The Aquarian Theosophist Old Philosophers and Their Theosophy
The Aquarian Theosophist Old Philosophers and Their Theosophy
The Aquarian Theosophist Old Philosophers and Their Theosophy
IN one of the oldest philosophies and After having produced the universe,
religious systems of prehistoric times, we He whose power is incomprehensible
read that at the end of a Mahâ-Pralaya vanished again, absorbed in the Supreme
Soul. . . . Having retired into the primi-
(general dissolution) the great Soul, Pa-
tive darkness, the Great Soul remains
ram-Atmâ the Self-Existent, that which can within the unknown, and is void of all
be “apprehended only by the suprasen- form. . . .
sual,” becomes “manifest of itself.”1
When having again reunited the sub-
The Hindûs give this “Existence” tile elementary principles, it introduces it-
various names, one of which is self into either a vegetable or animal seed,
Svayambhû, or Self-Existent. This it assumes at each a new form.
Svayambhû emanates from itself the crea-
tive faculty, or Svâyambhuva--the “Son of It is thus that, by an alternative wak-
ing and rest, the Immutable Being causes
the Self-Existent”--and the One becomes
to revive and die eternally all the existing
Two; this in its turn evolves a third princi- creatures, active and inert.4
ple with the potentiality of becoming Mat-
ter which the orthodox call Virâj, or the He who has studied the speculations
Universe.2 This incomprehensible Trinity of Pythagoras on the Monad, which, after
became later anthropomorphized into the emanating the Duad, retires into silence
Trimûrti, known as Brahmâ, Vishnu, and darkness, and thus creates the Triad,
Shiva, the symbols of the creative, the pre- can realize whence came the Philosophy of
servative, and the destructive powers in the great Samian Sage, and after him that
Nature--and at the same time of the trans- of Socrates and Plato. The mystic Decad
forming or regenerating forces, or rather of (1+2+3+4=10) is a way of expressing this
the three aspects of the one Universal idea. The One is God; the Two, Matter;
Force. It is the Tridanda, the triply mani- the Three, combining Monad and Duad
fested Unity, which gave rise to the ortho- and partaking of the nature of both, is the
dox AUM, which with them is but the ab- phenomenal World; the Tetrad, or form of
breviated Trimûrti. It is only under this perfection, expresses the emptiness of all;
triple aspect that the profane masses can and the Decad, or sum of all, involves the
comprehend the great mystery. When the entire Kosmos.
triple God becomes Shârîra, or puts on a
visible form, he typifies all the principles TABLE OF CONTENTS
of Matter, all the germs of life, he is the
God of the three visages, or triple power, Old Philosophers and their Theosophy 1
the essence of the Vedic Triad. “Let the The Global Village 14
Brâhmans know the Sacred Syllable Point out the Way — XXVIII 17
The Coffee Klatch 20
[Aum], the three words of the Sâvitrî, and
The Platonic Tradition and the
read the Vedas daily.”3
Evolution of Consciousness 21
The Doctrine of the Heart 25
See Manava Dharma Shastra ( Laws of Manu ), Keely and Zero-point Energy 27
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, et seq.
Every student of Theosophy will recognize in
these three consecutive emanations the three
Logoi of the Secret Doctrine and the
Theosophical Scheme. 4
3 Compare Manu, i. 50, and other shlokas
Compare Manu , iv. 125.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #5 March 17, 2003 Page 2
Let us see how the Brâhmanical ultimate substance from which all things
ideas tally with the pre-Christian Pagan derive their being and essence, the first and
Philosophies and with Christianity itself. efficient Cause of all the order, and har-
It is with the Platonic Philosophy, the most mony, and beauty, and excellency, and
elaborate compend of the abstruse systems goodness, which pervade the universe--
of ancient India, that we begin who is called, by way of preëminence and
excellence, the Supreme Good, the God
Although twenty-two and a half cen- “the God over all”1
turies have elapsed since the death of
Plato, the great minds of the world are still
occupied with his writings. He was, in the It is not difficult for a Theosophist to
fullest sense of the word, the world's inter- recognize in this “God” (a) the UNIVER-
preter. And the greatest Philosopher of the SAL MIND in its cosmic aspect; and (b)
pre-Christian era faithfully mirrored in his the Higher Ego in man in its microcosmic.
