In The Supreme Court of Bangladesh: Appellate Division
In The Supreme Court of Bangladesh: Appellate Division
In The Supreme Court of Bangladesh: Appellate Division
Preliminary :
this appeal was filed directly in this Division as provided in Order XII
The facts leading to the filing of the writ petition are that one
Abu Taher son of Md. Kala Miah was killed on 12.1.1984 and
framed under sections 302/34 and the trial proceeded against the
conclusion of the trial, all the accused persons including the writ-
Penal Code and were sentenced to suffer imprisonment for life and
the writ petition). The said conviction and sentence was confirmed in
Martial Law Court, Siddique Ahmed filed a writ petition, being the
Writ petition No. 696 of 2010 before the High Court Division under
follows :
After the initial hearing, the High Court Division issued the
order :
without lawful authority, void ab-initio and also deleted paragraph 19 of the
However, the High Court Division did not interfere with the conviction
Court of Sessions, a properly constituted Court. The Court also directed the
certificate under Article 103 (2) (a) was also issued by the High Court
Division but without specifying the specific questions of law which require
Martial Law on 24th March, 1982, took over and assumed all and full
with immediate effect as the Chief Martial Law Administrator (in short
Chief Martial Law Administrator and also assumed the command and
Law Courts were established and those Martial Law Courts were
vested with the power to try any offence punishable under any
Order 1986 (the CMLA Order No. 8 of 1986), the Constitution of the
1986 (Act No. 1 of 1986) was enacted. By Section 3 of the said Act,
Regulations and Orders are void ab initio since those are not only
kinds of Martial Law Courts were not only illegal but the proceedings
Courts and Tribunals are all non est in the eye of Law.
Order of the High Court Division on the ground that since the High
the Rule.
Khan’s case and submitted that it is not the function of the Court to
pre-empt the ill apprehended chaos in the country and condone all
the illegalities.
AIR 1982 SC 604 and also the case of Bangladesh V. Iqbal Hasan
pointed out that a mere certificate granted under Article 103 (2) (a) is
not enough, the High Court Division should also formulate the
Proclamations etc.
PLD 2000 SC 869 and Sind High Court Bar Association V. Federation
of Pakistan PLD 2009 SC 879 and came out with the opinion that the
concerned, the learned amicus curiae submitted that since the High
Court Division itself found that the case is one of without jurisdiction,
power. For the exercise of the power of judicial review, there is a pre-
does not arise if the trial was conducted without jurisdiction, so also
coram non judice and that the preconditions for prosecution have not
been fulfilled.
Amendment Case and whether in this appeal, this Division may suo
the Appellate Division in the Fifth Amendment Case. But the learned
this Appeal can deal with the review of the Appellate Division’s finding
we are not concerned with merit or finding of the said case in this
1986. Like any other case, we are going to consider many decisions of
home and abroad, specially the decision in the Fifth Amendment Case
PLD 1958 SC 533, all on similar legal points, without any objection
from any body since he held a particular view in the earlier case, he
generally from the High Court Division. Those Judges, while in the
elevation, they would come with their own innovative ideas but on
hearing, they may either change or modify their ideas or may even
affirmed those.
are being overruled by the subsequent Law Lords who were earlier in
the Court of Appeal or in the High Court and were also bound by
those earlier decisions, but that do not deter them in overruling the
those decisions.
was also the author judge of the Judgment passed in the Fifth
and early Eighties and thereafter, rather, the High Court Division
the said declarations and the observations of the High Court Division
Appellate Division not only reviewed the said portion of the judgment
March 2011 and upheld the views of the High Court Division in this
respect but also made the condonation of the past and closed
for this six member Bench along with its presiding judge, to give its
would again and again and again continue to proclaim the unfettered
in the way.
