Linearity of Calibration Curves For Analytical Methods: A Review of Criteria For Assessment of Method Reliability
Linearity of Calibration Curves For Analytical Methods: A Review of Criteria For Assessment of Method Reliability
Linearity of Calibration Curves For Analytical Methods: A Review of Criteria For Assessment of Method Reliability
Provisional chapter
Chapter 6
Calibration curve is a regression model used to predict the unknown concentrations of ana-
lytes of interest based on the response of the instrument to the known standards. Some
statistical analyses are required to choose the best model fitting to the experimental data and
also evaluate the linearity and homoscedasticity of the calibration curve. Using an internal
standard corrects for the loss of analyte during sample preparation and analysis provided
that it is selected appropriately. After the best regression model is selected, the analytical
method needs to be validated using quality control (QC) samples prepared and stored in the
same temperature as intended for the study samples. Most of the international guidelines
require that the parameters, including linearity, specificity, selectivity, accuracy, precision,
lower limit of quantification (LLOQ), matrix effect and stability, be assessed during valida-
tion. Despite the highly regulated area, some challenges still exist regarding the validation
of some analytical methods including methods when no analyte-free matrix is available.
1. Introduction
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110 Calibration and Validation of Analytical Methods - A Sampling of Current Approaches
The quality of a bioanalytical method is highly dependent on the linearity of the calibra-
tion curve [1]. A linear calibration curve is a positive indication of assay performance in a
validated analytical range. Other characteristics of the calibration curve, including regression
model, slope of the line, weighting and correlation coefficient, need to be carefully evaluated.
In the following sections, each of those parameters is explained, and few practical examples
have been used to further discuss the concepts.
After the calibration model is chosen, it is required to demonstrate that all future measure-
ments will be close to the true values of the content of the analyte in the sample. This will
be achieved during validation of the analytical method. There are international guidelines
for the validation of the analytical methods, which need to be followed closely in order to
have more consistent data throughout different laboratories and increase the chance of their
acceptability by the regulatory authorities.
2. Aims
The aim of this chapter is to discuss different aspects of linearity and relevant assumption as
a practical guide to develop a robust analytical method in order to predict true concentrations
of the analytes in samples.
Regression analysis is a deterministic model, which allows predicting of the values for a
dependent variable (Y) when an independent variable (X) is known. The model determines
the kind of relationship between X and Y. The experimental values rarely fit the mathemati-
cal model, and there are differences between the observed and the predicted values provided
by the model, which are called residuals (Figure 1). The sum of squared residuals needs to
be minimised to have the best estimate of the model parameters, and it can be done using
the “method of least squares.” The simplest regression model is the linear one in which the
relationship between X (known without error) and Y (known with error) is a straight line,
Y = a + bX, where a is the y-intercept and b is the slope of the line [1].
The relationship between an instrument response and the known concentrations of an analyte
(standards), which is used as the calibration curve can be explained by a similar regression
model. To have a robust calibration line (or curve), a series of replicates of each standard (at
least three replicates of 6–8 expected range of concentration values) are recommended. The
assumption for this model is that the measurement error is the same and normally distributed
for each sample. If this assumption is not applicable, an extended or weighted least squares
analysis will be required. The assumption regarding the measurement error must be verified
to validate the results found. The distribution properties of the residuals are expected to be
normal and centred on zero (Kolmogorov–Smirnov test). If the results found cannot support
Linearity of Calibration Curves for Analytical Methods: A Review of Criteria for Assessment… 111
Figure 1. Linear regression model in which the differences between observed and predicted values (residuals) have been
this assumption, the estimated parameters using the model cannot be used, and the model
needs to be modified, e.g. using a non-linear model which requires more standard concen-
trations compared with having a linear relationship between concentrations and instrument
response. A linear regression model between calculated standard points and the nominal
ones used to evaluate the quality of the fit should have a unit slope and a zero intercept. In
case of linear calibration method, the slope should be statistically different from 0, the inter-
cept should not be statistically different from 0 and the regression coefficient should not be
statistically different from 1. In case of having a significant non-zero intercept, the accuracy of
the method must be demonstrated [2].
A standard 0 must be included in the calibration curve because the instrumental signal is sub-
jected to the same kind of error for all points. The signal for the standard zero should not be
subtracted from the response values for other standards before calculating the equation of the
regression line because it can cause imprecision during the determination of the concentration
values for unknown samples [3].
If one of the standard points deviates greatly from the calibration curve (outlier), it can be
removed from the equation provided that six non-zero standards remain after removing the
outlier and inclusion of that point can cause the loss of sensitivity or it clearly biases the
quality control (QC) results, and the back-calculated standard concentrations deviate from its
nominal value. The poor chromatography can also be considered as a justification for remov-
ing the outlier standard [4].
In order to verify the accuracy and precision of the analytical method during the period of
sample analysis, quality control (QC) samples are prepared and stored frozen at the same
temperature as is intended for the storage of the study samples. The calibration curve stan-
dards are prepared by spiking the reference standard solutions to the matrix (e.g. plasma or
urine) either freshly or by freezing and storage with QC samples [4].
112 Calibration and Validation of Analytical Methods - A Sampling of Current Approaches
When the range in x-values is large, e.g. more than one order of magnitude, the variance of
each data point might be quite different. However, the simple least squares method considers
that all the y-values have equal variances. Larger deviations at larger concentrations tend to
influence the regression line more than smaller deviations associated with smaller concentra-
tions (heteroscedasticity) leading to the inaccuracy in the lower end of the calibration range
(see the practical example 1). A simple and effective way to counteract this situation is to use
weighted least squares linear regression (WLSLR) [1]. WLSLR is able to reduce the lower limit
of quantification (LLOQ) and enables a broader linear calibration range with higher accuracy
and precision especially for bioanalytical methods.
Two most commonly used regression models, particularly for liquid chromatography tan-
dem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) calibration curves, are linear and quadratic regres-
sion models using non-weighted or weighted least squares regression algorithm. To select
the type of calibration curve and weighting, “Test and Fit” strategy is widely used due to
its simplicity and lack of statistical analysis and causes inaccuracy in the regression model
based on the limited set of test results. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guideline
suggests that “the simplest model that adequately describes the concentration-response
relationship should be used and selection of weighting and use of a complex regression
equation should be justified” [5]. However, other experts suggested that a weighting should
be used if homoscedasticity was not met for the analytical data. By neglecting the weight-
ing for analysing data with heteroscedastic distribution, a precision loss as big as one order
of magnitude in the low concentration region of the calibration curve could happen [4].
For most immunoassay methods, the response is a non-linear function of the analyte concen-
tration, and the standard deviations (SD) of the calculated concentrations are not a constant
function of the mean response; therefore, a weighted, non-linear least squares method is gen-
erally recommended for fitting dose-response data. The nonevidence-based weights (e.g. 1/Y
or 1/X) are not recommended without assessment of the response-error relationship. A refer-
ence model for immunoassay data employs the four-parameter logistic (4PL) equation to fit
the concentration-response relationship and a power-of-the-mean (POM) equation to fit the
response-error relationship [6].
Linearity of the calibration curve is usually expressed through the coefficient of correlation, r,
or coefficient of determination, r2. A correlation coefficient close to unity (r = 1) is considered
by some authors’ sufficient evidence to conclude that the calibration curve is linear. However,
r is not an appropriate measure for the linearity. The FDA guidance for validation of ana-
lytical procedures [5] recommends that the r should be submitted when evaluating a linear
relationship and that the linearity should be evaluated by appropriate statistical methods, e.g.
analysis of variance (ANOVA). This guidance does not suggest that the numerical value of r
can be used as a degree of deviation from linearity.
