Electrical Discharge Machining

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Electrical Discharge Machining: An Overview on Various Areas of Research

Article · September 2014

DOI: 10.12776/mie.v13i1-2.339


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2 authors:

Azhar Equbal Anoop Kumar Sood

Jamia Millia Islamia National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology


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ISSN 1339-2972 (On-line)

Electrical Discharge Machining: An Overview on Various Areas of

Azhar Equbal 1 – Anoop Kumar Sood 2
Department of Manufacturing Engineering, National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology, Hatia-834003, Ranchi, [email protected]@yahoo.co.in
Department of Manufacturing Engineering, National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology, Hatia-834003, Ranchi, [email protected]

Keywords Abstract
Electrical discharge machining Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is one of the earliest non-traditional machining processes. EDM process is based on
(EDM), electrode, spark, thermoelectric energy between the work piece and an electrode. A spark occurs in a small gap between the work piece and the
workpiece, gap, conductivity. electrode and removes the material from the work piece through melting and vaporising. The electrode and the work piece must be
electrically conductive in order to generate the spark. Various types of products can be produced and/or finished using EDM such as
dies, moulds, parts of aerospace, automotive industry and surgical components etc. This paper presents the various research issues
in EDM along with the modelling technique in predicting EDM performances.
History Received 24 January 2014 | Revised 17 March 2014 | Accepted 20 March 2014

Category Review article

Equbal A, Sood A M (2014) Electrical Discharge Machining: An Overview on Various Areas of Research. Journal of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, 1-2(13): 1-6,

Depending upon the applied potential difference and the gap
Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is one of the most between the tool and workpiece, an electric field would be
extensively used non-conventional material removal processes. established [4]. As the electric field is established between the
It is an electro-thermal machining process where electrical tool and the job, the free electrons on the tool are subjected to
energy is used to generate electrical spark and material removal electrostatic forces. As a result of which electrons are plucked
mainly occurs due to thermal energy of the spark. Electrical out from the tool and then accelerated towards the job through
discharge machining mainly consists of two major components the dielectric medium. As they gain velocity and energy, and
that are machine tool and a power supply. The machine tool start moving towards the job, there would be collisions between
holds a shaped electrode, which advances into the workpiece the electrons and dielectric molecules. Such collision may result
and produces a shaped cavity. The electrical spark is produced in ionisation of the dielectric molecules. Thus, as the electrons
from a power supply. It produces a high frequency series of get accelerated, more positive ions and electrons would get
electrical discharges between the electrode and the workpiece, generated due to collisions. This cyclic process would increase
which remove metal from the workpiece by thermal erosion or the concentration of electrons and ions in the dielectric medium
vaporization [1-2]. Fig.1 is showing the electric setup of the between the tool and the job at the spark gap creating a
electric discharge machining process. The tool is made cathode channel known as “plasma”. The electrical resistance of such
and work piece is anode and a potential difference is applied plasma channel would be very less. Thus all of a sudden, a large
between the tool and work piece which finally leads to number of electrons will flow from the tool to the job and ions
generation of spark. An important characteristic of EDM is that from the job to the tool. This is called avalanche motion of
both the tool and work piece must be electrically conductive electrons. Such movement of electrons and ions can be visually
and completely immersed in a dielectric medium [3] supplied seen as a spark. Thus the electrical energy is dissipated as the
continuously by the pump as show in the Fig. 1. thermal energy of the spark. The high speed electrons then
impinge on the job and ions on the tool. The kinetic energy of
Feed control the electrons and ions on impact with the surface of the job and
tool respectively would be converted into thermal energy or
heat flux. Such intense localised heat flux leads to extreme
instantaneous confined rise in temperature which would be in
excess of 10,000oC. Such localised extreme rise in temperature
leads to material removal. The molten metal is not removed
completely but only partially. An important advantage is that in
Work piece
EDM process there is no direct contact between the electrode
DC Power Source
and the work piece where it can eliminate mechanical stresses,
Figure 1 Electrical setup for EDM process. chatter and vibration problems during machining. This promotes
Electric discharge machining (EDM) to machine difficult-to-
Generally kerosene or deionised water is used as the dielectric machine materials and high strength temperature resistant
medium. A proper gap must be maintained between the tool alloys too. It is mainly used by toolmakers for complex injection
and the workpiece with the help of servo mechanism. moulds, punch dies and cavities made from hard to machine

