Eccentrically Loaded Square Footing With Uniform Soil Pressure Solution: 1.) Find The Eccentricity

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the nominal beam shear stress at

FOOTING WITH UNIFORM SOIL the critical section.
PRESSURE 4.) Det. the max. design moment.
A square column shown in the figure is Solution:
reinforced with 8-22 mm ∅ bars and
carries the following loads. 1.) Find the Eccentricity:

PD = 205 kN, PL = 146 kN, MD = 30 kN-m, ML P = 205 + 146 = 351 kN

= 50 kN-m, HD = 5 kN, HL = 3 kN, fc’ = 20.7 M1 = 30 + 50 = 80 kN-m
MPa, fy = 276.5 MPa
H = 5 + 3 = 8 kN
Allowable soil pressure = 90 kPa
Effective depth of footing = 325 mm M2 = 8(0.4) = 3.2 kN-m
Total depth of footing = 400 mm
M = M1 + M2 = 80 + 3.2 = 83.2 kN-m
M = Pe
83.2 = 351e
2m e = 0.24 m from the center of footing
0.61 0.3 0.09


Pu 2m

M 0.15

1m 1m
2.) Ultimate punching shear stress at
0.40 m the critical section:
Pu = 1.2(205) + 1.6(146) = 479.6 kN
P u 479.6
qu = = 2(2) = 119.9 kPa
1.) Det. the location of the column from the d/2 300 d/2
center of footing such that the soil
pressure will be approximately uniform for d/2
given load.
2.) Det. the nominal punching shear stress
at the critical section.

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4.) Maximum design moment:
Pu = 479.6 kN
1.09 m

0.3 2m

625 625

Vu = 479.6 – 119.9(0.625)2 = 432.76 kN Critical section

for beam shear
Vu 432760
υp = ∅ b d = (0.75)(625)(4 )(325) = 0.71 MPa
M = 119.9(2)(1.09)(1.09/2)
υp = 0.71 MPa < √ = 1.52 MPa (safe) M = 142.45 kN-m

3.) Ultimate beam shear stress at the 2m

critical section:
0.85 m
0.91m 0.09 1m 0.3

0.3 2m
Critical section
for beam shear

Critical section d=0.325 0.765 M = 119.9(2)(0.85)(0.85/2)

for beam shear
M = 86.12 kN-m
Vu = 119.9(0.765)(2) = 183.447 kN
Vu 183447
υp = = (0.75)(2000)(325) = 0.38 MPa Mmax = 142.45 kN-m
∅ bd

υp = 0.38 MPa < √ = 0.76 MPa (safe)

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A trapezoidal combined footing supports 1.) Min. width of the combined trapezoidal
two 400mm x 400mm columns placed at 5 footing.
m. apart center to center. The total length
of the footing is 5.5m. The left side column PT = P1 + P2 + Wc = 1600 + 1160 + 486
carries a dead load of 1000 kN, live load of PT = 3246 kN
600 kN while the right side column on the
smaller end of footing carries a dead load 3246
Area required = 170 = 19.09 m2
of 700 kN, live load of 460 kN. Allowable
soil pressure is 170 kPa. Assume weight of ( A +B ) L
Area =
footing to be 486 kN. fc’ = 21 MPa, fy = 415 2
( A +B ) 5.5
19.09 =
1.) Which of the following gives the min. of 2
the combined trapezoidal footing. A + B = 6.94 m
2.) Which of the following gives the max. Location of the centroid of footing should
width of the combined trapezoidal footing. coincide with the location of the resultant
3.) Which of the following gives the max. of the column loads.
moment in the footing. R = 1600 + 1160 = 2760 kN
Ry = P1(x1) + P2(x2)
P1 P2
R 2760y = (1600)(0) + 1160(5)
y = 2.10 m
x = 2.10 + 0.25 = 2.35
Centroid Formula of trapezoid:
0.25 5m 0.25 L 2 A+ B
5.5 m [
x = 3 A+ B ]
(5.5) 2 A +B
2.35 = 3 [
A +B ]
B 400 400 A
2 A+ B
400 [
1.28 = A+ B ]
But A + B = 6.94
B = 6.94 – A
2 A+6.94− A
P1 = 1000 + 600 = 1600 kN 1.28 = [ 6.94 ]
P2 = 700 + 460 = 1160 kN
A = 1.94 m. say 1.95 m.
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2.) Max. width of the trapezoidal x 5.5
footing. y 596.27

