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Nuclear Engineering and Design 342 (2019) 20-28

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Nuclear Engineering and Design 342 (2019) 20–28

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Nuclear Engineering and Design

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Influence of flow velocity and temperature on flow accelerated corrosion T

rate at an elbow pipe

Y. Utanohara , M. Murase
Institute of Nuclear Safety System, Inc., 64 Sata, Mihama-Cho, Mikata-Gun, Fukui 919-1205, Japan


Keywords: Flow accelerated corrosion (FAC) is one of the important issues that must be considered for aging fossil and
Flow accelerated corrosion nuclear power plants. To understand the effect of thermal flow field on FAC, FAC rates at an elbow pipe were
Elbow pipe measured under different flow velocity and temperature conditions. The elbow test section was made of stainless
Wall thinning rate steel (diameter D = 49.5 mm) and FAC rates were measured using corrosion sensors made of carbon steel. The
Electric resistance method
dissolved oxygen concentration was kept under 0.1 μg/kg, and pH was nearly neutral (about 7.0) at room
temperature. The mean cross-sectional velocity was changed from 0.39 to 5.74 m/s (Reynolds number, about
1.0e6). When the water temperature was about 150 °C, the FAC rate was smaller at the intrados of the elbow pipe
than at other circumferential locations. This tendency continued downstream. The FAC rates at the elbow pipe
were larger than those upstream and downstream from the elbow pipe and the FAC rates downstream from the
elbow pipe decreased along the flow direction. FAC rates increased as flow velocity increased and their re-
lationship was not linear. The ratios of the maximum FAC rate at the elbow to the FAC rate in the upstream
straight pipe ranged from about 1.7 to 2.9. When temperature decreased to 100 °C, FAC rate at the intrados
became the largest of the other circumferential sensors. When temperature decreased further to 50 °C, FAC rate
also decreased, but the value was not negligible. The influence of flow velocity was negligibly small at 50 °C and
remarkable at 100 °C and 150 °C. The combination effect of flow velocity and temperature was different from
place to place and particularly strong at the elbow.

1. Introduction have mainly been evaluated by using the mean cross-sectional velocity
(Bignold et al., 1981; Heitmann and Schub, 1983), but recently the
Flow accelerated corrosion (FAC) is an important issue for aging relationship between FAC and a local flow field has been reported
management of fossil and nuclear power plants. FAC occurs at the pipe (Yoneda et al., 2009; El-Gammal et al., 2010; Pietralik and Schefski,
geometry where flow is strongly disturbed such as downstream from an 2011; Fujisawa et al., 2012; Tsuneyoshi et al., 2015). The essential fluid
orifice and at an elbow. FAC causes thinning of the pipe wall which dynamics factor influencing FAC is recognized to be the mass transfer
occasionally leads to a pipe rupture accident. Thinning of pipe wall coefficient near a pipe wall, and studies have been conducted based on
thickness had been managed based on non-destructive inspection of this concept. To validate prediction methods for FAC rates, FAC data
pipe wall thickness and evaluation of remaining lifetime following each are needed. There are many power plant data but uncertainties for
electric utility’s own guideline. The Japanese Society of Mechanical operation conditions and water chemistries are generally large.
Engineers published its guideline on pipe wall thinning management in Therefore, the authors have measured FAC rates under well-controlled
2005 (The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2006). Since then, conditions in a test loop for the region downstream from an orifice
the management method for pipe wall thinning has been unified under (Utanohara et al., 2012, 2013; Kamahori et al., 2013) and elbow
this guideline in Japan. (Utanohara et al., 2016). The goal of these studies has been to develop a
For prediction of FAC rates, it is important to understand factors numerical simulation method by which effects of the local flow field on
influencing FAC. Generally, influencing factors are the water tem- FAC can be evaluated.
perature, pH, dissolved oxygen concentration, material composition In this paper, the authors focused on FAC rates at an elbow pipe,
and fluid dynamics factor (Dooley and Chexal, 2000). FAC studies from because there are many elbows in a power plant but FAC rates at an
the viewpoint of the fluid dynamics factor (which the authors focus on) elbow pipe have not been directly measured in experiments, although

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Y. Utanohara), [email protected] (M. Murase).

