Synchronous Occurrence of Colorectal Adenocarcinoma and Colonic Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST)

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colon GIST and adeno-Ca x xx 197

Case Report

Synchronous occurrence of colorectal adenocarcinoma and

colonic gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST). A case report
D. Dimitroulopoulos1, Aik. Fotopoulou2, D. Xinopoulos1, N. Arnogiannaki3, D. Korkolis,4
K. Tsamakidis1, D. Kypreos1, S. Bassioukas1, S. Patsavela1, E. Paraskevas1

cases per million and an estimated 5-year survival rate of

45-65%, GIST’s typically present in older individuals and
The synchronous occurrence of GIST and other primary gas- are most common in the stomach (60%), followed by small
trointestinal malignancies has been rarely reported. We re- intestine (15%), colon and rectum (5%), esophagus, mes-
port the case of an 84 year-old female who presented with a entery and omentum5,6.
rectal blood loss. Total coloscopy revealed a stenotic lesion at
sigmoid colon covered by endoscopically healthy mucosa and
The synchronous occurrence of GIST and other prima-
also a massive polypoid cecal mass. The patient underwent
ry gastrointestinal malignancies has been rarely reported.
left subtotal colectomy and ileorectal J-pouch anastomoses In these cases stomach and small intestine were the most
without diverting stoma. Histologically the sigmoid tumor common locations for the GIST.7-11
met the GIST criteria and the cecal mass was a well differen- In the present case report we describe a 84 year-old
tiated adenocarcinoma. To our knowledge this synchronous woman with GIST of sigmoid colon and synchronous
occurrence is reported for first time in the literature. invasive adenocarcinoma at the ileocecal valve. To our
Keywords: GIST; colon adenocarcinoma; synchronous; colon; knowledge, this synchronous occurrence has not been re-
imatinib ported in the literature.


Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST’s) have only A 84 year-old Caucasian female, with a recently di-
recently become recognized as a distinct pathologic en- agnosed GIST, located in the colon, was admitted to the
tity. The term was first used in 1983 by Mazur and Clark Gastroenterology department of “Agios Savvas” Cancer
to encompass gastrointestinal and mesenteric non-epithe- Hospital, Athens, Greece, in February 2007. A lower gas-
lial neoplasms that lacked the immunohistochemical fea- trointestinal tract endoscopic examination, performed a
tures of Schwann cells and did not have the ultrastructural month before due to rectal blood loss, was stopped in the
characteristics of smooth muscle cells.1 The vast majority sigmoid colon area because of a great stenosis. Tissue
of GIST’s are positive for CD117 and vimentin in immu- specimens obtained endoscopically from the stenosis were
nohistochemical staining.2-4 stained positive for CD117, CD34 and vimentin.
Their epidemiology still remain incompletely known. The patient’s past medical history included hyperten-
With an annual incidence rainging between 6.8 and 14.5 sion, atrial fibrillation and Alzheimer disease. No history
of malignancy was noted in her family history. Physical
Gastroenterology Dept, “Agios Savvas” Cancer Hospital, and rectal digital examination were undiagnostic.
Radiation-Oncology Dept, “Ygeia” Hospital, 3Pathology Dept,
“Agios Savvas” Cancer Hospital, 41st Surgical Dept, “Agios Complete blood count, urine tests, standard biochemi-
Savvas” Cancer Hospital cal studies and also serum levels of tumor markers includ-
ing CEA, CA 19-9, AFP, CA125 and CA 15-3 were with-
Author for correspondence:
in normal ranges.
D.Dimitroulopoulos, 35 Parnassou str., 152 34 Halandri-Athens,
Greece, Tel. 0030-210-6892460, E-mail: [email protected] Chest X-ray and upper abdominal ultrasonography
198 D. Dimitroulopoulos, et al

were normal. Abdominal computed tomography showed or related stem cells, that usually express the KIT protein
wall thickening of ascending colon and cecum in a length (-95%) and, that often harbour mutation of a gene that en-
of more than 7 cm. codes for a type III receptor tyrosine kinase.12-14
Total colonoscopy revealed the already known ste- Although they are the commonest gastrointestinal soft
nosis at sigmoid colon, covered by endoscopically nor- tissue tumors and can originate anywhere in the digestive
mal mucosa and also a massive polypoid mass (diame- tract, colon GIST’s are relatively infrequent.8,15
ter almost 5cm) in ascending colon, close to the ileocecal
valve. On the other hand, the synchronous occurrence of
GIST’s and other primary gastrointestinal malignancies has
Multiple biopsies were obtained with conventional bi- been rarely reported in the literature.7-11,16-22 The vast major-
opsy forceps from the cecal lesion. Histology revealed ity of these synchronous tumors are adenocarcinomas.9
mild/moderate dysplastic alterations from a mixed type
(hyperplastic-adenomatous) colonic polyp. To the best of our knowledge, the synchronous occur-
rence of two independent malignancies of colon, a GIST
The patient underwent left subtotal colectomy and il- and an adenocarcinoma, has never been reported.
eorectal J-pouch anastomosis without diverting stoma 10
days after.

Pathology Report
Pathology department was examined three surgical
specimens. The first one (total length 60 cm), consisted
of a 7 cm lenth portion of small intestine adjoining by the
ileocecal valve, the cecum and a portion of large intestine.
Grossly, was observed a 5x5 cm cecal papillary mass close
to the ileocecal valve with intracanalicular growth. Histol-
ogy revealed a well differentiated adenocarcinoma limit-
ed to the muscularis propria, stage Dukes A and B1. None
of the twelve examined lymph nodes presented metastatic
invasion. The second (8 cm, large intestine) was without
macroscopic alterations.
Gross examination of the third specimen revealed, 8
cm from the distal surgical margin, a 2,8x2,5x2 cm mass Figure 1. Spindle and epitheliod cells. H-E x 400.
producing from the outer muscularis propria to the muco-
sa with a small ulceration and central cystic degeneration
filled with blood. Histologically, the tumor demonstrated
a mixed cell type appearance of a) epithelioid and b) uni-
form spindle cells (Fig. 1) which stained positive for CD
117 (KIT) (Fig. 2) and CD 34, slight positive for SMA
and negative for vimentin, S-100 and desmin, with a mi-
totic activity <3 per 50 high power fields (HPF). None of
the 12 lymph nodes recovered from the specimen showed
evidence of metastatic disease. The final pathological di-
agnosis of this tumor was GIST of low grade malignancy
with no metastatic involvement.

At present, GIST’s may be defined as morphologically
spindle cell, epitheloid, or occasionally pleomorphic, mes-
enchymal tumors, originated from interstitial cells of Cajal Figure 2. Spindle and epithelioid cells. CD117 positive x 100.
colon GIST and adeno-Ca 199

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