Syllabus in Kitchen Essentials
Syllabus in Kitchen Essentials
Syllabus in Kitchen Essentials
Vision Municipality of Cordova :Cordova as an Ecological Peninsular Hub and a globally competitive eco-tourism destination in the Pacific, industrially and
commercially attuned under a responsive local government of an empowered culturally rich, peace-loving and God-fearing
Mission Municipality of Cordova : To attain the Vision, the following are its Mission Statements:
1. To promote and sustain coastal and other tourism-related industries while ensuring the protection and preservation of
natural resources;
2. To advance economically-viable activities and investments; address poverty issues; alleviate the living conditions of the
3. To stabilize the peace and order situations and enhance the fights against crime;
4. To preserve and promote Cordovanhon culture and heritage and enrich moral values and good traditions.
Vision Cordova Public College : A community-based college that shall offer quality education at a low tuition fee.
Mission Cordova Public College : To offer affordable and quality education, primarily but not exclusively, to the Cordovanhons with the end in view that
education within everyone’s reach.
At the end of the lesson, I. - Lecture -Paper and Pencil -Guide Questions
the students will be able: Receiving goods -Group and Individual Test(Quiz, Seatwork, (From the Books)
1. Take delivery of stock and Receiving and checking Reporting Assignment)
knowing its standards and of goods - Small-Group Discussion - Marker
protocols. Order forms -Oral/Board Participation - Oral and Group 16 Hours
Ordering procedures -Practical Activities Report (Brainstorming) - Technology
2. Store stock and inventory - Oral and Visual Aids
of all the ingredients performance-based
inside the facilities in
activity - Computer /
order to get the exact
percentage of usage. II. - Lecture -Paper and Pencil Laptop (videos
Storing of goods -Group and Individual Test(Quiz, Seatwork, watching)
Food container storage Reporting Assignment)
3. Rotate and maintain stock 2Specific food storage - Small-Group Discussion - Kitchen tools
for better storage and areas - Oral and Group
-Oral/Board Participation and types of
food production quality Report (Brainstorming)
-Practical Activities equipment
4. Maintain stock levels and
-Guide Questions
- Lecture - Oral and (From the Books)
records for the supply and III.
proper correct inventory Handling food effectively -Group and Individual performance-based - Marker
Reporting activity - Technology
Chemical storage
Maintaining the store - Small-Group Discussion Visual Aids
5. Process stock orders for Stocktake sheets -Oral/Board Participation
needed supply for the Stock rotation -Practical Activities - Computer /
kitchen Laptop (videos
VI. - Lecture watching)
-Paper and Pencil
6. Minimize stock losses and Procedures and -Group and Individual
controlling the distribution Test(Quiz, Seatwork,
responsibility in stock Reporting - Kitchen tools
control - Small-Group Discussion 16 Hours and types of
Why stock control -Oral/Board Participation equipment
7. Follow-up orders for on- - Oral and Group
time delivery and supply
important -Practical Activities Report (Brainstorming)
Who is responsible for -Guide Questions
the receipt and dispatch (From the Books)
of goods - Oral and
Examination Dates: performance-based - Marker
Monitoring staff in
Semi-Finals activity - Technology
documentation and
April 15-18, 2020
- Lecture Visual Aids
Finals -Group and Individual
May 22, 2020 Reporting -Paper and Pencil - Computer /
Stock ordering system - Small-Group Discussion Test(Quiz, Seatwork, Laptop (videos
Sample range and -Oral/Board Participation Assignment) watching)
pricing materials -Practical Activities - Kitchen tools
Purchase and supply - Lecture - Oral and Group and types of
agreement -Group and Individual Report (Brainstorming) equipment
VI. Reporting -Guide Questions
Identification and - Small-Group Discussion - Oral and (From the Books)
assessment of stock loss -Oral/Board Participation performance-based - Marker
Strategies to combat loss -Practical Activities activity - Technology
Visual Aids
VII. - Lecture - Computer /
Monitor delivery process -Group and Individual Laptop (videos
Handling supply Reporting watching)
problems - Small-Group Discussion - Kitchen tools
Continuity of supply -Oral/Board Participation and types of
Distribution of stocks -Practical Activities equipment
To determine the rating every grading period, the following criteria and weight shall be followed:
Quizzes/projects/outputs 25%
Class Participation/Seat works/assignments/attendance 25%
Major Examination (Prelim, Midterm, Semifinal, Final) 50%
TOTAL 100%
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BSHM Instructor Date Submitted: