Facts at Your Fingertips-200904-Energy Efficiency in Steam Systems

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Energy Efficiency

in Steam Systems
Department Editor: Kate Torzewski

n today’s typical process plants, prevent-
ing steam loss and improving condensate
return are key opportunities to make a
process more energy efficient.
To be the most effective, steam gener-
ally needs to be dry (such as for process High-
usage), or superheated (for instance, for temperature
use in turbines). These requirements dictate fluid
utility-system operating procedures for
generating the highest quality steam pos-
sible, and then distributing it to the points
of use with minimal deterioration. Since
steam becomes condensate after its heat
energy is expended, strategies must be in Trap Trap Trap
place to remove condensate as quickly as it
FIGURE 1. Preferred method to drain jacketed pipe for
is formed, in the steam-supply portion of the
high-melting-point fluids, such as sulfur
circuit and during steam usage alike.
Furthermore, superheated steam is FIGURE 2. Alternative, practical redesign method for ex-
typically desuperheated by injecting hot isting installations to drain jacketed pipe for high-melting-
condensate into the system. As a result, ex- point fluids, such as sulfur (no “stall”)
cessive wetness can also occur downstream High-
of the desuperheating station. In either temperature
case, if such condensate is not removed
from the steam supply, the negative impact
on the steam system can be substantial, as
seen in Table 1.
Improving condensate return. At many
plants, the operators admittedly realize that
condensate must be removed as quickly
as it is formed, but a suitable condensate
drainage or transportation system is not Trap Trap Trap
in place. In such cases, the condensate is
often sewered or sent to a field drain. Some TABLE 1. RESULTS OF FAILING TO REMOVE CONDENSATE
possible outcomes of removing condensate FROM THE STEAM SUPPLY
but not handling it effectively are outlined in Loss of yield: Entrained water does not carry as much heat to a process as does steam
Table 2. Damage to nozzles: Entrained water erodes nozzles and can adversely affect vacuum
Condensate is traditionally removed from generation or atomization
steam systems by steam traps or by equip- Loss of power: Entrained water causes turbines to operate less efficiently
ment combinations involving level pots and Increase maintenance loading; Water hammer can damage equipment such as turbine
outlet control valves. Process situations in blades and control-valve packing
which high backpressure from the down- Increased safety risk: Water hammer can injure personnel
stream portion of the condensate-return Poor process control: Flooding exchanges can lead to control swings
system tend to create a “stall.” Then, a
different system incorporating both a pump
and trap in the design is needed to drive
the condensate while also trapping the
Profit loss due to waste of heated and treated condensate
steam; this process may be referred to as
The extremely wasteful effect of opening bypass valves around process equipment or
pump-trapping or power-trapping.
turbines to prevent waterlogging or damage
Because there are at least three
A possible increase in system corrosion because too much makeup water must be
condensate-drainage alternatives, it makes treated
more sense to think in terms of required
“condensate discharge locations” rather where steam traps cannot meet the high cally arises when modulating steam pres-
than referring to condensate removal de- pressure or capacity requirements. sure creates a negative pressure differential
vices indiscriminately as “steam traps.” This Special situations. There can be many situa- across the condensate drain device. So-
broader mind-set helps avoid any predispo- tions in a plant where effective condensate called, Type II secondary pressure drainers
sition to install steam traps in applications removal requires specialized drainage of the pump-trap type are used on equip-
that need a different type of condensate designs. For instance, Figures 1 and 2 ment with a negative pressure differential.
drainage solution. show two options for condensate drainage Because wasted condensate is a valuable
Engineered separator-drains remove from a jacketed pipe that conveys high- resource to be saved, use Type I secondary
condensate that is entrained in a moving melting-point materials, such as liquid sulfur pressure drainers of a “pump only” type to
steam supply (including flash or regener- or high-boiling hydrocarbons. recover collected condensate and power it
ated steam). The result is highest quality Other examples of specialized applica- back to the boiler.
steam delivered for plant use. Compare that tions include options to effectively drain
to steam traps, which remove condensate steam-supplied heat exchangers. A key References
that has already fallen out of the steam. As consideration is to first determine whether 1. Risko, J., Handle Steam More Intelligently,
their name suggests, steam traps remove a stall condition exists or not; when it does, Chem. Eng., November 2006, pp. 38–43.
condensate and “trap steam.” Meanwhile, condensate will not drain effectively through 2. Aggarwal, S., Boost Energy Efficiency In Plant
level pots can be used in certain instances a simple steam trap. Such a situation typi- Utilities, Chem. Eng., April 2002, pp. 70–73.

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