works the spiritualism of the Vedic Phi- For, as Plato says, He is not the truth nor
losophers, who lived thousands of years the intelligence, “but the Father of it”; i.e.,
before himself, with its metaphysical ex- the “Father” of the Lower Manas, our
pression. Vyâsa, Jaimini, Kapila, Patan- personal “brain-mind,” which depends for
jali, and may others, will be found to have its manifestations on the organs of sense.
transmitted their indelible imprint through Though this eternal essence of things may
the intervening centuries, by means of Py- not be perceptible by our physical senses,
thagoras, upon Plato and his school. Thus it may be apprehended by the mind of
is warranted the inference that to Plato and those who are not wilfully obtuse.2 We
the ancient Hindu Sages the same wisdom find Plato stating distinctly that everything
was alike revealed. And so surviving the visible was created or evolved out of the
shock of time, what can this wisdom be but invisible and eternal WILL, and after its
divine and eternal? fashion. Our Heaven — he says — was
produced according to the eternal pattern
Plato taught of justice as subsisting of the “Ideal World,” contained, like eve-
in the soul and as being the greatest good rything else, in the dodecahedron, the
of its possessor. Plato could not accept a geometrical model used by the Deity.3
Philosophy destitute of spiritual aspira- With Plato, the Primal Being is an emana-
tions; with him the two were at one. For tion of the Demiurgic Mind (Nous), which
the old Grecian Sage there was a single contains within itself from eternity the
object of attainment: REAL KNOWL- “Idea” of the “to-be-created world,” and
EDGE. He considered those only to be this Idea it produces out of itself.4 The
genuine Philosophers, or students of truth, laws of Nature are the established relations
who possess the knowledge of the really- of this Idea to the forms of its manifesta-
existing, in opposition to mere objects of tions. … With Plato and his disciples, as
perception; of the always-existing, in op- with us, the lower types were but the con-
position to the transitory; and of that which crete images of the higher abstract types.
exists permanently, in opposition to that The Spirit, which is immortal, has an ar-
which waxes, wanes, and is alternately ithmetical, as the body has a geometrical,
developed and destroyed.
Cocker, Christianity and Greek Philosophy, xi.
Beyond all finite existences and sec- 377.
ondary causes, all laws, ideas, and princi- 2
This “God” is the Universal Mind, Alaya, the
ples, there is an INTELLIGENCE or Mind source from which the “God” in each one of
[N Nous, the Spirit] the first principle us has emanated.
1 3
[The philosophical study of ultimate purpose or Theo. Arith., p. 62; on Pythag. Numbers.
design as a means of explaining natural Plato: Parmenid., 141 E.
phenomena.] See Stobaeus’ Ecl., i. 862.
Vide Hermann, I, pp. 544, 744, note 755. 6
Sextus: Math., vii. 145.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #5 March 17, 2003 Page 12
the heavens themselves. The source of to the human soul (supposed to be a num-
these three qualities is found in the Hindu ber) is evident, though Aristotle contradicts
Manava Dharma Shâstra, speaking of the this, like every other teaching of this phi-
formation (creation, in vulgar parlance) of losopher.1 This is conclusive evidence that
man. Brahmâ — who is Mahat, or the many of Plato's doctrines were delivered
Universal Soul — draws from its own es- orally, even were it shown that Xenocrates
sence the Spirit, the immortal breath which and not Plato was the first to originate the
perisheth not in the human being, while to theory of indivisible magnitudes. He de-
the (lower) soul of that being, Brahma rives the Soul from the first Duad, and
gives the Ahankara, consciousness of the calls it a self-moving number.2 Theophras-
Ego. Then is added to it “the intellect tus remarks that he entered into and elabo-
formed of the three qualities.” rated this Soul-theory more than any other
Platonist. For he regarded intuition and
These three qualities are Intelli- innate ideas, , in a higher sense than
gence, Conscience and Will; answering to any, and made mathematics mediate be-
the Thought, Perception and Envisage- tween knowledge and sensuous percep-
ment (Intuition) of Xenocrates, who tion.3 Hence he built upon this Soul-theory
seems to have been less reticent than Plato the cosmological doctrine, and proved the
and Speusippus in his exposition of soul. necessary existence in every part of uni-
After his master's death Xenocrates trav- versal Space of a successive and progres-
elled with Aristotle, and then became am- sive series of animated and thinking
bassador to Philip of Macedonia. But though spiritual beings.4 The Human Soul
twenty-five years later he is found taking with him is a compound of the most spiri-
charge of the Old Academy, and becoming tual properties of the Monad and the Duad,
its President as successor of Speusippus, possessing the highest principles of both.
who had occupied the post for over a quar- Thus he calls Unity and Duality (Monas
ter of a century, and devoting his life to the and Duas) Deities, showing the former as a
most abstruse philosophical subjects. He male Existence, ruling in Heaven as “Fa-
is thought more dogmatic than Plato, and ther Spirit” and an uneven number; and the
therefore must have been more dangerous latter, as a female Existence, Mother Soul,
to the schools which opposed him. His the Mother of the Gods (Aditi?), for she is
three degrees of knowledge, or three divi- the Soul of the Universe.5 But if like Plato
sions of Philosophy, the separation and and Prodicus, he refers to the Elements as
connection of the three modes of cognition to Divine Powers, and calls them Gods,
and comprehension, are more definitely neither himself nor others connected
worked out than by Speusippus. With him, any anthropomorphic idea with the ap-
Science is referred to “that essence which pellation. Krische remarks that he called
is the object of pure thought, and is not them Gods only that these elementary
included in the phenomenal world” — powers should not be confounded with the
which is in direct opposition to the Aristo- dæmons of the nether world6 (the Elemen-
telian-Baconian ideas. … tary Spirits). As the Soul of the World
permeates the whole Cosmos, even beasts
The relation of numbers to Ideas was
must have in them something divine.7
developed by Xenocrates further than by
This, also, is the doctrine of Buddhists and
Speusippus, and he surpassed Plato in his
Hermetists, and Manu endows with a liv-
definition of the doctrine of Invisible Mag-
nitudes. Reducing them to their ideal pri- 1
Metaph., 407, a. 3.
mary elements, he demonstrated that every 2
Appendix to Timaeus.
figure and form originated out of the 3
Aristot., De Interp., p. 297
Stob., Ecl., i. 62.
smallest indivisible line. That Xenocrates 5
Stob., Ibid.
held the same theories as Plato in relation 6
Krische: Forsch., p. 322, etc.
Clem: Stro. Alex., v. 590.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #5 March 17, 2003 Page 13
ing soul even the plants and the tiniest power the World-Soul dwells in the Ele-
blade of grass — an absolutely Esoteric ments, producing Daimonical (spiritual)
doctrine. powers and beings, who are a connecting
link between Gods and men, being related
The dæmons, according to this the- to them “as the isosceles triangle is to the
ory, are intermediate beings between the equilateral and the scalene.”3
divine perfection and human sinfulness,1
and he divides them into classes, each sub- Zeller states that Xenocrates forbade
divided into many others. But he states the eating of animal food, not because he
expressly that the individual or personal saw in beasts something akin to man, as he
soul is the leading guardian dæmon of ascribed to them a dim consciousness of
every man, and that no dæmon has more God, but
power over us than our own. Thus the
Daimonion of Socrates is the God or Di- For the opposite reason, lest the irra-
tionality of animal souls might thereby
vine Entity which inspired him all his life.
obtain a certain influence over us.4
It depends on man either to open or close
his perceptions to the Divine voice. Like But we believe that it was rather be-
Speusippus, he ascribed immortality to the cause, like Pythagoras, he had had the
psychical body, or irrational soul. But Hindû Sages for his Masters and Models.
some Hermetic philosophers have taught Cicero depicts Xenocrates as utterly de-
that the soul has a separate continued exis- spising everything except the highest vir-
tence only so long as in its passage through tue;5 and describes the stainlessness and
the spheres any material or earthly parti- severe austerity of his character.
cles remain incorporated in it; and that
when absolutely purified, the latter are To free ourselves from the subjection
annihilated, and the quintessence of the of sensuous existence, to conquer the Ti-
soul alone becomes blended with its divine tanic elements in our terrestrial nature
Spirit, the Rational, and the two are through the Divine, is our problem.6
thenceforth one. Zeller makes him say:
It is difficult to fail to see in the Purity, even in the secret longings of
above teachings a direct echo of the far our heart, is the greatest duty, and only
older Indian doctrines, now embodied in Philosophy and Initiation into the Myster-
the “Theosophical” teachings, concerning ies help toward the attainment of this ob-
the dual Manas. The World-Soul, that ject.7
which is called by the Esoteric Yogâ-
châryas “Father-Mother,”2 Xenocrates This must be so, since we find men
referred to as a male-female Principle, the like Cicero and Panætius, and before them,
male element of which, the Father, he des- Aristotle and Theophrastus his disciple,
ignated as the last Zeus, the last divine expressed the highest regard for
activity, just as the students of the Secret Xenocrates. His writings — treatises on
Doctrine designate it the third and last Lo- Science, on Metaphysics, Cosmology and
gos, Brahmâ or Mahat. To this World- Philosophy — must have been legion. He
Soul is entrusted dominion over all that wrote on Physics and the Gods; on the
which is subject to change and motion. Existent, the One and the Indefinite; on
The divine essence, he said, infused its
own Fire, or Soul, into the Sun and Moon Cicero, De Natura Deorum, i. 13. Strob., or
Plut., De Orac. Defect., p. 416, c. [Isosceles
and all the Planets, in a pure form in the triangle has two equal sides while the Scalene
shape of Olympic Gods. As a sublunary 4
has three unequal sides. — Ed.A.T.]
Plato und die Alte Akademte.
Tusc., v. 18, 51.
Plutarch: De Isid., ch. 25, p. 360. 6
Ibid. Cf. p. 559.
See The Secret Doctrine, Stanzas, Vol. I. 7
Plato und die Alte Akademie.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #5 March 17, 2003 Page 14
Affections and Memory; on Happiness and
Virtue; four books on Royalty, and num-
berless treatises on the State; on the Power
of Law; on Geometry, Arithmetic, and
finally on Astrology. Dozens of renowned
classical writers mention and quote from
Crantor, another philosopher associ-
ated with the earliest days of Plato's Acad-
emy, conceived the human soul as formed
out of the primary substance of all things,
Sarasota, Florida
the Monad or the One, and the Duad or the Theosophy Group
Two. Plutarch speaks at length of this Phi-
losopher, who, like his Master, believed in Meets Weekly on:
souls being distributed in earthly bodies as WEDNESDAYS: — 7 – 8:15 P.M.
an exile and punishment. SUNDAYS — 11 AM – 12:30 PM
Our earth has a soul of its own, says We are a very friendly group of students
Herakleides; every atom of Matter is im- with various religious and philosophical back-
grounds. Our goals are to discuss and under-
pregnated with the divine influx of the
stand the universal truths of Theosophy.
Soul of the World. It breathes and lives; it
feels and suffers as well as enjoys life in its On Wed. nights we are studying, The
way. What naturalist is prepared to dispute Ocean of Theosophy by W.Q. Judge, and on
it on good evidence? Therefore, we must Sunday mornings we’re discussing Isis Un-
consider the celestial bodies as the images veiled by H.P. Blavatsky and Light On The
of Gods; as partaking of the divine powers Path by Mabel Collins.
in their substance; and though they are not Our address is: 2700 S. Tamiami Tr.
immortal in their soul-entity, their agency Suite #14 (we’re moving to Suite #11 in Octo-
in the economy of the universe is entitled ber), Sarasota Florida, and our phone number
to divine honors, such as we pay to minor is: 941-312-9494.
Gods. The idea is plain, and one must be
Please feel free to call Bob Waxman if
malevolent indeed to misrepresent it. If
you need any additional information.
the author of Epinomis places these fiery
Gods higher than the animals, plants, and
even mankind, all of which, as earthly United Lodge of Theosophists
creatures, are assigned by him a lower 1917 Walnut Street
place, who can prove him wholly wrong? Philadelphia, PA 19103
One must needs go deep indeed into the
profundity of the abstract metaphysics of All welcome No collections
the old Philosophies, who would under-
stand that their various embodiments of
their conceptions are, after all, based upon
an identical apprehension of the nature of
the First Cause, its attributes and method.
