Ijser: Design and Fabrication of Paper Shredder Machine

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 3, March-2017

ISSN 2229-5518

Design and Fabrication of Paper Shredder Machine

Dr. Fauzia Siddiqui1, Harshad Patil2, Swapnil Raut3, Omkar Wadake4, Swapnil Tandel5
HOD, Mechanical Engg Dept, SCOE, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, India, [email protected]
Student, SCOE, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, [email protected]
Student, SCOE, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, [email protected]
Student, SCOE, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, [email protected]
Student, SCOE, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, [email protected]

Abstract-- This paper deals with a detailed study & design investigator or adversary, as the product (the destroyed
procedure of a paper shredder machine. A detailed study of information) of this type of shredder is the least
various parts of shredder machine like stand (frame), randomized.
transmission system and cutting system are made and designed
ii. Cross-cut or confetti-cut shredders: - They use two
separately. The first part deals with the study of cutting system
contra-rotating drums to cut rectangular, parallelogram,
of a shredder machine i.e. types of blades, different profiles, its
or lozenge (diamond-shaped) shreds.
dimensions, its alignment, advantages and disadvantages of
different types of blades. The second part includes problem iii. Particle-cut shredders: - They create tiny square or
definition, objectives, procedure of design with the detailed circular pieces.

design of each component of the cutting and transmission iv. Cardboard shredders: -They are designed specifically
system i.e. designing a blade and making certain modifications to shred corrugated material into either strips or a mesh
in it and the frame. The third and last part deals with the pallet.
design of 3D model of various parts on Dassult Systems v. Pierce-and-tear shredders: -They have rotating blades
“SOLIDWORKS 2014” and its motion study and the analysis
that pierce the paper and then tear it apart.
of the stand in ANSYS 15.
vi. Grinders: -They have a rotating shaft with cutting
blades that grind the paper until it is small enough to fall
Keywords- SolidWorks2014, ANSYS15, Shredder Machine.
through a screen.
INTRODUCTION vii. Disintegrators and granulators: -They repeatedly cut
A paper shredder is a mechanical device used to cut the paper at random until the particles are small enough
paper into chad, typically either strips or fine particles. to pass through a mesh.
Government organizations, businesses, and private
individuals use shredders to destroy private,
1. To formulate a study on different elements of the
confidential, or otherwise sensitive documents. Privacy
shredder machine like the blades, frame, transmission
experts often recommend that individuals shred bills, tax
system, etc.
documents, credit card and bank account statements, and
2. To design a machine which will produce less noise
other items which could be used by thieves to commit
and vibrations.
fraud or identity theft.
3. To construct a machine which will shred 20 sheets
Types of paper cut:- (A4 size) at once.
i. Strip-cut shredders: - These rotating knives to cut 4. To keep the cost of construction as low as possible
narrow strips as long as the original sheet of paper. Such without compromising the final output.
strips can be reassembled by a determined and patient

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 3, March-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

LITERATURE REVIEW Three types of blades could be designed according to

Joseph Y. Ko in 2000 presented a machine with a. 4 serrated edges evenly spaced with one annular
automatic feeding mechanism capable of shredding 20 protrusion.
sheets with approx. 9 inches width. It had a three way b. 2 serrated edges with corrugulations on outer
switch i.e. On, Off and Auto. The blades were knife periphery.
rollers which cut paper strips, but can be occasionally c. 2 serrated edges with 3 annular protrusions evenly
configured to have confetti-cuts of paper. Feeding spaced.
mechanism contained a pair of roller to direct the paper.
The rollers and the knife blades were driven by a single Ming- Hui Ho. in 2003 presented the paper shredder
AC Motor and a belt drive. which had two rotary cutters each with multiple blades.
Each blade had a first cutting blade with multiple first
Frank Chang in 2000 presented the blade assembly for cutting edges and a second cutting blade with multiple
paper shredder is in a juxtaposed manner. Conventional cutting edges. Both the first and the second cutting
assembly consists of long and short partition rings. The blades were distributed in a non-equiangular manner and

disadvantage was that even if one part malfunctioned, each of the first cutting edges was offset to each one of
the whole assembly gets loosened. Instead of having the second cutting edges, so that there was only one
partition rings it had long and short plates casted with cutting edge that engaged with the paper to be shredded.
the blade ring. The blades were arranged on the rotary When the amount of shredded paper increased, the paper
shaft to form a bladed shaft such that long and short shredder did not function normally because multiple
projecting abut the long and short projecting plates of cutting edges simultaneously engaged with the paper to
adjacent blades. This arrangement eliminated use of be shredded paper stuck in the shredder. This problem
partition rings, reducing cost and enhancing assembly was sorted out by using rotary cutter with multiple
efficiency. blades with numbers cutting edges. With the
arrangement described here, the noise of the shredding
Gu-Ming Zeng in 2006 presented the blades of the was also greatly reduced.
paper shredder that had serrated cutting edges which Willi Strohmeyer in 1995 presented a blade and a
were formed by bending. This could be done by two stripper assembly for a paper shredder. Between the
methods. blades of each shaft in the cutter zone, stripper bars or
The 1st method had a blade body and serrated edge fingers were provided to prevent the cut material get
integrally formed and punched from the same base collected around the blade shaft. Here the stripper block
material. Cost of production there was high and even had the row of stripper fingers received in the interstices
high level material was required. The 2nd method had between the blades. Requisite stability was attained
serrated cutting edges specially thickened to reduce since the fingers were engaged with the support ribs of
material consumption. They were also complex to the opposite housing. Stripper block was an injection
manufacture. moulding part, thus was simple construction and easy to
fabricate and also had low cost.