Division in this respect but he pointed out that the High Court
Division did not address upon the principle of condonation of the past
He also pointed out that during the Martial Law, a learned Chief
Court Division were also removed under the Martial Law Orders in
that if the vires of the law or an order is challenged, then the High
Engineering and Electric Supply Co. Ltd. V. I.T.O 22 DLR (SC) (1970)
106. He further submitted that if any convict in jail alleges that his
trial was without jurisdiction, a writ of habeas corpus may lie but he
rights of the convicts vis a vis the rights of the victims and their
cases of the convicts, convicted by the Martial Law Courts at all, then
not en masse.
the High Court Division under sub-clause (a) of clause (2) of Article
enough. The High Court Division should have stated the specific and
in its certificate. This point have been raised both by Mr. Rafiqul
Haque and Mr. Mahmudul Islam, amici curiae. Mr. Islam in this
face of the Martial Law Proclamations etc. which were earlier given
necessity and the ambit of the writ of certiorari in criminal cases are
the opinion that the appeal before this Division is not incompetent on
Political Scenario :
August 1947.
After the death of Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan became the hot-
Pakistan for the toiling mass had been conveniently forgotten and the
The first onslaught was upon The Bangla language, the mother
tongue of the Bengalees who were majority in Pakistan against all the
had been prepared with the assent of the members of the Constituent
was imposed all over Pakistan. General Ayub Khan, the C-in-C of the
“Mr. Iskander Mirza, and Mr. Ayub Khan had joined hands on
the night between 7th and 8th October 1958, to overthrow the national
legal order unmindful of the fact that by abrogating the 1956-
Constitution they were not only committing acts of treason, but were
also destroying for ever the agreement reached after laborious efforts
between the citizens of East Pakistan and citizens of West Pakistan to
live together as one Nation. The cessation of East Pakistan thirteen
years later is, in my view, directly attributable to this tragic incident.”
Mirza and himself assumed the office of President. He also took the
of the people’ of Pakistan. But this was neither basic nor democracy.
footsteps of General Ayub Khan became the President and the Chief
The first and the last general election of Pakistan was held in
Bangladesh own its independence after a costly war which lasted for
of Government.
handed over the office of the Chief Martial Law Administrator to Major
him.’ Just like Field Martial Ayub Khan he got overwhelming votes in
his favour.
Law Orders, Regulations and other Orders etc. made during the
dissolved the Parliament, took over and seized all and full powers of
under Martial Law. He also assumed the full command and control of
I do hereby appoint :-
Infantry Division.
Zone “D” : BA-132 Major General Muahmmad
Abdus Samad, General Officer
Commanding 33 Infantry Division.
Zone “E” : BA-183 Brigadier K. M. Abdul Wahed,
Officiating Commander 55 Infantry
under the CMLA. The said Proclamation also forced the Chief Justice
worthless and putty by the Chief Martial Law Administrator and other
Administrators of the day. This was how the embodiment of the will of
and destructed.
The CMLA further directed that before entering upon office, the
the following form made under Martial Law Order No.05 of 1982
on 24 March 1982.
President of Bangladesh.
WHEREAS clause b of the Proclamation of the 24th
March,1982, provides that the Chief Martial Law Administrator shall
be the President of Bangladesh;
Special Martial Law Tribunals, Special Martial Law Courts and Summary
(7) A Martial Law Court may try any offence punishable under
any Martial Law Regulation or Order or under any other law.
(4) The Chief Martial Law Administrator or, as the case may be,
Zonal Martial Law Administrator may, on review, confirm, set
aside (enhance) vary or modify any order, judgment or sentence
or make orders for retrial or such other orders as he deems
necessary for the ends of justice.
(7) No Court, including the Supreme Court, shall call for the
records of the proceedings of any Martial Law Court for any
purpose whatsoever.
(8) No lawyer shall appear or plead before the Chief Martial Law
Administrator or the Zonal Martial Law Administrator at the
time of review of a case.
3A. Power of Chief Martial Law Administrator to
suspend, remit or commute punishment.− The Chief Martial
Law Administrator may, at any time, without condition or upon
such condition as he deems fit to impose, suspend, remit or
commute any sentence passed by a Martial Law Court.
These kinds of military Courts for the trial of the civilians were
revived. The said Order was made by the Chief Martial Law
Administrator on 03.03.1984.
rights were restored and enlarged the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.
October 1986.
Amendment) Act,1986 (Act No.1 of 1986). This Act received the assent
1982, was revoked by Lt. General Ershad, the Chief Martial Law
Act,1986, has been challenged in the writ petition before the High
Court Division.
This far the facts leading to the creation of Bangladesh and the
been narrated.
violations of the Constitution, we would first look into the tragic tales
1947. After his death, Moulvi Tamizuddin Khan was elected as the
Constitution was almost ready and prepared for placing before the
would see that this kind of plea was played over and over again by the
section 223-A of the Government of India Act on the ground that the
warranto against some of the Ministers that they were not qualified
amendment under which the Sind Chief Court issued the Writ had
not yet received the assent of the Governor General, it was not law
and the said Court had no jurisdiction to issue the said Writ.
taken since 1948 and it was never felt necessary. This contention was
Cornelius, J. (as his Lordship then was) differed with the views
of the majority and held that the assent of the Governor-General was
Khan VII DLR 1955 FC 291, Yaqub Ali, J., commented in Asma Jilani
at page-214 :
In Usif Patel V. The Crown VII DLR 1955 FC 385, Usif Patel was
1952. The said Act was passed by the Governor under section 92-A of
Independence Act.
1955, two weeks before hearing of the appeal by the Federal Court.
The Federal Court held that the Governor General had no power
“The only effect, in a case like the present, of giving assent later
to an Act passed by the legislature can be that the statute comes into
operation on the date that it is assented to and not before such date,
all proceedings taken under that Act before assent being void unless
they are subsequently validated by independent legislation.”
page-393 :
“It has been suggested by the learned Judges of the Sind Chief
Court and has also been vehemently urged before us that if the view
that I take on the question of assent be correct, the result would be
disastrous because the entire legislation passed by the Constituent
Assembly, and the acts done and orders passed under it will in that
case have to be held to be void.........................I am quite clear in my
mind that we are not concerned with the consequences, however
beneficial or disastrous they may be, if the undoubted legal position
was that all legislation by the Legislature of the Dominion under
subsection (3) of section 8 needed the assent of the Governor
view of the judgment passed in Tamizuddin Khan, had all become invalid.
This constitutional crisis had been brought upon Pakistan due to the
Federal Court in Tamizudin Khan did not consider the validity of the said
petition filed under the added section 223A of the Government of India Act,
1935, since it was not then assented to by the Governor General. The case
of the Usif Patel was decided on 12 April 1955, holding that validation of
from its earlier two decisions, namely, Tamizuddin Khan and Usif
Patel. It may be noted that the maxim salus populi suprema lex was
Khan but was not accepted then by the Federal Court, rather,
same very maxim was merrily taken, giving a blind eye to its earlier
The opinion of Cornelius, J., shows how the majority opinion in the
General from the constitutional disarray created by him. By then the lions
Supreme Court upheld martial law as legal and valid and reached the
Bangladesh also.
was challenged before the High Court of West Pakistan, Lahore, in its
writ jurisdiction. The High Court found that the relevant provisions of
“3. .........For the purposes of the doctrine here explained a change is,
in law, a revolution if it annuls the Constitution and the annulment
is effective. If the attempt to break the Constitution fails, those who
sponsor or organise it are judged by the existing Constitution as
guilty of the crime of treason. But if the revolution is victorious in the
sense that the persons assuming power under the change can
successfully require the inhabitants of the country to conform to the
new regime, then the revolution itself becomes a law-creating fact
because thereafter its own legality is judged not by reference to the
annulled Constitution but by reference to its own success. On the
same principle the validity of the laws to be made thereafter is judged
by reference to the new and not the annulled Constitution. Thus the
essential condition to determine whether a Constitution has been
annulled is the efficacy of the change. In the circumstances
supposed, no new State is brought into existence though Aristotle
thought otherwise. If the territory and the people remain
substantially the same, there is, under the modern justice doctrine,
no change in the corpus or international entity of the State and the
revolutionary Government and the new Constitution are, according to
International Law, the legitimate Government and the valid
Constitution of the State. Thus a victorious revolution or a successful
coup d’etat is an internationally recognised legal method of changing
a Constitution.
4. After a change of the character I have mentioned has taken place,
the national legal order must for its validity depend upon the new
law- creating organ. Even Courts lose their existing jurisdictions, and
can function only to the extent and in the manner determined by the
new Constitution”.
Interpreter” (1607) but it was the good fortune for the English people
abandon his idea of divine right. It was ill-luck for the people of
The appeal was allowed on the finding that the writ issued by
“My own view is that a person who destroys the national legal
order in an illegitimate manner cannot be regarded as a valid source
of law-making. May be, that on account of his holding the coercive
apparatus of the State, the people and the Courts are silenced
temporarily, but let it be laid down firmly that the order which the
usurper imposes will remain illegal and Courts will not recognize its
rule and act upon them as de jure. As soon as the first opportunity
arises, when the coercive apparatus falls from the hands of the
usurper, he should be tried for high treason and suitably punished.
This alone will serve as a deterrent to would be adventurers.”
“................ Mr. Iskander Mirza, and Mr. Ayub Khan had joined
hands on the night between 7th and 8th October 1958, to overthrow
the national legal order unmindful of the fact that by abrogating the
1956-Constitution they were not only committing acts of treason, but
were also destroying for ever the agreement reached after laborious
efforts between the citizens of East Pakistan and citizens of West
Pakistan to live together as one Nation. The cessation of East
Pakistan thirteen years later is, in my view, directly attributable to
this tragic incident.”
About the recognition of the Martial Law Regime Yaqub Ali, J.,
held at page-245-246 :
“It was questioned how did the Court come to hold on the 13th
October 1958, that the new Government was able to maintain its
Constitution in an efficacious manner and that the old order as a
whole had lost its efficacy “ because the actual behavior of men does
no longer conform to this old legal order.” Indeed, it was the
recognition by the Court which made the new Government de jure
and its Constitution efficacious.”
247-248 :
Supreme Court which can say what the Constitution is. In 1958, in
Constitution of the country and approved martial law as the new legal
2006 (in short ‘Fifth Amendment Case’), the High Court Division of
etc. are all creations of the Constitution and owe their existence to
the Constitution. The Commander-in-Chief of Army, whatever rank
he may hold, he is in the service of the Republic, as such, a servant
of the people in the Republic.”
such power of the people shall be exercised only under and by the
liberation, our aims, objects and high ideals for which this nation
(1973) 335, Badrul Haider Chowdhury, J. (as his Lordship then was)
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the nation, along with most of
The case was decided on 4 January 1978. The country was at that
time under Martial Law. The writ petition was as to the question
Disposal) Order (P.O. No.16 of 1972). The Rule was discharged by the
behalf of the Supreme Court, Fazle Munim, J. (as his Lordship then
With great respect for the learned Judges of the Supreme Court
of the day, it must be held that their Lordships were absolutely wrong
when they held that by clause (d) and (e) of the Proclamation made
sacrosanct and immutable and all organs of the Republic owe its
Law Proclamations, Regulations and Orders are non est before it.
With great respect for the Supreme Court of the day, the whole
Judges of the Star Chamber. With great respect for the learned
Regulations, the civil petitions had abated. Fazle Munim, J., held at
para-22, page-220:
With great respect, the above noted statements are not at all
armed forces and the Judiciary including the Supreme Court owe
who made it, is void, and non est in the eye of law.
not only alien to the Constitution, but gave legitimacy to Martial Law
Law Court and were sentenced to death. On a writ petition, the High
under Martial Law. The Appellate Division by majority held that the
and Martial Law Regulation or orders and other orders, as such, the
Martial Law Courts had the authority to try any offence and its
of the country.
With great respect, the whole basis, the ratio decidendi of this
thought that the Martial Law Proclamation was the supreme law and
The Supreme Court is a Court of Record and has all the powers
Court Division, has got the power and jurisdiction to issue the
Regulations and Orders, there is no Martial Law Courts and the High
Special Martial Law Court was challenged by the appellant. The High
High Court Division can exercise its power under Article 102 if it is
of Halima Khatun and Haji Joynal Abedin and held that inspite of
the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court remains barred and ousted and
With great respect for the learned Judge, the above observation
Division of the Supreme Court being the creature of the Constitution never
loses its power to issue writs against any authority in order to uphold the
In the the Fifth Amendment Case, the High Court Division held
that the there is no law called Martial Law and there is no authority
Appellate Division.