[The above is a shortened version of HPB’s, “Old Philoso- Ancient Wisdom tradition
phers and Modern Critics,” first printed in Lucifer, July, From the Writings of
August, 1892]
H. P. Blavatsky & W. Q. Judge
United Lodge of Theosophists
Robert Crosbie House United Lodge of Theosophists
62 Queens Gardens Theosophy Hall
London W23AH, England 77 W. Encanto Blvd.
Tel +(44) 20 7723 0688
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Fax +(44) 20 7262 8639
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FOR JANUARY TO MARCH 2003 Study Classes Sunday Evenings
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A monthly class that introduces the and
fundamental ideas of man’s consti-tution, ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON THE OCEAN OF
his relation to the cosmos and universal THEOSOPHY by Judge/Crosbie
laws such as karma and reincarnation.
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these traditions. Monday Night
THE United Lodge of Theosophists LOGIE UNIE DES THÉOSOPHES
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Conferences Mercredis, 19 h 30 – 20 h 45
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The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #5 March 17, 2003 Page 27
Then the Master spoke kindly to Ghadr cooling. So the second concept of getting
Singh. a real vacuum is to cool it down to . . . ab-
solute zero. . . . Well, since then, both
“The doctrine of the head gives correc-
theory and experiment have shown that
tion. The doctrine of the heart gives considera-
there is a non-thermal radiation in the
tion. The doctrine of the heart sees Souls. The
vacuum and that it persists even if the
doctrine of the head sees sins. The head sees
temperature could be lowered to absolute
the state. The heart sees the Soul. The way of
zero. Therefore, it was simply called the
emancipation is the heart doctrine.”
“zero point” radiation. (Morgan, p.5)
Ghadr Singh began to study the doctrine
of the heart. The question that naturally arises
is, if there is no matter and no apparent
physical energy of any sort, what is this
energy at zero-point? Where does it
Keely and Zero Point Energy come from and how is it transmitted?
Robert Bruce MacDonald To get a better understanding of
what is happening, perhaps it would be
When H.P. Blavatsky was writing instructive to look at the nature of waves.
The Secret Doctrine in the 1880s, there Physics describes two broad categories of
was much interest surrounding the ex- waves, longitudinal and transverse
periments and theories of a certain John waves. From Ira M. Freeman’s Physics
Worrell Keely. Blavatsky looked at the Made Simple, we read the following:
theoretical commentary of Keely and
recognized an individual cognizant of [P]articles moved by a compression
occult theory. Keely had developed an wave, the kind that produces sound, oscil-
experimental motor that defied the con- late (move back and forth about a center)
along the line in which the waves are
temporary theory of the laws of physics
moving. For this reason they are called
but operated, Blavatsky recognized, ac- longitudinal waves. In other kinds of
cording to occult laws. The commentary waves, the disturbed particles move per-
that Blavatsky provided concerning pendicular to the line of the advance of
Keely’s work is very suggestive, espe- the waves; these are called transverse
cially when taken in conjunction with waves. Still other waves are combina-
work being done today. tions of longitudinal and transverse mo-
tion . . . . (Freeman, p.85)
There is much interest among re-
searchers today on a type of energy Try now to envision each type of
called zero-point energy. This energy is wave and where each comes from. As
associated with the so-called vacuum. was pointed out, sound moves in the
Bill Morgan, in an internet article titled form of longitudinal waves. The wave
“Scalar Wars - The Brave New World of describes the movement of energy from
Scalar Electromagnetics” paraphrases the its source as that energy travels outward.
development of the concept as follows: Sound carries through air and because
air molecules are all pushed tight up
[I]t was thought that a totally empty against one another, it is not easier for
volume of space could be created by sim- the molecule of air to move in any one
ply removing all matter and, in particular, direction more so than in any other direc-
all gases. That was our first concept of
tion. Consequently, the wave and the
the vacuum. . . . Late in the 19th century, it
became apparent that the region still con- particles move in the same direction.
