Rahadian 2019 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 399 012008

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Ecosystem mangrove management in urban area: case study mangrove

Kali Adem Jakarta Indonesia
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ISenREM 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 399 (2019) 012008 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/399/1/012008

Ecosystem mangrove management in urban area: case study

mangrove Kali Adem Jakarta Indonesia

A Rahadian1,5, F Leilan2, I N Arafat3 and T A Lestari4

Natural Resources and Environmental Management Science, IPB University, Bogor,
PT. Pembangkit Jawa Bali-Unit pembangkitan (PT PJB-UP) Muara Karang, Indonesia
Faculty of Forestry, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
Yayasan Lahan Basah (YLBA), Jl. Bango No.11, Tanah Sareal, Bogor, Indonesia

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Mangrove forests are part of coastal ecosystems that have a high level of vulnerability
when faced with urban areas. The Kali Adem mangrove forest is one of the mangrove
rehabilitation sites in the urban area. Rehabilitation efforts were initiated by Komunitas
Mangrove Muara Angke (KOMMA) and PT. Pembangkit Jawa Bali-Unit Pembangkitan (PT
PJB-UP) Muara Karang in 2010. The location was initially a garbage pile that was successfully
cleared and planted with 37,000 mangrove seedlings. Administratively the site is located in Pluit,
Penjaringan District, North Jakarta City, DKI Jakarta Province. Primary data were collected from
field observation and interviews. In addition to that, secondary data, such as the high-resolution
satellite World View's image was utilized to analyze the dynamic of the landscape. Data analysis
was carried out with qualitative descriptive methods to determine the influence factor of the
successfulness of rehabilitation efforts. According to this study, the success of rehabilitation
efforts in Kali Adem was influenced by several main factors including land stability, the certainty
of land ownership, availability of mangrove seeds, and stakeholder involvement. Kali Adem
biophysically formed from the sedimentation process and has the potential to disappear, the
stability of the land must be maintained by the physical structure. The certainty of land ownership
is one of the eligibility criteria for rehabilitation efforts. The availability of mangrove seeds is
one of the factors that will determine the success of mangrove management. Mangrove
management requires cooperation and participation by all levels of government and the
involvement of the parties. Through the synergy of these factors, Kali Adem has successfully
become an ecotourism area called Eco-marine Tourism.
Keywords: Eco-marine tourism, Mangrove management, Urban mangrove.

1. Introduction
Major cities in Indonesia are generally located in the coastal area where the mangrove ecosystem
potentially can be found. Mangrove ecosystem located between the land and the sea that is rich in natural
resources that can meet people's needs provides life support services, such as fishery, trading, housing,
industrial activities, and so on. The function of the mangrove ecosystem is to muffle the waves and the
winds, shoreline protectors from abrasion, natural sediment traps, produces variations of detritus,
nursery ground, feeding ground, and as a spawning ground for various coastal fish reef biota. The other

To whom any correspondence should be addressed ([email protected])

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
ISenREM 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 399 (2019) 012008 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/399/1/012008

