Social Science & Medicine: Didier Fassin
Social Science & Medicine: Didier Fassin
Social Science & Medicine: Didier Fassin
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Ethics is generally seen as the application of universal and intangible principles. Empirical
Available online 1 May 2008 studies then consist in verifying the degree of adequacy of practices to the norms. Here,
conversely, ethics is considered as everyday practice: professionals, whether nurses or
doctors, act within routines and under constraints, and later give an account of their
Keywords: action.
Fieldwork was conducted during one year in the emergency and admission wards of a large
Medical care
South African hospital. It was based on interviews and observation and included feedback
Patient abuse
Moral economies meetings for health professionals and focus group discussions with inhabitants of the
Hospitals neighbouring township. Ten elementary forms of care were identified in terms of patients’
South Africa expectations. Five concerned the person as patient: ailment, problem, pain, agitation, life.
Five concerned the patient as person: recognition, sovereignty, respect, privacy, interest.
Discrepancies between claimed norms and actual practices were justified by health profes-
sionals in terms of workload, lack of resources and social deviance of patients. Ethnogra-
phy suggests a more complex interpretation: on the one hand, technique-oriented
professional ethos and efficiency-oriented organizational imperative are consequences of
both historical territorial segregation and present resource inequalities. On the other
hand, the lack of social recognition felt by nurses and doctors is in turn reflected in their
moral evaluation of patients, which goes beyond concepts of values and worthiness.
Although inscribed in the specific context of post-apartheid South Africa, the present
description and analysis of practices has a broader scope as it proposes a way of approach-
ing the elementary forms of care.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction practice (Gillon, 2003). Third, norms thus defined are uni-
versal (Dawson & Garrard, 2007). On these premises, four
From the Hippocratic Oath for ‘‘ancient doctors’’ (Lloyd, principles have been proposed, often considered as founda-
1983) to the Tavistock Principles for ‘‘everybody in health tional of medical ethics (Beauchamp & Childress, 2001):
care’’ (Smith, Hiatt, & Berwick, 1999), medical and nursing respect for autonomy (considering the decision-making ca-
ethics have developed many codes of good conduct. All pacities of persons based on reasoned informed choices);
are based on three premises. First, medical and nursing beneficence (balancing the benefits of intervention against
professions are essentially altruistic (Sieghart, 1985). risks and costs); non-maleficence (avoiding harm or reduc-
Second, abstract rules can be formulated to govern their ing it to a minimum); and social justice (fairly distributing
benefits, costs and risks). This approach, initially developed
for biomedical research and practice, has been expanded
* Tel.: þ33 148387775. and adapted to nursing ethics; in particular, it has been
E-mail address: [email protected] asserted that caring is a specific dimension of nursing
0277-9536/$ – see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Fassin / Social Science & Medicine 67 (2008) 262–270 263
that implies different moral perspectives (Fry, 1989). personal realities of moral life’’ and the ‘‘application of
Within this framework, the distinction between an ethics a universal standard’’.
of justice and an ethics of care is often used to differentiate
medical and nursing professions (Rickard, Kuhse, & Singer, Ethnography in a hospital
1996): the former, abstract and universal, is linked to mas-
culine characteristics and to physicians; the latter, affective The national health system in South Africa is profoundly
and particularist, is related to feminine traits and to nurses marked by the history of segregation, and later apartheid,
(Tronto, 1987). which throughout the 20th century separated racially
In response to this formal top-down approach, it has defined groups. Although a tremendous amount of work
been argued that ‘‘principlism’’ should be counterbalanced has been done to restructure it since 1994 in order to
by ‘‘contextualism’’: relating the analysis of decisions and make it more equal and efficient, it still bears the legacy
actions to concrete moments, circumstances and conse- of the previous regime (Blaauw, 2004). In particular, former
quences in order to give a more adequate account of med- township health facilities remain understaffed, poorly
ical ethics (Gracia, 1995). This argument has been presented equipped and insufficiently financed. The hospital under
as particularly relevant for nursing ethics with claims that study shares these characteristics. However, health profes-
the specificity of the profession resides precisely in the sionals and administrators pride themselves on a past of
concreteness of the physical and emotional relationship social medicine, with doctors and nurses acting in favour
engaged with the patient. The understanding of ‘‘virtue of the under-privileged groups during apartheid and
ethics’’ (Armstrong, 2006) and the ‘‘ethos of caritas’’ (Fre- continuing to see in themselves an ideal of justice and ded-
driksson & Eriksson, 2003) implies greater attention to ication, claiming for instance that unlike other hospitals,
the practical conditions of work and more generally to even when confronted with large numbers of patients
‘‘nursing practice contexts’’ (Penticuff, 1991). But this call ‘‘they never close the door’’. Tensions between health sup-
for empirical work has been mostly developed within nor- ply and demand have nevertheless increased in the last
mative frameworks, even when authors referred to ‘‘prag- 10 years because of the AIDS epidemic. According to
matic principles’’ for medical ethics (Schmidt-Felzmann, a 2005 survey, of the 159 000 patients admitted during
2003). the year in general and paediatric wards, 43.9% of the adults
However, as Lebeer (1998: 32) expresses it, ‘‘actors do and 31.5% of the children had HIV-related medical condi-
not pose permanently a critical look on what they do in tions (Schneider, Kellerman, Oyedele, & Dlamini, 2005).
the light of ethical principles’’ and reciprocally, ‘‘ethics can- The common view health professionals have of the hospital
not be understood if it is reduced to the more or less imper- is illustrated by the following comment of a medical doctor:
fect application of principles previously defined and ‘‘If you have worked here, you can work everywhere, even
supposedly shared’’. Therefore the task of social sciences in war medicine’’.
when they study ethics is not to presuppose its existence In this context, medical and nursing ethics has recently
a priori and verify its realization a posteriori, but to record received more interest (Williams, 2000). In particular, vio-
and analyze how it is produced and justified in the course lence against patients within health facilities has become
of action. In a famous study of verdicts in US courts (the re- a concern; studies have shown high levels of abuse in South
sults of which can be extended to health care), Garfinkel African obstetric services (Jewkes, Abrahams, & Mvo, 1998)
(1984: 114) demonstrated that jurors do not make their and psychiatric institutions (Lucas & Stevenson, 2006). As is
decision on the basis of their correct understanding of the often the case in these matters, investigations rely mainly
situation and their satisfactory implementation of princi- on interviews of patients, a technique that implies not
ples, but rather attempt to give a proper account retrospec- only a subjective vision limited to one side of the problem,
tively of their deliberation and their verdict, in particular allowing only a partial picture of the situation (Gibson,
when they are confronted with discrepancies between 2001), but also a specific focus on the most traumatic epi-
their ideal norms and their actual practices. He concluded sodes better recorded in the victims’ memories (Laney &
that in everyday activity more generally, ‘‘the outcome Loftus, 2005).
comes before the decision’’ and that ‘‘the decision maker’s In order to obtain a broader perspective and account for
task is to justify a course of action’’. more ordinary practices, an ethnographic approach was de-
Based on a similar approach of ethics, an ethnographic veloped over long periods of participant observation in the
study of medical and nursing practices was conducted in wards combined with formal and informal interviews with
a large general hospital situated in one of the former town- health professionals. The research team was composed of
ships of South Africa. Using a formulation of Durkheim five social scientists and three medical doctors (the author
(1912/2001), this paper tries to identify the elementary of this paper having both training and practice). The proto-
forms of care that arise from fieldwork. Its objective is to col was reviewed and approved by the University of the
propose through simple typologies and mundane examples Witwatersrand Faculty of Health Sciences Ethics Commit-
concrete tools for a critical reflexivity in medicine. It is not tee. The administration of the hospital and the head of the
an evaluation of ethical practices in South Africa, although medical and nursing staff in each ward gave their agree-
the analysis is empirically grounded in this specific context. ment to the study. Health professionals were informed
The aim is to specify instruments based on data collected in about the goals and methods of the research. When inter-
a particular setting but that have a broader scope. In other viewed they gave a written consent to be recorded anony-
words, it is an attempt to bring some clues to the quandary mously. When included in participant observation of their
evoked by Kleinman (1999) between the ‘‘social and everyday work they gave their acceptance verbally. Patients
264 D. Fassin / Social Science & Medicine 67 (2008) 262–270
were not interviewed. On the whole, 1200 hours of partici- department and the admissions unit where pressures fac-
pant observation, on day and night shifts, were completed ing health care workers are greatest and where the possi-
with 30 formal interviews (15 with nurses and 15 with phy- bilities of supply remain limited. Therefore the following
sicians), covering a wide variety of professional experiences analysis should not be read as an evaluation of care in
and hierarchical positions (from the recently recruited to this hospital; this was not the goal of the study and was
senior management nurses and from interns to professors). anyhow beyond its scope. It only attempts to describe
In-depth immersion was facilitated by the fact that three ideal-typical practices based on ethnographic findings
members of the team were accommodated in the hospital rather than general principles.
during their intensive presence in the field. Three meetings
were held with three groups of doctors and nurses to pro- The person as patient
vide feedback on the results of the research (their com-
ments and critiques were taken into consideration for the A first series of items concerns the medical dimension of
present paper). A focus group was conducted with persons the expectation for care. It is related to the pathology, its
living in the neighbouring township who described their symptoms and consequences. Five items can be distin-
experience of health care facilities in general and the hospi- guished (Table 1): ailment, problem, pain, agitation and life.
tal under study in particular (this collective interview
helped to formalize and validate field observations and in-
terviews). All the data obtained have been collectively
assessed and qualitatively analyzed in order to propose a
Patients consult because they – or their family – believe
typology of ethics as practice.
that they suffer from a pathological condition and that the
Fieldwork was conducted from May 2006 until April
hospital may have a solution for it. Due to the constant
2007, with intensive presence of the team by periods of
increase in the number of inpatients, this assumption is
10–20 days over the year. Although the study was also car-
systematically challenged as it is considered that many of
ried out in medical wards where patients are hospitalized,
them should not come to the hospital but rather go to a pri-
this article refers only to the part carried out in the emer-
mary health care clinic as their medical condition is not suf-
gency department, which is the main entry point of the
ficiently severe or urgent. At the entrance of the emergency
hospital, and in the admissions unit, where further investi-
department, a specially trained nurse implements a re-
gation is done and therapeutic decisions are made (usually
cently developed triage system designed to reduce queues
within 24 hours). The description of the two wards seems
for the priority cases. Notably, very few patients are sent
coherent since they are functionally related and manage
back home without having been checked by a physician.
short-term stay patients. The emergency department sees
However, doctors often consider that the patients could
an average of a little less than 300 patients per day in
and should have gone elsewhere. For example, a 30-year-
consultation, while the admissions unit receives approxi-
old Mozambican man has been moaning on a stretcher
mately 150 persons daily. The data presented in this paper
for several hours when he finally gets a consultation. He
result from the author’s own observations and interviews
explains that he is suffering from high fever and severe
in both wards.
headaches; when asked about his history, not fully under-
Rather than gross violations of patients’ rights as
standing the question, he explains in poor English that
reported in the surveys previously mentioned, the present
his symptoms have lasted for several years. The doctor
study leads to a more complex and contrasted picture. As
replies angrily: ‘‘So, you have nothing to do here, you are
a result of the participant observation (presented at feed-
in an emergency department’’; he nevertheless proceeds
back meetings with doctors and focus groups with people
with the clinical examination and ends up considering
of the neighbourhood), 10 distinct items that correspond
him as having malaria. Obviously, the degree of engage-
to elementary forms of care were identified. They are called
ment in the treatment depends on the pathology. The
expectations, as they represent what the patients generally,
more it is seen as justifying a medical intervention, the
although not always, expect from health professionals.
more active doctors are. Typically, diabetic keto-acidosis
They can be differentiated into two large groups: expecta-
benefits from therapeutic protocols and effective measures
tions referring to the person as patient and expectations
referring to the patient as person. For each of them, two
symmetrical attitudes from the doctors and nurses are Table 1
reported: one is qualified as adapted and the other one as Patients’ expectations and professionals’ attitudes
defaulting. The next two parts of the paper describe the Objects of Attitude Defaulting
two series of items. The last two parts explore possible expectation adapted attitude
explanations of the discrepancies. They distinguish justifi- Person as patient Ailment Treatment Abstention
cations given by health professionals themselves to account Problem Listening Indifference
for the discrepancies between expected and observed atti- Pain Alleviation Ignorance
Agitation Control Coercion
tudes, on the one hand, from interpretations elaborated by
Life Resuscitation Abandonment
the research team on empirical grounds, on the other hand. Patient as person Recognition Consideration Contempt
In order to focus the analysis on these discrepancies, exam- Sovereignty Negotiation Imposition
ples given in the paper more frequently correspond to Respect Attention Disregard
defaulting than to adapted attitudes. Moreover observa- Privacy Protection Indelicacy
Interest Concern Neglect
tions are voluntarily restricted to the emergency
D. Fassin / Social Science & Medicine 67 (2008) 262–270 265
for which medical and nursing expertise have been devel- Agitation
oped. Conversely, HIV infections receive less attention
as their prognosis still seems poor to many in spite of the Whether due to psychiatric problems or to extreme but
availability of antiretroviral drugs as seen in the case of understandable anxiety, some patients present signs of
a 25-year-old woman, weak and wasted presents fever agitation, often benign, seldom threatening, but hardly
and headaches, whose medical records show she has an helpful in the long waiting queues of the emergency de-
HIV infection; the physician refers her to the step-down partment or the overcrowded rooms of the admissions
facility where stable cases are sent without considering ward. They are generally handled by ward attendants, pref-
further investigation for meningitis. erably men, who tie them to their beds with pieces of linen,
a procedure which is not explained to the patients and
which usually increases their agitation. No psychotropic
drug can be given until a psychiatrist sees the patient,
which is often after several hours. Whether these practices
At different stages of their stay in the hospital, patients
are well-founded or not, they can have serious conse-
present with what we can define as widely varying prob-
quences; for instance, the knots used to tie the patient
lems for which they need help from health agents, whether
may tighten when the patient moves, and thus lead to
physician, nurse or attendant. Being dependent for physical
oedemas of the extremities of the limbs and, after several
as well as institutional reasons, they often rely on the avail-
days, deep sores (J.G., personal communication). In the
ability and goodwill of the personnel. In some cases, pa-
admissions ward, restrained patients cannot eat by them-
tients can communicate their needs. A 28-year-old man
selves but their plates are left at their bedside. Such coer-
tied to his bed asks for help to go to the toilets. The medical
cive measures usually remain unnoticed by the personnel
doctor explains to him that he does not want him to run
but sometimes provoke amused comments. However
away and proceeds to examine the next patient. In other
they may also arouse protests. Noticing that a 28-year-old
situations, patients cannot talk. A 25-year-old woman
woman at an advanced stage of HIV infection is tied up to
with mental confusion has just had a lumbar puncture;
her bed even though she is apparently calm, a doctor indig-
she falls from her stretcher in the admissions room, but
nantly tells a medical student that ‘‘a patient should never
the doctor and the nurse who are occupied with patients
be treated like that’’ and frees the patient.
a few beds further merely turn around, raise their head,
and get back to what they were doing. In such cases, health
professionals usually explain they are too busy to interrupt
their medical or nursing activity. Conversely, examples may
In extreme cases, patients may be facing life-threatening
be given as well of patients who are helped, for instance, to
conditions while in the hospital, as the result of acute prob-
go to the toilet when they are too weak to walk or to eat
lems or terminal stages of a chronic disease. The decision
their meal when they cannot feed themselves.
to do something in order to keep the patient alive depends
partly on the prognosis derived from the assessment of the
Pain clinical condition and underlying disease, and partly on the
medical ethos of the health professionals involved. Interest-
Many persons coming to or staying in the hospital expe- ingly, the culture of the emergency ward has recently
rience pain. For doctors, physical suffering appears above all changed in this respect with the arrival of a new head of
as a symptom within the clinical picture; they investigate the department. Whereas previously the attitude towards
its presence, localization, duration, expression, but are patients coming to the hospital with coma was reportedly
less inclined to treat it per se. Sometimes, they explain ‘‘there is nothing to be done’’, the norm now tends to be
that they do not want to modify the symptomatology which that ‘‘if a patient came in alive, he must go out alive’’. This
could make diagnosis more difficult and they may even ex- change has given rise to the acquisition of resuscitation
press suspicion, feeling that the patient is using pain to at- machines and to the training of health professionals in
tract attention. Often, they simply seem to be unconcerned the department. The change in attitudes can be seen in the
about the pain, especially as most patients tend to refrain following situation. A 30-year-old man is brought uncon-
from complaining about it. For example, a 49-year-woman scious to the hospital with a history of bronchitis and a suspi-
with diabetes consults for severe epigastric pain. She is cion of tuberculosis. One of the older doctors is inclined to
checked by a doctor who decides to have her admitted withhold active treatment; however, a younger physician de-
to another hospital and sends her there with a note explain- cides to intubate the patient and put him on a respirator. A
ing her condition – but she receives no treatment. Signifi- few minutes later, the patient is transferred to the admissions
cantly, in the emergency ward, where specific criteria to ward for further treatment and investigation. More often,
identify urgent patients who should not queue and should however, decisions are not so spectacular and occur in the
be attended to immediately have been conceived, the exis- context of advanced stage chronic disease, especially in the
tence of pain, however acute, does not lead to fast-tracking cases of HIV positive patients, who may be seen as hopeless.
through the system, and patients doubled up with pain stay
in the queue. Exceptions exist: one doctor almost systemat- The patient as person
ically prescribes anti-inflammatory injections to patients
with pain, but interestingly he is seen as deviant by his col- A second series of items does not specifically refer to the
leagues and the nurses. health condition but more broadly to the way the patient is
266 D. Fassin / Social Science & Medicine 67 (2008) 262–270
treated as a person. It can be referred to as the general no- exceptions. First, some specific situations, such as HIV test-
tion of dignity. Five distinct items are proposed under this ing, seem to generally imply an informed consent. Sec-
designation (Table 1): recognition, sovereignty, respect, ondly, a few HIV positive patients, in particular those who
privacy and interest. are connected with activist organizations or support
groups, act as experts on their own medical condition.
During their stay in the hospital, patients become
objects of interpretations and decisions. Diagnoses are It is well known that self-respect is closely related to
made, tests are performed, treatments are chosen. These respect expressed by others. Staying in a hospital with a
interpretations and decisions concern the patients’ present reduced physical and psychological capacity makes people
condition, future situation and, more broadly, their lives. It vulnerable. The concept of respect is both universal and
is not usual to inform patients about what doctors thought contextual: it is linked to human rights on the one side,
they had, what the next steps in the investigation of their and it is embedded in cultural norms on the other. Asked
case are, what therapeutic choice would then be made. Lin- about what image she had of the hospital she first came
guistic difficulties are often and rightly invoked by physi- to work there, a young nurse answered that she had been
cians to justify the lack of communication with patients. struck by the fact that ‘‘the place was filthy and nurses
After having vainly tried to have a patient reproduce a ges- were rude’’. She interestingly implied two crucial elements
ture exploring neurological functions, a doctor from a differ- for respect in the local system of value. First, keeping the
ent origin comments to her with a kind smile: ‘‘OK, you place as well as the patients clean is considered as a sign
don’t understand me and I don’t understand you either’’. of respect not only towards the latter but also towards
Sometimes a relative or a friend is called to help, but in the profession and the institution, evidenced by the saying,
other cases, for lack of mutual understanding the clinical ‘‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’’. In fact, the attention to-
examination is restricted to non-verbal interaction. How- wards places, which are constantly cleaned up, sometimes
ever the problem is not merely that of language as even contrasts with the situation of patients, who may be left in
within the same ethnic group communication often their wet bed for hours. Nurses and auxiliaries often overtly
remains limited. A nurse thus ironically notices: ‘‘It’s not express their disgust towards patients who are incontinent
because we’re Black that we understand each other’’. Inter- or have diarrhoea. Removing the bed to a less visible corner
estingly information is more often given to patients whose of the room may then be a tactic to avoid both critique and
pathology has a particular educational package, such as di- discomfort. Some, however, show concern. In the admis-
abetes, epilepsy or asthma: in these cases, verbal exchange sions ward a nurse takes the time to gently wash the mouth
is pedagogy-oriented. and face of a 30-year-old wounded man, in spite of the
overload of work. Secondly, politeness towards the patient
Sovereignty is seen as related to respect. For one of the nurses inter-
viewed: ‘‘Even if they’re not really scolding the patients,
Although most patients who come to the hospital leave they just talk loud to them’’. The tone and intensity of the
their case in the hands of the medical authorities, it is gen- voice indicate whether the patient is respected. Distancing
erally considered important that they remain actors in their themselves from patients, doctors usually speak in a polite
disease, diagnosis and treatment. Ethicists call it autonomy. and reserved manner. Being socially and physically closer to
It might be more correct to talk of sovereignty, referring them, nurses are often described as too familiar or even
specifically to the competence of the patient to evaluate aggressive.
and decide about himself or herself. It is obviously related
to information, which is supposed to be a premise for con- Privacy
sent. More than a formal agreement procedure, consent im-
plies the possibility of a negotiation between patients and Because of a patient’s medical condition, the anxiety it
professionals on the basis of an adequate explanation about generates, its possible consequences for family, and the
the medical condition and the decisions to be made. This psychological effects provoked by illness, the protection
process was rarely observed during the study, as seen in of a patient’s privacy is of special importance. For health
the case of a 70-year-old woman with diabetes and gan- professionals as well as for patients, modesty has to do
grene of the inferior limb. The medical doctor in the emer- with both body and name. The body must not be exposed.
gency department sends her to the surgery ward for an Most of the time, even in the overcrowded admissions
amputation without explanation; when later asked about ward, doctors close the curtains around the beds before
her health problem, she answers that it is just a benign checking the patients. A nurse comments that she felt
wound. For doctors and nurses, this way of doing things ashamed when a white doctor had seen an old black man
is generally justified by the fact that they know better who had been left naked in the psychiatry ward: ‘‘We
than their patients what is best for them. The low educa- should have had taken care of our own people’’, she says
tional level of most of the patients seen in the hospital is implying a historically ascribed racial line. The name should
used to reinforce this assumption. Moreover, doctors and also be protected. Pronouncing it aloud is often considered
nurses consider that patients rarely claim initiative and incorrect both in terms of privacy and danger. It breaks the
prefer to let them decide. It is true that people in the former secrecy of the medical relationship and thus opens poten-
townships did not have this sort of right. There are two tial perils.
D. Fassin / Social Science & Medicine 67 (2008) 262–270 267
Interest Table 2
Justifications and interpretations of discrepancies between expectations
and practices
A general condition to social relations is considering
others as interesting. In medical or nursing activities, feel- Justifications Interpretations
ing interest for patients is the premise for care. Interest Exercise of medicine Workload (quantity Professional ethos
may be shown to the pathology as such or to the patient vs. quality) and organizational
as person. The expression heard in the wards or read in
Relation to environment Lack of resources Lack of recognition
the files that the patient has ‘‘no history’’ can sometimes (in the present (in historical context)
be taken literally, since little is known of the history, clinical situation)
or social, of the individuals. A 29-year-old man is brought in Attitude towards patients Social deviance Moral evaluation
a state of confusion. His mother, who accompanies him, (bad and difficult (values and worthiness)
tries to explain that he is drug addicted and is expected
for his psychiatric consultation the next day. The doctor
does not listen to her and sends him to the medical ward to their workload and their environment, the second to
without recording the information. the patients and their attitudes.
Physicians often speak of AIDS in terms of loss of clinical First, health professionals account for much of their
interest. As one of them expresses it: ‘‘With this HIV, med- problem in terms of an excess of work and a lack of human
icine is not interesting any more. We used to see interesting and material resources. This is confirmed by another survey
things. Now it’s so boring. With AIDS, it’s always the same’’. conducted among 217 nurses and 57 doctors in the same
Another doctor insists on the desperate lack of perspective hospital: 60% of nurses and 61% of doctors showed signs
related to the new disease: ‘‘I was in the surgery depart- of high emotional exhaustion; 92% of nurses and 61% of
ment before. There, at least, you can do something for the doctors thought the amount of work they had to do was
patients’’. This disinterest in patients may have a concrete too demanding; 92% of nurses thought there was not
effect on how they are cared for. A 30-year-old woman enough nursing staff; 75% of doctors believed there was
with a terminal stage HIV infection stays two days in a med- a shortage of medical staff (Schneider, Oyedele, & Dlamini,
ical ward waiting for her transfer to a step-down facility. 2005). The present study is somewhat at variance with that
Meanwhile, as she is supposed to be imminently leaving, view: on some wards, especially the admissions unit, and at
she does not receive any treatment or food and remains some moments, particularly in the evenings and nights for
ignored by the personnel who have left her stretcher in the emergency department, the workload was very heavy;
the back of the ward. After 48 hours, someone discovers but on other wards and at other moments, doctors could sit
she is dead. She had no longer been considered as part of down for some time, and nurses might chat in their break
the ward, even though she was physically present (FLM, room while stretchers accumulated in the queue. However,
personal communication). Conversely, arousing interest doctors’ and nurses’ attitudes towards patients were rarely
from health professionals is often an important part of affected by these differences of places or variations in time.
the tactics developed by the patients and their families. Similar observations have been made in other contexts
(Hadley & Roques, 2007), where the low amount of time
dedicated to patients was not necessarily related to the
Justifying discrepancies workload or lack of human resources.
Secondly, health professionals consider that the patients
The first thing one notices when entering the different themselves are an important part of the problem. A portrait
wards of the hospital is the presence of posters all over of ‘‘bad patients’’ is easy to draw through the comments
the walls reminding health professionals about ethical regularly heard in the wards: they come to the hospital
principles, as tends to be the case now in many countries with no legitimate medical reason, even using an ambu-
(Sbaih, 2002). One of them is of special interest as it refers lance instead of a car, bus or taxi, so as to impress the staff;
to a political slogan of the democratic regime: ‘‘batho pele’’, they conceal some of their medical or personal history,
which means ‘‘people first’’. The long description of health requiring the nurses and doctors to reconstruct it uncer-
professionals’ obligations towards patients – re-named tainly; they pretend to be in pain in order to be taken
‘‘customers’’ – begins with this general statement: ‘‘The care of more rapidly; they often complain and sometimes
principles of batho pele are designed to give all service pro- become aggressive. When related to the norm of the good
viders a guide to improve customer relations. By following patient, these characteristics can be described in terms of
these principles we aim to make our customers happy and social deviance (Jeffery, 1979). This deviance is aggravated
derive satisfaction from knowing that we have worked by certain circumstances: if the patient is defined as a de-
to the best of our ability’’. Considering the omnipresence faulter, because he or she has interrupted a tuberculosis
of such prescriptive recommendations, one might be sur- treatment; if the patient is thought to be lying, for instance,
prised to note the discrepancies between these proclaimed reporting that she has miscarried when actually she has
norms and the observed reality. Health professionals are had an abortion; if the patient is drunk, and even more if
not unaware of them, and they develop arguments to jus- he is violent; all these configurations not only weaken the
tify what they would otherwise admit as unjustifiable. In patient’s image but also make him responsible for his or
the discussions which followed the public presentations her health problem. Even communication problems may
of the results of the study, nurses and doctors generally be laid on the patients’: ‘‘Why don’t you speak our lan-
used two sorts of justifications (Table 2): the first referred guage?’’ a Zulu nurse asks a Venda patient. Interestingly,
268 D. Fassin / Social Science & Medicine 67 (2008) 262–270
‘‘bad patients’’ are clearly distinguished by health profes- their mere presence: not listening, walking away from
sionals from ‘‘difficult patients’’ who require much time them, making jokes about them, absorbing oneself in ad-
and energy because of their medical condition (Spitzer, ministrative tasks, going to the rest room, and more gener-
2004). Both are undesirable, but for different reasons: ally learning emotional indifference. It was remarkable in
moral for the former; practical for the latter. this study that students and younger doctors or nurses of-
ten said they had difficulty adapting their attitude to this
Interpreting practices form of professional detachment (Becker, Geer, Hughes, &
Strauss, 1961): they had not yet acquired the ethos of the
Whereas the arguments given by health professionals are job they were getting into.
important clues to understanding their practice, they cannot One can think of this apprenticeship as a psychological
just be taken for granted. Justifications are not explanations defence mechanism in response to the accumulation of
(Table 2). It is actually possible to propose an alternative – patients and dramas, the confrontation with suffering and
although not contradictory – reading of each point of the death. This is even truer for health professionals who
justifications. How to explain wrongdoing in professions is encounter difficult situations in their own life and have
a classical issue in social science (Martin, 1999). To under- gone through tragic experiences in the past: illness of close
stand the discrepancies between values asserted and relatives; children’s death or imprisonment; everyday vio-
practices observed and simultaneously to avoid judgement lence in the township; hardship of material conditions – all
leading to the blaming of doctors and nurses, two elements facts which seem to relativize others’ problems and lead to
seem more specifically crucial here: the historical back- distancing oneself from them (Christofides & Silo, 2005).
ground of the professions and their moral discomfort. Here again health professionals’ behaviours cannot be un-
The professional activity of health care providers is tech- derstood outside the collective and individual historical
nique- and efficiency-centred rather than patient- and context. Nursing, in particular, is the emblematic profession
dignity-centred. Nurses do not step out of their routine of African women under apartheid: during those years,
on the ward rounds to respond to a patient’s need because which many comment on with nostalgia as the golden
they view their work as the implementation of doctor’s age of their profession, being a nurse represented a social
prescriptions, the distribution of drugs and the taking of achievement generating respect within their community
blood samples. Task orientation has been described as the which they contrast with today’s relative diminished status
first historical feature of nursing in the United Kingdom (Marks, 1994). From this perspective, even more than lack
and its continued presence in South Africa is analyzed as of resources, it is the lack of recognition which seems the
the consequence of the legacy of the British Empire (van critical explanation, as has been shown in other contexts
der Walt & Swartz, 2002). Doctors do not spend time talk- (Honneth, 1995). Most interviews of nurses and doctors re-
ing to patients, getting information about their social con- veal their disappointment with their symbolic and material
text, explaining to them or their relatives about their recompense: while working in this township hospital and
diagnosis and treatment in the emergency or admissions within the public health system often meant a social and
wards, because their priority in the emergency department even ethical engagement, many considered themselves
is triage while first aid and in the admissions unit it is insufficiently rewarded in terms of image, promotion and
preliminary exploration and urgent measures: this is not salary (Bachmann & Makan, 1997). A young physician com-
specific since it has long been reported in various cultural mented about nurses: ‘‘They have low moral because they
contexts (Roth & Douglas, 1983). These orientations reflect have low pay’’. More generally misrecognition – or rather
two distinct realities. One is the professional ethos: nurses the experience of it – is a crucial factor in professional
are more valued for fulfilling their technical task than in disengagement.
applying its moral principles (the ‘‘back round’’ is part of It is from this perspective that the moral evaluation of
their professional routine); doctors see themselves as tech- patients becomes an important clue to understanding
nicians rather than humanists and are primarily interested health professionals’ attitudes. It corresponds to a classical
in curative activities in which social dimensions are consid- form of defence when confronted with difficult situations
ered incidental (‘‘saving lives’’ or merely healing the sick is (Ashforth & Lee, 1990). It consists most notably in differen-
part of their professional ideal). The other one is the orga- tiating ‘‘good’’ and ‘‘bad’’ patients, or rather in supposing
nizational imperative: for nurses, the round has to be done a priori social deviance from the expected sick role, as pre-
and drugs distributed before anything else; for doctors, viously described. This makes it possible for professionals
beds have to be emptied under the constant pressure of to tolerate their own lack of compassion and even of inter-
new patients. Significantly, health professionals who do est in patients sometimes seen as potential ‘‘defaulters’’,
not have any consideration for patients’ pain when it is re- ‘‘cheaters’’ and ‘‘liars’’, who are often considered as not
lated to their pathology appear by contrast very concerned completely belonging to the hospital, either because their
and always apologise if the suffering is due to involuntary case could have been taken care of by the clinics or because
hurting when they are tending a bedsore or doing a lumbar their ailment is a consequence of their own unhealthy be-
puncture. In these cases, suffering becomes a technical is- haviour. The illegitimacy of the patients accounts for how
sue under their responsibility while if due to the underlying they are often considered and treated. But there is more
condition it remains secondary, if not suspect. The pre- to this evaluation. It also concerns the worthiness of the
eminence of technique in the professional ethos under patient (Biehl, 2005). Clearly, prisoners brought to the hos-
practical and material constraints results in the use of all pital with their stigmatizing clothes and chains were
sorts of tactics to avoid patients’ queries, demands, even treated more harshly than other patients. And AIDS
D. Fassin / Social Science & Medicine 67 (2008) 262–270 269
sufferers were considered not only as uninteresting pa- interest until now (Jaffré & Olivier de Sardan, 2003). In-
tients because of their diagnosis but often also as not worth depth studies of everyday practices of care in hospitals,
the medical effort, investigation and treatment because of where most severely ill patients are treated, are a scientific
their poor prognosis. In the end moral evaluation implies priority. Although social change does not merely emerge
an assessment of both quality and quantity of life of from knowledge, one can argue that adequate description,
patients. analysis and interpretation of what is occurring in medical
Ethical practices seem to be positively affected by two wards and how it is experienced by patients and justified
sorts of facts. The first is personal experience of the health by professionals is a necessary first step towards an evolu-
facilities: in the interviews, many nurses and doctors tion of local practices of care.
explained how having to engage with hospitals themselves,
directly (as a patient) or indirectly (through a relative) had Acknowledgments
changed their views when they discovered what they saw
as the indifference of doctors and the rudeness of nurses. This research is part of a scientific project entitled
The second is the organizational changes brought about "moral Sentiments and Local Justice in the Care of AIDS pa-
by nursing or, more often, medical management: in partic- tients in South Africa" and has benefited from a grant of the
ular, the environment of the emergency ward has been French National Agency of Research on AIDS (ANRS). Dis-
noticeably modified by the recent introduction of new cussions over the method and material have been con-
methods in decision-making, triage and care, including ducted with Pr. Helen Schneider, Dr. Duane Blauuw,
a revalorization of the nurses’ and doctors’ sense of work; Tebogo Gumede, Loveday Penn-Kekana (from the Center
in parallel, the development of specific units for patholo- for Health Policy., Wits University in Johannesburg), Fred-
gies like diabetes or renal diseases, far from the tumult eric Le Marcis and Julien Grard (from the Interdisciplinary
of the admissions ward, means there are now areas in Research Institute for Social Sciences, in Paris) who were
the hospital of high clinical and ethical standards where the other members of the research team (the latter two
health professionals experience the recognition of their have contributed in particular through case-studies which
competence. are mentioned under their initials in the paper). I thank
them for their useful comments. I am also deeply grateful
Conclusion to the administrative, medical and nursing staff at the hos-
pital under study for their kind availability and their pre-
Ethics is generally considered as the application of cious collaboration during our months of fieldwork in
universal and intangible principles. Empirical studies then their wards. I hope this analysis gives a fair account of their
consist in verifying the degree of adequacy of practices to activity and does justice to their constraints, their efforts to
the rules. Here it has been proposed that the analytical change practices, their expectations for better care. I de-
process be reversed by beginning with the observation of clare that I have no conflicts of interest.
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