Division followed the ratio decidendi of the above noted earlier three
Courts are not at all protected. Those Courts being begotten out of
High Court Division, nay, it is imperative on its part to say so. It did
The views of the Appellate Division in this case, upholding the vain
supremacy of the Martial Law Proclamations etc. and the Martial Law
such, with greatest respect for the learned Judges, we are constrained
to overrule it.
and since the decisions of the High Court Division in Mridha and
BLD (Special Issue). But the said solemn note was breached when
void and illegal and remains so for all time to come. The plea of
In the present case, in the High Court Division, the vires of Section 3
It may be noted that earlier in Fifth Amendment Case the High Court
1979, ultra vires the Constitution. This was upheld by the Appellate
Amendment) Act, 1986, it would appear that the purpose of both the
provisions are same. Both the provisions were enacted to give validity and
Constitution (Fifth Amendment) Act, 1979. But by both the enactments, the
Martial Law Instructions, Ordinances and all other laws made during the
periods of Martial Law from 1975 to 1979 and from 1982 to 1986, were
amended the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution and after paragraph 17,
Act,1986, amended the Fourth Schedule further and after paragraph 18,
The High Court Division in the Fifth Amendment case 2006 (Special
Constitution, the legal position of Martial Law and its attempted validation
dismissed the Civil Petitions in Fifth Amendment Case and held at para-76,
page-453 :
Martial Law is the Superior Court of the Republic entrusted with the
solemn duty to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution” and
so every Martial Law, immediately upon Proclamation seeks to curb
the Powers of the Court, particularly, the powers of the Constitutional
65. .........Further, the Parliament though may amend the
Constitution under Article 142 but cannot make the Constitution
subservient to any other Proclamations etc. or cannot disgrace it in
any manner since the Constitution is the embodiment and solemn
expression of the will of the people of Bangladesh, attained through
the supreme sacrifice of nearly three million martyrs. Further the
Parliament, by amendment of the Constitution can not legitimize any
illegitimate activity.
page-452 :
“75. We are of the view that in the spirit of the Preamble and
also Article 7 of the Constitution the Military Rule, direct or indirect,
is to be shunned once for all. Let it be made clear that Military Rule
was wrongly justified in the past and it ought not to be justified in
future on any ground, principle, doctrine or theory whatsoever as the
same is against the dignity, honour and glory of the nation that it
achieved after great sacrifice; it is against the dignity and honour of
the people of Bangladesh who are committed to uphold the
sovereignty and integrity of the nation by all means; it is also against
the honour of each and every soldier of the Armed Forces who are
oath bound to bear true faith and allegiance to Bangladesh and
Proclamations, Martial Law Regulations and Martial Orders and the vires of
Amendment Case.
that of the Constitution (Fifth Amendment) Act, 1979, we need not discuss
and repeat all those points all over again, rather, we agree, accept and
uphold what were decided in the Fifth Amendment case. We would only
But before that we would discuss three cases where the trial of the
The first one is the case of Theobald Wolfe Tone, an Irish rebel. In
commission in the British army. He had worked with the French army to
hanged. A writ of habeas corpus was moved before the King’s Bench in
Ireland on the ground that Wolfe Tone was not a military person, as such,
Tone with the French invasion was substantially admitted and Ireland was
in turmoil, still the Court of King’s Bench in Ireland granted the writ of
habeas corpus in his favour and upheld the rule of law that a civilian
2, 18 L.Ed. 281 (1866). Since the middle of 1861, civil war was raging
continuing for four years and the very existence of the Republic as one
habeas corpus and to allow exercise of Martial Law in the State of Indiana
where there was no rebellion at the relevant time. On the Order of the
Supreme Court, Milligan was released. The decision of the majority of the
the rights of the people and the role of the Supreme Court:
It is claimed that martial law covers with its broad mantle the
proceedings of this military commission. The proposition is this: that
in a time of war the commander of an armed force (if in his opinion
the exigencies of the country demand it, and of which he is to judge),
has the power, within the lines of his military district, to suspend all
civil rights and their remedies, and subject citizens as well as soldiers
to the rule of his will; and in the exercise of his lawful authority
cannot be restrained, except by his superior officer or the President of
the United States................................