tained thermal radiation. But it seemed Think of a square room filled with people
that the radiation might be eliminated by such that they are all standing shoulder to
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #5 March 17, 2003 Page 28
shoulder and there is no room for anyone pushes the surface into the interetheric
else. If all the people standing along the area between the oceans of space and the
east wall were suddenly to push west, planets. This produces what science re-
they would lean into those who are stand- fers to as electromagnetic radiation with
ing directly west of them then rebound its particular waveform. Again Bill
upright because they have no place else Morgan commenting on the work of
to go. This wave would be transmitted zero-point energy researcher, Col. Tom
from the east wall to the west wall Bearden, writes as follows:
through all of the people in the room un-
The vast seething ocean of energy of
til the force is carried into the wall by
the vacuum, the longitudinal scalar EM
those standing adjacent to it. The wave waves of the time domain, can now be
moved from east to west and each mem- tapped and “transduced” into ordinary
ber of the room oscillated slightly in the (transverse) EM energy in our 3-Space
direction of the wave from east to west. world. The process can be compared to
If there was very low gravity in that putting a paddlewheel into a river. The
room we could envision some or all of energy acquired is free, since the river is
the people popping up into the air above there flowing whether we tap it or not.
And it is a mighty river, and is not dimin-
them in a direction that was perpendicu- ished by our paddlewheel. (Morgan, p.6)
lar to the direction of the wave before
they settled back down onto the ground. These writers are using the image
This is much the way that we can under- of an ocean through which these “longi-
stand a wave moving up onto a beach. tudinal scalar EM waves” are moving.
As the wave moves longitudinally The theory postulates that this fourth
through the water towards land the depth dimension is the time dimension as Mor-
of the water will begin to shrink. At gan again points out:
some point it will be shallow enough that
wave will take on a transverse compo- We live in a 3-dimensional world,
nent moving some of the water into the which physics calls “3-space.” But there
air above. The force of the wave is is also spacetime, or 4-space, or the “4th
strong enough to overcome the force of dimension.” Then suddenly comes this
gravity and move the water at the surface amazing new knowledge that time is . . .
into the air. The force of the wave is energy which is compressed by exactly
quickly expended as the medium in the same factor by which matter is con-
which it is moving disappears and it sidered compressed energy: the speed-of-
works to push the water up into the air light-squared!
and finally pushes a thin film of water
So we have a new companion to
the famous E=mc2. It is now paired with
How does the Sun transmit its en- E=tc2 (where t is actually “delta-t,” or
ergy through the vacuum of space to change in time). (Morgan, p.4)
earth? If we were to view space as a
So whether this 4th dimension is to
non-physical material (having no mass),
be looked upon as a temporal dimension
then if the Sun were able to affect this
or as a dimension that encodes temporal
material we could envision longitudinal
information for our 3-dimensional world,
waves emanating from the Sun moving
among other things, it seems clear that it
outward into the Solar System. As the
behaves as some sort of deep ocean from
waters of space approached the physical
which energy can be extracted. How are
planets, perhaps there is a thinning of the
we to understand this?
ether (the oceans) so that the force
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #5 March 17, 2003 Page 29
When explaining his “Vibratory rather modifies its perpetual motion on
Physics”, one of the central ideas that seven invisible points within the area of
Keely expounded on was that of the neu- the manifested Universe. “The great
Breath digs through Space seven holes
tral centre. All natural bodies from the into Laya to cause them to circumgyrate
sub-atomic particles to planets and stars during Manvantara” (Occult Catechism).
are spherical in nature and they possess a We have said that Laya is what Science
neutral centre. Keely gives us some may call the Zero-point or line; the realm
clues as to the nature of the neutral centre of absolute negativeness, or the one real
when he writes the following: absolute Force. . . . It may serve to eluci-
date the meaning if we attempt to imagine
Taking into consideration even the a neutral centre—the dream of those who
introductory conditions of the etheric would discover perpetual motion. A
stage, etheric vibration has proved to me “neutral centre” is, in one aspect, the lim-
that the higher the velocity of its rotating iting point of any given set of senses.