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Equbal A, Sood AM Electrical Discharge Machining: An Overview on Various Areas of Research

materials in small batches or even on job-shop basis [5].When g. Diameter of electrode (D): It is the electrode diameter used
the potential difference is withdrawn, the plasma channel is no in EDM process.
longer sustained. As the plasma channel collapse, it generates h. Over cut – It is a clearance per side between the electrode
pressure or shock waves, which evacuates the molten material and the work piece after the machining operation.
forming a crater of removed material around the site of the
spark. Characteristics of EDM

Material removal mechanism EDM specification by mechanism of process, metal removal

rate and other function is shown in Table1.
The system is connected in forward biasing where the positive Table 1 Specification on EDM
terminal of power supply is connected to workpiece and the Controlled erosion (melting and
negative terminal is applied to the tool or electrode. Fig. 2 Mechanism of
evaporation) through a series of
illustrate the mechanism, when a potential difference is applied process
electric spark
an electric field is established between the tool and workpiece Spark gap 0.010- 0.500 mm
which will pluck the free electrons from the tool in large number Spark frequency 200 – 500 kHz
and they are accelerated towards the workpiece because of Peak voltage
large electrostatic force of field. Thus there will be collision of 30- 250 V
across the gap
electron with dielectric molecules. As the electrons are highly
Metal removal 3
energetic they will ionise the dielectric molecule. After the 5000 mm /min
rate (max.)
primary collision the electrons are again accelerated which leads
Specific power 3
to the more and more collision and creates a plasma channel 2-10 W/mm /min
between tool and workpiece. The resistivity of the channel will
EDM oil, Kerosene liquid paraffin,
be very less and electrons suddenly move to the workpiece with Dielectric fluid
silicon oil, deionized water etc.
high energy. Now workpiece will be continuously impinged by
Copper, Brass, graphite, Ag-W alloys,
electrons and on impingement the associated kinetic energy get Tool material
changed into thermal energy causing localised melting leading Cu-W alloys
to material removal in form of debris which is continuously MRR/TWR 0.1-10
being flush off by the dielectric. Materials that can
All conducting metals and alloys.
be machined
Micro holes, narrow slots, blind
High specific energy consumption,
Limitations non-conducting materials can’t be
Figure 2 Material removal mechanism in EDM process

Important parameters of EDM Important performance measures of EDM

The important parameters of Electrical discharge machining There are several different types of machines and industrial
process are as listed below: applications that use the EDM process for high precision
a. Spark On-time (pulse on time or Ton): The duration of time machining of metals with Die Sinking and Wire EDM being the
the current is allowed to flow per cycle. Material removal is two major EDM variants. The most common performance
directly proportional to the amount of energy applied during measures for EDM are:
this on-time. This energy is really controlled by the peak current a) Material removal rate (MRR), measured in mm3/min.
and the length of the on-time. b) Tool wear ratio (TWR), measured as tool removal rate
b. Spark Off-time (pulse off time or Toff): The duration of time to workpiece removal rate and
between the sparks occurrence. This time allows the molten c) Surface quality (SQ) of the eroded cavity, measured in
material to solidify and to be wash out of the arc gap. This µm, Ra.
parameter is to affect the speed and the stability of the cut. In addition, the surfaces finish, dimensional accuracy and
Thus if the off-time is too short, it will cause sparks to be geometry of the electrode, as well as the material properties,
unstable. such as thermal conductivity, and wear resistance affect EDM
c. Arc gap (or gap): The Arc gap is distance between the performance measures too. Generally, depending on the MRR,
electrode and work piece during the process of EDM. It may be EDM can be characterized as: roughing, semi-roughing, and
called as spark gap. Spark gap can be maintained by servo finishing. EDM techniques have developed in many areas.
system. Trends on activities carried out by researchers depend on the
d. Discharge current (Ip): Current in ampere allowed to per interest of the researchers and the availability of the
cycle. Discharge current is directly proportional to the Material technology. In a book published in 1994, Rajurkar [6] has
removal rate. indicated some future trends activities in EDM: machining
e. Duty cycle (τ): It is a percentage of the on-time relative to advanced materials, mirror surface finish using powder
the total cycle time. This parameter is calculated by dividing the additives, ultrasonic-assisted EDM and control and automation.
on-time by the total cycle time.
f. Voltage (V): It is a potential that can be measure by volt it is
also effect to the material removal rate and allowed to per

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Electrical Discharge Machining: An Overview on Various Areas of Research Equbal A, Sood A M