Other mathematical measures, including slope standard relative deviation or goodness of
fit, can be used to evaluate the linearity [3]. Using residual plots is a simple way to check the
Linearity of Calibration Curves for Analytical Methods: A Review of Criteria for Assessment… 113
linearity. The residuals are expected to be normally distributed for a linear model, so a plot
of them on a normal probability graph may be useful. Any curvature suggests a lack of fit
(LOF) due to a non-linear effect. A segmented pattern indicates heteroscedasticity in data, so
weighted regression model should be used to find the straight line for calibration [7].
A clear curved relationship between concentration and response may also have an r value close
to one. Two statistical tests, including the lack-of-fit and Mandel’s fitting tests, are suitable for
the validation of the linear calibration model (practical example 2 [8]). A straight-line model
with r close to 1, but with a lack of fit, can produce significantly less accurate results than its
curvilinear alternative. A straight-line calibration curve should always be preferred over cur-
vilinear or non-linear calibration models if equivalent results can be obtained and is easier to
implement [8].
3.4. Slope of the curve and application in matrix effect and detection limit
Slope of the calibration curve can be used to estimate the detection limit of the assay [9]. Three
times the standard deviation value of the response corresponding to the blank according to
Eq. (1), obtained for seven determinations, divided by the slope of the calibration line (note
that we are calculating the standard deviation of the concentration corresponding to the blank
equation, and again the imprecision of the value of the slope is not taken into account) [3]:
LOD = 3.3 × (S Y / a).
SY denotes the SD of responses, Y, for blanks or around expected LOD (limit of detection) and
“a” for the slope of a linear calibration line. If the calibration curve is linear, “a” is constant,
and the estimation of LOD is easy to calculate. However, when the calibration curve is not
linear, e.g. in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), the definition needs to be modi-
fied. In the case of ELISA, when there is a semilogarithmic calibration curve over a wide range
of concentrations, the detection limit is calculated using a differential coefficient which is
obtained using a computer programme [9].
It is assumed that a validated analytical method should have constant slope over the period
of sample analysis. Variation in the slope might be due to the laboratory errors during sample
preparations, change in the internal standard (IS) of working solution concentrations between
preparations, instrument variations such as changes in mass spectrum (MS) calibrations, MS
signal cross contributions between analyte and IS and matrix effect (ME) [10]. Although there
is no criteria in the international guidelines to report the slope, monitoring the slope can pro-
vide valuable information regarding the quality of the sample analysis.
ME can also affect the slope of the calibration curve. Coeluting of the matrix components
escaped during extraction may reduce the signal intensity and affect the accuracy and pre-
cision of the MS-based assays. The phenomenon is called ion suppression, and it has been
shown that the electrospray ionisation responses of organic bases decrease with an increase
in concentrations of other organic bases present in the matrix. The ME is especially depen-
dent on the degree of sample clean-up and chromatographic separation of the analyte. When
developing high-throughput assays using a short run time, a careful assessment of the ME
and ion suppression is necessary [11].
114 Calibration and Validation of Analytical Methods - A Sampling of Current Approaches
IS is a chemical substance that is added in equal amounts to all samples, and it changes the
way that calibration curve is prepared. Instead of analyte response, the ratio of the analyte
to the IS signal versus the analyte concentration is plotted. The benefits of adding the IS are
to correct or compensate analyte losses during sample preparation including transfer loss,
adsorption loss, evaporation loss and variation in injection volume and in MS response due to
ion suppression or enhancement (ME).
The IS must have similar physicochemical properties and show similar behaviour to the ana-
lyte when extracted or run through the analytical column or detection in the analytical system.
An external standard also behaves similarly with the analyte, but it is run alone at different
concentrations, so a standard curve can be generated. External standards do not correct for
losses that may occur during preparation of the sample. Using IS is usually more effective due
to lower measurement uncertainty and therefore is more common in analytical chemistry [12].
Two common types of ISs are used: structural analogues and stable isotope-labelled (SIL) ISs
or isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS). SIL ISs are more effective. To reduce the inter-
ferences between IS and analyte, SIL IS molecular weight is preferred to be ideally 4 or 5 Da
higher than that of the analyte. Labelled SIL ISs with 13C and/or 15N are usually superior to
those labelled with deuterium (2H, D or d) in terms of performance; however, the synthesis of
deuterated ISs is easier and cheaper. The location of stable isotope atoms should be in a way
that deuterium-hydrogen exchange is minimised during sample preparation.
