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Ambrosius’ Fantasmagorical
Dungeoneering Adventure!
Fun for all ages!

The party’s attempt to enjoy a simple carnival is
sidetracked when they are lured into a strange funhouse. Up is down
and wrong is right in this attraction! The party will have to use
skills and weapons they’ve never encountered before if they want to
make it our of the carnival alive.

This adventure was inspired by Oglaf, the webcomic by Trudy Cooper

and Doug Bayne. Thank you!

An adventure for 5th/6th level characters

(and DMs with a little bit of imagination)

by Zoe Rosenfeld

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other
Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards
of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the
express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.

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A Day at the Carnival
All the fair will be covered in Screaming and chanting comes from a
 large metal geodesic dome which stands in
And the music will spin us around.
 an open square. Spectators are crowded
It’s a place for the jesters and around the dome and many have climbed its
 struts to get a better view of the fight
to worship the whims of their God. within. A dwarf and a human face off
— Traditional song against a construct that seems to be made
entirely of green, translucent goo. More
Adventure Hooks goo forms an ankle-height pool around
their feet. A banner in front of the dome
Getting the party to the fair is
pretty straightforward. If they are reads “JELLY BABY WRESTLING.”
traveling, they simply need to pass
by a town and hear music in the
distance. The Jelly Baby Wrestling dome is run
If you would like to plant seeds in by Rocko the human. He looks the
advance, you may want villagers in party over and recites the rules.
other towns to discuss traveling to • 2 silver per combatant.
Goat’s Run for their famous fair.
• The wrestling ring is for unarmed
combat only. Magic users may use
Attending the Fair • Combatants can enter the ring as
It’s the beginning of spring, and the either singles or pairs. Only one
party has travelled to the small town combatant at a time can face off
of Goat’s Run. Most of the year, against the jelly baby.
Goat’s Run is pretty unimpressive; • A combatant may tag their partner in
they’ve got some industry, a few to fight. They must reach their
taverns… very middle of the road. partner ungrappled in order to tag
However, the town is famous the world out.
over for the incredible carnival that
it throws around this time of year – • Jelly floor is difficult terrain.
a week of games, parades, and general • Combatants win a selection of
debauchery. The week is dedicated to wonderful prizes (see prize table.
the Fun God, a jolly trickster who
upsets the normal order of the world Rocko
for the length of the festival and Str: 18 (+5) Dex: 14 (+2) Con: 13 (+1)
renews life throughout the year. Int: 8 (-1) Wis: 10 (+0) Cha: 14 (+2)
Throughout the crowded streets, the
party finds various attractions
giving away marvelous prizes for Jelly Baby
those who wish to play… Medium construct, chaotic neutral
(HP 45 / AC 13 / Speed 15ft)
STR: 16(+3) DEX: 10(+0) CON: 16(+3) INT: 1(-5)
Jelly Baby Wrestling WIS: 6(-2) CHA: 1(-5)

Senses: Tremorsense (30ft)

Damage Immunities: Acid, psychic, poison
Condition immunities: Blinded, deafened,
charmed, exhaustion, frightened, prone

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Actions •Mystery green potion: a player can
Big fist slam. Melee weapon attack. +3 to hit, deal silly damage unarmed or with
reach 5ft, one target. Hit. 4 (1d6+1) bludgeoning normal weapons for 10 minutes — 15gp
damage plus 2d6 acid damage. •Mystery purple potion:
uncontrollable levitation for 10
Jelly spray. Ranged attack. Reach 15ft, one minutes — 5gp.
target. Jelly baby spurts jelly at combatant.
Combatant must make 14 dex saving throw to Saul
dodge. If the slime cannot use Split, it cannot Str: 10 (+0) Dex: 12 (+1) Con: 13 (+1)
use this action. Hit. 2d6 acid damage + 3 Int: 11 (+0) Wis: 14 (+2) Cha: 16 (+4)
bludgeoning damage. Miss: 1d6 acid damage.
Consume. Melee attack. Reach 5ft, one target. Coconut Shy
Jelly baby grapples combatant, attempting to
A clattering sound alerts you to the
pull them into its mass. Combatant must make
Coconut Shy. The booth trails hundreds of
13 str saving throw. Upon one failed check
blue-green streamers, undulating in the
combatant takes 2d6 acid damage and is
breeze like a wave. Seven small coconuts
grappled. Upon two failed checks combatant is are balanced on slim pillars of various
fully engulfed. Combatant takes 3d6 acid heights.
damage upon consumption and 1d6 on each
subsequent turn contestant fails to escape (end Sunni, the elven carny, waves the
of turn). party over. She rattles off the rules
Split. Lightning or slashing damage splits the jelly as soon as the party gets within
baby into two smaller jelly babies if it has at least
10hp. Each smaller jelly baby has 1/2 the • 5 throws for 2 silver.
original’s hp, rounded down.
• The point of the game is to knock a
coconut off its pillar (DC 17
athletics check knocks off a
Potions, Potions, Potions! coconut)

