Characterization of Tenth Century Ancient Building Materials of Seenakesavaperumal Temple, Yelagiri Village, Tamil Nadu

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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-2, December 2019

Characterization of Tenth Century Ancient

Building Materials of Seenakesavaperumal Temple,
Yelagiri village, Tamil nadu
Shivakumar M , Thirumalini Selvaraj

Abstract: A characterization study on performed on the masonry wall and to study on the computability of materials
extracted stone masonry, Cement and lime mortar samples from used during construction to simulate the repair mortars and
the seenakesava Perumal temples, Yelagiri been constructed restore the masonry walls with modern analytical techniques
during chola period (1100-1050 AD). The samples were extracted
out to understand the raw materials and the ancient application (Diekamp 2013). Seenakesavaperumal temple is nearly 1000
technology. The binder is hydraulic lime with binder to aggregate years old and one of the ancient perumal temples in Tamil
ratio of 1:2.5-3. The extracted stone samples and brick bedding nadu, India. It was constructed at (1100-1150 AD) during
mortar revealed high range of quartz and feldspar with minor the chola’s and pallava periods. The temple is located close
peaks of calcite through X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. to yelagiri hills of Tamil nadu in southern India surrounded
Rather than calcite the (CSH & CAH) formation reflects the load by Jawadhu and yelagiri hills. It lies between 12º52′30′′ N
bearing phases and may be the reason behind the longitivity of
the thousand-year-old temple. XRD expressed the high range latitude to 78º15′ 00′′ E longitude. The condition of the
quartz and feldspar with minor fractions of MgO and similarly temple is in a very bad state and almost the structure has
the locally procured local quarry samples revealed the same sunk 5” feet under the earth from the original surface and
intensity peaks. This study has simulated the ancient construction which has dislocated the masonry wall due to severe
materials with modern materials to replicate the similarly environmental conditions. The characterisation study of
performed construction materials to preserve from the materials used and the technology adopted for construction
environmental conditions and the cultural heritage of the
country. of the temple is necessary to carry out the restoration work.
Keywords: stones, brick & bedding mortar, lime mortar, & Hence, this characterization study will be highly useful for
material characterization (XRD). restoration of chola’s period temples in and around Tamil
nadu. As the temple lies just few meters away from the
I. INTRODUCTION yelagiri hills, thus indicates the usage of stones to construct
Indian assorted cultural heritage is rich with different forms the temple from the large crushed boulders from the hills
of ancient built structures and architectural monuments with Fig 1.
artistic craftsmen capabilities. Most commonly the
structures that is of archaeological or historical artistic
interest and that still existing for more than centuries said to
be ancient monuments. From the recent studies the holistic
approach in preparing the repair mortar to regain the original
mortar or building materials is bringing back the traditional
methodology to strengthen the ancient structures and
monuments (Shore, 2018). Hence the reverse methodology
technique is essential in this century, since after the
downfall of lime mortar constructions due to invention of
Portland cement in 19th century, that basically improved the
rate of construction but failed to overcome the longevity,
durability and external environmental conditions. Ancient
structures interacted with natural organic herbs and locally
available additives into mortar to increase the strength and Fig 1. Location of seenakesavaperumal temple (a)
durability of the structures. Researchers also has also Tamilnadu district map (b) The google earth location of
suggested that addition of natural organics has improved the the temple.
carbonation stages as the curing time increased (Jayasingh II. MATERIALS & METHODS
2019). Identification of a right material and appropriate From Fig 2 seenakesava perumal temple, the samples
technique could ensure better performance of the lime were extracted from interior and exterior locations and were
mortar with age. In this study, characterization of ancient also grouped as (SKP-1.SKP-2 -SKP-3, SK-4) respectively.
building materials of seenakesava perumal temple was The descriptions of samples were presentedand sampling
carried out in order to investigate on the bulged stone locations were shown in respectively
Table 1 . Extracted samples were collected from the upper
Revised Manuscript Received on December 05, 2019. heights of the structure to avoid the capillary rise (Ravi
Dr.S. Thirumalini, Department of structural & Geotechnical 2016). Temple raw materials namely stone, bedding mortar,
engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India.
Shivakumar M, Department of structural & Geotechnical engineering,
brick, lime mortar, and cement
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India. mortar samples were collected
to find the match with the

Published By:
Retrieval Number: A5058119119/2019©BEIESP
3365 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A5058.129219
& Sciences Publication
Characterization of Tenth Century Ancient Building Materials of Seenakesavaperumal Temple, Yelagiri
village, Tamil nadu

conventional building materials to restore the structure.

Intense care was taken on the undisturbed spots during to
avoid the adjacent cracking.

Table 1. Sampling location of historic building materials

Sampling points Description
Exterior of the wall (1-5) stones
SKP-1 samples Fig (a, b)
Brick & bedding mortar at ceiling slab
SKP-2 Interior-2
Interior of the wall samples at sanctum
SKP-3 of Garbhagriham-3.
Cement mortar samples from interior
SKP-4 temple joints-4.

Fig 4.Plan & sampling locations of seenakesavaperumal

temples, Yelagiri, Tamilnadu.
Fig 2 .Wall samples of temple (2). Brick mortar sample
(3). Temple garbhagriham sample (4). Cement mortar III. ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUE
A. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD

Each extracted sample were gently crushed and sieved

through 75µm and processed through X-Ray Diffraction
(XRD) analysis using Desktop Diffractometer working with
the Cu K-alpha radiation (k = 1.54182), and graphite
monochromator in the diffracted beam, at 1.5 kW and
interpretation by Bruker DIFFRAC.SUITEEVA software. It
gives qualitative result on the possible presence of minerals
in the mortar samples (Middendorf 2005). The cumulative
graphs from the respective samples were investigated
through Expert high score software using joint committee on
powder diffraction standards JCPDS data library.


The mineralogical characterization indicates that the historic

samples is amorphous polycrystalline in nature since it has a
greater number of peaks due to the mixture of crystal

FIG 3.Specimens extracted locations (a, b, c, d).

Retrieval Number: A5058119119/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A5058.129219 3366 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-2, December 2019

Fig 6.(2). Brick mortar sample XRD results (3). Inner

sanctum (Garbhagriha) stone sample XRD.

The XRD graph Fig 6. The brick mortar sample mainly

contained high range of quartz peak positioned at
24.26º,26.64º,46.54º,52.13º,68.85º and 82.34º with JCPDS
diffraction phase identity (33-1161). The XRD peaks also
simultaneously reveals the calcite peaks due to bedding
mortar interaction with bricks. The calcite peaks which
Fig 5. (a). SKM-1 XRD results of exterior extracted indicates the carbonated stage of the mortar positioned at
samples (b) XRD of Local quarry samples. 38.93º, 48.93º & 49.92º with JCPDS file number (003-
0670). Supportive complex compounds like feldspar,
The XRD results of SKM-1 from the Fig 5 reveals the magnesia and aluminium oxide peaks were also visible with
major quartz peaks with JCPDS diffraction file (085-0797) high ranges indicating the long-time durability and load
with d-spacing angle of 3.34Ȧ at 12.34º,26.64º &26.95º bearing phases in the binder materials Ravi (2018). Fig 6(3)
respectively was investigated with the Expert high score XRD graphs shows the internal stone sample of sanctum
software with 2ϴ Positions library. Further the minor range prone to heat, changing the stone to pitch black as shown in
peaks of feldspar ranged at 31.65º and 35.63º indicates the Fig 2. Quartz peaks are scattered at
reason behind the product hardness, durability and 11.31º,14.56º,26.64º and the low range of olivine peaks
resistance to chemical corrosions Alejandra (2015). which is a magnesium iron silicate form acts as high
Magnesia peaks (078-0430) and olivine peaks (075-1156) pressure polymorphs of siliceous compounds. Feldspar and
were also visible at 47.04º and 68.15º acts as refractory magnesia peaks are at higher ranges indicates the thermal
material to act as thermal resistance in the building units resisting conditions at the inner sanctum, reveals that lot of
Westgate (2019). heat is been absorbed for centuries and might be reason
behind weathering of stones Gour (2018). The stone samples
have to be completely restored to avoid the dislocation of
the stone masonry wall.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: A5058119119/2019©BEIESP
3367 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A5058.129219
& Sciences Publication
Characterization of Tenth Century Ancient Building Materials of Seenakesavaperumal Temple, Yelagiri
village, Tamil nadu

Fig 7. Cement mortar sample from the inner roof ceiling

of the temple.

The XRD graphs Fig 7 shows the high range of Quartz

peaks (33-1161) positioned at 26.64º,50.14ºand 59.94º
respectively. The binder to aggregate ratio for cement
mortar may be proportioned at 1:3 during the ancient
production technology. It also reveals that complete
transformation of calcite from complex compounds of CSH
& CAH. Metastable compounds namely vaterite and
aragonite at higher ranges are observed indicates the shell
lime may be added during the production technology to Fig 8.Simulation stone sample from nearest location of
enhance the mechanical properties Ventola (2011). The the temple.
presence of portlandite peaks inside the temple sanctum was
observed in graph indicates the presence of hygroscopic B. XRD interpretation on Limes
properties due to inner sanctum are not directly exposed to
atmosphere air and humid environment Shore (2018) .
Hence the carbonation has delayed in the cement mortar in
the inner sanctum sample of the temple. Hence in this
present XRD semi quantification study on binder/aggregate
proportions have been detailed.


Historic samples were also collected from the nearest

location to the temple, to investigate on the compatibility of
modern conventional stone and building materials to
simulate back the original mortar to the temple (Fig 8, Fig
9). The local informative study was conducted regarding the
collection of samples and ancient production methodology
techniques that could have prevailed for many centuries. As
the reason the collection of samples were made from
yelagiri hills and stone samples closer to the temple with
lime stone mining quarries at the nearest location namely Fig 9. XRD on limes (a) Dry slaked lime (b) Hydraulic
Vellore, cuddalore and Tiruvannamalai etc. The different lime.
types of limes were procured to simulate the properties and
analytical XRD analysis was performed and cumulative VI.CONCLUSIONS
results were examined for further knowledge.
The characterization study is competent with sufficient
analytical technique employed with compatibility of
A. XRD interpretation on Locally collected stones building materials. The altered
and unaltered samples were

Retrieval Number: A5058119119/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A5058.129219 3368 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-2, December 2019

extracted from four location with intense scientific 3. Gour, K. A., Ramadoss. (2018) ‘Revamping the traditional air lime
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the recent restoration has cement mortar at few locations
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atmosphere and with humid environments, which clearly doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2011.03.020.
indicates the low pozzolanic action and decrease in 10. West, P.Ball, R. J (2019) ‘Olivine as a reactive aggregate in lime
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samples that were collected from the nearest location .
revealed the positive approach towards similar results of AUTHORS PROFILE
peaks against the XRD interpretation. Hence this study can
be adopted scientifically to restore the 1000 years old Dr.S. Thirumalini, Associate professor at Department of structural &
chola’s structure and also the further studies can be Geotechnical engineering, Vellore Institute of
progressed with higher end analytical techniques as XRF, Technology, Vellore, Tamilnadu, Her primary
areas of research include developing of
SEM-EDX, TGA-DTA and microscopy study on the ancient scientific methods of restoration of heritage
materials. structures, chemistry of original construction
FUTURE SCOPE materials used in Indian heritage structures and
development of carbon capture technology in
buildings using organics additives and lime to
From the overall study, the historical samples have revealed promote their sustainability. Role of organic
the material properties with preliminary analytical testing additives was studied and nature and
methods, further the modern sophisticated analytical carbonation potential of organic lime mortars were investigated in detail.
methods like FT-IR, TGA-DTA,SEM-EDX,Petrographic She has investigated on the carbonation process of lime admixture with
natural organics such as Terminalia chebula, Jaggery (unrefined sugar) and
studies will enhance the production methods and plant extracts from Cactus, Cissus Glauca Roxb and their behaviour.
microstructural evaluation of the traditional mortars. Moreover, working on new old materials in civil engineering, bringing out
the sound scientific proof for the use of ancient eco- friendly admixtures in

The authors wish to express their sincere thanks to Hindu Shivakumar M, pursuing his Ph.D. from Vellore
institute of Technology, Department of Structural
religious and charitable endowments, Tamil nadu for and Geotechnical Engineering, Vellore,
permitting to extract the historic samples. Tamilnadu. He has completed MTech
(Construction technology) from Visvesvaraya
REFERNCES Institute of Technology, Bangalore in 2015 and B.
E (Civil Engineering) from Visvesvaraya Institute
1. Alejandra, J.(2015) ‘Ge-conservación Influence of inorganic and of Technology, Bangalore in 2013.His area of
organic additives on spectrophotometry of lime mortars’. Interest is on characterization of construction
2. Diekamp, A.(2013) ‘Lime mortar with natural hydraulic components: materials, Traditional organic lime mortar,
Characterisation of reaction rims with FTIR imaging in ATR-mode’, Heritage structural conservation.
RILEM Bookseries, 7(September), pp. 105–113. doi: 10.1007/978-94-

Published By:
Retrieval Number: A5058119119/2019©BEIESP
3369 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A5058.129219
& Sciences Publication

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