Received 31 July 2018; Received in revised form 7 November 2018; Accepted 20 November 2018
Available online 03 December 2018
0029-5493/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Utanohara, M. Murase Nuclear Engineering and Design 342 (2019) 20–28

the distribution of the mass transfer coefficient was measured experi- Table 1
mentally (El-Gammal et al., 2010) and wall thinning data in a power Specifications of measurement instruments.
plant were examined (Pietralik and Schefski, 2011). Previously Item measured Manufacturer Instrument model Method
(Utanohara et al., 2016), though the authors had measured FAC rates at
an elbow pipe with the diameter of 49.5 mm, the experiment was Dissolved oxygen Nikkiso 7115–22 Membrane
conducted under a constant condition, flow velocity was 5.07 m/s and
Conductivity Nikkiso 9792
fluid temperature was about 150 °C. The authors have also conducted pH Horiba D-51 Glass electrode
measurement of mass transfer coefficient and numerical simulation of Iron concentration Hach Pocket colorimeter TPTZ
the elbow flow field (Tsuneyoshi et al., 2017). Through the comparison II
between FAC rate and mass transfer coefficient of the same elbow
geometry, the authors have tried to clarify their quantitative correlation
between them. Hence, to understand the influence of thermal flow field water tank, the water temperature and flow rate in the loop were
on FAC rate, more detailed experiment is necessary with flow velocity measured. In the sampling system, water was depressurized to atmo-
and temperature as a parameter. Particularly, it is well known that FAC spheric pressure and cooled to room temperature to monitor the dis-
usually occurs between 100 °C and 280 °C and FAC rate becomes solved oxygen concentration and conductivity, then water returned to
maximum near 130–150 °C (Dooley and Chexal, 2000; Bignold and the main loop. Additionally, small amount of water was periodically
Garbett, 1982). However, Yoneda et al. (Yoneda et al., 2016) confirmed taken from the main loop in the nitrogen atmosphere and then pH and
that FAC rate was considerably large at the relatively low temperature iron concentration were measured manually under the room tempera-
of 50 °C. Hence, in this study, temperature was decreased to 50 °C and ture. The measurement instruments for water chemistries are listed in
FAC rate was measured. Here, FAC rate of an elbow flow was measured Table 1.
under different velocity and temperature conditions and the findings The test section for FAC rate measurement is shown in Fig. 2. The
are reported. test section was made of stainless steel (SUS304) pipe which had an
inner diameter of D = 49.5 mm. The corrosion sensors were made of
carbon steel plate (STPT42: Ni, 0.02 wt%; Cr, 0.04 wt%; Mo, 0.01 wt%)
2. Experimental method and implanted on the pipe inner surface as shown in Fig. 3. The cor-
rosion sensors were insulated from the stainless steel pipe by a covering
2.1. Test loop resin and were implanted on the pipe inner surface so that one surface
of the plate was exposed to the fluid (hot water).
The test loop used in the FAC rate measurement experiment is Twenty corrosion sensors were installed: four at 9.35D upstream
shown in Fig. 1. The experimental method was almost the same as in from the entrance of the elbow in the straight pipe, four at the center of
previous studies (Utanohara et al., 2012, 2013, 2016; Kamahori et al., the elbow pipe, four each at 2.68D and 3.68D downstream, and two
2013). The recirculation pump was equipped downstream from the test each at 4.68D and 5.68D downstream from the exit of the elbow. It
section to avoid pump-induced disturbance effects on the section. Dis- should be noted that the elbow pipe was bent in the horizontal plane,
solved oxygen concentration of the feed water was decreased using the namely, the upstream pipe, the elbow pipe and the downstream pipe
degasifier before heating. Dissolved oxygen concentration was normally were placed in the horizontal plane.
below 0.1 μg/kg. The pH was not controlled and was nearly neutral at The detailed geometry of the elbow pipe used in the FAC rate
room temperature with no additives. Iron concentration was kept low measurement experiment is shown in Fig. 4. Its geometry was different
using the demineralizer. The loop temperature was automatically con- from that of normally used elbow types, because of the difficulty to
trolled by the heater power and cooling unit equipped in a small branch install the corrosion sensors on the wall surface. In the previous studies
pipe downstream from the test section. Under the steady-state opera- (Utanohara et al., 2012, 2013), the inner surface of the test section was
tion, cooling was needed to keep the water temperature constant due to smoothed using a boring machine to remove undesirable bumps be-
Joule heating of the recirculation pump. To avoid cavitation in the test tween the corrosion sensors and the pipe wall and to get a tight fit.
loop, water pressure was also controlled to 1.5 MPa by an automatic However, such machining cannot be applied on the elbow surface.
pressure control system using nitrogen gas. The pressure in the hot Hence, the corrosion sensors were installed in a straight part of 54 mm