A structural analogue of the analyte can be used if SIL ISs are not available or expensive.
In this case, the IS should preferably have key structure and functionalities (e.g. –COOH,
–SO2, NH2, halogen and heteroatoms) of the analyte with difference only being C–H moieties
(length and/or position). Modifications in key chemical structure and/or functionalities cause
significant differences in ionisation pattern and even extraction recovery. The IS should not
be similar or converted to any in vivo biotransformed products of the analyte (e.g. hydroxyl-
ated or N-dealkylation metabolites). An appropriate structural analogue IS can be selected
from the same therapeutic class as the analyte or by key chemical structure and preferably a
compound that is not very commonly prescribed because those compounds may be present in
pooled blank plasmas used for preparation of the calibrators and QCs. Other parameters for
choosing a right structure analogue IS are physicochemical properties, such as log D (hydro-
phobicity), pKa and water solubility. For selection of the IS, it may be difficult to have a com-
pound to track the analyte of interest in all the three distinctive stages of LC-MS bioanalysis,
sample preparation (extraction), chromatographic separation and mass spectrometric detec-
tion. The IS should be chosen depending on which step is more critical. For example, when
the extracts of samples contain coeluting matrix components that cause ion suppression, then
tracking the analyte during MS detection to avoid or minimise ME becomes more important.
The choice of IS is also depending on the extraction method. Tracking an analyte during
a simple protein precipitation procedure would be less stringent than that for liquid-liquid
extraction (LLE) or solid-phase extraction (SPE) method [13].
It is possible to develop an assay without using any IS, for example, in early drug discovery
stage or when clean extracts are used. In this case, ECHO peak technique can be used where
Linearity of Calibration Curves for Analytical Methods: A Review of Criteria for Assessment… 115
the analyte is used as its own IS. In this method, after the injection of the sample contain-
ing the analyte of interest, a standard solution is also injected, which result in two peaks for
the analyte, one from the sample and the other from the standard solution with constant
concentration (an echo peak). By using their response ratio for quantitation, the ME might
be compensated for because the two peaks are affected by the coeluted matrix components
similarly [13].
There is no general rule for choosing the IS concentrations. However, the accuracy and precision
of the method may be affected if an inappropriate IS concentration is used. As shown in practical
example 3, reducing the concentration of IS can lead to the increasingly non-linear calibration
curve due to chemical impurity in the reference standard or because of isotope interferences.
When choosing the IS and its concentration, the magnitude of the cross signal contribution
between the analyte and IS should be considered. The IS interference signal due to its impu-
rity or isotope interferences should be equal or less than 20% of the LLOQ response and
5% of the IS response for IS-to-analyte and analyte-to-IS contributions, respectively [14]. The
minimum IS concentration required (CIS-Min) and the maximum IS concentration allowed
(CIS-Max) can be calculated using Eqs. (2 and 3):
CIS-Min = m × ULOQ / 5. (2)
CIS-Max = 20 × LLOQ / n. (3)
where m and n represent the % of cross signal contributions from analyte to IS and IS to ana-
lyte, respectively. As an example, if the cross signal contribution from analyte to IS is 2.5%, the
minimum IS concentration calculated accordingly is 50% of the ULOQ. A high IS concentra-
tion might be useful in reducing a systemic error in the analysis of unknown samples. If the IS
coelutes more closely to the analyte, it will be more effective in minimising ME.
In some cases, the analyte signal might be suppressed by the coeluting IS signal, and therefore
the IS concentration must be kept low to maintain a low detection limit. However, it might be
required to increase the IS concentration when the analyte suppresses the IS signal.
IS should be added as early as possible to compensate for the variabilities during sample
preparation and analysis; however, if the IS structure is not very close to the analyte, it can
be used to reduce the variabilities due to the ion suppression or enhancement only and not
sample extraction [13].