during the reign of the King Charles I in 1628. King Charles I was
engaged in war with Spain and then with France, as such he was in
persons were imprisoned for refusing the loan and punishment was
Right, in order to protect the people from illegal exactions under the
At first the King avoided to give his assent to the Bill but on the
civilisation the rights of man took its roots and the arbitrary actions
of the rulers of the day were gradually softened. By the Bill of Rights,
1689, the arbitrary powers of the King were brought under the
domain of the Parliament but even then the conduct of the Parliament
During these periods and thereafter the civil rights of the people
century saw two great wars. After the Second World War many of the
caprices, to suit their purpose, but also convene trial of the civilians
for their criminal offences before the Martial Law Tribunals apart
Although Bangladesh came into being with the blood and tears
not be avoided and the country passed through the periods of Martial
Laws from 1975 to 1979 and then again from 1982 to 1986.
Martials were deprecated and the civilian accused persons were set
free by the Superior Courts in exercise of their powers under the writ
United States in the case of Hamdan was not slow in declaring his
of the petitioner by the Special Martial Law Court was also challenged
on the ground that the Constitution does not permit so, so also the
Doctrine of Necessity:
The said findings of the Appellate Division was again modified in the
old maxim salus populi suprema lex (safety of the people is the
have already narrated the back-ground of the said Reference and also
challenged before the Sind Chief Court. The Court declared the
1955 FC 291. The majority of the Federal Court, being fully aware
We agree with the views of Yaqub Ali, J. in Asma Jilani that the
minority view of Cornelius, J., that the Constituent Assembly was the
sovereign body and assent of the Governor General who was only a
the Full Bench of the Sind Chief Court in the case of Tamizuddin
Division 2010 (XVIII) BLT (AD) 329, in dismissing the civil petitions.
as follows: :
page-442 (BLT) :
“As Judges, our only tools are the Constitution, the laws
made or adopted under it and the facts presented before us. We
are bound by these instruments and we are to follow it. The
plea of ‘State necessity’ shall have to be considered within the
bounds of these instruments and not without those. That is
how we read Grotius and Lord Pearce in Madzimbamuto. But
Grotius or Lord Mansfield in Stratton’s case (1779) or Lord
Pearce, did not dream of breaking any law or giving legitimacy
to an illegality, far less making the Constitution, the supreme
law of any country, subservient to the commands of any Army
General, whose only source of power is through the muzzle of a
gun although all the Generals in any country seize power in the
All ER 561 PC, the Supreme Court of Pakistan accepted the doctrine
in a limited form.
the doctrine of necessity was not approved by the Privy Council. Lord
declared at page-578 I:
C to E :
as they did not exceed the powers under the 1961 Constitution. The
de facto status of sovereignty cannot be conceded to a rebel
government as against the true Sovereign in the latter’s courts of
law. The judges under the 1961 Constitution therefore cannot
acknowledge the validity of an illegal government set up in defiance
of it. I do not agree with the view of Macdonald, J.A., that their
allegiance is owed to the rebel government in power.”
agreed with the majority opinion of Lord Reid that the impugned
emergency and the regulations were unlawful and invalid, only the
acts may be valid. But the Pakistan Supreme Court in Asma Jilani
not only accepted this slender proposition of Lord Pearce but also
order itself but I respectfully beg to disagree with the view that this is
a doctrine for validating the illegal acts of usurpers in my humble
opinion, this doctrine can be invoked in aid only after the Court has
come to the conclusion that the acts of the usurpers were illegal and
illegitimate. It is only then that the question arises as to how many of
his acts, legislative or otherwise, should be condoned or maintained,
notwithstanding their illegality in the wider public interest. I would
call this a principle of condonation and not legitimization”.
