire pace, with a more sustainable both symbolic and literal that the but only outdoors and with
O CWTDBWPbST[XeTaTScf^ behind the drug would manu- a Japanese company later Ecuador and Tibet found that Cusco region, even as the dis- tourism.” Museums were back in business. social distancing.
\X[[X^]S^bTb^UcWTP]cX\P[PaXP[ facture enough to treat around bought by Fujifilm as it moved Tibet’s infection rate was “dras- ease has claimed more than Greece lifted lockdown Still, strict crowd control In Asia, Bangladesh restart-
\TSXRX]TWhSa^ghRW[^a^`dX]T 60,000 people a month. into healthcare. Agency tically” lower than that of low- 4,000 lives nationally. Agency measures Monday for hotels, measures were in place at both ed bus, train, ferry and flight
72@c^1aPiX[c^UXVWc2^eXS campsites, open-air cinemas, landmarks: visitors needed services Monday, hoping that a
(cWTFWXcT7^dbTbPXS golf courses and public swim- reservations to visit, their tem- gradual reopening revives an
_a^eT]TUUTRcXeTPVPX]bccWT B0 TPbTb*[X`d^aXbb^[SbRW^^[^_T]X]VbST[PhTS F?W`cTVUe`TfeRZU ming pools, while b eaches and
museums reopened in Turkey
peratures were taken before
entering and masks were
economy in which millions
have become jobless. Traffic
R^a^]PeXadb°72@fX[[QTdbTS e`JV^V_VgV_Rd and bars, restaurants, cinemas mandatory. jams and crowds of commuters
PbP_a^_Wh[PRcXRc^WT[_STUT]S 0?Q 20?4C>F= The Government post- some also said that limiting the and museums came back to life “Having the opportunity to clogged Manila as the
1aPiX[³b]dabTbS^Rc^abP]S poned the planned opening of number of people who could gZcfdZ_TcVRdVd_VVU in the Netherlands. see the museums by making a Philippines tried to kickstart its
WTP[cWRPaT_a^UTbbX^]P[bPVPX]bc any South Africans spent two grades for another week so come into their church is “Today, we opened two booking and not having to economy.
M their Monday morning
lining up outside liquor stores,
that some under-prepared
schools could get ready to
against their values.
South Africa has reported
Cairo: Aid organisations are
making an urgent plea for
rooms and tomorrow three. It’s
like building an anthill,” Athens
wait in line for three hours is
an opportunity,” said visitor
Around 6.19 million infec-
tions have been reported
fW^QTR^\TX]UTRcTS±P as alcohol sales were allowed resume classes for grades 7 and over 32,000 Covid-19 cases funding to shore up their oper- hotel owner Panos Betis said as Stefano Dicozzi. worldwide, with over 372,000
bcPcT\T]cbPXS again after a two-month ban 12, the final years of elementary and more than 600 people ations in war-torn Yemen, say- employees wearing face masks The Dutch relaxation of people dying, according to a
O 1aXcPX]³b@dTT]4[XiPQTcWfPb because of the coronavirus school and high school. have died. The government ing they have already been tidied a rooftop restaurant and coronavirus rules took place on tally by Johns Hopkins
_W^c^VaP_WTSaXSX]VP #hTPa outbreak. Places of worship were warns that the number of infec- forced to stop some of their cleaned a window facing the a major holiday with the sun University. The true death toll
^[S5T[[_^]hX]FX]Sb^a7^\T But while South Africa — allowed to open from Monday tions will continue to increase work even as the coronavirus ancient Acropolis. “We can’t blazing, raising immediate fears is believed to be significantly
?PaZ^]Bd]SPhPbcWTR^d]cah with the continent’s most devel- with limits on the number of and the peak is not expected rips through the country. Some compare the season to last of overcrowding in popular higher, since many died with-
TPbTbbcaX]VT]c\TPbdaTbc^ oped economy and the highest people in congregations, yet until August or September. 75% of UN programs in Yemen year. We were at 95% capacity. beach resorts. The new rules let out ever being tested.
bc^_cWTb_aTPS^UcWT]^eT[ number of confirmed cases of many religious groups said they Still, the relaxation of the have had to shut their doors or Our aim now is to hang in bars and restaurants serve up to The US has seen nearly 1.8
R^a^]PeXadbCWT@dTT]WPb Covid-19 — relaxed its strict would refuse the opportunity. alcohol ban came as a relief to reduce operations. The global there till 2021.” 30 people inside if they keep million infections and over
QTT][XeX]VPcFX]Sb^a2Pbc[T lockdown, the reopening of They said they were concerned many, who chose restocking body’s World Food Program A long line of masked vis- social distancing, but there’s no 1,06,000 deaths in the pan-
fTbc^U;^]S^]SdaX]VcWT most school classes was delayed about the danger of allowing their liquor cabinets instead of had to cut rations in half and itors snaked outside the Vatican standing at bars and reserva- demic, which has dispropor-
[^RZS^f]fXcWWTa('hTPa^[S and there was debate about people to gather in an enclosed going straight to work on the U.N.-funded health services Museums, which include the tions are necessary. tionately affected racial minori-
WdbQP]S?aX]RT?WX[X_ how churches could safely building — something health day much of the country’s were reduced in 189 out of 369 Sistine Chapel, as they Britain, which with over ties in a nation that does not
resume services. experts warn against — and economy also reopened. hospitals nationwide. AP reopened for the first time in 38,500 dead has the world’s sec- have universal health care.
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k9D=4!!! \^]Th(

>``Uj¶dU`h_XcRUVd CQic74@
?C8Q =4F34;78 from Baa2. India’s local-cur- Moody’s had last downgraded
weakening of debt affordabili-
?C8Q <D<108

arket benchmark index

oody’s Investors Service

rency senior unsecured rating
too has been lowered to Baa3
India’s rating in 1998.
The negative outlook
ty and persistent stress in parts
of the financial system, all of
M Sensex on Monday rallied
879 points on heavy buying in
M on Monday downgraded
India’s sovereign credit rating
from Baa2, and its short-term
local currency rating to P-3
reflects dominant, mutually-
reinforcing, downside risks
which policymaking institu-
tions will be challenged to
financial, FMCG and energy
stocks as the Government start-
for the first time in more than from P-2. The outlook remains from deeper stresses in the mitigate and contain. ing the process to unlock the
two decades, saying policy- negative. economy and financial system The agency said its economy boosted investor sen-
makers will be challenged to “The decision to down- that could lead to a more upgrade of India’s ratings to timent. Positive cues from the
mitigate risks of low growth, grade India’s ratings reflects severe and prolonged erosion Baa2 in November 2017 was global markets also helped the
deteriorating fiscal position Moody’s view that the country’s in fiscal strength than Moody’s based on the expectation that key equity indices extend gains
and financial sector stress. policymaking institutions will currently projects, it added. effective implementation of for the fourth session in a row.
Downgrading India’s rating be challenged in enacting and Moody’s said slow reform key reforms would strengthen After skyrocketing 1,250
by a notch to ‘Baa3’ from implementing policies, which momentum and constrained sovereign’s credit profile points during the day, the 30-
‘Baa2’ assigned in November effectively mitigate policy effectiveness have con- through a gradual but persis- share BSE Sensex settled 879.42
2018, Moody’s estimated India the risks of a sustained period tributed to a prolonged period tent improvement in econom- points or 2.57 per cent higher
GDP shrinking by 4 per cent — of relatively low growth, sig- of slow growth, compared to ic, institutional and fiscal at 33,303.52.
first full fiscal contraction in nificant further deterioration in India’s potential, that started strength. The NSE Nifty surged
more than four decades, as the the general Government fiscal before the Covid-19, and it “Since then, implementa- 245.85 points or 2.57 per cent
country faces a prolonged peri- position and stress expects this to continue well tion of these reforms has been to finish at 9,826.15. Bajaj
od of slower growth. in the financial sector,” Moody’s beyond the pandemic. relatively weak and has not Finance was the top gainer in tough sanctions over China’s well while Pharma stocks came
Accordingly, India’s for- said. Moody’s said India faces a resulted in material credit the Sensex pack, rising around new national security law for under selling pressure,” Deepak
eign-currency and local-cur- ‘Baa3’ rating is the lowest prolonged period of slower improvements, indicating lim- 11 per cent, followed by Titan, Hong Kong and Chinese PMI Jasani, Head Retail Research,
rency long-term issuer ratings investment grade -- just a growth relative to the country’s ited policy effectiveness,” Tata Steel, SBI, M&M, HDFC, data showed fresh signs of HDFC Securities, said.
have been downgraded to Baa3 notch above ‘junk’ status. potential, rising debt, further Moody’s said. IndusInd Bank and Reliance economic recovery, he added. Asian shares advanced to
Industries. On the other hand, “The market further ral- three-month highs on Mon as
Sun Pharma, Nestle India and lied in the afternoon session progress on re-opening
=^]bdQbXSXbTS 4]WP]RT\T]c^U CR[5:ACdVed @>2Sedc UltraTech Cement were among
the laggards.
with much broad-based buying
seen in both large and mid cap
economies helped offset jitters
over riots in the US cities and
_VhUZ^V_dZ`_d bU`_\Y^[UT
;?6aPcTWXZTS cda]^eTa[X\Xc^U
All sectoral indices ended stocks tracked by respective unease over Washington’s power
on a positive note with BSE indices,” Narendra Solanki, struggle with Beijing. Bourses in
WZXYeZ_XT`c`_R \U^TY^WbQdURi consumer durables rallying Head- Equity Research Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo

PeXPcX^]UdT[d_b <B<4bTRc^ac^ $ R`cd_&&%

6.56 per cent, followed by (Fundamental), Anand Rathi, and Seoul settled up to 3 per

metal, finance, bankex, energy, said. Broader midcap and cent higher, and those in Europe

auto and realty indices. smallcap indices surged up to opened with significant
QhC Z[ ?C8Q <D<108
“Domestic shares zoomed at
opening and stayed strong
3.03 per cent.
The Home Ministry on
gains.International oil bench-
mark Brent crude futures were
?C8Q =4F34;78 throughout the day as investors Saturday said ‘Unlock-1’ will be trading 0.21 per cent higher at
80=BQ =4F34;78 unjab National Bank ignored fourth-quarter GDP initiated in India from June 8 $37.91 per barrel.

il marketing companies T
he Government’s decision
to increase the turnover
P (PNB), the country’s sec-
ond-largest state-owned lender,
data and reacted positively to
the government’s decision to
under which the nationwide
lockdown effectuated on March
On the currency front, the
rupee appreciated 8 paise to pro-
O have hiked the prices of
non-subsidised cooking gas
limit for medium units from C
100 crore to C250 crore will
on Monday said it has reduced
its repo-linked lending rate
come up with a phased re-
opening of all activities outside
25 will be relaxed to a great
extent, including opening of
visionally close at 75.54 against
the US dollar. India is likely to
and aviation turbine fuel with help infuse technology and (RLLR) by 40 basis points containment zones beginning shopping malls, restaurants and receive 102% rainfall of a long-
effect from Monday. promote automation in certain (bps) to 6.65 per cent from 7.05 June 1,” Paras Bothra, President religious places. “Buoyant Asian term average this year, the IMD
The price of the 14.2 kilo- sectors and boost outbound per cent. The bank’s marginal of Equity Research, Ashika and European markets helped said on Monday in its 2nd long
gram cylinder of non-sub- shipments, according to cost of funds-based lending Stock Broking, said. Positive sentiments. Volumes were also range forecast, raising expecta-
sidised LPG gas in Delhi has exporters. rate (MCLR) has also been sentiments also supported after healthy suggesting high deliv- tions for higher farm output in
been raised by C11.50 from Federation of Indian revised downwards by 15 bps US President Donald Trump ery activity. Financials, India, which is reeling from the
May to C593 per cylinder. Export Organisations President across all tenors. stopped short of specifying Materials and Auto stocks did new coronavirus pandemic.
In Kolkata, Mumbai and Sharad Kumar Saraf said that
Chennai, the price of LPG has exclusion of exports turnover
been raised at C616, C590.50 from total turnover will help in
and C 606.50, against C 584.50, internationalisation of MSMEs
C579 and C569.50 per cylinder and will bring their focus on Jaipur: In the ongoing fight
respectively. The highest exports. “This will also bene- against Covid, all departments
increase was witnessed in fit a lot of gems and jewellery of Government of Rajasthan
Chennai with a hike of C37 companies, who would have played their important role.
from the price in May. breached the MSME criteria The main corona warriors
The Government current- due to sheer cost of their were Doctors, Paramedical
ly subsidises 12 cylinders of inputs,” he said in a statement. Staff, Police, District
14.2 kilograms each per house- The cabinet on Monday Administration, Revenue
hold in a year. Additional pur- approved further increasing Officers, Teachers, Sanitation
chases have to be made at the the limit for medium manu- Staff, Media Personnel and
market price. facturing and service units to newspaper hawkers, NGOs and
In a statement on Sunday, C50 crore of investment and philanthropists.
Indian Oil Corp said that the C250 crore of turnover. The Department of
retail selling price of LPG in turnover with respect to exports Information and Public <P]^Y9^bWX6T]TaP[<P]PVTa<Tca^APX[fPhWT[SPWXVW[TeT[\TTcX]VfXcW
Delhi market for the month of will not be counted in the lim- Relations (DIPR) was silently bT]X^a^UUXRTab^U<Tca^APX[fPhPc<Tca^APX[1WPeP]^]<^]SPh3daX]VcWXb
May 2020 was reduced from C its of turnover for any catego- playing its role and was keep- \TTcX]VWTX]bcadRcTSR^]RTa]TS^UUXRTabc^\PaZcXRZTcfX]S^fb052VPcTbP]S
744 to C581.50 per cylinder for ry of MSME units whether ing people of the State and 73521P]Z[Pd]RWTSP\^QX[T0C<^]<^]SPhc^UPRX[XcPcTcWTaTbXST]cb^U _[PcU^a\bc^WT[_R^\\dcTabc^\PX]cPX]b^RXP[SXbcP]RX]V^]RT<Tca^bTaeXRTb
all consumers in line with drop micro, small or medium. media informed about all 6aTPcTa=^XSPX]cWT2^a^]PTaP8cfPbX]PdVdaPcTSQh0SSXcX^]P[24>3TT_ aTbd\T7TP[b^PSeXbTSc^_PbcTbcXRZTab^]bTPcbX]bXST<Tca^R^PRWTbc^T]PQ[T
in International prices. “The move is most prag- development of the State 2WP]SaP^U6aTPcTa=^XSP0dcW^aXch7TU[PVVTS^UUcWT0C<\^QX[TeP] R^\\dcTabc^\PX]cPX]b^RXP[SXbcP]RX]V]^a\b
“For the month of June, matic and will also infuse tech- Government including the
there has been an increase in nology as in certain sectors announcements and decisions
International prices of LPG. margins are so low. through various forms.


New Delhi: Government-

owned Power Finance
Corporation (PFC), India’s
leading NBFC, on Monday
announced the appointment of
Ravinder Singh Dhillon as its
Chairman and Managing
Director. RS Dhillon assumed
the charge of the post of
Chairman & Managing
Director, PFC w.e.f 01st June
2020 upon the superannuation
of Rajiv Sharma. Dhillon brings
with him close to 36 years of
rich and varied experience.
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k9D=4!!! eXePRXch 

_[T ith a few lockdown restric-
W tions having been lifted, a
large majority is seen frol-
icking in the streets in a
manner that makes it seem that it is back
to what life was prior to the outbreak
W^[SX]VP of the pandemic. While advisories such
cTPRd_P]SWXb as the practice of disinfecting hands
regularly and covering face with masks
VPaST]RP]QT are possible but maintaining social dis-
bTT]X]cWT tancing with customers crowding
QPRZSa^_ around a rehri or screening them with an
8]cWT infrared thermometer might seem easy
X\PVTWT_dcP for shopping malls or other corporate
bcXRZTafWXRW offices, but are somewhat exclusionary
towards street vendors and hawkers
aTPS)°<XbbX]V due to the nature of their livelihood and
\h_T^_[T± their socio-economic standing.
EPad]WPS Markets are an important part of any
TPa[XTa local landscape and ensuring their safe-
Tg_aTbbTScWPc ty is a must. So how are local vendors
WT\XbbTbQTX]V being prepared to keep hygiene in place?
Experts tell us that the fear is here to stay
^]bTc and the precautions are important to fol-
7TfX[[ low now more than ever.
b^^]QTbTT] Sangeeta Singh, head of street food
bWPaX]VbRaTT] programme, National Association of
b_PRTfXcW Street Vendors of India (NASVI), said,
“Everyone, including the street food ven-
BPaP0[X:WP]X] dors, will have to get used to the new nor-
cWTaT\PZT^U mal to start earning their livelihood.
(($WXcUX[\ There are approximately more than
2^^[XT=^  three lakh vendors in Delhi alone,
according to NASVI, which is a large
number that has been unemployed due
³C^SPhcWT to everything being shut down. While the
government is preparing these vendors
f^a[SXbQPcc[X]V for the new normal, most of them are
XcbVaTPcTbc quite unsure if they can immediately go In order to have a proper protocol An example the Indian markets
QPcc[TPVPX]bc back to selling food items, and are also which was specially designed for street could learn from is that of the Maine
worried about not earning enough vendors, NASVI decided to coach them Federation of Farmers’ Markets, which,
2^a^]PeXadb8] because a lot of their food stands were in various measures that they must as soon as the US state discovered its first
cWTbTSXUUXRd[c next to public places like the metro sta- take. The training focusses on three cases of the virus, issued guidelines in
tion, bus stand, etc.” major aspects — maintaining high lev- public welfare. It wants market cus-
cX\TbcWT HK Sharma, owner of Babu Ram els of personal hygiene, practicing social tomers and the public to know they are
_T^_[TfW^PaTQPcc[X]V Paranthe Wala, a shop in Chandni distancing at all times and frequent taking immediate and proactive steps to
Chowk, agrees that finding the first cus- cleaning and sanitisation — among ensure markets are safe places to shop
cWXbRaXbXbWTPS^]PaT tomer is quite difficult because of the other things. during the pandemic. The organisers
Ua^]c[X]Tf^aZTabcWT non-operation of metro lines. He shares The NASVI also announced that it were encouraged to streamline their
\TSXRP[_Tab^]]T[ that they will ensure compliance with will train 500 street food vendors in col- markets to discourage the public from
measures to protect themselves and the laboration with FSSAI to assist them in gathering in large numbers or lingering
QaPeTb^[SXTab_^[XRT workers of the shop. Talking about the earning their livelihood by strictly fol- onsite. Inside the markets, the informa-
U^aRTfW^PaTaXbZX]V procedure being followed, he adds, “We lowing certain safety measures. As a part tion booth will be well-stocked with
are taking the basic safety measures such of the first phase, vendors were given hand sanitisers and there will be hand-
cWTXa[XeTbc^ZTT_db as wearing protective gears, using disin- training recently. They were informed washing stations available throughout
bPUT0bP<d\QPXZPa8 fectants to keep everything clean, opting and educated about the different kinds the venue. All food sold at the market
bPhPQXVCWP]ZH^dc^ for online payment and of course main- of precautionary measures which include will be pre-packaged and sold by the
taing social distance. People are them- food, safety, health and hygiene. They vendors to reduce human contact with
cWT<d\QPX?^[XRT selves so aware that it’s unlikely they’ll were also taught about the use of dispos- the items as much as possible. The fed-
5^d]SPcX^]´ break the rules. Even if somebody does, al plates, glasses and the safe use of alco- eration also ensured that the food pur-
we are ready with our strict protocols.” hol-based hand sanitisers. Apart from chased at local farmers’ market is safer
°AP]X<dZWTaYTT Ask him how important it is to fol- this, the importance of social distancing than that sold in supermarkets.
low them, he says, “This is something and hand-washing was also taught to Well, now the public is shattering the
0RcaTbb64=4;803B>DI0b very serious. Everybody has to stick to them. Maybe the solution would also number of people and keeping sanitis- fear surrounding COVID-19 and step-
h^d]VTab^]APWh[cda]TSPhTPa the guidelines otherwise they will be risk- The training is based on guidelines come from market associations. ers at the entrance of a market are some ping out onto the streets to do away with
ing their own lives as well as of others. for food businesses during the pandem- Screening people at the same place ways that the the associations can take the monotony of sitting at home, we
^[STa^]<^]SPhP]S Remember what Modiji said? Jaan hai ic. There are other examples too through where door-frame metal detectors are up the responsibility of ensuring the need fewer hands touching the products
bWTc^^Zc^b^RXP[ toh jahan hai. So it’s only if you have a which more such guidelines could be installed, restricting the entry to ensure safety of the vendors and the cus- and ensuring these measures are
\TSXPc^_T]PfXbW life, you can have the world.” applied. that there are not more than a certain tomers. observed.


°APWh[9dbc “I know that Wajid was going
fWT]8cW^dVWc8 through kidney ailments for a long