For making calibrators and QCs, an analyte-free matrix is required. The presence of unknown
amount of the analyte in the matrix makes the quantification difficult, and different approaches
have been used to overcome the problem including using stripped matrices (filtration on acti-
vated charcoal-dextran or dialysis), substitute matrices (e.g. neat solutions, artificial matrices,
human serum albumin or 0.9% sodium chloride) or diluted matrices. If the actual matrix is
used, various methods are followed including, background subtraction, or the standard addi-
tion method [3, 15].
116 Calibration and Validation of Analytical Methods - A Sampling of Current Approaches
One of the approaches for validation of the assay is to determine the accuracy throughout the
validation step, using the biological matrix containing the endogenous compound to prepare
the standard curves and all pools of six or more assays of each QC sample [3]. The amount of
the analyte in the matrix (Cbasal) can be computed using a calibration curve in the substitute
matrix, and the concentration of the analyte in the QC can be calculated by subtracting the
Cbasal from the calculated one as follows, Creal = Cfound – Cbasal, in which Cfound is the concentration
of the analyte in the QCs calculated against a calibration curve in the substitute matrix and
Creal is the corrected concentration [3]. When using this approach, the LLOQ of the method
cannot be smaller than the endogenous concentrations of the analyte in the matrix, and there-
fore a lot of blank matrices need to be screened to find the suitable one.
Alternatively, the endogenous concentration of the analyte in the matrix can be subtracted from
the added concentrations and uses the subtracted concentrations to build the calibration curve.
Using the actual biological matrix for making the calibrators and QCs reduces the recovery and
matrix effects between samples and calibrators. Again, the limitation of this method is that the
increase in background peak area after spiking with standards has to be at least 15–20% of the
background peak area, and the LLOQ is limited by the endogenous background concentration
even if much lower concentrations can be detected by the method. Another difficulty is when
multiple analytes with different endogenous compounds need to be quantified [15].
Alternatively, the background concentration in the blank matrices can be lowered by dilution
of the blank matrices before spiking with standards. However, by diluting the matrix, the
composition of the matrices in the study samples versus calibration curve is different leading
to different recoveries of the analytes. Therefore, the extraction recoveries of analytes between
the matrix and diluted matrix should be determined before using this method [15].
Surrogate matrices can vary widely from a simplest form, mobile-phase solvents (neat) or
pure water to a synthetic polymer-based solution. Some biological matrices, e.g. cerebrospi-
nal fluid or tears, are difficult to obtain. The surrogate matrix should simulate the authentic
matrix in terms of composition, salt content, analyte solubility, recovery and ME. For exam-
ple, phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) or bovine serum albumin (BSA) in PBS (20–80 g/L) has
the similar protein and ionic strength as human plasma.
To use neat solutions as surrogate matrices, extraction recovery and ME are required to be com
parable with the original matrix. For example, thromboxane B2 and 12(S)-hydroxyeicosatetrae-
noic acid were quantified in human serum using mixture of water/methanol/acetonitrile
(80:10:10, v/v/v) as a surrogate matrix, and the ME and recoveries of the analytes were dem-
onstrated to be comparable.
Biological matrices can be stripped from particular endogenous components to generate ana-
lyte-free surrogate matrices. Adding activated charcoal, for example, can adsorb and remove
the analyte from the matrix, but the charcoal must effectively remove from the matrix before
Linearity of Calibration Curves for Analytical Methods: A Review of Criteria for Assessment… 117
spiking the analyte. Some analytes, e.g. homocysteine, cannot be removed by the charcoal and
also the composition of the matrix may change or cause batch-to-batch variation after adding
the charcoal leading to the altered analyte recovery and ME. Some light-sensitive analytes
can be decomposed by heat or exposing to the light and therefore removed from the matrix.