Fig. 1. Test loop for measurements of FAC rate.

Y. Utanohara, M. Murase Nuclear Engineering and Design 342 (2019) 20–28

Fig. 2. Test section for FAC rate measurement, overhead view (unit: mm).

that was sandwiched between two 45-degree elbows with the curvature 2.3. Experimental conditions
radius of Re = 76.2 mm. The equivalent curvature radius of the elbow
pipe was Rep = 114.4 mm. The experimental conditions are shown in Table 2. The experiment
The layout of corrosion sensors as viewed from upstream is shown had been conducted from Run 1 to Run 9 without interruption and the
in Fig. 4. Four corrosion sensors were installed in the circumferential conditions of flow velocity and temperature were changed when the
direction at the center of the elbow pipe. The directions were the upper, experiment moved to next run. The experimental period of each run
the lower, the extrados and the intrados of the elbow pipe. was over a few days. Before Run 1, the surfaces of the corrosion sensors
were polished to remove any oxide films that had formed. Velocity was
gradually increased through Run 1 to Run 3. The 2014 Run 4 was a
2.2. Measurement method for FAC rate previously conducted run and it was used as a reference in comparing
the present results. Temperature was nominally controlled to 150 °C
The FAC rate was measured by the electric resistance method. The through Run 1 to Run 5, but there was variation because heat balances
electric resistance of the sensor plate R is expressed by Eq. (1): of the test section were different; in other words, the inlet enthalpy rate
increased as velocity increased, while heat release from the test section
L L was constant. The details are described in Section 3.1. After Run 6,
R = ρe = ρe
S d·w (1) temperature was decreased step by step to 100 °C (Run 6 and Run 7)
and 50 °C (Run 8 and Run 9). The water was pressurized to 1.5 MPa to
where ρe, S, L, d and w are the electric resistivity, cross-sectional area, avoid cavitation in the test loop. The dissolved oxygen concentration
length, thickness and width of the sensor plate, respectively. The was almost always below 0.1 μg/kg. Generally, FAC occurs when the
thickness d can be measured from the resistance R and then the FAC dissolved oxygen concentration is low and FAC rate decreases as the
rate of the sensor plate can be obtained from the gradient of the time dissolved oxygen increases. This is because the dissolved oxygen in-
history of metal loss. fluences the composition of oxide films. In this study, by decreasing the
Since ρe depends on temperature, the measured resistances are also dissolved oxygen below 0.1 μg/kg, the influence of the dissolved
influenced by temperature. In the experiment, temperature was con- oxygen on FAC rate seemed to be reduced to negligibly low level.
trolled to a constant value (150 °C) and temperature change during the Fig. 5 shows pH and iron concentration during Run 1 to Run 9. pH
experiment was within about ± 1.0 °C. The influence of the tempera- and iron concentration were measured intermittently to confirm that
ture change on the final result (FAC rate) were under 0.3%, then ρe they could be kept at constant values. The pH was not controlled and
could be treated as a constant value in this study. was nearly neutral at room temperature. Iron concentration was kept

Fig. 3. Corrosion sensors.

Y. Utanohara, M. Murase Nuclear Engineering and Design 342 (2019) 20–28

Fig. 4. Detailed geometry of the elbow pipe (unit: mm).

