Operating and Maintenance Instructions

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The document provides operating and maintenance instructions for pump models NSS and NSS-K. It covers topics such as safety, installation, operation, maintenance and troubleshooting.

The exact pump designation can be found in the order-specific documents (data sheet). It provides information like the pump type and identification number.

The document uses warning symbols to highlight safety instructions regarding electric voltage and other dangers. Personnel must read and follow all safety instructions prior to working with the pump.

Operating and Maintenance Instructions VM No.: 519.

0001 GB
Edition: 09.01
Ident No.: 550 408

Series NSS, NSS–K Retain for future


Order No.: Pump Ident. No.:

Machine No.: Pump Type:

Operating data, dimensions and other additional information can be found in the order–specific part of the

These Operating and Maintenance 1. General
Instructions contain information from
the pump manufacturer. They may need 2. Safety
to be supplemented by instructions of
the operator company for its personnel. 3. Transportation and Intermediate
These instructions do not take account Storage
of specific information relating to opera-
tion and maintenance of the process 4. Description
plant into which the pump is integrated.
Such information can only be given by 5. Installation/Mounting
the persons responsible for construc-
tion and planning of the plant (plant 6. Start–up/Shutdown
Such specific instructions relating to 7. Maintenance/Repair
operation and maintenance of the
process plant into which the pump is
8. Operating Faults, Causes and
integrated have priority over the
Remedial Action
instructions of the pump manufac-
turer. The plant manufacturer must
on principle observe the limits of 9. Associated Documentation

Refer to the operating instructions of

the plant manufacturer! Important note:
This operating manual is to be supplemented
by the order–related informations.

1 General
1.1 Pump designation
The exact designation can be found in the order–spe-
cific documents (see data sheet).

1.2 Proper use

Information on proper use of the pumps is provided in
the technical data sheet.
The pumped liquid must not contain any abrasive con-
stituents nor corrode the pump materials.

1.3 Performance data

The exact performance data can be taken from the or-
der data sheet and/or acceptance test report.

1.4 Warranty
Our warranty for shortcomings in the supply is laid
down in our delivery conditions. No liability will be un-
dertaken for damages caused by non–compliance with
the operating instructions and service conditions.
If at any later date the operating conditions change (e.g.
different fluid conveyed, speed, viscosity, temperature
or supply conditions), it must be checked by us from
case to case and confirmed, if necessary, that the pump
is suited for those purposes. Where no special agree-
ments were made, pumps supplied by us may, during
the warranty period, only be opened or varied by us or
our authorized contract service workshops; otherwise
our liability for any defects will cease.

1.5 Testing
Prior to leaving our factory, all pumps are subjected to
a leak test. Additional tests will only be performed on re-

1.6 Availability
As a matter of principle, we recommend stocking
replacement pumps and withdrawable units (hydraulic
action system) where the supplied pumps are a
decisive factor in maintaining a production or delivery
process. In this way downtimes can be avoided, or
reduced to a minimum.

1.7 Pressure limit

The sum of inlet pressure and maximum delivery pres-
sure must not be greater than the permissible internal
pump pressure (see data sheet).

VM 519.0001 GB/09.01 – Ident–Nr. 550 408 2


2 Safety
These operating instructions contain basic safety 2.3 Dangers in the event of non–compliance with
instructions for installation, operation and safety instructions
maintenance. It is therefore essential that they are read Failure to comply with the safety instructions may result
by fitters and all specialist staff and customer personnel in danger to persons, and place the environment and
prior to installation and start–up. They must always be the machine at risk. Non–compliance with the safety
kept at hand at the place of installation. instructions will lead to the loss of any claims for
The special safety instructions contained in the other Non–compliance may result in the following dangers:
chapters must be observed in addition to the general
safety instructions in this chapter. S Failure of important functions of the plant

2.1 Identification of safety instructions in the S Failure of specified methods for maintenance and
operating manual servicing
The safety instructions contained in these operating
instructions which represent a danger to personnel if S Danger to persons resulting from electrical,
not complied with are specially marked by the general mechanical and chemical effects
danger symbol:
S Danger to the environment resulting from leakage of
hazardous substances

2.4 Responsible working practices

The safety instructions contained in these operating
Warning symbol instructions, current national accident prevention
as per DIN 4844–W9 regulations, as well as internal working, operating and
safety rules of the customer, must be observed.
Warning of danger from electric voltage is indicated as
2.5 Safety instructions for the user/operator
S Hot or cold machine parts representing a danger
must be protected against accidental contact on

S Protection against accidental contact for moving

Warning symbol parts (such as the coupling) must not be removed
as per DIN 4844–W8. while the machine is in operation.