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 3, March-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

Gap Analysis :- 3. Once the CAD Modelling is done the next step is the
1. The blades are manufactured by gas cutting and material selection. The material for the blade and the
filling process. frame is mild steel. Gears and pulleys are made of cast
2. A reversible switch is attached to the motor. iron.
3. Washers are used in between the blades. 4. The next step is the analysis. The analysis is any will
be done in the ANSYS15. If the results are satisfactorily
then the actual manufacturing will start.
1. From the reference papers, we find out the problem in
5. Before starting the actual fabrication, it is necessary
the Shredder machine that, due to the load factor noise
to test the blade design, whether it works or not.
and extreme vibrations are generated.
6. Depending upon the prototype results, the actual
2. The normal cutters used, which are able to shred/cut
manufacturing will start. If there is any error, then the
papers into strips can’t be considered as a reliable
modifications will be done in the existing design
method of disposing the stuff. The strips are easy to be
arranged or assembled again by some wiser brains.
3. Because of the mechanical components like the
blades, gears, etc a periodic maintenance and through

lubrication is required.
4. There can be a problem of paper jam due to the back
flow of paper along with the blades.

1. The very basic and important step was to study the
basics of the shredder machine. It included the machine
element. The main component of a paper shredder
machine is the blade. Thus our more focus is on the .
Fig 1:- Methodology
research and the study of an appropriate blade design
which will serve our purpose.
2. Once the blade type is fixed, the second important Software used for designing “Dassault Systems
thing is the machine design. The design was be done in SOLIDWORKS 2014.”
CAD SOLIDWORKS 14. The different components Paper shredder machine from design point of view
designed along the blade are frame/stand, shaft, washers, consists of three main parts:-
gears, pulley etc. Thus the designing phase is briefly  Machine construction
classified as the machine construction, cutting system  Cutting system
and the transmission system. The main aspect while  Transmission system
design is the space occupation. Our main aim is to create
a horizontal machine (like a Xerox ones) such that the
space occupied will be horizontal in nature.

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 3, March-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

MACHINE CONSTRUCTION 4. Meshing with coarse sizing and 0 relevance

1. Construction machine consists of stand, bearing was done and the bottom of the stand was fixed.
support plates, bearings, nuts and bolts. 5. Loading:-
2. The machine frame is made of steel angle-shaped Load Calculations-
profile with a size of 75 x 75 x 5 mm which is The frame will support the shaft assembly with
connected through welding process. includes a shaft, blades and a gear.
3. The material used for the machine frame is Weight of shaft – 5.3 kgs.
ASTM A36 so that the welding process can use arc Weight of a blade - .648 kgs.
welding. Weight of a gear - .6 kgs.
4. A36 has a density of 7,800 kg/m3 Thus weight of a single shaft assembly –
5.3 + .648x9 + .6 = 11.73 kgs.
Stand/Frame:- Thus for safer size we will consider weight = 15 kgs
Material Used: - Mild Steel (ASTM A36) i.e. 150 N.
Fig 4.1 shows the frame structure of the machine. 6. Results:-
All the machine components are mounted on this For the above calculations following results were
obtained –

frame. In order to get the required strength, two
Fig 4.3 shows the results of the frame analysis
plates (Bearing support blades) are fixed with the performed in ANSYS15.
help of nut and bolts. The method used for
Total Deformation: - 0.012128 mm
fabrication is Arc Welding.
Equivalent Strain: - 0.0001512
Equivalent Stress: - 10.229 Mpa

7. Conclusion:-
Since the allowable stress for A36 is 250 Mpa, we can
conclude that the design is safe for the above loads.

Fig 2:- Frame Model

Frame Analysis:-
The analysis of frame was done to check whether it
can support the load of the blades and shaft
assembly. The analysis was done in ANSYS15. Fig 3:- ANSYS Results

The procedure was as follows:- Cutting System

1. The CAD Model was prepared in The system consists of the main shaft, cutting blades,
SOLIDWORKS14 and was saved with .x_b washers and main shaft gears.
2. This file was then imported in Ansys15.
3. Material selected was Structural Steel.

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 3, March-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

Main Shaft:- Fig 4.5 shows the modifications in the blade design.
The main shaft serves as the cutting blade holder. The Thus few modifications were made in the 1st design.
main shaft has a hexagon shape in the position of cutting The stress concentration problem was solved by creating
blade holder and has a round shape at both ends in the a tangent in a side edge. Though this problem was
position of the holder main bearings and gears. The solved, the weight of this blade came out to be 722
main shaft is made of EN8 AISI 1040 material with a grams which was more than the 1st design.
minimum distance between two parallel sides of 38 mm.

Fig 5:- Modifications in Blade Design

Fig 4:- Shaft Model In the 3rd modification, the weight was reduced. The
first two blades had a perfect circle of dia. 110mm with
a single centre. In this design, the size was reduced.

Cutting Blade:- Instead of radius 55mm which had a common centre,

Fig 4.4 shows the CAD design of the blade whereas fig this blade was designed in such a way that a 55mm arc

4.7 shows the actual manufactured sample. The cutting would develop and all the three arcs had three different

blade is round-shaped blade with 3 (three) cutting edges, centres such that these three centres would form an

given a hexagon-shaped hole in the middle, mounted on equilateral triangle. The weight was 648 grams.

the main shaft and main shaft move together. This blade
is used to cut the paper in vertical direction. Cutting
blades are designed with Mild Steel material with the
specification are 18 blades, 10 mm thick and 51-degree
of cutting angle.

Fig 7:- Equilateral triangle formation

Fig 6:- Blade Model and Manufactured Sample

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 3, March-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

Procedure followed in manufacturing a blade:- belt. V-belt is used because of its advantages over flat-
 Hand Drawing (with the dimension lesser than belts like the compactness, no slip, longer life, etc. The
the actual required ones). reduction ratio of 4.67 is obtained.
 Template Making. 5. The gear system consists of 2 stage transmission.
 Gas Cutting. Each pair having a gear of 18 and 34 teeth’s
 Surface Grinding. respectively. Module of the gears is 4 which is obtained
 Curve Filling. by calculation and the reduction ratio obtained is 1.89.
6. Thus the overall reduction ratio obtained is 16.67.
Shaft Assembly:-
Fig 4.7 shows the shaft assembly. The shaft assembly
consists of blades washers and the gears. The blade part
is as discussed above. The washers are again made of
MS. The shape of the washer is normal ring form and its
only function is to align and lock the blades such that
they do not move during operation. They are total 20 in

number with 2 of them with a lock nut. The main shaft
gear consists of two spur gears paired with the size
(number of teeth 25 and modules 4).
Fig 9:- Transmission System

Prototype Testing:-
Fig 4.9 shows the prototype. This was very important
step in our project. In order to check whether the above
blade design works or not, a small prototype of the
desired machine was made.
Fig 8:- Shaft Assembly
Material used:-
Wood – for framework and the shaft
Transmission System Mild Steel – for cutting blades
1. The transmission system is one of the main parts of It consisted of only 5 blades and which were of the
the paper shredder machine that serve to forward smaller size than the actual ones. It was observed that
rotation or power from the electric motor to the cutting the paper was cutting roughly. In the prototype, fine
system. strips were not obtained due to some alignment problem.
2. Transmission system uses a series of gears with a
certain ratio to reduce the rotation.
3. The transmission system consists of V-belt pulleys
and spur gears.
4. Two pulleys are used. A 3” pulley is mounted to the
motor shaft. It transmits power to a 14” pulley via a V-

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 3, March-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

ensure the desired results with our design. The prototype

testing was also positively conducted.
The actual fabrication was started over prototype testing.
There was a problem in gear alignment and the bearing
plate fitting. Also we need to change our reduction gear
position at the end due to the pulley arrangement. These
difficulties were overcome by some expert advices.

Fig 10:- Model Prototype

There was a problem of paper jamming which was
eliminated by the use of stripper fingers. There are very
less vibrations in the actual machine. Finally, I conclude
that if u are hardworking than u can do everything.

As we made the design according to requirements, the
necessary calculations were also carried out. In the last

stage i.e. checking whether the machine runs properly or
not, it was observed that the paper was getting cut into
strips but it was returning again with the blades. This did
not allow us to put the other sheet. If other sheet was
put, the machine used to stop automatically. This
problem was eliminated with the help of a component
called as “Stripper Fingers”. It was similar to a hand
comb. These fingers restricted the return path of the
paper. Thus paper had no other option but to enter the
Fig 11:- Full Assembly
bin. Thus the above problem was eliminated with the

CONCLUSION help of these fingers.

In this project we conclude that there are many
parameters on which the total project is dependant i.e. Machine Specifications:-
total knowledge about the system, design of a single Insertion Width 220 mm
blade and its arrangement of the main shaft, reduction in
Cut Style Strip Cut
Cutting Width 188 mm
The motion study in SOLIDWORKS14 was
450 x 450 x 675
Machine Dimensions
successfully carried out when the whole assembly was (W x B x H)
completed. The frame needed some basic analysis to Manual Reverse Yes
check whether it could take over the load or not. The Shreds Paper, Staples
following analysis was done in ANSYS15 and the
results were positive. Before starting the actual
fabrication, we conducted a trial on our prototype just to

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 3, March-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

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IJSER © 2017

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