Table 2
FAC experimental conditions.
Run 1 2 3 4 5

Experimental period [h] 444 175 141 332 78

Mean cross-sectional velocity [m/s] 0.39 1.40 4.34 5.74 4.73
Temperature [°C] 145.2 148.8 149.2 149.2 149.2
Reynolds number 9.7 × 104 3.6 × 105 1.1 × 10 6
1.4 × 106 1.2 × 106
Dissolved oxygen [μg/kg] below 0.1
pHa 6.8 (6.4–7.3) 6.8 (6.7–7.0) 7.3 7.5 7.1 (6.9–7.3)
Iron concentration [ppm] 0.02 to 0.06 0.03 to 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.05
Corrosion sensor property Carbon steel plates STPT 42 (Ni; 0.02%, Cr; 0.04%, Mo; 0.01%)

Run 6 7 8 9 2014 Run 4

Experimental period [h] 145 113 580 1624 503

Mean cross-sectional velocity [m/s] 4.73 1.37 1.34 4.78 3.64
Temperature [°C] 99.2 98.9 49.0 49.2 149.2
Reynolds number 8.0 × 105 2.3 × 105 1.2 × 105 4.3 × 105 9.0 × 105
Dissolved oxygen [μg/kg] below 0.1
pHa 7.3 (7.2–7.4) 6.6 7.5 – 6.9 (6.5–7.2)
Iron concentration [ppm] 0.05 0.06 0.02–0.03 – 0.03
Corrosion sensor property Carbon steel plates STPT 42 (Ni; 0.02%, Cr; 0.04%, Mo; 0.01%)
The average during the corrosion measurement. The numbers in parentheses are the minimum and the maximum of the measurement values.

3. Experimental results

3.1. Time history of metal loss

Fig. 6 shows time histories of metal loss of corrosion sensors in four

runs. They are the values along the extrados of the elbow test section.
The origin of the longitudinal direction is the inlet of the elbow pipe.
The metal losses linearly increased with time, but their curves had
fluctuations. The range of fluctuations became smaller as velocity in-
creased. These fluctuations in metal losses were caused by thickness
measurement error and this error varied due to temperature fluctuation
of water. The measured FAC rates are related to the water temperature,
because the electric resistivity in Eq. (1) depends on temperature. The
Fig. 5. pH and iron concentration. main reason of the fluctuation of the water temperature was energy
balance between heat release to the outside and heat input from the
constant at about 0.04 ± 0.02 μg/g, except at the start of Run 5. The heater. The amount of the heat release was constant without depending
reason of the increase of iron concentration in Run 5 was not clear, but on the flow velocity. On the contrary, the amount of inflow enthalpy
the authors thought that it did not have great influence on the experi- decreased as the flow velocity decreased and temperature at the test
mental results. section also became lower. As the flow velocity increased, the amount
of inflow enthalpy increased and temperature drop became smaller. As
a result, the temperature fluctuation also became smaller. The fluc-
tuation of room temperature also influenced the water temperature as
shown in Fig. 6(b)–(d). Since the influence of the temperature drop
became smaller, the effect of the daily variation of the room

Y. Utanohara, M. Murase Nuclear Engineering and Design 342 (2019) 20–28

Fig. 6. Time histories of metal loss of corrosion sensors.

temperature became visible. Anyway, the FAC rates can be obtained long elbow and the elbow test section in this study. As a result, rela-
from the gradient of the metal loss and these fluctuations can be re- tively lower velocity distribution appeared near the intrados side and
moved by the time-average of the piecewise gradients of the metal loss. this velocity distribution continued downstream from the elbow.
In Run 1, the metal losses changed with time and gradients became Hence, mass transfer near the intrados side might be also lower. Flow
constant after a certain period of time. In Fig. 6(a), the gradients be- separation occurred most strongly in the short elbow and did not occur
came relatively constant after around 190 h. A similar tendency was in the long elbow. Regarding the elbow geometry in this experiment,
observed in the previous study (Utanohara et al., 2016). On the other relatively weak separation occurred at the first elbow and flow velocity
hand, in Run 2 to Run 4, gradients were relatively constant from the near the extrados side became higher than those of short and long el-
early period. This was because the surfaces of the corrosion sensors bows. In this way, the elbow geometry influences flow field and prob-
were not covered by any oxide film at the beginning of Run 1 and FAC ably the mass transfer coefficient near a pipe wall. For more details on
rate decreased with the formation of the oxide film. When the gradient the influence of the geometry difference, comparison between the
of the metal loss curve became constant, thickness of the oxide film was measured FAC rates and simulated thermal flow fields remains as future
presumed to be steady. Since Run 2, Run 3 and Run 4 started from the work.
condition that the oxide films were already formed on the surface, The FAC rate distributions under different flow velocities showed
thickness of oxide film became steady relatively sooner than in Run 1. the same tendencies. The ratios of the maximum FAC rate at the elbow
Hence in Run 1, the time-averaged increasing rate of the metal loss to the FAC rate in the upstream straight pipe were about 2.4 in Run 1,
from 192 to 384 h was used to obtain FAC rates after reaching the 1.7 in Run 2, 2.9 in Run 3 and 2.14 in Run 4.
steady state.