This is less a booth, more a hunched, • Knock off 4 or more coconuts and you
threadbare, but still colorful tent win a prize
surrounded by clinking, empty bottles
hung on strings. The tent’s flap is
pinned open, beckoning you into the Str: 11 (+0) Dex: 16 (+3) Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 11 (+0) Wis: 13 (+1) Cha: 14 (+2)
darkness within.

The tent is run by Saul, the human

Any use of unauthorized magic at the
wizard, who has his feet kicked up on
games booths must pass a DC 12
his desk and a large pipe in one
stealth check, or the magic user is
hand. Saul looks… less than alert.
caught cheating and banned.
He is selling a variety of potions,
some the party recognizes and some
they do not.
Funtime Plastic Weapons Hawker
•Health — 50gp
•Antitoxin — 50gp A half-orc with jingling bells on his
cap pushes a handcart bristling with
•Poison — 100gp plastic weapons and souvenirs. These
•Mystery black potion: dampens your are the same Funtime Plastic weapons
sense of humor (advantage against that are given out as prizes at each
illusions/projections for 10 booth, but if one doesn’t feel like
minutes) — 20gp. playing they can purchase a souvenir
weapon for 5 silver.
•Mystery blue potion: luck for 10
minutes — 20gp.

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Once the party enters the • Pull out a fish and you win a prize.
funhouse, their own weapons and Old Garth
spells will be considerably less
Str: 10 (+0) Dex: 14 (+2) Con: 15 (+2)
effective. The Funtime Plastic
Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 8 (-1) Cha: 14 (+2)
weapons are the only weapons
guaranteed to work correctly
against the creatures within. Any use of unauthorized magic at the
See Appendix for list of Funtime games booths must pass a DC 12
Plastic weapons. In addition to the stealth check, or the magic user is
weapons, the half-orc is selling: caught cheating and banned.

• A deck of tarot cards (see Appendix

for usage) The Fun God’s
• A purple teddy bear (if thrown in
the Funhouse, the teddy bear Parade
explodes with the stats of an Suddenly the and roar of the crowd
alchemist’s grenade). amplifies tenfold. Everyone seems to
be surging towards the main
• A commemorative teacup with a
painting of the Fun God. thoroughfare of the carnival grounds.
Everyone is cheering and screaming,
heralding the parade that’s coming
Face Painting towards the party. One hears the
spectacle before one sees it: brash,
A kindly-looking dwarven woman is sitting celebratory, infectious music pierces
at a folding wooden table. She waves to the air. Everyone in the parade,
you with a paintbrush when you catch her musicians and otherwise, is wearing
eye. elaborate costumes — some are
grotesque and lumpy and horrifying,
For 2 silver pieces, a creature can some are encrusted with sequins and
get their face painted by Rund jewels and feathers. Magicians
Silverfist, face painter throughout this parade are casting
extraordinaire! spells that shoot sparks and small
day-glo fireworks into the air.
Face painting offers no tactical
Little kids are throwing handfuls of
advantage, but it sure looks nice!
candy into the crowd from atop these
huge snakelike monsters. Are they
Fish-In-A-Cup really monsters? Or elaborate
creations of costume and illusion?
Brightly colored wooden fish float in a
variety of tightly-packed glass bowls,
cups, vases, and dishes. A gnome sits on
a lifeguard’s chair above the array,
swinging his feet and waving a handful of
toy fishing rods.

Old Garth, the gnome, runs the Fish-

In-A-Cup game. The rules are:
• 2 silver gets you a fishing rod.
You’re allowed 5 casts.
• The point of the game is to get your
magnetic sinker into one of the
bowls, hook a fish, and pull it out
of the bowl (DC 15 dexterity check
gets the sinker into the bowl,
another DC 10 dexterity check is
needed to successfully retrieve the