In the standard addition method, every study sample is divided into aliquots of equal vol-
umes, and the aliquots are spiked with known and varying amounts of the analyte to build the
calibration curve. The sample concentration is then calculated as the negative x-intercept of the
calibration line. This method is very accurate because it allows direct quantitation of endog-
enous analytes without manual subtraction of background peak areas. The disadvantage of
the method is that it requires a large amount of sample and is very time-consuming and labour
intensive. Examples of using this method when the analyte-free matrices are not available
include measuring abscisic acid, a phytohormone from plant leaves and the emission of poly-
cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from petroleum refineries. Standard addition can also be used
when some matrix components produce MS signals that interfere with the analytes of interest.
We have used this method by some modifications to measure homocysteine and pyridoxal
5-phosphate in samples of human serum and whole blood, respectively [16, 17]. The matrix
was first spiked with different concentrations of the analytes, and the endogenous concen-
trations of the analytes were estimated using the negative x-intercept of the calibration line.
Then, the endogenous concentrations were added to the spiked concentrations, and new cali-
bration curves with real concentrations were constructed (practical example 4). QCs were pre-
pared in both actual and surrogate matrices, and the sample volume reduced to only 20 μL to
minimise the matrix effect.
3.7. Validation
All the developed analytical methods need to be validated to make sure that each mea-
surement of the content of the analyte in the sample in routine analysis is close to the true
values [7]. There are international guidelines for validation of the analytical methods includ-
ing FDA [6], European Medicines Agency (EMA) [14], International Union of the Pure and
Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) [18] and Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC)
International. The major parameters need to be validated including linearity, accuracy, preci-
sion, specificity, selectivity, sensitivity, ME and stability testing.
3.7.2. Accuracy
Accuracy (or trueness or bias) is the most important aspect of validation and should be
addressed in any analytical method. Accuracy shows the extent of agreement between the
experimental value (calculated from replicate measurements) and the nominal (reference)
values. Accuracy is a measurement of the systematic errors affecting the method. To estimate
the accuracy of a method, the analyte is measured in comparison with a reference material or
by spiking known amount of analyte in the blank matrix (QC samples) and calculating the
percentage of recovery from the matrix. It can also be estimated using the comparison of the
results from the method by a reference method [19].
The guideline for validation of analytical methods by the EMA [14] recommends checking the
accuracy within run and between runs by analysing a minimum of five samples per four QC
levels (LLOQ, low, medium and high) as a representative of the whole analytical range in at
least two different days. The accuracy needs to be reported as the percentage of the nominal
concentrations and the mean concentration should be within 15% of the nominal values for all
QC levels, except LLOQ, which should be within 20% of the nominal values [14].
3.7.3. Precision
3.7.4. Uncertainty
To make sure that a method is correctly fit for the purpose of measurement, “uncertainty” of
the method is required to be evaluated [7].
A detailed list of all possible sources of uncertainty needs to be prepared. A preliminary study
may identify the most significant sources of uncertainty. Typically, the two sources of uncer-
tainties are Type A or random error and Type B or systematic error. Random error is caused
by unpredictable variations and gives rise to variations in repeated observations. The random
error can generally be minimised by increasing the number of observations. Systematic error,
however, is a type of errors, which remain constant, or its variation is predictable and therefore
independent of the number of observations. The result should be corrected for all recognised
significant systematic errors. The steps involved in uncertainty estimation are identification
of uncertainty sources, quantification of uncertainty components and calculation of combined
and expanded uncertainty. The main sources of uncertainity are sampling, environmental
conditions, method validation, instruments, weighting and dilutions, reference materials,
Linearity of Calibration Curves for Analytical Methods: A Review of Criteria for Assessment… 119
The LOD is generally defined as the lowest amount of an analyte in a sample that can be
detected by a particular analytical method. LOD is usually evaluated using the calculation of
the signal/noise relationship considering the assumption that data normality, homoscedastic-
ity and independency of residuals are met. The signal-to-noise ratio is determined by compar-
ing the analytical signals at known low concentrations compared with those of blank sample
up to a concentration that produces a signal equivalent to three times the standard deviation
of the blank sample [19]. Determination of the LOD is not necessary during the validation,
because the assay may have high variability in that level.