S When operating pump aggregates in a dust–laden

Instructions which are essential to avoid endangering environment (e.g. milling, chipboard manufacture,
the machine and its operation are marked by the word bakeries), the surfaces of the pumps and motors
must be cleaned at regular intervals, depending on
ATTENTION local conditions, in order to maintain the cooling
effect and eliminate the possibility of spontaneous
combustion. Please also see explosion protection
Instructions affixed directly to the machine such as regulations (ZH 1/10).

S Directional markers S Leakage (e.g. from the shaft seal) of hazardous

substances being handled, such as explosive, toxic
S Signs for fluid connections or hot materials, must be discharged in such a way
that no danger to persons or the environment is
must always be observed and maintained in fully created. Legal regulations must be observed.
legible condition at all times.
S Dangers from electrical energy must be eliminated.
2.2 Personnel qualification and training For details in this regard, please refer to VDE and
The operating, maintenance, inspection and mounting local power company regulations.
personnel must be appropriately qualified for the duties
assigned to them. The scope of their responsibilities,
competency and supervisory duties must be closely
controlled by the customer. If the personnel do not have
the required knowledge, they must be trained and
instructed. If required, this may be provided by the
manufacturer/supplier on behalf of the customer. The
customer must additionally ensure that personnel fully
understand the content of the operating instructions.

VM 519.0001 GB/09.01 – Ident–Nr. 550 408 3

2.6 Safety instructions for maintenance, inspection 3 Transportation and Intermediate Stor-
and installation
The operating company must ensure that all
maintenance, inspection and installation tasks are 3.1 Packaging
performed by authorized and qualified specialist Attention must be paid to the figurative markings on the
personnel who have thoroughly studied the operating packaging.
instructions. The suction and pressure side and all auxiliary connec-
Work on the machine is only to be carried out when the tions must always be closed during transportation and
machine is at a standstill. The procedure for shutting storage.
down the machine described in the operating The coverings must only be removed im-
instructions must always be followed. mediately before connecting the pipeline.
Pumps or aggregates handling fluids which are
detrimental to health must be decontaminated. All 3.2 Transportation
safety and protective devices must immediately be The pump or pump aggregate is to be safely trans-
refitted and made operational on completion of the ported to the place of installation, if required by means
work. of lifting gear.
The instructions under Section 6.1, ”Preparation for
start–up”, must be observed before restarting. The regulations for lifting loads in accordance with
VBG 9a must be observed. Crane and sling equip-
2.7 Unauthorized conversion and production of ment must be adequately dimensioned. Sling
replacement parts equipment must not be secured to the lifting eyes
Conversion or modification of the machines is only of the motor, except as additional protection
permissible after consultation with the manufacturer. against overturning in the event of nose–heavi-
Original replacement parts and accessories approved ness.
by the manufacturer are intrinsic to safe operation. If
other parts are used the manufacturer cannot be held Transportation to and at the installation site
liable for the consequences. Make sure that the unit is transported safely and in a
stable position. Overturning due to nose–heaviness
2.8 Unacceptable modes of operation must be prevented.
The operational safety of the machine supplied is only In the case of units with eye bolts in the covering plate,
ensured when it is used in accordance with Section 1 of these can be used to secure the sling equipment when
the operating instructions. The limit values given on the moving the pump unit vertically.
data sheet must not be exceeded under any
circumstances. Transport damage
Check the pump for damage on receipt.
Any damage detected must be notified im-