benefits of the mangrove ecosystem are providing good wood for charcoal (fuel) and building
construction materials, ecotourism activities, and pollution biofilter that came from the land area.
Mangrove ecosystem is a part of the coastal ecosystem that has a high level of vulnerability, from
human activities such as fisheries, aquacultures, industries and residential development. Another threat
that can affect the sustainability of mangrove is reclamation, mining, and natural causes such as storms
and abrasions [1]. furthermore, mangrove that intersects with the coastal areas has more conversion
threats as the result of the population pressure to meet the economic and residential needs. So, its
sustainability is very vulnerable to environmental changes [2]. Because of the complexity of the
mangrove ecosystem, its management requires cooperation and participation by all levels of government
and the involvement of the parties [3].
Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia with its population up to 10.4 million [4]. The population itself
will drive an escalation in the need for land. Limitation of the land area in the capital city makes many
people look for alternatives to expand the residential areas in various directions, such as Bogor, Depok,
Tangerang and The North of Jakarta. Attempts to expand the residential areas to the south which clashed
with natural constraints is Puncak Area which is a buffer zone for water resources. Attempts to expand
the residential areas to the north is one of the most feasible alternative solutions by reclaiming the coastal
zone. To realize that matters its needs to be balanced with an escalation in ecological capacity, by
establishing a new mangrove ecosystem so the ecological function of coastal ecosystems can be
maintained [5].
The north coast of Jakarta still leaves a mangrove ecosystem, including Muara Angke Wildlife
Reserve, Kapuk Angke Protected Forest, and Kapuk Angke Production Forest which adjacent to the
beach. However, the area is also not exempt from the changes in the function of the surrounding land
[6]. The North Coast of Jakarta has encounter pollutions, exploitation of excessive natural resources,
and habitat degradation due to development in coastal areas and the high seas [7]. In the 1940s, the north
coast area of Jakarta had a mangrove area as thick as 2-7 km. However, currently, the mangrove area is
only a thin line, separated along the shoreline due to the land conversion. On the east side, there are
remaining Angke-Kapuk Protected Forests and Muara Angke Wildlife Reserve which are very species-
poor and damaged due to pollution of chemical waste, municipal waste, hydrological changes and,
sedimentation, so that ecologically it can be said to have no role in the ecosystem of Jakarta Beach and
the Java Sea. Previously, a coastal reclamation had been carried out in the Ancol area in the 1960s.
Reclaimed land is used for industrial, residential and recreational purposes. The mangrove conversion
for residential needs was also carried out in the 1990s on Kapuk Beach. Restoration of mangrove forests
on the north coast of Jakarta is impractical due to development pressures that tend to turn off the habitat
[5][8]. Therefore, it is necessary to rehabilitate the existing mangrove forest location and the addition of
the location of the mangrove forest around the north coast of Jakarta.
Mangrove forest in the Kali Adem is one of the mangrove rehabilitation which was initiated by
Muara Angke Mangrove Community (KOMMA) and PT. Jawa Bali-Generating Unit (PT PJB-UP)
Muara Karang in 2010. The location was initially in the form of a 1.5 ha garbage pile. In 2010, the
location was successfully cleaned and planted with 27,000 mangrove seedlings. At present, these
activities have embraced the elements of the surrounding community through empowerment both
economically and socially. The strategic step further requires a continued follow-up of rehabilitation
activities in the context of managing ecotourism. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the variables that
can follow up on these activities. This study aims to find out and identify various variables related to
mangrove rehabilitation activities within the framework of ecotourism-based mangrove management at
the Ecomarine Muara Angke located in North Jakarta. Thus, information from this research is expected
to be one of the guides in the rehabilitation and management of mangrove ecosystems in urban areas.

2. Methods
The research site located in the Kali Adem mangrove area which is administratively in Pluit Village,
Penjaringan District, North Jakarta City, DKI Jakarta Province. The method of data collection is done
by field observation and interviews with snowball techniques. Data analysis using descriptive qualitative

ISenREM 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 399 (2019) 012008 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/399/1/012008

methods. Qualitative descriptive analysis conducted by revealing events or facts, circumstances,

phenomena, variables and circumstances that occur when the research takes place by presenting what
actually happened and interpreting and describing the data concerned with the situation that is
happening, attitudes and views that occur in a community, the contradiction between two or more
conditions, the relationship between variables that arise, differences between existing facts and their
influence on a condition. Dynamics analysis of coastal changes conducted by detecting changes in an
object by observing it at different times [9]. This involves the ability to measure temporal effects using
multitemporal data sets, in this case, high-resolution satellite image data is available on the Google Earth
application (Digital Globe). Map of the research location presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Map of Research Location

3. Result and Discussion

3.1. The Coastal Dynamics in Kali Adem

Based on multi-temporal analysis by satellite imageries with 2003 as a baseline identified initially the
Kali Adem was still in the water body (figure 2) which was part of the coastal area of the Jakarta bay
and associated with river estuary, and the mangrove area was not identified. The land grows
simultaneously with the dynamics of land conversion in the development process, but sometimes it does
not only grow, on the other hand, but there is also a land lost due to abrasion. The existence of the
mangrove ecosystem is inseparable from the dynamics and pressures of development, both the pressure
from the sea and the land, from the land such as from transport materials such as sediments, garbage,
and pollutants through rivers.

ISenREM 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 399 (2019) 012008 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/399/1/012008

Figure 2. The comparison of Kali Adem condition in 2003 (left) and 2018 (right)

In 2004, the growth of the built-up area was identified in the land area and its garbage accumulation
of garbage that seemed like a land. In the following years, the expansion of the built-up area continued
to increase, even in 2014 the existing aquaculture area was identified as the built-up area. Until now
(2018), the size of mangrove vegetation’s area with the habitus tree in the research area is quantified at
0.6 ha. Figure 2 shows the visualization of the dynamics of landscape changes at the Kali Adem estuary.

2003 2004

2009 2010

2012 2014

ISenREM 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 399 (2019) 012008 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/399/1/012008

2016 2018
Figure 3. Visualization of the coastal dynamic of Kali Adem

3.2. The Lesson Learned Mangrove Management in Kali Adem

Rehabilitation activities in the Kali Adem area include planting with the right type and technique,
maintaining mangrove stands, breakwater construction, and waste management. Mangrove planting
using native species found in the region to planting mangrove, especially Rhizophora mucronata,
Avicennia officinalis, and Sonneratia caseolaris. Besideeasy to obtain the regeneration, It has been
ecologically proven to be able to adapt to the research area. The uses of non-native types of mangrove
areas are not recommended and should be avoided.
The development of a breakwater was carried out in the Kali Adem area, on the area that faces the
sea which has strong waves directly. In those areas above and the area in front of the mangrove towards
the sea, sediment trap embankments should also be made. The success of planting depends not only on
the accuracy of the types and techniques that been used but also on the success in handling the waste.
Considering the condition of waste in this area is very alarming and becomes a threat to the balance of
a coastal ecosystem, the effort to handle waste must be taken seriously and integrated with the
development in other DKI Jakarta areas. The ecological pressure that occurs come from resident
activities that utilized the natural resources and its surroundings. Therefore, the efforts to overcome
waste in this area cannot be separated from waste management efforts in other areas that contribute
waste to Jakarta Bay water. The lessons that can be learned regarding mangrove management in Kali
Adem which is geographically located in urban areas are influenced by several factors, namely: land
stability, the certainty of the land status, availability of the mangrove seeds, the involvement of other

3.2.1. Land Stability. The location of Kali Adem located in the mouth river. Rivers in the tropics area
carrying a large number of sediments during the rainy season as high sedimentation events [10,11]. The
estuary is characterized by large spatial and temporal variations in flow velocity, flow direction,
suspension load, and the related processes of sedimentation and erosion due to an action of river flows
or sea tides [12]. Based on the spatial analysis identified that the location of Kali Adem biophysically
formed from the sedimentation process and has the potential to disappear again at any time if the stability
of the land is not maintained by the physical structure or the presence of mangrove vegetation. The
ability of mangroves to maintain coastal stability attached to the conditions of quality and quantity of
mangrove forests or in the meaning of the function of protected mangrove forests will decrease if the
condition of mangrove forests also decreases, both in quantity and in quality. Also, the existence of this
area is in urban areas, in fact, the presence of waste has a negative influence on the quality of the
ecosystem. However, based on field observations there are interesting things about the existence of
waste in this region. in addition to giving a negative influence on the quality of biophysical waste in this
region has a role in terms of land stability. The growth of land that is currently a land where mangroves
grow is inseparable from the role of garbage which acts as a stimulus for trapping sediments and
mangrove substrates.

ISenREM 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 399 (2019) 012008 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/399/1/012008

Figure 4. The physical structure of breakwaters at the research location

3.2.2. Land Status. Based on the analysis of multitemporal satellite imagery the Kali Adem region is a
land that formed from an arising land. Based on the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning
Regulation No. 17 of 2016 [11] concerning Land Arrangement in Coastal Areas and Small Islands. Land
arising is a land formed naturally because of the deposition process in rivers, lakes, beaches, and or
arising islands and the control of land is controlled by the state. Actually, the Kali Adem area was land
owned by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government which was managed by the Muara Angke Commodity
Mangrove (KOMMA). The certainty of land ownership is one of the eligibility criteria for rehabilitation
efforts. There are 3 land eligibility criteria in rehabilitation attempts, namely: (1) The land has good
environmental conditions as a growing media, such as being free from large waves; (2) The land has
legal aspects or clear permits from related parties to be planted or rehabilitated, both on private land and
state land; (3) The spatial plan of land utilization, in this case, a land can be classified as feasible if the
land is not planned for other uses, for example, residential development, dock, etc [14]. The status and
certainty of land ownership in rehabilitation efforts in urban areas is very important. Uncertainty in the
status of land can make rehabilitation efforts acts temporarily without any sustainability.

Figure 5. The activity of maintenance and garbage cleaning by the Provincial Government

3.2.3. Involvement of Stakeholders to Rehabilitation Activities. The history of Kali Adem locations
begins with the concerns and awareness of the people around the area about the importance of mangrove
ecosystems. In line with this, the Muara Angke Mangrove Community (KOMMA) was formed.
KOMMA initiated the nature conservation movement in 2009-2010 by planting mangroves on the banks
of the Kali Adem River. Then in 2011 KOMMA collaborated with PT. PJB UP Muara Karang
implements and empowers the community as a form of social responsibility. Over time the DKI Jakarta
Provincial Government has revoked this activity. The activities that have been carried out include in
2011 is planting 1.000 mangrove seedling, in 2012 the establishment of mangrove nursery locations, in
2013 was carried out pioneering the manufacture of food from pedada (Sonneratia alba), and in 2014-
2018 mangrove planting was carried out with 37,000 seedlings.

ISenREM 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 399 (2019) 012008 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/399/1/012008


Private Collaborative Society



Figure 6. A stakeholder on mangrove ecosystem management in Kali Adem

3.2.4. Availability of Mangrove Seeds. The availability of mangrove seeds is one of the factors that will
determine the success of mangrove management [15] in an urban area. The main obstacle of mangrove
management in urban areas is the availability of mangrove seeds for planting and rehabilitation. Kali
Adem location is an area associated with the Muara Angke Wildlife Reserve and the Kapuk Angke
Protection Forest which is the location where mangrove seed is available. The area is a formal
conservation area in the mainland area of DKI Jakarta. The formation of mangrove forests throughout
the area is affected by tides. This regional association is an important point in the sustainability of efforts
to rehabilitate mangroves in urban areas.

Figure 7. The condition of Kali Adem post-rehabilitation

4. Conclusion
Mangrove management in urban areas is not easy to implement. Several factors need to be considered
in management including land stability, the certainty of land ownership, availability of mangrove seeds,

ISenREM 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 399 (2019) 012008 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/399/1/012008

and involvement of the stakeholders. Kali Adem biophysically formed from the sedimentation process
and has the potential to disappear, the stability of the land must be maintained by the physical structure.
The certainty of land ownership is one of the eligibility criteria for rehabilitation efforts. The availability
of mangrove seeds is one of the factors that will determine the success of mangrove management [15].
Mangrove management requires cooperation and participation by all levels of government and the
involvement of the parties [3]. All factors must work together to maintain the presence of mangroves in
urban areas which currently have a big threat to disappear. Through the synergy of these factors, Kali
Adem has successfully become an ecotourism area called Eco-marine Tourism that has a diversity of
flora and fauna.

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ISenREM 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 399 (2019) 012008 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/399/1/012008

The author would like to thank the management of PT. Pembangkit Jawa Bali-Unit pembangkitan (PT
PJB-UP) Muara Karang, Indonesia that has supported this research as well as the Muara Angke
Mangrove Community (KOMMA) who have helped in the collection of data.

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