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The crowd roars even louder, if that’s
possible, and you finally catch a glimpse
A Call to Adventure
of the Fun God. You see a big muppet head The funhouse exerts a strange
with rolling googly eyes. A long felt compulsion on those standing near it.
tongue hangs out of one side of a loosely The party must pass a DC 18 wisdom
flapping mouth. The head is bobbing up saving throw to avoid being lured in
and down, side to side, on beat with the by the funhouse’s call.
music, and as it passes through the crowd Those who fail the save feel like
it’s followed by a long, colorful silk there’s something in there that they
body that ripples and undulates. You can need to see. Something that is
see a dozen or so pairs of human legs calling out to them…
kicking and dancing under the cloth.
Sometimes the men holding up this silk Entering the Funhouse
will jump or weave, making the Fun God’s The barker standing in front of the
body seem to bob and ripple. The head Dungeoneering Adventure is a pimply
shakes goofily at carnival goers on teenager in a shabby top hat. He
either side of the crowd and they scream, introduces himself unconvincingly as
jump back, laugh, and press forward once Dr. Ambrosius.
more. Children at the front of the crowd
Have you all had a good time at the
throw balls of paper at it, which explode
fair today? He asks. Did you win any
into clouds of colored powder.
exciting prizes? He entreats you to
stay together – the dungeon isn’t
When the Fun God passes and the tide responsible for lost party members.
of people draws back, the party finds
themselves in front of… Teen Ambrosius
Str: 10 (+0) Dex: 11 (+0) Con: 12 (+1)
The Funhouse Int: 14 (+2) Wis: 11 (+0) Cha: 8 (-2)
In the center of this carnival is a
spectacular structure. It’s a two-
He shuffles the party through a set
story funhouse painted in searing
of wide double doors, which shut
day-glo colors. The party can see the
behind them. They find themselves
carts that it must have been unpacked
standing at a wooden stall at the
from tucked in the lot behind the
near end of a 60ft room. [Party #] of
structure, but it seems too big and
long rifles are tethered at intervals
too intricate to have been thrown up
to the stall. When everyone has taken
overnight. Balconies wrap around the
their places, bright pink and yellow
entire front of both stories, lined
flashing lights come up, illuminating
with fluttering banners and brightly
seven cardboard desperadoes. Each has
painted cutouts of dragons, orcs,
a red and white target on his chest.
wizards, and skeletons. Through the
colonnades on each floor one can The rifles are ranged weapons with +1
catch glimpses of some of the to attack. Hit: (1d4+1) piercing
attractions within – they can see the damage.
sun shining off a row of floor-to-
ceiling mirrors and what looks like a Cardboard Desperado
series of tubes and slides Medium construct, chaotic neutral
crisscrossing the space. However, red
curtains prevent the eyes of the (HP 30 / AC 11 / Speed 5ft)
curious from from peering too deeply STR: 12(+1) DEX: 10(+0) CON: 16(+3) INT: 1(-5)
into the maze. Above the entire WIS: 6(-2) CHA: 1(-5)
structure is an enormous, shimmering
gold banner, slowly undulating in the Damage Immunities: Lightning, psychic, poison
breeze. It reads: Damage Resistances (1/2 damage). Any non-
DR. AMBROSIUS’ FANTASMAGORICAL silly spells or weapons.
DUNGEONEERING ADVENTURE! FUN FOR ALL Condition immunities: Blinded, deafened,
AGES! charmed, exhaustion, frightened

