Ethical Decision Making
Ethical Decision Making
Ethical Decision Making
Decisions play an important role in business. Apart from pure business or economic
decisions, ethical decisions are assuming a greater role in modern days. Ethics is one
mode of decision making in the corporate environment.
Most of the modern theories of economics and ethics encourage ethical behaviour in
business. The real costs of unethical behaviour are greater than the ethical behaviour.
Economists Dwight Lee and Richard McKenzie argue that, "an economy in which people
deal with each other honestly produces more wealth than one in which people are
chronically dishonest because more exchanges occur directing resources into their most
productive employments".
In other words, when truth is broken all things will remain doubtful.
The decisions are based on perception. Perception is a process by which individuals
interpret their sensory impressions and find a meaning to the environment. In fact, the
behaviour of the people is based on their perception.
(3) Heuristics:
Heuristics refers to shortcuts in decision making. Sometimes decisions are based on
information available. Based on the information available decisions are taken. Some
other times, analogies are drawn and decisions are taken. We try to see identical situation.
It should be noted that heuristics is not the effective method of ethical decision making.
2) Reward systems:
The existing reward systems are not giving importance to intangible ethical practices.
The reward systems focus only on tangible achievements.
4) Time constraint:
In a fast moving world it is difficult to introduce ethical decisions because people are not
able to wait.
5) No historical precedence:
These is no precedence based on ethical values. Most of the decisions are taken from a
practical platform.
6) Cultural differences:
There are different ethical practices in different cultural environments. Relativism is
playing an important role in ethical management.
In fact, many ethical decisions are being taken according to the local cultural norms.
Creative ethical decisions are far superior than the ordinary decisions. Preparation,
concentration, incubation, illumination and verification are the important stages of
creative ethical decisions.
Section 'A'
(1) What is an ethical decision? (2) Define perception.
(3) What is Halo effect? (4) What is creative thinking?
(5) What is bounded rationality? (6) Define heuristics.
(7) What is escalation of commitment? (8) Define utilitarianism.
Section 'B'
1) Discussthe need for ethics in business decisions?
2) Examine the factors influencing perception.
3) Describe the various steps in ethical decision making.
4) What are the inputs for decision making model?
5) Discussthe methods of ethical decision making in organisations.
6) What are the constraints in ethical decision making?
7) What are the criteria of good ethical decisions?
8) Why ethical decisions fail?
9) How ethical decision making can be integrated into the firm?
Section 'e'
1) Examine the need, steps and methods of ethical decision making in business.
2) All companies want good ethical decisions. But there are constraints and failures.
Examine the constraints and failures.