VM 519.0001 GB/09.01 – Ident–Nr. 550 408 4

3.3 Preservation / Storage of centrifugal pumps Note: The preservatives listed are to be regarded as a
recommendation. Alternatively, technically equivalent
3.3.1 Preservation products from other manufacturers can be used.
In the case of storage or prolonged standstill, the When handling preservatives, the safety hints con-
pumps must be protected against corrosion. In those tained in the relevant DIN safety data sheets and those
cases, an outside and inside preservation is to be pro- of the manufacturer must be complied with.
vided. The durability of the protection against corro-
sion, which is limited in time, depends on the composi- Depreservation
tion of the preservative to be applied and the storage Prior to setting the pump in motion, the inside preserva-
conditions. tion must be removed.
Under normal circumstances the pumps Environmentally compatible disposal must be en-
have no special preservative. sured.
At an additional charge we can, however, supply
pumps and replacement parts ex factory with a preser- Preservatives can be removed with wax solvents, pe-
vative adequate to the planned storage period. troleum ether, diesel, petroleum or alkaline cleaners.
However, the simplest method is to use a steam clean- Outside preservation er.
The outside preservative should be applied by painting Recommendation for Tectyl 506 EH: Allow petro-
or spraying with a spray gun. leum ether to act for 10 minutes before any further ac-
Points of preservation:
All bright and unvarnished parts (e.g. shaft ends, cou- Pumps that are used in the food or drinking water sector
plings, flange facings, valve and manometer connec- must be dismantled and thoroughly cleaned prior to de-
tions). preservation.
A suitable solvent that is compatible with the liquid to be Inside preservation
pumped (drinking water/food) can be used as the
(Not required for pumps made of stainless materials.)
cleaning agent, e.g. Spiritus, Ritzol 155 or suds with a
high alkaline content. Steam cleaning is ideal.
Internal preservation is applied by painting, spraying
using spray guns, filling/dipping and subsequent drain-
After a prolonged storage period (more
ing. Finally, the suction and outlet branches as well as
than 6 months), all elastomers (O–rings,
all other supply and discharge branches must be shaft seals) must be checked for elasticity of shape.
sealed with dummy flanges or dummy plugs (plastic Embrittled elastomers must be replaced. EP rubber
caps). elastomers (EPDM) must be replaced on principle.
Points of preservation: 3.3.2 Storage
All bright parts inside the pump (e.g. pump casing in- During storage of the pump, the suction and outlet
side, bearing bracket, shafts, impellers and diffusers). branches and all other supply and discharge branches
must always be closed with dummy flanges or dummy Storage times
Depending on the required storage period and the sur-
Storage should be in a dry, dust–free room. During stor-
roundings, we recommend the use of preservatives
age, the pump should be cranked at least once a
from Valvoline GmbH, Hamburg.
month. During this process, parts such as the shaft and
bearings should change their position.
Storage in a closed, dry and dust–free room
3.3.3 Monitoring of preservation
Storage time up to 6 months up to 12 months over 12 months À The preservation must be checked at regular intervals.
Internal preserrvation Tectyl 511 M Tectyl 511 M Tectyl 506 EH The preserved areas must be inspected every 6
External preservation Tectyl 511 M Tectyl 511 M Tectyl 506 EH months and re–treated, if necessary.
We cannot accept any liability for defects
Storage in the open–air, central European climate that arise due to incorrect preservation
Storage time up to 6 months up to 12 months over 12 months
Internal preservation Tectyl 542 Tectyl 542 Tectyl 506 EH
External preservation Tectyl 542 Tectyl 506 EH Tectyl 506 EH

Storage in the open–air, tropical climate, aggressive industrial air or

proximity to the sea

Storage time up to 6 months up to 12 months over 12 months Â

Intermal preservation Tectyl 542 Tectyl 542 Tectyl 506 EH
External preservation Tectyl 506 EH Tectyl 506 EH Tectyl 506 EH

À Internal and external preservation must be renewed after 48 months at the latest.
Á External preservation must be renewed after 18 months at the latest.
Internal preservation must be renewed after 48 months at the latest.
 External preservation must be renewed after 12 months at the latest.
Internal preservation must be renewed after 48 months at the latest.

VM 519.0001 GB/09.01 – Ident–Nr. 550 408 5

4 Description / Principle design of the pump
The pictorial presentation may not correspond with the pump supplied.
The actual design will be stated in the specific order documents.
4.1 Series NSS


Earthing connection
to EN 809
at the covering plate
Contact protection
to EN 809

Covering plate

Drive–side bearing

Pressure pipe


Immersion body
Non–return valve

Pump–side bearing

Volute casing



VM 519.0001 GB/09.01 – Ident–Nr. 550 408 6


4.2 Series NSS–K

Motor with locating

Earthing connection
bearing at the driving side
to EN 809
at the covering plate

Covering plate

Pressure pipe
Plug–in shaft (optional)

Immersion body

Non–return valve

Pump–side bearing

Volute casing



VM 519.0001 GB/09.01 – Ident–Nr. 550 408 7

5 Installation/Mounting

5.1 Installation 5.3 Checking the coupling alignment

For installation methods and locations, please see in-
stallation drawing. 5.3.1 Coupling alignment in case of flanged aggregates
In the case of pumps with flanged drive motor, the pump
Other methods of installation are not permissible and motor are precisely centered in the lantern. Align-
without prior consultation with the manufacturer. ment or re–alignment of the coupling is not requi–red.
Note: Improper handling, e.g. during transportation,
may impair the alignment between the pump and the
5.1.1 Place of installation motor. In this case the pump and the motor must be re-
Temperature: min. –20 C turned to the factory for checking.
max. +40 C
5.3.2 Coupling alignment of special designed couplings
(if present)
relative air humidity:
Refer to the operating instructions of the coupling
permanent max. 85 %
temporary max. 100 %
5.4 Space required for maintenance and repair
Installation height: max. 1000 m above NN The pump must be accessible from all
sides in order to be able to carry out
For data differing from this, please consult the manu- necessary visual inspections.
facturer. Adequate space must be provided for maintenance
Intensive vibrations in the vicinity of the and repair work, in particular for removal of the drive
pump unit can lead to bearing damage and motor or of the complete pump aggregate. It must also
must therefore be avoided. be ensured that all pipelines can be attached and
removed without hindrance.
5.1.2 Protective devices
In order to prevent injuries due to burns, at pumping 5.5 Laying the pipelines
liquid temperatures higher than 60C protective de-
vices in accordance with EN 809 must be provided on 5.5.1 Nominal widths
site. The nominal diameters of the pipelines need not
necessarily correspond to those of the inlet and outlet
5.2 Mode of fastening/Covering plate branch, however, they must not be smaller. Different
A covering plate is used for installation of the aggregate nominal diameters of suction branches and suction
in the tank. pipelines are to be compensated by centric transition
The tank lid must be constructed in such a pieces. Formation of air bags is to be avoided.
way that it can take the weight of the pump
unit and all operating forces that occur.

Precise details on the shape and dimension of the Bild DN 1

covering plate are provided in the installation drawing.

5.2.1 Fixing the pump aggregate

If necessary, a suitable gasket should be fitted by the
customer between the covering plate and the tank lid.
Tighten the fastening screws evenly cross–wise.
The prescribed tightening torque (Section
7.2.3) must be observed.

Precise details on the shape and dimension of the fixing

are provided in the installation drawing.

5.2.2 Checking the alignment

After aligning and tightening the screws, it must be
possible to turn the pump and drive by hand, without
any strain.
Note: The pump unit should not be welded to the base
for technical installation reasons. Shorter pipelines on the discharge side are
possible, but may lead to increased noise

Compensators must not generate any un-

acceptable additional forces on the pump
connection branches. Special care is needed in cases
where compensators are used, whose pressurised di-
ameter is greater than the nominal width of the pump
connection branches.

VM 519.0001 GB/09.01 – Ident–Nr. 550 408 8

5.5.2 Changes in cross–section and direction 5.5.6 Pressure pipeline
Sudden changes in cross–section and direction, as
well as bends with a bend radius less than 1.5 times the Stop valve in the pressure pipeline
interior pipe width, must be avoided. A stop valve should be installed in the pressure pipe-
5.5.3 Supports and flange connections
All pipelines must be connected to the Non–return valve in the pressure pipeline
pump stress–free in accordance with The pump must not run backwards. It is recommended
VDMA standard sheet 24277. that a non–return valve is fitted between the pressure
The permissible pipeline forces must not branch and the stop valve.
be exceeded in any operating status.
We therefore recommend on principle that a calculation Bleeding
of the pipeline forces is performed, which takes into In the pressure pipeline, bleeding facilities should be
consideration all operating status (e.g. cold/warm, provided at the highest point and in front of the non–re-
empty/full, depressurised/pressurised, etc.). turn valve.
Pipeline supports must always be free sliding and must 5.5.7 Auxiliary connections
not rust in (check regularly). The positions of the auxiliary connections on the pump
are shown in the installation drawing. All auxiliary
How to assess a pipeline connection
pipelines must be connected in accordance with the
To conduct an assessment, the pipeline must be de- installation drawing, stress–free and sealed.
pressurised, completely drained and cooled. The For the design with pressure pipeline and covering
pumping liquid must be disposed of with respect for the plate, a manometer may be attached to the pressure
environment. pipeline.
S Disconnect the pipeline from the pump at the con- Note: Due to unfavorable flow conditions, the pressure
necting flanges. at this point does not correspond to the actual delivery
pressure of the pump, and so must only be applied for
S After disconnecting the connecting flanges, the
checking functioning (pump running, pump not run-
pipeline must be freely movable in all directions in
the area of expected expansion.
Note: up to Ø 150 mm by hand 5.6 Safety and control devices
from Ø 150 mm with small lever
S The flanges must lie plane–parallel. 5.6.1 Manometers
We recommend to provide suitable pressure gauges in
5.5.4 Cleaning pipelines prior to attachment the inlet and pressure pipelines, and in the pressurized
Prior to assembly, all pipeline parts and valves must be auxiliary pipelines.
thoroughly cleaned.
No impurities must reach the pump from 5.6.2 Safety devices in the inlet, delivery and auxiliary
the pipeline system (e.g. welding beads, pipelines
residues from preservatives, etc.). Safety devices in the form of stop valves must be
Flange gaskets must not protrude inwards. Blanking installed in the pipelines, if not already provided, to
flanges, plugs, protective film and/or protective paint on allow the pipelines to be shut off and disconnected
flanges and seals must be removed completely. during maintenance and repair work.
Filters on suction side must be cleaned
5.7 Electrical connections
regularly. We recommend monitoring with
differential manometer and/or contact manometer. The power supply cables of the drive motor must be
connected by a trained electrician, according to the
5.5.5 NPSH observation motor manufacturer’s circuit diagram. The valid VDE
The NPSH conditions of the system must be adapted to regulations, the regulations of the local electricity board
the respective pump requirement (NPSHreq.). and the operating manual for the motor must be
An essential condition is fulfilled if the system NPSH va- complied with.
lue (NPSHavail.) is at least 0,5 m above the pump Danger due to electrical power must be excluded and
NPSH value (NPSHreq.). The NPSHreq. can be taken an EMERGENCY STOP switch in accordance with EN
from the characteristic curves of the relevant pumps. 809 must be provided.
The applicable NPSH values in the char-
acteristic curves are for water with 20C. The pump must not run dry, not even for
For other media and/or temperatures, the NPSH value checking the sense of rotation.
may deviate from the characteristic curves. Refer 6.1... Control of drive motor sense of rotation

Uncertainties in the determination of

NPSH conditions, particularly for media 5.8 Checking the pressure of the system with built–in
other than water and/or other temperatures, must be pump
compensated for by increased safety factors (please If the whole system with built–in pump is to be sub-
consult the manufacturer). jected to a final pressure test, the test pressure must
not be more than the maximum permissible internal
pressure of the pump (see data sheet).

VM 519.0001 GB/09.01 – Ident–Nr. 550 408 9

6 Start–up/Shutdown

6.1 Preparations for (initial) start–up 6.2.7 Spare pump

A spare pump belonging to the plant must always be
6.1.1 Filling the tank kept ready for operation. For these purposes, the stop
The tank must be sufficiently filled with delivery fluid be- valve on the supply side must be completely open. The
fore starting and during operation, in order to maintain stop valve on the outlet side must be opened to such a
full delivery of the pump. The fluid level is dependent on degree that the pump, filled and bleeded, has operating
the immersion depth of the pump, and must not fall be- temperature.
low the minimum.
The minimum suction head must be 150 In plants in which impermissible tempera-
mm above the center of the delivery ture may arise due to failure of the operat-
branch. ing pump, a standby pump of sufficient output must be
During bleeding of the pump and the plant, hazardous Two independent energy sources must be provided for
or environmentally harmful fluid and gas emerging the operating and standby pumps.
must be safely collected and discharged. 6.3 Shutdown
6.1.2 Control of drive motor sense of rotation
S Pressure pipeline
The sense of rotation of the motor must match the
If a non–return valve is installed in the pressure pipe-
sense of rotation arrow on the pump. To check the
line, the stop valve can remain open. Without non–
sense of rotation, the motor can be switched on briefly return valve, the stop valve must be closed.
when the pump is full.
The pump must not run dry, not even for S Drive
checking the sense of rotation. Switch off the motor. Make sure the pump runs down
If the sense of rotation is incorrect, the sense of rotation smoothly and evenly.
of the three phase motor can be reversed by switching
any two phases. It must be ensured that the pump does not run back-
wards after switching off. Otherwise, the pump may
6.2 Start–up reach unacceptably high speeds.
6.2.1 General 6.4 Measures in the event of standstills
Before starting, all filling and venting openings must be
completely closed. Measures in the event of Measures in the event of
Pumped liquid
... brief standstill prolonged standstill
6.2.2 Starting
May solidify
To avoid overloading the drive motor, the pump should + Hear or drain pump Drain pump
be run up only against a closed pressure stop valve dur- has a preservative effect À