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Actions The Lair of the Chimera
Multiattack. Cardboard desperadoes shoot twice
The party spills out into a low-lit
when making ranged attacks. 1 or 2 targets, as room with walls made out of large,
long as the targets are standing next to one rough hewn stones. The slide behind
another. them proves slippery and impossible
Shoot. Ranged weapon attack. +4 to hit, reach to climb, leaving only the darkened
archway barely visible across the
100ft, one target. Hit: 3 (1d4+1)
Claw. Melee weapon attack. +4 to hit, reach 5ft, Even a a cursory glance reveals that
one target. A spring-loaded arm unfurls from the this entire dungeon is made of paper
desperado, baring a set of sharp metal talons. mache… probably by that teenager at
Hit: 7 (1d8+3) slashing damage. the front door. It is significantly
less than terrifying. The paint on
the walls is kind of patchy, and
The desperadoes move on a metal track that they there’s literally a cardboard box of
are unable to escape. If one is able, it will move art supplies sloppily tucked behind a
forward its full movement at the start of each of pillar.
its turn. It does not engage its claws unless a
combatant is within melee range. This entire room smells like hay and
animal, because standing in the
middle of the room is a mid-sized
No Way Out… goat. Whoever decorated the dungeon
When the final cardboard desperado is dressed the goat up to look like a
felled, the entire setup disappears chimera, with a paper mache dragon
in a puff of gold glitter. When the head strapped behind its real head
glitter settles, the party finds and a lion’s made made of yarn tied
themselves in a surprisingly stately around its neck. The goat is
entryway. Its entire 60 foot length surrounded by piles of skulls… also
is covered in red drapery, with clearly paper mache.
black-and-white checkerboard floors. The goat shows little interest when
Along both walls are doors – six in the party enters. It may trot over to
total. There’s no sign of the balcony them and nose at whoever’s in front.
or any other way out. At the far end If the party attempts to cross
of the entryway is a large funhouse without incident, the goat will come
mirror. up and investigate. It is easily
If Detect Magic is performed, it is bribed with food. It may try to eat
discovered that the entire room is something that is not food. The
lousy with Conjuration magic. longer the party is in the room in
the room, the more aggressive the
Choosing a door goat becomes. It doesn’t like you
invading its space.
Though the room’s six doors seem to offer
a choice of path to the party, the If the goat is attacked, it fights
dungeon is easiest to run if that choice with the stats of a chimera (MM pg.
is illusory. It is enjoyable to offer a 39) with an additional damage
few false starts as the players pick a resistance to all non-silly weapons
door, such as: and spell casting.
• Going through one door causes a player
to come out of a different door. Spell casting in the funhouse
• A door that opens up onto a wall if The magic of the Fun God tampers with
opened once, but opens onto a hallway if normal spell casting unless a player is
opened again. equipped with a tarot deck. As well as
dealing 1/2 damage to funhouse monsters,
Once the party progresses through the
spells are much more likely to go wrong
“right” door, they fall down a spiraling
when cast.
slide and emerge in…
When a spell is cast, roll a d20. If the
number rolled is odd, add an effect from
the wild magic surge table to the spell’s
normal effect. If the number rolled is a
1 or a 20, replace the spell’s normal

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effect with an effect from the wild magic right. Both hallways pass through the
surge table. huge, sculpted, grinning mouths of
Silly spells are allowable on the garishly painted creatures. The
discretion of the DM. right-hand path passes through the
“When I ran this game I allowed spell wide smile and purple lips of a rosy-
casters to pitch me a non-canonical cheeked clown. The left-hand path
spell. I would decide the damage and goes through the sharp-toothed maw of
they’d have to roll a charisma check to a black cat with yellow eyes. There
see how effective it was.” is a cord strung across the cat’s
mouth with a handwritten placard
Across the styrofoam battle pit, the
party can see a large wooden Through the Cat Door
portcullis guarding another dark
The Employees Only hallway is
decorated in the same red, black, and
A DC 10 strength check allows a white, but it’s a little less well-
player to lift the portcullis right kept than the other halls that the
up; it’s definitely made of balsa. party has walked down. The curtains
They can also smash through it pretty are a bit tattier and the floor isn’t
easily — again, balsa. When a player polished to the sheen that is seen
tries to walk through the archway, elsewhere. The hallways goes straight
however, they smack their face on the backwards about 15 feet, then ends in
wooden portcullis. Why didn’t they an unassuming wooden door.
lift it before they tried to exit?
The hallway is not trapped but if
The archway is a false door and will Detect Magic is performed it is
not let players out no matter what. discovered that there is heavy
They need to draw or paint a doorway Illusion magic at play here.
on the wall with the art supplies
About two feet before a player
hidden in the corner.
reaches the wooden door, they fall
through the floor. To the outside
The Barrel Roll observer, it looks as though they
The party exits the large chamber disappeared without a trace.
into a hallway similar to the first:
checkerboard patterned floors and Anyone who falls through the floor
walls draped entirely in red. In shoots downward in a big, covered
front of them the black-and-white slide. It goes through three loop-de-
pattern of the floor seems to whorl loops and then shoots them out into a
up and around, creating a dizzying small, warmly lit room.
This 25 foot stretch of floor is the The Employee Dressing Room
Barrel Roll. The tunnel rotates,
The room is small, perhaps 15 feet
making normal passage impossible. A
DC 12 dexterity or athletics check is square. The wall opposite the mouth of
needed to walk through the tube the slide is filled end to end with a
without falling. long vanity bench covered in makeup and
odds and ends. There are two lit candles
On a failed check, the player is in little pink glass votives on the
stuck in the spinning tube. They are bench, and their dancing light is
tumbled around, taking 2 points of reflected in the large mirror on the
bludgeoning damage for each failed wall. There are a few notes tacked to the
escape attempt. Additionally, they glass of the mirror, and the whole thing
become dizzy, which gives them is surrounded in warmly lit globe lights,
disadvantage on dexterity and
old Hollywood style.
athletics checks in the next room.
There are costume pieces littered around
A Fork in the Road the floor, and hundreds more hung on
The party reaches a t-intersection in racks and hooks on literally every inch
the hallway. One path leads left, one of wall space