A + B = 6.94 y = 108.41x

B = 6.94 – 1.95 Max. M occurs where shear is zero (cutting

B = 4.99 m. say 5 m.
2160 + 2 = 977.5(x)
( 1.95+ 5 ) 5.5 x(108.41 x)
Actual area = = 19.11 m2 2160 + = 977.5(x)
2 2

19.11 m2 > 19.09 m2 (area required) ok! 54.205x2 – 977.5x + 2160 = 0

3.) Max. moment of footing x = 2.578 m

Pu = 1.2DL+ 1.6LL y = 108.41(2.578) = 279.48 kN/m

Pu1 = 1.2(1000) + 1.6(600) ∑ M Zero Shear = 0

Pu1 = 2160 kN Mmax = 2160(2.328) – 977.5(2.578)
1 1
Pu2 = 1.2(700) + 1.6(460) (2.578/2) + 2 (279.48)(2.578) 3 (2.578)

Pu2 = 1576 kN Mmax = 2089.78 kN-m

qu = 19.11
= 195.50 kPa

Soil pressure at biggest section

= 195.50(5) = 977.5 kN/m
Soil pressure at smallest section
= 195.50(1.95) = 381.23 kN/m
Pt. of zero shear (max.
moment) occurs here
P1 P2
=2.328 m

0.25 0.25

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R1 = 369.47 kN
Area = q
A warehouse is located on the property
line of building site. The structural 369.47
2(W) = 100
designer decide to design a strap footing to
support the exterior column load. W = 1.85 m
Allowable net soil pressure 100 kPa. fc’ =
20.7 MPa, fy 414 MPa. Neglecting the 2.) Dimension of footing 2.
weight of footings, strap floor slab,
∑Fv = 0
determine the following:
R1 + R2 = 326 + 510
2m B R2 = 326 + 510 – 369.47
400 400
R2 = 466.53 kN
W 400 0.8 0.6 400 B
F1 F2
Area = q
0.2 6.80 m
DL=200 kN DL=286 kN B2 = 100
LL=126 kN LL=224 kN
B2 = 4.67 m2

0.40 B = 2.16 m
0.48 m

1m 1m
B Use 2.16 m x 2.16 m
0.2 0.8 6m 3.) Factored shear and moment for
R1 strap beam.
1.) Width of footing 1.
Pu1 = 1.2(200) +1.6(126)
2.) Dimension of footing 2.
Pu1 = 441.6 kN
3.) Factored shear and moment design for
Pu2 = 1.2(286) +1.6(224)
strap beam.
Pu2 = 701.6 kN
∑MF2 = 0
1.) Width of footing 1.
441.6(6.8) = R1(6)
P1 = 200 + 126 = 326 kN
R1 = 500.48 kN
P2 = 286 + 224 = 510 kN
∑Fv = 0
∑MF2 = 0
R1 + R2 = 441.6 + 701.6
326(6.8) = R1(6)
R2 = 441.6 + 701.6 – 500.48
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R2 = 642.72 kN Location of max. moment occurs at point O,
where shear is zero. (cutting method at O)
Uniform pressure per m on footing 1:
250.24(y) – 441.6 = 0
q1 = 2 = 250.24 kN/m
y = 1.76 m.
Uniform pressure per m on footing 2: 1
Max. M = 2 (-341.504)(1.76)
q2 = 2.16 = 297.56 kN/m
Max. M = - 300.52 kN-m
Factored shear for strap beam:
Pu1 = 441.6 kN Pu2 = 701.6 kN
Vu = 58.88 kN
Factored moment for strap beam:
0.48 m Mu = -293.46 kN-m
250.24 kN/m 297.56 kN/m
0.4 1.6 3.92 m 0.88 0.4 0.88

