Computer Networks: Muhammad Rizwan Asghar, Qinwen Hu, Sherali Zeadally
Computer Networks: Muhammad Rizwan Asghar, Qinwen Hu, Sherali Zeadally
Computer Networks: Muhammad Rizwan Asghar, Qinwen Hu, Sherali Zeadally
Computer Networks
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Article history: Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) play an important role in today’s industry by providing process au-
Received 18 May 2019 tomation, distributed control, and process monitoring. ICS was designed to be used in an isolated area
Revised 4 September 2019
or connected to other systems via specialised communication mechanisms or protocols. This setup al-
Accepted 7 October 2019
lows manufacturers to manage their production processes with great flexibility and safety. However, this
Available online 8 October 2019
design does not meet today’s business requirements to work with state-of-the-art technologies such as
Keywords: Internet-of-Things (IoT) and big data analytics. In order to fulfil industry requirements, many ICSs have
Cybersecurity in ICS been connected to enterprise networks that allow business users to access real-time data generated by
Industrial control system power plants. At the same time, this new design opens up several cybersecurity challenges for ICSs.
Risk management strategies We review possible cyber attacks on ICSs, identify typical threats and vulnerabilities, and we discuss
Threat detection and prevention unresolved security issues with existing ICS cybersecurity solutions. Then, we discuss how to secure ICSs
Vulnerability assessment
(e.g., using risk assessment methodologies) and other protection measures. We also identify open security
research challenges for ICSs, and we present a classification of existing security solutions along with their
strengths and weaknesses. Finally, we provide future research directions in ICS security.
© 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
1. Introduction [5]. Stuxnet penetrated the Iranian nuclear power plant poten-
tially through an infected USB and then propagated itself. Stuxnet
Traditionally, Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) have operated in broke the ICSs availability and caused the delay in power genera-
isolated locations. The main focus of the traditional ICS is on sys- tion at the Iranian nuclear power plant. Then, a half decade later,
tem functions. Information and network security were not consid- hackers successfully compromised ICS systems belonging to three
ered at the time of its design. However, this design has become Ukrainian energy distribution companies and temporarily cut off
very expensive to deploy, maintain, and operate remotely. With electricity supply in December 2015 [6]. The existing security in-
the development of Information and Communications Technology cidents [4–6] tell us that ICS security is closely connected with
(ICT) and functional requirements, more ICSs have moved from the real world, especially in power (including nuclear power), mil-
an isolated network environment to a public network for enabling itary, petroleum and petrochemical industry, rail transit, and other
the remote control and supervision of infrastructures. At the same key infrastructures. Compared with traditional cyber attacks [7–9],
time, exposing insecure devices to public networks raises secu- which only bring economic losses to the victims or enterprises,
rity issues as those devices are more vulnerable to external attacks ICS vulnerabilities may lead to unimaginable and catastrophic con-
[1–3]. To this end, several attacks against ICSs have been reported sequences, such as the uncontrollable explosion of nuclear power
in the last decade. For instance, 12 people in Poland were injured plants or power failure nationwide. As a result, ICS vulnerabilities
from a security incident in 2008 [4] when a teenager caused four can seriously affect industrial production, life and property safety
derailments with a modified television remote control. Another in our daily life.
famous security incident is Stuxnet, a worm discovered in 2010 In the past, many studies have been conducted and there are
several security solutions [10–18] to defend against attacks on
an ICS. The recent studies focus on the ICS security architecture
[10,11] and policies [12,13], system vulnerabilities scanning [3,15],
Corresponding author.
authentication [14], access control [16], data encryption [17], and
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.R. Asghar), intrusion detection [18]. State-of-the-art technologies [19–21] are
[email protected] (Q. Hu), [email protected] (S. Zeadally). used to ensure Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) of
1389-1286/© 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
2 M.R. Asghar, Q. Hu and S. Zeadally / Computer Networks 165 (2019) 106946
ICSs. In this article, we comprehensively review methods and tech- 2-layer ICS. First, the logical layer contains the knowledge of high-
niques that have been proposed in the last 15 years. Then, we pro- level process logic for performing the process supervisory man-
vide a comparative analysis of these different approaches based on agement. The second one, the physical control layer, encompasses
their deployment and maintenance costs. Moreover, we highlight several types of sensors and associated control protocols used for
the advantages and disadvantages of each solution. providing the communication interface with sensors and actuators.
The rest of this article is organised as follows. Section 2 ex- Unfortunately, ICSs have been increasingly facing threats [1–3] in
plains some common ICS systems, describes the components in the past few years, e.g., social engineering attacks, which refer to
an ICS environment along with the standard communication pro- malicious activities that trick the user in providing sensitive infor-
tocols used in the ICS environment. Moreover, we discuss some mation, say passwords or private keys. The stolen information can
security issues related to the existing ICS infrastructure based help hackers gain access to the target system and carry out a series
on the ICS platforms, hardware, and protocols. Section 3 pro- of activities for bringing the system down.
vides a trend of ICS security developments over the past 20 years In this section, we will describe the composition of ICS system
and discusses various approaches. Section 4 presents our taxon- types, devices, and communication protocols and highlight possible
omy for cybersecurity in ICSs and describes various security fea- security risks.
tures and dimensions that we consider in our taxonomy. Further-
more, Section 4 classifies existing solutions (described in Section 3) 2.1. ICS components and protocols
into three categories: security evaluation models, intrusion detec-
tion and defence solutions, and risk assessment and metrics so- There are several types of ICSs. The well-known ICSs include
lutions, and analyse them based on their specific characteristics. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) [23] systems,
Section 5 provides a comprehensive comparative analysis of exist- and Distributed Control Systems (DCSs) [24]. SCADA is designed for
ing ICS solutions based on their strengths and drawbacks and high- data acquisition and monitoring the production system. Further-
lights research directions for future work. Finally, Section 6 con- more, SCADA allows system administrators to control the remote
cludes the article. sites via a centralised control system. Similar to SCADA, a DCS is
formed by autonomous controllers that are installed across a man-
2. Overview of ICS security ufacturing or production unit. A DCS system uses those controllers
to monitor and supervise a unit remotely. However, SCADA is de-
An ICS comprises different types of controllers used to con- signed for managing the systems at multiple locations. A DCS is
trol industrial plants as well as monitor their performance in used to control production systems at one location. An ICS sys-
order to assure their correct operations [22]. Fig. 1 presents a tem consists mainly of a number of devices. One of ICS devices
Fig. 1. An overview of an Industrial Control System (ICS): A complete ICS infrastructure can be divided into three layers. At the corporate network layer, managers can
remotely access a supervisory computer or a Human Machine Interface (HMI). In the logic control layer (i.e., Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)/Distributed
Control Systems (DCS) systems), system administrators use an HMI or a cloud-based supervisory computer to monitor the production status and send the command to
update the control sequence. Furthermore, all control devices (e.g., Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and sensors), protocols (e.g., Distributed Network Protocol version
3 (DNP3)/Modbus), and production sites are categorised as the physical control layer.
M.R. Asghar, Q. Hu and S. Zeadally / Computer Networks 165 (2019) 106946 3
is a supervisory computer that communicates with the field con- each incident and solution in chronological order to demonstrate
trollers, e.g., for collecting the information from each sensor and the trends in ICS security research over the past two decades.
sending control commands to the controllers. Programmable Logic Requirements, challenges, and types. Cardenas et al. [28] report
Controllers (PLCs) are the logic interface between the SCADA/DCS existing vulnerabilities in control systems that have been exploited.
system and sensors. A PLC works with the supervisory system by They present some standards for securing control systems includ-
receiving the control commands or returning the status of sensors. ing the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)’s
A Human Machine Interface (HMI) provides a Graphical User In- cybersecurity standards for control systems [29] and the National
terface (GUI) that allows a system administrator to interact with Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) guidelines [30] for
the controller hardware. An HMI displays the device status and ICSs. Basically, they identify three goals that these standardisation
historical data gathered by the sensors in the ICS environment. efforts are built upon: awareness of security issues in an ICS, help-
Moreover, an HMI allows system administrators to configure and ing control system operators in designing a security policy and rec-
deploy the new control algorithms to the controllers. In order to ommending basic security mechanisms for prevention, and detec-
establish the connection between SCADA and PLCs, many ICS ven- tion and response to security breaches. From a research point of
dors have proposed specific communication protocols (such as Dis- view, they also differentiate between traditional Information Tech-
tributed Network Protocol (DNP3), which is widely used in elec- nology (IT) security and ICS security. The major differences they
tricity and wastewater treatment plants) that can be used for highlight include: (i) Suitability of patching and frequent updates
various ICS environments. SCADA systems use the DNP3 protocol to while planning the physical infrastructure set points; (ii) real-time
monitor and control the devices on site. Furthermore, Serial Mod- availability provides a stricter operational environment than most
bus uses the high-level data link control standard to create a serial traditional IT systems; and (iii) management of legacy ICS systems.