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• The third wall displays an enormous
pit filled with plastic balls (sends
The notes read: party to ball pit).
USE. The Floating Cat Room
• LEN: STOP FEEDING THE GOAT. As the party could see through the
mirror, this room is painted in
• REMEMBER TO TURN OFF THE LIGHTS. vertical red-and-white stripes.
The light in this space is dim, but you
Investigation will reveal a light can tell the room is circular, about 20
switch situated by the mouth of the feet in diameter and 30 feet tall.
Glowing orbs, each about the size of a
If all lights in the room are human head, are floating lazily around
extinguished (both the vanity lights the room. Each is emitting a soft,
and the votive candles on the bench), colorful glow.
the mirror will begin to glow a soft
blue. The party may pass through the Also floating around the room are four
mirror to enter… enormous cats. Each is around the size of
a manatee. They have wide, puppet-like
The Mirror Portal Room mouths and shaggy blue-and-white striped
The party clambers through the portal fur. One is asleep up near the ceiling,
into a small room (about 12x12 feet) two are lazily circling the middle of the
painted with wide red and white room around 15 feet above your heads, and
vertical stripes. On the wall behind one is kneading the wall around 5 feet up
them is a large mirror in an ornate and staring at you with huge, half-closed
gold frame, displaying an image of yellow eyes. Finally, in the point where
the room from which they came. There the stripes converge on the floor, you
are a few Funtime Plastic weapons on see a big glowing red button.
the ground, perhaps discarded by
previous adventurers. Other than A DC 10 investigation check reveals
that, the room is empty that there is an identical button on
the ceiling.
The weapons are:
Pushing either button reverses
• Pretty Princess pink plastic sword gravity. The cats and the orbs are
(uses Longsword stats)
unaffected, but the entire party
• I-Can-Fix-It hammer (uses Light instantly “falls” 30 feet to the
Hammer stats) ceiling (3d6 damage unless they make
DC 13 dexterity saving throw to grab
A DC 13 investigation check reveals onto one of the orbs or one of the
that there is a single nail in each cats).
wall, placed a little above human eye
level. If the mirror is removed from To exit the room, both buttons must
the wall on which it is hung and hung be pushed at the same time.
on a different wall, it will display
If the orbs are popped (Attack roll
a different scene. Moving clockwise
of +10), the player must roll 1d8 for
from its current position:
an effect:
• The first wall displays a similar
red-and-white striped room, but it 1 You grow one 5 You shrink one
appears to be much larger than the size. size.
one the party is in. Slow-moving
balls of light float in and out of 2 The bubble pops; 6 You feel lighter
frame (sends party to floating cat you fall the than usual. You
room). opposite direction are now under
as everyone else. effects of the spell
• The second wall displays a brightly- Featherfall.
colored facsimile of a large garden
(sends party to clown tea party).

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3 You grow big cat 7 The bubble pops Hypnotizing Gaze. If a creature begins its turn
ears and blue fur and you hear a within 10 feet of the cat and the two of them can
starts to sprout loud, irritating see one another, the cat may force the creature
from your face. honking noise. to make a DC 15 charisma saving throw. On a
You no longer The cats are all failed save, the creature is enthralled by the cat.
seem affected by attracted to it. It cannot look away from the cat, move further
gravity shifts. away from it, or attack another creature. It must
Instead, you can repeat the saving throw at the end of its next
now fly at 1/2 your turn. On a success, the effect ends.
walking speed
(must beat a DC 7 The Slide and Afterwards
acrobatics check When the party successfully pushes
to steer correctly). both glowing buttons in the floating
cat room, the floor of the room opens
4 You feel good! 8 The bubble pops; and the party falls into a dark slide
You feel lithe! (+3 you fall the same (though they take no damage).
to dexterity direction as
checks, non- everyone else. They land in a hallway similar to the
stacking). ones they’ve been in before, though
this one curves gently to the right.
Though the hall is brightly lit,
visibility is hampered. The party can
These effects last until the party only see about 10 feet ahead before
leaves the room. the curve of the wall obscures their
Like most cats, the floating cats in The Call to Adventure
this room are curious and lazy. They If any members of the party failed the
will not attack the party wisdom saving throw outside of the
immediately, but they are drawn to funhouse, the feeling of a siren’s song
sudden movements (such as a body within the funhouse grows stronger and
suddenly falling 30 feet through stronger as they follow this path. They
space). are sure that they’re getting close to
whatever is reaching out for them, and
Floating Cat they can’t wait to answer its call.
Medium construct, chaotic neutral
As they walk down the hallway, they
(HP 47 / AC 15 / Speed 20ft) get the unsettling feeling that it’s
STR: 13(+1) DEX: 16(+3) CON: 8(-1) INT: 2(-4) shrinking around them. By the time
WIS: 8(-1) CHA: 13(+1) they’ve walked 20 feet the taller
members of the party are stooping to
Damage Resistances (1/2 damage). Any non- clear the ceiling.
silly spells or weapons. 30 feet in and the taller party
Actions members have to crawl on their hands
Paw. Melee weapon attack. +5 to hit, reach 10ft, and knees; dwarves and halflings are
stooping. It would be difficult to
one target. Hit: (1d6+3) bludgeoning damage.
turn around at this point.
Bite. Melee weapon attack. +5 to hit, reach 5ft, 40 feet in: dwarves and halflings are
one target. Hit: (2d6+3) piercing damage plus crawling on their hands and knees;
2d6 poison damage. anyone else has to army crawl.
Finally, the party comes to a small,
square door with a gold knob.
Through the door is the Temple of the
Fun God.

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white, punctuated by one oversized
Pie Trap! black tear. The other is more of a
If the player at the front of the Charlie Chaplin type in oversized,
pack doesn’t check for traps, they comically patchy clothes and
will step on a checkerboard square fingerless gloves. He is carrying an
that sinks just slightly under their umbrella. As soon as they see the
weight. They are hit in the face with party, they get very animated and
a pie. excited. They invite the party to sit
Do you know what poison tastes like? and join them.
Well, it sure doesn’t taste like If the party joins the clowns without
psychoactive drugs. violence, they are served a delicious
This character will have to face off and comical spot of tea. If they
against an illusory foe: the Fiji choose to drink it, the tea gives the
Mermaid. The mermaid uses Imp players 4(1d6+1) health. If a player
stats(MM pg. 76), though it is unable uses the commemorative teacup, the
to shape change. The Fiji Mermaid has clowns excitedly give them a sandwich
damage resistance to all non-silly to take with them. Sandwich offers
weapons and spell casting. All damage 5(1d4+3) health.
it inflicts is psychic. If the clowns are attacked, they will
The character will also have retaliate.
disadvantage on all wisdom saving Pierrot
throws until they are able to take a
short rest. Medium construct, chaotic neutral
(HP 70 / AC 13 / Speed 30ft)
STR: 15(+2) DEX: 8(-1) CON: 13(+1) INT: 10(+0)
Through the Clown Door WIS: 13(+1) CHA: 17(+3)

If the party chose to take the clown pathway at Damage Resistances (1/2 damage). Any non-
the fork in the road, play only this half of the silly spells or weapons.
dungeon. Condition immunities: Charmed, frightened,
The black-and-white checkered floor exhausted
of the hallway terminates in front of
a tall, ornate set of golden double
doors. Mime weapon. Pierrot can mime one of three
weapons. Though they are invisible, they deal
normal damage.
The Clown Tea Party
The room beyond them is a large, Crossbow. Ranged weapon attack. +3 to
brightly colored facsimile of a hit, reach 60ft, one target. Hit: 8(1d10+3)
garden. Rolling astroturf hills, piercing damage.
oversized silk flowers, even an
illusory sun twinkling near the Rapier. Melee weapon attack. +3 to hit,
ceiling. Across the room is a second reach 5ft, one target. Hit: 7(1d8+3)
set of double doors. piercing damage.
Between the party and the exit is a Net. Ranged attack. +3 to hit, reach 10ft,
large, frilly, white table set for one target. Hit: creature is restrained
high tea. They can see exquisite pink until freed.
and white patterned china, softly
steaming teapots, and a tall tower Multiattack. If Pierrot uses Net, he can attack
filled with various flavors of finger again with Screech.
sandwiches. Sitting at the table, Terrifying Screech. The clown unhinges its jaw
amongst many open chairs, are two
and screeches at a single creature within 50ft.
The target must make a DC 17 wisdom save or
One is a very classic Pierrot. He drop whatever it is holding and become frighted
wears a black skullcap and white for the duration.
pajamas with a big ruff and big puffy
black buttons. His face is painted

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The Tramp attracted every other round the
player spends in the ball pit.
Medium construct, chaotic neutral
The pit sharks fight with the stats
(HP 67 / AC 13 / Speed 30ft) of a hunter shark (MM pg. 330) with
STR: 15(+2) DEX: 17(+3) CON: 13(+1) INT: 8(-1) an additional damage resistance to
WIS: 13(+1) CHA: 17(+3) all non-silly weapons and spell
Damage Resistances (1/2 damage). Any non-
On the far balcony is a second set of
silly spells or weapons.
double doors. These ones, however,
Condition immunities: Charmed, frightened, are much smaller. A gnome might be
exhausted able to walk through standing up, but
Actions it would be a very tight squeeze for
Umbrella. The Tramp can use his umbrella as a a half orc.
club, or as a focus to cast Color Spray and The pathway within curves gently to
Magic Missile. He has 4 spell slots and +3 to the left. Though the hall is brightly
spell attacks. lit, visibility is hampered. The
party can only see about 10 feet
Club. Melee weapon attack. +2 to hit, ahead before the curve of the wall
reach 5ft. Hit: (1d8+2) bludgeoning obscures their vision.
The Call to Adventure
Split. Lightning or slashing damage splits The
If any members of the party failed the
Tramp into two smaller clowns as long as he has wisdom saving throw outside of the
at least 10hp. Each smaller clown has 1/2 the funhouse, the feeling of a siren’s song
original’s hp, rounded down. within the funhouse grows stronger and
stronger as they follow this path. They
The Ball Pit are sure that they’re getting close to
The second set of double doors open whatever is reaching out for them, and
onto a small balcony. they can’t wait to answer its call.
The hall also becomes wider and more
You are on a small balcony, 10 by 15 spacious as they move forward; 20
feet, overlooking an enormous ball pit. feet in the taller members of the
Hanging 20 feet above the pit are four party are able to get on their knees,
platforms, suspended by ropes from the 40 feet in everyone is able to stand
ceiling. Each platform is 5x5 and 15 feet again.
from the next one. On the far end of the
In front of the party is a vaulted
ball pit you can just see a second
stone archway. Surrounding the arch
balcony, level with the one you’re
are intricately carved scenes of
standing on.
Players must succeed on a DC 15 The archway leads to the Temple of
athletics or acrobatics check to jump the Fun God.
from one platform to the next. If
they fall from the platform, they Pie Trap!
take 2d6 falling damage and sink If the player at the front of the
partway into the plastic balls. pack doesn’t check for traps, they
The ball pit is difficult terrain. If will step on a checkerboard square
a player spends a full turn without that sinks just slightly under their
moving, they sink further into the weight. They are hit in the face with
pit and must spend their full a pie.
movement digging themselves out. If a Do you know what poison tastes like?
player becomes fully submerged, any Well, it sure doesn’t taste like
allies are at a disadvantage when psychoactive drugs.
pulling them out.
This character will have to face off
If a player spends one minute in the against an illusory foe: the Fiji
ball pit, they attract pit sharks. An Mermaid. The mermaid uses Imp
additional pit sharks is subsequently

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stats(MM pg. 76), though it is unable Soon something emerges from the hole:
to shape change. The Fiji Mermaid has a big muppet head with rolling googly
damage resistance to all non-silly eyes. A long felt tongue hangs out of
weapons and spell casting. All damage one side of a loosely flapping mouth.
it inflicts is psychic. The head is bobbing up and down, side
to side, on beat with the music, and
The character will also have as it enters further into the room
disadvantage on all wisdom saving it’s followed by a long, colorful
throws until they are able to take a silk body that ripples and undulates.
short rest. It is possible to see a dozen or so
pairs of human legs kicking and

The Temple of the dancing under the cloth. Then the

creature rears up, and it becomes
clear that the human-looking legs
Fun God meld right into the Fun God’s
enormous body. This is no puppet.

You enter a cavernous chamber, roughly

100 feet long by 40 feet wide. Unlike the The Fun God
other attractions in Dr. Ambrosius’ Large demigod, chaotic neutral
Fantasmagorical Dungeoneering Adventure
(HP 85 / AC 17 / Speed 40ft)
(Fun for All Ages!) this one doesn’t look
STR: 22(+6) DEX: 12(+1) CON: 17(+3) INT:
like it could exist inside a tent or a
12(+1) WIS: 13(+1) CHA: 17(+3)
funhouse – even an enchanted one. The
floor, ceiling, and walls look as though
they’ve been carved out of the living Damage Immunities. Any non-silly spells or
stone. Perhaps you’ve travelled farther weapons.
underground than you thought and you’re Actions
somewhere under the carnival itself. Bite. Melee weapon attack. +6 to hit, range 5 ft,
one target. Hit: 9 (1d10+4) piercing damage plus
The ceiling high above you is swagged
3 (1d6) poison damage.
with hundreds of strings of colorful
pennants. Tall stone pillars reach almost Tail. Melee weapon attack. +7 to hit, reach 10ft,
all the way up to those pennants before one target. Hit. 12(2d8+4) bludgeoning damage.
curving and connecting in a series of
stone arches. The door you came through Multiattack. The Fun God can attack with Bite and
is between two of these pillars; similar Tail against two different targets.
doors are in the spaces between the Laughing Gas. (Recharge 5-6) The Fun God
pillars to your left and your right. The exhales laughing gas in a 15-foot cone. The gas
gaps that don’t hold doorways are filled
can move around corners. Each creature within
with silk banners, embroidered or
range must make a DC 13 dexterity saving
enchanted to show scenes of ecstatic
throw. Upon failure, the target perceives
everything as hilariously funny and falls into fits
Across the hall from you is an other of laughter. The target becomes incapacitated
entrance. This one is enormous and and unable to stand unless they can pass a DC
ragged, a rough-hewn 10ft by 10ft hole. 10 wisdom saving throw. They also snap out of
it if someone slaps them across the face and
At first it’s quiet, but soon everyone says “snap out of it!” A creature with an
can hear it… music is coming from the intelligence score of 4 or less is not affected.
ragged hole. It’s loud and brash and
celebratory and infectious. You look Divine Vision
around and realize that everyone in your
party is smiling from ear to ear just
hearing this music. You cannot stop

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If a creature was entranced by the Call to
Adventure at the beginning of the funhouse, the
Fun God can try to convince them to join him as
a bonus action. The Fun God offers the
creature a vision of the carnival, with everyone
having fun and being kind to one another. He
explains that this is his vision of the world and he
is trying to make it a permanent state. The
creature must pass a DC 14 wisdom saving
throw, or else it is entranced by the Fun God
and will fight for him. The creature may make an
additional saving throw at the end of each turn.
The Fun God may attempt this Divine Vision
once on each party member under the thrall of
the Call to Adventure.

If the party succeeds in killing the Fun God…
The funhouse disappears around them
like so much smoke. They climb up
through the living rock to find the
town of Goat’s Run packing up their
yearly festival. Carnies are
strapping loads onto carts and waving
goodbye to one another. They’ll see
each other next year; it’s not so
easy to kill fun completely…
If the party joins the Fun God… Oh, no.
Ohhhh, no. Carnival week is a topsy-
turvy time when the normal rules of
society are upended. If the chaos of
the carnival is allowed to bleed out
past its sanctioned time, what havoc
might it wreak on an otherwise small
and unremarkable town?
A bond with the Fun God means a
creature is, in small or large ways,
a vector of chaos. His ultimate goal
is to get everyone to have fun all
the time… you now carry a little bit
of that desire.
If the party is killed by the Fun God… The
fair claims another sacrifice,
ensuring the prosperity of the town
of Goat’s Run for another year.

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Weapons Appendix • The Wheel of Fortune card allows a player to
cast on Transmutation spell correctly (single
An adventuring party is only as use).
good as their weapons! And
finding good weapons might be
harder than it seems in the
Funtime Plastic Weapons
• The Li’l Rascal Slingshot: uses Sling stats when
in the funhouse.
• The I-Can-Fix-It Squeaky Hammer: uses Light
Hammer stats when in the funhouse.
• The Pretty Princess Pink Plastic Sword: uses
Longsword stats when in the funhouse.
• The Giant Lollipop: uses Maul stats when in the
• The Teddy-Bear-On-A-Rope: uses Flail stats
when in the funhouse.
• The Oops-I’m-Not-Dead Retractable Dagger:
uses Dagger stats when in the funhouse.
• The Bendy Rubber Rapier: uses Rapier stats
when in the funhouse.
• The Li’l Eagle Eye Practice Set: uses Shortbow
stats when in the funhosue.
• The Wonky Wizard Crooked Staff: uses
Quarterstaff stats when in the funhouse.

Tarot Cards
While a fighter can simply switch weapons, it’s
difficult for a spell caster to acclimate to the
strange pressures of the funhouse. That’s where
the Tarot Deck comes in handy…

• The Magician card allows a player to cast on

Conjuration spell correctly (single use).
• The Justice card allows a player to cast on
Abjuration spell correctly (single use).
• The Tower card allows a player to cast on
Evocation spell correctly (single use).
• The Death card allows a player to cast on
Necromancy spell correctly (single use).
• The Fool card allows a player to cast one
Illusion spell correctly (single use).
• The High Priestess card allows a player to cast
on Divination spell correctly (single use).

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