ing starting. May solidify

+ Drain and preserve pump
Hear or drain pump
does not have a preserva- À
6.2.3 Drive tive effect
Switch on the motor. Does not solidify
Refer to the operating instructions of the drive motor +
– –
has a preservative effect
manufacturer. À

Does not solidify

6.2.4 Minimum rate of flow + Drain and preserve pump

Immediately after reaching the operating speed, the does not have a preserva- À
tive effect
pressure–side stop valve must be opened and the
pump operated up to at least the minimum rate of flow
À See section 3.3
(see data sheet).

6.2.5 Setting the pump power output values

The pressure–side stop valve must be opened until the
required pump power output values are obtained (see
data sheet).

6.2.6 Temperature
In order to prevent injuries due to burns, at pumping
liquid temperatures higher than 60 protective de-
vices in accordance with EN 809 must be provided on

It must be ensured that the pump housing

is evenly heated. Differences in tempera-
ture between the top and bottom of the pump, as well as
sudden temperature changes, should be avoided.
Temperature changes in the material of more than
50°C per minute are not permissible.

VM 519.0001 GB/09.01 – Ident–Nr. 550 408 10

7 Maintenance/Repair

7.1 Maintenance In the event that a type has been supplied with re–
greasable antifriction bearing (see data sheet):
S The instructions in Section 2, Safety, must be Please refer to the order–related supple-
observed in maintenance and repair work. mentary documentation for details on anti-
friction bearing greases, lubrication intervals and
S Regular monitoring and maintenance of the pump grease quantities.
and the drive motor are essential for optimum ser-
vice life and safety. Shaft seal (if present)
The built–in mechanical seal is maintenance–free.
7.1.1 General monitoring A maximum dripping rate of 10 g/h may occur during
operation and is normal. If the dripping is heavier, the
1. The pump must not run dry. shaft seal must be replaced.
2. The pump must not run in cavitation.
A defective shaft seal can cause uncontrolled dis-
charge of pumping liquid.
3. The minimum delivery rate must always be main-
This constitutes a hazard to people (possibility of
tained (see Section 6.2..).
spraying liquid) and to the environment!
4. The drive motor must not be overloaded. Coupling (if present)
The condition of the flexible elements in the coupling is
5. The bearing temperature of rolling bearings must to be checked at regular intervals.
not exceed  Note: Worn flexible elements are to be replaced.
6. The shaft seal must have no inadmissible leakage. Drive
Refer to the operating instructions of the motor
7. The pump unit must not experience or generate any manufacturer.
undue vibrations (e.g. as a result of incorrect align-
ment). International standard ISO 10816 must be re-
ferred to for assessment.

8. Changes to the normal operating data may indicate

faults. The causes must be established.

9. Installed standby pumps must be started up once a


7.1.2 Maintenance of components

Special maintenance information can be
found in the additional order–related docu-
mentation. Bearing
The nominal service life of the bearing is designed for a
minimum of 2 years continuous operation, in accord-
ance with DIN ISO 281. The actual usable life may be
lower, due to intermittent operation, high temperature,
low viscosity, vibrations or the like.
The running noises and the temperature in the bearing
area must be checked at regular intervals. We recom-
mend monitoring bearings by means of shock pulse
measurements. If damage to a bearing is detected, the
bearing must be replaced.
The bearing area can become very hot.
Risk of burning if touched!

As a precautionary measure, we recommend that

the ball bearings are replaced every 2 years.