communication channel for PLCs. Moreover, Modbus-TCP uses the They also identify some open issues, such as Maroochy Shire Coun-
TCP/IP protocol to transmit data between PLCs and SCADA/DCSs. cil’s sewage control system in Queensland, Australia [31] has been
attacked in 20 0 0. Stouffer et al. [22] provide an overview of an
2.2. ICS vulnerabilities ICS, SCADA, and PLC as well as describe key components of an ICS.
They list possible threats an ICS may face, such as inadequate poli-
In the last two decades, ICSs have been transformed and up- cies and procedures for the ICS, no formal ICS security training, and
graded from a proprietary and isolated architecture to an open and no security audits of the ICS. Moreover, they define major security
standard platform, which is highly interconnected with the corpo- objectives, such as defining ICS specific security policies and proce-
rate and public networks. This development has opened up new dures, performing risk and vulnerability assessment, and providing
opportunities (such as remote access to networks and ICS devices) training and raise security awareness. They promote a defence-in-
but it has also made ICSs vulnerable to a wide range of cyber at- depth strategy for ICSs. They also describe adversarial threats to
tacks [25]. The target of the attacks is not only security policies ICSs. For instance, Bot-network operators take over multiple sys-
and procedures but also ICS hardware, software, platform, and net- tems to coordinate attacks and to trigger phishing, spam, and mal-
work vulnerabilities. Fig. 1 illustrates possible weaknesses in the ware attacks. The phishers could be individuals or small groups
ICS system. For example, if an employee’s Personal Computer (PC) that execute phishing attacks in an attempt to steal identities or
in a corporate network is infected by some virus due to no anti- information for monetary gain. Finally, they recommend some pos-
virus software updated or installed at all, the whole ICS system can sible solutions. They suggest using a secure standard, which is an
be affected via the Internet. Network configuration vulnerabilities appropriate design for ICS environments. Besides, they suggest to
(e.g., the corporate network does not configure the access control move ICS networks away from enterprise networks. That way, if
lists properly in the firewall or sends the password in plain text) an enterprise network is under attack, the ICS network will not be
can also cause a system to be attacked and shut down. The attacks affected. Furthermore, they discuss ICS security controls (i.e., safe-
on ICS systems are not new. Looking at the report from Kasper- guards and countermeasures). Network architecture, security con-
sky [26], in 1997, only two vulnerabilities were published. How- trols, and risk assessment are among core aspects addressed by
ever, this index increased to 19 in 2010. Since then, the number of them.
vulnerabilities has significantly risen, 189 ICS vulnerabilities were Security survey. Cyber attacks [1–5] have been continuously ex-
found in 2015. In 2015 [6], 50% houses in Ukraine had electricity posing industrial computer networks in recent years. Many secu-
outage because of a cyber attack against the Prykarpattyaoblenergo rity solutions [10,11] in this field are based on detection and patch
power company. Another system intrusion attack was discovered philosophy. In the past years, some studies [32–34] have assessed
in Kemuri Water company [27] when attackers infiltrated a water the existing industrial distributed computing system from the se-
utility’s control system and changed the levels of chemicals being curity point of view, such as Cheminod et al. [32] provide a de-
used to treat tap water. Both incidents indicate that the intruders tailed comparative analysis of a traditional IT system and an ICS.
can find the vulnerable ICS components exposed to the Internet. As They differentiate both systems based on system characteristics,
the number of ICS systems available over the Internet increases ev- maintenance, upgrading, security practices and countermeasures,
ery year, it is crucial for ICS administrators to be aware of new vul- and also in terms of the impact of cyber attacks on both systems.
nerabilities and threats, and actively improve the security of their They also discuss security requirements including confidentiality,
ICS environments based on the existing technologies. integrity, and availability. Specifically, in an ICS, availability is the
most important aspect whereas integrity and confidentiality come
3. Review of ICS security solutions later. In contrast, in a traditional IT system, confidentiality is con-
sidered more important than integrity and availability. Besides,
Control systems have played an important role in critical infras- Cheminod et al. show how various aspects make an ICS critical
tructures and industrial plants in the past few decades. However, as compared to an IT system and discuss risk assessment tech-
microprocessors and embedded operating systems have started to niques for ICSs. For instance, a Hierarchical Holographic Model
replace the old physical controls, such as the relay controllers, (HHM) [33,34] is a methodology to decompose a complex sys-
while control systems are increasingly being connected to the In- tem into separate subsystems according to requirements, each sub-
ternet, thus making them more vulnerable than ever. In the follow- system fulfils different needs. For instance, the technicians will
ing, we review existing ICS studies [10–18] that highlight the cy- have different views from the managers when discussing the long-
bersecurity incidents in the last two decades. Moreover, we present term behaviour of the ICS system. Unlike HHMs, an Interoperability
4 M.R. Asghar, Q. Hu and S. Zeadally / Computer Networks 165 (2019) 106946
Input–output Model (IIM) [35,36] is hierarchically decomposed into used by the Process Control System (PCS) in the oil and gas indus-
several subsystem. This infrastructure allows subsystems to inter- try. The found that only a few international or multinational (e.g.,
act with each other and share resources. Probabilistic Risk Assess- EU-wide) standards address ICS security comprehensively.
ment (PRA) [37,38] covers two methodologies: deductive (back- Krotofil and Gollmann [46] present a survey on ICS secu-
ward) or inductive (forward) analysis. First, a deductive analyser rity. They review the efforts of industrial researchers, which are
analyses the affected system components. Then, it searches the at- grouped into diverse areas, such as secure control systems, simu-
tack or failure. An inductive analyser calculates all possible out- lations and modelling, IDS, and infrastructure and communications
comes from a triggering event. In the context of ICSs, they review security.
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) in light of both performance Kisner et al. [19] provide a brief history of major developments
and accuracy. in real-time DCSs. They discuss potential attacks and issues in real-
Syed et al. [39] present state-of-the-art results and trends time DCSs, and strategies to mitigate these attacks.
of ICS security and challenges. They review some ICS solutions Lemaire et al. [20] propose an extension for the Systems Mod-
and highlight the opportunities to bring Cyber-Physical Systems elling Language (SysML) for enabling the extraction of vulnerabili-
(CPS) into our society. For instance, they discuss how to identify ties from an ICS model. Basically, a control system is initially mod-
the ownership of access point in Mobile and Ad Hoc Networks elled in SysML and then converted into an input for the proposed
(MANETs). Deng et al. [40] propose the public key infrastructure tool, which is a formal reasoning tool. The rules are based on the
and identity-based cryptography to provide an authentication ser- ICS-CERT vulnerability database and ICS security standards. They
vice in MANETs. However, they point out that the solution requires demonstrate that SysML enables users to quickly identify possible
a complicated certificate management process. In contrast, they consequences of the attacks.
present security concerns (such as combining the cyber-physical Leszczyna [47] presents a method for providing detailed infor-
infrastructure with the healthcare system) of deploying CPS in our mation about the costs and resources required to develop, imple-
society. As a result, doctors can remotely monitor the essential pa- ment, and maintain an information security management system.
rameters for diagnosing patients and conduct any necessary pro- Furthermore, Leszczyna proposes a security assessment scheme.
cedures or treatment based on the available information. They dis- This work considers a case study to explain the cost assessment
cuss the drawbacks once attackers compromise healthcare systems. for information security assurance activities. The proposed method
One such drawback is that it could lead to life and financial losses. is based on activity-based costing systems that consider activities
Finally, they highlight the challenges that need to be addressed for as fundamental cost carriers and determine all activities of the se-
securing ICSs. These challenges include: how to reduce testing and curity management process.
integration time and costs in CPS and how to use cyber-physical Vollmer and Manic [21] develop a self-configuring honeypot
infrastructure in green energy buildings and cities. tool for the autonomous creation and update of a honeypot con-
Sadeghi et al. [41] review security attacks, such as the Slammer figuration as well as for monitoring and analysing the control sys-
worm [42] that completely stopped two critical monitoring sys- tem’s network traffic.
tems of a nuclear power plant in the USA, which have occurred They use Ettercap,1 an open-source network security tool. As a
in the past two decades. They highlight attacks on ICSs that could result, the proposed approach reduces operator interaction, min-
cause physical damages and impact human life. Moreover, they de- imises the impact of changing the existing infrastructure on the
scribe the challenge of implementing security solutions in Cyber- network, and increases security transparency.