stream the greater is its tendency towards Thus, imagine two consecutive planes of
the neutral centre, or centre of sympa- matter as already formed; each of these
thetic coincidence. Were it otherwise, corresponding to an appropriate set of
how could there ever be any planetary perceptive organs. We are forced to admit
formations, or the building up of visible that between these two planes of matter
structures? If a billiard ball were rotated an incessant circulation takes place; and if
to a certain velocity, it would separate in we follow the atoms and molecules of
pieces, and the pieces would fly off in a (say) the lower in their transformation
tangent, but if it were a ball of ether, the upwards, these will come to a point where
higher the velocity of rotation, the they pass altogether beyond the range of
stronger would be the tendency of its cor- the faculties we are using on the lower
puscules to seek its centre of neutrality, plane. In fact, to us the matter of the
and to hold together. (True Science, pp.17-18) lower plane there vanishes from our per-
ception into nothing—or rather it passes
Like the eye of a hurricane, which on to the higher plane, and the state of
is an area of stillness and very low pres- matter corresponding to such a point of
sure, the neutral centre pulls towards it transition must certainly possess special
other weaker neutral centres of the ap- and not readily discoverable properties.
(SD I, pp.147-48)
propriate nature (like attracts like). It is
like a vacuum in the ether pulling mass Blavatsky tells us that not only
and energy towards its centre in a spiral- does Fohat create these neutral centres
ing motion. Without that neutral centre, but that the God or the great Breath is
objects like the billiard ball would fly responsible for digging seven Laya cen-
apart into a myriad of pieces. In a very tres, and these Laya centres correspond
real sense, the neutral centre is what im- to different planes wherein the set of
parts life to a body: “. . . Fohat, in its senses developed on one plane are not
various manifestations, is the mysterious perceptive to the energies of the neutral
link between Mind and Matter, the ani- centre or plane adjacent to it. Keely ech-
mating principle electrifying every atom oes this when he writes the following:
into life” (SD I, p.16). In Theosophy we
speak of Fohat and Laya Centres. Light and heat are not evolved until
the force of the vibratory sympathetic
Blavatsky gives us some further clues
stream from the neutral centre of the sun
when she writes the following: comes into atomic percussive action as
When Fohat is said to produce against the molecular atmosphere or enve-
“Seven Laya Centres,” it means that for lope of our planet. It is so with all others
formative or creative purposes, the Great that are perceptible to our senses. The
Law (Theists may call it God) stops, or visibility of the planets can only be ac-
counted for in this way, some in a great
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #5 March 17, 2003 Page 30
degree, some in less. Innumerable thou- motion, as to be compared to an explo-
sands remain invisible to us by not having sion. During this action the positive elec-
the conditions surrounding them, and as- tric stream is liberated, and immediately
sociated with them, which favour the seeks its neutral terrestrial centre, or cen-
atomic and molecular antagonistic friction tre of highest attraction. (True Science, pp.15-
necessary to make them visible. (True Sci- 16)
ence, p.15)
What exactly is Keely trying to ex-
The planets produce subsets of plain here? First of all what is this “posi-
those neutral centres produced initially tive electric stream” that is seeking its
by our central sun. Earth is a system of “neutral terrestrial centre”?
globes (based on its own seven neutral
centres) within a greater system (the neu- Keely gives us a clue to this later
tral centres of our central sun). Certain on. He writes:
energies emanated from our sun are vi- The action of the magnetic flow is
bratorally sympathetic to the neutral cen- dual in its evolution, both attractive and
tre produced by our earth and as the great propulsive. The inclination of the plane
circulatory streams make their way about on which the subtle stream moves, either
the solar system, sympathetic energies to the right or to the left, has nothing to do
are pulled to the earth owing to their af- with positive or negative conditions. The
finities, while the earth emanates other difference in conditions of what is called,
by electricians, positive and negative elec-
energies that join that great flow that
tricity, is the difference between receptive
makes its way in time back to the sun. and propulsive vibrations. They can be
right or left receptive, or right or left pro-
So we see that there are two sys- pulsive. The positive vibrations are the
tems, the terrestrial and the celestial radiating, the negative vibrations are the
which must work in harmony. There has ones that are attracted toward the neutral
to be an attraction between these two centre. (True Science, p.17)
systems and that is what Keely explains:
Because this “positive electric
Electricity is the result of three dif- stream” is seeking its neutral centre, this
ferentiated sympathetic flows, combining must be what Keely refers to above as
the celestial and terrestrial flows by an negative vibrations, the electron being
