Premiered in The United States, Its Genre Is Drama and Family Cinema and Its Original Language Is

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The review that I am going to do is from the movie A Dog's Way Home more known as Mis huellas

a Casa, title in Spanish.

A Dog's Way Home was written by Chales Martin and Bruce Cameron. On January 11, 2019 it was
premiered in the United States, its genre is drama and family cinema and its original language is
English. The movie stars Ashley Judd, Edward James, Alexandra Shipp, Bryce Dallas, Wes Studi,
Chris Bauer, Barry Watson, Jonah Hauer-King and Patrick Gallagher. A Dog's Way Home was
received mixed to positive reviews from critics and audiences alike. The film are had a 62%
approval, based on 76 reviews by the Rotten Tomatoes website

Filmed in Denver, Colorado, the film is set by the fall and winter weather seasons. Screenwriters
Cameron and Cathryn Michon create a story about empathy and kindness, as Bella pays for all the
love that Lucas and "Mother Cat" a character in the movie. Even the smallest emotional moments
are well deserved, as the story illuminates the beauty of having a pet and the importance of the
family in the lives of beings.

Bella is a dog that has grown up with her owner Lucas. Together they live happily. But one day,
Bella gets lost and thus begins a new and exciting adventure, as she embarks on a journey of more
than 600 kilometers to return home and be reunited with her owner. Along the way, Bella will
meet a number of new friends like "mama cat" and will manage to bring some comfort and joy
into their lives. Parallel to this, Lucas and his mother face a fight with the city police officers, since
in this area they cannot have dogs of dangerous breeds. Finally after the odyssey that Bella has to
go through, she returns to her house with Lucas, and discovers that the laws that are demanding
of her do not apply in that place. So Bella, Lucas and their mom find each other to stay together.

I recommend the movie because it teaches the value of family, the importance of things that are
not material for the emotional growth of people, as well as the fight for what you want can lead
you to meet the goals as Bella did. The film leaves a very nice message where it reflects that on the
way you can meet many people who are going to contribute good things in your life.

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