Physical Production Systems (CPPS) such as the existing informa- Zimba et al. [48] investigate the danger of exposing ICSs to pub-
tion security concepts are not suitable for CPPS as availability is a lic networks. They design a multi-stage crypto ransomware attack
fundamental and real-time requirement for CPPS. The major chal- and launch it by using the infamous WannaCry ransomware. The
lenge is how to keep the CPPS protected from the physical attacks, results obtained show that the attack can easily discover vulnera-
including invasive hardware attacks, side channel attacks, reverse ble nodes in different SCADA and production subnets. To this end,
engineering attacks, and other network attacks, such as Man-in- they recommend using a cascaded network segmentation with De-
the-Middle (MitM) and Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. To address militarised Zone (DMZ) in order to reduce the risk of exposing the
these challenges, they propose the use of a reliable security archi- devices connected to the production network.
tecture, an integrity verification mechanism, and a secure user in- Security policies. A security policy indicates the rules of en-
terface to manage physical devices. gagement for protecting organisations from the attacks. Several
Security analysis. ICSs switch their operation from an isolated previous studies show that using security policies in an ICS can
environment to other networks (e.g., corporate networks and the significantly address some existing issues [12,13,16]. For instance,
Internet) for improving business processes. However, this change Bertolotti et al. [12] propose a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
exposes the ICS to different types of cyber attacks. In the past, model to address the growing demand in the ICS and SCADA ar-
there have been several studies that suggest new solutions to mit- eas for conjugating the high-level definition of policies with the
igate these attacks [1–5], and there are studies that analyse the low-level access control mechanisms in the system. RBAC speci-
recent methodologies and research for measuring and managing fies the high-level policy descriptions of policy characteristics. But
those security risks [43–46]. For example, Knowles et al. [43] pro- Bertolotti et al. discover that RBAC was designed to deal with the
vide a brief description of security standards, best practices, and high-level policy descriptions. However, if it is used to incorporate
guidelines. They discuss security metrics related to ICSs, such as the details of system implementations in practice, it is less feasi-
Chew et al. [44] propose NIST800-55 that discusses how to evalu- ble. To address this issue, they propose this new RBAC solution.
ate the effectiveness of security programs. Stoddard et al. [45] in- The new RBAC framework can refine RBAC policies into the ac-
troduce I3P metrics taxonomy for ICSs. The I3P taxonomy cat- tual system implementation, especially for the original access con-
egories security controls into 11 major areas and explains how trol mechanism. Moreover, they demonstrate that this solution can
ISO/IEC17799, ISA-TR99.0 0.01-20 04(ISA-99), and the Information support different kinds of automatic security analysis.
Security System Rating and Ranking (ISSRR) contributes to each of Cheminod et al. [13] aim to help the high-level access con-
the major areas. They provide an overview of security research on trol policy validation in the RBAC framework and the low-level
ICSs and describe the European Union initiatives (e.g., Framework
Programmes – FPs in short) as well as academic research efforts.
Finally, they share the current status of existing security standards 1
M.R. Asghar, Q. Hu and S. Zeadally / Computer Networks 165 (2019) 106946 5
security mechanism verification in the physical system. They pro- Attacks and detection. Security systems play an important role
pose a new approach that supports two distinct views: an RBAC in improving efficiency and reliability of ICSs. The traditional strat-
based approach verifies the high-level policies specification and a egy is to deploy host-based or network-based security technolo-
low-level system description checks the correctness of the imple- gies to measure or analyse the well-known attacks from the past.
mentation of the policies. However, a new attack can easily bypass this detection. As a result,
Yalcinkaya et al. [16] use the Attribute-Based Access Control how to design a system to detect new attacks has become a new
(ABAC) model to provide authorisation granularity, consolidate and research field. The traditional security mechanisms in the power
monitor logging properties. The test results obtained demonstrate system supervisory control or data acquisition systems are less se-
that this solution has resolved the current and future ICS access cure because sophisticated attacks can bypass these security mea-
control challenges. sures. Many existing studies [5,53,54] argue that there is a grow-
Security monitoring. Security monitoring refers to a process that ing need for using a new cyber attack resilient control technique
collects and analyses data, logs, and/or traffic to identify secu- aimed at replacing the traditional cyber defence mechanisms for
rity levels. The monitoring systems can help in avoiding economic detecting highly skilled attacks. Sridhar and Govindarasu [53] pro-
losses resulting from unexpected attacks or failures, by improving pose a detection and mitigation technique based on the knowledge
system reliability and maintainability. Recently, many studies [49– about the power system’s operation. The solution was extended to
52] have applied this idea to ICS security. For instance, Auerswald an attack resilient Automatic Generation Control (AGC) that detects
et al. [49] design a course to help those who want to teach public malicious data injection based on real-time load forecasts.
policies, technical issues, and managerial principles. Their course Drias et al. [54] conduct a detailed analysis of attacks on two
is created based on the control systems’ security, focusing on how of the most commonly used industrial control protocols, namely
to keep a critical infrastructure away from the attacks and how to DNP3 and Modbus. They identify the security vulnerabilities in
recover quickly from attacks. DNP3 and Modbus. They propose a taxonomy model that identifies
Salvadori et al. [50] present a digital monitoring and supervi- attacks on both protocols. This solution simplifies the risk analy-
sory system to address the increasing demand for more efficient sis related to cyber attacks on ICSs for both general and industrial
controlled electrical systems in the electric industry. The solution control protocols.
can work with both wireless and wired networks. The performance Langner [5] provides a brief history of the first cyber warfare
evaluation results demonstrate that the system can be used for weapon ever, known as Stuxnet. He discusses the pre-requirements
monitoring and fault detection in electrical machinery as well as and steps for launching the Stuxnet worm. To detect and mitigate
for extending network lifetime by putting a wireless sensor to the Stuxnet, Langner suggests not to use the vendor’s driver Dynamic-
sleep state after transmission, regardless of the current battery ca- Link Library (DLL) and to verify the changes of an independent
pacity. driver.
Gawand et al. [51] investigate how to detect and prevent attacks Morris and Gao [55] launch 17 attacks against SCADA by us-
by analysing the complex data obtained from industrial plants. This ing the Modbus communication protocol in a laboratory set-
solution analyses the trends of convex hulls2 and the intersection in ting. The attacks simulate four threats including reconnaissance,
the controller’s output, which can indicate an anomaly in a control response and measurement injection, command injection, and
system’s behaviour. DoS attacks. There is an experimental data set for each attack.
Cruz et al. [52] present a shadow security unit to improve This data was then subdivided into sub-classes based on attack
the communications security of current PLCs in ICSs. The idea is complexity.
to integrate secure communication mechanism, authenticated ac- Huang et al. [56] evaluate the effects of launching combined at-
cess, and system integrity verification for addressing the limita- tacks on a chemical reactor system. They discover that a DoS attack
tion in PLCs. Besides, this new solution does not require significant has a minimal impact on the system in a steady state, and the in-
changes to the existing control network. tegrity attack aims to send false information from the sensor to the
Vulnerability detection. Security vulnerabilities in ICSs may re- controller. As a result, the controller could process an incorrect ac-
sult in stealing of confidential data, breaching of data integrity, or tion. In their study, Huang et al. analyse the case when an attacker
affecting system availability. Thus, the task of detecting vulnerabil- launches the DoS attack combined with an innocuous integrity at-
ities in ICSs is one of the most urgent ones for now. In this di- tack in the chemical reactor system. The results demonstrate that
rection, many studies [3,5,15,53,54] have focused on the full au- the combined attack can lead to serious consequences, such as a
tomation of the analysis that can discover known vulnerabilities combination of the DoS attack and integrity attack can easily trig-
in a network. For instance, the number of cyber attacks has been ger the chemical reactor system moving to an unsafe state; conse-
increasing especially when the traditional PLCs are being replaced quently, it will increase the operational cost of the chemical reac-
with personal computers. Cheminod et al. [3] design an automatic tor. So, they claim that attacks on control signals are more serious
tool to reduce the number of cyber attacks caused by commodity than attacks on the sensor signal. Further, they also investigate the
computers replacing PLCs. Their solution analyses software vulner- economic consequences of attacking a target system, and discover
abilities and provides a machine-readable description of vulnera- that an attack on the plant economy involves a radically different
bilities. strategy than an attack on plant safety.
Stamp et al. [15] review the security incidents that occurred in Fleury et al. [57] create an Attack-Vulnerability-Damage (AVD)
the PCS for critical infrastructure. They identify most vulnerabili- model to compare the attacks, vulnerabilities and damages in con-
ties caused by failures to identify and protect a security perimeter, trol systems. Furthermore, they use the model with an extensive
build comprehensive security through defence-in-depth as well as survey of known attacks against control systems from industry,
budgetary pressure and employee attrition in system automation. academia, and national laboratories. They suggest using this model
Finally, they introduce effective mitigation strategies that include: to serve as a basis for developing a taxonomy of attacks against
improving security awareness, developing reliable and efficient se- energy control systems.
curity governance, and minimising security vulnerabilities through Tupakula and Varadharajan [58] introduce a virtual machine
the careful configuration and integration of technology. monitor based solution for detecting attacks in critical infrastruc-
tures. Their solution monitors all the interaction on the systems
and detects the attacks by comparing the system behaviours with
Convex hull is a computational geometric method. the pre-defined security policies.
6 M.R. Asghar, Q. Hu and S. Zeadally / Computer Networks 165 (2019) 106946
Yılmaz et al. [59] analyse a cyber attack detection solution in troller. The intrusion detection scheme and conventional perime-
an experimental environment. They discover that signature-based ter defences are employed to keep the ICS system away from
prevention systems have the strength to detect well-known at- the intruders. The backup controller works with a trigger mecha-
tacks. However, they are less effective to stop the new threats. nism whose main function is to monitor and prevent malware and
In contrast, monitoring and detecting the network traffic in real- switch to the backup controller before the attack occurs. However,
time can help network administrators to identify abnormal traf- because the backup controller and trigger mechanisms are embed-
fic. Then, they can adjust system norms and thresholds to pre- ded into the hardware, there is no way to reconfigure over the Eth-
vent malicious packets from infiltrating and damaging the system. ernet channel.
Their experimental results demonstrate that detection-based solu- Sainz et al. [62] use Software-Defined Networking (SDN) to en-
tions are more effective to detect new kinds of malware by con- hance the security of industrial control networks. In their proposed
tinuous monitoring and behaviour-based testing of incoming and solution, SDN switches block all traffic that is not explicitly spec-
outgoing packets. ified in the flow tables. As a result, any unknown traffic is dis-
Authentication. Authentication is a core component to identify carded.
entities accessing sensitive or confidential information. To this end, Piedrahita et al. [63] use SDN to design an automatic incident
many authentication solutions have been used for the PCS, such as response mechanism for ICSs. In their solution, if an attack is de-
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Internet Protocol Security (IPSec), tected, the SDN controller reconfigures the routing that direct ma-
and Transport Layer Security (TLS). However, these solutions have licious traffic to an ICS honeypot network. Besides, if a sensor is
some deficiencies and cannot be directly applied to the control sys- compromised, the SDN controller can update the rules to drop the
tem. For instance, IPSec cannot be used for multicast transmissions. traffic from a compromised sensor.
PKI’s public key is dependent on the algorithms. As a result, it is Manson and Anderson [64] highlight some cybersecurity chal-
not possible to change public key algorithms on top of pre-shared lenges that need to be addressed in a protection and control sys-
keys. Moreover, TLS does not support datagram traffic. To address tem. They discuss the most common cybersecurity issues in the
these challenges, Chakravarthy et al. [14] discuss potential issues protection and control system and recommend best practices based
of maintaining a long-lived PCS. They address longevity needs of on their experiences. For instance, they suggest to keep security
PCSs used in critical infrastructures by proposing new authentica- training for all employees and change the password regularly for
tion protocols. The study demonstrates how to use the re-keying improving security compliance, using SDN and protocol gateways
protocol to deliver fresher and stronger keys safely. Furthermore, to split large networks into multiple smaller, deterministic net-
the re-moduling protocol is robust against attackers who can de- works for stopping malicious traffic.
termine the secure keys used in the current session. Introduction Detection System (IDS). An IDS provides the capa-
Defence and countermeasures. Previously, control system opera- bility of monitoring systems activity and the ability to notify a re-
tional security gave communication security a low priority because sponsible person when any malicious behaviour is detected. To this
the system was typically isolated from the external network. How- end, Coloured Petri Net (CPN) can assemble complex events from
ever, as more ICSs start to use corporate or public networks to a stream of low-level events, such as system calls. Dolgikh et al.
share data, some cybersecurity issues have been detected, such [18] use the CPN solution for bridging the gap between the low
as vulnerabilities in common protocols, backdoors and holes in system views and program functionalities. Their proposed solution
the network perimeter. We review existing works that propose includes a mechanism capable of detecting hierarchical events with
some defence strategies for addressing well-known ICS vulnerabil- multiple links, such as one event has a relationship with multi-
ities. For example, Fabro and Nelson [10] briefly describe the con- ple events. They demonstrate the possibilities of implementing the
temporary control system architectures and identified the security CPN solution in IDS approaches.
challenges of configuring the control system as well as cyberse- Zhou et al. [65] propose a novel multimode-based anomaly IDS
curity issues that need to be addressed. Finally, they recommend to detect the intrusion in the control layer of the industrial pro-
‘defence-in-depth’ strategies that encourage organisations to use a cess automation environment. The idea is to use complete multi-
multi-tier information architecture for maintaining control system ple models of PCS that have been developed by integrating multi-
networks. These strategies include: enabling remote access to fa- domain knowledge to detect system anomalies and employs a Hid-
cilities, providing public services for customer or corporate opera- den Markov Model (HMM) to distinguish between an attack and
tions, and building a robust environment that requires connections a fault. Finally, they build a simulation platform to evaluate the
among the control system domain, the external network, and other performance and detection accuracy of the models they have de-
peer organisations. veloped. The experimental results show that the proposed solution
The Process Control Security Requirements Forum (PCSRF) plays yields good performance and few false alarms.
an important role in assessing the vulnerabilities in industrial pro- Lin et al. [66] develop a Modbus/TCP attack program against
cess control systems and establishing appropriate strategies for re- water level control and air pollution control along with a novel
ducing IT security risk. By analysing the network architectures of IDS solution. They argue that their proposed IDS approach could
computer-based control systems within process control industries, be used to mitigate the spoofing attack at the data link layer. They
Falco et al. [11] summarise a general set of networking system ar- evaluate the solution with a variety of attacks.
chitectures for industrial process control systems along with the Lin et al. [67] propose Time Automata and Bayesian netwORk (TA-
vulnerabilities associated with these systems. BOR), which is a graphical model that classifies anomalies if irregu-
Fenrich [60] provides a high-level overview of IT security issues lar patterns and dependencies are different from normal behaviour.
in ICSs. He discusses specific security threats followed by their po- This model uses time automata learning to discover the dynamic
tential consequences if they are used by attackers. He presents a fluctuating behaviour of sensors along with the Bayesian network
comparison to show the differences between IT security and con- to identify dependencies between sensors and actuators.
trol system security. Moreover, Fenrich recommends several miti- An operation-based defensive architecture has been introduced
gation strategies for improving ICS security. to mitigate possible attacks on the Modbus control network. These
Harshe [61] proposes a Trustworthy Autonomic Interface attacks include: MitM and DoS attacks, replay attack, and unau-
Guardian Architecture (TAIGA) to enhance ICS security against re- thorised command execution attacks. However, a new challenge
configuration and network attacks. This security solution consists has been observed in the operation-based defensive architec-
of two parts: intrusion detection schemes and the backup con- ture. The challenge is the inability of the system in detecting
M.R. Asghar, Q. Hu and S. Zeadally / Computer Networks 165 (2019) 106946 7
unauthorised remote access if the hacked device operates closely control the information that has high accessibility limitations.
to its intended functions. In order to address the weakness of ex- Safety means that the technique does not affect human and en-
isting solutions, Robinson and Kim [68] propose a hybrid solution vironmental safety. Impact indicates the assurance technique does
that integrates the operation-based defensive architecture and the not cause faults in live environments. Finally, Value means the out-
IDS. That is why, this solution is not only immune to the cyber come (i.e., benefit) after applying an assurance technique for re-
infiltration but it is also strong in intrusion detection. ducing security risks.
