Combined Envelope Scaling With Modified SLM Method For PAPR Reduction in OFDM-Based VLC Systems
Combined Envelope Scaling With Modified SLM Method For PAPR Reduction in OFDM-Based VLC Systems
Combined Envelope Scaling With Modified SLM Method For PAPR Reduction in OFDM-Based VLC Systems
2020; aop
Ridha Touhami*, Djamal Slimani, Ayad Atiyah Abdulkafi, Yaseein Soubhi Hussein
and Mohamad Yusoff Alias
4 Simulation results
The OFDM suffer from high PAPR which flow from the
Figure 4: Block diagram of SLM scheme.
superposition of a large number of usually sub-channels.
Hence, careful regulation of the OFDM signal envelope is
ðU Þ ðuÞ
ðuÞ necessary to control distortion levels. In addition, the
Pk = ej’k , ’k 2 ½0, 2π , (7)
LED must be biased to avoid maximum distortion, while
respecting energy consumption and cell coverage needs.
0 ≤ k < N, 0 ≤ u ≤ U In this section, the complementary cumulative distribu-
tion functions (CCDFs) of the average power and the
This multiplication resulting in a set of U different possi- maximum instantaneous voltage of an DCO-VLC-OFDM
ble transmit symbols symbol are shown for the SLM method and for the pro-
posed method combined with SLM. The simulation
parameters are presented in Table 1.
X ðU Þ = XP ðUÞ (8)
Figure 5: Effect of (alphap + SLM) on the performance of PAPR VLC Figure 7: Effect of (alpha p + SLM) with U = 16 on the performance
system under 16 QAM modulation. of PAPR VLC system under 16QAM modulation.
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