On the other hand, the lowest concentration of an analyte in a sample, which can be reliably
quantified is defined as the LLOQ. The analyte signal at the LLOQ level should be at least five
times the signal of blank sample and the accuracy and precision within 20% of the nominal
concentrations. The LLOQ should be selected based on the expected concentrations in the
study. For example, for bioequivalence studies the LLOQ should not be higher than 5% of the
maximum concentration of the analyte in the samples (Cmax) [14].
ME measurement is necessary for validation when the analytical method uses mass spectrom-
etry as the detector due to the ion suppression or induction caused by the matrix components.
The ME evaluation required spiking the analyte (at low and high concentrations) in six lots
of matrix obtained from individual donors. First, the ratio of the peak area in the presence of
matrix to the peak area in the absence of the matrix is calculated to achieve the matrix factor
(MF), followed by the calculation of the IS normalised MF by dividing the MF of the analyte
of interests by the MF of the IS. The CV of the IS-normalised MF is calculated from the six lots
of the matrix and should be ≤15% (practical example 5). In some cases that this method is not
practical (e.g. online sample preparation), the variability of the response should be assessed
by analysing at least six lots of matrix spiked at low and high levels. The overall CV should
not be greater than 15%. The ME is also recommended to be tested in haemolysed, hyperlipi-
daemic matrices or plasma collected from renally or hepatically impaired patients depending
on the target population of the study [14].
3.7.7. Stability
Stability testing must be planned based on the conditions applied to the samples during pro-
cessing. The stability is tested using spiked concentrations of the analyte to the matrix at low
and high QC levels (six replicates at two levels are generally sufficient). Short-term stabil-
ity at room temperature (2–8 h depending on the latest period of time required for sample
processing), long-term stability at storage temperature (e.g. at −20°C or −80°C), freeze and
120 Calibration and Validation of Analytical Methods - A Sampling of Current Approaches
thaw and stock solution stabilities are the most common tests. The stability of QC samples
are analysed against a freshly prepared calibration curve, and the calculated concentrations
should be within 15% of the nominal concentrations. The stability of processed samples in the
autosampler temperature also determines how long samples can be stored in the autosampler
without the analyte been degraded [14]. Any other variation during sample processing which
can potentially affect the stability of the analyte of interest needs to be tested during validation.
4. Practical examples
See Table 1.
In Table 2, it shows that the linear regression model (LRM) must systemically be rejected at the
95% confidence level (Fcrit,95% = 4.53) for lack-of-fit test and at 99% confidence level (Fcrit,99% = 10.56)
for Mandel’s fitting test. Thus, despite the fact that r and quality coefficient (QC) are greater
than 0.997 and lower than 5%, respectively, the linearity of the calibration lines was rejected
based on the F-tests. So, the r is not a good measure of the linearity assessment. Even with a QC
value less than 3%, the LRM is rejected at the 95% confidence level (Table 2). Alternatively, the
residual plots give useful information to validate the chosen regression model.
The residual plot can be used to check if the principle assumptions, i.e. normality of the
residuals and homoscedasticity, are met when evaluating the goodness of fit of the regres-
sion model. The U-shaped residual plot usually shows that a curvilinear regression model is
a better fit than an LRM. In order to correct the non-linearity, a quadratic curvilinear function
(f(x) = a + bx + cx2) can be chosen. The “lack of fit” tests for the quadratic regression model
Table 1. Increasing the accuracy of the lower end of the calibration curve by applying the weighing.
Linearity of Calibration Curves for Analytical Methods: A Review of Criteria for Assessment… 121
For the quadratic regression model, the F-value of the lack-of-fit test and the P-value for testing significance of the
second-order coefficient for the quadratic regression model are represented. The significance value at the 95% confidence
level is underlined (reproduced from Van Loco et al. [8] with permission from Springer-Verlag).
Table 2. The F-value of the lack-of-fit (LOF) test and Mandel’s fitting test is compared with the quality coefficient for
several linear calibration lines of Cd.