Nair et al. [69] propose a new approach that allows a network The PASIV principles are followed to ensure practitioners to use
administrator to infer the malicious behaviours on an ICS device techniques safely. Furthermore, they provided a preliminary step
by monitoring network traffic emitted by an ICS device. They claim that identifies assurance techniques that may be applied in differ-
that when the CPU load of an ICS device reaches 70%, the machine ent phases of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Finally,
will then slow down to generate the network traffic and its net- they developed a mapping of assurance techniques to the high-
work traffic begins to exhibit noticeable delays. Moreover, they use level security families of ISO/IEC 27001:2013 that provides a ref-
the Machine Learning (ML) mechanism to learn normal resource erence and criterion for developing a holistic compliance standard
usage from an ICS device, then monitor each ICS node for identify- for the security control in the future.
ing deviations from normal resource usage. The advantages of us- Green et al. [75] conduct interviews with security practition-
ing this solution include: no signature or rule updates are needed, ers in order to identify the key phases applied to risk assessment.
no additional software needs to be installed on the ICS device, and They also review current risk management approaches from both
it yields high accuracy. academia and industry as well as the challenges faced by these ap-
Socio-technical security analysis. In assessing the security posture proaches.
of ICSs, existing studies focus on technical vulnerabilities [20,49], A dynamic risk assessment system calculates ICS cybersecu-
the potential challenges from the social and organisational factors rity risk dynamically through analysis of real-time ICS data. Zhang
are often isolated. However, many attacks have used social engi- et al. [76] propose a Fuzzy Probability Bayesian Network (FPBN)
neers. Attackers might trick people in the target organisation to approach to predict attack risks. In their solution, an FPBN uses
share their credentials for gaining access to sensitive information. fuzzy probabilities in order to address the limitation of insufficient
Therefore, it is important to understand the challenges found at so- historical data. Then, they introduce a new dynamic inference al-
cial (individuals) and organisational levels for the ICS deployment gorithm that can be used to reduce the impact of noise evidence
and maintenance. In this regard, Green et al. [70] design a method caused by system faults. The overall results demonstrate the ef-
for understanding the technical, social, and organisation challenges fectiveness of using the proposed approach in a chemical reactor
across ICSs. They set up an empirical database to evaluate the new control system.
method and gain some insights into the organisational perspective Security metrics. Security metrics provide insights for making an
on ICS security. informed decision about infrastructure protection. Therefore, good
Green et al. [71] make use of a Mean Time-To-Compromise metrics can lead to a good decision, while bad metrics can lead
(MTTC) metric [72] to explore the potential impact of social en- to bad security decisions. By reviewing the studies in the past, we
gineering across a small European utility company. They find that observe a few cybersecurity metrics that have been proposed to
the MTTC metric provides highly valuable insight into assessing ICS improve the security in ICSs. A useful security metric can provide
security but only to some extent in the overall security of ICSs. insight for managers to make better decisions that will lead to real
By allocating time estimations to social engineering attack vectors, security improvements. Boyer and McQueen [77] review seven ab-
they could provide the MTTC approach/metric with a more holistic stract dimensions of security and provided one metric (or more)
perspective of ICS security. for each security issue. The metric defined is intended to identify
To remove the boundary between Wireless Sensor Networks the need for improved measurement tools because they are the-
(WSNs) and an autonomic Digital Ecosystem (DE)3 , Vollmer et al. oretically measurable and may become practical in the future as
[73] describe a novel implementation of the Autonomic Intelligent more advanced tools are developed. They demonstrate the impact
Cyber-Sensor (AICS) to identify anomalous network traffic as well of applying metrics to an operational control system as well as the
as providing network entity information to the controllers outside further metrics under development.
the boundary of the sensor system. The network entity informa- Bustamante et al. [78] present several transitional IT standards
tion could contain a list of IP addresses to monitor, information aimed at protecting industrial and manufacturing enterprises from
on network entities, and alerts on abnormal network traffic. The malicious activity. They suggest that some metrics from previous
authors also deploy deceptive virtual hosts and implemented self- studies, such as Control Objectives for Information and Related
configuring modules these modules do what. Technologies (COBIT) and Project Management Body of Knowledge
Risk and assessment. Risk assessment can help the adminis- (PMBOK) [79,80] could be used for enterprise strategy manage-
trators to identify hazards and risk factors that have the poten- ment, project management, ICS support and maintenance and ICS
tial to cause security issues or determine the appropriate strategy security guidelines.
to eliminate the security issues or control the risk when the is- Security decision-making plays an important role when attacks
sue cannot be eliminated. Knowles et al. [74] interview ICS secu- have been detected in ICSs. Many studies [81–84] have focused on
rity engineers, analysts, and managers to access how to evaluate security decision-making in the past. However, these works have
ICS security in the production. Most practitioners answered that some weaknesses, such as the static decision-making solution al-
the PASIV principles, covering Proximity, Accessibility, Safety, Im- lows the attacker to have a long time window, which improves
pact, and Value, which are the most important factors to ensure the chance that the system could be attacked. On the other hand,
the proper use of assurance techniques. Proximity requires that an the dynamic solution is based on the predefined rules that at-
assessor uses assurance techniques when evaluating the system tackers can easily bypass. To solve the aforementioned problems,
on-site. Accessibility implies how to use assurance techniques to Qin et al. [85] introduce a novel dynamic decision-making solu-
tion that provides a security risk assessment method and indi-
cates attack risk and degradation risk in the assessment result.
An autonomic digital ecosystem is a model for the future production systems,
Furthermore, a multi-step decision-making approach architecture
which enables the dynamic adaption based on user needs and environmental con-
ditions. The whole design idea is to build the model on the notion of autonomic is formed by a state controller and an optimal defence strategy
self-management by embedding exploitable control features within modules. generator. The state controller ensures that ICS can be correctly
8 M.R. Asghar, Q. Hu and S. Zeadally / Computer Networks 165 (2019) 106946
degradation/upgradation as well as optimising the defence strate- simulate different physical hardware with real malware. The pro-
gies. The optimal defence strategy generator chooses the best strat- posed approach set up a testbed that uses Emulab4 to recreate cy-
egy to bring the system into an optimised state. ber components. Besides, Simulink5 is used for simulating physical
Trust in System-on-Chip (SoC). Nowadays, many ICS systems lack processes.
trust in software and hardware components. However, in order to To help reduce the security cost in the power grid, Nguyen
avoid false data injection or rogue software, we need indepen- [92] creates a simulation model that measures the economic im-
dent components to monitor and analyse malware. For this reason, pact of a cyber attack. Furthermore, the author highlights the de-
Franklin et al. [86] propose the TAIGA platform to build trust be- pendence between the economic impact and the defence-in-depth
tween a PLC processor and a hardware-implemented interface con- strategies. To sum up, Nguyen’s research results strengthen cyber-
troller. This architecture introduces malware resilience to the PLC security in the areas of power grids and methods, simulation mod-
for mitigating the following attacks: (1) malicious requests from els, and recommend steps to increase the security of power grids.
the Master Terminal Unit (MTU); (2) false data injection; or (3) Reaves and Morris [93] create a virtual testbed framework that
rogue PLC code [87]. contains independent ICS virtual devices, simulators, and logging
Incidents and lessons. Thousands of cybersecurity breaches devices. The idea is to use a laboratory test environment to sim-
against ICSs [1–3] have been discovered in past years: some large, ulate the network behaviour of an ICS. They find that virtual de-
many small, including some well-publicised ones [4,5]. The vast vices are capable of supporting many more protocols, which in-
majority of these attacks shared a primary objective, i.e., bring clude Modbus/TCP and Modbus/ Remote Terminal Unit (RTU). The
the system down. By learning from previous attacks, system ad- simulators simulate processes of a gas pipeline and a water storage
ministrators can better understand the weaknesses of the existing tank control system. They also develop logging devices to create
defensive strategies and update security solutions to prevent at- accurate captures of virtual system traffic and emulate the trans-
tacks from happening again. To this end, Byres and Lowe [2] anal- mission characteristics of the medium.
yse the incident information from the British Columbia Institute of Tao et al. [94] present a cloud-based platform that emulates
Technology (BCIT) industrial security incident database. They de- network devices and simulates the physical layer. The network de-
tect some events that occurred as a result of moving the SCADA vices include HMIs and SCADA servers. The physical layer contains
systems from proprietary networks to public networks. The lessons sensors, actuators, and other devices such as valves and generators.
that can be learned from these attacks are: (i) the threats orig- This platform is based on three modules: the first module provides
inating from outside an organisation are likely to have very dif- a network interface to connect real devices; the second module al-
ferent attack characteristics compared to internal threats; and (ii) lows users to configure the network resources; the third module
using open standards such as Ethernet, TCP/IP, and web technolo- links Simulink, which is widely used in the modelling and sim-
gies enable hackers to exploit vulnerabilities that exist in legacy ulation of linear systems, non-linear systems, digital control, and
networks and communication protocols. As a result, they recom- digital signal processing. The proposed solution reduces the opera-
mended companies to reassess their security risk model by adding tional cost, and improves the authenticity of the security incidents
some security hardware. when compared with the simulation software.
Xu et al. [17] review and analyse some communication proto- Green et al. [95] make an ICS testbed to simulate different
cols that be widely used in an ICS. They point out security risks of equipments, such as sensors, controllers, actuators, and remote ter-
using the protocols along with several attacks. For example, DNP3 minal units. They try to replicate end-to-end business processes,
[88] is an international standard developed to provide reliable data for example, observation and manual control of physical processes
transmission and functions for ICSs. However, Xu et al. find that through HMIs, providing an interface to capture and store the data
DNP3 lacks integrity, availability, and authentication, which can for further processing. Besides, by analysing the DMZ data, the
be attacked by MitM, DoS, and other attacks. Moreover, they dis- long-term strategic planning can be made and the entire infras-
cuss the weakness of using Modbus [89], which is a standardised tructure can be supervised remotely. Furthermore, they also de-
communication protocol between controllers and industry devices. scribe two common attack scenarios in the testbed environment,
Unfortunately, Modbus is vulnerable to spoofing or injection at- such as fuzzing, where the attacker randomly mutates well-formed
tacks because authentication and authorisation have not been con- inputs to test a program’s resilience. Another example is memory
sidered in the original design. Xu et al. provide some solutions modification that indicates modified data stored in memory.
to mitigate such attacks. For instance, risk assessment can assess By reviewing ten cybersecurity concerns associated with ICS,
the impact or loss from a security incident, encryption algorithms Vaughn and Morris [96] compare four types of ICS testing en-
can protect data integrity and confirm ownership of the data, and vironments, which include implementation-based, emulation and
intrusion detection techniques can be used to detect abnormal implementation-based, federated simulation, and single simulation
behaviour. test beds. They highlight the federated simulation testbeds that
Testbed experimental assessment of ICS security. The experimen- can address the most important security concerns in software and
tal testbed tools allow system administrators to simulate real con- hardware development, implementation, and maintenance prac-
trol system hardware and software behaviours as well as evaluat- tices. They claim their solution is cheap to deploy. Moreover,
ing the existing security solution by launching some well-known they review virtual ICS test platforms and identify a set of weak-
attacks in a virtual environment. For example, Genge et al. [90] re- nesses from the existing solutions that need to be addressed, such
view existing techniques that aim to enhance ICS security. They as how to make the communication protocols more robust, and
confirm the importance of defence-in-depth strategies and identify make modern ICSs use application layer communication protocols,
the security risk of software-defined-networking-enabled industry for instance Modbus/TCP, DNP3, and Profibus. However, many of
control networks. Finally, they argue that IP networking technolo- these protocols were not designed with cybersecurity requirements
gies can improve the security of ICS by deploying IDS/Intrusion in mind. For instance, digital signatures were not considered to
Prevention System (IPS) and anomaly detection systems to anal-
yse different network protocols and operating at different network
layers. Emulab is a network testbed, giving researchers a wide range of environments
for developing, debugging, and evaluating their systems:
Due to the lack of techniques to evaluate the security im- 5
Simulink is a graphical programming environment for modelling, simulat-
pact caused by both physical and cyber attacks, Genge et al. ing and analysing multi-domain dynamical systems:
[91] present an experimental environment that allows users to products/simulink.html.
M.R. Asghar, Q. Hu and S. Zeadally / Computer Networks 165 (2019) 106946 9
ensure packet integrity. Additionally, there is a lack of cybersecu- 1. Physical devices represent the actual devices in the ICS environ-
rity tools for prevention and response to security incidents or vul- ment. A security evaluation tool [90] simulates different indus-
nerability assessments for critical infrastructure ICSs. trial environments, such as power systems, chemical systems,
Kalogeraki et al. [97] propose a Business Process Management and hydraulic systems. The physical device comprises actuators,
Notation (BPMN) model to simulate a credible attack scenario in sensors, and hardware devices that perform the required phys-
the maritime industry. They visualise operations and identify the ical actions on the system.
interactions between SCADA systems in vehicular transportation 2. Cyber devices provide capabilities for emulating PLCs or Master
systems. They present the BPMN model that can be used to em- units’ functionalities along with the industrial protocols such
ulate an attack scenario or a security risk that can occur in SCADA as Modbus, DNP3, and Profibus [96]. As a result, users can use
systems. those cyber devices for acquiring data from the physical devices
Green et al. [98] describe their experiences during the devel- or for issuing the commands to the physical devices.
opment of an extensive ICS testbed. They discuss how to over- 3. The Open Platform Communications (OPC) standard [101] is
come the labour cost and reduce the time to balance a range of an industrial interoperability standard that was designed to al-
design considerations such as Hardware-in-Loop (HIL), simulation, low different software packages to access data from a process
and virtualisation. They explain how to avoid typical pitfalls during control device. It defines a standard interface to reduce the
the design and implementation of the testbed. Their solution ad- amount of duplicated efforts in achieving specific requirements
dresses the issue of diversity, scalability, and managing complexity from different parties, such as integrating hardware manufac-
in the design phase of an ICS. turers with their software partners, configuring SCADA and
Process Control System (PCS). A PCS measures the system pro- HMIs [102].
cess, if something goes wrong, the system selects one of two op- 4. Vulnerability assessment allows administrators to identify all
erations based on the Settings. The first operation is to act im- potential issues in the ICS environment [93]. The vulnerability
mediately through actuators, for instance, adjusting the valves or assessment tools are able to: evaluate how resilient the net-
pumps. The second operation is to send the alarm to system ad- work security is to attacks at the data link layer, monitor the
ministrators. There several incidents [2,99] about the system in the network traffic in order to detect whether attackers can access
past. The number of security actions that are being taken by PCSs sensitive information, discover the access control weaknesses,
keeps growing. For example, Brundle et al. [100] outline and anal- and analyse network infrastructure security levels.
yse the security challenges in securing PCSs and the response from
the industry. These challenges highlight the need for process con- 4.2. Intrusion detection and prevention technologies
trol and IT experts to build trust among them and work together. A
well-defined security policy is foundational to any technical, pro- Several studies [18,65,66,103,104] have focused on detecting and
cedural, or organisational security mechanism. Furthermore, they preventing attacks in ICSs. We classify these studies into two cate-
also point out the remaining issues, such as how to access and gories: intrusion detection and cryptography. The former classifies
control remote embedded devices? and how to reduce the cost of significant deviations from normal traffic as being malicious traffic.
applying security solutions for smaller control systems? Moreover, As a result, the various design approaches require a better under-
they propose appropriate protection strategies to address these is- standing of normal behaviours and the states of the physical ob-
sues. For instance, these strategies include: security issue handling, jects. The latter aims at creating a secure communication channel
security monitoring and evaluation, and maintenance. by protecting the traffic with encryption algorithms so that an at-
tacker cannot read or modify the message without the private keys.