3.3. Influence of the flow velocity

3.2. FAC rate distribution
Fig. 9 shows the influence of flow velocity on FAC rates along the
Fig. 7 shows the distribution of FAC rates. As mentioned in Section extrados and intrados. Except for the extrados in Run 3, as velocity
3.1, time-averaged values are plotted in the figure. Tendency of the increased, FAC rates also increased at all locations. The shape of the
distribution was the same as the previous study (Utanohara et al., distribution was not changed and FAC rates at the elbow were larger
2016): the FAC rate was smaller at the intrados of the elbow pipe than than those at the other locations.
at other circumferential locations. The FAC rates at the elbow pipe were To clarify further the influence of flow velocity on FAC rate, FAC
larger than those upstream and downstream from the elbow pipe and rates at the extrados and intrados are shown in terms of flow velocity in
the FAC rates downstream from the elbow pipe decreased along the Fig. 10. The figure shows that FAC rates increased as flow velocity in-
flow direction. The possible reason for the low FAC rate at the intrados creased while the tendency of Run 3 was different from the others. The
was the low velocity near the wall surface due to separation in the reason of the difference was not clear. If Run 3 is left aside here, the
elbow. In the previous study (Tsuneyoshi et al., 2017) numerical si- relationship was monotonic increase, but it was not linear. Previous
mulations for the elbow geometry employed in this study was con- studies also showed the same tendency (Bignold et al., 1981; Heitmann
ducted as shown in Fig. 8. In the figure, the simulated flow velocities and Schub, 1983; Utanohara et al., 2013; Yoneda et al., 2016). How-
are compared between the different elbow geometries, short elbow, ever, the relationship between the FAC rate and flow velocity depends

Y. Utanohara, M. Murase Nuclear Engineering and Design 342 (2019) 20–28

Fig. 7. FAC rate distributions (145–149.2 °C).

Fig. 8. Contour of time-averaged streamwise velocity of the elbow for

Re = 45,000 (Tsuneyoshi et al., 2017). The geometry of INSS elbow is the same
as that employed in this experiment.

on experimental facilities. The previously obtained FAC rates were

proportional to the power of flow velocity with an exponent value from
1.0 to 2.3 (Yoneda et al., 2016). This was because the FAC rate is also
influenced by turbulence near the wall as well as flow velocity (The
Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014) and turbulence depends
on the scale of the experimental facilities.
Hence, to understand the influence of the flow velocity on FAC rate,
an accurate flow field is required, particularly near the wall. To do this,
numerical simulation for the elbow test section employed in this study
has been being carried out (Tsuneyoshi et al., 2017) to simulate the
flow field and mass transfer in the elbow test section. Comparison be-
tween simulated flow fields and FAC rates for various flow velocities
remains as future work.

3.4. Influence of temperature

Fig. 9. FAC rate distributions under different flow velocities.