necessity at page-239:
the Civil Power) Ordinance, 1998, civilian offenders were sought to be tried
by the Military Courts for the offences committed under the ordinary
Criminal Law. The legality of this Ordinance was challenged in the case of
Sh. Liaquat Hussain V. Federation of Pakistan PLD 1999 SC 504 and such
Refusing to accept the plea of the Attorney General that the Doctrine
of Necessity can be invoked for a limited purpose, Irshad Hasan Khan, J.,
was of the opinion in Liaquat Hussain that if it is approved of, it may very
into a dispotic one’ and any deviation from the Constitution may lead to
266, page-1203:
seized the executive power of the Government and himself became the
more than 99% votes in his favour. From time to time he continued to
No.1 of 2007 and Oath Order, 2007. These were challenged in this
case. But long before that, in the evening of 3 November 2007, the
and 13 October 1999, this time boldly passed a restraint Order upon
PCO and an Oath Order, and thereby requiring the Judges of the
orders against such authority, the Supreme court pointed out that all
doctrine or principle.
Constitution, but subject to PCO No.1 of 2007 and any other Order
was from 15 August 1975 to 7 April 1979 and the second one was
Regulations, Martial Law Orders and other Orders, passed during the
the High Court Division, held the said Act void and non est in the eye
of Law.
2010 (XVIII) BLT (AD) 329, quoted the declarations given by the High
“64. ........ The High Court Division after considering all the
Appellate Division given in the said case that the Martial Law
illegal, void and non-est in the eye of law and could not be ratified or
of all the Armed Forces of Bangladesh, again beyond the ambit of the
Army Act. All these steps were taken illegality in utter disgrace and
Courts, Tribunals and Summary Military Courts for the trial and
Instructions of the CMLA, issued from time to time for the period of
Law was withdrawn. All the above mentioned Martial Law provisions
and all orders made, acts and things done, and actions and
writ petition.
sovereign. All office holders from the highest to the lowest, including
exist. Without the people they are non-est. All their functions, duties
conform to the words of the Constitution. Let it be known for all time
that is why they are blended with the sovereignty of the people being
that of the Congress of the United States. Our Parliament can make
and unmake any law but within the bounds of the Constitution which
following a proper and lawful procedure but cannot ratify and confirm
sub-para (1) of the said paragraph 19 sought to ratify and confirm the
Ordinances etc. made from time to time since 24 March 1982 till 11
are void and non est on the face of it since those are not only
Bangladesh .
doubt, but cannot ratify or confirm any of the Proclamations etc. and
the acts and actions taken thereon and mentioned in sup-para (1) to
Act itself is ultra vires the Constitution, as such, void and non est in
functionaries during the war of liberation and thereafter and all other
purpose altogether.
case, expunged all the findings and observations of the High Court
Civil Review Petition Nos. 17-18 of 2011 the Appellate Division by its
Order dated 29 March 2011 expunged and modified its own above
eight hundred year old maxim ‘Salus Populi Suprema lex’ ( Safety of
Assembly in 1954 when the draft Constitution was ready for adoption
and except those are specifically denied above, on the age old
principles, such as, Id quod Alias Non Est LIcitum, Necessitas
Licitum Facit ( That which otherwise is not lawful, necessity
makes lawful), Salus populi suprema lex (safety of the people
is the supreme law) and salus republicae est suprema lex
(safety of the State is the supreme law).
condonations provisional.
proceedings thereon void and on the other hand condone all those
would appear that this condonation was not for ‘populi’, rather, it was
actually against their interest. The maxim was used, rather, misused
absolutely illegal but continued to cast its ominous shadow for a very
long time which loomed large over Bangladesh till it was buried in the
Fifth Amendment Case in 2005 by the High Court Division and was
although in obiter, that the near two years, beyond the 90 (ninety)
within the void Thirteenth Amendment Act but again in obiter, was
Government for the said period be condoned but only in the interest
of the people.
maintain the continuity and status quo in the workings and functions
usurpers or their illegal regimes. Let us take the present case. The
Martial Law Proclamations etc. of 1982 to 1986 are all illegal and
shall remain so for all time to come. No body can deny it. There can
during the said period of Martial Law which continued for more than
4 (four) and half years from 24 March 1982 till 11 November 1986.
organs. But those are there, mostly after so many years, as past and
Government for the said period are all illegal and no right can be
created and founded in favour of any body during the said period.
maxim ‘salus populi suprema lex’ and while declaring the Martial Law
Courts etc., as mentioned above, which are passed and closed, are
The ‘suprema lex’ is for ‘salus populi’ , not for the usurpers and
liable for violation of the Constitution and for their illegal activities for
which is the worst kind of offence that may be committed against the
Why all those functions, acts, actions and proceedings are not
Procedure and Evidence Act. But the case against him was
were illegal. The Special Martial Law Court was set-up by Martial Law
Martial Law of 24 March 1982. Those are illegal, so also the Special
Martial Law Court. But the said Court, as far back as in 1984, had
already convicted the petitioner in absentia and sentenced him for life
although his trial was illegal and also without jurisdiction for two
reasons, firstly, the Special Martial Law Court has got no legal
existence since the Martial Law Proclamations etc. are void; secondly,
can in a proper case, look into the allegations on a case to case basis.
important than life and liberty and the next of kin may like to absolve
The next question is what would be the procedure and forum for
only. In this connection the learned Judge of the High Court Division
Bhajan Lal (AIR 1992 SC 604) and Iqbal Hasan Mahmood (60 DLR AD
years ago, the King of England was the first Magistrate of the Realm
and the fountain of justice. He himself used to preside over the King’s
Bench. The King was clothed with the Special Powers of prerogative
his own interest, execute his commands over his Earls, Barons and
the three Estates of the Realm. With the passage of time, these
were also made available to the causes of the subjects where no other
alternative remedy was available. By then the King’s Bench was used
the King, subsequently by the King’s Bench in the name of the King,
During the time of Lord Holt, C.J., in 1700 or so this writ was in
Regulating Act of 1773. It had all the powers of the King’s Bench to
corpus and quo warranto. All those are, however, issued in the
in general, may inhibit the discretion of the Court but would not limit
the High Court Division to issue the writ in the nature of certiorari. It
can be ignored and must be given due weight and importance to its
meaning. As such, before issuing any such order the High Court
available. But it must also be noted that the available remedy, is not
but not equally efficacious, then in exercise of its discretion may issue
case in hand.
Courts to issue the writs in the nature of certiorari, does not contain
our High Court Division, the High Courts in India may issue orders in
Lal filed a writ petition under Article 226 and 227 of the Constitution
of India before the High Court. After hearing, the High Court quashed
Criminal Procedure (India) of the High Court, to quash the FIR itself
High Court in India may in appropriate cases, interfere both under its
Constitution (our Article 102) or even under section 482 of the Code
an appeal or for that matter, the inherent power under Section 561A
available and any petition in this respect filed under Article 102 of the
facts and circumstances of the case, would be under the Code and
not otherwise.
section 561A of the Code, under the inherent power of the High Court
the proceedings conducted before the various Martial Law Courts and
561A of the Code can only be invoked if the proceedings are under
the provisions of the Code. It does not provide any relief if the trials
are not conducted under the provisions of the Code. Since the
and not under the Code, the inherent power of the High Court
provided under any other provisions of law, the persons who are
Martial Law Court but would direct trial afresh before the appropriate
1984, is declared illegal and void. However, the trial of the Sessions
the will of the sovereign People. There lies the supremacy of the
3. The Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary are the three
and functions till 11 November 1986, all were made not only in
12. Although the Martial Law Proclamations etc. made during the
are past and closed, are condoned on the age old maxim ‘ salus
13. The ‘suprema lex’ is for the salus populi’, not for the usurpers
14. The High Court Division may exercise its extraordinary powers
It is therefore ordered :
a) Section 3 of the constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1986
illegal and void, however, the trial of the Sessions Trial Case