4. Classification of cybersecurity solutions So, this approach prevents adversaries from reading, modifying, in-
jecting, and replaying network messages.
In the previous section, we reviewed the ICS security solutions
that aim to monitor and prevent the security risk in the ICS. Based 1. Threat detection provides the capability of monitoring system
on the primary goals of each solution, we classify the existing activity and the ability to notify a responsible person when in-
methodologies into three categories, we discussed each one in a trusion behaviours are detected. The systems can detect attacks
subsection. That is, Section 4.1 describes security evaluation tools based on the previous signatures, or upon detecting changes in
that provide safe experimentation with real malware test scenar- configurations and activities.
ios, the benefit of this is that users can spot security issues be- 2. Threat prevention stops unauthorised modification and destruc-
fore the production. Section 4.2 highlights approaches for securing tion of information, and the disclosure of malicious threats.
ICSs by introducing new components or by upgrading the existing 3. Encryption represents different encryption algorithms to trans-
architectures. Section 4.3 proposes standards, guidelines, and met- late a plaintext to an encrypted message that only allows au-
rics for ensuring security protection implemented against evolving thorised users to access it.
4.3. ICS risk management
4.1. Security evaluation tools
Among the ICS security topics, security standards [11–13,74] ex-
As the demand for using scientific experiments to evaluate the plicitly state the requirements to secure the ICS environment. The
impact of attacks against ICSs has increased, many researchers [10– standards consist of policies, security concepts, security safeguards,
18] in the ICS domain have proposed automated tools and environ- and risk management approaches. The guidelines provide recom-
ments that can simulate real control system hardware and soft- mendations on the actions to be taken when attacks are detected.
ware behaviours and provide a virtualised environment to model a They also recommend the best practices and provide an overview
single type of ICS, such as PLCs, DCSs, and SCADA [2,22,52]. Such of the most important security measures understandable by all
autonomous tools can help system administrators to identify po- users. The various metrics described in the guidelines can be used
tential vulnerabilities of their ICSs’ designs and enable them to to evaluate cybersecurity strategies.
develop solutions against identified vulnerabilities, and then dis-
tinguish between the normal and malicious traffic by using their 1. Access control management not only determines the users
private testing environments. who can access the system but also sets the level of access
10 M.R. Asghar, Q. Hu and S. Zeadally / Computer Networks 165 (2019) 106946
permission. It ensures that only authenticated users can access training models to the existing solutions or by incorporating more
and use specific applications, systems, and environments. samples to indicate normal network behaviours. We also identi-
2. Risk management is an assessment process that can be used to fied other future directions, such as how to simplify the commu-
evaluate the impact of attacks. Besides, it also provides the best nication protocols in ICS networks and how to secure those smart
among many alternatives to minimise the impact of uncertain devices.
3. Security metrics are measurable properties that quantify the 5.1. Security simulation tools
degree to which the security objectives of the system are
achieved. Moreover, it analyses the relevant security attributes The benefits of using simulation tools to evaluate the ICS so-
of ICSs. lutions are undisputed. Users can easily build the DCS, PLC con-
trol system, or power grid dispatch systems in a virtual simulation
In Table 1, we classify the aforementioned solutions based on environment. The simulation tool will automatically generate data
various features and costs. Specifically, we group the solutions and mimic real industry scenarios. Moreover, we recommend se-
based on the three categories that we define in this section. Some curity countermeasures to address the potential security problems
solutions are designed for providing a new security defence or in the ICS design. All in all, the simulation tools provide an as-
a security detection approach, while others focus on a security sessment of an attack, evaluate the defence effectiveness, simulate
policy or risk assessment. Furthermore, we discuss the cost of various attacks and defence scenarios, verify the system vulnera-
deploying these solutions to an existing ICS infrastructure along bility, and provide security solutions. However, these tools need to
with the maintenance cost. From the perspective of deployment, support more equipment and protocols. Moreover, the cost of de-
if the solution is to optimise the existing hardware performance ployment and maintenance needs to be reduced.
and does not change the existing infrastructure, we believe that
the deployment cost is low and denote it using ‘L’. On the other 5.2. Intrusion detection and prevention technologies
hand, if the proposed solutions need to replace the existing infras-
tructure or add a new device, we consider the deployment cost IDS With recent advancements in ICSs and cybersecurity issues
is very high and mark it ‘H’, because the new equipment needs [1–5], more research on IDS has been conducted in the past few
time to integrate with the current system. Also, replacing the years. Existing studies [18,65–67,69] have focused on signatures
existing solution requires resources to test the new solution un- and rule-based IDSs and the anomaly-based IDSs. The signature-
der different scenarios in the real environment. If we take all these based IDSs are easy to deploy and understand if we have to de-
factors into account, the deployment cost is very high. Typically, tect known cybersecurity issues. Basically, a key advantage of using
the cost for maintaining an optimised system is relatively low, be- signature-based IDSs in ICS infrastructures is high accuracy of de-
cause we already have existing maintenance steps and equipment. tecting the well-known attacks. Since the signature-based IDSs can
In contrast, for replacing a current solution or adding a new de- only detect known attacks, novel attacks can easily bypass the de-
vice, the maintenance cost will slightly increase, because all em- tection. However, in regards to cybersecurity in ICSs, many attacks
ployees have to adjust from the current maintenance steps to new could be zero-day attacks; therefore, signature-based IDS solutions
steps as well as the cost of purchasing new backup devices. Ac- are less effective in detecting such attacks. In contrast, an anomaly-
cording to our study, the environment and requirements of each based IDS specifies the accepted network behaviour and uses them
ICS are different. For instance, some power plant security solu- as a baseline for detecting malicious behaviour. Therefore, such as
tions [41,92] are hard to apply to other areas because of the adjust- anomaly detection approach can be used to detect a new attack.
ments needed to accommodate different hardware and communi- But, since different vendors have introduced different protocols, it
cation protocols in other control environments. Consequently, the is very hard to define generic normal traffic patterns for all proto-
costs of deploying and maintaining a new ICS security solution are cols. Therefore, some studies [65,66] in the past focus on specific
high. ICS solutions. Moreover, a high false rate is another major concern
for not using the anomaly detection solution in ICSs.
5. Discussion and future work ICS standard protocols Currently, ICS standard protocols collect
and measure the system status, and use control-layer protocols to
We have learned several lessons from this survey. We grouped configure the automation controller, and send new logic and up-
a set of cybersecurity solutions against ICSs into three categories: date the code. However, the control-layer protocols are most of
IDS, Risk Assessment and Metrics, and Security Simulation Tools the time vendor-specific protocols, so one challenge here is how
based on their research directions and objectives. For instance, to design a control-layer that is more general but at the same time
Zhou et al. [65] and Lin et al. [66] focus on the intrusion de- secure.
tection approaches. They propose a solution that trains on a set Secure smart devices The main issue is if an attack compromises
of normal network behaviours, and then use this model to detect one smart device, then the infected device disrupts the normal op-
anomalous behaviour in any traffic observed later. While, Knowles eration of several other industrial equipment. Therefore, how to se-
et al. [74] try to estimate and assess the security impact using a cure those smart devices remains a challenging yet important topic
security risk assessment. Moreover, Genge et al. [90] claim that an for future research.
ICS simulation environment is used to evaluate the system’s vul-
nerability before releasing a solution to a production environment. 5.3. Risk assessment and metrics
Table 2 highlights the advantages and disadvantages of using each
category in real-world. We provide an overview of different cate- A security risk assessment covers the risk of equipment failure,
gories that aim to combine safety, cost, and security concerns. We personal safety risk, and potential cyber attacks. Depending on the
have found that several ICS security solutions exist but there is still security requirements of each company, the security department
room for further research in multiple directions to improve exist- will design the appropriate procedures to analyse and evaluate the
ing solutions. For instance, the risk assessment methods for the risk associated with their business. The risk assessment can help
SCADA system can be improved by addressing the context estab- the company to decide on prioritising those risks based on the
lishment stage of the risk management process. The false alarm internal and external constraints. When researchers consider the
rate of an anomaly-based IDS can be reduced by adding more risk management and assessment in ICSs, they also discuss safety.