Fig. 11 shows FAC rate distributions under different temperature

Y. Utanohara, M. Murase Nuclear Engineering and Design 342 (2019) 20–28

conditions. In the case of 150 °C (Run 3), as described in Section 3.2, the
FAC rate was smaller at the intrados of the elbow pipe than that at other
circumferential locations. However, when temperature decreased to
100 °C (Run 6), the tendency changed and FAC rate at the intrados
became the largest of the four circumferential sensors. Since flow ve-
locities in Run 3 and Run 6 were the almost same, the reason of the
change seemed to be due to temperature decrease from 150 °C to
100 °C. Though the detailed reason was not clear at this time, one of the
possible reasons was that flow structure in the elbow changed such as
separation point on the intrados due to the change of physical prop-
When temperature decreased further to 50 °C, FAC rates decreased
overall and FAC rate at the intrados of the elbow was still the largest. As
mentioned in the Section 1, FAC usually occurs over 100 °C with a peak
near 130–150 °C (Bignold and Garbett, 1982). However, FAC rate at
50 °C was not negligible, 0.09 mm/y at the intrados of the elbow. The
ratio of the maximum FAC rates at 50–100 °C was 0.2. The tendency of
FAC at low temperature agreed with the experimental results by
Yoneda et al. (2016).
Fig. 12 shows combined effect of flow velocity and temperature on
FAC rate. Compared between results of same flow velocities, FAC rates
at 100 °C were larger than those of 150 °C and 50 °C. This result was
slightly different from previous study (Bignold and Garbett, 1982), in
which FAC rate became peak near 130–150 °C. FAC rates at 50 °C in
Run 8 and Run 9 were comparable with the values in Run 2, 150 °C and
lower flow velocity of 1.40 m/s.
To clarify the combination effect of flow velocity and temperature,
the increase ratios of FAC rates due to flow velocity increase are sum-
marized in Table 3. It should be noted that ratios of 50 °C were under
1.0 and it means FAC rates decreased as flow velocity increased.
However, the authors thought that this was unreasonable and these
values could be treated as 1.0, that is, the change of FAC rates were
negligibly small. Anyway, the influence of flow velocity was small at
Fig. 10. Influence of the flow velocity on FAC rates.
50 °C and remarkable at 100 °C and 150 °C. Similar tendency was

Fig. 11. FAC rate distributions under different temperatures.

Y. Utanohara, M. Murase Nuclear Engineering and Design 342 (2019) 20–28

Fig. 12. Influence of the flow velocity and temperature on FAC rates.

Table 3
Increase ratios of FAC rate due to flow velocity increase.
Temperature [°C] Flow velocity [m/s] Upstream Elbow Downstream

Extrados Intrados Extrados Intrados Extrados Intrados

150 1.40 to 4.73 1.5 1.1 2.1 2.8 2.0 1.8

100 1.37 to 4.73 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.7 1.7
50 1.34 to 4.78 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.7

reported in the previous study (Bignold and Garbett, 1982), that is, the those of 150 °C and 50 °C. Regarding the combination effect of flow
influence of flow velocity was remarkable near 130–150 °C. The com- velocity and temperature, the influence of flow velocity was negligibly
bination effect of flow velocity and temperature was slightly different small at 50 °C and remarkable at 100 °C and 150 °C. Additionally, the
from those at upstream and downstream from the elbow. The ratios at combination effect of flow velocity and temperature was different from
the elbow were relatively larger than the others. It indicated that the place to place and particularly strong at the elbow. The combination
combination effect of flow velocity and temperature was different from effect of flow velocity and temperature can be explained by the cor-
place to place and particularly strong at the elbow. rosion processes and the mass transfer. When temperature was 50 °C,
Generally, FAC process involves at least two steps, corrosion pro- the solubility might be too small and the change of flow field (flow
cesses (steel oxidation, oxide dissolution, etc.) and mass transfer of the velocity and pipe geometry) did not affect the FAC rate so much.
corrosion products to the bulk solution (Dooley and Chexal, 2000). To understand more clearly the influence of the thermal flow field
Temperature affects the corrosion processes and flow field (flow velo- on FAC rate, numerical simulation for the elbow test section employed
city and turbulence) affects the mass transfer. Hence, it can be said from in this study have been conducted. Comparison between measured FAC
the experimental results that the solubility of ferrous ion increased with rates and simulated thermal flow fields remains as future work.
temperature rise and the mass transfer also increased with flow velocity
increase. Additionally, pipe geometry such as elbow enhanced the Appendix A. Supplementary data
turbulent mixing and the mass transfer was also enhanced. On the
contrary, when temperature was 50 °C, the solubility might be too small Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
and the change of flow field (flow velocity and pipe geometry) was not doi.org/10.1016/j.nucengdes.2018.11.022.
affect the FAC rate so much. Hence in the low temperature FAC, the
bottleneck of the FAC process might be the corrosion processes. References

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