AREAS OF RESEARCH performance of EDM process. So more and more researchers

are focusing in the optimization of process parameters either by
EDM is a non-traditional concept of machining which has closely examining the experimental procedure or by carrying out
been widely used to produce mould and dies in industries. It is the simulation of EDM process. Marafona et.al [10] used
really a very vast field and comprises of various areas of fractional factorial method developed by Taguchi for optimizing
research. The different issues that can be considered for material removal rate using EDM with copper–tungsten
research in EDM can be Materials, Optimization of process electrodes. They suggested a new methodology using the black
parameters, variants of EDM, Automation, Green manufacturing layer for improving EDM performance. They said that the
and electrode manufacturing. These issues are explained in percentage of carbon in the ‘black’ layer is very important in the
detail as under: improvement of the EDM performance. Shabgard et al. [11]
applied fuzzy approach to select machining parameters in
Materials electrical discharge machining (EDM) and ultrasonic-assisted
EDM was previously used for the machining of hard and brittle EDM processes. The fuzzy models were developed based on the
materials like steel, titanium, tungsten carbide etc. It is mainly electrical machining of tungsten carbide. They concluded that in
employed for semi-roughing and finishing operation apart from machining of tungsten carbide the material removal rate and
some application where it is also used for roughing operation. surface roughness increased with an increase in pulse duration
With the development, the demand for advance materials as and discharge current. Also it was noticed that tool wear ratio
super-alloys (such as Nickel based super alloys GH4169 used in decreased with an increase in pulse duration and discharge
aeronautical applications and turbine component, Ti-6Al-4V current. Comparison and validation of fuzzy results with
alloys also used in aeronautical applications), Composites ( such experiment findings verified the high accuracy of models. Lin et
as aluminium based metal matrix composites having potential al. [12] used grey-fuzzy logic based on orthogonal array for
for advanced structural applications due to high specific optimizing the electrical discharge machining process with
strength as well as good elevated temperature resistance, multiple process response (electrode wear ratio, material
carbon fibre reinforced carbon composites used in the removal rate and surface roughness). They concluded that these
aeronautic and aerospace industry including rocket exit nozzles, approaches can greatly improve the process responses in the
nose caps, pistons for internal combustion engines etc.) and electrical discharge machining process.
ceramics (such as aluminium matrix reinforced with ceramic
particles in the form of grains, fibre used in the automotive Variants of EDM
industry) increases as they have attractive properties i.e., high Die sinking EDM, Wire electrical discharge machining
strength, high bending stiffness, good damping capacity, low (WEDM), Micro- EDM, Dry EDM, Rotary disk electrode electrical
thermal expansion, better fatigue characteristics. More and discharge machining (RDE-EDM) are some of the variant
more investigations are focused on machining of these materials methods of EDM. Die sinking process can machine complex
with EDM as they shows better material removal rate and three-dimensional cavities. Wire-cut EDM (WEDM) and Rotary
surface finish at increased current which was not obtained with Disk electrical discharge machining process (RDE-EDM) has the
other non traditional processes. Lok et al. [7] investigated the ability to machine conductive and high strength and
processing of two advanced materials Sialon and Al2O3-TiC by temperature resistive (HSTR) materials with the scope of
using wire EDM (WEDM). MRR and surface finish was taken as generating intricate shapes and profiles. Micro-EDM is helpful
output parameters. The surface damage was evaluated by for conventional precision engineering purposes as well as for
flexural strength data. The variability of flexural strength data machining of micro holes molds, inserts etc. Dry EDM uses gas
was also analyzed by weibull stastical method. They conclude as dielectric fluid, and high MRR can be obtained to cut high
that mean flexural strength changes from 32% to 67% due to strength engineering materials with the presence of oxygen. Die
thermal spalling erosion mechanism of wire-cut EDM process. sinking, rotary disk electrode EDM and WEDM showed great
Yan et al. [8] machined aluminium matrix composites potential in machining of advanced materials, Dry EDM can
(Al2O3p/6061 Al) using WEDM. The effect of pulse on time, maintain the ecological and economic balance and micro EDM
cutting speed, width of slit, surface roughness was studied. It can provide precision machining of micro holes. Gokler et al.
was observed that that the cutting speed, surface roughness [13] performed experiments to optimize the cutting and offset
and width of the slit significantly depend upon volume fraction parameter combination for WEDM process to achieve the
of Al2O3 particles. Less volume percentage of reinforcement desired surface roughness. They has performed experiments on
increases the surface finish, improves width of slit. Hascaly et al. 1040 steel material of thickness 30, 60 and 80 mm and on 2379
[9] performed an experiment for finding out the machining and 2378 steel materials of thickness 30 and 60 mm. It was
characteristics of AISI D5 tool steel in WEDM. The author concluded that increase in the work piece thickness creates
concluded that intensity of process energy affect the surface better surface roughness characteristic. Yan et al. [14]
roughness as well as micro cracking. The wire speed and fluid investigated effects of various machining parameters on the
pressure do not have much influence. quality of the micro-hole machining of carbide by EDM. Fuel
injector valves, parts and components for medical devices, fibre
OPTIMIZATION/SELECTION OF PROCESS PARAMETERS optic connectors, micromachining, stamping tools and micro
electronics parts are the examples of miniaturized and smaller
The various performance measures of EDM process are
size parts produced by the micro-EDM technology. V.Ramani et
Material removal rate (MRR), surface quality (SQ) and tool wear
al. [15] reported that helium and argon can be used as a
ratio (TWR). These performance measures are directly linked
dielectric medium to drill holes using copper electrodes. Later
with the various parameters of the process which includes spark
on Kunieda et al. [16] confirm that by introducing oxygen gas
on and off time, flushing pressure, current etc as they only
into the discharge gap increases the material removal rate in
contributes in the process performance. So the better
water as a dielectric medium. Soni and Chakraverti [17]
optimization of process parameters would yields in better
introduced rotary disc for grooving operation on titanium alloy.

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Equbal A, Sood AM Electrical Discharge Machining: An Overview on Various Areas of Research

The rotary electrode was placed above the work material. The ELECTRODE MATERIALS
difficulty of debris problem was encountered the research work
i.e. lower metal removal rate and arching occurs due to the Traditional electrodes used in EDM include Brass, Copper,
accumulation of debris particle between the electrode and work tungsten, Zinc and graphite. Most of these electrodes
piece. experience problems as severe wear, brittleness, low
mechanical strength and etc. Thus for obtaining desired
machining performance researches are going on for developing
AUTOMATION electrode materials based on the concept that the properties of
A great attention is being focused in the implementation of the electrodes such as melting point and electrical conductivity
intelligent CAD/CAM tool for reducing the tooling problem and etc. Zhang et al. [22] suggested that Cu-graphite, Cu-ZrB2 and
manual intervention in the EDM machining. For machining of Cu-TiB2 composites has good capabilities of removing material
any complicated profile the tool movement path is generated by with little wear loss. Tsai et al. [23] studied the EDM
the CAD system for example as in case of CNC machining. The performance of Cr/Cu-based composite electrodes. Their work
complicated profile region is divided into sub-regions and reveals that the Cr/Cu-based composite electrodes obtained a
accordingly the path for the movement of electrode is higher MRR than Cu metal electrodes and fewer cracks were
generated. The aim is to develop a user friendly CAD tool that present on the machined surface. Furthermore, the chromium
supports EDM machining rapidly and economically with ease. (Cr) elements in the composite electrode migrated to the work
Kong et al. [18] proposed an automated method for patching piece, resulting in good corrosion resistance of the machined
parting surfaces that have holes or non-cylindrical hollow surface after EDM.
features. Alok et al. [19] developed a method that locates the
part lines and creates the parting surface of multi-piece moulds RAPID ELECTRODE MANUFACTURING
and can cope with the production of complex parts.
Electrode is an important organ of EDM process because the
shape of the electrode is finally transferred to the work piece for
GREEN MANUFACTURING achieving the desired profile. If any complicated profile is
encountered then electrode manufacturing accordingly
Modern industries are focusing much on the possibilities for becomes difficult to produce. Also in mould and die production
moving towards “green manufacturing” so that their harmful EDM cycle can account for 25 to 40% of the lead time, out of
impacts on the environment can be minimized to maximum which the electrode production represents over 50% of the cost
possible extent. In any variants of EDM the dielectric fluid turns and time of an EDM operation. Thus a systematic system needs
into waste after certain cycles, is found not only affecting the to be developed that can accelerate the electrode
environmental balance as after use it mixes with soil and affects manufacturing time whether it is any shape of electrode so that
its fertility but also affect the economic impact because of use of the time and cost involved in electrode preparation can be
dielectrics for only short run. This is being used as an indicator minimized and economic balance can be established. Thus a
great attention is focused in the concerned respect by
for EDM’S manufacturer to seek for more environmental
integrating it with many computer assisted processes e.g. Rapid
friendly dielectric. Hence more and more researches are focused prototyping (RP), Finite element method (FEM). Allan et al. [24]
on EDM with deionized water and dry EDM as they don’t have investigated on electroforming of rapid prototyping mandrels
any problem with their disposal. The deionized water found a for electro-discharge machining. A conclusion was drawn that
great potential to be use as a dielectric, also it is cheap and non thin walled copper electroforms backed up with suitable filler
polluting. A research conducted by Kwan Chung Do et al. [20] materials are ideal for use as electro-discharge machining
showed that surface finish of micro-edm hole using deionized electrodes. Hsu et al. [25] worked on EDM electrode
water is greatly improved. Dry EDM uses gas as dielectric fluid, manufacturing using RP combining electroless plating with
and high MRR can be obtained to cut high strength engineering electroforming. They concluded that test results indicate that no
crack was found on the electrode and that the electrical
materials with the presence of oxygen [21].
discharge machining effects are promising.