VM 519.0001 GB/09.01 – Ident–Nr. 550 408 11

7.2 Repair 7.2.1 Dismounting the centrifugal pump
Before dismounting, the following work must be carried
General out:
The system operator is responsible for ensuring that in-
struction in safety is provided. The personnel must be S Electrical danger must be eliminated! The motor
made aware of all hazards that can arise in connection must be secured against being switched on. If
with the pumped liquid or the plant. necessary, the power supply cable must be
disconnected from the motor by an authorized
Mounting and repair work electrician.
Trained Service fitters are available on request to carry
out mounting and repair work. S Close all stop devices in the pressure pipeline.
For all repairs, it must be ensured that the pump is de-
pressurised, completely drained and cool. The motor S Allow the pump housing to cool to ambient
must be protected against unintended switching on. temperature.
We must refuse acceptance of repair work on pumps
filled with fluid, for the protection of our staff and for S Remove pump aggregate from tank using suitable
environmental reasons. The expenditures for disposal lifting gear.
with respect to the environment are to be carry by the
customer/operating company. S Detach pressure pipeline and manometer line, if fit-
Hazardous substances
Where repairs are to be carried out on pumps which S Drain the fluid in flowable condition from the pump.
have been operated with hazardous substances À Note: Use a collecting tank.
and/or environmentally harmful media, the
customer/operator must inform its own personnel on S The pump must be depressurized and drained.
site, or our personnel where repairs are returned to our
factory or a service workshop, without being S Hazardous substances and/or environmentally
specifically requested to do so. harmful media must be drained off and collected
Together with the request for a Service fitter a such that no danger to life and limb is created.
verification of delivery material, for example in the form Environmentally compatible disposal must be
of a DIN safety data sheet, must be submitted to us. ensured.
Alternatively, you can request a certificate of safety
(form no. 448/191) from our Service department, filling S Remove auxiliary pipelines, if fitted.
it out truthfully, correctly and in full. Send the completed
form to the center commissioned with carrying out the S Dismount manometer lines, manometers and hold-
repair, or hand it to our Service fitter. ing devices.

À Hazardous substances are:

The pump must be dismounted by a qualified
S Toxic substances technician using the pertaining drawings.
S Health–endangering substances To prevent damage, it is especially important to ensure
S Corrosive substances that the components are dismounted concentrically
S Irritants and that they are not tilted.
S Explosive substances
S Fire–inducing substances Dismounting instructions:
S Highly flammable, easily flammable and normally
flammable substances S The pumps can be manufactured ex–works with a
S Carcinogenic substances covering plate. This means that the pump unit can
S Substances impairing fertility be completely dismounted from the tank.
S Genetically distorting substances
S Substances in other ways hazardous to humans S In the case of types with a standard coupling, the
motor can be removed beforehand.
Pumps or units which pump hazardous substances or
substances that are dangerous to the environment S In the case of types with a pump shaft, the pump
must be completely decontaminated. must be dismounted first in order to be able to re-
move the motor.

VM 519.0001 GB/09.01 – Ident–Nr. 550 408 12

7.2.2 Mounting the centrifugal pump 7.3 Replacement parts
Before remounting check all parts for wear The application guidelines in accordance with DIN 24
and aging and, as necessary, replace with 296 can be taken as a basis for spare parts stock hold-
original replacement parts. ing.
Clean all parts before mounting. Always fit new
gaskets. However, for reasons of operational safety, we recom-
mend the stocking of complete insert units or spare
The pump must be mounted by a qualified techni- Advantage: In the event of damage, a defective unit
cian using the pertaining drawings. The prescribed can be replaced by a spare unit without great expendi-
tightening torque must be observed. ture and in a very short space of time.
To prevent damage, it is especially important to ensure
that the components are mounted concentrically and 7.3.1 Ordering spare/replacement parts
that they are not tilted. The following details are required for handling orders
for replacement and spare parts:
Mounting instructions:
S Pump abbreviation À
S In the case of types with a standard coupling, the S Pump number À
motor can be mounted after the pump unit has been
S Year of construction À
installed in the tank.
S Part number
S In the case of types with a pump shaft, the motor S Denomination
must be fixed to the lantern before mounting the S Quantity
À refer to name plate
S After tightening the screws, it must be possible to
turn the pump and drive manually without straining

7.2.3 Tightening torque

Note: With poor and lightly greased surfaces, the va-
lues must be increased by 10–15%, in order to reach
the required performance.

Thread Qualtity torque
M6 8,8
M8 21,6
M 10 8.8 43,1
M 12 73,5
M 16 117,6

When the centrifugal pump has been mounted the

following work must be carried out:

S Install pump aggregate in plant or tank using suit-

able lifting gear.

S Attach pressure pipeline and manometer line, if


S Electrical danger must be eliminated! Power supply

cables must only be connected by qualified
electricians. Pay attention to sense of rotation.

S Fill tank with fluid.

Start up pump as per instructions in Section 6.

VM 519.0001 GB/09.01 – Ident–Nr. 550 408 13

8 Operating Faults, Causes and Remedial Action

8.1 Faults with reference number for cause and remedial action
The table below is intended as a guide to identifying faults and their possible causes.

If faults occur which are not listed here, or which cannot be traced back to the listed causes, we recommend consulting the
factory, or one of our branch offices or sales offices.

The pump must be depressurized and drained when faults are being rectified.

Centrifugal pump faults Reference numbers for cause and remedial action
Delivery rate too low 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 21, 22
Delivery head too low 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 21, 22
Power consumption of pump too high 9, 11, 12, 17, 21, 22, 25
Delivery pressure too high 9, 12
Bearing temperature increased 17, 18, 20, 25
Pump housing leaky 23
Pump not operating smoothly 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 17, 24, 25, 26
Pump gets hot 2, 5, 26

8.2 Causes and remedial action

Ref. no.: Cause Remedial action

1 Delivery head higher than nominal delivery head 1. Open stop valve in pressure pipeline until operating point is
of pump. reached.
2. Install impeller with larger diameter.
3. Increase rotation speed (turbine, frequenzy control, ...). À
2 Pump or pipelines not properly bled or filled. Bleed and top up pump or pipelines.
3 Strainer basket or impeller blocked. Clean strainer and impeller.
4 Air pockets forming in pipeline. Perhaps install a vent valve, or lay pipeline differently.
5 NPSHplant (inlet) too low. 1. Check fluid level in inlet tank.
2. Open stop valve in inlet pipeline fully.
3. Check inlet flow conditions of pump.
6 Wrong direction of rotation of pump. Reverse polarity of any two phases on motor.
7 Rotation speed too low. Increase rotation speed (turbine, frequenzy control, ...). À
8 Excessive wear on inner pump parts. Replace worn parts.
9 Density or viscosity of delivery medium does not Consult the factory in the event of faults due to non–compliance
comply with pump design data. with design data. À
10 – –
11 Delivery head lower than nominal delivery head 1. Regulate operating point with stop valve in pressure pipeline.
of pump. 2. Turn off impeller in event of continuous overload.
12 Rotation speed too high. Reduce rotation speed (turbine, frequenzy control, ...). À
13 – –
14 – –
15 – –
16 – –
17 Pump twisted. Check pipelines for twists in connections.
18 Excessive axial thrust. Clean relief bore holes in impeller.
19 – –

VM 519.0001 GB/09.01 – Ident–Nr. 550 408 14


20 Specified coupling half gap not complied with. Set coupling half gap as per installation diagram.
21 Motor voltage incorrect. Use motor with correct voltage.
22 Motor runs only to two phases. 1. Check cable connection.
2. Replace fuses.
23 Screws not tight. 1. Tighten screws.
2. Replace gaskets.
24 Impeller out–of–true. 1. Clean impeller.
2. Re–balance impeller.
25 Groove ball bearing defective. Replace groove ball bearing.
26 Delivery rate below minimum. Increase delivery rate to minimum.

À Consult factory

VM 519.0001 GB/09.01 – Ident–Nr. 550 408 15

9 Order–specific Documentation
These operating instructions are supplemented by the following documents:

Acceptance of order No.

Data sheet No.
Installation drawing No.
Sectional drawing No.
Part list No.

Subject to technical alterations.

A Member of the
ALLWEILER AG S Werk Radolfzell
Postfach 1140 S 78301 Radolfzell
Allweilerstraße 1 S 78315 Radolfzell
Tel. +49 (0)7732 86-0
Fax +49 (0)7732 86-436
E-mail: [email protected]
Internet: http://www.allweiler.com

VM 519.0001 GB/09.01 – Ident–Nr. 550 408 16

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