(QRM) are summarised in Table 2. The test for lack of fit indicates that this QRM fits the
calibration data at 99% confidence level in all cases except one. To check the suitability of the
order of polynomial regression model, the significance of the second-order coefficient needs
to be estimated. The P-value on the second-order coefficient, shown in Table 2, is systemically
smaller than 1%, and therefore a lower order model should not be considered. Moreover,
residual plots (Figure 2) were constructed for the QRM, and the residuals were randomly scat-
tered within a horizontal band around the centre line. Therefore, the QRM was selected as the
reference model. It is noted that an increase of the variance is observed at higher concentra-
tions [8].
As a summary, in this example, a linear model with r > 0.997 and QC < 5% but with lack of fit
(LOF) yielded predicted values for a mid-scale calibration standard that significantly differ
from the nominal ones. The accuracy was overestimated, while the precision on the results
was comparable in both LRM and QRM [8].
The role of IS concentration on the linearity of the calibration curve has been demonstrated by
Tan et al. [13]. They presented a case in which decreasing concentration of the IS from 100%
122 Calibration and Validation of Analytical Methods - A Sampling of Current Approaches
Figure 2. Plots of residuals for (a) the linear regression model (LRM) and (b) the quadratic regression model (QRM)
versus predicted values (adopted from Van Loco et al. [8] with permission from Springer-Verlag).
to 5% ULOQ made the calibration curve non-linear. In that case, the cross-contribution from
the analyte to the IS is equivalent to 5% of the concentration of the analyte. The cross-signal
contribution from the analyte to the IS is either due to the isotope interference or chemical
impurity in reference standard [13].
Table 3 shows the calculated calibration curve data for homocysteine standard solutions
spiked into a pooled human serum.
− 0.262
x = _______
= 438 ng / mL. (4)
50 30.87
600 632.76
1100 1107.05
1600 1652.48
2100 2167.02
2600 2584.02
3100 3031.75
Table 3. Homocysteine calibration curve: the x-axis is representing the spiked concentrations.
Linearity of Calibration Curves for Analytical Methods: A Review of Criteria for Assessment… 123
Table 5 is representing the analyte peak area spiked in six different lots of human plasma. The
MF has been calculated by dividing the area of analyte (or IS) in each matrix to the average peak
area of the analyte (or IS) in the pure solutions. The IS-normalised MF is the ratio of the MF for the
50 + 438 = 488 469.28
600 + 438 = 1038 1071.34
1100 + 438 = 1538 1545.77
1600 + 438 = 2038 2091.35
2100 + 438 = 2538 2606.98
2600 + 438 = 3038 3023.15
3100 + 438 = 3538 3471.01
Table 4. Homocysteine calibration curve: The x-axis is representing the spiked + endogenous concentrations.
Mean 1.07
SD 0.154
CV% 14.4
analyte to the MF for the IS. The CV% in this example was 14.4%, which is within the acceptance
limit for the matrix effect by the EMA guideline for validation of bioanalytical methods [14].
5. Key results
• Weighted least squares linear regression (WLSLR) is necessary when the standard devia-
tions across the standard range are not consistent. Weighting improves the sensitivity and
accuracy of the lower end of the calibration range.
• Coefficient of correlation is not a suitable measure for the linearity of the calibration curve,
and the linearity should be evaluated using an appropriate statistical analysis.
• Stable isotope-labelled compounds are the most preferable internal standards. However,
carefully chosen structural analogues with similar functional groups and physicochemical
properties can contribute to generation of comparable analytical methods.
• The concentration of the internal standard may affect the linearity of the calibration curve
due to the cross signal contribution between the analyte and the internal standards.
• When an analyte-free matrix does not exist, the amount of endogenous analyte in the matrix can
be estimated using the negative x-intercept of the regression equation and adding this value to
the spiked concentrations of the analyte to calculate the actual concentrations of each standard.
CV Coefficient of variation
IS Internal standard
ME Matrix effect
MF Matrix factor
MS Mass spectrometry
QC Quality control
SD Standard deviation
SD Standard deviation
Author details
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