order of assimilation negatively attractive
in its character. It is one of Nature’s ef-
one correlative of this vibration. With
forts to restore attractive differentiation. this clue at hand, it seems that Keely was
In analyzing this triple union in its vibra- explaining above how the earth maintains
tory philosophy, I find the highest order its negative electrical charge. The fol-
of perfection in the assimilative action of lowing is a short description of lightning:
Nature. The whole condition is atomic,
and is the introductory one which has an A new theory, suggesting that the
affinity for terrestrial centres, uniting electrical polarization in a thundercloud
magnetically with the Polar stream, in may cause precipitation rather than be a
other words, uniting with the Polar stream consequence of it, postulates that the elec-
by neutral affinity. The magnetic or elec- trical potential existing between the iono-
tric forces of the earth are thus kept in sphere — the highest layer of the atmos-
stable equilibrium by this triune force, phere and the earth — initiates the polari-
and the chords of this force may be ex- zation in a thundercloud. According to
pressed as 1st, the dominant, 2nd, the har- this theory, the upward flow of warm air
monic, and 3rd, the enharmonic. . . . The through a thundercloud carries with it
unition of the two prime thirds is so rapid, positively charged particles. These accu-
when the negative and the positive condi- mulate at the top of the cloud and attract
tions reach a certain range of vibratory negative charges from the ionosphere.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #5 March 17, 2003 Page 31
The negative charges are carried to the lowing circulation of electron current in a
base of the cloud by powerful downdrafts closed circuit through the load and then
at the periphery of the cloud, thus pre- through the ground return line back to and
venting oppositely charged particles from through the dipolar source-antenna. The
neutralizing each other. (Infopedia, “Light- only useful reasons for this “closed circu-
ning”) lation” of the electrons are (1) it is simple,
easy, habitual, and accepted, (2) all our
In this theory the ground, the lower components, instruments, and methodolo-
edge of the cloud, and the higher surface gies are developed in accordance with this
of the cloud work as a giant capacitor usage, (3) one uses the electrons as a
causing the discharge from cloud to working material fluid to receive, trans-
ground. The reason for this, other than to port, and discharge excess EM energy,
cause rain, is as said above: and (4) forcing the electrons back through
the back emf reloads the spent electrons
Many meteorologists believe that this again with excess EM energy in the form
is how a negative charge is carried to the of little ∇φ’s (excess trapped energy den-
ground and the total negative charge of sity) upon each recycled electron.
the surface of the earth is maintained. (In-
fopedia, “Lightining”) Some of the excess ∇φ collected
upon the electrons is expended in the load
Keely has given us a wonderful il- as useful work, but one half of the total is
lustration of the harmony that exists be- expended in driving the spent [elec-
tween the celestial force ionizing the up- trons](without excess ∇φ). Consequently
per atmosphere which in turn leads to all conventional 2-wire circuits, which re-
turn all external electron-flow current
radiation emanating from overly excited
loops back through the source, are always
electrons causing “thermal concentra- underunity devices . . . . Eerily these con-
tion” and “aqueous disintegration” ventional sources are already . . . open
(evaporation) at the surface with positive systems receiving free energy from the
ions being carried to the top of the clouds vacuum, but they are hooked up and de-
through the rising of the warm moist air. signed in a suicidal manner so as to use
Here we are given an example of the at least half of that freely extracted en-
ergy to re-close the system and shut off
positive vibrations in the form of radiant
the influx of free energy. Since at least
heat and the negative vibrations in the some of the remaining half of the energy
form of lightning. Remember that is lost in inefficiencies, frictional losses,
“[l]ight and heat are not evolved until the etc., less than half the total free energy
force of the vibratory sympathetic stream goes to the load. . . . (Additional Information,
from the neutral centre of the sun comes pp.4-5)
into atomic percussive action as against The earth is a giant dipole extract-
the molecular atmosphere or envelope of ing energy from the vacuum (the celestial
our planet.” So the atmosphere of the neutral centre) to drive its life systems.
earth acts as a transformer taking the ce- The earth’s dipole is not exhausted in
lestial force and modifying it into the this process and should run indefinitely
light and heat that can be used to drive as long as the terrestrial neutral centre
the earth’s living systems. How does this and the celestial neutral centre continue
help us to understand zero-point energy? to exist. In like manner, a dipole can
First let us look at a conventional work as an antenna extracting energy
closed circuit system. Tom Bearden from the terrestrial neutral centre (what
writes: he calls the vacuum). Bearden writes: