Anti Climbers Flyer
Anti Climbers Flyer
Anti Climbers Flyer
In train collisions there are two distinct objectives to improve passenger safety:
• Elimination of vehicle over-riding or climb over.
• Prevention of uncontrolled structural collapse.
Both are achieved by managing the impact energy absorption and dissipation. Rail vehicles are now
designed with controllable deformation characteristics and higher energy absorption characteristics
in couplers as well as anti climbing features.
Without anti climbers one vehicle will over ride another in a serious accident. Oleo
anti climbers contribute to the ‘crash worthiness’ of rail vehicles in two ways:
• By absorbing impact energy as collision forces rise following coupler overload. This can
be by incorporating a gas hydraulic unit and/or a deforming tube in one or more stages.
• By locking vehicles together during the early part of the collision; controlling vertical
movement and helping to direct forces longitudinally.
The anti climber contact faces lock together prior to any vehicle structural deformation and minimise
the tendency of vehicles to climb or override.
Oleo were involved in the development of anti climbers working in conjunction with British Rail Research
in the 1990Ês when it was established that end on collisions of railway vehicles presented the greatest
hazards to passengers and that most fatalities happened at speeds of less than 60km/h, where successful
prevention of over riding and energy management are possible. Extensive full size vehicle impacts
were undertaken and the results can be seen in a film entitled „Oleo Crash Energy Management‰.
The Oleo deformation tube has been specifically designed to limit vertical movement even in offset
impacts, and promotes a controlled longitudinal stroke. Oleo anti climbers have benefited from
extensive dynamic testing as static compression tests do not realistically reflect the performance
characteristics during a collision. Oleo recommends that the strength of the engaged anti climbers
should be significantly more than 50% of the specified weight of a fully laden vehicle.
These units are customised to meet the geometry and specific parameters of a train and Oleo has
implemented many successful projects.
Oleo anti climbers are available as standard designs or to a specific requirement.
Image © Bomardier
300mm 500
Capacity is greater than 75kJ Capacity is greater than 240kJ 400
Max buffer force is less than Buffer force average is less 300
800kN than 800kN 200 Stat
Projection 383mm with buffer heads of 350 x 380mm 0
100 500
Anti climber type: Gas Hydraulic Stroke (mm)
and Deformation
Crush force: 800kN Anti climber type: Anti climber with one shot
Stroke: 300mm honeycomb elements
Crush Force: 150kN
Reversible: Non reversible:
Stroke: 75mm
Stroke 105-5mm Total stroke is greater than
Capacity is greater than 70kJ Capacity is greater than 420kJ
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Max buffer force is less than Buffer force is less than 2000
700kN 760kN VEHICLE
Projection 682mm with buffer head of 350 x 380mm
Force (kN)
For more information on anti climbers please contact us at:
Oleo International 1000
Grovelands, Longford Road, Exhall, Coventry
United Kingdom CV7 9NE COUPLER
E: [email protected] 500
• 阻止前后车厢脱轨或上爬。
• 防止无控制的结构坍塌。
Oleo 的防爬装置能以两种方式使铁路车辆具有“耐撞性”:
• 随着钩缓装置过载后碰撞力的上升,吸收碰撞产生的能量。方法是,在一个或多个阶段
• 在碰撞初期将各节车厢锁紧在一起;控制车辆的垂直运动和纵向分布碰撞力。
Oleo 早在 20 世纪 90 年代就与英国铁路研究部门一同参与了防爬技术研究与开发。那时候工
都在 60 公里以下,也就是说成功地进行防攀爬预防和碰撞能量管理是可以实现的。工程设计
与研究人员对全尺寸车辆作了广泛的冲击力试验,其结果记录在一个题为“Oleo 碰撞能量管理”
Oleo 压溃管设计精良,能限制车辆的纵向运动(即便是偏离式冲撞)
Oleo 建议,防爬装置激活后的的强度应远远超过满载车辆额定重量的 50%。
这类装置都采用客户化设计,与客户列车的几何形状和技术参数相符。Oleo 已在许多项目中成
Oleo 可提供标准型防爬装置,也可根据客户的具体要求进行量身定制。
图片提供单位:© Bomardier
Plant A15 Xinfei Garden No 3802 Shengang Road 500
Songjiang Shanghai 201612 PRC (液压缓冲器) (压溃管)
上海市松江区申港路3802号新飞工业园A15厂房 邮编:201612
0 50 100 150 200 250
Visit our web site at 位移 (mm)