Researcher's Toolbox PDF
Researcher's Toolbox PDF
Researcher's Toolbox PDF
Edited by
David Wilkinson
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This book is dedicated to the memory of Margaret (Dolly) Tranter.
List of figures xi
List of contributors xiii
Foreword xv
1 Issues in research 1
4 Research instruments 41
Introduction 41
Questionnaires 42
One-to-one interviews 47
Focus group interviews 49
Ethnography 50
Diaries 51
Content analysis 53
Using computers with research instruments 54
References and further reading 54
Introduction 55
Where to start 57
Locating information and information resources 58
A literature search strategy 71
Note-taking 74
Referencing 74
References and further reading 75
6 Analysing data 77
Introduction 77
Classifying data 78
Qualitative data 79
Index 133
F o r ew o r d
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Issues in research
◆ Margaret Scanlon
Broadly speaking, research is carried out to fulfil one or more of the following
The objectives outlined above are not discrete or mutually exclusive: they usually
overlap. For example, policy research may also contribute to disciplinary
Contribution to a discipline
Informing policy
Informing practice
Concerns that conventional research was not having much impact on policy or
practice led to new approaches that were seen as being more practical and relevant
to ‘real world’ situations. In the following section I will look at two forms of real
world enquiry: action research and evaluation.
Action research is about diagnosing a specific problem (for example, pupil absence)
in a specific setting (a school) and attempting to solve it. The ultimate objective is
to improve practice in some way. Carr and Kemmis have described it in the
following terms:
Action research can take place in a diverse range of settings, for example,
hospitals, companies, or schools. Observation and interviews are the two methods
of data collection most often associated with action research, though a whole range
of other methods, including questionnaires, tests, or documentary evidence, can
also be used. The conditions imposed on other forms of research are often relaxed
with action research; according to Cohen ‘it interprets the scientific method much
more loosely’.
Not surprisingly, action research has been criticised by those who subscribe
to a more traditional scientific approach to research. Critics say that it is too
subjective, it overlooks the need for systematic methods and lacks scientific rigour.
Findings are not generalisable; in other words, they only apply to the environment
in which the research was carried out. Therefore, people situated outside that
particular environment will not learn very much from the conduct and outcome of
a particular project. More detail on this form of research is provided in Chapter 4.
Chapter 4 describes the many data collection methods used in the social sciences.
Each of these methods are different, but have certain features in common. In order
to understand the nature of data collection and analysis two broad categories have
been used to describe different approaches. These are: quantitative and qualitative
Quantitative research
Qualitative research
everyday life that the findings might not be valid; they might not represent
accurately what they claim to represent. Also, many experiments were carried out
using undergraduates rather than ‘ordinary’ people. One author criticised the
typical laboratory experiment on the basis that it was ‘a temporary collection of
late adolescent strangers given a puzzle to solve under bizarre conditions in a
limited time during their first meeting while being peered at from behind a mirror’
(Tagfel 1984: 474, cit. in Robson 1993: 8). Similarly, Edgar Stones describing
how educational research during the 1960s ‘was concerned mainly with the
development of ever more sophisticated statistical methods of measuring people’
(Stones 1985: 17). Quantitative research just seemed to lack imagination.
These criticisms of quantitative research led many researchers to adapt more
qualitative approaches. A qualitative research strategy, in which participant
observation and unstructured interviewing were the main data collection methods,
was proposed since it would allow researchers to get closer to the people they were
investigating. Qualitative research in education and the social sciences developed
during the 1960s and 1970s. Journals devoted to publishing qualitative research
began to appear, and journals that had previously published only quantitative
research started to broaden their scope (Bryman 1988: 4).
The transition from quantitative to qualitative or mixed methods was not
always smooth. It was not simply a change in research techniques: it also involved
change at a deeper level in terms of ideas about the nature and purpose of research
(Hammersley 1993). The terms ‘quantitative’ and ‘qualitative’ are, therefore, not
simply labels or categories for different research methods, but may also imply a
particular outlook or concept of the nature of enquiry:
Some commentators have argued that the two approaches are basically
antagonistic and should not be combined. On the other hand, writers like Bryman
(1988) suggest that there is no reason why quantitative and qualitative methods
should be seen as mutually exclusive. Differences exist, but the two approaches can
still be used within the same investigation. There are numerous examples of how
quantitative and qualitative methods have been combined in research projects,
though one method is usually dominant. Furthermore, the distinction between
quantitative and qualitative approaches can be rather artificial and misleading as
quantitative methods, such as surveys, can produce qualitative data if open-ended
questions are included. Qualitative data can also be quantified.
● Choosing a focus for the research. Obviously, before you start you need a
subject. If you work as a researcher or have been asked to carry out a specific
project as part of your job, then your focus will already have been selected
for you. One of the most challenging parts of the research may be translating
the overall theme of the research into a viable project proposal.
● Research design. The research proposal is prepared and decisions are made
regarding which methods of data collection and analysis are to be used. The
research population/sample is identified.
● Data collection. This is the stage at which you carry out the interviews, send
out the questionnaires, and so on. Not all projects involve the collection of
new data; you may be analysing data already collected by someone else. This
is called secondary data, whereas information gathered by the actual project
team is primary data.
● Data analysis. This usually takes place at the end of the project when most
or all of the data has been collected.
● Writing up the results.
In reality the stages of research are not as neatly separated as the above
description might suggest. For example, you may have got to the data collection
stage and found that some part of your original plan was unworkable or that there
were some important issues that you had not taken into consideration in your
original proposal. In which case you may have to revise some aspect of your plan.
Or, you may start to analyse some parts of the data (for example, the interviews)
while still collecting other forms of data. The researcher often has to move
backwards and forwards between different sequences. Social research is by its very
nature a messy process, as Bechhofer has pointed out: ‘The research process, then,
is not a clear cut sequence of procedures following a neat pattern, but a messy
interaction between the conceptual and empirical world, deduction and induction
occurring at the same time’ (cit. in Bryman and Burgess 1994: 2). Careful planning
is central to good research. For example, although data analysis is one of the last
stages of a project it has to be planned at the beginning.
There are a number of factors that shape the way in which a project is carried out,
especially the amount of time, money and other resources (for example, computer
packages for the analysis of data) which are available. Accessibility of the research
subjects and ethical issues also need to be kept in mind.
What researchers are able to do will depend partly on the amount of money
available. Projects that are based primarily on observation and face-to-face
interviews are labour intensive, and payment to researchers in the field is likely to
be the largest, or at least one of the largest, costs. If the data has been collected
using qualitative methods, such as open-ended interviews, then the analysis can
also be very time consuming as answers will have to be coded.
Some of the main costs in survey research include: piloting the draft
questionnaires, printing, posting, inputting the results and data analysis. Computer
packages (such as SPSS – Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) are necessary
for the analysis of most types of quantitative data, unless you have a very small
Some groups are more accessible than others. Teachers, university students, and
school pupils are some of the easier targets. The homeless, drug addicts or the super-
rich tend to be more elusive. In some cases you may need to negotiate access with
a ‘gate-keeper’ before you are able to reach the people you would like to reach. For
example, if you want to carry out research on hospital patients, you will probably
have to get the approval of the hospital management. Similarly, it is unlikely that
you will be able to interview school pupils without first obtaining permission from
the headteacher, and perhaps also from the children’s parents. Therefore, in any
one project you may have to jump several hurdles before you finally reach your
In some cases negotiating access may be difficult simply because of the
amount of time that the research subject would have to give to the project. For
example, a headteacher might be willing to fill in a short questionnaire but might
not want to participate in lengthy interviews. Guaranteeing confidentiality,
arranging visits well in advance and impressing upon people the value of the
research are all useful tactics in negotiating access.
Ethical issues
You may have noticed that television news programmes sometimes show pictures
of ‘ordinary’ people to illustrate a story they are telling. For example, it could be
people waiting for a train, leaving a football match or queuing up to see Star Wars.
But are these people aware that they are being observed? Would they object if they
knew they were being filmed? Should the camera crew have sought permission
before filming? These are the kinds of question concerning privacy and consent that
researchers need to think about. Ethical issues are, or should be, an important
consideration in the design and conduct of research.
Robson (1993: 33) has identified ten questionable practices in social research.
These are:
This introductory chapter has looked at the role of research in our society.
Research can contribute to disciplinary knowledge, inform policy or address
specific problems. Some of the limitations of research were also discussed: very
few people may see the results, or policy-makers may ignore information that does
not fit their agenda.
Debates about the nature of social research were also examined. We have
seen that the scientific approach has influenced social research methods but that
in the last few decades qualitative methods have become more popular, particularly
in sociology and education.
The chapter concluded with a brief overview of the stages in a research
project and some of the factors that need to be considered before starting. It was
suggested that, whilst there are different phases in research, it is by no means a
linear process, moving smoothly from one point to the next. The inherent
messiness of research can be reduced by careful planning. The following chapters
will look in detail at the planning and conduct of practitioner research.
Adelman, C. and Young, M. (1985) The assumptions of educational research: the last
twenty years in Great Britain. In Shipman, M. (ed.) Educational Research: Principles,
Policies and Practices. London: Falmer Press.
Blaxter, L., Hughes, C. and Tight, M. (1996) How to Research. Buckingham: Open
University Press.
Bryman, A. (1988) Quality and Quantity in Social Research. London: Unwin Hyman.
Bryman, A. and Burgess, R. E. (eds) (1994) Analysing Qualitative Data. London:
Carr, W. and Kemmis, S. (1986) Becoming Critical: Education, Knowledge and Action
Research. London: Falmer Press.
Cohen, L. and Manion, L. (1980) Research Methods in Education (fourth edition). London:
Hammersley, M. (ed.) (1993) Educational Research: Current Issues. London: Paul
Chapman in association with the Open University.
McNiff, J. (1988) Action Research: Principles and Practice. London: Macmillan Education.
Mouly, G. J. (1978) Education Research: The Art and Science of Investigation. Boston:
Allyn and Bacon.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (1995) Educational Research
and Development: Trends, Issues, Challenges. Paris: OECD.
Robson, C. (1993) Real World Research: A Resource for Social Scientists and Practitioner-
Researchers. Oxford: Blackwell.
Sainsbury, M., Caspall, L., McDonald, A., Ravenscroft, L. and Schagen, I. (1999)
Evaluation of the 1998 Summer Schools Programme. Slough: NFER.
Scott, D. (1996) Methods and data in educational research. In D. Scott and R. Usher (eds)
Understanding Educational Research. London: Routledge.
Shipman, M. (1985) Developments in educational research. In Shipman, M. (ed.)
Educational Research: Principles, Policies and Practices. London: Falmer Press.
Stones, E. (1985) The development of the British Educational Research Association: a
personal view. In Shipman, M. (ed.) Educational Research: Principles, Policies and
Practices. London: Falmer Press.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
◆ David Wilkinson
● Developing a strategy.
● Collecting data.
● Analysing data.
● Drawing conclusions.
● Writing/submitting your report.
Most research begins with a research question or topic. In some cases, such as a
personal piece of work, you may decide on your own questions; in others, they may
be given to you. In either case, with any topic or focus it may be useful to ask
yourself certain questions or cover issues that clarify in your own mind the extent
of your investigations.
Key questions/issues
This clarifying process should enable you to develop and frame the questions
you’d like to set out to answer in your research. Initially you will, no doubt, have
generated many questions. Some of these will be related, so you should aim to
limit the questions tackled in your research to a few which are clearly formulated
and distinctive. Many research projects fail due to the sheer number of questions
posed and the lack of clarity they display.
Following refinement and further consideration of your research questions,
you should be able to develop a written research proposal (see Figure 2.1). This
document sets out the scope of your research. It details the questions you intend
to answer and the tools or techniques you propose to use. It should also indicate
the timescale of the project and the resources it will use. This is particularly
important for commissioned research, where costs are often a crucial factor.
Background In 1999, Parfield District Council funded a pilot bus service for the
community of Penhope. The aim of the service was to enable the community of
Penhope to maintain links with the wider community of Parfield. This year,
Parfield Council has decided to increase the service to four buses per day.
Aim The aim of the proposed research would be to evaluate how far the service
has been successful in facilitating links between the rural community of Penhope
and the community of Parfield.
Strand II
Collecting data (6 researcher days at £180 per day)
Analysing data (3 researcher days at £180 per day)
Report writing (3 researcher days at £180 per day)
Printing/postal costs (£300)
Travel/subsistence/administrative costs (£300)
Commissioned research
Developing a strategy
Once you have framed and perhaps reshaped your questions, how will you actually
go about answering them? You will need to develop a strategy for your research.
The example research proposal (Figure 2.1) indicates the strategy or methods used
to fulfil the requirements of the research. It indicates the tools, techniques and
instruments needed to collect and analyse the data. Your research strategy should
focus on the questions and explore the most effective and efficient ways of
answering these questions. For example, your strategy should detail which research
instruments you will use and how you will collect the data (through documentary
analysis, via telephone/face-to-face interviews, through questionnaires, by using
case studies, etc.). The strategy forms a major part of the research and it is useful
to develop a visual plan (see Figure 2.2) as part of the strategy indicating key
milestones in the research.
Of course, even the most carefully organised research may not go according
to plan. For example, it might prove difficult to interview teachers during the
summer holiday when the school is closed! Therefore, you need to build into your
plan some ‘leeway’ and you may need to change the order of things slightly.
Attempt to view your plan as a template: all the necessary ingredients for the
Week 1 to 2
• Develop questions
• Consult colleagues
• Refer to key journals
• Review current research in the area
• Write proposal
Week 3 to 10
• Develop strategy for research
• Design instruments
• Pilot instruments
• Refine instruments
• Select sample group
• Administer instruments
Week 10 to 13
• Collate data
• Analyse data
• Submit draft report to colleagues for comment
Week 14
• Submit report
research should be there, but the ordering of them may change. This shouldn’t
alter greatly the eventual ‘dish’ that you serve.
Do not underestimate the length of time it takes to collect data. In addition, do not
overestimate the amount of data your are likely to be able to collect. Many
researchers expect to achieve a response rate of between 30 per cent to 60 per cent
for questionnaires. Therefore, do not be too disheartened if, after all your work,
only 30 out of 100 questionnaires are returned. You should, however, anticipate
that this might be the case and you should aim to distribute many more
questionnaires (subject to cost considerations) than you expect to be returned
The ease of analysing your data will depend on how well structured your
instruments for collecting the data are. Chapter 4 details the design of research
instruments – one of the most common being the questionnaire. (See Figure 2.3 for
an example plan of a questionnaire survey.) Many researchers rush to use this
instrument as they often view it as a cheap and easy way to collect data. In many
cases this is true, but the structuring, planning and layout of a questionnaire all
require careful consideration, which is often a time-consuming process.
The process of analysing data can also take time and it may even produce
results you did not expect to find. Again, be prepared for this and apportion time
to consider the implications of the data being different to how you expected them
to be. Can you explain this? Does it necessitate further analysis or data collection?
Drawing conclusions
Drawing conclusions from your data is often the most difficult part of a research
project. You may have considered your conclusions when designing or framing
your research questions. Once you have collected your data you must ask yourself
how the data answers your original questions. Does it provide evidence (in your
findings) upon which to make conclusions? Do you consider alternative
explanations for your conclusions? In other words, is your research topic subject
to other factors perhaps not considered in your work? It is not a major failing if
you indicate that other work or external factors beyond the remit of your research
affect your conclusions. However, it would be a failing if you didn’t mention them.
In addition, do you indicate the strengths and weaknesses of your research (or
methodological) approach? These are the types of question you should seek to
address in the conclusions of your research report. They show that you have
evaluated the approach you have taken in the work.
Construct/design your
Restructure your
questionnaire in light of the
feedback you have received
Log returned
In PhD research, which takes an average period of three years full-time study, it is
usual for 6 months to be given to the write-up of the work. This is often in addition
to notes and draft chapters written throughout the period of study. Many of those
new to research don’t allow enough time for writing. The process often involves
drafting and re-drafting. In, say a 10-week project you should aim to leave perhaps
2 weeks for writing the report. Chapter 7 provides further detail on the writing-
up process.
Blaxter, L., Hughes, C. and Tight, M. (1997) How to Research. Buckingham: Open
University Press.
Herbert, M. (1990) Planning a Research Project: A Guide for Practitioners and Trainers in
the Helping Professions. London: Cassell.
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
◆ Peter Birmingham
because of the efforts devoted to its formative stages, the research reveals the final
pieces of a complex puzzle, or indeed introduces more puzzles to the debate.
To put it simply, you cannot advance knowledge in your field without first
learning what has been achieved by others and what still remains to be achieved.
The literature review is to a research project what the foundations are to a house.
Without solid foundations the house is likely to fall down, and without a detailed
look at the literature, your project is likely to be simplistic, naïve and an inferior
repetition of work already completed by someone else.
Learning to review the literature has never really received the attention it
undoubtedly deserves. Despite the long-standing tradition of literature reviews
featuring in the early stages of research, there has been a significant lack of
attention paid to just how a researcher ought to go about searching for, collecting,
evaluating and using past research in his or her current project. In fact, it seems to
be a lot more difficult to provide a definition of a literature review that we can all
have confidence in than it is to recognise one on paper when we turn to the first
few pages of a research report.
Researchers’ opinions of, and attitudes to, the nature, process and purpose
of a literature review vary enormously. There are, however, common elements
that all researchers ought to take on board. Why do we review the literature?
A literature review:
◆ reports the research of others and not the new research itself;
◆ provides a background to the new research;
◆ provides a peg on which to hang the new research;
◆ links the new research to what has preceded it;
◆ identifies effective practice;
◆ justifies the need to conduct new research;
◆ provides a bibliography;
◆ seeks to do one or more of the following:
(a) describe;
(b) summarise;
(c) interpret;
(d) synthesise;
(e) evaluate;
(f) clarify;
(g) extend;
(h) integrate others’ research.
◆ A list
◆ A search
◆ A survey
◆ A knowledge enhancer
◆ A supporting/directing tool
◆ A report
(adapted from Bruce 1994: 221–3)
Bruce notes that there is a relationship between the six conceptions. She describes
them as ‘progressively more encompassing’ (Bruce 1994: 225). It is a good idea to
view the conceptions as six rungs of a ladder. It is not possible to climb on to a
higher rung without first being familiar with, and actually using, the lower rungs.
Similarly, you continue to appreciate the lower rungs in assisting you to climb
higher, long after you have reached the top of the ladder.
of materials which you may be able to access will no doubt vary according to your
own particular circumstances, and you should make efforts to find out what
facilities are available to you. After all, you want to maximise your chances of
collecting as much information relating to your research topic as you possibly can.
The more libraries you can visit and the wider and more specialist the content held
in them, the more chance you have of your literature review being thorough and
The library catalogue will tell you which books are held there. The catalogue
may take the form of a traditional card catalogue, a microfiche, or – as is
increasingly common – a computerised version often referred to as OPAC.
Although the computerised version will let you use a variety of search options
(including author, year of publication, ISBN), all catalogues, in whatever form,
are searchable by subject. By comparing the list of key words you have compiled
with the list of subjects found in the library catalogue you ought to be able to find
books that may prove a good resource for your own research. Obviously, some
books will be more relevant than others, and the catalogue can only ever point
you to the books that that particular library has on its shelves.
There will, of course, be more books written about a particular subject than
any single library can ever hope to stock. It is important, therefore, to consult
some general bibliographical sources. Bibliographies should be available for you
to consult in most types of library, and include details on what is, or has been, in
print related to your area of interest. The British National Bibliography and the
American Book Publishing Record include references by author, title or subject to
books published in the UK and the United States respectively. Whitaker’s Books
in Print may also be of use to you, although this bibliography tends to be organised
mainly by author or title. As you consult these resources you may see patterns
emerge. Perhaps a small number of authors appear again and again, or you may
notice alternative synonyms to those you listed crop up repeatedly. In either case,
cross-referencing the bibliographies with the actual library catalogue may help
you to find more books of relevance to your topic of study than you thought were
available after consulting just the library catalogue.
It is only a matter of time before a book, once published, becomes out of
date. Any new developments in the subject covered by a specific book will go
unmentioned until (or unless) a subsequent edition is published. Journals, on the
other hand, are published at regular intervals throughout the year, and each new
number contains the most up-to-date information available on a particular topic
along with information that is often unsuitable to publish in book form, for
example debates and correspondences, book reviews and editorial comments. You
would find it an inefficient use of your time to look through the contents of
numbers and volumes of journals devoted to the topic that interests you to find
potentially useful information. Instead, you ought to use indexes and abstracts,
which are intended to help you identify and locate research articles and other
information relevant to your own project. Finding precisely what you want is by
no means a straightforward task, but to discover a reference closely centred on
exactly the nature of your own inquiries has the potential to be the most valuable
single find in your entire investigation, so persevere!
For more detail on accessing information, particularly through a library, see
Chapter 5.
As you begin your investigations in earnest you will begin to get a feeling for the
amount of information that has been written by others about the topic you wish
to research. You might find yourself with tens or possibly hundreds of pieces of
relevant information each of a different length, prospective audience or focus of
study. At this point you need to consider ways in which you might manage and
organise all this information to prevent it getting out of hand. A good idea would
be to produce concise summaries of the book chapters and journal articles you
have collected on small record cards, but this will prove an effective and helpful
way to summarise all the information only if you are consistent in your selection
of the material to be extracted.
Begin with the most recent studies. They are likely to be more valuable to you
as their authors should have used earlier research as a foundation. Apart from
noting accurately where to find the material again once you have returned it to the
shelf, a good summary of a piece of research literature you uncover should include
details about:
Introductions to articles usually contain details on the first two of the above
points, while more information on methods and results is usually reported in the
middle and the end of articles respectively. Of course, after reading through the
abstract at the beginning or the summary at the end, you may decide that a
particular article contains insufficient information relevant to your study to justify
reading the whole thing from end to end. When you do find the articles you think
could be of benefit to your own research you shouldn’t find it too difficult or time-
consuming to abstract these and any other details you consider especially
One thing is certain: the contents of a research article or chapter of a book
will remain fresh in your mind only for the time you are reading it. With so much
to familiarise yourself with you will begin to confuse the contents and conclusions
of others’ research very early on in your reading. With each new piece of literature
you consult you will find yourself relying more and more on the summaries you
make, so it is worth investing some time and effort in collating thorough and
consistent notes at this stage.
Apart from listing all the pertinent points in each of the studies you consider
to be important, you might like to record your own evaluation of the study at the
same time. In your opinion, does it contain any particular strengths or weaknesses,
perhaps relating to the techniques employed in the study, unfamiliar or unusual
methods to collect or analyse data, or interesting theoretical underpinnings? Most
importantly, how might the article you have just read relate to the work you are
keen to undertake? How significant is the material for your own research?
You should attempt something similar with articles or book chapters which,
rather than reporting instances of actual research, comprise essays, discussions,
debates, opinions or syntheses of past research connected in some way with the
work you wish to undertake. One way to familiarise yourself quickly with this
type of material might be to scan what has been written by reading the first one
or two sentences of each paragraph. This ought to provide you with enough
information to help you to decide whether an article or chapter is worth reading
thoroughly from start to finish. For those articles you choose not to discard you
should still be able to summarise the problem being addressed in the material, and
the conclusions drawn by the author, despite the less rigid, more fluid structure of
book chapters. In such cases your focus should turn to summarising and evaluating
the theme or themes of the material: What is the author saying? What reasoning,
logic or arguments does he or she use to say it? On what is the author’s reasoning
and logic based? Can you see any strengths or weaknesses in the author’s
Occasionally you may find an author has written something in a particularly
skilful way, for example managing to phrase a complex idea, argument or
conclusion in concise and clear terms. Similarly, you may sometimes come across
a couple of lines in a report which sum up the essence of the whole article. If you
find yourself in this situation it would do you no harm to copy this down carefully
somewhere in your summary, enclosing the extract in quotation marks and noting
down the relevant page number.
As you continue with this process you will begin to find yourself surrounded by
dozens of record cards each containing a summary of a piece of work related to,
or important for, your own intended research. Just as it is necessary to impose
some kind of order upon your choice of key words in the earliest stages of your
literature search if it is to be focused and well-defined, it is equally necessary to
organise and group all your record cards in order both to maximise their value for
your research and to minimise your workload.
One way of organising your summaries is to code each one according to the
characteristics of the information it contains. You may find that your original key
words can, on the whole, act as ‘pegs’ on which to ‘hang’ your summaries. For
example, the author of a review of the literature written about the use of computer
software in classrooms might code each summary according to one or more of
many issues which arise when bringing new technology into schools:
By writing the appropriate code in, say, the top right-hand corner of each
record, it will help you to become aware of the ways in which researchers before
you have tried cogently and sensibly to make sense of all the issues which surround
a topic. It will also enable you to locate more quickly all your notes relating to one
area within your topic of study and, perhaps, most important for the novice
researcher overwhelmed by information, it should ease the burden of writing up
your review by dividing it into easy-to-handle, bite-size pieces.
How much trust should you place in the research you find? Even after you have
discarded those studies that appeared to be pertinent to your own research but, on
closer inspection, proved not to be, does each and every piece of research you are
left with deserve to be a part of your own inquiry? If not, on what basis should you
include and exclude material in the section of your own work which deals with
related, previous research?
In short, you may have to make some evaluative decisions. In order to do
that, you have to establish your own set of criteria for judging the adequacy of the
material in front of you. As authors base the conclusions of their studies (at least
in theory!) on the outcomes of analyses of the data they have collected, any critical
evaluation ought to include as its focus a thorough scrutinisation of a study’s
methodology and results sections. You may find instances where data have been
collected or recorded unreliably or erroneously. You may also discover that results
or analyses have been calculated incorrectly, and that conclusions have been made
on the basis of those miscalculations. Such errors do occur – researchers are not
an infallible breed. Obviously, the extent to which you feel confident in your own
ability to make calculations and re-calculations of others’ data to check their
reliability and authenticity will depend on your background and experience of
these situations, but even the least confident of novice researchers should be able
to spot intuitively any reported values or measurements that seem spurious, or at
least a little odd. Can the results be trusted in your opinion? Do you think the
study was carried out in a sufficiently careful manner? After considering just these
few basic questions you ought to be able to do one of three things:
● Include the study in the literature review section of your own work.
● Exclude the study because it ‘fell at the first fence’.
● Reserve judgement as to the trustworthiness of the study until you are able
to make a more informed decision, perhaps based on a wider range of criteria
for judging research quality.
Even at this stage you should be aware of something called confirmatory bias.
Researchers – as well as being fallible creatures – do not live in a vacuum. We have
been known to have biases and predispositions towards certain points of view and
certain outcomes of studies rather than others. This, if not sufficiently borne in
mind, could lead your evaluation of another’s research to be coloured or distorted
by its premise, outcomes or conclusions. Experiments have shown that a reviewer’s
predispositions towards a review’s results can influence his or her judgement about
the quality of a piece of research. In the past, reviewers have accepted material
which, despite containing questionable and dubious methodology, has supported
their own intuitions, while rejecting sound and well-grounded research that
advances counter-intuitive conclusions (Mahoney 1977; Lord et al. 1979).
Related work in this area has shown that comparatively inexperienced
researchers are not the only ones to succumb to these subjective pressures. Cooper
(1989) found evidence to suggest that the decisions of professional evaluators (such
as those who judge submitted manuscripts for possible publication in journals)
are occasionally made on the basis of where, along two dimensions, they locate a
particular research paper:
Does it provide you with enough information about, for example, the reasons why
the research was conducted; the context or location in which the research took
place; the methods employed and the results obtained? Do you get the impression
the author has included as much detail in the write-up as he or she was capable of,
or do you feel that there have been certain omissions?
For example, are there inconsistencies in the way the author refers to, or provides
information about, the size(s) of the population(s) studied? Are references to the
initial sample and the achieved sample made consistently? Confusing the number
of people originally contacted to partake in the research and the number who
actually responded and took part will produce inaccurate results, occasionally
skewed in favour of the researcher! Does the researcher inform you to your
satisfaction of details about response rates, the sizes of sub-samples, the number
of drop-outs and those unable to be contacted (sometimes referred to as the
attrition rate), and the total on which any percentages are based?
Is it clear how and from whom information presented to the reader as fact was
obtained? Which questions were asked? Of whom? Were there any attempts to
obtain corroborative evidence from another source? Do you sense any assumptions
made by the author? In other words, has he or she accepted some aspects of the
research blindly which you would have liked to have been investigated further?
Do you feel that too much is being claimed on the basis of the evidence in front of
you? Have the author’s analyses been adequate? When something is referred to as
‘significant’, is it? How has the author measured significance? Do you consider
there to be equally plausible explanations for the results of the research that the
author has failed (or worse, refused) to consider?
What follows is an excerpt from a chapter of a book by Fenton et al. (1998) which
explored the relationship between the social science community and the media.
The aim of the introductory chapter from which this excerpt is taken was to set
the scene for the presentation of previous research findings into the portrayal of
social science research in the British mass media, and how it compared with the
coverage of natural science. This excerpt provides a neat and concise summary of
research into the nature of media coverage of science.
(1992) found that journalists’ main reasons for choosing a story were
timeliness, perceived reader interest and informativeness. These factors
presumably lie behind the well-documented tendency for medicine and
health-related topics to predominate in what actually does get published
(Jones et al., 1978; Dennis and McCartney, 1979; Einsiedel, 1992; Hansen
and Dickinson, 1992; Hansen, 1994).
Science journalists carry around a clear notion of source credibility,
based largely on cues such as seniority and affiliation; they tend to use the
same sources again and again and deliberately create a feeling of mutual
trust. Writing mainly about the USA, Nelkin (1987) notes that science
journalists cultivate relationships with scientists and rely on what she calls a
‘stable’ of reliable figures. Hansen writes of Britain that most science
journalists ‘have built up a mental map . . . of who does what and where in
Britain’ (1994: 119). Particularly in the so-called ‘quality press’, science
journalists build up relationships of trust with sources and go to great pains
to get their information right in order not to jeopardise those relationships.
Such findings have prompted some writers to describe the relationship
between sources who are scientists and science journalists as ‘symbiotic’
(Peters, 1995: 43), though not all writers agree with such a view (especially
Dunwoody, 1986a). In Norway, a country that does not have a tradition of
specialist science journalism, ‘journalists seem to prefer sources who can
provide clear-cut findings and express clear-cut points of view’ (Eide and
Ottosen, 1994: 428); they also report a harmonious relationship between
the media and academics. As a body, scientists are probably not highly
regarded by journalists. According to Böhme-Dürr, journalists on German
magazines perceive scientists as ‘supercilious, uncooperative, manipulative,
and conceited’ (1992: 171). However, this makes it all the more necessary for
journalists to nurture relationships with scientists who can fulfil their
A higher proportion of articles than might be supposed are source
initiated, that is, they are set in train by scientists themselves. In both Norway
and the UK around 25 per cent of articles are generated in this way (Hansen
and Dickinson, 1992; Eide and Ottosen, 1994). This suggests that scientists
can be more proactive than might generally be appreciated.
(Fenton et al. 13–16)
Bruce, C. (1994) Research students’ early experiences of the dissertation literature review.
Studies in Higher Education, 19(2): 217–29.
Cooper, H. M. (1989) Integrating Research: A Guide for Literature Reviews. London: Sage.
Fenton, N., Bryman, A., Deacon, D. with Birmingham, P. (1998). Mediating Social Science.
London: Sage.
Lord, C., Ross, L. and Lepper, M. (1979). Biased assimilation and attitude polarization: the
effects of prior theories on subsequently considered evidence. Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology, 37: 2098–109.
Mahoney, M. (1977). Publication prejudices: An experimental study of confirmatory bias
in the peer review system. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 1: 161–75.
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Research instruments
◆ Dianne Hinds
◆ Questionnaires 42
◆ One-to-one interviews 47
◆ Focus group interviews 49
◆ Ethnography 50
◆ Diaries 51
◆ Content analysis 53
◆ Using computers with research instruments 54
Relates broadly to the extent to which the measure achieves its aim, i.e. the
extent to which an instrument measures what it claims to measure, or tests
what it is intended to test.
Questionnaires are useful tools for collecting data from a large number of
respondents. Designing a good questionnaire can be a skilled and challenging
technical activity. Therefore think very carefully before deciding to use one; in
your case it may not necessarily be the most appropriate tool for data collection.
The box below indicates where questionnaires might appropriately be used.
Developing questionnaires
The 1998 Data Protection Act requires that respondents should be informed
if computerised data entry is part of your study. Respondents also have
certain rights over their personal data, such as access to it. From 2001 similar
safeguards will be required for manual records as for computer records. If
you are using a questionnaire it might be helpful to print on the document
that you may be using a computer to analyse the data.
The questions in your questionnaire will either be open or closed questions. Open
questions allow the respondent to insert his or her views, ideas or suggestions
about the question posed (Figure 4.1) Closed questions require that the respondent
chooses one or more from a pre-defined category of ‘answers’ to the question.
There are advantages and disadvantages to both open and closed questions in
terms of analysing answers or responses. Responses to closed questions can be
pre-coded (see Figure 4.2) which can be done in advance of circulating the
How do you feel about the provision of dental treatment at this hospital?
(Please write your answer in the box below)
Question Pre-coding
Please tick the box below that most accurately describes you.
Male 1
Female 0
Marital status:
Please tick the box that most accurately describes you.
Married 1
Single 0
questionnaire. This will help to speed up the analysis. However, the categories are
the researcher’s and may or may not reflect those of the respondent. Respondents
are instructed to select from the available options, which may be limited to two,
as when a Yes/No answer is offered. However, a more sophisticated series of
alternatives may also be developed. Responses to open questions can only be coded
after receipt by the researcher. This post-coding task adds more time to the analysis
stage but the responses you analyse are the respondents’ own.
Piloting is particularly important to ensure respondents don’t misunderstand
the questions you have asked. Additionally, it is critical to avoid leading questions
worded to suggest that there is only one answer. Your vocabulary should also be
clear, concise and avoid technical or redundant language. Every question should
work for you and your respondents, therefore pre-testing will help reveal any
problematic areas.
Detail paid to a range of design and layout aspects can enhance response
rates. The presentation of the document should appeal to the respondent allowing
him or her plenty of space for responses.
Effective distribution
At the planning stage decisions should be made about how to distribute your
questionnaire and what to do about non-responses. Serial numbers may be
allocated to individual documents to easily identify them.
Sometimes internal systems within an organisation may be used for question-
naire distribution. In schools ‘satchel post’ may be used as a communication
channel with parents. Similarly, being able to hand out questionnaires in person,
particularly to a captive audience after a meeting or other event, may maximise
your response rate. Personal contact often encourages cooperation.
Part of the design package for the distribution of a postal questionnaire should
include a covering letter, together with a stamped addressed envelope. The letter
should politely request the return of the questionnaire by an identified day and date.
One-to-one interviews
Interviews can vary in their structure. They can be focused on a given set of pre-
defined questions that are covered in turn (known as a structured interview), or
they can focus on a pre-defined theme or area and allow a discussion to take place
between researcher and interviewee on that theme (known as an unstructured
interview). In many interview situations a mixture of the two approaches is used,
where some structured questions are asked followed by the exploration of general
themes related to those questions.
trying to record everything they say. Your notes should act as a reminder of what
was said at the time.
However you record and note your interview, you should be aware of
problems of bias. It is important to recognise that when conducting an interview
you should record the responses made by interviewees as accurately as possible.
Your own preferences or, perhaps, stake in the outcome of the interview should
remain secondary. You should record accurately what was said and not what you
think should have been said. Robson (1993) notes that many of these ‘biases’, such
as selective attention, are familiar to psychologists and they can be present in both
the interviewer’s and interviewee’s mind.
As the interview draws to a conclusion I frequently ask the informant
whether they have anything to add to the interview that has not been addressed
by any of my questions or their responses. This helps avoid a situation where the
respondent is prompted to add to the interview following the conclusion of the
interview. All interviews should conclude with a heartfelt message of thanks from
the interviewer. Some very privileged researchers are fortunate to find themselves
thanked for a process that participants have experienced as therapeutic, or
developmental in some way.
Tapes require transcription and analysis. Transcription takes time, to the extent
that advice on my first research project included allowing a ratio of 10:1 between
collecting data and the resultant transcription and analysis of that data. For every
hour spent interviewing allow ten times as much time to process the data. Writing
up your notes into a full account as soon as practically possible following data
collection has the advantage of capturing all, or most, of what was said, as it will
still be fresh in your mind.
There can be few individuals who have not heard of focus groups. Political parties
use them, opposition parties spurn their efforts and television companies are
reported to amend their programmes following analysis of focus group responses.
The process is based on the principles of self-disclosure, grounded in a comfortable
environment, a particular type of questioning, and the establishment of focus
group rules. Generally numbering between seven to ten individuals, groups have
been conducted with a minimum of four. Beyond twelve participants the group
tends to fragment. The mix will probably consist of strangers, or people slightly
acquainted with one another, but there will be similarities between them.
Kreuger (1994) recommends that two people conduct the focus group. One
(the moderator) may attend to the questions, and the second can record the
interactions, noting nodding and other non-verbal behaviour, which may indicate
the extent of agreement, for instance. Compared with one-to-one interviews, the
questioner in a focus group interview situation plays the role of a ‘facilitator’,
rather than a ‘director’ of the proceedings. Once the general topic for discussion
has been fixed to everyone’s satisfaction, he or she is responsible for shaping and
steering the path the participants themselves have chosen to tread. In contrast to
one-to-one interviews, the job of determining the precise content of the discussion
within the boundaries of the topic as a whole is deliberately left to the participants.
The reasoning behind this lies in the implication that those aspects of the topic
most important, meaningful or relevant to the participants will emerge first in the
interview. It is important that the interviewer encourages comments of all types,
both positive and negative, taking care to avoid making judgements about
responses and controlling body language communicating approval or disapproval
(Kreuger 1994).
With some research approaches, you may be required to observe directly the
activities of members of a particular social group with a view to providing an
accurate description or evaluation of those activities. This is ethnography.
Essentially, there are two forms of ethnography – participant and non-participant
observations. With participant observation you as researcher are a part of the
situation you are observing. For example, you could be involved with a meeting
you are recording for your research, or you may be exploring the way your work
environment changes due to the introduction of new working practices. Non-
participant observation involves you as researcher being more detached from the
meeting you are observing. For example, you may be present at the meeting but,
as a non-participant, you will have no input or effect on the meeting.
◆ Direct evidence of the event or process under study.
◆ The active role of researcher as research instrument requires little
technical support.
◆ Data produced may offer insights into the complex realities of the
◆ To be both participant and observer in a sustained process requires
particular qualities when studying the lives and activities of others.
◆ Opportunities to access settings may be limited.
the behaviour or activity under study within an identified time frame. Recently, this
approach has been used in the health services through the use of the patient diary
as a research tool. This can provide a useful insight into, for instance, the patient
experience following surgery (although in the hospital setting this probably
requires the approval of the Ethics Committee).
The frequency of use of the diary will depend upon your research questions.
If you have a clear set of questions, a more structured form of diary may be
appropriate – this could include sections dedicated to specific tasks performed
through the day. Decisions about data analysis will depend on the prior structure
of the instrument. Pre-defined categories will provide a basic structure for analysis,
whilst a more unstructured instrument may itself be used as a model for category
It is important when using the diary as a research instrument to provide
explicit instructions in order to ensure the diary is completed in a manner fitting
the aims of the research questions. For this reason careful piloting is necessary,
and the diary should be planned with the same care and preparation as a
questionnaire. Potentially, diary accounts offer a wealth of information and, as
technology advances, electronic diaries would appear to offer enormous potential
as a method of data collection readily structured for subsequent analysis.
Content analysis
Highly sophisticated computer programs now exist to aid the design, collation
and analysis of research instruments and the data they help to collect. Many
operate at a variety of levels depending upon the assistance you require. Some
offer assistance in questionnaire design, covering layout and pre-coding issues,
others assist with the analysis and testing of your data. Lexica is a program that
adds to textual analysis and claims to perform complex lexical analysis. Beyond
these applications modules are available which assist the creation of multimedia
and Internet surveys.
Qualitative data analysis programs such as Nudist and Ethnograph are
perhaps the most widely used programs for the analysis of qualitative data. Further
information relating to qualitative data analysis packages can be found in
Qualitative Research: Analysis Types and Software (Tesch 1990) and Computer
Analysis and Qualitative Research (Fielding and Lee 1998).
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
◆ Lesley Gray
◆ Where to start 57
◆ Locating information and information resources 58
◆ Using library catalogues 58
◆ Using indexes 60
◆ Using the Internet 62
◆ The inter-library loan facility 66
◆ Other information resources 67
◆ A literature search strategy 71
◆ Note-taking 74
◆ Referencing 74
One of the key skills for any research student or researcher is being
able to retrieve and locate information. Information and information
resources need to be searched for and retrieved when required and
must be both relevant and up-to-date.
There are a vast number of information resources available in
a wide variety of formats, such as printed volumes, CD-ROMs or
on-line services delivered via the Web. Advances in electronic and
indicate that the rate of development is not likely to decrease in the near future.
The development and exploitation of the World Wide Web has had a great impact
on access to information, and it has become both an important source of
information and a universal interface for access to information. The dynamic
nature of the Web means that web sites, databases, and information sources are
changing continuously and what may be available at one site today, may not be
there a day later.
Where to start
Your supervisor
Your supervisor or manager may be familiar with the key literature on the subject
and may be able to give you, or refer you to, key references or the names of
researchers in the field, which could provide you with a good starting point.
The library
within the organisation and beyond. They will be familiar with the material in the
library’s own collection, and how and where to locate items in the library.
Librarians are information specialists trained in organisation and retrieval of
information and information resources. They are familiar with literature-searching
and with the use of a range of search tools. They will be able to show you how to
use the catalogue and indexes to locate items held in the collection and may also
be able to advise you of relevant sources to search, as well as search strategies and
search terms to use.
Many libraries offer current awareness services for academic and research
staff, and research students. The current awareness service may be informal, with
the library informing you when new material on your topic of interest is processed
and available for loan, or formal. A research or interest profile may be compiled
during a meeting or by the completion of a form, and kept on file in the library.
When new material or new issues of journals are received by the library, the
contents pages and subject coverage of the items are scanned and matched
against the profiles, and readers notified of new items of potential interest available
in the library.
Search tools
◆ Library catalogues
◆ Indexes and abstracting journals or services
◆ Internet search engines
Library catalogues
This is the key local bibliographic resource that provides listings and details of
items held in the library in your institution or organisation. The records in the
library catalogue may cover a wide range of materials such as books, reports,
theses, pamphlets, videos and ephemera. Library catalogues were traditionally
print or card catalogues, but most libraries have computer catalogues now. These
are referred to as OPACs (On-Line-Public-Access-Catalogues).
COPAC (Consortium of University and Research Libraries On-line Public
Access Catalogue) gives access to the on-line catalogues of some of the largest
university research libraries in the UK and Ireland. A link is provided to the
Web pages of each of the contributing libraries.
It is possible to access other library catalogues via the Internet. Searching these
catalogues will provide you with references to sources that are not held in your
local library so you will not have immediate access to the items or the information
that they contain. It may be possible to visit the library that holds the item, to
request the item on inter-library loan or to ask your library if they would consider
purchasing the item.
National libraries are responsible for collecting all publications issued in their
respective countries. A national library catalogue is a comprehensive source of
publications issued in a country, and as such, can be a useful resource when
searching for information. The on-line catalogues of a national library may not list
all the older material held in the library’s collections as not all national libraries
have automated all records yet.
The catalogues of other university libraries, as well as many research libraries
are available on the Internet via HYTELNET, or the NISS Higher Education
gateway ( The COPAC (Consortium of University and
Research Libraries Online Public Access Catalogue) database provides access to the
records of items held in some of the largest university research libraries in the UK
and Ireland.
Indexing and abstracting journals or services (as the electronic forms are known)
are essential tools for research staff and students. They provide access to the
information or contents of various types of publication: articles in journals,
newspapers, chapters in books, reports, theses, as well as a range of other types of
publication. Indexes and abstracting journals are available in several formats: in
print and micro-format, and database format on CD-ROM or on-line, or both.
In general, indexes and abstracting services provide access to each article
which is indexed by author and title, and generally also has a subject entry.
Abstracting journals also provide the abstract from the article itself, and some
foreign articles may include an English abstract. This distinction is not as clear-cut
as it was before, as many indexes that are available in electronic format now
include abstracts as well (for example, ERIC). Indexes may be multidisciplinary,
covering a broad subject area, such as the social sciences, subject specific, or index
records from a particular form of publication such as newspapers or theses.
A citation index contains lists of published documents that reference or ‘cite’
a given work by a given author. Each article in the database includes a list of the
references that are cited in the article, and the index brings together all indexed
articles that cite a particular reference. It is possible to search for a particular
author or search term, and find other articles that have cited the same work and
may be of relevance. In cases where other resources retrieve few relevant references,
citation searching may uncover other authors writing on the same or related
subjects that can be followed up, or indicate a change in terminology or thinking
and lead to other sources of information that had perhaps not been considered
before. It is possible to trace how articles or books have been commented on,
and how theories and works have developed chronologically. Significant or impor-
tant works are likely to have been widely cited. It is important to be aware that
retrieved citations may contain errors, as the originator’s list of citations are
not checked for spelling errors of author names and variations in the initials used
and the cited work (usually a journal title) may be heavily and sometimes
inconsistently abbreviated.
Education indexes
British Educational Index (BEI)
This is an important resource for educational research in Great Britain. This
index includes references to 350 British and selected European English
language periodicals (and an increasing amount of national report and
conference literature) in the field of education and training. The print version
indexes periodical literature from 1954 while coverage of the electronic
versions extends back to 1975. The Australian Education Index and the
Canadian Education Index are also available in the same format, and
together with BEI are available as a dataset called International ERIC.
ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) database is sponsored by
the US Department of Education. It indexes over 775 periodicals and
contains more than 700,000 records and has an international coverage.
Entries in the database generally include an abstract of the article or item.
Research documents, journal articles, reports, technical reports, program
descriptions and evaluations, and curricular materials are indexed. The
electronic version of ERIC consists of 2 indexes which are available in print
Other indexes
Periodicals contents index. [Online & CD-ROM]. Chadwyck Healey
PCI contains information from the tables of contents of thousands of English
and other European language journals, from their first year of publication up
to 1990. It is an important resource for historical research as it provides
access to older periodical literature not available from other indexing and
abstracting services.
Web directories are created and maintained by humans. Editors index web sites
that have been submitted to the service, which are selected according to various
qualitative and content criteria. Because these services are labour intensive and
selective in the sites that are indexed, only a tiny percentage of available
information is covered, although the sites retrieved have been selected by humans
for inclusion in the directory. When using web directories, it is important to try
more than one directory when searching for information, as there can be major
differences in their listings.
Web search engines search a database of indexed web sites. When you enter
your search terms, the script interrogates the database, and the results are presented
in a dynamically generated web page. The search engine database is built up by
programs (called spiders or crawlers) that constantly search the Web for new
pages, index words on those pages, and then match the indexed word with the
URL site of the page on which it appears. Because they run automatically and
index so many web pages, search engines may often find information not listed in
directories, although they actually cover only a small percentage of information
available on the Web.
Search engines will only index web pages that have been created specifically
for the Web. Many web sites produce dynamically created pages containing
information extracted on request by the searcher from a database – information
that does not exist in web page format until the query is received – and so will not
be found by a search engine.
Metasearch sites enable the user to search across several search engines and
web directories simultaneously. They allow you to search several services
simultaneously and view the results in one list. These search facilities are slow and
may retrieve only a small number of the total number of hits.
It is necessary to evaluate the content and source of any information resource that
you retrieve. When using information on the Internet, this is of particular
importance as information may be posted by anyone and is not subject to any
form of quality control, authenticity checks or scrutiny by a publisher. When
viewing any site, it is worthwhile to check the following: the source, originator or
owner of the material, the date of the information source, the frequency of
updating and the date of the last update.
There are, however, a number of sites that provide links to selected,
authoritative information sites. Many libraries provide a web interface to their
library and information services, often including access to the library catalogue,
electronic resources, as well as links to other sites of interest. Gateway services are
particularly useful sites as they list and provide links to information sources that
have been selected and evaluated by subject or information specialists. There are
several subject gateways for the social sciences and education. NISS (National
Information Services and Systems) gathers together and provides links to selected
information services for the UK academic community and has links to a wide range
of education sites. Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG) site is an ‘on-line
catalogue’ of Internet resources for the social sciences, which have been selected,
evaluated and classified by subject specialists. These include reports, papers,
electronic journals, newsletters and discussion lists and also has a subject listings
to help to locate resources for a particular subject area (see
The Internet is a good source of information of documents published by, and
information provided by, governmental and other public and private agencies such
at the Department for Education and Employment (DFEE), the School Curriuclum
Subject gateways
NISS (National
Information Services and
SOSIG (Social Sciences
Information Gateway)
European sites
European Commission:
Education & Culture
Many information sources are now available in a variety of formats: print and
electronic (CD-ROMs and on-line databases). In the first instance, your choice of
format of an information resource will depend on the availability of that resource
to you. Many of the resources mentioned in this chapter are available in print and
electronic format, although the titles may differ slightly from format to format.
Many of the on-line services are closed services and require institutional
subscriptions, and access is password controlled. The librarian will be able to
advise if the on-line facilities are available to you, and to which services the
organisation subscribes. Due to the costs of subscriptions to print and electronic
information sources, you may not have access to an unlimited range of resources.
Online searching introduces a flexibility of search not possible in print-based
systems. Computers can manipulate large amounts of data quickly, and can
provide access to information via a large number of access points. Some on-line
and CD-ROM databases also provide or facilitate access to the full text of
electronic journals through links, or may contain the full text of articles or texts.
Manual searches, using print-based systems, can be slow and time-consuming – as
a result many items may be missed or overlooked. Electronic resources usually
contain a substantial resource of references covering a large number of journal
titles. Bibliographic details of retrieved references can be saved to file or printed,
and are generally accurate and complete.
Indexes and abstracts available in electronic format on CD-ROM or on-line
are easier and faster to use that their print counterparts. However, they do require
that the user become familiar with the technology involved, and with using a range
of search interfaces and search facilities in order to retrieve the relevant infor-
mation from the system. Online information services available via the Internet
are more frequently updated, and information becomes accessible as soon as it
becomes available. CD-ROM and print versions are updated on a regular basis,
although there may be a delay of several months between updates.
Electronic databases may only provide access to a limited number of years
of information. Although this differs from database to database, many databases
will only contain 10 to 15 years of data. Digitisation or the re-entering of data is
expensive, and so print resources will need to be consulted if older information
sources are sought.
on-line version may list the contents of the journal, selected articles or excepts of
articles, or the full text of the journal. Some electronic titles are available on-line
before the print edition. The full text of an electronic journal is searchable. Links
in the text may provide access to other information sources, and multimedia
technology allows some electronic journals to include colour graphics, sound and
video clips in the articles.
Access to electronic journals is usually provided from links on the library
web page. Several higher education initiatives and projects such as JSTOR,
SuperJournal and CHEST (Combined Higher Education Software Team) are
involved in negotiating with publishers and providing access to electronic journals
for higher education institutions.
Reference sources generally cover a wide subject area, and are compiled to supply
authoritative and definitive information. They may be of particular use for answer-
ing a quick enquiry or finding a fact quickly. Reference sources include dictionaries,
encyclopaedias, source books, year books, indexes and bibliographies, which can
also be used to get a brief overview of a topic. When starting a research project,
the reference collection could be used to help you define the subject area of your
study more closely. It may also be able to provide you with facts and figures as
your research progresses.
Reports contain the results of, or progress made in, research projects, investigations
and surveys. A report is usually issued by the funding or performing body
and may not be commercially published. A wide range of organisations publish
research reports. These include organisations such as the NFER, ESRC (Economic
Theses and dissertations are submitted by the author for a higher degree or
professional qualification or award. They report on an investigation or research
project that has been carried out, and present the findings of the work and the
conclusions reached. They are useful sources to consult as they are a source of
information about work that has already been done in a particular field, and may
be a source of references to other literature on a particular subject, as they generally
incorporate a literature review. Theses and dissertations are unpublished works,
so it is important to establish what the copyright regulations in each institution are
when consulting and reporting on the information contained in them. The British
Library collects most British theses submitted for doctoral degrees. Records for
theses held by the British Library are located in the British Library on-line
catalogue. Copies may be borrowed on microfilm or, in some cases, on microfiche
via the inter-library loan system.
Newspapers are important sources of information of current events, and may have
historical value. Many newspapers are now available on-line, although some
services do require a subscription. On-line archives of previous editions is generally
limited, although previous issues are available in a variety of formats including
microfiche and CD-ROM. The Times Educational Supplement and Times Higher
Education Supplement are useful sources for education researchers, although other
broadsheets may have education supplements – for example, the Guardian which
has a weekly education supplement.
There are several major bodies whose purpose is to gather and coordinate statistics
and official figures across the UK government, and to store this information in
national archives. These include the Office for National Statistics, the Public Record
Office, the General Register Office for Scotland, the Scottish Records Offices and
the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency. Many other major central
government departments have their own research or statistics sections. These bodies
make this information available via printed reports, and latterly, much of this
information is available on the individual organisation’s web site.
Communicating with the people around you can also be a source of valuable
information to a researcher. Information gathered in this way may result from
You need to identify the key concepts or aspects of the information that you will
need to search for in order to retrieve information relevant to your needs. From
these key concepts, you will then select the search terms that you will use in your
Consider each of the key concepts that you have identified and develop related
and alternative terms for each. The search terms that you select must be compatible
with the terminology and bias of the resource to be searched. For example, when
searching a database produced in America it is important to select terminology
that would be in used in the USA and take into account differences in spelling or
terms, for example, elementary instead of primary and behavior instead of
behaviour. It may be helpful to identify related or alternative terms, broader and
narrower terms and variations in spelling of terms as well.
Selection of a resource to use for a literature search will depend on its suitability
to the topic or area of interest that you wish to retrieve information on. A subject
librarian will be able to advise you on available and suitable resources, as well as
offering help with using the search tool and conducting the search.
Familiarise yourself with the resource that you are going to search. Each
database has its own interface as well as its own rules for searching. It is necessary
to find out how to enter search terms, specify which field is to be searched, and to
perform a search. You will also need to know how to combine search terms and
limit searches, as well as how to mark, save or print relevant references retrieved
by the search. This also applies to print-based resources that you may be searching.
It is important to make use of all sources of help available to you. Library staff will
be able to assist you in the use of resources in the library, and most on-line and
electronic resources have on-line help facilities to assist you.
In order to determine whether the search terms have retrieved relevant information
resources, you need to review the items that have been retrieved. It may be
necessary to change the terms that you selected, to add additional terms or to
remove terms that are retrieving irrelevant items. If your search retrieves too few
or too many results, it may be necessary to broaden or limit your search. To
broaden a search, you may consider using a broader term or removing a term.
There are several ways to limit a search, including adding additional terms,
imposing limits such as date, type or language of publication on the search,
changing an OR operator to an AND operator between concepts.
It is a good idea to keep a record of the searches that you have done, as well as the
name of the resource that you have searched. Keeping a record of each search that
you do may save you time and effort in the long run. Repeating the search at
regular intervals will retrieve new articles or items that have been published since
your last search and will enable you to keep up-to-date with the latest research and
developments in your field of interest. In the light of reading that you are doing,
and results of your research, you may wish to repeat or broaden an earlier search
to include new concepts or terminology. Searches may be recorded by keeping a
note of search terms, and the various combinations that were used, or most
databases (CD-ROM and on-line) will allow you to save the search strategy to
During the course of your research project, you will read and make notes from
many information sources. It is important to make accurate and clear notes so that
they are legible and comprehensible when you consult them without the source in
hand. It is an individual choice as to how to keep and organise the notes that you
take, and may include using notebooks, reference cards, sheets or software packages.
Note-taking needs to be done systematically, and requires discipline from
the start of the project. At a later stage in the project, you may wish to use the
information in your writing or return to the original information source. In your
notes, it should be possible to distinguish between a direct quotation, a paraphrase
or summary of the original passage, and your opinions. It is also important that
you can locate the notes that you have made and the items from which they were
taken. Notes should be accompanied by the full bibliographic details of the item
consulted. It is worthwhile making a note of sources that do not appear to be
relevant when consulted as the source may become relevant at a later stage in your
research, or will act as a reminder of the content of the item if you came across a
reference to the same source again.
Making photocopies of relevant sections of an information source (within the
copyright regulations) may be regarded as a form of note-taking. The photocopy
can be used as a notebook that can be annotated with comments. Although photo-
copying is an easy and, in some cases, convenient way of recording information,
it has cost implications and may also result in the mindless accumulation of
unassimilated pages (Berry 1994).
Berry, R. (1994) The Research Project: How to Write it. London: Routledge.
Fink, A. (1998) Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From Paper to the Internet.
London: Sage.
Gash, S. (1989) Effective Literature Searching for Students. Aldershot: Gower.
Jellinek, D. (1998) Official UK: The Essential Guide to Government Websites. London:
Stationery Office.
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Analysing data
◆ David Wilkinson
◆ Classifying data 78
◆ Qualitative data 79
◆ The coding frame 79
◆ Quantitative data 81
◆ Descriptive analysis 81
◆ The mode, median and mean 86–7
◆ Standard deviation 88
◆ Associating data 90
◆ Inferential analysis 94
◆ Reporting the analysis of data 95
By the time you reach this chapter you should already have your
data neatly collected and piled up waiting for analysis. Therefore, by
the time you get to the analysis stage, all the hard work has been
done. Earlier chapters have guided you through the minefields of
developing research questions, reviewing the literature, locating
information and collecting data. The purpose of this chapter is to
assist with interpreting and analysing the data you have collected.
Data comes to us in many shapes and forms. The role of analysis is
to bring data together in a meaningful way and enable us as
researchers to interpret or make sense of it.
Classifying data
Before analysing data, it must be classified or coded in some way. In doing this we
are preparing the data for analysis. Some people refer to this as cleaning or
organising data. For example, data could be organised by entering it into a
computer or grouping it into batches relating to the date it was received. Another
method of coding would be to convert the responses in a questionnaire into, for
example, numeric form.
Quantitative data
◆ Number of students enrolled at a college.
◆ Trends in sales figures.
◆ Imports of cars by each country in Europe.
◆ Number of travellers per year using a particular airport.
Qualitative data
◆ A particular view on euthanasia.
◆ Interpretation of a painting.
◆ The interaction of children in a playground.
◆ Documents tabled at a meeting.
◆ Minutes of a meeting.
◆ Film footage of a music concert.
It is important to note at this point that the analyses you can perform on
your data depends upon its basic type. It could be quantitative data, for example,
a collection of figures relating to the number of cars sold over a period of time.
Alternatively, your data could be more qualitative in nature and consist of an
oral account relating to a personal experience of the National Health Service. Both
types of data require specific approaches to their analysis.
Qualitative data
An often-used tool to aid sorting and analysis of these kind of data is the coding
frame. This technique is used in many research organisations as a way of classifying
data and drawing themes from it. For example, a theme may emerge, from a
number of interviews with musicians, that playing a musical instrument began as
a hobby for them whilst at school. This type of response to the question: ‘When
did you first show an interest in music?’ could be categorised as ‘school’. The
number of categories or themes which may emerge from your data will depend
on a number of variables such as the amount of data collected and the breadth of
As you begin to code your data you will discover that many categories will
initially be created. However, the purpose of creating these categories is to reduce
the data – so categories may need to be subsumed into super categories in order
for the reader to digest the information quickly. As an example, statements ‘A’
and ‘C’ in the samples on page 80 could be placed in the super category of ‘During
time spent in education’. The number of categories will depend on the amount of
data you have and the requirements of those reading the eventual report. For
Statement Code
(A) As a child I loved to sit with the teacher at the
piano and listen to her play. Child
(B) Following a car accident I spent a great deal of time
in hospital and I found music helped pass the days. Hospital
(C) I joined a music club at college. College
example, if they are concerned with detail, more categories may be necessary,
whereas if they want a broad overview, fewer categories may be more appropriate.
When developing codes it may be useful to take a sample of your interviews
and then develop a coding frame from them. A good yardstick is to attempt to
develop a framework from approximately 20–30 per cent of your interviews.
However, if this involves a great number of interviews, you may notice recurrent
and similar themes emerging by transcript 7 that are not expanded upon in
subsequent transcripts. If this is the case, you will need to exercise your discretion
as to whether the analysis of further transcripts is appropriate.
Although the process of categorising and coding data has traditionally been
a manual process of transcribing an interview and literally cutting and pasting it
into categories or chunks, it has recently become possible to perform this form of
analysis using a computer. There are many excellent programs available to support
this process, such as NUDIST and NVIVO, and a great deal of the administrative
task of handling the data can be reduced by using them. However, researchers
must be aware that these programmes assist the user in developing coding frames
and theories about the data. They do not replace the role of theory-building – this
remains the responsibility of the researcher – rather, they provide a platform for
maintaining and assisting in its development.
Quantitative data
In essence, analysis of your data can occur in one of two ways. It can either be a
descriptive analysis, which describes the data, or it can be an analysis that
questions the data or tests hypotheses. The latter form of analysis is known as
inferential analysis and usually involves subjecting your data to some form of
statistical test.
Quantitative data are those types of data that can usually be reduced to
numerical form. The analysis of these data types involves manipulating them
in some way and/or applying some form of statistical test.
Descriptive analysis
There are many ways to analyse quantitative data. A key concern here will be a
reference to the knowledge of your audience. For example, an investigation of
admissions into hospital could be conducted by collecting and presenting data on
the number of admissions in a given year (Figure 6.1). However, the analysis might
include a breakdown of admissions by gender and a comparison of recent years
(see Figure 6.2). These data may have been collected as part of a larger research
project examining the operation of Paperfield Hospital, or they could have been
obtained from a nationally available database relating to hospital admissions.
(1997) Female (1997) Male (1998) Female (1998) Male
A variable is one of the factors in your data. For example, height, weight
and test scores might be variables. Variables can be either independent or
dependent. A dependent variable is one that you would expect to see change
following an increase or decrease in an associated independent variable. For
example, you might expect to see a change in exam results (dependent
variable) following an increase in lectures attended (independent variable).
50 49 33 38 60 63
64 70 81 45 26 20
19 45 58 56 22 33
45 47 84 30 28 29
37 42 41 62 26 30
46 48 45 39 25 66
45 50 49 33 38 60
63 64 70 81 44 26
20 19
Age 19 20 22 25 26 28 29 30 33 37 38 39
Number 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 1
Age 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 56 58 60
Number 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2
Age 62 63 64 66 70 81 84
Number 1 2 2 1 2 2 1
No. 5 5 6 3 3 9 4
No. 2 5 3 2 0 3
The ‘chunking’ of the data now allows us to see that of the women admitted to this
department, more were aged between 44 and 48 than any other grouping. This
statement refers to the age range with the most occurrences. This is also known as
the mode age range.
The mode of a group of data is the most frequently occurring value. For
example, in the results of an examination, it might be the most often
occurring grade.
If, instead, you were interested in establishing the age range that was the
centre of all your ranges, this is known as the median age range. To find the
median, you would list your ages from highest to lowest and count from each end
until you reached the middle. In this case the median age is 45. Where there is an
even number of values (ages in this case), the median is the average of the two
mid-points (45+45 divided by two equals 45).
The median is the value that separates the upper half of a list of values from
the lower half. The median is, therefore, the mid-point in an ordered list of
The mean is defined as the sum of the values divided by the total number of
values. For example, the mean following exam results would be:
Exam result 45 67 70 55 42 78 59
Following this, you may wish to explore further the frequency of ages of
those admitted. A visual way of doing this would be to develop a frequency
distribution graph (Figure 6.8).
This graph shows that most of the women admitted to the department were
under 46 years of age – you will notice that there is more activity in the graph
between the ages of 19 and 46. This is known as a skewed distribution, whereby
the results are grouped to one side of the graph. In many studies a distribution
19 20 22 25 26 28 29 30 33 37 38 39 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 56 58 60 62 63 64 66 70 81 84
occurs where most of the values group around the middle of the graph. This is
known as a normal distribution. If this were the case you would notice that the
figures for the mode, median and mean were all similar in value. As an example,
you might expect a normal distribution to occur when looking at exam results of
undergraduates (see Figure 6.9).
30 35 40 45 50 59.4 70 75 80 85 90
Standard deviation
From normally distributed data you can measure the distribution of values around
the mean. Using the exam score example, this would be useful as it would allow
you to establish the degree of dispersion or difference between the scores. If the
standard deviation is large then the scores vary considerably, whereas if the
standard deviation is small then the scores are much closer together.
The standard deviation is a key basic statistical technique, which is a
requirement of many more advanced techniques. In essence, the standard deviation
provides an average of all the deviations from the mean. There are a number of
ways to calculate the standard deviation, one of the simplest is:
Standard deviation = Â X2 - X 2
Exam result X2
45 2025
67 4489
70 4900
55 3025
42 1764
78 6084
59 3481
⌺X = 416 ⌺X2 = 25768
X = 416 / 7 = 59.4
Standard Deviation = ÷25768 / 7 – (59.4)2 = ÷153 = 12.4
Standard Deviation = 12.4
Having established the standard deviation for the exam scores, we can see
that there is some dispersion among the results. In addition, if the distributions of
scores are normal (as shown in Figure 6.9), certain statements can be made about
the results. In a normal distribution the range from –1 standard deviation to +1
standard deviation contains 68 per cent of the results, the range from –2 standard
deviations to +2 standard deviations contains 95 per cent of the results, and the
range from –3 standard deviations to +3 standard deviations contains 99 per cent
of the results.
The standard deviation is a useful way of comparing across different sets of
data. For example, it could be used to compare the variability in different exam
results – such as Law and Accountancy – among a cohort of students. It is also used
as a basis for many more detailed statistical analyses of your data (see, for example,
inferential analysis on p. 94).
2 SDs 2 SDs
30 35 40 45 50 59.4 70 75 80 85 90
Standard deviation
Associating data
You may find that with some of your data you wish to explore possible
relationships between two different sets of data (or variables, as they are also
known). This is often referred to as correlation research. There are numerous
techniques available for exploring the relationships between variables. Two of the
most commonly used are Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and
Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation Coefficient. Both of these analyses indicate
whether an association is positive (with a maximum value of +1) or negative (with
a maximum value of –1). It is usually the case that scatterplots are used to show
the results of the analysis.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
The detailed formula of correlation research is not discussed here, but the
references and further reading section at the end of this chapter will direct you to
appropriate statistical texts that will enable you to carry out a number of analyses
of correlation. As an example, exam scores and number of lectures attended could
be analysed for correlation. Using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation
Coefficient approach (R), the analysis would take the following form, using the
formula below:
R = ⌺XY/N – XY
Sx Sy
 X = 213 = 53.25
N 4
Y =
 Y = 36 = 9
N 4
Sx =
ÂX 2
- X2 =
- 2835 = 13.16
N 4
Sy =
ÂY 2
-Y2 =
- 81 = 5.14
N 4
 XY / N - XY = 2187 / 4 - (53.25)(9)
Sx Sy (13.16) (5.14)
R = 0.99
This indicates that there is a strong positive correlation between these two variables.
However, you must take care when performing correlation analysis on your data.
The appearance of a relationship does not necessarily mean one exists – it does not
indicate causation. In other words, correlation does not prove that one variable
causes another to alter in value.
A descriptive analysis or report of your data is a useful way of introducing
the data to the reader. From a general analysis you can move on to a more detailed
examination of your data (if this is appropriate, given the requirements of the
reader or user of your research). Questions posed here may include: ‘What are the
data saying?’ and ‘What do the data mean?’ Interpreting or questioning your data
in this way often leads to inferentially analysing your data.
Inferential analysis
An inferential analysis of your data assists you in making conclusions about the
data by performing certain operations on it. With inferential analysis you are
inferring from your sample data (for example, the exam scores) what the
population scores are (say, the scores for an entire group of undergraduates).
Statistical significance
Statistical significance
Statistical significance refers to how much, for example, exam results for a
group of students could be down to chance alone. If the results cannot be
explained by chance, it is assumed that another factor, such as number of
lectures attended, had an impact on the results. One of two significance levels
are usually applied when testing for statistical significance – 0.05 and 0.01.
These levels indicate degrees of confidence in the assumption that chance
was not the cause. Whilst 0.01 is the stricter of the degrees, both can be
understood as producing statistically significant results.
of hypothesis are called two-tailed tests. However, if the hypothesis were stated as:
‘males perform better than females in exams’ then the hypothesis becomes
directional, and a one-tailed test is required. The requirements of a one-tailed test
are more strict than those for a two-tailed test, as the latter is only concerned with
proving a difference exists, while the former is concerned with exploring who the
difference favours.
As this chapter has shown, data can be presented in a variety of ways. When you
report your data it will be in one of two main forms: a table or a chart/figure.
Tables often reproduce raw data. They should be clear and uncluttered. In
research reports, tables are often used to present findings, emphasise a point made
in the text or act as the starting point for a discussion or analysis of some aspect
of the data. Even if your report has only one table, it should be clearly labelled with
a title and reference number. Some organisations and institutions have a particular
‘house style’ for the presentation of data, so you may need to check this.
Charts or figures are more graphical representations of your data or the results
of some analysis of it. These presentational tools also require careful and clear
labelling. Presenting your data as a figure or chart may include constructing a
histogram, bar chart or pie chart of your data. These, as shown earlier, are often used
to present descriptive analyses of your data. More complex analyses of your data,
such as an exploration of correlation, are best presented as scatterplots or line graphs.
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
◆ Christine Gough
The first question is when should writing begin? Many researchers mistakenly
think that the report should be written up after all of the data have been collected
and analysed, i.e. at the end of the research. Indeed placing the writing up section
at the end in much of the literature on research processes (as is the case here!)
would imply that this should be the case. That is why I take this opportunity now
to stress that it is important to begin writing early on in the research project. As
Blaxter et al. (1996: 208–9) point out:
Writing up your research should start early and become a regular and
continuing activity. It is also likely to be an iterative or cyclical process. That
is, you will draft a section or chapter, then move on to some other activity,
and return one or more times to redraft your original version. This is partly
because as the totality of the research thesis or report takes shape, what you
have written in subsequent sections affects what you wrote earlier and
necessitates changes in it. It is also the case that as your research proceeds you
find out more, read more, and change your mind about some things.
However, this is all well and good, but, as mentioned in the introduction, many
people find writing difficult. Many experience motivational problems relating to
starting writing, such as lack of confidence, lead to researchers putting things
off. Also, a lot of new researchers grossly underestimate the length of time that is
necessary for writing, which can lead to problems with deadlines and the quality
of reports due to cramming at the end. This section will deal with both of these
First, the problem of ‘putting things off’. Blaxter et al. (1996) deal with this
issue in more detail, but in a lot of cases, problems relating to this seem to be due
to a lack of confidence because people put pressure on themselves to get it perfect
first time. Also, it can be due to a lack of focus and knowledge of what is expected
of you. That is why it is important to begin writing early on, otherwise you are
faced with that dreaded task at the end of the project. So, allocate plenty of time
for it in your workplan because this will reduce the amount of stress that you put
yourself under. The main advice from the texts is to get something down on paper
that you know will be of use to you in some kind of thematic form. Even the most
experienced of researchers don’t come up with the ideal version first time round.
If you schedule writing into your workplan regularly, then it will gradually get
Write what is fact and then build on that. One researcher I know said that when
having problems writing a book it is a good idea to get your structure laid out and
then write what you know without the aid of notes, literature, and so on, and then
build from that. This can help you to get the main themes down on paper and
develop linkages.
Another useful idea to get you focused is to decide on the number of words
you will devote to each section based on the report’s word limit. However, here
there are some factors to consider, which are summarised by Denscombe (1998:
235) as follows:
When a word count becomes crucial, such as is often the case with academic
dissertations, it is worth noting that the total normally includes only
The rest of this section offers guidelines for organising your information for
writing and time management.
Instead of using the ‘muddle through’ approach that I used for years, I have
adopted a system for writing adapted from the ‘design approach’ of Orna and
Stevens (1995). This emphasises the importance of organising your information
closely in line with the structure of your report before writing. Many of the
research process books pay little attention to how critical it is to organise your
information. I definitely learned the hard way over the years, until I started using
this simple but effective approach. Critics would say that it stunts creativity;
however, this approach arranges your sources, data and information in such a
way that you can concentrate your energies on writing. Whether writing for an
essay, journal, book, or report, this method can be applied to all types of writing
outputs. I am not suggesting that you follow this method rigidly, but think of it as
a framework that you can adapt to your own needs. Even for those who actually
like writing, this method can help improve the quality of your output. Also, it can
be applied to either a manual or computer database of sources. This approach
consists of the following stages:
Stage 1 First, write a draft contents list and break it down into chapters or
sections, or both. Then label your sources, data and any other
information in line with these. This labelling will be done continuously
throughout the whole process as you build up more references and data.
Stage 2 Think of your report as a whole, and mark out the sequence of ideas and
linkages between them. If it’s useful, draw a diagram showing these
Stage 3 Within each chapter or section, decide on the themes, draw links and
number the themes to show the order that they will be placed in. Then
add these themes to your contents list. Next, code each theme with a
different shape and colour and mark your sources accordingly. Then pile
them in the relevant order for each chapter.
Stage 4 You can start writing after stage 3, but if the report is particularly lengthy,
it can be useful to sketch the framework of what you are going to write
in the form of double page spreads. This provides a useful structure to
write into and can aid with the logic and flow of your argument.
Stage 5 Writing. It wastes time to write in a less focused way, hoping that
something will come together. Even after these stages it is unlikely that
you will be able to write the perfect version of your report the first time
round. Decide what you want to say briefly under each section or heading
and then build up the detail gradually from that. Writing is a process of
progressive refining and you should not underestimate the time it takes.
Also, there is no set way to sequence your argument, so you have to
choose the structure, linkages and cross-referencing that work best for
each report.
Time management
If you are writing the report jointly, it should be made clear early on in the
research who will contribute to each chapter or section. Then, relevant deadlines
can be set to increase the chances of you all completing your tasks at the same
time so that the report can be pulled together without major delays. Therefore, it
is useful to develop a writing workplan for the project.
Time-saving tips
1 First, make sure that you work in a place where distractions can be kept
to a minimum because they reduce flow and efficiency in your writing.
If you think that interruptions will be inevitable then write a more
detailed plan of key tasks that you have to do within each writing
session. Therefore you can keep track of what you are doing.
2 Write regularly so that you gain momentum – it will get easier and
quicker with practice.
3 Consider the quality of time and effort that you are putting in – keep
focused – and don’t kid yourself that because you have been sitting at
your desk or computer for 6 hours that you have achieved a lot. Keep
reviewing the outputs of your study sessions.
4 Do the more difficult subjects or tasks at the time of day that you know
you work best. For some this is in the morning. A lot of my ideas
unfortunately tend to flow most rapidly in the early hours of the
5 Another time-saving tip, if you have access to a PC or word processor,
is to write the bulk of your work at the computer. This will save a lot of
time compared to writing hand-written notes and then typing them in
word for word. This may seem strange at first, but not only will it save
time but also mean that you can keep a closer eye on the word limits
and cut and paste sections easily.
Whilst acknowledging that drafting and redrafting will play a part, aim to
get each section to a good standard first time. It is always worth trying to produce
the final version at the first attempt. To write with the idea that what is written will
be redrafted encourages a degree of carelessness, which can produce drafts that
require complete revision. On the other hand if you aim to get it right first time,
there is every chance that all that will be required is minor amendment. This is as
much an attitude of mind as a matter of style.
The audience for a particular research project will differ according to the subject
matter. As Denscombe (1998: 227) points out, ‘there is no single set of rules and
guidelines for writing up research which covers all situations and provides a
universally accepted convention’. Therefore, whatever written output you are
producing, you need to tailor it to the appropriate conventions and needs of
potential readers.
So, very simply, think about who the report is for and what you are seeking
to achieve by reporting to them. Also, think about what the audience already
knows and what they need to know. As a writer you must find out what types
of reader will be receiving your output and what they will be using it for. For
example, you might need to consider whether they are academic or practitioner,
lay or professional. Also, you might have to produce more than one report in order
to cater for different groups. For example, one for the client and one for the more
general reader. You will also need to consider how your written output will be
used, for example, as a reference to make recommendations, to provide an
overview of a subject or issue, to provide data for further use, to describe or to be
The type of project and the target audience will determine the format and
content of the report. For example, workplace reports may be short and less
detailed, whereas academic reports are often complex and lengthy. It is usually
the case that at degree level the examiners assess a dissertation or thesis according
to the value of the research questions posed. In essence they decide (a) whether the
questions are good ones (have they been answered already elsewhere? Are they
useful question to work on?); (b) whether the student adequately answered the
questions posed; and (c) whether the student made an adequate contribution to
In addition to the above essential elements, there are usually conventions for
writing and/or presentation that you need to adhere to. For example, a university,
journal or institution may set out requirements in relation to length, essential
information, referencing, and layout. This is discussed in the next section.
No matter what type of report or audience you are targeting, it is usual to include
ideas and information on:
Purpose Here you want to say why the work was done and
give some background to the study. Also, this part
should include a statement of aims and objectives.
How the research was done Here you should describe how the work was done
with a discussion and justification of the methods
used. Also, you should highlight any problems that
were experienced during the research.
Presenting the findings Here you need to detail the results.
Discuss and analyse findings Here you interpret the results and discuss their
Style relates to the way you write in relation to factors such as detail, complexity,
language, terminology and references, and is a key ingredient to ensuring the
quality of a report.
Whatever the written output required you should aim for clarity in order to
avoid confusion and ambiguity for the reader. Therefore, you should pay particular
attention to the length of sentences and paragraphs, and also vocabulary. Also use
language that makes the report interesting to read.
Try to mix and match the length of sentences because this makes for a more
interesting read. However, be careful not to put in sentences that are too long
because they may be less easy to understand and could make it hard work for the
reader. Also, break up lengthy pages of text with headings and bullet points;
however, be aware that certain conventions might not accept this.
Don’t use long and complex words for the sake of it. Short and simple
words are better unless the conventions or the field you are working in particu-
larly require these. However, consider the tone of your writing. Depending on
your audience, you need to take care not to be patronising. At the same time you
have to be cautious in assuming certain things are self-evident. This is particularly
important in the use of terminology.
Also, take extra care with punctuation. Lots of people find anything beyond
commas, full stops and brackets too much. Dashes can be useful but should be
used so as not to halt the flow of the report.
When developing an argument that is complex, break it up into separate
parts and create linkages to make it easier for the reader to follow.
Another important factor to consider is whether to write using a passive or
active voice. A passive voice could be used to de-personalise the research – which
would be useful if confidential data were consulted. An example would be
‘The conclusion that some managers receive more than others was indicated by
information relating to salary levels’. However, the active voice provides more
information and can aid clarity. An example would be ‘Salary information
indicates that some managers receive more than others’.
Whatever style you use the important thing is to be consistent.
Finally, it is generally accepted that research reports should be written in
a non-discriminatory way, that is, in such a way that does not denigrate or
exclude particular groups of people on the basis of what may be fairly arbitrary
characteristics like sex, race, religion, physical and mental abilities or sexual
This section offers general guidelines on structure which can be adapted depending
on the requirements of your audience, and the nature, detail and context of the
research being undertaken.
Building on the recommendations from the last section, this part will offer a
detailed breakdown of how a report should be structured. A short paragraph for
each heading will be provided. This section builds on Denscombe’s (1998)
comprehensive list of sections which follows the academic model. He divides the
structure of a report into the preliminary part, the main text and the end matter.
The headings under each can be used in line with the requirements of your report.
Preliminary part
Title This should reflect the contents of the report but has to
be brief. Some researchers find it necessary to include a
sub-heading in order to give more detail.
Abstract This is a one page summary of the work of approxi-
mately 250–300 words. This should give the broad aims
of the work and conclusions. People often only read this
to see if the report will be of any use and so it needs to
be written well.
List of contents List sections or, if it is a lengthy report, each chapter
and section. Also, the appropriate page numbers should
be given.
Lists of figures and On the figures/tables themselves make sure you acknow-
tables ledge the sources, and label axes on graphs, etc.
Preface This is a personal statement from the author who
mentions something about the events leading up to the
study and the significance of it.
Acknowledgements Here acknowledge the people who have supported you
during the research. Also acknowledge those people or
organisations that have cooperated with it.
Abbreviations Here provide a list of the full version of each one.
◆ The surname and initial of each author, editor, or the name of the
◆ Date of publication.
◆ The title, including any sub-titles.
◆ The name of the journal if applicable (should also include the volume,
number and page numbers).
◆ Place of publication.
◆ The publisher.
◆ The edition (only if it is a second, third or fourth edition, etc.).
Bell, J. (1993) Doing Your Research Project: A Guide for First-time Researchers
in Education and Social Science. Buckingham: Open University Press. Second
Kershaw, B. (1990) Clinical credibility and nurse teachers. Nursing Standard 4(51):
United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting
(1990) The Report of the Post Registration Education and Practice Project.
London: UKCC.
The best way to improve and develop your writing is to be willing to accept
criticism either formally or informally. For obvious reasons people feel uneasy
with this but the best thing to do is to see it as a positive opportunity to learn.
Particularly for a large-scale project, it is important to schedule for feedback in
your workplan at key stages, say after each chapter. Without the discipline from
this activity, the writing can drift on for longer than it has to.
So, in the academic or work context you would arrange to meet with your
supervisor or manager. Also, you could present a working paper at a seminar or
conference, which can at first be very daunting but can be very rewarding. Also,
it can be good for motivation and encourages you to focus your writing.
If the work is commissioned by another organisation, it can vary as to
whether they want you to give feedback on the progress of the work at intervals,
say via an interim report or upon completion of the project. If the latter is the case
it would be advisable for you to arrange to meet with the client when you have
some form of draft so that you can be sure that their requirements are being met.
This could save time at the end and avoid the problem of the report being thrown
back at the end for major changes.
Whatever the research context, make sure that you meet with your
supervisor, manager or client before the final draft stage to ensure that you have
fulfilled the requirements and addressed any problem areas.
If you are new to research it is particularly important that you get feedback
in relation to the ethical standards in your field. This is to ensure that you have
taken the necessary precautions to ensure anonymity and confidentiality. In the
case of a large-scale survey it would be relatively easy to ensure this, but in case
study or small-scale research it may be more difficult to de-personalise comments
or responses. In the nursing field, much of the ethical debate centres on the need
to protect the individual from harm. For more on this consult McHaffie (1996).
Once you have received feedback, you must consider whether your report
needs to be adjusted at all. Also, it is worth evaluating the criticisms and ensure
that they were made for all the right reasons.
Once you have made the necessary adjustments from the feedback you need to
edit and evaluate your work.
Bell (1993: 160–1) argues for the need for revision.
One problem about spending so much time on the original draft (the most
difficult part of the writing stage) is that parts of it may seem right simply
because they have been read so often. Another is that you may be so familiar
with the subject that you assume something is understandable to the reader
when it is not. Time will give you a better perspective on your writing, so you
should put the script aside – for several days – so that you can return to it
with a more critical eye. This will help you to identify repetitive passages,
errors of expression and lack of clarity.
Revision/editing checklist
Working through the revision checklist can be helpful if you are experiencing
problems finishing off. A common reason for delaying this is that you don’t think
that your work is good enough. Once you are satisfied that all of these points have
been met, then proof-read the final draft. It is useful to do this by reading out loud.
Before you submit your work, you need to check that you have met the appropriate
presentation requirements, such as margin sizes, line spacing, paper size, number
of copies, and whether it needs to be bound or not.
In the academic setting it is likely that you will be assessed internally by the
relevant tutors or committee. However, if you go for a higher degree like an
M.Phil. or Ph.D., an external examiner will assess you. In the workplace, senior
management or the board who requested the work may assess you. In either case
you may be requested to a do a presentation and in the academic context, an oral
There is no such thing as a standard oral examination or presentation. For
either it is important to prepare and ‘perhaps the best mental preparation of all is
for students to be in a position to exploit the strengths of their writing and to pre-
empt criticism of its weaknesses’ (Sharp and Howard 1996: 221). You need to
demonstrate a clear grasp of the research context, what your research has
contributed to the problem and any limitations. If you feel particularly
apprehensive about doing presentations, then there are plenty of guides to help
build your confidence. One that I have found particularly useful is Confident
Speaking: How to Communicate Effectively Using the Power Talk System by
Godefroy and Barrat (1990).
Now for the outcome of your assessment. In the work context the outcome
of the assessment process will be to have the work accepted or referred for minor
modifications. However, in the academic context, it is most likely that your work
will be passed with or without a request for alterations. The two most common
referral cases are for plagiarism or for referral for a lower qualification if the
examiners think that you have not achieved the appropriate level.
If you feel that you have been treated unfairly with your work you can go
through the relevant appeals process. If you are a student, for example, you will
be able to go through the relevant Student Grievance procedure and get support
from the Students’ Union complaints procedure at your institution. However, in
most cases, referrals require minor modifications and are considered part and
parcel of the research process, so you should not feel too disappointed if your
work requires it.
Once your work is completed and accepted you may decide to publish in order to
spread the word more widely in the public arena and to improve your standing in
your own research community. It is also a useful tool for promotion, job-seeking
and networking with others in your research field. Seeing your name in print can
give you a great sense of satisfaction after all the labours of your research. In
nursing, as well as many other fields, publishing is particularly important. This is
emphasised by Tierney (1996: 377):
Bell, J. (1993) Doing Your Research Project: A Guide for First-time Researchers in
Education and Social Science (second edition). Buckingham: Open University Press.
Blaxter, L., Hughes, C. and Tight, M. (1996) How to Research. Buckingham: Open
University Press.
Denscombe, M. (1998) The Good Researcher Guide for Small-scale Social Research
Projects. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Godefroy, C. H. and Barrat, S. (1990) Confident Speaking: How to Communicate
Effectively Using The Power Talk System. London: Piatkus.
McHaffie, H. E. (1996) Ethical issues in nursing research. In D. F. S.Cormack (ed.) The
Research Process in Nursing (third edition). Oxford: Blackwell Science.
Orna, E. and Stevens, G. (1995) Managing Information for Research, Buckingham: Open
University Press.
Sharp, J. A. and Howard, K. (1996) The Management of a Student Research Project (second
edition). Aldershot. Gower.
Tierney, A. (1996) Reporting and Disseminating Research, in D. F. S. Cormack (ed.) The
Research Process in Nursing (third edition). Oxford: Blackwell Science.
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Researching in schools
Case studies based on three
research projects
◆ Jane Lovey
The 1990s were a time of great change in schools. Schools had either chosen or
been coerced into having much more responsibility for the way they were funded.
Headteachers were in a position where they were expected to take on much of
the work of a manager of a company, a company accountable to the public for its
product and its ability to work within increasing financial restraints. However,
this financial autonomy was accompanied by far more control from the
government in matters that had previously been regarded as the preserve of those
trained to teach, and to lead teachers. Not only was a National Curriculum
imposed on the schools, with a system of assessment that was to dominate the
school year, but schools were ranked in order of success in what became known
as league tables.
Whilst these changes were happening within schools there were, and still
are, constant news items on failing teachers, a growing minority of unruly, often
illiterate pupils, and mounting exclusions from school. Not surprisingly, teacher
moral hit a new low, and those headteachers who had missed the opportunity for
early retirement, available at the beginning of the decade, often developed the
feeling of being totally embattled and beleaguered.
It is against this background that more and more research projects in
education have been undertaken by the growing undergraduate population,
practising teachers studying for Masters’ degrees and a growing number of
Doctorate students. It is, therefore, not surprising that professional researchers
have to approach projects that involve schools with greater and greater
As a teacher who has come to a career as a contract researcher after 22 years
in classrooms, I feel that it is important to understand how it feels to be on the
other end of school research. Educational or social research is essentially a parasitic
occupation. We feed off our subjects, and without willing heads, teachers, parents
and, to a certain extent, children, we cannot undertake our research. No one would
attempt to research a distant, isolated civilisation without studying the history of
the people, finding out something about the customs and beliefs of the people, and
arming themselves with good maps, and perhaps some gifts. The research interview
is a gift (Limerick et al. 1997). This must be remembered and one needs to consider
carefully what, if anything, those who participate in our research, are going to
receive in return.
It is necessary to bear all this in mind before writing the proposal.
It is important to think carefully about how much of the headteacher’s time, and
individual teachers’ time is going to be needed to realise the project. The only way
to find out how schools really operate, and how they affect, or are affected by, the
pupils within them, is to go in and observe and interview. This will initially involve
the head either spending time talking to the researcher, or spending time selecting
a senior member of staff to whom to delegate contact with the researcher. The
person who will be the contact with the researcher will be the one who, after the
first flush of enthusiasm, will have to persuade stressed, busy teachers that this is
a good use of their time. Try at the stage of writing the proposal to calculate how
much of each teacher’s time will be needed and how much of the contact teacher’s
time will be involved. Are there jobs to be done that do not require a teacher but
can be done by office staff? If this is the case it must be made clear how this will
be arranged and whether the time will be paid for. This is particularly important
if the proposal includes mailing questionnaires to a cohort of the pupils’ parents.
In connection with this, it is necessary to consider what information the
schools are at liberty to give us. In a recent project, written into the proposal was
that questionnaires should be sent to every pupil’s home for the parents to
complete. When the schools were identified and the addresses of pupils were
requested only 3 schools out of 48 felt sufficient trust in the researchers to provide
these lists. Other schools understandably refused on ethical grounds. This
immediately meant that the budget was under threat as serialised letters had to be
sent to each school and administrative staff paid to address them and post them.
Some schools sent bills for postage, others gave out the letters to pupils as
they left at the end of the day. In the proposal it was stressed that letters were to
be sent direct to parents since (a) they were more likely to be delivered, and (b) the
parents would be confident that the information they provided was not for the
school. A freepost envelope was in each. In some schools that gave out the letters
pupils were told to bring the letters in to be posted from school so that they could
be ticked off a list. Although in these cases the teachers felt that they were being
helpful they had invalidated the original proposal that the parent questionnaires
were strictly between the research organisation and the parents. With hindsight
those who wrote the proposal now realise that it was unrealistic to expect the
schools to hand out addresses of pupils. We also now realise that the senior
management of some schools like to feel that they have control over any activity
in their schools.
The proposal also instructed that any parents who did not return question-
naires after 10 days would be sent another, and if this was not returned after
10 days a third and final questionnaire would be sent. Because of pressure of other
events, few schools had even sent out the initial questionnaires within 10 days.
Some first mailings were found in a store cupboard two months later. Many
questionnaires never reached the parents as heads were eager to save us money by
giving them to the children.
The sending of parent questionnaires and then teacher questionnaires was
simply the preliminary stage of the research. The main part was identifying 500
children throughout England for detailed case studies. Not only was this held up
by the tardiness of the parents’ questionnaire returns, but also by the reluctance
of many of the teachers to complete their questionnaires. This was not purely
because of an over-ambitious proposal, but because many heads and other contact
staff had not informed the teachers of the cohort of students identified that they
would be involved in this. As proposed, in order that teachers would see this as
something they were doing for us and not for their heads, their questionnaires
were sent directly to them personally (at the school address), with a freepost
envelope in which to return them. For many teachers this file of work came to
them like a bolt out of the blue. The headteacher had agreed to the research and
the secretary had either sent out the letters or given them to teachers to distribute
at home time. We were in danger of losing most of our schools and, unfortunately,
we did lose several where we had obtained good returns from parents.
There were a number of schools that, when approached, explained that they
could not consider the research until they had consulted staff. Of these, less than
half agreed to be participants. However, those who had the agreement of the whole
staff have stayed with the project.
In another proposal it was intended to interview the head, the Special Needs
Coordinator, a volunteer teacher, a parent and a statemented child from each of
nine high schools. One of the schools had hoped to take part, but since the
proposal had included the headteacher, and she genuinely did not have the time
to be interviewed, just eight schools were used. Since this was a well-established
girls’ school that had just taken in its first intake of boys, as it became co-
educational, perhaps staff feelings about support for special needs in school would
have been influenced by their new experience. With hindsight I now think that, as
long as I had the good will of the headteacher, the inclusion of this school would
have provided very useful data.
During the course of this research project, it became obvious that much of
the relevant information was with the part-time teachers who supported individual
children in the classrooms. In order to obtain as much information as possible
these teachers were also included. They were interviewed separately and they also
allowed a lively discussion, which was part of an INSET (in-service training) course
run by the author, to be recorded. This was not in the proposal but was a valid area
of focus when looking at all aspects of special needs support in the classroom.
Without the inclusion of these teachers, the identification of indicators of successful
support for special needs in secondary schools would have lacked an important
dimension (Lovey 1995).
Since the proposal is usually linked to the funding of the project, and schools
are becoming more and more like businesses, it is important to consider what we
can offer in return for a school’s participation. For some schools it is enough to
know that they are part of a project that might influence the local authority, or the
government in an aspect which is dear to them. Nevertheless, they need reassurance
that the project will not actually cost them anything. This is why it is important,
when writing a project which entails interviewing teachers, to allow funds for
supply cover in the budget, and to bear in mind that although the teacher will
receive a sum according to their point on the pay-spine, some schools will add on
national insurance and superannuation. One authority only allowed us to contact
their teachers if we were willing to offer supply cover. This proviso was made after
the project had had funding granted that did not allow for this amount of supply
cover. Fortunately, only 4 of the 13 schools asked for supply cover.
Others wish to be assured that they will receive a copy of the final report.
Remember, especially if your research is part of a course of study, rather than a
funded project, printing out and mailing even eight copies of a report can add
considerably to expenses. Where it is a large, widespread project, this will need
specific funding, and so will interim newsletters sent to participants to sustain the
original interest.
Both when writing the proposal and recruiting the schools, it is important to
understand the impact that the school year can have on research. If you are doing
a study that will last over a year chose your cohort of pupils carefully. Remember
that not only for Year 11 students, but also for pupils at 7, 11 and 14 there is a
period of the summer term which is a ‘no go’ area. This cuts down considerably
the number of weeks when data can be collected.
Christmas festivities in primary schools, and teacher fatigue as they approach
the end of the longest term in the year, can hamper research activity in schools
during December. Make sure that you have a list of the holiday dates for all the
authorities with whom you are working. There is a handful of authorities that
have very different holidays from most. It is important that researchers do not
bank on being able to work in schools at the very end of term or during school
holiday periods. Since we ‘feed’ off the schools, any work we do must be
convenient to the staff concerned.
Before recruiting the schools to take part in the project it is important to have a
list of criteria by which to select the schools you are going to approach. Having
selected the schools you are going to approach, bear in mind that at least half of
them might not want to take part. As teacher-in-charge of what was then known
as a disruptive unit in the late 1970s, I was flattered when researchers sent
questionnaires and asked to interview me. By the mid-1980s, I was suffering from
research fatigue as more and more people were studying in this field, and I resented
giving yet more time to researchers when they never sent me the reports they had
promised. There was one university from which I always received a report and a
short note of thanks, and postgraduates from that university were still welcome.
Make sure you have a clear idea of how you are going to recruit your school
or schools. The first small piece of research I undertook (not one of the three case
studies) was an attempt to find out how many students in off-site units wanted to
receive accreditation for their learning, what examination bodies provided the
opportunity for this accreditation and how important it was to students, their
parents and their future employers (Lovey 1991). I recruited the units for my
research by looking at the ‘posts advertised’ section of the Times Educational
Supplement (TES) for three consecutive Fridays. It was at a time when units were
being closed to be replaced by outreach teams, and my rationale was that if a unit
was advertising for staff to work there, it must be viable and have prospects of
staying open in the foreseeable future. I selected my employers from the vacancies
page in the local paper. Here the rationale was that if they were advertising for
school leavers they must have an opinion on the value of different types of
The research on indicators of successful classroom support was for the LEA
(local education authority) in which I then worked, so it was done in secondary
schools in which I was already involved. This can be difficult as one has to switch
preferred schools in each category and the reserve school often refused to
participate, it was useful to have school meal data and easy access to the Internet
to identify further schools in our chosen authorities.
Because it was written into the proposal, which had received outside funding,
that the cross-section of schools would be co-educational, when all the mixed
schools in one category in one of the authorities refused to take part, two parallel
single sex schools were recruited. In one category the only headteacher initially
willing to take part had too few pupils of the targeted age group, but was really
enthusiastic. He recruited another small school nearby and they worked as one
school. They both fulfilled the criteria for the category, and had, in any case, often
shared resources. In another category, two schools in the process of combining, but
at the time on two adjacent sites, were recruited as one school. This was justified
because otherwise there would have been an important section of the school
population that would not have been represented in the project.
When you are recruiting schools you will need to understand the power of
the school secretary. She, or occasionally he, will almost always be your first
contact in the school. Even though it is vital to communicate with the head, or
the member of staff delegated by the head as the liaison between the school and
researcher, time spent cultivating the school secretary is time well spent. If there
is a rapport between the secretary and the researcher, messages will not be
forgotten and it will sometimes be possible to be put through to the head on the
first attempt. He or she will be an important ally.
During the last 15 years the spotlight has been on education. Some schools
have been named, blamed and shamed, leaving the staff feeling totally
disempowered, and many of the pupils and their families with a feeling of
disappointment, bewilderment and sorrow. There are a few headteachers of such
schools who still have confidence in their school and their staff and might initially
regard an invitation to be part of a research project as affirmation that the school
can survive. A school like this might be very interesting and rewarding for a short-
term project, but there is a risk that the head will not be pleased with feedback
and might end up feeling betrayed by the researcher as well. If you are recruiting
schools in a region with which you are not familiar, you might be unaware that a
school you are recruiting is earmarked for closure. If you have chosen your school
from a list provided by the local authority the staff there might see your involve-
ment as a sign that the closure might not take place. It is difficult to avoid being
drawn into the situation in a school where the staff are in a state of anxiety for their
future and will use the presence of a researcher as another straw to cling to.
If you have chosen your schools from a local authority list, either provided
for you by the LEA or from the Internet, make sure you know about any schools
which are to be merged or closed. Unless you are exploring the effect of school
closure on a community, avoid these schools.
The schools have been recruited and the initial stages are underway. Do the schools
really know exactly the extent of their commitment? In the enthusiasm to recruit
schools, the researchers on one project did not always stress to the headteacher that
there were several distinct parts to this research. Naturally, every establishment
approached had received a letter with an account of the complete demands of the
participating schools. By the time the second part of the survey was sent to schools,
some schools had forgotten their original commitment; for some, staffing had
changed; inevitably, a number were preparing for, undergoing, or recovering from
OFSTED inspections. Researchers have to realise that their priorities are often
very low on the school’s list of priorities.
It is very important that when arranging to observe or interview teachers, the
researcher can be sensitive to the needs of the teacher. Some teachers are happy for
the researcher to arrive in the classroom with them. Others might like to have the
class settled first and arrange a time for the researcher to arrive, or send a child to
collect the researcher. Once the observations have been arranged it is important
that none of this valuable time is lost. Observing a class as a researcher can be
difficulty for many teachers-turned-researchers, since it is difficult to suppress prior
assumptions and make the scene of the research exotic enough to be able to
concentrate on a classroom observation as intently as one might do in a less
familiar place. Sanger explains his first experiences of classroom observation thus:
It was not until 1980, thirty-seven years after being born, that I first realised
there was a difference between seeing and observing. All those years I had
found my way round with unconscious lack of precision, only observing
when I needed to remember a route, or a page for an exam, or the face of
someone who might turn out to be important to me.
(Sanger 1996: 1)
embroiled in the life of the school that it affects your relationship with the data,
which must remain your priority.
It is very difficult for researchers who have been, or maybe still are, teachers
to come to a new research project without preconceptions of how the schools will
function. Since all of us have at some time been at school, all of us carry with us
some internalised memories of what a school is and how it works. Again, this is
where it is important that you are totally committed to the focus of the research
as stated in the proposal. There will be all kinds of distractions, especially when
classroom observations start and it might be difficult not to become distracted by
areas outside the original scope of the research.
One of the first things to do when embarking on school research is to decide the
codes for the schools. This is particularly important if you work in an institution
where there are a number of in-service courses for teachers. On a recent project we
decided to give all our schools the names of authors. To make this easy to
remember it was originally decided to use an author whose name began with
the fifth letter of the school’s name. However, it was later agreed to let the
schools select their own author. Since this was a project where the teachers were
partners in the research, this was the right action. However, in another research
project, the researchers used the names of trees that began with the third letter of
the schools’ name. When the research was written up there was a small,
unimportant detail inserted in each case study so that no one could positively
identify the units.
If the researcher becomes used to always using the pseudonym of the school
there is no risk of a visiting teacher, who overhears conversation between
researchers in the refectory, identifying the school being discussed. When we were
doing research with teachers we were careful not to disclose their pseudonyms to
the other schools in the project. However, in a meeting, the heads and other
coordinators decided to do this themselves. This had to be their decision, not ours.
The situation where researchers reach the parents of pupils through the
school can be a difficult one. Very few schools would entrust the addresses of
pupils to us so we had to send letters through the school. The follow up was a
similar questionnaire sent to all teachers. Initially the plan was to ask only for
details about those whose parents had returned questionnaires. However, since
some schools were putting pressure on pupils to persuade their parents to return
the questionnaires, it would have been a breach of faith to send a list to the school.
There had been the opportunity for parents to refuse and a few did. There was
unease about giving this information to the school as, again, it could be prejudicial
to future dealings between the school and the parent. In the end, we simply did not
include a questionnaire for that child.
At the second phase further questionnaires were sent out to parents whose
children had scored highly on a subscale that suggested they might have a
behavioural disorder. Again the school was asked to address and send sealed and
stamped letters to a small number of children. Although teachers had not been
told why these children had been singled out, there was a fair chance they would
have some idea. However, parents were given the opportunity not to take part, and
teachers were asked to give information on all children. Confidentiality had been
kept as far as it could be if a certain group of children were going to be identified
and studied. Without this kind of research, resources could be wasted providing
the wrong kind of support for these children and their families.
For every school that will join in with research because the staff believe in the
intrinsic value of it, there seems to be one where the staff will ask what they will
‘get out of it’. In some cases, this might be the opportunity to participate in the
research, and sometimes even have this work accredited as part of an ongoing
professional development course. Others will be pleased to receive a report when
the research is finished. If this has been promised, it should be a point of honour
to deliver it, as any research done in a school will involve sacrifices made by
teachers. Increasingly heads are beginning to point out the time that filling in
questionnaires, etc. will take their staff, and are reluctant to ask them to do this
in their own time.
During a recent research project, our contact in one of the LEAs insisted that
schools in that area should be offered a day’s supply cover for anything the
teachers had to do. In the event not all claimed this, but a few schools in another
authority, at school level, made this a condition of their continued involvement in
a research project. This had not been written into the proposal. Provision had been
made to give schools a token for the school library and a small token for each
member of staff filling in tick-lists. There was a danger that the few schools that
had insisted on supply cover would use up the money earmarked for the ‘gifts’. At
the time of writing this has still not been resolved.
Because of the way schools are funded, and in recognition of the many
stresses on teachers, it is wise to write into the original proposal the means to
compensate teachers for their time. In another project a head suggested a ‘couple
of bottles of wine’ for each of his staff. The bill was £150, but since good data had
already been collected from the school, it was important that other aspects should
be covered if the data were to be useful in the context of the whole project. In two
of these projects there has been concern that those who have responded without
payment will hear of colleagues whose time has been paid for. This underlines the
necessity to write provision for this into the original proposal. When this is done,
bear in mind not only the daily supply rate for a teacher who has taught for nine
years or more, but also the percentage that must be added to this for national
insurance and superannuation. If this is passed through the education office the bill
can be nearly 30 per cent higher.
Dissemination of findings
An important task, when the research is done, is the dissemination. Decisions have
to be made as to how this is to be done and to whom. If the funding has come from
an outside body there might be little choice about the dissemination. In this case
it is important to remember that, as a researcher, you have worked for the funding
agent, via the university, and the sponsor’s logo will have been on all
correspondence, newsletters and reports, as well, in some cases, as the funding
serial number.
It is very important to know what you may do with research that has been
funded externally. If the project is running short of money as it nears its end and
there is enough information to hold a conference, this is a possibility, as long as
the funders agree. The conference can serve to disseminate the work you are doing
and also bring in those people who may ultimately use your research. You have
already spent some months absorbing the thoughts and words of the teachers and
pupils participating in the study. The conference, with its workshops and social
times will add to the insights that have already been gained in the field.
In one research project where a team in each school had researched alongside
the university researchers, workshops were run by each team, and led by the
teachers. In five out of the six cases it was clear that both groups of researchers
were agreed in both the aims of the research and the findings so far. However, it
was possible to understand why the sixth project had not proceeded as planned.
The two groups had very different agendas and expectations. After the conference
it was possible to tackle this and decide the way ahead.
The newsletter, the research article in the paper and the conference can be
done whilst the research is still very ‘live’. The book or books from the research
will take much longer, as will papers in referenced journals. It is when you have
convinced a publisher that you have something to say that has not been said before
and you have signed the contract to deliver a manuscript in eight or nine months
time that you are so glad that you still have all the notes that you made from the
first day onwards. It is important to jot everything down from the very beginning,
including phone calls you make to schools, even if at the time they seem of little
importance. It is later that this kind of information may explain why the results
from one school seem to differ from those from another similar school. Research
peers will often be as interested in the process as in the theoretical outcomes.
The fact that we have all spent a significant part of our lives in school might well
make this a more difficult area to research. Those whose experience is limited to
their days as a pupil might still feel that their experience of school is typical of all
schools. Those who come to research from a career in the classroom may, initially,
find it difficult to regard the environment with the detachment necessary to explore
in a sharply focused manner.
Despite the ‘research fatigue’ suffered by some schools, it is still possible to
find schools that welcome the opportunity to be part of a well-conceived research
project, especially if they can see the advantages of the possible outcomes of the
study. However, it is important to bear in mind that each time a teacher agrees to
fill in a questionnaire, they are giving us a gift of their time and their knowledge
of the children they teach, or the way in which they teach; when they allow us to
interview them they are giving us a gift of a part of themselves. For this reason we
must do our best to make it a rewarding experience for the school too. It is easy
to depart when the data are collected and forget that we have made ourselves a
brief part of the history of that school and that they will hope to see some evidence
of the part they played in our project. If they have been our partners in the plan-
ning of the research and the collecting of the data, then they must be involved in
some of the dissemination.
Educational research is a rich and varied field in which to work. It is an ever-
changing world which reflects political and sociological changes and developments.
Perhaps the only reward that we can tentatively offer teachers is the knowledge
that through research changes in policy might eventually be underpinned by
evidence from the ‘chalk face’.
Limerick, B., Burgess-Limerick, T. and Grace, M. (1997) The politics of interviewing, power
relations and accepting the gift. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in
Education, 9(4): 449–60.
Lovey, J. (1991) The dilemma of entering disruptive and disaffected adolescents for external
examinations. Maladjustment and Therapeutic Education, 9(2): 73–82.
Lovey, J. Docking, J. and Evans, R. (1993) Exclusion from School: Provision for
Disaffection in Key Stage 4. London: David Fulton.
Lovey, J. (1995) Supporting Special Needs in Secondary School Classrooms. London: David
Mac an Ghaill, M. (1991) Young, gifted and black: methodological reflections of a teacher
researcher. In G. Walford Doing Educational Research. London: Routledge.
Sanger, J. (1996) The Complete Observer; A Field Research Guide To Observation. London:
Falmer Press.