time now. Even two years ago, on the
sets of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa, he had a
small accident, where he had hurt
b^_aTRX^dbRP\T himself but things became compli-
P[^]Vc^aT\X]S\TW^fQXV cated because of his other medica-
[^eTXb8fP]ch^dc^P[fPhb tions and low immunity.”
Z]^fh^dfTaTfXbWTSU^a She added, “He was a generous,
[^]VTSU^a_aPhTSU^aP]S affectionate and lovely person who
fX[[¨P[fPhbP[fPhbQT[^eTS 2^]S^[T]RTb_^daX] had come up the tough way. A tabla
player, a composer, who had the
QTRPdbTh^dPaT\h\^bc Ua^\cWT7X]SX\dbXR intention to do good always. He
UPe^daXcTcWX]V^UTeTahSPh± X]SdbcahPUcTacWT would bring home-cooked food for
all of us on the sets and used to be
0[^]VfXcWXcbWT_^bcTSP ST\XbT^UbX]VTa full of enthusiasm. I really got along
with him very well and deeply regret
R^d_[T^U_XRcdaTbRP_cdaX]V F09830;8 SdTc^ losing touch during the lockdown.”
\^\T]cbUa^\APWh[b[XUT 2^a^]PeXadb Sona had also tweeted,
“Heartbreaking news. Wajid is no
1hC40< E8E0 more. Spent time on the SRGMP
CT]Tc TgcaT\T[h show with him as a co-judge and he
“Meri toh duniya bilkul alag thi
R^\_[XRPcTS)A^QTac Andaaz woh kho gaya
was so kind and generous. I know he
was ailing for a while, regret not pick-
0Rc^aA>14AC?0CC8=B>=bcadV Dekhna doobna ho gaya ing up the phone on him in this lock-
down. Stunned and sad.”
V[TSWPaSc^d]STabcP]ScWT_[^c^U Doobna tairna ho gaya
Singer Mamta Sharma, who lent
2WaXbc^_WTa=^[P]bCT]TcP]S Kya asar mere saath hai her voice to Anarkali Disco Chali,
bPhbWTfPb]cPfPaT^UfWPcfPb Mukhtasar mulaakat hai...” Fevicol Se, among other popular
WP__T]X]VU^a\^bc\^]cWb^UcWT Sajid-Wajid numbers, expressed her
It was singer Wajid Ali’s voice grief by recalling her work with him
UX[\X]V which made this song from Teri Meri as she considered him to be her
8]P]X]cTaeXTfcWT Kahaani (2012) quite a favourite “guru” and “mentor.” She earlier
PRc^a^_T]TSd_PQ^dc among youngsters. The singer later said, “I am not in a clear state of mind
cWTR^\_[XRPcTSUX[\ revealed that he had initially com- right now because he was really close ctor Bhumi Pednekar is floods, melting ice caps,
°CWTaTfTaT posed the song for his own album but
then decided to use it for the film
to us. Wajid bhai was just like fam-
ily. I am too shocked to say anything.
A urging the nation to
become climate conscious and
increase in sea levels, food and
crop getting destroyed, heat
\^]cWbfWTaT8 because it matched the situation. Last week, I spoke to him over a is looking to bring together the waves across countries and
fPb[XZT²0\ Alas, the song’s meaning now match- video call. He was absolutely fine and who’s who of the film industry continents,” says Bhumi.
8³7^]Tbc[h8 es Wajid’s current situation. His I thought he would be discharged in to spread awareness for nature The actor says she wants
WPS]^XSTPXU demise at 42 due to Coronavirus has a few days. Meanwhile, this hap- conservation. She is a vocal cli- every citizen to become a cli-
8\TeT]ePVdT come as a shock to many connois- pened. I am still not out of this trau- mate activist and runs her mate warrior and do their bit
seurs of Bollywood music as well as ma. I cannot think of anything right own non-profit initiative called for the cause that is threaten-
[hd]STabcP]S the Indian music fraternity. now. Whatever I am today, it is Climate Warrior that cele- ing our future generations.
X]VfWPcbWP_ He had tested positive for Wajid has judged various reali- several hit numbers for Salman star- because of him. Over the call, I was brates real-life heroes working Bhumi says, “For World
_T]X]V±WTbPXS Coronavirus a few days ago and was ty shows like Sa Re Ga Ma Pa, along- rers including Laal Dupatta and title in tears looking at him but the smile towards climate change and as Environment Day, Climate
?PccX]b^] also suffering from a kidney ailment, side other prominent names from track of Mujhse Shaadi Karogi (2004), on his face was intact and he was an advocacy platform to Warrior is starting a small
R^]cX]dTS)°>] had undergone a kidney transplant the industry. Shekhar Ravjiani, who Tere Mast Mast Do Nain and Hud consoling me and saying ‘Don’t engage and rally the youth campaign – One Wish For The
recently. He had been admitted to judged the 2018 show alongside Hud Dabangg in Dabangg (2010), worry, I am ok, I am good, I will be towards this cause. On this Earth. At this time and in this
cWT[PbcSPh8 Surana Hospital at Chembur where Wajid and Richa Sharma, expressed Mashallah in Ek Tha Tiger (2012) alright’. He was such a strong person World Environment Day, current scenario, there are
PbZTSR^PRc^a his condition had deteriorated and his grief by mailing us some of their and more. and a pillar of positivity.” Bhumi is looking to bring many issues that the world is
9^W]3PeXS was on a ventilator for the last few photographs from the show sets and Music composer and singer “Rest in harmony my friend. more awareness on this burn- facing as an impact of the cli-
FPbWX]Vc^]PQ^dc days. He breathed his last in the early said, “I’ll miss my friend.” Shankar Mahadevan wrote, “I am Had the pleasure of working with ing issue. mate crisis.
fWPcfPbWP__T] hours of the day. It was Salman Khan’s Pyaar just not able to come to terms with both Sajid-Wajid most loving and “Climate change, as a con- The campaign endeavours
Priyanka Chopra, who starred in Kiya Toh Darna Kya (1998), for this. It’s shocking! Good bye dear brilliant. My condolences to his cept, is still not considered as to get thought leaders from my
X]VX]PbRT]TP]S the song, tweeted, “Terrible news. which the Sajid-Wajid composer brother. Love you! Till we meet on family and especially Sajid. a real issue today by a lot of industry to tell the world what
XcfPbYdbcb^_a^ The one thing I will always remem- duo first scored music for with Teri the other side. Prayers for your #RIPWajidKhan,” Abhishek people. There are such varied is the ‘one wish they have for
U^d]S[hcWTfa^]V ber is Wajid bhai’s laugh. Always Jawaani. The actor tweeted, “Wajid peaceful journey Wajid bhai.” Bachchan tweeted. and grave climatic issues hap- the earth’. I can’t wait to share
cPZT^]cWTRWPa smiling. Gone too soon. My condo- will always respect and remember Singer Sona Mohapatra, who has “Gone too soon,” music com- pening across the world which their thoughts to make the
lences to his family and everyone you as a person. Love you and may also judged alongside Wajid in a real- poser A R Rahman tweeted. people are not even realising. earth a better place. Let’s pledge
PRcTa± grieving. Rest in peace, my friend. your beautiful soul rest in peace.” ity singing show, recalled her expe- —With inputs from TN For instance, increase of for climate justice and let’s unite
You are in my thoughts and prayers.” The duo went on to compose rience during the time. She told us, Raghunatha famines, forest fires, droughts, to save our planet.”
SLRQHHU C74?8>=44A
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k9D=4!!!



3A?0AC0?270D70= $1'*/2:,1*

he COVID-19 pandemic has forced us

T to be locked at our home and self-iso-

late. It’s been more than two months that
we are stuck at home. At this time, wear-
ing any makeup seems to be a thing of the
past. It feels so liberating not to use any
makeup or skin products. It is giving our
skin some time to breathe.
But at this time we almost neglect to
care for our skin. Because this is the time

it needs unique care and attention. We gen-

;UU`X_b]_^Uc 7+(
erally forget that our skin is exposed to the
summer heat and dust even if you are sit-
ting in your home. And, because we all are
under the air conditioner all the time, it may
just make things even worse. Some people

are observing a skin breakout and many
other skin problems during the COVID-19
lockdown. We should know the reasons and
how can take care to avoid such skin con-
woman undergoes many physical and hormonal changes in Q During this time of summer, heat and
with them. Menstrual cycles, for instance, tend to be accompa- =^C^QPRR^3PhfPb^]<Ph" 3^Rc^abcT[[h^dW^fc^QT
her life. Some are easy, but some can bring complications warm weather tends to aggravate dry skin,
and especially in low humidity conditions.
nied by problems like irregular periods, excessive bleeding, pain, Going outdoors under the harsh sunlight
and cramps.
Causes of menstrual disorders
Factors that are responsible for this condition include the
c^QPRR^UaTTc^Q^^bcX\\d]XchSdaX]V2^a^]PeXadb_P]ST\XR has become minimal these days, still dry-
ing of skin is unavoidable.
Q Hydrate yourself through the day, as water
increased intake of sour, salty, hot, pungent, heavy, and ferment- help to get rid of toxins in the body. Most

ed food; meat of fatty and domestic animals; alcoholic beverages; obacco consumption happens people don’t drink water on a regular basis,
indigestion; and eating before the previous meal is digested.
Conditions that also have a strong effect include repeated abor-
tions, excessive sexual activity, increased physical exertion (walk-
T in two forms- either chewing
tobacco in the form of smoke-
less tobacco (pan masala, gutka & T he most common cause of
lung cancer is smoking.
and this also causes acne.
Q Stop washing your face with any soap.
Always use a good face wash to clean your
ing, riding, weight lifting), emaciation, trauma, and day sleep- khaini) or smoking (cigarettes & Risk of lung cancer is up to 30 skin. It removes dirt from the surface of the
ing. Psychological conditions such as grief, anger, lust, and anx- beedi). Tobacco consumed in any times higher in long term smok- ven from studies before subside as soon as the habit is con- skin and keeps the face fresh, and will not
iety are also known to play a key role in aggravating menstrual
form is extremely addictive because
of nicotine and three hundred can-
ers compared with lifetime non
smoker. Moreover, tobacco smok-
E COVID-19 crisis, extensive
proof underlining the deleterious
trolled. Near normal body system
settings can soon be restored.
dry out the skin as soaps do.
Q Don’t eat any kind of junk food. Always
According to Ayurveda, poor diet and inefficient digestion cer causing carcinogens. Chewing ers may be more susceptible to impact of tobacco use on lung There have been several stud- take a healthy diet, exercise, hydrate your-
are the main causative factors for these disorders. Improperly tobacco accounts for major con- contracting COVID-19, as the act health and its causative connotation ies reiterating the deadly effect of self at regular intervals, sleep well and have
digested food leads to the pro- sumption of tobacco in India, mak- of smoking involves contact of fin- with respiratory diseases is all over smoking on lungs. foods which are rich in Vitamin D. So that
5PRc^abcWPcPaT duction of toxins in the body.
These toxins are circulated by
ing head and neck cancers the
most commonly reported forms.
gers with the lips, which increas-
es the possibility of transmission
healthcare research papers. The
effects are damaging to the immune
Chemicals present in tobacco
smoking causes irritation of wind-
it can keep your skin acne free.
Q Even if we are confined to our house, we
aTb_^]bXQ[TU^acWXb the blood to the deep tissues and Smokeless tobacco is usually a mix- of viruses from hand to mouth. system of the smokers too and they pipe, voice box and other parts of still need to follow a dedicated skincare
R^]SXcX^]X]R[dST channels, where they cause ture of aromatic betel leaves and Smoking shisha or hookah, often are twofold more susceptible to respiratory tract. regime for the nourishment of our skin.
blockages and stagnation. These nuts that the user keeps in the involves the sharing of mouth influenza than non-smokers. Excessive mucous is secreted as Nourish the skin with a face pack once a
cWTX]RaTPbTSX]cPZT conditions cause aggravation of mouth and chews on it for hours. pieces and hoses, which could Furthermore other severe symp- a response to the irritation. It also week and follow a nightly cleansing ritual
^Ub^dabP[chW^c vata dosha (air) and the rakta When these leaves are chewed upon facilitate the transmission of the toms along with a higher mortali- deposits in the alveoli of lungs every day. These are important for a glow-
dhatu (blood). The aggravated constantly for long durations, nico- COVID-19 virus in communal ty rate were reported in smokers in reducing lung function and causing ing and healthy skin.
_d]VT]cWTPehP]S vata brings impaired blood into tine is released in the mouth along and social settings the preceding MERS-CoV out- distressed breathing. Q We should stop using wrong products,
UTa\T]cTSU^^S* the channels carrying the raj with other flavours, that causes the — Dr Vikas Goswami, break. Gradually the entire air way especially for your skin. If anybody suffers
\TPc^UUPcchP]S (menstrual blood), leading to
increase menstrual blood flow.
mouth to produce excessive saliva.
Users generally end up spitting this
Senior Consultant Medical
Oncologist, Max Hospital
Now we know well that tobac-
co use is damaging to our respira-
reduces in size.
You are already aware of the
from dry skin conditions, it is mandatory
to use products that are suitable for the skin
S^\TbcXRP]X\P[b* Ayurveda recommends dif- out. While smoking tobacco, nico- tory system, with or without chemicals found in tobacco harm- type.
P[R^W^[XRQTeTaPVTb* ferent types of treatment to tine is released in the lungs and COVID-19. Moreover, COVID-19 ful and cancer causing for both Q Wash your face regularly. Sitting at home
treat menstrual problems. These effects the other organs, tobacco has made the previously deleterious users and passive smokers. does not mean that we do not need to wash
X]SXVTbcX^]*P]S include nourishing and toning when chewed stays in the mouth. effects of tobacco, lethal. If you want CWTfaXcTaXb3a0]bWd\P]:d\PaBT]X^a our face. In this scorching heat, it makes us
TPcX]VQTU^aTcWT herbs as well as rejuvenative Development of tartar can lead to causing gum (periodontal) disease. to quit smoking, no time can be bet- 2^]bd[cP]c3XaTRc^aBdaVXRP[>]R^[^VhPc sweat and the dust clog the pores on the skin
treatment in accordance with the gum disease and can negatively Q Tooth decay or dental caries: ter than this. Research also support 3WPaP\bWX[P=PaPhP]PBd_Tab_TRXP[Xch surface. So, it is always necessary to keep
_aTeX^db\TP[Xb nature of the disorder. Massage impact saliva flow in the mouth. It Sugar is often added to enhance the that the effects of smoking starts to 7^b_XcP[ your face clean and fresh. Wash your face
SXVTbcTS and the incorporation of medi- makes it easier for bacteria to stick flavor of smokeless tobacco, increas- properly twice a day.
tation and yoga may also be ben- to teeth and gums. Repeated con- ing the risk for tooth decay. The the oral mucosa, causing reduced from betel leaves and slaked lime, Q But do not wash your face harshly.
eficial for permanent elimina- sumption causes various damage to main ingredients of smokeless opening of the mouth and inabili- present in smokeless tobacco, put Splash some water on the face if you feel
tion of the problems. It is important to address these menstru- the oral health: tobacco are sand and grit, that ty to eat. people at a risk of cancers of the tired or hot. This will keep the facial skin
ation problems because a woman expels a large proportion of Impacts on oral health wear down teeth, causing erosion Q Oral and throat cancers: Head mouth, pharynx (throat), oesoph- free of excess oil, sweat and bacteria and it
her wastes and toxins through this process. If these toxins remain Q Bad breath: This is the most ini- and sensitivity and neck cancer is the most life- agus (gullet), stomach and pancreas. rescues acne and pimples like skin prob-
in the body, they cause further stagnation and blockage within tial and primary impact of repeat- Q Leukoplakia- Thick white threatening health risk linked with Cancers of the lip and cheek are also lems.
the body. ed consumption of smokeless tobac- patched inside the mouth, are smokeless tobacco. common, as the tobacco is pressed Q Always use moisturiser especially at
Ayurvedic tips that will help fight menstrual problems co, happens due to the residue of known to be early signs of mouth Each time a person chews against the lining of the mouth. these times when there is high chances of
Q Take one crushed garlic clove (lahsun) with two cloves (laung) smokeless tobacco is left in the cancer tobacco, poisons are released in the CWTfaXcTaXb3a=XZWX[<^SXBT]X^a dry skin. Use moisturiser two-three times
twice a day during your periods. mouth and stained teeth. Q Oral submucous fibrosis: A mouth putting them at a greater risk 2^]bd[cP]cATb_XaPc^ah2aXcXRP[RPaT a day.
Q When suffering from period cramps, take a teaspoon of aloe Q Gum infections: Smokeless chronic disease affecting any part of of mouth cancers. B[TT_3Xb^aSTa8]bcXcdcTb^U2aXcXRP[2PaT CWTfaXcTaXb3Ta\Pc^[^VXbcP]S
vera gel mixed with a pinch of black pepper or cinnamon (dal- tobacco can irritate your gums, the oral cavity leading to stiffness of Ingredients like betel nuts made 8]SaP_aPbcWP0_^[[^7^b_XcP[b=Tf3T[WX 0TbcWTcXR?WhbXRXP]5^d]STa3XaTRc^a8;0<43
chini) powder.
Q Drinking ginger infused herbal tea helps. You can also mix 1

7_^edc B;8<;8=4
tsp of ginger powder in warm water and have that. inging on chips, chocolates, pop-
Q Take the following decoction from the first day of your peri-
ods helps to alleviate the symptoms: Boil one tsp of cumin seeds
B corn while watching a Netflix
series or two is our guilty pleasure.
WT2>E83 (_P]ST\XRWPb
with two glasses of water over moderate heat until the mixture We all have had a cheat diet once a
reduces to half. Sieve the seeds. Add a teaspoon of honey and day to satisfy our sudden cravings,

drink it warm. especially during the recent times P]SWTP[cWbhbcT\b
Q Cooling showers and bathing with sandalwood and mint when many of us are spending time SXb_a^_^acX^]PcT[hX\_PRcX]V
essence are helpful. back at home. Watching a movie P[aTPShed[]TaPQ[T_^_d[PcX^]b0b
Q Include spices like cumin (jeera), fenugreek seeds (methi), black
pepper (kali mirch), cloves (laung), coriander (dhaniya), and mint
without something to munch on
seems like a big no, but that doesn’t '50,.(5286(//WHOOV086%$+$6+0,WKH X]T`dP[XcXTbP]S\P[]dcaXcX^]

(pudina) in your diet. mean you have to take the unhealth- 8]SXPcWT!!6[^QP[=dcaXcX^]
Q Include pumpkin, papaya, cucumber, potato, cauliflower, and ier ways. AT_^acbcaTbbTbcWPccWT]TTSc^
peas in your diet. For all those who are looking for PSSaTbb\P[]dcaXcX^]X]P[[XcbU^a\b
a healthy snacking option, pisat- time snack wherever you are. ing. They are also great to carry in switching from the traditional carbo- QhcPRZ[X]VX]YdbcXRTbX]U^^SP]S
6800(5&22/(56 chios are here to solve your woes. Not
only they are much healthy but a
“American pistachios makes for
a superfood for children as they being
lunch boxes and help children hydrates,” he tells you.
In a study done in China on preg-
recent study has found that they are a complete protein promotes growth. nant women, it was shown that the CWTaT_^acUX]SbcWPc8]SXP
BF44C ?>C0C>) A sweet they are rich in both magne- a complete protein too. They have more protein than any nut prevents gestational Diabetes in aT\PX]bbTeTaT[hPUUTRcTSQh
potato is a sweet and starchy sium and potassium. They also Dr Mike Roussell, globally other nuts. It is also a good them. \P[]dcaXcX^]fXcW^]T^UcWTWXVWTbc
root vegetable. It is a great contain a lot of vitamin A it is renowned Nutrition Consultant, source of fibre for children To add to the benefits, one aPcTb^UfXcWX]R^d]cahX]T`dP[XcXTbX]
source of fibre, vitamins and good for our vision. It is also Author and Advisor, tells you that and unlike broccoli you can eat them anytime \P[]dcaXcX^]V[^QP[[h7^fTeTab^\T
minerals. They are also rich in believed that sweet potatoes are the research showing that won’t have to force throughout the year. _a^VaTbbWPbQTT]\PSTc^cPRZ[T
antioxidants which help m e m o r y American Pistachios are a com- feed it your kid,” he Unlike other nuts, they bcd]cX]VP]Sd]STafTXVWcP]ScWT
promote gut health. enhancing plete protein is extremely says. don’t need refrigeration R^d]cahWPb_dcX]_[PRTX]]^ePcXeT
Sweet potatoes also contain food. important because it shows American pista- too. “You can eat them _a^VaP\\TbPX\TSPcaTPRWX]VcWT
significant amount of magne- that they contain nine essential chios are also a great as much as you want. \^bced[]TaPQ[T
sium which help to reduce amino acids that your body food for people with Preferably one to three 8]SXPWPbWPSb^\TbdRRTbbX]
stress and anxiety. They are needs in a form that is readily Diabetes. cups a day, is a better aTSdRX]VaPcTb^Ud]STafTXVWcX]RWX[S
also knows for their anti- absorbable and available for “If a person eats a option,” Dr Rousell tells P]SPS^[TbRT]cb1TcfTT]!P]S
inflammatory proper- your body to use. cup or half of pista- you. ! %aPcTbWPeTSTRaTPbTSUa^\
ties which help “This is unlike other plant chios at night, it might For those who want %%c^$' U^aQ^hbP]S$#!
reduce inflam- proteins that are incomplete and help keep their blood differentiate between c^$ X]VXa[b7^fTeTacWXbXbbcX[[
mation on where you need to add other sugar in control the next Iranian and American pis- WXVWR^\_PaTSc^cWTPeTaPVT^U
the body. complimentary proteins to get the morning,” Dr Rousell tells tachios, the later are natural- "$%U^aQ^hbP]S" 'U^aVXa[bX]
Sweet essential amino acids,” he explains. you. ly white and a little bit oily. cWT0bXPaTVX^]
potatoes Dr Rousell adds that American Pistachio being an easy “Even if one is on diet, he can 8]PSSXcX^]"&(^URWX[SaT]
can help in pistachios are your one stop shop as to eat snack, also promotes eat it without gaining extra weight. d]STa$hTPab^UPVTPaTbcd]cTSP]S
controlling a source of plant-based protein. mindful eating in adults. “One A serving or half won’t affect the !'PaTfPbcTSR^\_PaTSc^cWT
blood pres- They are portable, they don’t need to has to slow down, break the nut and weight. The reason being they are full 0bXPPeTaPVT^U!!&P]S(#
sure because be cooked, you can enjoy it as an any- then eat it. This leads to mindful eat- of healthy fat,” he says. aTb_TRcXeT[h
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k9D=4!!! b_^ac !

We need an alternative to saliva: Bumrah
?C8Q =4F34;78 “This is what I tell batsmen
all the time. In one-day crick-
remier India pacer Jasprit et, when did the ball reverse

P Bumrah won’t miss the

hugs and high-fives as
part of a wicket celebration but
last, I don’t know. Nowadays
the new ball doesn’t swing a lot
as well. So whenever I see bats-
he will certainly miss applying men say the ball is swinging or
saliva on the ball and feels an seaming and that is why I got
alternative should be provided out - the ball is supposed to do
to maintain the red cherry. that.
The ICC Cricket “Because it doesn't happen
Committee, led by former so much in the other formats,
India captain Anil Kumble, it's a new thing for the batsmen
recommended a ban on using when the ball is swinging or
saliva on the ball as an inter- seaming,” said the 26-year-
im measure to deal with the old.
COVID-19 pandemic. The Ahmedabad-born
However, the Committee did pacer finds himself in an
not allow the use of artificial unusual position as he has
substances as a substitute not bowled for over two ?C8Q =4F34;78 have gone before and have
move. months due to the lockdown done all the hard work then as
The new rule makes life imposed in the wake of the very cricketing era has a well.
tougher for the bowlers and
Bumrah, like many former
coronavirus outbreak.
When India will play next
E “defining pair” which builds
the narrative and the duo of
“So, it’s a knock-on effect,
so in every era, there’s always a
and current fast bowlers, feels is not clear yet and Bumrah Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma defining pair and in the mod-
there ought to be an alterna- said he is not sure about how is a special one for India in ern era, it’s Rohit and Virat for
tive. his body will hold up when he modern times, says Sri Lankan India for sure.” Sangakkara rec-
“I was not much of a hug- returns to action. legend Kumar Sangakkara. ollected the era of Dravid and
ger anyway and not a high-five “I really don’t know how Kohli and Rohit have aggre- Ganguly and drew a parallel
person as well, so that doesn’t your body reacts when you gated nearly 36,000 runs (35,930 with Kohli and Rohit where
trouble me a lot. The only don't bowl for two months, runs) across three formats and batsmen have been destructive
thing that interests me is the three months. I'm trying to Sangakkara feels the duo has the despite being orthodox in their
saliva bit,” said. keep up with training so that same aura which Sourav technique.
“I don’t know what guide- as soon as the grounds open Ganguly and Rahul Dravid had “If you look at Rahul and
lines we’ll have to follow when up, the body is in decent shape. in the late ‘90s and early 2000s. Dada, both of them are ortho-
we come back, but I feel there “I’ve been training almost “There is something very dox batsmen. They play beau-
should be an alternative,” he six days a week but I’ve not special about Virat and Rohit. tiful cricket shots and are very
added. bowled for a long period of That fact that rules have technically correct. Dravid may
Bumrah said not being time so I don’t know how the changed and run-scoring might be a little bit more so, but the
able to use saliva makes the body will react when I bowl the have become slightly easier in ability to be as destructive with
game more batsman-friendly. first ball. one-day cricket, but it's incred- such rate and precision stroke-
“If the ball is not well “I’m looking at it as a way ibly hard, the volume of crick- making is something that has to
maintained, it’s difficult for the to renew your own body. We’ll et that India athletes play,” be really admired.”
bowlers. The grounds are get- pacer Bishop pointed out that new balls, so it hardly revers- the batsmen keep complaining never get such a break again, Sangakkara said on Star Sports’ “If you take the modern-
ting shorter and shorter, the the conditions have been °8F0B=>C<D27>50 es at the end. about the swinging ball. so even if you have a small nig- ‘Cricket Connected’. day game, India has two of the
wickets are becoming flatter favourable to the fast bowlers 7D664A0=HF0H0=3 “We played in New “Whenever you play, I've gle here and there, you can be Sangakkara feels that Kohli best players in Virat and Rohit,
and flatter. over the last couple of years, =>C0786758E4?4AB>= Zealand, the ground (bound- heard the batsmen - not in our a refreshed person when you and Rohit deserve the respect who play orthodox cricket but
“So we need something, Bumrah nodded in agreement. 0BF4;;B>C70C ary) was 50 metres. So even if team, everywhere - complain- come back. You can prolong also for the fact that players who are just absolutely destruc-
some alternative for the “In Test match cricket, yes. you are not looking to hit a six, ing the ball is swinging. But the your career,” he said. from bygone era didn't have to tive in any format of the game.
bowlers to maintain the ball so That is why it’s my favourite 3>4B=³CCA>D1;4<40 it will go for six. In Test match- ball is supposed to swing! The Bumrah has risen rapidly constantly play three formats. You don’t have to muscle the
that it can do something - format, because we have some- ;>CC74>=;HC78=6 es I have no problem, I’m very ball is supposed to do some- in international cricket despite “So, I think you have to ball or put too much effort or
maybe reverse in the end or thing over there. But in one- C70C8=C4A4BCB<48B happy with the way things are thing! We are not here just to experts having reservations have a lot of respect for Rohit look ugly doing it, they just play
conventional swing.” day cricket and T20 cricket… going.” give throwdowns, isn’t it? about his longevity due to his and Virat but understand that good cricket shots and results
When former West Indian one-day cricket there are two C74B0;8E018C± He finds it amusing that (laughter) unorthodox action. it's all because of the players that come,” he concluded.

?C8Q <D<108
05?Q ;>=3>= avirus, Secretary of State for
Digital, Culture, Media and
tic cricket behind closed doors,
and provides a meaningful
cific guidance from
Government’s medical teams so

tar batsman Steve Smith

Smith in best shape despite not picking up bat TheUKECB has welcomed the
government’s decision
Sport Oliver Dowden on
Saturday gave the green light
next step for recreational play-
ers to begin playing at their
that we can provide support for
cricket clubs who will be eager
S says the experience of hav-
ing played more pink ball
?C8Q BH3=4H COVID-19 pandemic with to allow the resumption pro-
little over 7000 cases reported fessional sports behind closed
for live competitive sport to
return behind closed doors in
clubs again,” England and
Wales Cricket Board (ECB)
to see their communities safe-
ly playing in small groups.”
games than India would give op Australian cricketers so far. doors which allows the board safe and carefully controlled said in a statement. “We extend our thanks to
Australia ‘slight advantage’
when the two sides clash under
T resumed training on
Monday at the Sydney
“I’m probably in the best
shape I’ve been in in years,
to go ahead with its plan of
hosting international cricket
environments from June 1.
“We are extremely heart-
The board added that it
will study the guidelines laid
all those in Government who
have worked hard to support
flood lights in December but Olympic Park with batting doing lots of running, lots of starting next month. ened by Saturday's announce- down by the government to the return of sport and we look
the Virat Kohli-led side has the mainstay Steve Smith saying gym stuff at home. It’s been a In the latest health and ment from the Secretary of safely resume the game. forward to seeing players from
batsmen to stand up to the that he is in his best shape in couple of months of good safety guidelines designed to State, which will support the “Over the coming week, we across the game start returning
challenge. years after putting the bat hard work,” said Smith ’. prevent the spread of coron- return of professional, domes- will seek to understand the spe- to the field,” it added.
Cricket Australia last week aside for two months to focus “I haven’t touched a bat,
confirmed that India will tour on physical and mental fitness. really. A couple of little drills
Down Under for a full tour
comprising four Tests, three
ODIs and three T20Is. The sec-
David Warner and
Mitchell Starc were among
those who reported for train-
at home but that’s about it. I’ve
just tried to switch off from it
a bit, which I don’t do very 5fUbi_^UU^dYd\UTd_dXUYb_g^
ond Test will be a day-night ing as the domestic pre-season often. I was just focusing on
affair, starting from December began behind closed doors. getting myself fit and strong
11 in Adelaide. Australia is one of the less- and refreshing mentally,” he
“We played a few more affected countries from the said.
pink ball games, perhaps, than 80=BQ 20?4C>F= standards. He failed to live up matches. Rabada couldn’t fea-
India which might be a slight to the expectations on the ture in the fourth Test as he was
advantage,” the Aussie star ers who are able to adapt to for us, we wanted to play first opposition player. You got to
batsman said in a Facebook
session, hosted by Sony Sports
anything, so I see it being a
pretty amazing contest,”he said.
Test there for a long period of
time,” the 30-year-old said.
admire someone like that and
what he has done for Indian
Stheouth Africa speedster
Kagiso Rabada reflected on
previous season and admit-
India tour and scalped just
seven wickets in three Tests as
the hosts romped to a 3-0 vic-
handed a one-Test ban for his
celebration after taking the
wicket of England Test captain
India. India will first clash with Smith, one of the world's cricket.” ted he felt out of place and tory. Joe Root in the third Test.
“India played pretty well in Australia in a T20I series best Test batsmen, also Asked about his compar- rusty. Rabada, who has been “The past season was a dis- “It’s passion, but everyone
the day-night game they played beginning October 11 and admired the way the Indian isons with the Indian icon, he leading the Proteas’ bowling appointment,” Rabada was has their opinion and they are
at Kolkata. It’s a different game then return to defend the captain goes about chases in said, “I admire Virat a lot. He's attack for a while now, also quoted as saying by entitled to their own opin-
but they certainly got the bat- Border-Gavaskar Trophy with white-ball cricket. an amazing player. The way opened up regarding his on- ESPNCricinfo. “Even though I ion," Rabada said.
ters that can stand up to the the opening match at Gabba, “Look at his average in they play the game now, the field aggression, which has see that my stats are okay, I just “I have identified things
conditions when it gets tough where the hosts have tremen- winning chases in one-day sheer passion he has for crick- gotten him into trouble many- felt really rusty and a bit out of that I needed to identify and I
with the Pink Ball. And their dous record. cricket. It’s phenomenal. He’s et... His body sort of trans- a-times in recent past. place.” will address them with the
bowlers, they stand the seam “Our record at Gabba so good under pressure and formed over time. He's so fit, The 2019-20 season was Rabada did better on home people that are closest to me
up with quality.” (Brisbane) against anyone, is calm. Just gets the job done strong and powerful now. rather indifferent for Rabada, soil against England, where he and who I feel should be help-
“They are world class play- good to be fair, that is a fortress and unfortunately for an Pretty amazing for cricket.” according to his own high scalped 14 wickets in three ing me address it.”

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05?Q <0=274BC4A
?C8Q =4F34;78 ally. I only took a medicine prescribed to
me without knowing the consequences.
orld Silver-medallist Amit Panghal I am hopeful I will be considered,” 0?Q <03A83 to infinity” tribute to the “heroes

M anchester United extended Odion Ighalo’s loan

spell until January 2021 on Monday to ensure the
W and the seasoned Vikas Krishan
were on Monday nominated for the
Panghal had told PTI in a recent interac-
tion. he Spanish league is resuming in
who are fighting to overcome” the
pandemic. Pre-recorded applause
Nigerian striker will be able to finish the 2019/20 sea-
son with the Premier League club.
Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award by the
Boxing Federation of India, which picked
Commonwealth and Asian Games
Gold-medallist Krishan (69kg) won the
T less than two weeks with Real
Madrid playing its games at the club’s
uploaded in videos by fans will be
played in the 20th minute of match-
Ighalo’s initial loan deal from Shanghai Shenhua only Olympic-bound names as its nom- Arjuna award in 2012. The 28-year-old training center. es.
expired at the end of May, but the 30-year-old has been inees for the annual honours. had turned professional in 2018 after his Madrid will host Eibar on June “We have created this initiative
rewarded for an impressive return of four goals in eight The BFI has nominated world CWG top finish followed by a third Asian 14 at the 6,000-capacity Alfredo Di to help fans be a part of La Liga's
appearances for United before football was shut down Bronze-winning trio of Lovlina Borgohain Games medal — a Bronze. Stéfano Stadium, a venue used most- return and also as an opportunity for
by the coronavirus pandemic in March. (69kg), Simranjit Kaur (64kg) and Manish He returned to the amateur circuit last ly by the club’s “B” team at the them to show their support for the
“Manchester United have reached agreement with Kaushik (63kg) for the Arjuna awards. Of year with the South Asian Games, winning Ciudad Real Madrid center on the heroes of the COVID-19 pandem-
Shanghai Greenland Shenhua to extend the these, Borgohain has won the world a gold there before qualifying for the city’s outskirts. ic,” said league president Javier
loan deal for Odion Ighalo,” United Bronze twice, the most recent being last Olympics at the Asian qualifiers in Jordan Madrid is not stopping renova- Tebas, who gave his weekly interview
said in a statement. year. in March this year. tion work at the Santiago Bernabéu to league broadcaster Movistar on
“He will now remain with the For the Dronacharya awards, the BFI Of the three Arjuna contenders, Stadium as all remaining league Sunday.
Reds until 31 January 2021, enabling has finalised the names of national Kaushik has had a great run for the past cou- games are likely to be played with- “We want them to feel close to
him to build on an impressive start women’s coach Mohammed Ali Qamar ple of years, winning a Bronze in his maid- out fans because of the coronavirus their team, even if they cannot be in
to life with the club he supported as and assistant coach Chhote Lal Yadav. en world championship (2019) to qualify pandemic. the stadiums cheering them on, and
a boy.” “The nominations of the athletes and for the Olympics after a Silver at the 2018 The league on Sunday con- for players to feel the support of their
Ighalo could prove an impor- coaches have been on the basis of their Commonwealth Games. firmed the dates and times of the first fans.”
tant addition to Ole Gunnar performance during the last four years,” Both Kaur and Borgohain booked two rounds of matches to be played Most games will be played late
Solskjaer’s squad ahead of the BFI said. their Tokyo tickets at the Asian qualifiers. after the competition was stopped in the day to take into account high
a packed schedule once The 24-year-old Panghal (52kg), also Qamar, an Arjuna awardee, was India’s mid-March because of the pan- temperatures in Spain, but some will
games get back under an Asian Games champion, has not won first Commonwealth Games gold-medal- demic. The first game will be the be brought forward based on favor-
way later this month. any national sports award. He was being list in boxing and has been in charge of the Seville derby between Sevilla and able weather forecasts. There will be
“They (Shanghai) nominated for the Arjuna award for the women's camp for over a year now. This was Real Betis on June 11 at 10 p.M. a couple of matches at 1 p.M. Local
have been great past three years but was not considered after serving as an assistant coach for one Local time (2000 GMT). time in the first weekend.
towards us, allowing by the selection committee because of a year. Defending champion Barcelona, The second division will resume
him to play for his 2012 “inadvertent” dope offence. Yadav is closely associated with six-time which has a two-point lead over Real June 11 with the second half of the
dream club,” said “He is allowed to compete for the world champion M C Mary Kom and she Madrid after 27 rounds, will resume game between Rayo Vallecano and
Solskjaer last week. country and his medals are celebrated. He has been crediting him for keeping her at Mallorca on June 13, while Atlético Albacete, which was suspended at
“It’s been a dream deserves to be honoured as well,” BFI focussed in the past couple of years. Madrid visits Athletic Bilbao the fol- halftime in December after
for him and hopefully Executive Director R K Sacheti told PTI. Former world-medallist N Usha has lowing day. Ukrainian Roman Zozulia of
he can finish what he started “Youth level ki galtiyan to sab jageh been nominated for the Dhyan Chand The league has announced that Albacete was subjected to Nazi
and win a trophy with us.” maaf hoti hain. I didn't do it intention- award for lifteime contribution to sports. every game will include an “applause taunts by opposing fans.

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