Modern industries are focusing much on the possibilities for EDM process is subjective by many factors. Different techniques
moving towards “green manufacturing” so that their harmful viz. dimensional analysis, mathematical and thermal modelling,
impacts on the environment can be minimized to maximum soft computing approach and etc. are employed to envisage the
possible extent. In any variants of EDM the dielectric fluid turns output of the process mainly the surface finish, tool wear and
into waste after certain cycles, is found not only affecting the material removal rate (MRR). The different techniques and
environmental balance as after use it mixes with soil and affects investigations related to them are given in Table 2.
its fertility but also affect the economic impact because of use of
dielectrics for only short run. This is being used as an indicator
for EDM’S manufacturer to seek for more environmental
friendly dielectric. Hence more and more researches are focused
on EDM with deionized water and dry EDM as they don’t have
any problem with their disposal. The deionized water found a
great potential to be use as a dielectric, also it is cheap and non
polluting. A research conducted by Kwan Chung Do et al. [20]
showed that surface finish of micro-edm hole using deionized
water is greatly improved. Dry EDM uses gas as dielectric fluid,
and high MRR can be obtained to cut high strength engineering
materials with the presence of oxygen [21].

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Electrical Discharge Machining: An Overview on Various Areas of Research Equbal A, Sood A M

Table 2 Modelling techniques used in EDM optimal machining parameters in the

Modelling electrical discharge machining
Investigations carried out
Technique process.
Jeswani [26] developed equation to Tariq and Pandey [41] employed heat
predict the tool wear in EDM. transfer model to study the effects of
Yahya and Manning [27] applied the EDM input parameters.
method in analyzing MRR. Altpeter et al. [42] proposed a model
Semi empirical model of surface for die-sinking controller synthesis
finish [28], MRR and tool wear [29] for large range operating conditions.
for various materials have been Pandit and Rajurkar [43] illustrates
established by employing Other methods thermal modeling using data
dimensional analysis. dependent system (DDS) which is a
Dibitonto et al. [30] presented a stochastic approach during the time.
simple cathode erosion model for Bhattacharya [44] reports an account
EDM. of the vibrational behaviour of the
Patel et al. [31] developed the anode wire and presents an analytical
erosion model which accepts power approach for solution of wire-tool
as boundary condition at anode vibration equation considering
interface and assumed to produce a multiple discharges.
Gaussian-distributed heat flux on the
surface of anode material.
A model on variable mass and CONCLUSION AND RESULTS
cylindrical plasma was introduced by
Eubank et al. [32]. In the metal cutting, EDM has been a viable machining
McGeough and Rasmussen [33] option for producing highly complex parts, independent of the
proposed a model for electro mechanical properties of work piece material. This is by virtue of
Mathematical discharge texturing based on the the capability of EDM to economically machine parts, which are
modelling and effect of dielectric fluid and in difficult to be carried out by conventional material removal
Thermal modelling particular the influence of change in processes. With continuous improvement in the metal removal
the resistance in the dielectric during efficiency and the incorporation of numerical control, the
each voltage pulse. viability of the EDM process in terms of the type of applications
Perez et al. [34] presented a model can be considerably extended. The capacity of machining hard
for relative power dissipation by and difficult to machine parts has made EDM as one of the most
taking into account the different important machining processes. Absence of mechanical stresses
current emission mechanism and via the nonexistence of direct contact between tool and work
cathode space-charge characteristics piece makes it more prominent machining operation especially
valid for refractory and non- for brittle structures. More and more application of EDM in all
refractory materials. around propels to discover all the related specifics which can
Tantra et al. [35] tested the validity only be fulfilled by discovering the various areas of interest in
of model proposed by Heuvelman for EDM. An attempt is made to list some important areas of
erosion strength of material to interest in EDM. The different other aspects continuing from
predict tool w.ear and their here could become a prominent future aspect for researchers.
applicability to EDM process
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