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Protocols For Transportation of Wild Animals: General Considerations Prior To Transport 1 Selection of Individuals

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Protocols for transportation of wild animals


Exchange of animals between zoos and acquisition of animals from the wild
necessitate their transportation between various locations. Wild animals
go through high levels of stress quite often during restraint, capture,
confinement,loading, unloading and the transportation process as well as
when adapting to the new environment they have been moved to. A need
for developing protocols for transportation of animals that cover the major
issues involved has been felt for long. Safe, humane, ethical and professional
protocols for transportation of wild animals need to be developed.

To address this issue, the Central Zoo Authority (CZA) organised a

workshop for zoo veterinarians at Chennai in collaboration with Madras
Veterinary College and Arignar Anna Zoological Park from 24 to 28
January 2011. Twenty-seven zoo veterinarians attended this national level
workshop. After thorough deliberations, protocols for transport of animals
were developed under the Inter-related heads listed in the following


1 Selection of individuals
i. Selection of animals is critical in any planned operation involving
transportation. The selected animal should be in good health
and have a clean health record. Preferably it should not have any
medical history that is suspect.
ii. Only adults and sub-adults should be transported. Pregnant,
geriatric, lactating,suckling, sick, weak, injured or deformed
animals and stags (deer species) in velvet should be avoided
in planned transport. As far as birds are concerned, juveniles
which have recently fledged should be preferred for transporting.
Transport of adults, if necessary, should be done after the
breeding season is over.
iii. lf young ones unable to fend for themselves should be transported,
they should be transported along with the mother. Young ones that
are being hand reared should be accompanied by the keepers/
handlers from the donor and recipient zoos.
Legislation, Policy, Guidelines and Strategy

2 Marking of selected individuals

Prior to transport, the animal identified for transport should be appropriately
marked. The veterinarians of the recipient and donor zoos should ensure
that proper Identification and marking of the selected animal are done.
These should be uniform for the species. Natural photographic documents
showing the natural identification of each animal should be maintained.
Details of the site and type of marking should be recorded and made available
to the recipient zoo.
i. Microchips and/or ear tags and/or tattoo markings with permanent
dye may be used for identification for ungulates/primates/large
mammal species.
ii. Carnivores should be marked with microchips (transponders). Ear
tags may also be used for convenience if these are available.
iii. Birds should be marked with colour bands. Birds larger than a
myna or pigeon should also be microchipped. Microchips should
be injected in their breast muscles. This is essential because the
rings can come off or break during transportation.
iv. Reptiles (turtles and crocodiles) may be notch marked, whereas
snakes must have microchips. Underbelly scale notching can also
be carried out on reptiles. The assistance of a person trained in
microchipping reptiles should be obtained while doing this.

Photo credit: Dr. Mir Mansoor

Photo 1: Marking individuals using ear tags

Protocols for transportation of wild animals

3 Weather and climate considerations

i. A complete record of the weather and climatic conditions should
be maintained prior to initiating transport. Extreme climatic
conditions, viz. the peak summer and monsoon, should be
avoided while for transportation.
ii. In case transportation is planned during the summer, it should be
carried out strictly during the cooler hours of the day, preferably
the early morning or late evening, unless the vehicle transporting
the mammals/birds/reptiles is air conditioned. Necessary
provisions for effective cooling and ventilation should be in place
when such journeys are undertaken. During winters it should
be ensured that animals are not exposed to the chill and are
maintained in a comfortable environment throughout the journey.
During summers crates could be covered with wet hessian sacks/
gunny bags that can be moistened, and similarly,winter-transport
containers/crates could be lined with Styrofoam.
iii. Abrupt changes in weather conditions should be anticipated and
provided for. Transportation logistics should be carefully planned,
with a backup and support vehicle always available on call.

4 Animal transport considerations

The animal’s health and well being should be the highest priority during
transport. The corresponding measures depend on the species and should
essentially be considered prior to movement. The mode of transport should
be identified and a reconnaissance carried out well in advance. Preparations
should be accordingly made. The driver/team undertaking the transportation
should familiarise themselves with the route that will be taken. Stops en
route should be pre-planned and identified well in advance to minimise the
duration of transport. The cage should be kept in the vehicle in such a way
that the animal always faces the direction in which the vehicle is moving. In
the case of transportation of elephants by truck,it is best is to cover just 250
km a day,halt and take out the elephants for medications (muscle relaxants,
vitamins/glucose), water,walking,feeding and resting till the next morning.

5 Record-keeping considerations
i. Copies of the studbook and breeding records of the animals
being transported should accompany the animals to indicate the
pedigree and to prevent inbreeding.
Legislation, Policy, Guidelines and Strategy Protocols for transportation of wild animals

ii. Copies of the animal report including all details of health, breeding
and animal temperament and medical history sheets and medical
records should be sent to the recipient zoo along with the animals.

The following need to be considered in terms of the financial outlay when
planning the acquisition of new animals:
i. The financial consideration involved in providing additional
man power for the care of the new animal/animals
ii. Provision of adequate funds for transportation from the donor zoo
iii. Provision of funds for the up keep and veterinary care of the animal
The director of the recipient zoo should ensure the availability of
funds for the above prior to the transport of the animals.


i. Once a decision to acquire new animals has been made,
the recipient zoo should ensure the availability of adequate
appropriate housing space as per CZA guidelines.
ii. If an existing enclosure for the species is already present, it should
not be overcrowded due to the addition of the new animals. A
separate enclosure should be made available for the new animals.
iii. If no enclosure exists, a new enclosure should be constructed
well before the arrival of the animal.
iv. If the animal being acquired is endangered or belongs to
Schedule I or II of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, the zoo
should get the design for the enclosure approved by the CZA prior
to construction.


The director of the recipient zoo should arrange for all requisite permissions
and liaise with the following agencies/departments for transport of animals.
The donor zoo should assist the recipient zoo by providing necessary
documents such as the donor/recipient zoo agreement:
i. Chief wildlife wardens and state forest departments of concerned
states for permission to acquire and transport animals
ii. CZA (for permission)
Protocols for transportation of wild animals

iii. Quarantine officer of the region for necessary permits.

iv. Zoos en route-information for assistance in case of emergencies
v. State forest departments en route-information to ensure that the
animalis not stopped on the way
vi. Agencies for emergency-assistance (as may be required)
vii. CITES (for permissions relating to international exchange of
viii. DGFT (international exchange of animals}-import permissions
ix. MoEF, Government of India (for permission in the case of
international exchange of animals}-without NOC documents the
DGFT will not issue a permission to import
x. Customs Department (international exchange of animals)


Animals have to be confined in crates/transport cages during transport for
easy handling and to minimize the chances of injury to the animals. The
transport cages/crates should be of dimensions that allow the animal to
stand and to rest in sternal recumbency but do not provide space for turning.
The basic considerations are as follows:
I. A crate should be designed according to the requirement
of the species and should be portable, light and easy to
ii. Crates should be constructed with an aluminium/light metal/
wooden frame and plywood or laminated plywood. They should
have hinged handles so that the container can be loaded and
unloaded with ease.
iii. The size of the crate should be such that the animal can only
stand or sit in it or lie in sternal recumbency. It should not be able
to tum or somersault.
iv. The crate should be rectangular in shape.
v. The crate should be well ventilated, and it should be ensured that
the extremities of the animals do not project out.
Legislation, Policy, Guidelines and Strategy Protocols for transportation of wild animals

vi. Do not use lead paints for painting crates. As far as possible
crates should not be painted inside, but the surface should be

vii. Crates should be disinfected properly prior to transport. When

birds are being transported, it should be ensured that the crates
are free of any fungus.This could be achieved by putting the cage
out in the sun for a couple of days before use. Fungus grows in
crates that are not used for some time and can be very harmful to
birds,especially birds of prey.

viii. Temporary facilities should be created for providing feed and

water. ix. In case of transport by air containers should be
fabricated In conformation with the size and weight specified
for the aircraft. Different aircraft have cargo holds with doorways
of different sizes.

x. Facilities should be provided for cleaning the excreta.

xi. Bedding of paddy straw, sand,etc. should be provided, and the

floor may be peg-bored to avoid slipping. In the case of birds, the
floor should be covered with sand, sticks or just Astro Turf. No
perch should be provided in the cage.

xii. Padding with gunny bags filled with paddy straw, coir or foam/
cotton cushions should be provided in crates used for herbivores.
Cages used for birds do not require any padding. Nails, wooden
splinters, protrusions, sharp edges and sharp objects should be
removed from the inner surfaces of the container.

xiii. Hinged (foldable} hand holds or handles should be provided on

the sides for easy handling. At the same time it should be ensured
that the handles will fold away and be flush after loading so that
the cage may be secured and prevented from shifting during

xiv. In the case of deer, antlers and antler tips may be taped with
padding/cushioning to prevent injuries and breakage during

xv. Only well trained/experienced handlers/attendants/keepers should

be deputed for the task.
Protocols for transportation of wild animals

Photo credits: 2 & 3, Wildlife Trust of India

Photos 2 & 3: Ungulate transport box.
Legislation, Policy, Guidelines and Strategy Protocols for transportation of wild animals

Photo credit: Dr. Navin Kumar

Photo 4: Giraffe transport container

Photo credit: Dr. Parag Nigam

Photo 5:Tiger transport container

Protocols for transportation of wild animals

Photo credits: 6, 7 & 8, Dr. Parag Nigam

Photos 6,7 & 8: Trapping-cum-transport cages for leopards

Species-specific considerations
A. Deer species
i. The maximum number of animals that may be transported at a time is
four or five.
Legislation, Policy, Guidelines and Strategy Protocols for transportation of wild animals

ii. Only one male should be transported in any crate.

iii. With smaller species, two females may be transported in a crate; with
larger species, only one female may be transported in each crate.
However, it is preferable to transport only one animal in a crate.
iv. As per the need both the sexes can be transported in separate

B. Carnivores
i. Preferably only one animal should be transported in each crate/
container. When more than one animal must be transported in a crate,
it is preferable to have animals from the same enclosure or those that
have lived together.
ii. Males need to be transported separately in individual crates.

C. Primates
i. Up to four animals may be transported together at a time.
ii. With larger primates, only one animal may be transported in a crate.

D. Birds
i. Storks, cranes, ratites and raptors should be transported individually.
ii. Parakeets may be transported in pairs in boxes.
iii. Ducks, teals, geese, pigeons, bulbuls, galliforms (females), corvids,
sparrows and other finches may be transported in groups.
Photo credits: Wildlife Trust of India

Photos 9 & 10: Boxes for transportation of small mammals and birds
Protocols for transportation of wild animals

E. Reptiles
i. Crocodiles should always be transported singly.
ii. Turtles and tortoises: Large animals should be transported singly;
smallones may be transported in groups.
iii. King cobras, cobras, pythons and other cannibalistic snakes must
always be transported individually in crates/boxes with locks and
iv. When reptiles suchas crocodiles,chelonians,snakes and lizards are to
be transported/released, check for evidence of any injury, metabolic
bone disease, ectoparasites, stomatitis, scale-rot, dysecdysis,
bloat, retained eye caps, swollen eyes or abnormal discharges from
the eyes, nostrils, mouth, etc. In the case of crocodiles, the teeth should
be clean and white, not brittle or translucent. Similary, any accumulation
of algae on teeth may often reflect lack of feeding in crocodiles.Fasting
prior to physical capture appears to be desirable in reptiles. Transport
boxes or container should be of adequate width and depth to prevent
chelonians from climbing and damaging their shells. Snake bags need
to be tied firmly to prevent escapes. Boxes should be locked. Reptiles
are very susceptible to dehydration during transportation and require to
be provided water.

Moist gunny bags have proven

to be useful when transporting
large numbers of young
crocodiles (total body length
less than 1.5 m) over short
Photo credit: Dr Navin Kumar

distances (200-250 km or 5-6


Photo 11: Transport container for

Legislation, Policy, Guidelines and Strategy Protocols for transportation of wild animals

For dimensions of the crates for different species, Manual of Transport Cages
and Nest Boxes,published by CZA, may be referred to.

A. Deer species: Indicative dimensions of crates are provided below:

Species Length Width Height Remark

(cm) (cm) (cm)
Sambar (Rusa 180 68 150 For ventilation,
Swamp deer 165 60 150 provide 12 mm holes
(Cervus on the sides.
Spotted deer 150 55 120 Crates for other
(Cervus axis) species of deer may
be designed
Barking deer 90 45 75 accordingly to the
(Muntiacus size of the animals.

i. Frame: All around solid wooden or metallic battens of 4 mm

II. Sides: 12 mm thick waterproof plywood
iii. Floor: 19 mm thick waterproof ply
iv. Roof: 12 mm thick waterproof plywood
v. Doors: sliding doors on both sides with bolts and chains; 12 mm thick
waterproof ply

B. Carnivores: Indicative dimensions of crates are provided below:

Species Length Width Height

(cm) (cm) (cm)
Tiger/lion 195 75 105
Bear 180 75 100
Leopard jaguar 120 60 90
Protocols for transportation of wild animals

i. Frame: MS angle 40 mm x 40mm x 6mm

ii. Sides: 12 mm thick waterproof plywood with cover of 3 mm thick iron


iii. Floor: 19 mm thick waterproof ply on MS flat 35 mm

x 4 mm @] 350 c/c floor,and two sides also covered from inside with
2 mm thick iron sheet. Holes on floor 20 mm in diameter. Whole crate
should rest on 50 mm x 50 mm iron pegs. Two removable trays of depth
25 mm to be provided below the floor to receive urine and excreta.

iv. Roof:12 mm thick waterproof plywood

v. Doors: 12 mm diameter MS bar@ 50 mm c/c should be welded with

frame and covered with 5 mm thick plywood.Bolt and chain system for
closing and opening the doors.

