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An Overview of Smart Power Grid

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An O ve r vi e w O f S m a r t P o we r G r i d

Abst ract
The present electric grids use the technology of 1970’s. But
with the advancement in various concepts of power
generation, problems associated with power outages and
thefts, and also due to increase in demand, we require a
moderniz ed grid to avail all the needs of customers even in
the situations of hype, which can be called a “smart grid”.

The smart grid (http://electrical- engineering-

portal.com/smart- grid- concept- and- characteristics)
performs various functions such that it increases grid
stability, reliability, efficiency and ultimately reduces line

Also the smart grids are designed to allow the two- way
processing of electricity from consumers that have
distributed generation. Various technologies like sensing
and measurement, usage of advanced components are to
Fi g u r e 1 - Tr e e l i m b s cr e a te a s h o r t ci r cu i t d u r i n g a s to r m ,
be used for successful functioning of the grid. In this paper,
typ i ca l l y r e s u l ti n g i n a p o we r o u ta g e
smart grid, its functions, technologies used in smart grids
are discussed.

Introduction to Electric Grid

The electric grid generally refers to all or the smart grid, in a nutshell, is a way to transmit and distribute electricity
by electronic means. The electric grid delivers electricity from points of generation to consumers. The electricity
delivery network functions via two primary networks: the transmission system (http://electrical- engineering-
portal.com/autoreclosing- in- transmission- and- distribution- systems) and the distribution system. The transmission
systems deliver electricity from power plants to distribution substations, while distribution systems deliver electricity
from distribution substations to consumers.

The grid also encompasses myriads of local area networks that use distributed energy resources to several loads
and/or to meet specific application requirements for remote power, municipal or district power, premium power, and
critical loads protection.

Introduction to Smart Grid

Smart grid lacks a standard definition, but enters on the use of advanced of technology to increase the reliability and
efficiency of the grid, from transmission to distribution. The Smart Grid is a vision of a better electricity delivery

Smart Grid implementation dramatically increases the quantity, quality, connectivity, automation and Coordination
between the suppliers, consumers and networks, and use of data available from advanced sensing, computing, and
communications hardware and software.

In addition to being outdated, power plants and transmission lines are aging, meaning they have difficulty handling
current electricity needs, while demand may not be reduced any time, but it can still be increasing continuously. One
solution could be to add more power lines, but the aging system would still be overwhelmed.

So instead of a quick fix, a more reliable, permanent solution is needed. Perhaps the most fundamental aspect of
transitioning to a smarter electricity system is the smart meter.

Top (http://electrical- engineering- portal.com/an- overview- of- smart- power- grid#)

Why Modernizat ion of Elect ric Grid is required?

The major driving forces to modernize current power grids can be divided in four, general categories:

Increasing reliability, efficiency and safety of the power grid.

Enabling decentraliz ed power generation so homes can be both an energy client and supplier (provide
consumers with interactive tool to manage energy usage).
Flexibility of power consumption at the client’s side to allow supplier selection (enables distributed generation,
solar, wind, and biomass).
Increase GDP by creating more new, green collar energy jobs related to renewable energy industry
manufacturing, plug- in electric vehicles, solar panel, and wind turbine generation, energy conservation and
S m a r t g r i d d e l i ve r y

Smart Grid Funct ions

The integrated system of the smart grid has two scopes.

One scope is transmission monitoring and reliability and includes the following capabilities:

Real time monitoring of grid conditions.

Improved automated diagnosis of grid disturbances, and better aids for the operators who must respond to
grid problems.
Automated responses to grid failure that will isolate disturbed z ones and prevent or limit cascading blackouts
that can spread over a wide area.
“Plug and play” ability to connect new generating plants to the grid, reducing the need for the time consuming
interconnection studies and physical upgrades.
The automatic restoration of power would be accomplished by a combination of sensors, computer analysis
and advanced substation components, as well as by the ability to reroute power to outage locations.
Enhancing ability to manage large amounts of solar and wind power.

The second scope is consumer energy management:

At a minimum, the ability to signal homeowners and businesses that power is expensive and/or tight in supply.
This can be done, via special indicators or through web browsers or personal computer software. The
expectation is that the customer will respond by reducing its power demand.
The next level of implementation would allow the utility to automatically reduce the consumer’s electricity
consumption when power is expensive or scarce. This would be managed through the link between the smart
meters and customer’s equipment or appliances.
The smart grid system would automatically detect distribution line (http://electrical- engineering-
portal.com/types- of- electrical- power- distribution- systems) failures, identify the specific failed equipment, and
help determine the optimal plans for dispatching crews to restore service. The smart grid would automatically
attempt to isolate failures to prevent local blackouts to spread over that area.
The smart grid would make it easier to install distributed generation such as rooftop solar panels, and to allow
“net metering”, a rate making approach that allows operators of distributed generators to sell surplus power to
utilities. The smart grid would also manage the connection of millions of plug- in hybrid electric vehicles into
the power system.

Hence the functions of smart grid can be summariz ed into the following terms as selfhealing, consumer participation,
resist attack, high quality power accommodate generation options, enable electricity markets, optimiz e assets,
enable high penetration of intermittent generation options.

Technology- Init ial Focus

Smart Grids rely on information technology advancements across telecommunications and operations. Utilities apply
these technologies both to grid operations – transmission and distribution wires (http://electrical- engineering-
portal.com/understanding- underground- electric- transmission- cables) and associated equipment and to the
customer site- meters, customer owned energy technology equipment and appliances, and home area networks


Wires-focused Smart Grid projects commonly involve:

One of the components to smart grid would be the

replacement of the aging power lines with high-
temperature superconducting lines.
The new wires could be installed underground to avoid
cluttering up the already congested cityscapes.
New telecommunications and operational (sense and
control) technologies: These improve delivery
performance and resilience.
New sensor and control technologies. These, when
combined with distributed intelligence, make it possible
to report and resolve grid issues in real time (self
Hi g h te m p e r a tu r e s u p e r co n d u cto r ( HTS ) wi r e e n a b l e s
healing). p o we r tr a n s m i s s i o n a n d d i s tr i b u ti o n ca b l e s wi th th r e e to
fi ve ti m e s th e ca p a ci ty o f co n ve n ti o n a l u n d e r g r o u n d AC
Transmission and distribution (http://electrical- ca b l e s a n d u p to te n ti m e s th e ca p a ci ty o f DC ca b l e s . Fa u l t
engineering- portal.com/primary- distribution- voltage- cu r r e n t m a n a g e m e n t ca p a b i l i ty wh e n u s i n g Fa u l t B l o cke r
ca b l e s ys te m s .
levels) intelligent electronic devices. These alert
operators, automatically respond to problems, and
integrate generation from renewable resources.

Sensing and Measurement


S m a r t G r i d - Ad va n ce d Me te r i n g In fr a s tr u ctu r e ( AMI)

duties are evaluating congestion and grid stability, monitoring equipment health, energy theft prevention, and control
strategies support. Technologies include smart meters, sensing systems, advanced switches and cables, digital
protective relays etc… In all these, smart meters play a vital role.

In Smart Metering, an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) of interval meters and two- way communications
systems serves as a gateway for utility/customer interaction. Smart Metering has the potential to reduce both
customer and utility costs.

If you take a look at your current electricity meter, you will see that it is very mechanical, humming along blindly,
waiting to be read by a technician, to determine the amount of electricity used in a given month, at the end of which
you receive a bill. A smart meter utiliz es what is known as real- time monitoring (RTM). A display lets the consumer
know how much electricity is used and even when it is less expensive to use it.

“Studies have shown that when people are made aware of how much power they are using, they reduce their use by
about 7%.” A smart grid also prevents the entire system from becoming overloaded, lessening the chance for a
power outage.

Advanced Components

Innovations in superconductivity (http://electrical- engineering- portal.com/smart- grid- deployment- what- weve- done-
so- far), fault tolerance, storage, power electronics, and diagnostics components are changing fundamental abilities
and characteristics of grids.

Technologies within these broad R&D categories include: flexible alternating current transmission system devices,
high voltage direct current, first and second generation superconducting wire, high temperature superconducting
cable, distributed energy generation and storage devices, composite conductors, and “intelligent” appliances.

Top (http://electrical- engineering- portal.com/an- overview- of- smart- power- grid#)

Renewable Energy and t he Smart Grid

The smart grid can be seen as an alternative energy
source, certainly a change from the current way of doing
things. In addition to rerouting electricity, the smart grid
would be able to fill in the gaps of these alternative energy
power sources. One way this could be accomplished,
surprisingly enough, is with another alternative energy
technology – the electric car, specifically, the plug- in
electric hybrid (PHEV).

This would work through the concept of energy storage, in

the case of the PHEV, specifically referred to as V2G or
vehicle to grid. This use of alternative energy sources, like
wind and solar reduces the nation’s dependence on
foreign oil and helps keep pollution from car exhaust and
power plants to a minimum.
Re n e wa b l e En e r g y a n d th e S m a r t G r i d

Other Technologies

Integrated communications will allow for real- time control, information and data exchange to optimiz e system
reliability, asset utiliz ation, and security.

The major source of energy for human beings is electricity. Without electricity, no technology or science could
have been possibly developed. But there are many problems associated with effective functioning of the electric
grids which cause a serious loss of power and may even create severe scarcity in future. Also, the latest
advancements in generation of electricity from renewable sources also require a means for effective utiliz ation.

So, keeping in view of these, for better performance of the grid, smart grids should be developed all over the world
So that we have a more transparent, reliable system that allows consumers to save money and utility companies to
more accurately control electricity.

Thus Smart Grid technology paves way for increased utiliz ation of green power.

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