y = 1.76 O 58.88


104.38 116.10

-68.30 -62.65

VA = 250.24(0.4) – 441.6 = - 341.504 kN

VB = - 341.504 + 250.24(1.6) = 58.88 kN
VC = 58.88 kN
VD = 58.88 + 297.56(0.88) = 320.733 kN
VE = 320.733 + 297.56(0.4) – 701.6 =
- 261.843 kN
VF = - 261.843 + 297.56(0.88) = 0

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1.) Required footing thickness for the
A 300 mm x 300 mm column is supported critical beam shear stress at ultimate
as shown. loads.
Dimensions are as follows: 2.8 m
a = 0.4 m, b = 1.6 m, c = 1 m, d = 0.4 m 0.4 m

The column carries the following service

0.8 m
x 2.4 m
DL = 500 kN, LL = 330 kN, fc’ = 20.7 MPa, fy 0.8 m
= 415 MPa
0.4 m
Allowable stresses at ultimate loads:
0.4 m 1m 1m 0.4 m
For beam shear = 0.76 MPa
For punching shear = 1.52 MPa
Minimum concrete cover to the centroid of Pu = 1.2DL + 1.6LL
reinforcement = 0.25 m. Pu = 1.2(500) + 1.6(330) = 1128 kN
1.) Calculate the required footing thickness Ultimate reaction per pile:
for the critical beam shear stress at
ultimate loads. P u 1128
R= = 9 = 125.33 kN
2.) Calculate the required footing thickness
for punching shear stress at ultimate loads. Vu = 3R = 3(125.33) = 375.99 kN
3.) Calculate the number of 20 mm ∅ bars υ=
∅ bd
required for the maximum moment about
x-axis using the effective depth of footing. 375990
0.76 = (0.75)(2400)(d )

d = 319.69 mm
Total depth = 274.85 + 250
Total depth = 524.85 mm say 550 mm

b/2 t = 0.55 m

d c c d

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2.) Required footing thickness for 3.) Number of 20 mm ∅ bars required
punching shear stress at ultimate loads. for the max. moment about the x-axis
y using the effective depth of footing.
2.8 m
2.8 m
0.4 m
0.4 m
0.8 m
0.65 m
x 2.4 m 300+d 0.8 m
0.8 m x 0.3 2.4 m
0.8 m 0.3
0.4 m
0.4 m
0.4 m 1m 1m 0.4 m
400+d 0.4 m 1m 1m 0.4 m
Pu = 1128 kN There are three piles acting at the critical
section for bending of the square footing
along the x-axis.
Design moment:
Mu = 3R(0.65) = 3(125.33)(0.65)
300+d 300+d
Mu = 244.39 kN-m

R=125.33 kN
Effective depth of footing:
Vu = 1128-125.33 d = 600 – 250 = 350 mm
Vu = 1002.67 kN Reinforcement index:
Vu Mu = ∅ fc’ b d2 w (1 – 0.59w)
υ = ∅b d
244.39x106 = (0.9)(20.7)(2800)(350)2
1002670 w(1-0.59w)
1.52 = (0.75)(300+ d)( 4)(d )
w (1-0.59w) = 0.038245
d2 + 300d – 219883.7719 = 0
0.59w – w + 0.038245 = 0
d = 342.32 mm
w = 0.03915
Total depth = 342.32 + 250
wfc ' (0.03915)(20.7)
Total depth = 592.32 mm say 600 mm ⍴ = fy = = 0.00195

t = 0.6 m 1.4 1.4

⍴min = fy = 415 = 0.003373

Use ⍴min = 0.003373

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As = ⍴ b d = 0.003373(2800)(350)
As = 3305.54 mm2
No. of 20 mm ∅ bars required:
(20)2N = 3305.54

N = 10.52 say 11 bars

Use 11-20 mm ∅ bars

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FOOTING SUPPORTED BY PILES WITH Assume area of one pile = 1 m2
A9 piles = 1m2(9) = 9 m2
A square footing as shown is supported by
9 piles spaced at 0.70 m. center to center. It Equivalent moment of inertia of piles
carries an ultimate axial load of 1020 kN about the centroid of footing:
and an ultimate moment of 52 kN-m. ∑Ad2 = I = (1)(0.8)2(3) + (1)(0.8)2(3)
Effective depth of footing is 400 mm. fc’ =
20.7 MPa, fy = 400 MPa. Neglecting weight I = 3.84 m4
of footing. Size of column is 400 mm x 400
c = 0.8 m (from the center of footing to
center of a pile)
2.2 m M = 52 kN-m
0.3 m 1020 (52)(0.8)
fmax = 9 + = 124.17 kN/pile
0.8 m
2.2 m 2.) Minimum net pile loads.
0.8 m P u Mc 1020 (52)(0.8)
fmin = - I = 9 -
A 3.84
0.3 m
fmin = 102.5 kN/pile
0.3 m 0.8m 0.8m 0.3 m
3.) Number of 18 mm ∅ bars needed.
Pu x = 0.6
0.3 m

0.8 m
d = 400 mm
2.2 m
0.8 m

0.3 m

1.) Determine the maximum net pile loads. 0.3 m 0.8m 0.8m 0.3 m
2.) Determine the minimum net pile loads. 0.4
x = 0.8 - 2 = 0.6 m
3.) Determine the number of 18 mm ∅ bars
needed. Design moment:
Solution: Mu = 3R(0.6) = 3(124.17)(0.6)
1.) Maximum net pile loads. Mu = 223.51 kN-m
P u Mc Reinforcement index:
fmax = + I
Mu = ∅ fc’ b d2 w (1 – 0.59w)
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223.51x106 = (0.9)(20.7)(2200)(400)2
w (1-0.59w) = 0.034083
0.59w – w + 0.034083 = 0
w = 0.034797
wfc ' (0.034797)(20.7)
⍴ = fy = = 0.001801
1.4 1.4
⍴min = fy = 400 = 0.0035

Use ⍴min = 0.0035

As = ⍴ b d = 0.0035(2200)(400)
As = 3080 mm2
No. of 18 mm ∅ bars required:
(18)2N = 3080

N = 12.10 say 13 bars

Use 13-18 mm ∅ bars

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Two interior columns individually on pile 1.) Ultimate punching shear stress at
caps that are interconnected by a grade pile cap A.
beam as shown. Distance from centreline
to centreline of columns is 5 m. Location of ∑MA = 0
pile cap B is due to mislocated piles. Pile R2(4.55) = 5020(5)
cap B is designed by assuming that the
loads are equally distributed to each pile R2 = 5516.48 kN
within the pile cap.
R1 + R2 = 4160 + 5020
Dimension of column = 400 mm x 400 mm
R1 = 4160 + 5020 – 5516.48
Capacity of piles = 1000 Kn
R1 = 3663.52 kN
Effective depth of pile cap = 1000 mm 3663.52
Ultimate load on each pile = 5
fc’ = 34.6 MPa, fy = 414 MPa
= 732.704 kN < 1000 kN
0.3 0.450.450.3
2m 0.4 2m
2m 3m

0.2 0.8 0.8 0.2 0.4

1.5 m
400+d 2m

Pu1 = 4160 kN Pu2 = 5020 kN


0.2m 0.8m 0.8 0.2

R1 4.55 m R2
Pile cap A Pile cap B

1.) Find the ultimate punching shear stress

at pile cap A. 1000

2.) Find the ultimate beam shear stress at

pile cap A.
1400 1400
3.) Find the max. design moment for pile
cap B.
Vu = Reaction due to 4 piles

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Vu = 4(732.704) = 2930.816 kN
Vu 2930816
υp = ∅ b d = (0.75)(1400)(4 )(1000) = 0.70 MPa
M = 3P(0.7)
υp = 0.70 MPa < √ = 1.96 MPa (safe) 6P = R2

2.) Ultimate beam shear at pile cap A. 5516.48

P= 6
= 919.41 kN
M = 3(919.41)(0.7)
M = 1930.76 kN-m

0.4 2m


0.2m 0.8m 0.8 0.2m

Vu = (2)(732.704) = 1465.408 kN
Vu 1465408
υp = = (0.75)(2000)(1000) = 0.98 MPa
∅ bd

υp = 0.98 MPa ≈ √ = 0.98 MPa (safe)

3.) Max. design moment for pile cap B.




3.0 0.4



0.3 0.9 0.3

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1.) The factor of safety against sliding of
Given a retaining wall as shown in the the retaining wall. Consider coefficient
figure. of friction at the base = 0.57. Neglect
passive earth pressure at the toe.
0.2 m
0.2 m

5.4 W1 W2
W3 6m
1.8 m P
5.4/3 W4
0.6 =1.8m
0.5 m 0.7 m 0.6 0.3 m
3m 1.8 m 0.5 m 0.7 m
Consider 1m strip of wall
fc’ = 24 MPa,
fy = 414 MPa, Dead loads:
Soil unit weight = 18.2 kN/m3,
Concrete unit weight = 23.544 kN/m3, W1 = (18.2)(5.4)(1.8) = 176.904 kN
Active earth pressure coefficient = 1/3 W2 = (23.544)(5.4)(0.2) = 25.428 kN
The required strength of the wall, 1
U = 0.7 D + 1.7 E W3 = 2 (23.544)(5.4)(0.3) = 19.071 kN
where D is dead load and E is earth
W4 = (23.544)(0.6)(3) = 42.379 kN
pressure. Consider per meter strip of wall
along its length. Ry = W 1 + W 2 + W 3 + W 4
1.) Calculate the factor of safety against Ry = 176.904 + 25.428 + 19.071 + 42.379
sliding of the retaining wall. Consider
coefficient of friction at the base = 0.57. Ry = 263.782 kN
Neglect passive earth pressure at the toe. 1 2
γ s C h2 (18.2)( )(6)
P= = 3 = 109.2 kN
2.) Calculate the maximum design moment 2 2
Mu, at the stem of the wall.
Factor of safety against sliding:
3.) Calculate the spacing of 20 mm ∅ bars
required at the stem of the wall. Use 85 μ R y (0.57)(263.782)
F.S. = = = 1.38
mm cover to the centroid of stem P 109.2
2.) Max. design moment Mu, at the stem of
the wall.
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1 2 As = 1832.64 mm2
γ s C h2 (18.2)( )(5.4)
P= = 3 = 88.45 kN/m
2 2
h 5.4
M = P ( 3 ) = 88.45 ( 3 ) = 159.21 kN-m
Using 20 mm ∅ bars required:
Mu = M (0.7 D + 1.7 E)
Mu = 159.21(0.7(0) + 1.7(1)) N = S (no. of bars)

Mu = 270.66 kN-m π
(20)2N = 1832.64
3.) Spacing of 20 mm ∅ bars main
π 2 1000
vertical reinforcement of the stem. Use (20) ( ) = 1832.64
4 S
85 mm cover to the centroid of stem
reinforcement. Consider 1 m strip of S = 171.42 mm say 150 mm
Use spacing 150 mm o.c.
Effective depth of stem:
d = 500 – 85 = 415 mm
Reinforcement index:
Mu = ∅ fc’ b d2 w (1 – 0.59w)
270.66x106 = (0.9)(24)(1000)(415)2 w(1-
w (1-0.59w) = 0.07276
0.59w – w + 0.07276 = 0
w = 0.07618

wfc ' (0.07618)(24)

⍴ = fy = = 0.004416

1.4 1.4
⍴min = fy = 414 = 0.003382

Use ⍴ = 0.004416

As = ⍴ b d = 0.004416 (1000)(415)
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