C. Primates: Indicative dimensions of crates are provided below:

Species Length Width Height

(cm) (cm) (cm)
All macaques 90 68 75

I. Frame: Solid wooden battens 35mm x 35 mm all around

ii. Sides: 12 mm thick waterproof plywood
iii. Floor: 12 mm thick water proof ply wood with sawdust on base
iv. Roof: 12 mm thick waterproof plywood
v. Doors: Only on one side with facility for sliding up; made of 9 mm thick
waterproof ply
vi. Ventilation: Holes of 20 mm diameter on two sides; welded mesh on top
at the rear,100 mm wide

D. Birds: Indicative dimensions of crates are provided below:

Legislation, Policy, Guidelines and Strategy Protocols for transportation of wild animals

Species Length Width Height Remarks

(cm) (cm) (cm)
Munia/ 75 75 22.5 Sufficient for 2-25 munias;
budgerigar wire mesh size 150 mm x
600 mm
Kite/ 60 45 45 For one bird; perch at 50
Shikra mm, should have enough
space to turn around. Wire
mesh size 150 mm x 600 mm
Pheasants 60 45 60 For one bird; if the tail is long,
the length may be increased
accordingly. Wire mesh size
100 mm x 600 mm
Emu and 75 60 150
Small 75 75 25 Sufficient for 10 parrots;
perch is parakeets

i. Bird size measurements should be taken with the bird lying down/
wings closed and legs stretched. The height of the crate should
always be at least 4-6 Inches more than the bird’s height at the head.
ii. Frame: Solid wooden battens 30 mm x 30 mm all around;in the case of
emus,75 mm x 50 mm.
Iii. Slides: 9 mm thick waterproof plywood; In the case of emus, the
plywood should be 12 mm thick, with iron bars of length 25cm fixed at
equal distances from each other.
iv. Floor: 9 mm thick waterproof plywood; in the case of emus 19 mm thick
plywood, with saw dust. In the case of big birds, the flooring should be
of astro-turf or of any non-slip material.
v. Roof: 9 mm thick waterproof plywood; in the case of emus the
plywood should be 19 mm thick.
vi. Doors: Sliding on one side, back closed, Door made of 9 mm thick
plywood. In the case of emus the thickness should be 19 mm. When
transporting raptors or birds, the sliding door should not be installed
sideways but instead top to down. This will allow the bird to be caught
by its legs. In a vulture transport box the lid should be on the roof
because it should be opened at the top.
Protocols for transportation of wild animals

vii. Ventilation: Wire mesh at rear end at the top of the cage; in the case
of emus,holes on both sides. In the case of raptors, there should be
holes (of the size of drilling machine bits) at regular Intervals on all the
four sides. The holes should be small enough to ensure that even a
human finger cannot pass through them as the introduction of a finger
into a crate could be very dangerous, especially in the case of vulture
viii. For dimensions of the crates for different species, Manual of Transport
Cages and Nest Boxes, published by CZA, may be referred to.

E. Reptiles: Indicative dimensions of crates are provided below:

Species Length Width Height Remarks

(cm) (cm) (cm)
Crocodile/ 195 60 40 Small sizes are
alligator/ preferred.
Python 75 90 45 Handles on both sides
to carry the crate
Cobra or other 60 75 30 Handles on both sides
snakes to carry the crate

i. Frame: Solid wooden battens 35 mm x 35 mm all around;in the case

of pythons,MS angles of 25 mm x 25 mm x 4 mm and with additional
support of MS flats 25 mm x 4 mm as required. For other snakes, solid
wooden battens of size 25mm x 25 mm.
ii. Sides:12 mm thick waterproof plywood with 35 mm x 35 mm solid
wooden battens as supports (4 nos.). In the case of pythons, 19
mm plywood and wire mesh on two sides. For other snakes, 9 mm
waterproof ply with wire mesh on two sides.
iii. Floor: For crocodile and other snakes 12 mm thick waterproof plywood
with sawdust on base. In the case of pythons, 19 mm plywood with dry
paddy at base.
iv. Roof: For crocodiles and snakes 12 mm thick waterproof plywood. In
the case of pythons, 19 mm thick waterproof ply with hinges and locking
arrangement. The top will act as a door.
v. Doors: Sliding on both sides with 12 mm thick waterproof plywood.
Legislation, Policy, Guidelines and Strategy

vi. Ventilation: Small holes on sides and top as required. But it must be
ensured that the holes are smaller than the size of the snake’s tail/head
as well as human fingers.
vii. 5 em thick plywood boxes (2’ x 2’ x 1’; 60 em high x 60 em long or
deep x 30 em wide) with up to four racks have been effectively used for
transporting up to 10 hatchlings in each rack for transport of hatchling
gharials by air.



I. Health screening of animals

y The identified animal(s) should be subjected to heath screening so
as to ensure their fitness for transportation and to avoid transmission
of diseases to animals in the recipient zoo. The IUCN guidelines on
quarantines and health screening prior to translocation of wild animals
should form the basis of such interventions. Where required, animals
may be vaccinated and dewormed well in advance to transportation, at
least 3 weeks before the action.
y Body weight and morpho metric features should be estimated by a
biologist, who should also design the crate.
y Animals of different species should never be transported in the same
y A health certificate should be issued by the veterinarian of the donor
zoo to the recipient zoo in a standard format with all health related

ii. Nature of capture

y The mode of capture must be based on the species to be
captured. It is essential that the veterinarians decide on the mode of
capture well in advance. The requisite instruments and drugs may be
procured/stored accordingly.
y If chemical immobilization has to be carried out,the animal should be
fasted for 24 hours and deprived of water for 12-16 hours. The animal
may have to be covered with wet cloths in case it develops a high
temperature, and the eye may need to be covered as a precaution
Protocols for transportation of wild animals

when acepromozine, etropin and human antidotes are used.

y If chemical immobilization and restraint procedures are to be used,
adequate stocks of immobilizing drugs, reversal agents and antidotes
should be procured and stored appropriately. The drug dosage may be
decided based on the size of the animal and other considerations such
as the age, sex, weight, weather, physiological and temperamental
needs and excitement level. Tranquilizers may be used before
transportation as they reduce anxiety in the animal,thereby reducing
chances of stress. A wide range of tranquillzers Is available. The choice
of drug depends on the species and the excitation level. It Is advisable
to use short and long-acting tranquilizers for herbivores prior to crating,
depending on the travel time and the species, as this will minimise the
stress experienced by the animal during crating, transport and release
at the new location.
y If physical methods of capture are to be used, it should be ensured
that the animals are subjected to minimal stress and that there are
skilled and experienced personnel in the team.
y The animal, especially If it Is a herbivore, can be habituated to its crate
well in advance by placing the crate in the enclosure and feeding the
animal every day in it. This will slowly make the animal comfortable
with the crate,thereby reducing the stress at the time of transportation
because of the animal’s familiarity with it.
y The staff involved in the capture and transportation procedure should
be made aware of the various procedures that need to be carried out.
It would be very helpful if a mock exercise were to be practiced so that
the staff are prepared for eventualities.
y The best available drugs should be used selected for tranquilizing
a species. The drugs available in India are xylazine, ketamine and
acepromazine. Butophanol, azaperone, detomidine, medetomidlne,
telazol, midazolam, haloperidol, etorphine and the reversal agents
atipamazole, yohimbine, tolazollne, flumazenil and naltrexone are also
y The dose regime for chemical immobilization of animals may be
according to the indicative values below, subject to the advice of the
veterinary officer.
Legislation, Policy, Guidelines and Strategy


Species Drugs Dose regime Mode

Spotted deer *Xylazine and 6 and 1.2 IM
(Cervus axis) ketamine
*Meditomidine and 0.05-1.0 and 0.8-3.2 IM
Hog deer (Cervus *Xylazine and 6 and 1.2 IM
porcinus) ketamine
*Meditomidine and 0.05-1.0 and 0.8-3.2 IM
Swamp deer *Etorpine and 0.003 and 5-8 IM
(Cervus xylazine mg/animal
duvaucelli) *Ketamine and 2 and 0.25 IM
Blackbuck (Antil medetomidine
ope cervicapra) *Xylazine 20 mg/ animal IM
Nilgai *Etorpine, 0.03, 0.12 and 0.16- IM
(Boselaphus acepromazine and 0.23
tragocamelus) xylazine
Barking deer Xylazine and 3 and 2 IM
(Muntiacus ketamine

Species Drugs Dose regime Mode
Wolf (Canis lupus) *Xylazine and 10 and 2 IM
Himalayan black *Tiletamine/ 0.5 and 0.01 IM
bear (Ursus zolazepam and
thibetanus) medetomidine
Sloth bear (Ursus *Ketamine and 7.5 and 2 IM
ursinus) xylazine
*Ketamine and 3 and 0.05
Protocols for transportation of wild animals

Red panda *Ketamine and 5 and 0.1 IM

(Ailurus fulgens) meditomidine
Civet and *Ketamine and 10 and 1-2 IM
binturong xylazine
Lion (Panthera *Ketamine and 4.5 and 1 IM
leo persica) xylazine
Tiger Panthera *Ketamine and 5 and 1 IM
tigris) xylazine
Snow leopard *Ketamine and 2.5-3.0 and 0.06-0.08 IM
(Panthera unicia) meditomidine
Leopard (Panthera *Ketamine and 3 and 0.07 IM
pardus) medltomidine
Small felids (cats) *Ketamine 5-10 IM
*Ketamine and 3-5 and 0.06-0.08 IM


Species Drugs Dose regime Mode

Macaques and *Ketamine and 5-10 and 0.05 IM
langurs/Leaf medetomidine
monkeys Note : The
combination of
Xylazine and
ketamine may also
be used.

*Kindly refer to the report titled Standards, Guidelines and Protocol

prepared by the IVRI for CZA.


i. The veterinarian and keeper of the recipient zoo should accompany
the animals during transportation. In special cases,the veterinarians of
both the donor and recipient zoo may accompany the animals during
ii. During transportation, disturbance of the animal should be minimised.
Legislation, Policy, Guidelines and Strategy

Iii. Human contact with the animals should be minimised to avoid cross
iv. The animals should be monitored throughout the transportation, and if
need be, appropriate treatment/management should be administered.
v. Emergency veterinary drugs and equipment should be carried during
transportation to meet any eventuality. Quick and prompt veterinary
consultations and treatment should be extended to animals that get
injured or diseased in transit.
vi. An official with the requisite financial powers to cover any exigencies en
route should accompany the animal. The official may be assisted by an
animal supervisor and keepers/handlers as required.

vii. Sufficient quantities of food and water should be available in the

vehicle during transportation.

viii. There should always be two drivers for the vehicle so that there need
not be an excessive number of stops during the journey. One driver can
rest while the other drives. But there should be no rush to cover the

ix. Staff undertaking transportation of animals should not consume

alcoholas this will blur and affect their judgement, which is critical in
case of emergencies.

x. In the case of vehicles going through Maoist-/insurgency-affected

areas, the RTOs/border checkposts involved should be consulted to
identify the best time of the day in which to pass through these areas,
and police escort must be requested from the SP/DM of the area to Photo credits: Dr. Parag Nigam
prevent any risk to the vehicles,people and animals. & Wildlife Trust of India

Photos 12 & 13: Rhino transport crate

Protocols for transportation of wild animals


i. Before getting the approval of the Central Zoo Authority, the
veterinarian of the recipient zoo may visit the donor zoo, and a mutual
agreement must be arrived at regarding the animals to be exchanged.
ii. The behaviour, feeding pattern and health of the chosen animals should
be closely monitored.
iii. Animals should be housed in stress-free environments.


I. The recipient zoo should arrange well in advance at least one full time
keeper for the animal to be received. If the recipient zoo has no prior
experience in managing the animal, the designated keepers should be
sent well in advance to the donor zoo to familiarise themselves with
the husbandry, care, feeding, treatment and daily routines related to the
care of the animal involved.
iv. The recipient zoo should arrange training for the keeper engaged to
look after the newly arrived animal at the donor zoo three months in
advance. A quarantine and health check-up should be carried out
according to veterinary protocols and the relevant guidelines.
v. One Forest Range Officer (In case of Forest Department zoos), one
supervisor, two or three animal attendants and the animal keeper of
the receiving zoo should accompany the animal when it is being
transported. But in the case of species which can be easily handled and
transported, the director of the recipient zoo may decide the number of
people to be sent to receive animals without compromising the safety
and care of the animals.


I. Reputed and experienced companies/firms/NGOs that are experienced
in transporting animals should be selected and engaged. No
compromise should be made in this regard.
ii. An agreement should be signed between the carrier company and
the consigner so that an alternate vehicle will be arranged as early as
possible by the carrier company in case of any breakdown or other
emergencies that may arise en route.
iii. A detailed discussion should be held between the donor, recipient,
transport company and the identified escort team, and responsibilities
and tasks should be allotted.
Legislation, Policy, Guidelines and Strategy Protocols for transportation of wild animals

iv. Ensure that the vehicle is fit for the journey. The vehicle should be
serviced, and a thorough check-up should be carried out prior to the
transport. Additionally, information on the fuel level, tyre pressure and
the tool kit and essential spares carried should be obtained. An animal
transport vehicle on a long journey should have two drivers.
v. The mobile numbers and contact details of the drivers, owners,
cleaners, etc. should be given to the coordinators of both the donor
and recipient zoos.
vi. The transport vehicle should be insured. All the vehicle-related
documents should be valid (R.C., insurance papers, driver’s licence,
etc.) and should be checked.
vii. The vehicle should be disinfected properly prior to transport.
viii. Identification of the animals to be transported should be done prior to
ix. The shortest route among the usable ones should be selected.
x. Before transportation, factors such as the weather forecast and possible
disturbances (blockades, processions, festivals, public functions etc.)
during the proposed transportation period should be taken into account
and the planning carried out accordingly.
xi. Information on zoos and other facilities available en route should be
provided to the personnel of the vehicle so that assistance (food,
health care, etc.) can be obtained as and when needed.
xii. The contact information of directors/veterinarians of zoos en route
should be available with the transporting team. The travel plan
should be communicated to the directors/veterinarians so that they can
provide assistance if required.
xlli. The pilot vehicle should have a representative of the competent
authority and a veterinarian. It should have drugs, equipment for
physical immobilization and communication facilities.
xiv. The personnel should be wearing in uniform with proper dress code.
The vehicle should have the necessary papers/certificates.
xv. The team in the pilot vehicle should inform toll gates/check posts in
advance so that unnecessary delays are avoided.
xvi. The transport vehicle and pilot vehicle should carry emergency
lights, torches with sufficient batteries, drinking water, IV fluids, medical
kits, etc.
Protocols for transportation of wild animals

xvii. For help with safe and secure transportation, the fares department
personnel and agencies such as the police of the districts or states
involved may be contacted.
xviii. The guidelines of lATA, CITES, etc. should be followed wherever

Photo Credit: Wildlife Trust of India

Photo 14: Transportation of carnivore

Photo Credit: Dr. Parag Nigam

Photo 15: Specially designed vehicle for transportation

of gaur, at Kanha Tiger Reserve
Legislation, Policy, Guidelines and Strategy
Protocols for transportation of wild animals

Annexure I

Permissions required for international transport of animals

India is a signatory to the Convention on International Trade in

Endangered Species (CITES), and any international transport of wild animals
is governed by this convention. The Director-Wildlife Preservation,
Government of India, is the nodal officer for CITES permits, and the country
is divided into four regions: The Northern Region consists of the states of
Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir
and Rajasthan and the union territory of Delhi and Chandigarh; the Eastern
Region consists of the states of Bengal, Bihar, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh,
Sikkim, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Tripura, Meghalaya and Manipur; the
Southern Region consists ofthe states ofTamil Nadu,Andhra Pradesh,Kerala
and Karnataka and the union territories of the Andaman & Nicobar Islands,
the Lakshadweep Islands and Pondicherry; and the Western Region consists
ofthe states of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh and Goa and the
union territories of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli.

The Regional Deputy Director (Wildlife Preservation) can be contacted for

obtaining the mandatory CITES permits for international transport of wild
animals. Once a CITES permit has been obtained, permission may be
obtained from the Director General of Foreign Trade for international transport
of wild animals.
Legislation, Policy, Guidelines and Strategy

CITES Management Authorities

Director (Wildlife Preservation)
Management Authority CITES - India
Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India Paryavaran
Bhawan, 4th Floor, CGO Complex, Lodi Road New Delhi -110003
Telephone: +91-11-24362285
Fax: +91-11-24363918
Telex: w66185 doe in
Cable: PARYAVARAN NEW DELHI Email: [email protected]

Regional Deputy Director {WCCB) Regional Deputy Director (WLP)

& CITES Asst. Management Eastern Region
Authority Western Region Ministry of Environment & Forests
Ministry of Environment & Forests Wildlife Regional Office
Wildlife Regional Office Nizam Palace, 2nd MSO Bldg.
11,Air Cargo Complex 234/4,AJC Bose Road,
Sahar, Mumbai- 400099 (India) Kolkata - 700020 (India)
Telefax:+91-22-26828184 Telefax:+91-33-2247869
Email: [email protected]

Regional Deputy Director {WCCB) Regional Deputy Director (WCCB}

Southern Region Northern Region
Ministry of Environment & Forests Ministry of Environment & Forests
Wildlife Regional Office, Wildlife Regional Office Barracks
C-2A, Rajaji Bhawan, No.5, Bikaner Office, Shahjahan
Besant Nagar, CGO Complex, Road,
Chennai-600090 New Delhi -110011
Tel. No.: +91-44-24916747 Tel. No.: +91-11-23384556
Email: [email protected] Fax: +91-11-23386012
Email: [email protected]
Protocols for transportation of wild animals





S.O.- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 5 of the Foreign Trade

(Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992) read with paragraph
4.1 of Export and Import Policy 1997-2002, the Central Government hereby
makes the following amendments in the Export and Import Policy, 1997-2002
and ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import items 1997-2002 published
on 31st March 1997 and amended from time to time.

In Export and Import Policy, Sl. No.1 of Section D, Seeds, Plants and Animals
of Part II of Chapter 15 of Negative List of Imports shall be amended to read
as under:

Sl. Description of Nature of restriction

No. items
1. Animals, birds Import permitted against a license to zoos and
and reptiles zoological parks, circus companies, private
(including individuals, on the recommendation of the Chief
their parts and Wild Life Warden of a State Government subject
products) to the provisions of the Convention on international
Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora (CITES). For recognized scientific research
institutions, in addition to the above requirement,
the recommendation of the Committee for the
Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments
on animals (CPCSEA) under the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 shall also be required
for issuance of an Import License.
Legislation, Policy, Guidelines and Strategy

In ITC{HS),Classification of Export and Import in respect of the following Exim

Code nos., conditions relating to the policy indicated in column 4 shall be
amended to read as under:

Exim Description Policy Conditions relating to the policy Import under

Code of Item SIL/ Public
010119 Other Restricted Import permitted against a 00.90
00.90 license to zoos and zoological
parks,circus companies, private
individuals, on the recommendation
of the Chief Wild Life Warden of a
state government subject to the
provisions of the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES). For recognized scientific/
research institutions in addition
to the above requirement, the
recommendation of the Committee
for the Purpose of Control and
Supervision of Experiments on
Animals (CPCSEA) under the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Act, 1960 shall also be required for
issuance of an import license.
010120 Other Restricted Import permitted against a
00.90 asses, license to zoos and zoological
mules and parks, circus companies, private
hinnies individuals, on the recommendation
of the Chief Wildlife Warden of a
state government subject to the
provisions of the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES).For recognized scientific/
research institutions, in addition
to the above requirement, the
recommendation of the Committee
for the Purpose of Control and
Supervision of Experiments on
Animals (CPCSEA) under the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Act, 1960 shall also be required for
issuance of a license.
Protocols for transportation of wild animals

010600 Other Restricted Import permitted against a

01.90 license to zoos and zoological
parks,circus companies, private
individuals,on the recommendation
of the Chief Wild Life Warden of a
State Government subject to the
provisions of the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES). For recognized scientific/
research Institutions, in addition
to the above requirement, the
recommendation of Committee
for the Purpose of Control and
Supervision of Experiments on
Animals (CPCSEA) under the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Act, 1960 shall also be required for
issuance of a license.
010600 Other Restricted Import permitted against a
02.90 license to zoos and zoological
parks,circus companies, private
individuals,on the recommendation
of the Chief Wild Life Warden
of a State Government subject
to the provisions Convention on
International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES).For recognized scientific/
research Institutions, in addition
to the above requirement, the
recommendation of Committee
for the Purpose of Control and
Supervision of Experiments on
Animals (CPCSEA) under the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Act, 1960 shall also be required for
issuance of an import license.
Legislation, Policy, Guidelines and Strategy

010600 Other Restricted Import permitted against a

03.90 license to zoos and zoological
parks, circus companies, private
individuals,on the recommendation
of the Chief Wild Life Warden of a
State Government subject to the
provisions of the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES). For recognized Scientific/
research Institutions, in addition
to the above requirement, the
recommendation of Committee
for the Purpose of Control and
Supervision of Experiments on
Animals (CPCSEA) under the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Act, 1960 shall also be required for
issuance of an import license.
010600 Other Restricted Import permitted against a
09.90 license to zoos and zoological
parks, circus companies, private
individuals,on the recommendation
of the Chief Wild Life Warden of a
State Government subject to the
provisions of the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES). For recognized Scientific/
research Institutions, in addition
to the above requirement, the
recommendation of Committee
for the Purpose of Control and
Supervision of Experiments on
Animals (CPCSEA) under the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Act, 1960 shall also be required for
issuance of an import license.

This is issued in public interest.


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