Table 1
Comparison of the ICS solutions proposed in the past 15 years: we focus on each solution based on the research directions. We also show the cost of deploying and maintaining each solution. In the table, we use and ✗ to
indicate whether the proposed solution is related to the listed research direction or not, respectively. Moreover, we use “H” and “L” to indicate high and low costs of deploying/maintaining each solution, respectively.
Solutions Year Intrusion detection & prevention Security procedure ICS simulators Costs
2003–2018 Security Intrusion Vulnerability Authentication Network Security Security Risk Security Incidents ICS ICS network ICS attacks Deployment Maintenance
monitoring detection detection layer architecture policies assessment metrics and lessons equipment devices cost cost
Stamp et al. [15] 2003 ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ H H
Byres and Lowe [2] 2004 ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ H H
✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
12 M.R. Asghar, Q. Hu and S. Zeadally / Computer Networks 165 (2019) 106946
Table 2
An overview of ICS solutions: Advantages and disadvantages.
Gegne et al. proposed solutions to Gegne et al. filled the technical gap The current study focused on the
simulate different ICS network hardware for evaluating the security impact power sector and the chemical sector,
behaviour in a test environment [90,91]. caused by both physical and cyber no evaluation was made for other
attacks, their solutions simulate sectors. In addition, architectures and
system behaviour in a test protocols need to be re-developed for
environment as well as ICSs security new devices.
Green et al. [95,98] created an ICS Green et al. provided a GUI interface Current solutions focus on cable
testbed to simulate different types of to simulate HMIs components and networks, with limited support for
equipment, such as sensors, controllers, monitor the HMIs process. wireless technologies and wireless
actuators, and remote terminal units. sensors.
Kalogeraki et al. [97] proposed a BPMN Kalogeraki et al. used the BPMN The solution only covers the maritime
model to simulate a credible attack model to evaluate security solutions industry. Novel attacks cannot be
scenario for the maritime industry. or strategies against potential threats simulated.
and vulnerabilities.
Many researchers used IDS solutions to IDS can be used to monitor system Novel attacks cannot be identified by
detect attacks in various ICS activity, classify any abusive, signature-based IDSs and high false
infrastructures [65–69]. abnormal, and malicious activity and positives for anomaly detection
notify a responsible person when any approaches.
malicious behaviour is detected.
Many researchers Those solutions can minimise the risk The security policies are manually
[3,12,13,58,64] suggested to use of data leak or loss as well as protect configured by system administrators;
different security policies for mitigating the organisation from “malicious” if a user misses one single area that
unauthorised access. external and internal users. should be protected the whole system
could be compromised.
Data encryption solutions [14,61] allow Encrypted data maintains data The drawbacks of using data
system administrators to encode integrity, ensures privacy, and reduces encryption include high computation
sensitive data into another form in such the risk of unauthorised data transfer overheads as well as high costs for
a way that only authorised parties can from one device to another. encryption solutions and securing
access it. maintaining security keys.
Security metrics [77,78] provide insights The proposed solutions identify The existing security metrics solutions
to system administrators and can help standard security requirements and are tied to a specific security control
them to make an informed decision the capabilities needed for secure mechanism. Furthermore, the
about infrastructure protection. solutions. Such solutions also offer a metric-based solution has a built-in
way to measure security strategies. assumption that all vulnerabilities
have the same impact assessment.
Risk assessment solutions [74–76] help The proposed solutions provide best There are no uniform standards, and
the administrators to identify hazards practices to improve the quality of some standards and guidelines are not
and risk factors that have the potential security by offering guidelines about easy to understand by everyone.
to cause security issues. how to identify the risk, how to
analyse the risk, and how to evaluate
the risk.
Unfortunately, an unsafe environment can cause death, injury, and cious patterns for current attacks. We can use different rule sets to
loss of equipment or property. Knowles et al. [74] mention that train the anomaly-based IDSs for understanding the difference be-
safety is the main consideration when we design an ICS system tween normal traffic and anomalous traffic. Furthermore, leverag-
with a good security practice. Moreover, Knowles et al. also dis- ing sophisticated machine learning methods in IDS will be a new
cuss the availability of services provided by the ICS. As a core crit- research direction. As we know, both attacks and protections are
ical part of the infrastructure, an ICS solution has to provide con- always improving. It is impossible to build IDSs for the ICS to solve
tinuous and reliable operations. Therefore, the risk assessment has all unknown security issues. With a self-learning ability, the IDS for
to evaluate the potential effects of disrupting an ICS operation and ICSs can automatically adjust the detection rules in real-time ac-
develop an incident recovery plan based on Knowles et al.’s as- cording to the change in the detection environment. Consequently,
sumptions. Furthermore, most recently attacks target physical de- this solution can enhance the performance and accuracy of IDSs
vices such as Stuxnet [5] or cyber attacks on the Ukraine power in an ICS environment. Last but not least, the SDN solution has
grid [6]. been introduced for the ICS protection in recent works such as
[60,62,64], where researchers use SDN networks to isolate the ma-
5.4. Future research directions licious traffic. To this end, we can leverage SDN solutions by using
an SDN to split traffic into a particular IDS system based on the
Further research and investigations are still required for en- protocol so that each IDS can process specific traffic. As a result, it
hancing cybersecurity in ICSs, especially in the following areas: will improve the processing speed and reduce the packet drop rate
IDS. We suggest considering several criteria when designing an [105].
IDS for an ICS environment. These criteria include adaptability, rel- Risk assessment and metrics. Based on the findings in this sur-
evance, and operability. Adaptability indicates the solution can be vey, we make some suggestions about how to evaluate the po-
adapted into an ICS without a high update/upgrade cost. Relevance tential physical damages from a cyber incident. For instance, how
refers to the solution that is designed for preventing all the well- an incident could manipulate the operation of sensors and actua-
known attacks. Operability requires that all features should be eas- tors to impact the physical environment; redundant controls that
ily enabled or disabled and meet the real-time detection require- exist in the ICS to prevent an impact; and how a physical inci-
ments. To this end, we recommend the use of a hybrid approach, dent could arise based on these conditions. After analysing the
where we can combine the advantages of both signature-based and detailed risk assessment, the next step is to design an appropri-
anomaly-based solutions. The signature-based IDSs contain mali- ate ICS security program, which is based on analysing security
M.R. Asghar, Q. Hu and S. Zeadally / Computer Networks 165 (2019) 106946 13
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[80] K.H. Rose, A guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® including the Center for IT-Security, Privacy, and Account-
guide) - fifth edition, Project management journal 44 (3) (2013). e1–e1 ability (CISPA) at Saarland University in Germany and
[81] A. Cohen, Cyber (in) security: Decision-making dynamics when moving out CREATE-NET in Trento Italy. He received his Ph.D. degree
of your comfort zone, The Cyber Defense Review 2 (1) (2017) 45–60. from the University of Trento, Italy in 2013. As part of
[82] C. Gonzalez, N. Ben-Asher, D. Morrison, Dynamics of decision making in his Ph.D. programme, he was a Visiting Fellow at the
cyber defense: Using multi-agent cognitive modeling to understand cyber- Stanford Research Institute (SRI), California, USA. He ob-
war, in: Theory and Models for Cyber Situation Awareness, Springer, 2017, tained his M.Sc. degree in Information Security Technol-
pp. 113–127. ogy from the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands in 2009.
[83] C. Zhong, H. Liu, A. Alnusair, Leveraging decision making in cyber security His research interests include access control, cybersecurity, privacy, and consent
analysis through data cleaning, Southwestern Business Administration Journal management.
16 (1) (2017) 1.
16 M.R. Asghar, Q. Hu and S. Zeadally / Computer Networks 165 (2019) 106946
Qinwen Hu is an Honorary Research Fellow in the School Sherali Zeadally earned his bachelor’s degree in com-
of Computer Science at the University of Auckland, New puter science from the University of Cambridge, England.
Zealand from where he received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. de- He also received a doctoral degree in computer science
grees in 2017 and 2011, respectively. His primary research from the University of Buckingham, England. He is cur-
interests cover the area of cybersecurity, network mea- rently an Associate Professor in the College of Commu-
surement, and network security assessment. nication and Information, University of Kentucky. His re-
search interests include Cybersecurity, privacy, Internet of
Things, computer networks, and energy-efficient network-
ing. He is a Fellow of the British Computer Society and
the Institution of Engineering Technology, England.