The Teaching Profession (Midterm Exam) I. True or False

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(Midterm Exam)

Directions: Read the following statements. Determine whether such statements are correct or not.
Write True if the statements are correct, otherwise write False. Write your answers on
the blanks provided before each number.
_____ 1. A teacher does not need to go abroad to be able to encounter diversity in the classroom.
_____ 2. The Chinese educational system is highly centralized and is administered by the
Mombushoor Ministry of Education.
_____ 3. The Japanese educational system is divided into six basic levels.
_____ 4. Technology as link to new knowledge, resources, and higher order thinking skills have
entered classrooms and schools worldwide,
_____ 5. Strategies that work with one learner will always work with another learner.
_____ 6. Technology can help learners visualize processes and relationships that are visible or
difficult to understand.
_____ 7. Every registrant shall be required to take his professional oath before practicing as a
professional teacher.
_____ 8. The State recognizes he vital roles of teachers in nation building and development
through a responsible and literate citizenry.
_____ 9. It is the intent of the Canadian Educators Exchange to increase knowledge of people
and life in developing countries.
_____ 10. Teacher Exchange Programs enhance sustainable development and broadens
_____ 11. Children in all classrooms are heterogeneous.
_____ 12. Technology does not promote collaboration and independent learning.
_____ 13. Diversity or differences among students have placed great demands to teachers in
today’s schools.
_____ 14. No two learners are exactly the same.
_____ 15. The visiting International Faculty Program (VIFP) is New Zealand’s largest cultural
program for teachers and schools.
_____ 16. The Global Teacher Exchange program commits to improving quality of education in
South Africa, Ghana.
_____ 17. Technology provides support to the solution of meaningful problems.
_____ 18. Findings of EDCOM reveal that the quality of Philippine education is advancing.
_____ 19. Immorality can serve a ground for the revocation of certificate of registration and
suspension from the practice of the teaching profession.
_____ 20. Teachers who pass the merit examination shall be placed in the priority list for
government scholarship.

Directions: Below are statements describing certain concepts, words, or ideas. Be able to identify
what the statements describe and write your answers on the spaces before each
__________ 21. It is learning the best from the best practices of the world’s best educational
__________ 22. A competent teacher who is armed with enough skills, appropriate attitude and
universal values to teach students with both times tested as well as modern
technologies in education in any place in the world.
__________ 23. The country, called by many, as the last paradise on earth.
__________ 24. The educational system sometimes seen as a model on how to operate school.
__________ 25. The approach used in teaching core academic subjects from Grades 1 to 10 in
the Philippines.
__________ 26. The level of education in the Philippines which is concerned with the learners’
mastery of basic skills and competencies.
__________ 27. The most populous country in the world.
__________ 28. It is the date when the Presidential Decree 1006 was proclaimed.
__________ 29. The objective of this act is the promotion, development, and professionalization
of teachers and the teaching profession, and the supervision and regulation of the
licensure examination.
__________ 30. As an arm of the Board, it shall register holders of the Professional Teacher
Certificate which registration shall evidence that the registrant is entitled to all
the rights and privileges of a professional teacher.
__________ 31. This term refers to the use of technology in the context of learning so students
know how to learn.
__________ 32. Multicultural education is anchored on what?
__________ 33. It is used a medium of instruction from K to Grade 3 in the Philippines.
__________ 34. The Act amended by Republic Act 9293.
__________ 35. No applicant shall be admitted to take the teachers’ examination unless he/she is
a graduate of what on the date of filing of the application.


Directions: Below are statements wherein the key concepts and ideas have been intentionally
omitted. Your task is to fill the blanks in order to make the whole statements
correct. Write your answers on the spaces provided.

36. ____________ enhance professional development and broaden teachers’ perspectives.

37. Despite the professionalization of teaching in 1977 by virtue of _________, the quality of
education in the country appeared not to have improved.
38. The Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994 is also known as
39. Culture evolves over time. One result of this process is beliefs and ________ help us
adapt to persistent and changing circumstances.
40. Presidential Decree 1006 entitled “Providing for the Professionalization of Teachers,
Regulating their Practice in the Philippines” was proclaimed under the administration of
41. ________________ has broadened and deepened our traditional curriculum into a wider
range of accommodating cultures not of the teachers’ culture alone.
42. The ________________ issue, suspend, revoke, replace or reissue Professional Teachers
Certificate and administer oaths.
43. The Board shall, within ______ days after examination, report the ratings obtained by
each candidate to the Professional Regulation Commission for approval and appropriate
44. _________ years after the effectivity of PD 1006, no person shall engage in teaching
and/or act as teacher unless he is a holder of a Professional Teacher Certificate.
45. Since 1946, ________________ has helped nearly 23,000 teachers and school
administrators to promote mutual understanding between the US and countries around the
46. The use of or perpetration of __________ or deceit in obtaining a certificate of
registration, professional license or special/temporary permit is a ground for revocation of
teachers’ certificate of registration.
47. The examination for teachers in the secondary level consists of three parts namely:
professional education, general education, and _____________.
48. The concept of __________ can be traced back to interconnectedness in networking
through technology supports collaboration.
49. Some observations indicate that the most frequent use of computers is for
________________ practice that supplements existing curricula and instructional
50. _______________ occurs during the spring and summer holidays in Canada which
enables teachers and administrators to job shadow with the counterpart in another
51. Diversity in the schools of the country as well as in other schools in the world is an
____________________, by helping unify individuals and citizens as a contribution to a
democratic and pluralistic society.
52. The inclusion of learners with __________ has also increased diversity in schools.
53. The __________________ is envisioned to create cultural awareness and tolerance
development in different African education environment.
54. _________________ is an effort to help individual learners see the world as a single and
global systems and to see themselves as a participant in that system.
55. The United Nations entered into an agreement to pursue ______ goals to achieve some
standards of education in place by 2015 worldwide.

Directions: Given below are questions/concepts that require multiple answers. Your task is to
name/enumerate the required number of answers in every concept asked.
A. Name the six goals set by the UN to achieve global education.
B. Name at least six qualities and characteristics of a global Filipino teacher.
C. Name three (3) roles of technology in achieving the goal of learning for understanding.
D. Give five subjects being taught in Philippine schools from Grades 1 to 10.
E. Give at least five grounds for the revocation of certificate of registration, suspension from the
practice of teaching, and cancellation of temporary or special permit.

Directions: It has been said that it is important for a prospective teacher like you to be
knowledgeable about the differences in cultures, religions, ethnicity, and even language
of your students. Write a 200-word essay in response to the question: “How will you be
able to understand your multi-cultural learners?” (20 points)



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